Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 26, 1935, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtyebb yr of puufcatioo thm gotetowa harald wesfeaadmy evening jkin 26k 13 91j50p in atfnicl szjdo to usjl tu gotvowii herald jf he kaooeuc unafarr cnhirtian weekly kewtptpwr eewvlattod cj4sl tma tm kate a tack irai exandajd nw oeia imi psnser an laall taig pwsfrmg- md ull iu pa to- twonlo w bunuy gobta kt paenrt to toroto tw pw iin and tiu kteoiir and uau u hi luvg aaoboshhn im im 111 pja- m 111 pa ill p ili na eiraoih btuoubd too w u louo- ma 1 nuivi n directory us bov bus flrftflf1l odlalio kxmhsfa muhob0h tfriillf m 1 m i m i f tuutl frilhl fua uwiw uxw la uia odow ilii puoi u wtxbcbis biiaubbmui hmj lll hll nukt w nifwibtmox tmjl tjijimi 41 cool inwin bo w bu ti tnri min c s rruw auntzoi u uilm fk oonua oiuto to iuu st korth hfuiptw tilifjlfl ms biuidtw tiudhom 4j r b wthw dab iuxb obm hour- u kivt tbundiy afunuotu a m nielsen oitrrtprtrtfi xray pwijliii thpfat lu llliiliil ocsm r ddmtoa stam ham 1 im j tu olmj nadir mu it frank fetch ucenikb adcltonbbb rw ui ohuiw u vmi ui unua twttut bttha tilianiir ciuiunhim aihawhthi u r i put ofilm oluluahaa monuments pollock a ingham successor la oaur ai worth gait orl dmuhim bum i kuuhu inspect our work in greenwood cwiluy accident and cohknjiation during the month of uay 4tm accident were reported to th work men a compensation board 17 ol tliase being auu caiea thla com pares with 44a during april and j during uay or 1w4 and bring th total thta year to data to 33 10 aa against 30 iso for the correapond- ing period uit year tfe total benefit awarded during uay amounted to wo 14360 ol which isltfiatld waa tor oompeniatlon and utttml for medical aid the bene fits awarded during april were i3a5- w131 open season black babs and uabkinonois in view of popular demand from in terested angler who dealre to take advantage over the dominion day holiday or the privilege whloh tun ing for theae anecle anordi and hav ing in mind the act that the boll- day tl u year happen on ft uobday the department or oame and kiher- lea la making arrangement which will provide thai for the year 135 thla open aeaaon will commence on saturday june kkh to apply to thoee water in whleh thla open aeaion would ordinarily commence on july 1 thing that tutu loo good to be true oua w enjoy the best tea salada w the coal buswess of the late john mcdonald will be carried on by the estate all enbrt tjtj wttl b ipftulmi knj kase note pacm savua jol iu iks queen street georgetown bgnt a mile baroain bdccursiois brampton georgetown nl july 8 to s5jjss uonurih coail uimdn uw huth w- ortui mjauaj 0es5tlv355ii hallbfcuiill iu ivjry moriwrd notiria lliy t ulrili dim riilril kiy t kinriilntf llrwaun imikcnkii toaulatjua ithuvim jour cjou ui sat july 6 toronto fes ettifi i rt wlv e jgaa w x- busj tut twa m tfclt all k- j i canadian national i wlchd a iundly tplow wv hi wwb with ptwu e and ihougm ho vy wodr the twt h ffcihiortid thrt lb in ritythmle clklr fnac the colr to the rins and wrought a thing of beauty wy diueau and trim but when the toomlng dwdro0 bud it patkliag nloiy u i thought x nwr uw a tint wjuur- ptw of gru i pittbd that wey u ogady aiks i uw ta wj diuoy tbi ti or urtking wulpture wie a mih to trip the gy w thai voftxlou tkw- luld 8 with cruil ctawe eninarwd auoeg the nt wok of hi ulluat eteil of giujf and m i wiiad i poafaid otr the thing tt4 i had md and uul uywu with wotvuf wtut thl kpwtfacte eouu mwn wuh iuddrnmu rf ugbtntng wu lit ublkkh or ue auhd th uajiung rrvibuoa kide ce txand lt ouiie alaathej rw baany btfcfjilpg pi jujw with a iud coeiud b to noy th and u iurd ytlhla ul tau but euw i u with horfor why ttle tpaufclmg wb ae foht and thinkkj the iptndiy pbf lof the 1 aa he had taught tk sltnexi klf ceunt u gas9auan ymicbowo on iundav a bill 1 under canmanutioa by the oowmfaeet that u put through u1 be wueoebd not uj by the tatotariftte ei ontario but by