Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 3, 1935, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sijdtoa yr of puukatioo tb gmtrfm hmu wednattky enin july 3uj 163s si jhj almum lo adraik s2o0 lo usla ttw georsciowa hcnu jr at kookc lrhlrfcir uj tipulw urwbr canadian wkly nrtmaw cnr tim ttjj ubuw ril bail im tuunvr an uali 1030 i pawntr and wall 111 pa wiiun lo yoonu p uundajra tain fci piwiir f pa puunar and aid hunr ltunar and mad liuaiur bunday oiiy itunger tfeinday ud ta4b uiu and lsor udu and piutiirf u aw 3i pia 15 aa 1111 pu iu m u p leave oiumuunotm a aa 1144 a 1u pa iu pa 115 pa li p has pa iu ul h aa i lis ua u pa i pa tit pa u pa eajrreuh btanixilho tola wu a vavaa rou directory u bov airs uorato n onarto oba orwy tfaaali atld uui 64 hjluhvth at unodom hnur wuw koirsr hra uctvmtt uooa cwnmaruiln bu bourn ihiona u oaaffatmm winbukks b1cujuumom isulnk w iuouabdboh ul auy to loan oaa4raa huj quaa mmjutttoh hjansv oauvbow uwmoms oooat bjjmaun bta 1l edward cook oordon araydna hi uain fit north harold h liureouftw uiukuni sltfflpuo riephons us v m watoh djkb saldjk oss otto ltoure to s except thursday afurnoooa a m nielsen tlai vaar ai maut cliifopfaftar jgjtay dnicuu tbmiplit waji tltirlial oflu vht tvmtlm stdh aorgtoei houra 1 s tju ms mi otata tfcinj hum law frank petch licensed adonohceb far uu otauin a raal ju ualtaa prompt sarctoa cntlunham m rfi oaorwloam mrl poit cmnca onaltaahaju monuments pollock a ingham buocuson lo qatar st worth giu oat daiiu bhul hum uu inspect our work in arnwood uall doent that baoulih boy evr take you w tha clneua wt phyllu bitterly no x think l nimt hava found a gtr who can u pifituraa in the flra vouw noma early from the court eaflkauy i am that tfcy threw me out for clappln when ux uuhihy got thr mo is your husband a tood provider vruum he a good provldah all rt rlaht but im alhu tjuered dt nlg- gera rwine tor bu cau t it howb your wife setting alona with her driving abet fine took a turn for the wane tut week uoe ilftjel how that you have looked over my inualo what would you like to have ma play ilenry i think wu hod better play card he out dont you cook much more for dinner than we uie darllngf she of course aluyl u x didnt how could i economise by making leftover dlahetf j low wu the soenery on your it ran largely to tooth pute and gmlftg tobaoeo vlgxu out tfc tue imm fmut ti values aistici itj uw4jf hurjr buj 1413 at wj lefica u a gvar bublce bub sa- u lo lb u n3t bw lir-lb- lis fuarte 1j to t4lh itd- wlifa lb blifia turtcm at bdjr pur la tb b4lj tw lo lu il4 jm r tfc uive at a iaa l lb iiau tti rofcej l b trvl tf at bj puluja tuum rlw ej uu wllf uuhwtetlil iitwi bl ibw a unj eubaiwf cf fctrcwe anic bfw ib ivk 0 iw awoo lk bulo nf lb trth m busy c4b lklca tb maifeliia tabu ieio e04f v7 ef tkf fanue la it bkiii nl- ft bwr nifpjit u l btp la at mtu lb ulmiuim f fcblp fawela tul it la aud auj l ti ifelawtltl lc ltitxr lb ovuy ef lt b lta viplllloa oljkti u4 tt ruat- lusp in t vblrb ai llil um4 lb ifcarv4v lo ui it rtxiitl r ji ljs ud sawfll 1 lulf wmjil fwaf um nu iltbw brtln low fc9j ibi ib tii waa kw ka iu h1ma uivvj w tbat itr sak t bma btlildai fuf fciaalbj u pt4tlj p0ltuisa vat wfctw tuom oe of u eaul pnjwtl ltf- fcatartnj famiu of lb acrlbcra ta tsriot of lb fojj bll u wtil u luwo ftj lb dbou aadoa bub rrcfd out ut tb taail ef lb iuais bllja ta vmikswrnttt uzmtk dakota tt fniloa aitaai caat- ward aa4 emibmuatrj t ha fcm- 4we ioa aa4 ulaafru am lb aaaditoa atooea a4f fr tb bura ajua u pafviouue m6titwn4 tt4 caulwam tkrii4fc tb aawoa iwli ad uajrmlb daa sfttwlof of ibttk clay akala ib44lli ik jau rlvw auay ii te itatbr rfraaliursbu er aaj bre lb aarfsr allliod u 64 t grmt afwlg arlmjaa flowa kaf w bbiaia fa trt tb ertaua wu sr ataojf ik frratftst aalsraj s44irr4 of tkat art howr so auay sll kave aaa driroo tb npolj tkec atjjae of kat- tag ta utfj aboat ta tka halt aaj lb r b7 of tb ewi kaa flla rutormy ulo tka t1axl paar aiuk kuf hl bmk apor alm of pmi protakl bau tka r4 for tk cuuaa a at wtohi a kief aaa boaai tftml if a wta