Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 26, 1935, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 26th 1935 warm weather end- holiday apparel frills again lead in a duke amy ot summer and sports appard style end price to suit every indsviduel end ptint in ike following lirieei ladies and childrens sidru slick sweet sturu sfxmt bioum feb hal crepe hals white shoe ankle sox start ho starts simieuul bitking suit mens and boys flannel trouinii sweaters sport sox sport shoe balking suhi sport hiu etc d brill co comer- el miu sad mala sb phone 167 georgetown delicious pork shoulders st rhebj iutik ma 18c lb fresh spareribs 2 lb for 23c shoulder rout of veal 15c- freak stewing veal 2 25e boneless veal rolls 17e spring lamb legs 2e lb loins 28c lb front quarter 18c lb new carrots large bunchea fot 15fi ripe bananas g lb new canadian cabbage lar eue g lux 1 large 1 smsll 23e lifebuoy soap 2 for 18c u1hi uwi ik ku soap chips 89c uuooim h mtit braa flakes 2 for 28e shredded wheat 2 for 23c quakes puffed wheat 10c sweet clover butter 22c we sell for cash hone i ktl tgitt we 28w jjgw deliver njri1 t r t aaa m i local news tajm im du dotnlnlon ivy udthuy buy b tag oo bauurdey til day im bow gttlr4g short irwn4o e th dy bntt twlurday ridy juo stfct wsj th knimt uy la 136 july 1st will fa a big dy in oetorfrrtoeni regular meeting of ttrwu council nt luwey ervaing 0qfwtown pir brigade u worthy of your patronage buy a ux ualurdey dont forgh louttthi f talt gasie to lb pork lomartow night jueipt u the vuiting uiu uool buu aesslng lb ftjjhjrc street parade in oeorstown oo july lu at us dt 0orgeton ptr brigade may at tend tu provincial hietxkeo aocl- ation gauemig at ivtrolu to august uany o our local are lraliurig or the events at the perk llsr tuxt sjwwty oeorgetovn piour nd ped will clow liiuraday afternoon during th tutfiiiur months from jun tetb to the tiid of bduobtf ui wuiuu our aii carrier oa it uo uw a 6w oa lb 4th 14 tbinsuxxcujy bu lataodey of mu s k baseball gua la ui park w oa thursday tomorrow lutbt 41 m tfit dt ouiliin v loiv uuy a ttg fiota uw puumu t uunty and auiu a sortby cu tb prorau are for lulr lusmlt aaabd ihant or tml tvisbato cauii- at ury an4 all vawca o ci- b puuu for tml uuti w h tlojlitey kutt ouilij fat tip tba u irirwt pjd on july ut will ion frosi lta luali tacbul noundi st i0 dat sauufucj will fa at lu bfife uuua bt- qoriatod wdawnuy fi tod bitufday ajuroooiu ana ili until furthrr nouoa sep thj ruur smusj of 0va lon woauai inuuuu to lha torn of a pumi kui to hld si uu tbteu of un otauh calhi vfch oa wdoiuy july sm jufrtd untc bjus oaourt la th park eondiy ilq utuby atuciw onton pip baod flal siag- tn ad biulf by wca turonto liand ol 40 plm4 a hoi bu mwlmd by 111 ticotun io oust wiiiuu freed u luo young uut fc uial limd fl ounc and taamrd t m u locbsa it rwd tso thius oo uuuj uu olbsr otof to iojujlu tunrd by bauball plsytrs w rcfot girfum drouu has withdrawn frota lha tour- qafiuol oo july ut in iw of illfu uaau of toroolo a unit bukaulili aurauob thj sutturs of lh 0orttoti wctu wuh to lhana all tha fnads who to ktodly aiiutad thm in ihalr part toward lb suqbm of th llalton oounty ooovnuon oo wadoaaday lut wa than our suhscnbsn who kindly raawad thatr tulwtipttois in fttpotu to our bppaal kut vwfc if you ara la arraan for jours will you puu do us lha favor of ralttla our auiiinj uit was corraetad up to jun ul m tta parad on uooday july ut wtu b bad by th hi band lores hinas wotiuh band axton ouiauu band bob uallay and his clown band and probably braapton band they will also ruralih musia at th park ps laftsa taaaua a racular msstlnf of oaorgslown laaton wul b hald at th laglon rooms on thursday jun tth at o clock dt auo all vatsrans ara rsqusatad to mast at laf ion rooms on sunday jun xh at i pjn to mtfnd church parad tt kw toron- bants and madals will b worn j personals ura u