the gee- atj puuf the ui undr conlmad- duum tbeje with trucking cd the klngte highway oo iwndiy cud hon aue aa well a the provision of the utfd day act ruu out the taliute of tranapoh priuge whub reuii in highway ulng hoad elth ctabuxurtal mhku on a bun- day ubpending the progreu of paa- teoger vehklee and gftly lncfaalng the auitbnt haum truuport driver ought to have the uw ruee froe bunday ubor a the frt ol uj tl their emfudey u to be maintained and their ability to drive aajriy and aanely and wide- wakee not to be impaired oae dayi hi ax uaet to our way of thtoaing thould be evn more uunortant to thew than in the cue of the faetoey worker or an oak employ one mofiunle drotlne or uxity on the part of a iramport driver may htult in the iob of life and what le more aggraraling thaa having to drag long mue aiw falie behind ft thretrauer tranapori oa beauutul sunday afternoon with heavy traffic both way on ft buey highway i he a wonder bundy trucking ha not been reetrieted be fore thl but all we can hop fee now 1 that the bill vill carry through with colore firing salad week a uiij l udw uai uj wbw rlbub u ulhai w a o fale tw wml e m o li u e l a tl h ubj miracle sjhip 19c stc rtaiiimjfwmiwu corn corn corn st lie ij9e uib soap ttlblsu lux 2 11c ayiae cleeee tomatoes 3 m flour bn 76c cwmv oibjiy ou cheese ib 19c bthmbbbi ovaltink a bui coffee pound 29f 1 buhim tea i 39c tim itt lie 9u peas 2r23e owl auuj suamdi biscuits 2 ib 27c 9 fmv lobster k 29c bmliu pears tr 15c plums 2 15c certo bti 29c i jar rings matches 3 iw s0e carbousi bweet ajui aky tutt rail j j1 bananas oolden bihi 23c doz tomatocs23clb potatoes 6 lbs for 25c lettuce hard beads 5c each cabbage iiea wiletweun and ether frail ltd vcjhtbk tpeculjy priced main st fre delivery phone 357 georgetown wlllllaoi u bgry luy kkavj tit b ul ovr tbe truei oouf ibrvum u- tw tiuulu ultb ou ihua i tkat mi ouut witiii ut iu leva any 4r- urs ai ell utiry fuuuw baiml bfijtlij 8 tut itw joutg evb aland leg wulujy ufurv ur ib tkey w rue to lar luio utiry be aajd euully i eact yimj u tuive eteoiuog lt po- uiv rw u- io ife hut you uwi rlbuf u a ruljrw4vr aad llura a rcrtslu uuiit of dtegw to far i caoi ruuuutg arouod iy blgbr tu oenus nod afcowe lelbg wl end uio go uut oa ay run lb m tl ruade 4owel i id oely a ualivbea i viwm yuu td suetftk l bsrrytag a uary b uld ble vjr kugblly bitter vou were 6uotaj lo b4tf ilioga iio u nrvd bf all of thl uery uxjtv la ls rj up ettll pahlog iudtlm uayig unt alufi algbte ue uy rv aaay uohh dy run i a aory uery a lusp rse lato utfiau tetes lhftt i dual nl tae ii bed go yuu tbal lad lie turned and rgrld ble ltj etfe mtth- ugly hut ir that tow fan trwl sy be wd uhtw rail it quite if yhn aol fcr wtuea i cose larb toeurrw iu uedmwaftd a luag e abe ruuui blm uary arbtl lie broad fcbouldwe isottag fhyttisilrlly uiubr i be blue dactt tki fibe tprtiwd wlib ber ebb- tag anger e pang at nbutw and it all bad begun with a jaalog heurta doa msu about bee bouae dreea ft aukee yuu took so dosllf darllog be bad sattt tbey bad twa out let at a party ibe slgbl i fur and aba bad jut felwa etbvp bo tb rail boy ctd4 beibburisg el the door then too th bad plaatwd to attend vellu- hubbloe daiu tuolgbt mbe bed ujpped ca an old boo draa ruulid a hurrud breekfaet hut all tb ttuu anger brought oo by die- aptiulolbuqt and fetlgu wee teerlog at bw tbo doa bad meotloosd tb drve uu4lut abe bad flared slave you tbat that all in bees fur lb peat two year i eupfkw you oat like it don the aeld to hlaj ul tn going to the daave tonight regarduee ill rail up bob asue ilell uke me bob amet ot rouree ah bad goo around wltb bob before ab bad bw tka hbe sever bad rared touch tar bias hb knew however that rob aatea eared for ber and don knew it loo rroa anger and regrvt uary eeaorioa ewung to tb other ntreoie a gwwlng feer took hold of br th vorret hh dldat waot a dlvnrre von would reality ah badat aunt iboee iblnes and bed elanal ble far gifesee hvwal ttmee