c akei tw biirti w- for k wa tot ilia fatkar ik ratjb kia 4ud at tkat tlau aaj as bjifl flfiillaj ib tbreo varaat ataalaoj aaoirauoa tka aaisaoa for tka arraatoa of kar aoa cuiawd a mfoaailaa ft is aaa y aj kad kr oakora cklld rrovsod la bar ows gir bbhi waa ik aarattos of tka poaeia for tk dyoaaiy tkai tb rauaj waa oetortlvo ib foro- atalllax tka bbci eaorpailaa k cbild pruftm to k a bay aad nl4 u kla fupor guhkia of tiliptiw abuog th many ttilojcs fur wbuk rtnotoa u 1bwu la ibat it waa tk blrthplar of lh llpbo it u nn tk aflrraooa of joo s 1st5 that lnf alrtaadar nrakaai ball ftftj hie uncial tkamia a wataekk war wotting la two tarrat roots r tka otortriral amp ef cbiilu williaau at 100 court at root boatoo aag tkar dlatowtfod tka priartpt ef tke tu- pbano lisr tkaa alae eaoatha utar rrfoanr lum roealfad fro tke ttalt- ad htataa oa uarth t ista a pataat no 1t44aa aad thoj aafabllakad tka iuini of tk ruii ulophon tkle ha offoa kaaa raiiod tk saoat valav akl patat to aaanklad aw li u4o tka sum paaalnt through a lllc la wm era india write a lady tilaateauf followed by a frtadly crowd we atopnod at a aasali wayatde altar tk g heinjr rtproaibtad by foar sat hoop dptoratad lh rod pal at u aald tiiit 1 bo god bar i1um ar only aionoa oh aatd m mas th gnd la undrnoatb w prompt ly hftod fio nf ib tioaaa to dlaeoror beoaath it thro urge hlbaraatlaa fm whtroupen a groat laogh wool up froaa the cruwd la which we all joined kaaw ik caaj uaa i tlaltlmoro ptitlreinun picked up mall girl trying toatlly for btamna other titan that hrr nam waa hart b titulil learn nothing bbiul her hha v n taken to pnllo heaikiuartara finally tome one thought to aik hor a tier aho tvousht har randy when at horn she gate lh mime of a candy lor owner without healiatlnn the rvut wa ruy her nam waa ilarta illu4r aged fiur hhe had atrayad from her mother in a downtown atore fuppera weekly caaaoutloa for fat folk ilunj iiinipu in inlildlw agt and ke 10ml tir the worst and moat aarloua rtfinler in thu fad of reductng na ture intm inhully with moat folka iiililu utlulu hltb yaara th layer of fitt thm inhitmtb moat imtlceabt over i in- ulotimli la fiirnlblied for uddl iimiuii uuriiilli and proloclloa to vital mi mil 111 compvniatb for the fact ii 11 with nut the body geturuteti lata 1 m nnh a llitlw fut at forty ta no 1 ii iiituiiiil iltfunorulliui- luiar ii miiitniiiie zbw lalte fiown vegetables pine quality vegetablea may be pro duced from late seeding bwen turn in carrots and beet way be town m late u the middle of june and atlll have time to develop to a dealr- able else for winter use the und ehould be well prepared and hah in plant food should dry condition brevau the aeed should be sown on le level rather than on ridgea all tke game irate father t can see right through that girls intrigue lovesick son x know dad but they all draai that way ttowadaya old sm advice fcv e l c11x tiil houir mull 11111 huluul vv iuiku1 lvfv lao mbltrl lu u fjaglubl vhlff ul utf alujj hit grtita0 u iu lilttu lj tu limilidf ulj ljjiij it uul th ili gruaattkj in bwjxoiuiu hut faajjlat kmjl kill tfij ft- i lwvual irtil fvu4llaitjj lu u kjtu llll uai ilip titul ou tuu ua fciiulij im ju 4llici hi 1u1irf illl lur ula iri s lttf kvtialt i llalhtlli hit urllatrtl mlll hii tuui iu la j u- lo iu uiuutlalai bjij l uf ilw ut 1 gulil whiirf uilt ujj iil lu tbv sdu tij ir bu iuiiii iu 64iv hut litj vulil llnl iuiltil u tlu iwlutv ikc tw ujj tillrli lie pn4iuaf tuitauuuittrvtl uutr t4ltb cjj gulov lu lu bill it ai bi ufrv j iljui lial wl ii iu arutt tlte olj iaane aiiliinto itril blirs rtwgllmot lubfl tin s 1 l in gwtt imj htllr lu nloiljr tlu ooltra iruull or rutirtw wti iwllr it was aa auteit tdrj ibal hill fm iui kaat fcitfr ur tbv ouguiavii wfo of toy fur a girl it uy lis wed hltb il ila iu411 of ibe a or ekltialry kahmtet faiulually la ta with a rutin 1 lug tn r v girt tuj ly irkej by iu rlrliit of uu fstll04j ol8s44fu ailml akjl to fltul bat life u all aut it wu iwt hill oftro tult btmwir tkat le bad in iblrv wlialetrr fur tb yixiiu ud trvium toy lmfrr tfc