t uarruon u vuulng f riedd la toroalo lar and uxa l u robb of toron to vldtad with frfacad lo town todky uf claijda fiunuld of uunuvills spuu lb k ad at bl faom bar uiu uaxsait scttlhdy of twofilo wa lh kumt of uw wxrmid o lh wfc cad stwv duncan campbau and sirs- campuu of uoflait apaot sunday with fiada la town lr oliver cava of toronto and uf ju il cava of detroit wm ak tod vlutcrs at ur t it caa ura uaotw kortia ui ttunini and ura mu uirtakl of kurk und tajt ar guteu of ura off ui k un- the shanks of priuplaot uaa rho ha un vuulast fa au- tr ura wta lao of tiuwa tot has ura uowund laird accufl panted by ur ctuuuvo arribad froca surkland uaa oo uaiuroay to apd th auta- uwr woo fair toothr ura oct ura charu ituddy and chlldtvo ouitry and chaiwa tuti ho bav two v uj utm for tom bk an on buuoay lor tttir hoxa uia ur and uiw w buuuby and oauahfer vtna of nuaara yniu ool and un- touid of ktuivin sr ara end vuuors with ur and ura tiimu walkf ur and ura w ii ico asaonji in fwau of th arrow bus unra and 0an bound traxuporta itoa co uux wk end on apmtal crulm up th oorglan bay on th a usnuoujin roca oo bound ura ttoun oault cnurtalnad a nubr of old oualph frunda at bar hota on uurday th gut to dudad ur and ura yrnk lynda winnlp ur and uim da uont- cobary london ur and ura arohl uadarwi mr and ura boy jonaa ur and ura oharu law ura rral ibndwy tofonto ur tnan uao- itnffia oualph ur oaora oaia and ura thomas tuid ti ur and ura o j bain and son atth uaa on uonday tor ul llaaulton whirs ur bam has pur chasad a frmtn ur and ura bain hav ua raudant of oorwlon lor th pau tun yaars and thaf many frtands war aorry to haar of ilalr nfiurval uay thty cojoy lh bau of hsajut and propcruy in thalr nsw horn is th wuh of au ur bain wul b iuacadrd in fiuhwa hara by his brottar ur hd bain vaiti4wd th bom of ur and ura w j youof krtn fu th ttan of a wry prtily ardan adding on haturday jun iind whrn tnatr dauahur htaihwn uay was marrld to ur p c aurkwood son of ur and ura wk klrfcsood undar a potu- ly doorsld arch banked with a pro- luiioo of urum and aardn nova th oartwony was panorud by rv a o itoraman tb bnd wa ivan in bulrttag by hr fsthar and was bownad in whits cko with bridal vau and carrtod a bouaust of swaat heart rota and swast paas lur sis- tar ulss jaan young acted as bridaa- mald wormy pink point d asprtt ovar pink allk with urf pink crvp hal lur bouquet being swaat paaa tb iroom was supportad by ur bhrrlock kortman ulu vlout iclrk- wood playd th bridal music and during th serving of th breakfast a fourplsc orchastra from uoorcacld provided music latrr lh young coupl wt for uuikoka and points cast crushed bcnaalh tt wheals of i haavy truck driven by arthur hobtn son of oualph a lar rat hams irs was kiuadon th main atrastof rockwood unnouosd by th drtw th fourfoot raptu was eouad ta th centra of th road bsfor th wbaals pasaad ovar it body tb nak oocdplk with ratuas u th brat reported tn th district tn many yaars f satvta u takad ckmh tb induetloo of rev v o ovar- end oa to th oaortetown vnltad ohurch wtu b hald oo tuesday july ad at pa whan ittv a u twin ba dj of uomhy will conduct th worship servlc and rev j y clugtton bjl nx of appleby wtu deliver th sermon to th congrega tion end th charg to th minister a raoepllon and social hour will fol low in th basement of th church to weloom ur and ura overand ta th oongregtuon and community glen williams oiid un robert addy alice and raymond left for wanga lleach last thursday where they ui spend several lu oeorge itpeumonl of toronto spent tie week end in the olcn ur and un doable and betty were visitors last uaturday at ur and un roy norton a ur and un oordon robinson and children and ur daltn robinson spent ounday with ur and ura wm lulpln ulu catherine allen and ur wea day spent the week end with ur and urs ueorge auen lira- cameron left on asturday for toronto where she will