to the pax the had atood bre m lb porch regret hag bveted worde and thn the bad been roaforted by hon a algnal ii had been a aort of game with that the algnat somttme bad been a wave or i be bead at other time when itoo wee boay laeidv tb rabooee or weirhlcur tlgnal from the far aide of lb eoatne it waa handkerchief tied anmewbere for her te tee at tb flret bound of noa train uary we back on the porch it u feat freight hh gripped ibe purrh rail with taut flagera a the eogtoe ceue abreaat of the buuse there were three men on the bead rod waa that too leaning agalnat tb farther aid uf ibe t voder t it rouldo i be doa would be oo thl aide waving to ber it looked ilk iviu but he bark la the cabooa uary told heraelf aloud a the engine roared by and lb freight cerejterame sml doly blurred why give up hope p n wouldot let ber dowol ho woull alg ne ber from tb rahooep at oooo donald ri ion dropms down from the engine rah and waited for ibe cabooa to ronw up hibii llnu there beatde ibe traibe he awore euift ly to hlmeelf for having ben loo ituh boro tu wave to uary he hud aeeo her on the porch and then bad been something olaturblngty tragic lo lit wa ahe had cluntf l the rulllnu with weigh led feet he awung ubonl the forward etepe of the laiy caboose when it cbiue uk the ahreudold eye of tb gray haired conductor i uooy surveyed him- 1 aaw uary oo hi porch aa we mine by be aald did yuu wave froni the front eodt w by r hli ui up aald the ol t man gently vou dldnt or she u uldnt of been standln there like unit when the haik rolled putt vimi luo timt b4 tui sort o fuse 1 aaw it on your fuiv rb siwua nu hit ihe ruundhoiibt in an old liueyluuly i aee eviothlng ikoit aal down on a hunk while ihe nndiutor alerted for the rear plat firm inullerltiff loudl well 1 gnui tltt duugwl thing oiiuhta be dry hy in u it a iteen imnulti n the rail t ver tduce we left the janl don imkeil out to see hi til undo lutuf im ii lun im from tlie iuikwuu rull uinl nub it in ii niir piukit he huiuil up f r nt the hunk was iliut ii ili mil win ii the hind md piiitmil hit h miut 1 lie iiukih ulrlitcntly rtie ittiiilm lur ihutkliil it use unn mill mii it oil off unl run after ih tun b to tli mm if luirk mi 1 limp mine up in i inn a throat minilmit lie munugiit lo say oiin a d n old angel lundyl tli u i whatl to btabt past op niaqara palls pamad honeymoon pohu at niagara pttll will he blaated bway by two ex plosion one on july i dominion day and the other on july 4 united state tadependettoa day it waa announced but week at the ftdmlnutratlon buud- queen victoria park at the x the gnater portion or the table rook will be blaated away with dyn mil on dominion day engineer will then make a aurvey of the ntult of the but and make a aeoond ut of hoi blowing away the hmalnday ob july c i audoarr ktzlobv matx the uit 4lngr among bird are rily bwujuiui u a bird ting with glorious ttalody he will be bd by trwnde and iob alike im hawk tex hid and th hawk wul say to hifetall how thfe a juicy dinner bo the hawk tmartht and srche but do he nd the tuneful leuowt no the drab cotuai of lle bunted bud toll the eujudjr who casnot lote ium and uarwof cnnot tilth hist- wouhly ewr sduit wtvo ha had an expruno of thl kind of court a toon a be epu th hk fa pru dently crab tu song and aeurrtb deeper into th undr-toti- let au there qoleuy uu th dadger ui but u h wore a colorful cost ill uory fauhl end diseuy oonwquenuy the wrn u tlunktul botb lor hi fiulilcaj ability and tl utk of uuty a rai thuj gwait th pfmx who ha not rt dluovered the wro- boe day he wul hear a lilting eathuautue cetehy stirring aalody the voiua of mo vtbrmut note aussau a turd ae urge a a robtn or brcwo ihradher ode pern catfully into the braiuhu but detect nothing that do not be long to th trw h be le peesutenl howewr he will locate a browu sprite about five inch long tb wonder d u all u bow so much oalody can tfere fr such a small body the nt rnay be cloe by it aay be id that old