Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 19, 1935, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtyelgjwb ymt of pubuohoa 11m georaetowa herald wedneaday evnlnf june l9tk 1b38 si jso per abnmd en arkmpo1 h to ua the georgetown herald jr w moou umttwr cnrtlan wkjy hwtpr lrtrfihflfl ekrut ail titfe itu biandard tlm 0letg fcst pajttngtr an uaii loij am- pvangr and uall id pd pasmngar for toronto itt pm bondey going fcast paiafriger 7 pu ptltangers or toronto 044 pu cbtg wa passenger end uil am paa4ttvr end uall im pm pasirfngrr uunday ii is pjst- owatg nhb uall and ptuawnger vi 43 am uill and pssrng 4j pu how to make iced tea ujlhliillli iuuui tkji ym u tiudlj uak btf aawji u i i n lilt u ut tej miil latofli i unlbd bmb lubuhlllfuwtiwmts salam teto lkavir osoaokfowm la aa has am 1as pal lu pm bu pm lu pm 1 1 jo mb hi w 111 w ud pra ajs ds 15 pal l pm- tumaiw 6taxouu ttus wm u lonoa crou directory le u bus ooftf0vll octario oitoa antoa thaatr liui mil ei kenneth m uhosoh bnhu tlllrti kuu w riru uoruae atao w rxaa odowtuui tuhm soutu sunk w iuoajlbnaotia- uctjti to loin ttitebaa tt m h- cook bnurt ei ii edam conk oomon orajdoo alaln st r tilip taj harold k uiwu roblaw mildif t b wawow djdjt hjm p ofila uoura a u s enpt muiu aftarnooot a m nielsen lit tu a rfwuc cufophctof x4lay bniftiem tlterapw laty lllillm oevsa ont tvwimlon bun 1iim cuwj fvlhuj hum frank fetch ucen1eo aooflokesb kmupt servlu cheltenham 7ftoiijn pott offl hjteoh monuments pollock a ingham buocauora til oaur at worth cult out dnllm w hhuil nus imbmt our wortt in oremwoal an hutorlo fu hloh wllhitood tr rts into the froun north by ojln uoolltitoclt tf uacllntock in i when m so tltlst es john lankllnjapml- sontuntu iwomhkl toy ouudlin ssdltlon 1 1m hm bn lodjod s nil for aekmpln tim si piwonud to th iocwy by w iirwmki who wo purmr on th osiildtan eipeilltlon ww 8mt how- uon trom iu ions itw in th arouo imta the mplul city fl the pro- boo hii mny hlitoriwl jjllw nd btsus ohureh built in too u uw uviasa or many touruu durlin the jumser ute the tourut deg- isnt o the oomdun nation hall- wy a natio 8w not gold but only man can wake a sooplo creat and ukuui wfiotlw ffuth and honora ak otanov rait and uber lonff bravowen who w o kleen who daw while other fly thy biud a nation pillar doed jiellet m mm exenirwifi payment of 1935 taxes i the fint liutalntoiil ol takw are due and payable municipal office gkoaoetoww wednesday thursday and friday june 26fb 27th and 28tb 3 diacount will be allowed oa the secoed inttilrrient if paid with the firu ort dalee due w c marshall oowtc m i 5ter have your eyes eximjued tulyw 1iiawm jlvu rtlit a u btju unua ai aecuralt v dat ibtdiwr you look up or dawn la or out tulyr rducks in prloe tnd are bold at the ubu prtoe all over caftd tt lben from ui u tell tlilyer ltnu for the uou prlo u aaj ooa tn toronto or oualph o t walker ro oprousrfmtimy evceuattt rtfcijijluy aiui k to at kobbt8 dkuo stoae atrgwumm tke eeeetj wihialay i wry eilh or yea y cull o t wejlur at kto ami l bragjjia life u too wur uuwd th budding d the filiifle mrat btn the tdui and the told uacaf vor haw and hju w hate no uu lot ualla and for thtrfot wlut lo tiialw uaiuufuj the dd rui 4hd th nia lit ul u too twlft uetwm uw uouoin ftnd the white uiowt drift llscn th tllaiv and the urke uplift par tit ur nai in klndiue and tn entlwuj our fcpcri uuit carry bmajlj i c hti and reexit ttte wwtt chordev ufe u loo gfu iwwwri th infanta and tt bun ckvtn lh cuijanjr of earths urlf and leu por ptiy ttunb lo t w uiau h btu ep sllh cuskiwrwad ft walk ftlorlouj ovr bfo aun uiwt or our on wtnel chjl dksiohh nsw ciium cas an tnnovauoo tn cheur car fumuh- inn bard 1u appiranoe la e u iru of chair cu btlnj