spend couple of weeks w are sorry to report th illness of ura w j lull biis was taken to ouelph hospital on saturday where at will undergo an operation we wish her a speedy recovery ura bert ilu1 received tha sad new of tb death of her mother tn bootland last week th slnotr aym- to us ottmvrm spotlitt by wilfrid ouawa june 14uj yoo avldvnlly cant count on thle srilon bting or until th speaker put oo his trioorn bat oa the unal dy and inarches out of tt orwca chamber here we had u dad and about to be burled a wk ago and unaccountably u sprang to ui again and not only that but it thofead a vigor and lauaaliy and a ovptb of pouiical pjh which has to far ba notably absent during the cunat amion how tb wucguy on tt hill i htng about paruataent tasting until th hru wi in july to it mijhi but after that iti tau bin all predicuons should be o it talgjit juu as easily blow up suddctuy tn a couple of dye no- ua perhaps sotae wrk belwn the tua i wriu my wkly revww and tt um it apprais on the slrovt in your uippw webir ivnntu hhaulf haa beo th central hgur la lha rtaarkabl truuiormatlon of th nature of tb hcion lo the past few days just win tt tiad lo be dying a alow death through rsrfui or ir made two provocative drtue oo the oram bill yngiawl in a bluer conltoveray with ooloa ti uon and introduced a voting measure which he must hav knoa rouu at once eutw th enmity of tha liberal opposition twouib jiii it was uw old r 8 beoneu cccae back again at a tune when many peotie uueved that his fiery xploue days were done forever koltlng could have been taore yviffwj pathy of tha olen la eipreased ura hill in her bereavement th death occurred on thursday at tha horn of ur wm oatrander of ur john ferguson ur mrguson who waa in his th year had bean tn falling health for soma time the funeral took plaoe oo saturday to pages cemetery hutlonvul jybaabbababambhbbhbittmbhabbbmbbbah8abai save with safety at your rexaul stork larf tww rflsase gjuwbtg greg u set rskeev laly uaboy uuk af magwa kefaj tueu sm efcaaia im tie cocoanut oil glfahvoo it albuua raalt kunoi uxx vacuuu iiotvlih we rexalt suvt aruivdraayy health and bkautv nesob a spatial 19day sal af peedaete au etclalvely fcy to reudl drtig ston be av handbill far bpeclale sh neaaufy castile boat is fffecveaeent rwu sajlo btou1 baby rowgjt i far ue geewbee kteaalaa mfneaal oil tooth ras robbs drug store mow 1we dautev ite kexali blatw okobfltrowrf babaaaabaaaabbbbbiibaabemaiibabbaiiabbbaaav new adver itsements v money t leeut loans made on lata model privet automobiles or refinance your preeent oantraot the wellington aomptanca corporation limited oualph up wauled new ceaipoola ditch es and drains to dig old cftupools cutemi etc cleaned otx ahott uollce alio whlta- wgahlng and any other work ddtur jauravftmami box 159 oeorgetown wood for sale cmolca hardwood maple and beech mutod soft wood afost waaonahla price apply jack tost phone ml- aoortteaowo wood for sale choice ueple hardwood 4nd oedar rau at right brio ordete wt at a uumag or at my borne shoae uw promptly ttunood to jl uvlnaflton to tub rubjjo take notice that i will not be re- iponslble for any debt contracted lo my name after this date wm oil man die n wuuams atp now ok i to whom it may concern i henry herbert marrow will not be responsible for any debt contract ed in my name without my written order from the date of the flrat pub lication of thl notice 3tp it 1l uorrchhv iwuea wauteel experienced rami hand deeireg work on farm apply phone w oeorge town h concrete work v am prepared to do coocret work of all kmda kaumateg giva frgg of charge it you rwjulw kuytrthur fas thla une pboob u14l walkar cwut ium mipn nm oeotgv bt cjeorgwtown 4ty fat windsor port hope toronto dijgua walker st oeorge church oeorgetown waa th scan of a very pretty june wadding when alio tt eldest daugh ter of ur and sir 8 walker bi- cam the bride of