Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 26, 1935, p. 2

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hpz tke georgetown herald wedneeday evening june 26th i93s silvers are well prepared to complete your summer wardrobe or july 1st we u ottering iki weekend bumcrou pair rcdur uoo to wtuly tk thrifty burcf visit us and convince yooatalclr tlut dtlverw lkad 1m vajjjl l 1 ii ai m i uaaaat silvers depl store phone 37t www v emw ow hriw georgetown j sacred concert j sunday evening 815 pm dst georgetown park f auplcs oeorgelom pip hifld speaker rev h l benn1e el acta j muji miplkj by wwt tortola 40pw sa bunj 9 fiilr colwuon to defray expvnseks and for charuaha punto celebra tion elurulnrot ft evenryooa six big events monster parade field day svaaav motorcycle races baseball tournament garden party dance i iaajeatnaacjamujiac ca4av4kvavtfibvav ay 4a j4 ej eeavsvwe qcg weekly special this week we offer georgian tumblers in clear craggy crystal glass 0 oz water sin 6 for 49c a limited quantity at tki price h c meclure home furnishings store phone m georgetown oibaom la oortt6wn oo tm aunt of sai stub wood cuottovil to her rath yaur lruttraj wu1 take plsaa from the horn of ur rruk wood victoria bt oroatowil setb 5mlm at dick tmnt in oiwawood orvctovd tiloeroc ju hailrbiajry ontario on ktattdcy june aath 1 william hmry tfcomneon for- burly of high school report in oitxu i and xi the ainiae ax a total dunl in romi ui iv the ruum ar errtnod ptihwy liod after a name or over on the lot ylte last call em rt sat uil tcfalar bleb new la ttt lacakaetrt i lut regular hitch comae off july lth llany order already on hand oome into the hatchery and ft your ohlcka before theyre all goal standard xtrapmfu orada grade wute legkanu far 100 par 1m uuad mail and female iim m baled guaranteed m pulleta im im baraaj kaaka wuu baeka wkue wraaiauaa b l g utxed nuua and female it is m bexsd guaranteed ma pullata 150 1u0 nav mamkiw bade jarur war oluu- ulud mala and female i us 11049 sweaemu ekkeeluavy kwjj itm itm note weakly hatohes after july 1ft to aupply ordm racalvad wall in advance pricea on inoulry rallata faf laiaiajlala dauvary fata em vallate weeks eld uul ull n h kej rauels a waaka to laying ageprteee on inquiry bray chick hatchery phono 723 brampton oxiuwo all statement in thli advertlbmnent oovernmant approved inaofar u baby ohlcka are concerned nuubr afur a cum n ui hum u of miitace ln wlocu noooo and paa tjirminf nmqmciuiy t ol- uioaats- th nanua ai- injlijrfwl of thaw who pau in at uau fiv 4ib- khui ia jau uuailiy lbv t j uarot wuluma hoa t 3 ja uudtteu hon- t 1 licli lueiuid- ton laon 3 uartod 4 lfauy kllit 3 v uae dana 1 euwi juotl 1 b latuloa itartd 0 t uay tucn 1 i llitfcty coca 0 ctaiid lukar 0 aliuiwlb lalcqultian i ft llarry ilaw 0 i loloa luj 1 kwiu luauuui orant than 7 r ytotii ftfiut iion a i uat- gam adataa hon t 3 itoy llan 4 uf lchm i t alu atkinson 0 7 martha uwy 1 i ltd- far itarttfy i 0 feivt acldhaa 0 horeun itartwt 0 1 wuuau he hally 0 ft dorotny cuaw 1 4 cuw luivy 0 i edm lacdur 0 a kuu1 u llarry wuuaua thoa i luarart uadahfl 4toa- i llarold lunan tu e ft uijy ila- tedar 3 fl uaraamt huiru 3 7 kto- btt loulu 3 allot ooauan 3 kuul ulaaey t s jatwt luiklcrwki i ft jo7 fataory i irrank cbiw 3 uaer uocuar 0 v jnnla umik 1 i j uatal o t faj u adan a id 0 1 otartotu wluoa i ft uari laird 1 oor- don oranaat i 4 prtd araiufoq i 4 luun atbulronaf 0 oiui iii mlcnard baubumt 0 i wuliaia latluwr 1 4 2dard urn- 3 3 ian utxtnv 0 ft buan uuurw i i w4lr iuu t t john