puid la cervbw ttle sjt by rwjauiu weuiori- al kailnya tn cara u1 oparau a pan of tn qjiwiun haiotial kulp- metu on the fut afunuvoa pool train fataia uontnai and toronto w rain have tuappard froa tn inuttor of th nw cua and tn lhtlr td hand batuase 1 nla ad la a oomparutuni beneath th wat of in revolvln chair th n- lyp of chair u a canadian tnantloa and an eatiiuiv faalur of lh a9 0n- adlaa national trla luavtar baegai twl self cluba hf u uord an route in rack at th nd of th ear th n chair are of alded tisml cotutruc tion among ouur feeiurw thy lo ci udj aprktal cuihionad mat frtileia 10 ad 1 too to providing grataf eaoiforl for tn uur rui u u nft-ixi- pro cool in hot ffmthar jounw tt aeaung maurtal ti eovrd with a blue upboutery taatohlng th ra4 of th chair oovrrlng ortglnauy conuructad for tram oonttnrnul urvlot travel- un will find lh ny can ouutand- tng tn oomfart and twauly tubuilt in th company ahopa lhy retain lhclr orlglnaj baauty of dcatm tion bring panelim with hmood with ebony trim ow deck ughung u an attractiv faatur and batldm the ordinary chair car tpaee thre ar now uutalled men auolc tng room ladiia room and buffet fa pour of th care har baao rebulu by the company for pool train urvlot ud4 a6ai4lu- vtkwu raisins 2 ibi 9sc elu6rriestlo tut uwh cornstarch 1tt taimuuj awiico icots lb tic prunes 9 lb ssc dates wuastam peiuid fc tliiftiat m 01 mil corn rtftsrf oaui style kijtevtii o o corn flakes domutk or lajifimt a iib j 12c alb tin c shortening luc cross cohoc red salmon fresh jicutts cocoanut bars 2 25 avlmeii tomato catsup 2 21 fcklauhs fruit mctim oil kkovah jelly maker 14 red or white good quality jar rubbers 5 aaaaaaa peas mei li 17e 6ts 2se stsssc lvl cwj svrup 13c j sjc picltut itmlu 23c 0 si- ssc cheese thins jatad a awvtucauhuill i yea i 8 ptjl 85c tifcfcwt31l 43c ftj mtj blu ruumi fly swats 10c tmljejtml fly spray ff 25e 17oa bll 31c flit 33c iuii luiaiy olives tta maa uj tjjfej u m lit carrolls duijlaj iuii lull waawr bwt and jtiley ian 21etoz larf mil ftf j lettuce habd ukad ho o seea tom s 6c ib rirtu armb head bananas pr 23c doz main st phone 357 mmm brile goe to ui civcus by chet chant till inxi ii tw hutftiitf uot rfaug lit u mrl ili- rn f it- hut vlkt till ii i lll fil l- v un ui 1 lo a uf timiiiko butt trgw mult imi41l il uit t tils right ihi tmrlir1 uiyfl 1lriti our iukl ilrru ijttlf itvrllf pj l rvrkhl h atirlk of twugtil hki lutfsij ftintavd iunt nil jbl- iff rallifrd ttl bu iiuk4u ltfgl m lo tw lmmj fur uvenurti of any klod- tlt- hii tnd a turtid dmlfltdut lu oimrglr giiljiiig tlit froa h iiv ilfiwu to id- irrua grutiuda jtivllr ptrrfvrt tuild ai mti1 urnlhw ul ilf linxif tui hi ttarfilb in ifcftgiaf agntnu tiu haiiliwc fr irij mm t laltr illtu- llwili- t th- rlmie uu lila wtilf tltia aniv to hf with on uitvl irtw hie mother larufig fchoti imi rung lo tila wri ikot you dr ut adjimng luna 10 utti itrrtt ivin t you dare otvr imd fcl uomacb iot you ut go nf tila htndl vipe voud thick th lruutjlnu llttl hflllno u m or uj gulj niini jvrg1 gmwtevl rllnttlng out of th narkm iron kor act no loooktj hoaltvu fllr tve wirud vou rtt h f lofc o oi if i low yoo 1 ii trait u bw fur ltv ctrrui flka tfcyni rd you ti th tlgera uho ro rlt a ctmjt izvea arg1r rtw an hour is tt hi i top had tit imit that w waetoving him iu hut it u at th pi oh iftnoiude mand that th world took on it roaleat bu th lmooil waa arrrad by itlrt to a rrtfip glnghem dreaa nh had iota of blond lair and aaucar blue eye orglt drank ttir gla a tlowly it powble but tb girl fthr a huft a aoiilod at blb and right at that ittoateat brk disappeared lato tbla trt tb tarw liul a plfik uesonade tbevam a nail of tr la aaorgty uou- ach he gaud frantically around and tuddeoly