ur derrick dodg- aon son of ur and ura norman oodgson uount dennis rev w a o thompson ofnclatlng ur jack ciiehton played th wedding music tha bride who waa given in marriage by her father wore a lovely gown of whit crepe back satin made on prin ce lines her allk net veil wa hau in place by a french lac cap and pray of orange kiajhu she car tied a bouquet of rosadale rosea bavaria end lily of the valley ulsa bessie walker waa her sister maid of honour and was f rocked in pal green georgette with wide aash of gtaea moire she wore while picture hat and shots to match and carried american beauty rosea and maiden hair fem the bridesmaids were ulu haul walker alster of the bride and uua edith dtuhfteld cousin of the groom uua walker waa frocked in pale blue exquisite point deaprit net made ankle length with ruttlee down the skirt of peoot edge and large sash of blue aatln uua ditch- neida gown was orchid shade with aatln sash to match both wore amau white turban with white ac cessories and carried pale yellow rosea and fem ur oeorge dodgson waa ills brother beat man the usher were ur oeorge sargent cousin of the bride and ur ughtred dodgson the groom brother the grooms gle to the bride waa an onyx and ailver dresser set to the maid of honour a white handbag to the br amber transparent com pacts and to the beat man and usher grey gloves and tie to match after the ceremony a ncepuon held at the home or the bride parents ura walker and ura dodgson wcelving with the bride and groom ura wal ker wore a blue and white crepe en semble white hat and shoe and corsage or orchids and rosea urs dodgeon was in pale blue crepe en semble and white acoaaortee and cor sage of orchids and rosea later the bride and groom left for their new home in uount dennis the bride travelling ui a white crepe dree and long navy blue auk coat and white aftwiaaoriftj out of town guest were present from niagara vwll ouelph umehou3e ur and lira wm lew left uonday for a trip to ualheaoo visit their nephew ur rrank uu ur and ura b klrkpatrtck i family attended th wedding of hat brother ur richard urfv saturday last tn stewarttown the anniversary service of the presbyterian church war well atten ded last sunday rev t i wuluma of harruton brought inspiring and instructive message at both service th choir ably assisted by the quar tette from union presbyterian church rendered special music and ur b olsby and uua wula price delighted the congngatioa with solos on uonday evening a very suocees- ful garden party was held on the lawn of ur john newton under the auspice of th preabyterlan church rev ur bennl of acton acted as chairman and the gathering were delightfully tntertaln- ed by alsstre harvey and bert lloyd and their companies ura wm oowdy held a aucoesaful musical on saturday afternoon at her home tte program waa given by urs oowdy a pupils and the children of the public school the proceeds were tn aid of the women institute among the visitors tn town during the week end were ur wm ulll and friends of to ronto with urs ullu ur and ura o oroes and family of oeorgetown with lira it lane ur and ura 8 law and family ot toronto at ur and ura a hill a ur and ura alex orant and son of toronto are summering at their cottage here wild atrawberrie are very plentiful and everyone u busy these days pick ing berries urs arnold of sonomberg la spend ing a few days with her brother ur j uooowatt uua o chalmers of acton vuued with ur and ura a norton on bun- day uesar kenneth btephenaon and dennis hill spent the week end at the ukethor ura arthur ivens ur thoa ivans ulu wuuufrod ivens and ut and ura ernest husaell of toronto at tended the garden party at ur john newton on uonday evening ur and ura duncan btarp and urs james sharp of toronto spent sunday with ur and ura angus lawson and attended the annltkreary services in the prtsbytertan church eor volcanic thao