uiatuolua itilfur aa ibat be rouulai rid hta kean an j bi1 and sottl of bar i soumatl kivnw what lo a to tint i did ram nnnthwfifui inuv fe twlr during ttie u lbtng tar and ekeo lium bal ahlunl anl tkey aat on lb por it of lite nnhintulo uarb old ha a talkl of irtml liu g4 u- tl- ooll uld sm b illtu oomrtliln l1 mtghl like it tualgbt ieeu tlilnulu wf luat fbiww ue saw imrb tltrv in lb ansnip lay htjbwtlitii auan uf jiltw alum i lai it411 mnber ntii h 1t lt bujalf end bate a tuiutl to lakr ibe unrerti svl bate a i iwilrr nnie along foull leet he lietlir tr ii tb old mina aungitlon aoutvied sillj lit lb dl1rrfid yuungftlrr b bvenbeua roiiwtitmt grudglngly tt ibimp waa lltiu more titan a ten tnlnule walb along th irall mj baia bouia droao to lila blpa led ibe way rarrilng the lantern tb youth followed baakllghl la hand at tk dg of ibe water l bay ttihped and at old hams dlrllon bill warxbed tbeaurraivuf ibe aaipudlll ibeflatn- llght rauglit tb wblle svwer im a bit curtoua about that lower bill im a goto lo get tt out and lake ii ta b to ib thark lojba lo me like a 111 j mud uld ham etartrd lulu ttif sbttp linking kik4dp lu ibe mire its aitim aurt of a illy sure a you sua tie tulled bach l hill hack lu the akarl afa uaitbu ruailod an 4d butrket grumbling the while at fhoe cunaart fool out ana btll was dispatched to iii the bucket with clean rich earth and old ram oat to work to replaol bla illy talking the while ib qulf eoothlng tou as he might hate to a sick wayfarer urate little lady kad a rlgbr tough time of it out there in that swamp i reckon tsnl figure out bow youfooie to be in aucti a vll smellln place mlgbly tad romiany you waa in wmed ta like ll right email at that eiubbom a an 11m mul about com out gusaa you dldnt knew them woeda whb a golii lo choke yoti in time there tk la now ha good sa new and aint ah a beauty 1 fleck an she feete a lot better loo suspect if atie cimld talk sk would h atellln ua thai shes mlgbly happy to get out of that awgmp hut old sam got ao further with his bmnolngu young bill holland was d thing out through tke open doorway af lb hark a betty was dancing lightly from table to table rallng lh party with a antig hill giood unnoticed watching h walled until hattys solo damv brought bar cloa to where he atood as she wbtrud h caught her uralaied rni in a biting grip a youth ruslied forward to roaeiii the indignity bills flat caught ibe wliil of ble chin the merry maker- confronted hill 1 uutuw ut ike diutrway iltiuiiincltig htm in shrill outburst a ueoiiuhlle hill uaa delivering eloguaut ir dis jointed rerereiuea lo uilaououa weed and hllhy water helij was a subdued young lady the rlmt hush of fiery indignation unified aa gulcbly ea it cum it may hate lieen an viirvalon on hill llul la lids fac it may bavo bseu sonw thing ele he uu guile ready to go to the cur willi hill ueruy she allowed tierelf be led up hie ateiia of hie rviord sra liouie uetkl loo aided by hills gruff iroiiittlngs she anawvrvtl the nianimr iiuewtlons when tlifj were again in th mad sler utul hill bad muketed the docu iiiimii glten tilm by the rtvurder hetty in iil her head on bills shoulder tuui womenlike crlstl grear warm leura now fur the hrst llnui since hit lefl sittl hum hatthluu mhuju far up in he hi 1 1 a hiiim ciuiiiiuh jiw reluvetl kht iii in tli lilllu uu hatllilus was bliiiii rvmlmllng did kant thui he hud to go 10 the svuini uftvr brvakfunt- slu uitih iruftlwil soul and saw no uirike in lng tliul horlar down in town u ilullur und u half for a pmtfd illy and than leaving the pot burled in tkat dirty swamp hut old stat waa alaeolng peacefully iukino a garden elan plough and plant and digs and weed ii he works with hoe and spade ood sends the sun and rain and air and thus a garden made he must be proud who till the soil and turn the heavy sod how wonderful a thing to be ta partnership with ood dusttuu man- to applicant for po sition u stenographer oan you write shorthattdt applicant yes sirbut h take me longer ulostlovm botldav hjlmrtkd wv kuhtujf waiklag th toad to biaith th trail hikt