rhoanaon i 4 tfeiiilo vmchlarutu 1 doru unjy 0 ft ptyllu illyth 0 uaraarh urown 3 3 ttutaa crtppa i ft itulh dart i 4 uat art tnana 13 trrancm jklnaoo 1 ruui unduy 1 i kathlril lou 8 j4an ucxuliur 3 3 laua bom i lenora wood 0 ft- koru iv uabal auaandr 0 rou duncan 0 0 uary tslwr i joy laird 3 3 fcdllh uuva i ft dorothy ucltatodt 3 3 uauben 8al uon 1 ivfvy 8ax 3 3 nonaa ftolilh 0 t vhut auandanr and punctuality ihuuargaivt adaau uartha liuy lauir ulkh ua dfana jean muddu jan muunr ujllirysru itvana hmkon county w c t u cooveotkn lajuw ecvaxvn aiomrv oatoeuut rowm wimhttjt tw cmjli aajldall ukumuikrrown lktolom won c04jmtv hanmcj1 aaa1n tha thirty 1111101 f wmiati convctiuoii of lb itajton oooniy womne ofcjlav tuu ttatxipaimac vuumx mwm wld bl tlm uniud chiuch cjwiuji wj uwday jon iftth aaru u u ual- braith of ulltoa otmldlnj un- ii l lldditk lytniucul vk- eatcldctu was ltfmut at all aatuam and aaidrd uucii to lu luura and iwilifulncw of urf oiutuajauu ltr afifmaoo adalfkn bu lull ul uualora luui and rncoujutiruaful u all wo for clod and iwbi aiuj iiattw und at egitd in ttw catdtiaiain aaauut tnumiktiuit and kimld ihv lnurun uul and duulra- tuhu of tuhlhmlal of wtiajtt wr giwu by uic lauyal ivoiwrsuu tkja tvuarluuiulnitj uiv a ci jtww of cvpoigvlowii tuid urtv clalhraltu of uiluml caiix 1liu of 111 balvalion axwy lira i aumuttt owu wu- uabu and uoly lo uiuiu coiunlaulrd toucli amirtoculcd uuni- briit lo ln afuroooii a luoaraba the cveuloij uiuxi muur the cliaiiiuianijjp of urv u w uujavy u 40clally ldurf4lai ola in lug btfauu to the colrtuilicjj of ia gtiu and boy uujje by ui oocitoi ltjl aa fouowl by thr gold bwiuj coiiuu condlatd by ura w cl uarahall county auiurln- uiubnt ul tliu diaartunt tlu n tranta lit uua coolht fcr anni uul- uvant inflyn uony of caworvrtowu and audjvy joiua of u eaxh tt poaaahavor of the illjr iadal on to prwlouj local rontata th aard of ui gold nudal va uad u laua ieiya iiofkry to whotd u ai pre- wnud by lira ictblq illluard to- lonio one of lh gutat apaaarfa take kvw laudoawu ailu wtuinuo and hv ui luuaardman all of avtn wy kindly acud aa jaalaa of lh ur rdik pfmriltad lh pb- lo tha wlnncre to the county stfeu- flc kvflautfranoe conlfa4 a rull lkt of ttua u1 apdaatx utw talany coagraluliione ar di th orargum loyal iwiwranc lloa fcho for lit ucond ttai hav oo ihr county banner prarfumoo of uu so aaad by lira oalfaralth spac twreuu oaly buf rawa tih so aaad by oflly lo the fokaitfu ana tafortdauv ad baseball th oaoralom daaahau club haw had quit a lay off and haw not had a gam tn to vacka due caoatly to wet vaather of in part freak they vm hovewr gat under way again 4vnlght vhen they play uraanton in brajapton and again toeaorro night tn th park here at ajo taa th pappy oualnb acgtauon sill be their opponent th fame tomorrow nlgbt ahould be a fart and thrluina gaua of bat- ball thla ouelph outfit ar th beat team tn the league an far but th local bv been within on run of taking tham our warn la lmprovtna rdoaly undar managar boou cftarhtne and our patdwra are fettinjr into form latty wlafann la pltehin wondarful game ao far and ku wallera u1 be back on the mound again by thura- day or saturday we want to aa a good croed out on thuraday night to land thetr sup port and encourage th local aquad and help put tham on top of th league let go tomorrow night oeorgetown go to acton on satur day tbi coiwyv ataaanart uuodg la of ura itlllulm sbo tn no un- prrtaln way dacivad th vll reulu of lh prwnt bwrag rooa lagula- uon a vocal duet by uiaaa konaa fiirp- tunton