the two long ad- ditwa oo lh oram board and tb cmban with colonel ualaioo would hav triad th temper and heart of a man lo perfect health th whole performance serve to mak a gtzan tie enigma of th man 1 ha iuily ieatord to health doa t now in uod to go throuafa with thing to th utter andr or u ha doing tt all in deaanc of tie doctor and tn viola tion of ail th ubs of eslf-prea-ftrva- uon i u true as eom friend have whlped to m that his eaoa of public servlc u so powerful and bis realisation of tt fat of hi party if h abandons them u so strong that he ha decided to slak his health on final throw of the political elioer that are questions which even thoa to the closest touch with public affair are asking premkr ben nett keeps his own counsel h never made a frank atateount of his plana tb few veued reference thsca suggest that h haa intended to retire hut wheat till tt utioa is overt till election dyr till a suit able succaafcor u cboaant thas are still mystartu lo everyone except him self and it u quit possjbl that he himself haa not made up hie mind on quit obvious explanation of th uncertainty which almost certain- las some merit li that the fat of party reels to a urg rtunt on the succrcsful choice of a new leader and that until this important problem has twn solved premier bennett will not leave hu follower to th clash and schism of inirrparty struggl it u not easy to see what the conserva tive can do about a leader as i hav said before tn thee weekly re views hon e n rhode would have been the obvious choice but ui- health has made that move lmpoiaihle uetghen is tmmrdlstely in mind but that way out of the dlmculty u by no means fully uuuiactory to all the cortmrvatles even if it u so to ur uelghen himself which u doubtful ur hunay fosiumi ur stevens u in this peculiar poii lion that while the rank and nic ftould probably on a secret ballot choose htm from the vurktiu upirnnu he u not acctxable to tte iilrrarctiy or the commulhc wtt ajvd lie u nan nfivimi uruta nu uith mr itentirtt mr uirrru has modi tt or ihrrr jto rful drmocru uc add re v c in thr llou4 of commons in unlet te hu no ixaltuttj to uddrcu blunt kxrds to the cabinrt but on tb li if has can fully refrained from breaking off ncaotlntlam with th i rant benchers of his own party mr 6tcciu can afford to aalt ccn if hr does not become comnathc lead er hlmseir it li certain that in tre crnt ol thr mantle falling on the shoulders sa of or r j man ion mr blevens uould be tho logical cliolce for first lieutenant and first lieutenant of even a party in onposl tlon u obviously a good deal hotter than a back bencher or a political outcast from all camps county council kqualtzuj aaguklczkt am last v gkamt to austlcultfjatal boclxtiz tn county council mat at oa tuesday when th iimwiml for ifttt ws fequailsad afwr k onndt- te of the ttna of tow teunkipail- tic had etoosiderad th matte they brought la a report that lh couny equauaad fliiirrnf b th une a uit yeur tti tvport wm baally adopted althouar the rewr and w- putyreeve arur both f oa th nuaiimirnt nf trafalgar tot ed against the resolution tb taent u a follows acton ijsdtu0 burunctoa x1lc6b0 oeorgtoem iau ulitoo i laifrwriw oakvule g iertauao r bjsucoew naiagaw7a 3u lolw keuoo gsxltxofl trafajgar kaiortw the council decided t pwutko th provincial goverataent lo take tnwf th middle road to halloa county a a provincial road owing to tt iww highway being finuhad as far a oakvule and then starting amla at prrenaan th tram on true toad haa lacrtesed lauaenealy th council ftit that uwy should not have to pay to keep it m shape for this tram tn acton oormetown thd milton agricultural bocletle wr each gkeo a grant of 1m th council ducuatad a rwaolutloa forwajdd to it by bruc county tak ing that th briushnorth america act be kmmded so a to do away with provincial government th council did not endor th raeolutiob