of lh canadian kockut wtli wt out e thtkr annual kkylin lour frcait tli canadius wlik hall way tull at banff springs 00 aug- ux fcrcend vot four day uvry will kakm a bfaullful traii uikkhii in uintmg mountain couniry raublmg along in happy rcnifdjilp by day snd upittg uiuu canvas by nig ft after uotortng 111 iluut dutance frooi banff upnnga to u4lr cfk th hikers u1 toiler tb- trau siotig ihuy crwk and aer buiuptaa pau hi uu route tskm by tur 0org aiiopfcon on hit otettand trip round uie taoftd bumy jears ago ttus pa had not un kcordod tufore in any blt mans hutory at thai too liitdpnn orte we utrakfsuad on uie uvl ulbmut fchlcb did not rttrwd fouiln picca in wlditi fuling our kauus for uit our kmrly nwaj at once frotd l rrytgl uurr of lh columbia and uie uaikairtian etui u iir of to cppotlle oaauu murmurtnz oter their bada of tckjy aioru sa if id bid aet other a uwg farvil could hardly faj to aitun our mind to the sublitatly of tn un bit oeorg blmnun dropped down to the uootenay hlver by lh kanka of the hjver which bears hi nun but th bky un trail hike i pun twd to kp up on th high line and ttrtnj giung 40uu4t to th kstypt lakm an ajpin terrain of wooovrfu bamuty and mayaty which hliherto haj bra knovn only to adventurous ciimbar and buntera and to eaia bars of th oownuahu topograph- leal survey who call u on of tr uoil supfruy bmutlful dlatrtcta in th canadian rouo in th pit the uaual approach to the egypt lake ha ba frota th vallry of had earth orh but ut ter trail needing only a till cutting he barn found mouy show th uakrrlin from bunahin oamjv worn awpt lau there u an easy slop to ilaiduk fui at th hrad of wbluuig valley whufa drop down to ahadow lake a beautiful theet of saur balow uount bail harw th canadian padfic r a amn ir to paurra by rrom blisdow lake an old trap lln la lh trsi paji an ancient indian ncampawnt over oibbon pi and down to tvtn lakaa where there la rscaurat fuhlnst sood path wading from uwr to uu mountain camp the tka branch of the evbral oovtmbunt la keenly totoreated opening up this new territory to the hiker and euutamw ha beea pnes- ued in blaring trail tke itru night will be spent at sutuhin camp th second at one of th egypt lake and th third at shadow lake while th final pow wow wul b at castl ktountlln camp on th ilanffwuvwrmrr head after which buurs wul b at th srrvlce of all wanting to go to banff fieoaoe rtrbie uaeve of lqaistng tosiulup snd lllltons coxurrvallr candidate tt coming fjrral noctjo wav bacam the camels bach according to dupatchra in the tor onto dallies alluton u going to aik aiutance from the oowramrnt to enable the town to meet lu financial obligations having incurred heavy financial burdens a em years ago for a aewage dlanoal plant and for pav lng many of their ttreeta it would ap pear as if the town anted to ahlft i of the burden on to other khouldera what would be the out come if many other municipalities took similar action a couple of ytan ago tottenham roqueited the county to pave quern btrret a con necting link in the county rood sya- tern but the requrat was turned down although tottenham haa helped to pave every other town and village in the county why then should w be asked to help pay for alllitona too ambitious paving program t that surety aould be adding insult to in- jury those for whose benefit these conveniences were provided should pay for them it la a dlocult enough problem for the province to furnish relief for the individual who may be unable to procure employment but its the hut straw to be asked to provide far the improvidence of raunlctpail- ttee as well tottenham sentinel speed fiend oosht dont you feel glad that youre allvef paiseoger olad isnt the word im amaad ekcitehent bucwiat with pet animal drprndt tery much on en appreciation of the fut that uiey tre likr human if many a animal are highly sua- cuptibl to rxritrmrm and se shoukl aiways bear thu in- mind a certain cat uisl had been ralwd from a kit trn in the houy uapm upon lh kitchen range burning 11 feet srttre 1 certainly as his mutreu said af uraards he