and kuth dt ftfa by ura paul and a aolo by uua uruy epauht addad touch to th enjoybunt of th full pfoajiaa whkit brought to a clow a vy vorth tul galheruf clearing sale am wari ttof ruu far laaaua- uu1w iclohardaon drampton la leading tk parad with a healthy averag of aw uaaumont and ward ar only a few points behind the leader with m and 60 potnta respectively q ad ii ii to rlchardaon brampfn ft 11 t o a tteaumont oeorgefn 4 id 1 10 u ward oaorgatown 4 13 1 oo kaln oualph 3 14 1 600 leader ouelph 4 s3 4 0 4u uouann oaartetown im t u plant brampton 6 10 4 s all ilouoway acton ft 3d 3 400 luddow ouelph 4 ii g 7 30 j waterhouae acton 4 13 3 6 39 p waterhouae acton 7 39 6 11 w p tarry acton 7 33 ft 13 375 alllaon drampton 4 3 3 us of all spring millinery for this week prices from 75c to 200 misses claridge herald block georgetown softball th uens softball league got un der way on wednesday night but when the panthara played the ttgara and were defeated by th acor of 14 to 7 on thuraday night th uonarcha and piratee met in a alugfeaat in which th pirate were victorious 31 to 10 prtday night th junior oibl claii reld thoa turora and eked out an 11 to 10 victory featured by th heavy hitting- of tarn dewhurat of junior blhl olaaa pouowlnjr are th game to be play ed within the neat week thursday panther va ptrataa at neaervolr park prtday junior dlbla clan tigers at th lugh school tuesday pirates va uonarcha at reservoir park hollowing- is the standing in th local softhall league up to monday june 34th p w l pta pirates 3 3 0 low tigers 3 3 i mf j u c 3 1 1 boo panthen l o i ooo uonaroha 3 0 3 ooo bcv db kowamd inolcrto t paxlaxautom knob pnabytartan church prtwnt ad a wry attractive eppwaranc or prtday waning of last wai for th induction of slav a l ftosard ph d of oaoraaton th audltoruia the church was taatafully itorflh for th occasion with taauva and sal low trie eptra and sobalt th urvtoa hkh was praaldad tfmr by ilrv t lawla wllllama of furrtaton was largely altandvd itav d ooudle of durham ptweh- d lb urmon of th cvetung and d- livarad a atimng artilrmi to th eon- gragatlon on paim- during his ducourse on thla umaly subiact he urged the conartgatlon to hav faith in their church aa wall as god and quoted paula maauge to th ii- brewa that without faith than to 1uu naad of a ood or a church th steps to th can war narrated by rv t l wuiiams and the in duction aervlc was carrlad out by praajiyury rev 8 lavwrene of rothaay gav lh f irtrwe to th nw olnliter and rev o aullea of dray ton th address to th caoitgragauon during th court of th aarvaof i ry plaaalng vocal duet on beast- ly uolamn thought was randarad by ura w uachaaney and ura a bchaeer and ui jamas watson wry ahty sang th lord is uy light tb impraaalv servtoe rlmi j with th benedlcttoo pouowing th induction aarvlot rauptlon for rav a iv and ur howard was held tn th tunday achool room iter tahl was taat- fully fuooratad in rnauv and huow from which a dainty lunch was served by th ladies of th congantloit- palmaraton bphctator escrricei me held prow making kaav eirr camihdatk tx vikuk m mxltokf km oobumo wwxhlmal ttmonom there waa a lars atundanc of kfa wrvlm tuma at a taiawtlnsf held id ui town hall on tu day vnhw it wku on of a itut of hiitflnaitliig iwld vinuitjmit tit county in pro- urt aliut hi holal dumlsaal by uie cwitattu ckmnunahu of atm arrvtc tnn in iuiloji cut oaauawiu toa clirman and ulur rmjjtijtliig ui abvt of th iuiaf rill1 ui liud ixchanald of artmi ur urllonald uid a vry im piattant qu4bii o by ruiiidrfcd a