but iwldj to hie it routine ruiitnsee oocupud th re- malnder of lh tn rnfjf he i suppo im only a litu puile oo the beach of your lifer bh yea you might stand a chance if you were a llitl boulder better merdaaaisc at lower prices where yoo gel more for year meaey new arrivals seenucber dreuee et szjso mertha weihinftton diwer mv unvale ta im coats lmw honey coinb coeta only a few left colore gold and gran clearing at wf dress goods new amvalj white cotton pkju at he vma me while sat pique at afc while mercenied brodclolh 39c 49c fancy crepe green rod blue navy brown at 48e batiste and dcmity demily and batute dreu good white with email dot blue green red at s pr1kts 36 fancy prints fait color 18e 17e uy 36 fancy colored voiles at she and sae 36 fancy demity at jfte simplicity patterna at ge aeru lot langlets deeaere aad d mcbean co phone 64 georgetown domi pj 4 balunafad ura wright of toronto u the guest of ura a soper uusea tt and e uckay oeorge town spent thursday with friends here the sunday school of lh united church will hold trelr annual picnic at pemdale park on saturday june aoth everybody come and bring a wellfuled basket sport begin at 4 pm the june meeting of the womans uusionary society waa held at the roma of ura e bwindlahurat on thursday afternoon with a good at tendance of members and several visi tors th president ura j p klrk- wood presiding tha opening devo tional period waa conducted by ura r shortui and ura e swlndlehurat the roll call waa responded to by several helpful suggestion aa to what can b done to fight the liquor truffle several of tho departmental secretar ies gave reports aa to the progreaa of each department ura robt lic- enery reporting for christian blew ardship and finance said trat the al location for the first half of the year wo tn eight and arrangement for the third quarter was completed ulu j shortlll baby band secretary read a wry interesting letter from uus uciiarrie of the babye home tn neemuch india which gave a very encouraging account of tha work which tha bablee of canada are help ing to support uui u hilts tem perance secretary also spoke of the effort being made to put down thu great evil uus reta allan gave a very interesting paper on the life of william carey and hu work in india a very delightful number was a duet given by ura r ucenery and uua rata bhortul and ura b vannatter who had charge of the watch tower ve eome interesting items of news connection with the work being ac complished by the woman a uusion ary society as thu was the last meeting at which ura altken would be present before leaving for her new home at ooldstono the members took thu opportunity of presenting her with a very beautiful fernery uus b hilts reading the addrou and ura w ucenery making the presentation in replying urs altken expressed her preclatlan of their kindness also the very fine spirit of cooperation shown during uut abc years that they had worked together and wished them even greater success in the future the july meeting will be held at the home of ura btarrit ur and urs a mckay and ur and ur j v kirkwood were among the guests who attended the kirk wood young wedd ternoou at erin stewarttown st john church stewaritown was the scene or a pretty wedding on saturday june had when elisabeth uary elder daughter of uvm h jen- unson and the ut ur if jenklu- son became the bride of ut richard our store will be load ii u uondey laly in handy v vtam ammonia piger v peirl soap 725 kippered snacks white bcanc 6 25 we will pay iall freight or half cxfrlss to tha rail road itstlon ncsreat your tummer home on order of usa or more heinz oookxp sfaohetti 2f2s grape nut ptakks 2 1 2 5 ores 50000 ojstomefls 44 w li uui uau ta jam awnrgk heinz bar- jellies wear b solex hkaar meat balls allsortf ssy uuhjuwrt salmon cheese vinegars pears riv fig wafers pests bran naart valvkxta chateau la pv