atub wherw ur aad urs woodpecser llvd lut year the bhd uies ihie fortkn caviu a tbey ar ooey and free froni draft vou nuy ttnd the neu in a knothole or in sod crevice about your own houw quite corracuy caaud l th bouee wren or be ukee houf and le not afraid of peopu proudly the wrn csrru r if with head ciwrt and tail perked up ward but when be slog he lift hi bzk toward th sky whil hi tall droop slightly dovneajd il alng sruh such gusto that t aiuu eureiy consider hlmsslf th happsmat oeatur in the world and he cute about the weeds buihee and low tree witb the agility of a gymnast tli home a wren prefer u on that man ta mad lor him tack up an old tin can and the wreo may thou 1l itocever he dirw better trat- toent build a little bouse out rf cigarboa wood with the otra no urfpr than a quarter of a douar and fully hair way up the front a prtb te not necessary a sparrowe will a- light there and paster lh wreo tneugh th wrfi u a brave railov he and hie wife cannot auooeesfuuy combat one or tw dosen aparfoa if you wish to keep the fjiai singer near you must plan for them so they can atay without having to wag a constant war th mar prwisee of a cat wul annoy wren immensely if tb male bird locals a cat sleeping anywhere wiibln arty yard of tb newt he will scold by the hour th wren know that tb cat might dime up to th neet and catch hi oat or devour tb bahie taok a larg piece of tin well below the wren bouse and the bird wul not b molested by any eiln raider during th nesting period tb hus band hovers nearby a a guardian wbcn she leave to get aomethlng to rat he may go inside and parhap sit on th egg till ah return just be fore the bahsu com he begin feed ing hi mate who stay constantly iben on her nest both parent reed their young what do wrena eatr grushopnara beetle caterpluarb bug cutworm spider weevil tick and plant ike all are injurious form that greatly damage garden or field crop or both th wren damag notnlng they are distinctly beneficial to man in tnelr habit their tuneful melody plus their preference for harmful in sect make them truly htrahe re sident our dumb animal correspondence the uanee ptrat presbyterian church virden ill june th usg dear prtende of boyhood day i could not make a good guea a to whose eye will see thl letter a my boyhood day were passed more than 45 year ago i quit gotag to the old stone school south or lime- house in the year lti and have not been in georgetown or limehouse for twenty seven year but x am hop ing to go and see the old place again thl summer we wanted to go last summer and now w wish to much that we had gone for then my wife could have been with me some of you may know that we laid ber to rest january 2nd last if w go thl aummer i hop to have my son and daughter and daugh- terln law with me and can only atay a very abort time in that time i would like to see a many of you a possible and for that reason i plan to tpend a sunday in georgetown and limehouse a x will get a better chance to tee a nurrher of you in that way but in order that 1 may plan our atay to the best advantage x would be so glad to have those of you who care anything about our ac quaintance to have us drop in on you lor a short visit to either send m a letter or leave word with uis addle coventry or ur john onelll at oeorgetown now thl i not ashing for invitation to be at your home a gueete if i thought i had to ftsh for that you wouldnt tee us around in that part of th world it u likely th paper ha changed hand but lfr lloore had charge a editor when x was there last or it may have been my old time friend ur it d warren wul be glad if apace can be found for thla letter and with many thank in any event sincerely youre w r coventry huumeb tkaoeoieb drowning accidents are now occupy ing a too prominent apace in the pre boaters and bather beware i one is opt to regard motor accident a the moit prolific cause of death but while the automobile contlue to lead the lut of fatal accident it