aaw ltru aalt tqueeelng through lh fffowda with a yelp of rag tlorgle seat of in purwlt cash lug up bthlnd hie umosprtuig ilcttaj h afooprd blm into bli arm for two cant i d brlt yoo oa uwrgl rapped out u bats tb tla r ruoalog away wbro you bit ba brotber a 6p bau olc rumbled in tb aqutrmlbg burdan orgu held and ill aock yoa on mjawirp oeorgt dropped tb midget aa if b wr a hot coat and waa re- llrvod wbra that dtmlnallf goturab 4a1lird off wiping tfcg parsptratloo from ble brow oaorgl weot into tit laroeg gain he paaaad through and aklrtad ib crowd ufora tb aid ikon lie looked baklad booth and under gaming tbla ii stood atlll and jelud ittrtlar until people atarad juat wbea b waa ready to look for a policeman by aom eolneldenre k found htuiaolf at tb blnk umontde land agala wondr of wondara tb blond girl alud at blm i im glad yoa cam hack ah frwted blm your ilttt ttjuata baa been balptng m ii irawlad under th tibia you know kha handed oeorgi a tall glaa of tb roay utjnld iter cool oet wau ah arannlng t oeorgt o b grloaad amiably at bertie who wag tfacklng empty bottlaa behind th touatar all waa right with tb world lorgl ordered another tae of th i-octing- baveraga it wa lib a tar omlng from be banda ii waated to mil bar something of tb gort but loat lila ban instead h asked for atuth r glaa aid another yoa duii ilk that aroff aba ob- bnd frowning if wau oorg1 othod fjk j oo b dared to aay thata no eompllinjot ah ami led wall ayuow othirgla gttoned a toupla of glaaaa woot hurt me i ok i actta m a eauplet too had ten tti irlrl lad bert oattldt the atatxl youd better get your big coutin mart d for home an advised lira niaka a wiping tb nipppr dltna wban tb tftephon rang it summon itartlad bar and iht phbod up tb inatruineot with misgiving 111 lo hallo aunt rrancaa thl la bart la lurtla i why aty dear child what to atandib oa a aop bos aaat lanca i waotad to call you up darling haw cut i yin your all right bartur ur niako iihbad audjsnly oh yeam im all right hut aunt branca tag dear aunt pradcea i think you v unci chirllad better come down har to losboro and bring ua honi bring you honit yeam you aa aunt svaucaa 1 1 corgi hasi awful sick itertlal whuta tb mat tar with ilmrgtat mrs illube trciublcd ob otxirglur all right aunt ifran ut only bin stuniinlck ulut uhaf tho mattar with hi yiom mchf wvu i gtioas aunt prance fjmrght had too much ifnionade n ther waa a roanunillng rraali aa lurlte ml off tlu aimp hoc ura hlukt ran to th hoik at tli luuiu am ullitl hir huuhaod in a mnniuii tlto famll cur rolled out r ttm gurngf nin liuuh a ue wmilil llk in fitllow tliilii urhai it i bt if w draw h t ur lain now oa itmrglaa ignomltiloua tllllufcoullog georgetown giving- a pleasnr what did your aon learn at not- icaf well air lie can ask for money 1ft auch a way that it aoema like an honor to glva it to hlm a jaw and ui knlithman wr having an grgumant about tho wayg of lhalr reapectlve racaa u peoplf aald the jew luvg bun taking tnlnga from ua all your llveg the ten ootnnuuidnientj for wuu yei aald the other we took them from you all sight but you 6aut aay wva utth thiarl by wilfrid rgguinn oua jun latl wheau bald th crntr of th stag hut al u aa introduom on uonday by prxtlcf iknnfctt occupi uu hoi wodnaa- day iiting and nearly all th thurs day sitting nov u u baing taka up by a saec oothtditu of uctllbir d parltanum who buy aprnd ten da or so oo it indd now uut tn du- cuuiop u will uunchsd tt nuy pro long the talan a couple of iti thrr luul lwq eitptauan of gat- ung through tut halufday nov it may t th first of july before par uoment prorogue nui tlareup on whaat of gouts had lwn thriatrned for araj yara wluat a our greatest avport tw ai lit largbjt enpour of wnt in