was ton a uadmju aua prunes soup rax clarks v navy ff crwamcttcs matches dieh boa pigi dominion stores blandish son of ur and ura james fjlandlsh tho rev ur walling of hamilton officiated asauted by the rev ur jackson of norval the bride who was given in marriage by her brother ur prank jenklnaon wore a beautiful gown of white crepe and her silk net veil was caught at the head with a bandeau of orange blossoms she carried a bouquet of american beauty rose and babye breath ulu prance jenklnson als- ter of the bride carrying a bouquet of yellow lea rose and fern and uus betty smethurst carrying a bouquet or ophelia rosea and baby a breath at tended the bride and wore gowns of blue flowered organdy and pink flow ered organdy with hats to match the groom was attended by hu brother ur joseph standuh ura bally of toronto rendered the music for the wedding march and during the sign ing of the register the hymn o puther all creating was sung pol- lowing the ceremony a reception was held at tho home of the brides moth er lira jenklnaon wearing a powder blue crepe gown and a corsage of american beauty roses later ur and urs standuh left for their honeymoon the bride wearing a navy blue suit blue hat brown shoes and carried a brown purse on their re turn they will reside in esquealng milton a lifelong member of boston pres byterian church which celebrated its 118th anniversary last sunday urs isabella wooding celebrated her beth birthday tuesday in uaruewood among those wlvo attended the re cent graduating exercises at the uni versity of toronto were ur and ura o k oastle when their son w d ooatle received his da degree ulu helen anderson who hag been attending the training school for nurses in hamilton general hospital graduated recently and was suoow wltwlng the prise riven by dr fc leolutthun for highest tandin in medical nurvlng and examination rev 1l ray laft on uonday to take charg of st paula prasbyterian church wiarton on sunday but at communion ha received into boston church twenty new communicants and on priday and sunday baptised twenty persons descendants of alexander robert son who left new york aut tn 1811 to reside in scotch block eaquealng township met at pee park uireets- viile on saturday for their eecond family reunion burglar cleared out the barber shop of harold richards barber and to bacconist palermo hiring uonday night trey took all his equipment the stock of tobacco and cigarette and a radio no clue was left but the polios are working on the case champion erin ur clarence wrlffgtoeworth et stratford apent th weekend with hla narenu ur and ura prank wrlg bloaworth nu e ueklnnan let but uonday to mined or the department ot ae- rleultuk the horaea in sudbury old- trlct uanttoultn xataad alaoma tart arthur and hauiy hiver djrtrlota ur archie baiiden wee has not been enjoying hie ueual health ot late was quit aerlmuly ui on sunday we are however bleated to nort uuu hla condition u umewhat unproved a local cltlseti who mokes a hobby of meuuruut uu rain tall claims there was a fall of three inches to twentyfour hours on uonday the container used wot a ten pound mil at a hcent meeting of the direo uu s sty aarleulturol society it was decided to remodel the frost of the present hall by buudlrur an sddl- v treat in which ill be a su table otflee for the secretary snd new anverttsements in cemetery on batuxday jun sx mink neck piece plnder plaae leave with j w kennedy has rites wanted acoamrnodatlon for two men preferred apply at herald tw- ooe it hay waaej will purchase a quantity of key on ehare apply at herald omot ttr uefarehl fee- bl 10m uoeoroycle with tajvlaitt seat tn al condition apply ut kved jdha- son ullton ont itp waaud can ascommodate two with board and room apply at her- t aid ottos butter the georgetown creamery 20c lb for the best grade

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