must be borne in mind that drown ing are ltmttod almost entirely to four months of the year there are figure to show that the swimmer the nonawlmmer and the boater are ex posed to greater danger than the mo torist when one consider that there are thousand more people riding in car during ft whole year than there are people on or in the water ac cording to figure issued by the on tario safety league of a total of 613 fatal accidents in ontario in 1m4 swimming boating and diving fatali ties numbered ku now la the time to warn non-awim- ttvers tonever venture into deep water to warn awlmmera to hewgr or water hole and undertow and to worn those who like boating to be ever careful of changing wtnda and above all to team low to property manage a canoe again we say to bather and boater bgwaral quulstlcatlon 6eplog regulation anwung ort tario pubuc school teacher following deciitoo of th ontario oovcnimimi to ahoiub secotul y4jr komial school coutm wr announced last rrdy by tb dparimhit of kducuqrt itmiobforib interim ftit and tecood clse and klndsfgijtnprlixiary tmf uflcat will be valid for four yea frooi del of issue and uay be made pbianot wbea tb teacher he bd ibrw yaxa wchiog eparteno and fulnlud certain sdiikkis ytur regulation t tb provision fifstcus teacher may not obtain permanent ortincu utu they haw completed at an ontario unlvity a on yufi court approd by th uuiuter of education th uniwrstty courw fiiay be obtained by jmf course and honlattudy dparie- tgj omcui saw la tb rtguiatioa a mo that souki if my require a unlwruiy degree fcvpirwd interim trtlfttau will be eaisodsd automatically until july irm and tnenafur from y to year uaui l on evldic of sua- tsctory progrws iomard the add tlonal queiinveiloju required bwfor abolhton of the second year kormal course u wa necessary for uacher to return to koraej before roilvtng a permanent certificate tb uufrim kmowrbajunprtmay certificate will be mad pirnianal when the teacher ha received thfw yearly reporu of progtwo r mrsjjlp iu rquid fot admuioa to tb flimttlas coors of normal school and bald lehtitry ceeuncetee in art and music tbt eisy be obtained at a coure in addluon to a acond clase prm ansni certiflcau requiring tb thw annual teporu and tlmur acadekate qusiiaction to tno required in tb cose of kindergarten primary uexbru two pbftlflcale are naosssary in cey- uin speciasd tubcu and lb- may be obtained through a summer course the subtle art aumenuiy agrt- cultur elementary art auxiliary training health teaching tieffin- lary household iflfn kindergarten prtmsry elementary manual training eleeaentary music to rcn a permanent ftrucu certificate the tacbr aust have tb three annual report th on war university course which must include knglisb holders of interim flrstcla certiacale valid to school atuadad by prricbspaklng pupu must com plete at the university of ottawa ft uours in kagtlih jrtotb and auoh other subject a may be approved by the ovpartmenl in addition the bratcu uachtf must complete aummer course in fhlitrrtkri to whlcb lb ttpfhtf will not be if until after at least two year of i thing when cdwilcuy fg bold are of secondciss certiacata may advance to th tint grade rating when youu caltptno among hint to camper and vaca tionist who take mountain or busb i hiks the following are offered by old- time woodsmen and are always found 1 included in any lut of reoommanda- ona dont sit or lie on bar ground es pecially in tb bush a it i liable to be harmful it i better to alt on your hat and go barthadd even in th rain drink tparingly of water in strange country it may caus functional die- order until you get used to il if lost in unfamiliar country and a stream and fallow it down because it will eventually lead somewhere dont follow old bush trail or road bacaus they ar usually aoandoned rout and lied nofar always obtain a good an ktta of th country a possible from man if you are not sure you know it prao- tlo sketching it repeat thl