lh wo id though only fourth a mild producer u a mjuur tor cocoera not only to ti prairie but to vry cor- arr of cana4ji n long ago notad that bhen tli wnai pralrlai pruipc- rd so ud th indium cast and th aa a- porta iui and ftcst our rail 4j cannot thnv wlihout good lunra on the wbrat fartiu- uoabrtlmjai rasirnvr grt impatient about th xrs laid on wnaat in lh itouete about lh frrniaj to hmt a th if julatian to tulp lh staat tantur but u tops lh ust of aaport tndua- tru and thcr baa beea iwfity to orry about lh hut fiv or sia an ous- u tk wkeu aaarimi without rcclung in dhsii in avanti at rcorni tara it may b rcaijd uimi sine january 1u1 lh govern mxnt naa bn tlnaaclaliy inr tn in bnrai market xubs a ooiopriutd to back financially the ool accumulated by th lhrw sa urn alat poou jonn j uctvrluul vu put into uquidal them whao lie tooa ocr uur tee is t ousliris ou iuuitl ju inundad to aall ttut vhrat in an orderly falhlon so a not to break in maract but lh maiarl krpt failing from had to aorsr and so far irom sailing th tun cam wtan liiarland found 11 nftctttary to buy mar with th id of presenting price from lepiing altogether uno u aa dply into wtuut it uamad impossuii to gt out lrtcc hmy around 60 and fto cent for tara when th harvest cam along each fail million of hmhi fter oiicrod and nobody iiamrd to b lnera lo buy lham up th oi pcrmilung uie prtc to oflilap uo- aruland bought up lha unwanlad mlllaon mow 11 waa rtirlwarl by itomier bennstt b haa aainwiitatj torn jung btftascn 210 and 33d mil lion busiuis which mean that ha on practically th cntlr wheat stocilb of canada including what i still on th farm ucrarland haa aerd with no r- muncrauon h ha bom a fsarful buram hi hrajth is tailing m b must now turn over th iv of tni zu miuion buihals of wheat to aomcone eisr that upiainod r- nucr uenneu i why a boam la to b sat up irua caagaliiry ral th legislation actually brought down provide for a 100 par cent com pulsory government marketing tchaav under a board of lhra by inlcrcnc u not by tpocliw rejarenoc il aholujw tb wuinlpeg prtval grain trade 11 it paxau a introduoad uo on could uli no clavator could buy no rail v ay could uansport nor no govcrununt otuclal could grad wbaat uilcndnl either for aiport or for in- terprovlncial sal without the author- uy of to government grain board premier bennett on th satcond reading mad on of hi old liguting apewhc u spent nearly two hour oo th subject producing great gob of sulltttcs making th record oomplut th libenua a mtimi by thalr spokiuman on this occasion col j i ha la ion nave no ohjeuon to a board but they demy th tight of tola partia- mant in it dying noun to tmpo a permanent policy upon th country hwy ax willing tt would nnm to agre to a board a a temporary maaa- uiw to meet a grav margancy thy think a dafinlt time limit liumild b sat on th life of th board and ob ject to th compulsory nuiitatlng faa tur they think tn alocke now on hand should be liquidated for what can be got th lose to be mad up out of the public treasury if in the process the prtc threaten to break so a to result in a rulnou prtc for the fteatern producer they think that erin ur ad ur jrwl thompson of ovorgetown spent ttunday with ilx and ura u thciinon ur aum rotoiil and son don uu edith pozkagls of toronto war bun- day visitor with ur and ura w u lunghaw iara john ltndaay ur and hw wiifrtd itarding and jtjf dorta ur and ur rd bhortlil spent bunday with ur and ura j gtwut at li1hlrva ur and ura a thomnoa and lhre children ura uary tttoepson of grand veiley uiu sadl bon- ough ur ajax uuasell and eon of to ronto were bunday vuitota with ur and ura samuel nun and family at what voj probably th largt ootuervativ convantlon ever bald tn arthur