uai futuie ftir ft turned ttwii tty rwiiaitubai of yuuimr mwn aaliut til v wrvur bult wtuwh fllrwtl a ku itow tahamil 46 yara wlui ajuaiut is yin addd fur ij yural dubility oauw to lutriljaltb auhrrd in til ear u a uttuxi luattrr 11w bai wtv fuat gvltltw uat ayfeupatliy stul juuuv uky dfwrl frutt tha uov rnusiu cautada iju lh lt pro omi liw ln uu- world but u uaoftt tdttilioatiaitun and ui atwn tluxjid hav trftur ifyalafnl whrfi uwy felunvd oify arrr wrll riwltod and proailwd kjbj by tafitt gowrusaamta but not ft prr cnt wrr a lie to tvmur poaukwu ui lh civil urvlw urn who woibd and put up muny far th oarty utuivd tjw klw but uuw vivo put up uumr llvrs lor lalr country ar ovrrkaijkad all qunlifud ur- k turn ilwilj liavr prrirrnor but lkulltril mju u liar ju ool ilrovn au rmcirnt and capaablr ora- baseball dame in he park thursday night guelph vs georgetown sptriab tttlt week is jewel full six hampden pocket watch tut 17 jewel second alu colonial pocket watch j it jewel reoondltloned unloom pocket watch um 1ft jewel ladys recungular yala wrist watch reg lift 00 for u4uw small alie olrla plated wrut wttch ujtf uedlum alxe olrla ohrame wrltt watch tlttf 7 jewel medium alee olrls nlckl wrist watoh iu8 hlntont jdweuay oaargefawu church news bahaass teat s alau i asf thy law aasv laaally fa vm aaj mti amj i ui araali at liberty i far i saesi uy pa u a ft kt umt ckamh rev w o a thompson rector second sunday af ter trinity holy communion aja sunday school 10 am afatlns 11 aja bvanaong t pm si alfcasa cbarvh qieta wuiiaau second sunday after trinity ua- tins 940 ajix sukiay school io aja ftuaau cttstfdk rev n ucleod of bjaiapton will preach n sunday in th bapuat church ttt uajfalu army welcome services of usut sidney uundy and luut clarke parrla crewaana comers 10 ajn sunday school 11 em gospel aervlc georgetown a pm sunday school 7 pm salvation meeting uavax pffea chares sunday june 3oth at 10 am sun day school and nibl clasaee at 11 am- and 7 pjn public worahlp eon ducted by rev david robinson ilol ton organist florence paul atcjx f iwahaate preaaytatun ctuuvli sunday june soth at iso pju standard time sunday achool at uo pm standard time church service conducted by rev david robinson oolton vuiui chsfeb rev r w humley ulnlster 10 am sunday aohool and dlbla ciaasea 11 ajn uomlng worahlp the sacrament of the lords supper all the members and friends of the congregation are invited this la the last service conducted by the pastor priday evening piwpantory service at b o clock in the church the session will meet at v4s pm in the sunday achool room may net ask mall tender a bill to amend the post offloe act will be introduced tn the house of commons by minister of justice hugh guthrie a waa disclosed last week it will give the poslwistergenaral authority to renew contracts for rural mall delivery without calling for tea dere the usual contracts extend ovr the four years and it has been the practice if the hull carrier performi his duties attufaetortly tn renew them for another without calling for tender- the legality of this has ibuu questioned and the jtutlce department has prepared an mendment leaving no doubt aa to the validity of ftuch a ctu fair btui boli ujntcj paihk vtio had not takrn part lit lwlltlc jnca hu atppuiitovnt hd un du murd without any rtmuui ecpt lo the poajuon to a hwur of th party as good aoidirra aa should for- gat pouura nugloua dbrfvna and work ut unity u ufi to gt any pux w are ug enougti uubuti caljy to mai lh pcnarluas slng our y in clomtng h read a rtcju uon