if you ar lost carry a jack knife not too big wltft ft couple of good steel blade it will be handy in building temporary ah- ter and providing iteruf or a br dont eat too heavily before a climb dont go in swimming within two hours of eating keep your campsite dean because crumb and refuse attract fue dont leave can or broken bottl around and don t throw them mto atraam or lakea dont load a boat or cano too heavily alway douse a campflre before you leave it peel around the oraslt to make sur embers arent burning in leaf mold if you cant dampen the etre smother them under earth becokd your vote within th next three month can adian will go to th poll in one of the most important federal general election in the history of thl dom inion renumber thl only the votee actually recorded can be counted and only those can adian whose name are on th vot er list will be allowed to record their votee pint of all make aur you ar on th voters list then make euro that you get to the poll mark your bal lot accurately deposit it according to the simple rulee laid down revision of th voters list will contlnu until june mth after that nothing can be done to uve your franchise if you are not already on the list pare no time or effort to correct the omission act now in a few day it will be too late and once yu have made aur of your franchise us it there ar cer tain individual among th electorate whoiare either indifferent or just plala laxy about going to the polls they excuse their inertia by shallow opinion based upon loot thinking to the effect that politic l rotten any way that there i no difference be tween the partle that on vote more or leu doeint matter all of fcham poor pretext for a lack of patriot cltlienshlp parliament t the dynamo that gen erate the power that runs the coun try the men the voter tend to parliament are the men upon whom the future or canada for good or evil depend especially in difficult time auch a the depression period from which we are now happily emerging the quality of the men who alt in the house of cjommon at ot tawa is a matter of vital importance to every canadian study the record of the goverament examine the platform and the pro posal of the opposition then act a your conscience and your judgment direct your mind but be ium to vote to refrain from voting in thl 1s3a election come pretty close to being rank dii- loyalty to your country t in plain fact treachery to youraeir ke danger i hope you an not afraid of mis- robe auologtaed the payingteller a he cashed the stenographer ohotk with soiled currency dont worry aald the pert young thing a microbe couldnt live oo my aaury a orttr lova x was looking ta th attlo for uw ehlldfvt winlfes por lhir ovncoai and mttifii and their little woouk bo when moved by leader hbsaotu of one for ymr at t x lifted up tb eo- of an cad hutk it was wbrr i kept th urn of long ao wbeo i a thlbl wa shwued of frpeb the wintry wtod and snow and taking out th treasure x primd aboe them all x laid my hd a moment oo a bvww puid khewt tiktn i underitosd th vwrtrapeiia that oonting front afao if i shall so surround my own with all mothwr low that just to look at what ive wmt will quickly dim tb f wtea yai he rolud biwa u sine the lut goodbra actoh sat chart buddy bfurtfif and fxuur oharle of pampa teas spot bondsy aftemoa at tb bom erf ur and sir j if dmny lfr t sf ucuui of b- bask who ha beo tpadtftg a few swb wiui her motber sara a k wlcklln and rilatike left for ur home in the wwi on laondy two- l the coolt for pota and iballh book rondufiad by tb wjc tu tn lulton county pupil of ac ton public bohool woo four fir and on second prise the pupu wr karr lasby polly prty aju ou bons and dora wood all bret ptta winner end gordon kaoouichaon second the priss were pr atd at meeting tn oorglown uet wed nesday thm pupu are to be oon- gratuisted on the handing they ac hieved tn ui annual con teal th suggestion of uis uirsret onndiu of acton lo the oansdlan national