duncan enbr waa unani mously ctnsao a the party e atan- dard baarar for kotrto wailington tn tb r alactton ur 6ougaid licjw wa th victim of an accident while driving hi mo torcycle on tb oualph rd whan b nan into a cow on ourrtte llu lie fractured a small bona in the left wrist suffered fac itcerauon and bruise advocate the market should be supported or a iu paid to th wheat farmer li thereof r in ueu aald from wheat th reform measure arising out of the price- spread report occupied moat of tli attention of the house lion if il btevane made a powerful adrtrfgj in the house attacking the power of ponoenlratod wealth in canada ob serving that although iioailnally can ada was a deniocraoy in fact it wa ruled by a plutocratic autocracy boue new buooe bulks contract bridge having o many devote we publish the following rule in the hope of ettajadajdixing the game pick up each card a tfaaltveu will be ready to bid ahead of the other x if your hand u rotten mention it- it will guide your partner in ble bid and play 3 if your partner bid first dont hesitate to raise he ha lo play it 4 never hurry try eeveral card on a trick until you are bum which one you prefer o occasionally atk what l trump it will ahow your mtereat in tng game t talk about other eubjeou diirlnf tho game it make for good fellow ship 8 feci free to ctitlclh your partner lie will do much better a a result 0 always trump your partner trick never take a chance to dont try to remember the rule it la too confusing 11 if it la a money same always atop when you ore ahead it will leave a laiung impraulon and folk will always remember you u alwaya explain your playa parti cularly when eet it ahow your card knowledge is dont ahow lack of intereat when dummy help your partner out with suggestion 14 duagree with eelabllined rule and convention people will know you are a person of independent mind ib east chocolate wraati or other adhesive candy while playing it keeps tho c from skid the man who telle tu of our fault i our beet friend quoth the philoaa- pher yea but be wont be long added the mere man mucil tub saatt at certain times of the year native of central africa preform a frenided dance round hole they have due bt the ground oolf in but u prod in everywnem usxg korniu uevovat ucuxxicul june 17th thnur va tigara junior tiibief cusa tmsafhi jun latb hru va wnthara jun 30th uonarch va mrlak jun 21st tlra va junior bible ciavw jun 4th uonarcias va junior ittui claaa junto- lilut cusa va hrtua jun jith iujlboi va uoiiajxha jun situ anttrt va himtaa jun jauh junior bibu clasg vs tlkia july jud jhrau va uonarch july tb uonarch vs pantbari july itt ptrala vs junior bible class tiger vs uonarch july gib tigiss va piratfe wnther vs- junior slllief class july 6th uonarch vs wntberg july fllh nrata va uogafch juiy utb uonetixh va junior bible cias piratse va ttrs july isth junior bjjj claw va paiithr uonarch vc tlaar july lath panther vs ptrat- july laxnpkuithar vs uonakha- juiy 1kb tiger vs junior biu cum july xznd junior bible clase vs uonaroh plrati va panthers july isal uonarch vm ptrataa juiy 3ottltrau v tlgwa juiy iattv tir vet pifittlara una- archa v junior blbi ctasa july evui junior bible clasa va panthara july utbwrars va uonarxha aug 1st ptrata vs junior blbi clasa ang 2nd pantbar va tiger aug fttn junior blbi clase va ptrataa aug itt tlafire va pexthera aug kb tiger vs ptratsa aug kb junior blbi class va tlgst aug latb panther va junior lubl cuaa twm finishing first gal a by while second and third team play off to who will meet lb first teas for tb rjiampanwthlj a bfjooestton if you nave tb time read the hth partim u your pocket hook 1 empty read the tth palm if people eaem unkind read tb 1mb