paurd unsnlwomly by uw ac ton bnuuh of lh legion tn favor cf putting a candidal lq th said art ptwsuiry said th crvk a had bavn laa lo taking an lour ru in edninll ration and auction of th tovmmrat w hava not unity and th politician ha ussd as slfpplng avloces to furthr thetr on inu hitu 1 bihew tb paopu of canada will nwr go bach on their promu they hat our intaraeta heart and will cbal falrty with ra- tumad aoklura th vaiiijv many aa arrvlc mta today u ten- om they are put wtddia 111 and older phyiicaliy than they otherwise would have ben but far thatr aarvlc in th tranche uany are ln hotpi tal and olhera are braking up evrry day whu govemnunls promise to give ptiftrdu to aservtcai urn one tcoth of their promism ar not car ried into cttact th county of 1u1 ton liberal taacutlv tas ben tn atrumiotal in ducharglng on of lh legion a hlghrat omcr and a mort eanahl omclal in th paraoo of cot umm thcruf of llaiton alur th election party wre afur the thtrtttihin aj solution aaa juatad in aluloo to dls- miu ool brown but on seatng hi cleaver i was luund by ht tijmn would be done i invaulgatad and found ha vu regarded as on of the most emdent ahrrufa in th province and had never been known to play politics alnc h occuptsd th pott i vnt to toronto and saw harry johnston and b gaiv m a utter lo attorney orneral hothuck i want to a roabuca and it a mii that urovn was not to be recnovad in december i was told the hal- ton county liberal aisoelalton passed a resolution to remove col urown and i crnt to sea hh again i was told by ur walklnahaw of th auorneyklenermle depart ment that he va not lo be removed whan it came i epllt mtih hughs cleaver the official federal d and told him we ware all washed up until he could snow h had no h in it i had been working for him in our section i saw mr roebuck again and ha told m he had held th flirlinu up nine months but had finally been farced to do it by the tntlfrnrt of the helton liberal trtfigifrr the request for iml was signed by t a ni hughes cleaver and five others time we woke up or no one will be sale in a government job we must band together for our own pro tection i dont believe it u the in tention of th voters of halton to cuscharge men without just cause but it is don by a group of ward healers around hilton any action you may take will be viewed by all pa d as all eyes are on helton i will fight any attempt to dlsolmlnete or fire any returned man ool urown said ha was always pleased to associate and discuss with service men their problem and tit there was no greater friendship than that which existed between soldiers people had made promisee the men who came back received a wonderful reception and the people are with us yet the expression cam and great many ekeervice men couldnt stand up when efficiency aiperta started weeding out throughout the years the returned men have always stood to support the government against reds and communists i used to think when a man got into the civil aervtce if h was efficient hi was a life iob but it looks different now i did not put in an application for the position of aherttt until el mon ths after the office was vacant and cot then until pressure waa brought to bear on me i challenge any per son to show when i ever dahbladln politics during the seven year i was in office but i risked my job trying to help men who were down and out as reluming officer for the county i appointed qualified men regardless of their politic giving the returned men a break to the eatent of 47 out of ss appointments there