kfahtbttion ofdcial that tba rural school be allowed to enter ax- hlbiu in th school competluon ha rasulud in more than i bod atru be ing rsotlved the icahlbltlon man- agymtnt luu decided now to us tb upper est annex of tb coliseum to accommodate the exhibit th aug- gbtion has apparently toet wilb to- stantaneou response and pupu from all ovr th provtnc ar ilrtav pre pr tilcovmovb motoutw on evening recently a car atop pwl j our nearest neighbour home tb horn blew two or thra i tau but no on appeared tb ear moved slowly down the road turned to slightly at our door and blew again not knowing what might be wanted x atappsd to th door which a it was a warm day wa open tb driver of the car stuck hi bead oat of the cat and said could you tail m where boandbo uvet thever a pleas th thought came to ta if you would just keep on blowing your horn at each hous along the road eventually you would find tb bom you want but th word war not spoken instead x directed him and without even thank you b drove on did you ever think how an automobile can sav a laty per son a few steps whil someone elae u called upon to take few moref sjuusv lived lamp are lamp mad with a abort bfet asks the electrical news and goa on to say a toronto newspaper rently pub lished a good editorial pointing out that if industry would giv aciano chance th posslbtlltle ahead of u would be boundless quite eo un fortunately th editorial writer de feated his own motive by suggesting that the aim or profit masking rw- warch i to produce not better pro duct but to produe thaxa at lata cost and increase th frequency with which th consumer must replace an old on with a new thl 1 a ml- takan idea that is possessed by many who have no scientific training thl paper continued with tb illo gical theme to say we do not wish particularly to pick on th auotrio bulb but th consumer get th no tion that th aim of th industry 1 to produce aa excellent a bulb aa possible but ehonllved buoh la not the case electric lamp can aad are produced for any ufa they ax made today with a uf varying from a fraction of a aecond tba photo bash bulb up to a uf of several yaar carbon filament but the uf period are not chosen to gyp th public they are predetermlned to give the customer the beet value for hi money ordinary good quality in candescent lamp are made with a uf e of 1 060 hour if they ware made to laat longer their light efficiency would be lower a it l their ufa period is chosen to give the onnmmer the cheapest form of ulumlnatlon taking into caruuderatlon 1 th ini tial cost of th lamp and s tb effi ciency of electric energy to light con version during the llf of th lamp some day perhaps wa will have a low voltag gaseous discharge lamp with a better efficiency and maybe a longer lire period hundred of re search engineer are working on the problem and when it 1 commercially solved a new lamp will be offered the public not to outmoda the present lamp not to create a new market but to give th consumer a cheaper ugrt many seem to forget that in order to make a product obsolete you mutt make a better one i that may be an explanation of why cheaper lamp have abort uvea stop to thlnat selfuhnesa hold back prograu vou should boost your town cttlen wro have boosted their home town along business line usual ly have something to chow for il in many town the organised bual- ncs men have been busy they have gone after the bualnea of the home town and aurroundlng country in a bualneuuke manner the organlied buslnea men of uve town are encouraging agrieulture aiding and assisting production and construction and encouraging and helping ambition they know that what help tha home town relp them these town profit by the mlriafcat or other town there 1 no activity eo creailva and productive or good remit ai just commonaense boosting will he neve lam she why dout you like glrur fa if bias thlfl and blag that ublu in bvok

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