cbapter of john if you ar diacouragad about your work read th uatb fatha if you are out of aorta read the uth chapter of itrtkrewa if you are losing ri ta uum read tb 1mb chapter ut cor- inthiana if you cannot have everything your own way read the jrd chapter of jam if you are impatient alt down and quietly commune with job if you are strongheaded read of uosa and keter if you are weakkneed look at zujath if there l no tong tn your heart listen to david if you are a politician read denial if you are getting sordid read isaiah if your faith 1 low read paul if you ar nttlng buy watch jamea if you are losing eight of tb future read tn luveutlon of the promised land contributed vovxa amd ou wfcaxi ail tb woatd 1 young 14 and all the t are gr and every goose a iwiit 14 and vry las un ttn by for boot and hot lad and round tb world away voting blood bukat have he teun and w dog hie day- whtx ail the wfd 1 old ud and all the tr- ue brown and ail th sport u aiai ud and all tb wbaele run down cwp bom and lk your plce thr tti spent and waimd amoag ood grant you ttnd one fane tbr you loved when ail youitg oilajue unmly eaultow ut and ura l bradley nee jnnle iund of h near ortawav p who are on thai jddint tour anl- ust w j hilt of ous wubhd vlat- ud urt itui sister ura r i white here on thursday last day tight saving tlm start in uil- ton at midnight on baturdmy aasiv june istb so dont fort to turn tb hands of your watch and cloak ahiwij an hour rwt lime wtu end at mid night on labor day uondy atapt ted while irn 1 year old rfiiljftta of ur and ura rujt riiwtaii stetmrt bt a playing with otba chlldrtn at her bom ysumeay vniv tng she fail end broke bey tight arm at th elbow cot j c orwo hprbltnt mert- gagdr and j it hutnbaii utr4r of th board were in to on tuav day lo hear tb appeal of wrl far mer proposal a suljoiltted to li j carton ocnctal ueceivr of ilailon county under the parmere cvwditoie arrangement act ur justice uope chairman of th board wag un avoidably absent tb aeaalon wj held in camera- ward two uimrjpfcgfttjv aseo- cution bald a social evrfllng in tb township nail nelson on 1 uw last which wa attended i ho pjrson addraau fcw d by paid ptsher and ibigbaai cuar and solo were rendered by oejofm itos and prank bullivi tamaue tboa a pii ny w aiibnt the guei and kd- ilarrop oe uuton wa chairman after tb banouet the evening wa pent tn ounci- obua plon uryttob the sweetest word tn our un- guag mother who ran to kis me when i fll and would torn pretty story tail or kiss tb spot to enak h wuf uy uother ann taylor uother ta th nam of ood oa lh up and m lb heart of little eful- dren thaxkery all i am i owe my uothar washington ood could not be merywhare so he made uothera oamuln pro verb an ounce of mother t wortb pound of clergy spanish prtt radio repairs taa am tortl u hi la ab ua aw w naat maaasa mx aaau a a imami aa awaw ata a yi fc ae hugh lindsay t ik leee mmk baby chicks brtjujaj bamj ill aaj a c wui latkart june 1mb aaj wit aiaj rocks 7e th leghorns 6e eecfc adolpb sandusky qaais ul iu ua w bili iuuioton hions r the coal business of the late john mcdonald will be carried on by the estate all order pieced it the office will be apiwedated end promptly attended to please note pricei advance july lit 1035 queen street georgetown special vacation fjuie8 cut butiaulan al tka bugila la vmnhriiu bwal uba puaalag wur vutuoo saw laomy trvj by ml and awld ooaomaiubwii arrlv hats and raady lor hia i 1u lang e aluirt vaaauaui at mr anj faijmlalauiuilai aauiuni atk iboul iidavvaka juat abu dm hay is fl u bay akma to a 41 tiav pari hi m am oimr lamm cawaaajww ttwt u yaavib wr muuajtw inti lo utluvimihnw canadian national

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