are a lot of people in halton more worried than i about my dismissal uy record ts clean and personauy i believe i was d in order that promises made by ur dlakelock might be ful filled i am satisfied if it only hrlnga a clearer view to the eyes of the peo ple of the vicious dismissal of exser vice men if allowed to go on it will jpt into municipal politics a welt with the support of true thinking voters and exservice men we are going to stamp it out we muat do more than make requests we must get together and ahow political gang- the vlcl- special weekend prices at kings srxcul soooher roasts ol prime bed 15c ik laa aasaaity fu read of beat lsc av s prima rjb iw 23k lb aty sw rm rsmi 17e tfc aliun w kjatc bouin beef lie lb lxtua uuml hal wsuatm bwj creamery butter 2 lbs 45c ujt wj picnic hams 21c lb ru qaalatr headcheese 18e h cvald reau ol vaj 17e lb fuijf e vti 2 km 33c htuca collage rolls 21c lb sausage 2 lb 2fe lalaa tala wlaucle mur salad dressing 8 oz 21c 10 oz s skxtt hcuh pork hocks loc lb bkc1al kale kmilf kpmwj e a a a a u m m a 2 phone 27 wtml king proffl wtf nmhitiiaaiiiiiuatiiiiiauaiiiauhhaahuiiaaaaaaahhhahaiaiaumhauahaaaaahuuuui breakfast bacon ytfc ptccat 25c lb qmw feww rfc 0 tamuty lombard plums 2 tine 25c shortltllng v sww tas 2 tin 2 cuii qaiity mihz spaghetti med aiae 2 tirii 2jfc lsrt alz 16e cflu evaaj i uueal pickixs laifw bottla site sjoalsale maple ltav soap flakes 24 os plt 23e oranges 2de tlax 3de ity col brown said he read a copy of a utter h had sent us ftorbuick aiking th reason for his dubilsial and li lwraoal conduct had an tiling to do with tt no reply had barn rtlvd he said- adams of west york also ad- dnued th gathering bristly and urgfd the graau ceceatity of unity u ttay wished to accomplish anything in thetr eppsale to the government the fallowing nsolutloa wae car- rud unsntgvmtsly uoved fay w v smith and second ed by pd uocartney that the ex- service men and depafident of oorgtown and vicinity go on raoord as bring in favor of placing a candi dal tn th field at the neat pedaral election in halton providing the gen eral meeting in uilton consider such action advisable and that a commit tee b appointed to at land the meet ing in uilton on prtday june lath th following representative veter an will attend the meeting at uil ton ool oousena a u arose a b- parr a j oneul lucry bhepherd dr learmont ura t grieve and bmlth asuias comes to local uciuatm as ictatlixir oardlnal itichelieu oeorge ar ils latest starring vehicle for darry zanucka 30th century picture which coma to the oregory theatre for two days july 2nd and 3rd marks the distinguished stare sixth graat his torical screen charactertaatton with thl portrayal the redrobed prelet who atood behind the throne of louie hu of prance takes hi place beside durtsu alexander liamllton voltaire hathin rothchlld and the duke of wellington in this most recent and most pre tentious effort aril ha the support of uaureen cvsulhvan edward ar nold prancis lister douglas dum- brllle cesar romero violet cooper kathryn aleiander nunedep hare and lialliwell iloobee the screen story was prepared by camrron rogers and ifaude t ho well and based on sir edw bulwer- lyttone femoua play w p upe- eomb wrote the ctuiogue rowland v lee handled the megaphone on this joteph u schenck presentation re leased through united artiste dont mis teeing thla wonderful picture a5hgrove at the home of ur and ura ward ruddiu on wednesday evening the v p a held a shower in honour of ura u alexander who was married recently some of the immediate family and neighbors johnd in and a happy evening was spent together be side the shower gifts ura alexan der was presented with a lovely bible from her sunday school flnilhii zrta oraham reading the address and uiu lube wriggleeworth making the presentation then the young far mer and junior institute of nerval presented ur and ura alexander with a beautiful walnut table pitting replies were given by the recipients oamti and community singing were enjoyed then lunch with luscious watermelon waa served crlcoy theatre frfcuy june 28 the nut farm tk agmuare af a faaally gseve bistsal tiairtag walieee pej comedy dumb luck cartoon movie struck fox news sawav june 29 tb wbola towns tgjado fu aei a tlu tiiijhwaa casiaf irna taa irnta ngii a alary aa iturtrau la aut llllriq kjaara o n oddity windy cartoon the loat chick milun at i aaa monday july 1 doubt failure it happened in new york lju talaa4 ama haauua aaj1 when a man sees red wmura tllt bmth iiai tucuuy and wedndy july 2 and 3 cardinal richelieu witb gcorga arllu comedy one run elmer scenic rainbow canyon watch our window m wmxv ic caaam kciau amp oatifmcmotaav this week fresh strawberry sundae 10c longs confection g aaaaab wood for sale ofcolm hardwood baach and uapla at iim par cord uuad mod um orr cord ralla ua0 par cord jr bhanolfoau hum us ar uu qartau for pilea cortu bunion oitlblauu etc sultres laliiai myrrh ucaay back lor am bottla u not aultad au daalara atera whera uiay ffet off at oua polloy or dlimliilng axarvloa man la dlasuitlns to rltht minded pao pla and thay are wuung and ready to aupport a man who will play the aama fair i ohalleate ur ubkelock to uhs 2 wfy o s128ls v- magqttm d i challenre any man to aay that x waa not lalthlul in the pirformanoi or my duty i have aakadwhy t dlamlaiad but am aim awaltlns reply nov that i am throuth i am tree to uu the patronue committee or llaiton county what i think of them thomaa ulakelock upj waa reported aa effecting a aavlng of m 6m by reorjanuatlon nt the offlcea i ohallenie htm to ahow how any aucb amount haa been aaved althnust the axe hu deaoended on me i am atlll a very live eorpae and x mtend to give the polltlclana la ual- ton a lot to worry about we wont unity and must tight irreipeeuve of party ii we wlah to get luatlce for the enaervlce men and their dependenta rumor of penonal mueonduot on hit part wen aoattewd throughout pure food store radio repairs vaa are lariiaj i eaaaa la tag ta aavlw a a imbm aaata gawtea mglaaar tj yawn far ti rtiona u hugh lindsay aa tag teaw meea crone blsckwehs fcamtoo saaw pr utile lie 3 lb evaporated apple 2ke nuhit blend coffee per lb 23e freeh devonshire cream sandwich biacuita lb 15c chriatie freih fig roll lb lsc mccormick freeh cocoanut mallowa lb 15e 3 croaae blackwell soups vegetable tomato or aeparafjut 2sc croaae at blackwella tomato juice per tin be freeh bologna in piece per lb 12ic sweet pickle cottage roll in piece per lb 19c freeh boiled ham per lb 45c 2 pkg princess soap flake 29e 5 cake polmolive toilet soap 23c lelya hard water soap per cake se 3 roll huron toilet tiuue 10c lemon orange banana grapernilt watenuelona cocoanut hot home tooutoet cabbage carrou mminmiiii inn t i j a e farnell phone 7s vve deliver stanley park erin dancing every friday and saturday with itiuilo by willi tipping and hi blue dragoon holiday frolic commencing 120s am july 1 with jack ramsay orcheatra kaley a heale where uum la ajwmt far ail and nerfeet ufety 8a i i sji

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