knew the ue was hot and dangerous had wanned lumulf near u hundrwu of times but he was romping around live room afur a it ring drawn by hi mlttrru leap ing over chairs upon the table etc and in a moment of eairrme excite ment it happened excitement often makes dogs fight when calmness in the owners instead of yells and blows ould gu the anl mala apart peacwahly it simply will will not do to add to the tension hen an animals nerves ate keyed up u a hone u on the verge of running away a loud rough com mand or a blow with the whip usual ly precipitates th break but the esperunotd handier peaks in low kind tones perhaps rrauurlng the animal with a carrta puppy kepi on a wrrrciwdln torch srnt without food all day be cause of the pretence of a strange dog in the ard every now and then the intruder would come into the pruon- rrs range of ulon and the young- lter was ao am tou to get out and play with the tultor that lie dldn t even know he iu unary the next day under different conditions he uould hate goninl hlnuclf but his owner waa too wue to permit it when i was 1 lid i owned a par ticularly rscltaule dog i always took him tjth me fo r my stroll into the foothill iiuar boulder colo t and on the day of lite trip he could not eat a thing until our rrlum then wa- famlihrd i learnwl not to let him sre ire outing clotltrs or any the prrpiirulloiu until ulirr he had ten hu brcjltlaftt if he saw me urtting rudj mii if it was an hour biforr the nan hi jovotu cicltcment wn uncontrol ibh- to punlvli 11 m t lor midrmranors umi bv uiimmi ii ahtolutely luel l t lubjiikh ui our dumb iilmali havh perhomalitv im tcaciieru great need tuo hundred teachem uvklng rm- ploymrnt in toronto public achoola were in ten lew nt on a recent week end by truiwvtotj about iu wrro girl in the last couple of years poulbly due to the difficulty of getting employmrnt in other lines there haa been a notable incrc ate of men tn the teaching pro fession moat of the teachers ho vvn intcrurard have hod outside eiperlenoe personality is the primary thing said dr o c ooldrlng aupeiintend- ent of school when oakod whether personality or academic quallflcatlona counted most in estimating a teacher the etjut sucvct tli bicycle like many oihfcr de vice la a product of evolution and it would be impossible to oronounce ttut u was invented in w ctsla year but an engtuliuan oannsftsd wan the trade ajid england pion eered in the bicycle business la su- tlioiiiy for it tuuunt that lfcxa u uie centenary of he modern -uhfl- i was tn lu that the am machine was built that woe drun by pmal and a chain irlor to that lint was the old liiidy i one that cctdiuud two wookun whmia connected with a uut of flat loajd tne rtder lay a- crui uie board and twopaiiad himsslf along by kicking the ground alternate ly with hi fecu tnen cam a ovvtc with pedals ana a rrar brat uie pedal operating uie rear wlul cw4pil uie diooi tort of riding it became very popular vet thrrr a grrat oval of uihlie ikwiillty to it older people looked ailuncr ut uui then moiwrn striplanl- til that iphj along the roads at the uiutauy irirtue iirad of 10 or u inius ftij tiaur cxlist were assault- id and urcl were wrwiied lit ujje da cycluu rncounterd the mjft of hoituity that sttrrwards was v luted upon the heads of uie first mmoruta in ui sixties cam tha bone- those r which gave propulsion u tiir front wheel as well as the back llubber was not yet thought of for tires around about live lata sevvn- tua the uiiid rubber tire was inlro- d licrd nei t so the ulgh bicycle with the huge whei in front and the little one behind- ludars had to be constantly on the alert for rule and stones shied pitched theca over the tiandiebais ii was for that raasoo perhaps that the next type whic y standard today waa known as the ulrty but the bkyue did come into lu own until about iswd alien an llshman named xxmlop in vented the pneumatic tire from that dale cycling honmed lllliiom of boy and gills now driv ing cars remember the ttruls 01 owning their first bicycle and sanu ox the older riders may still rub the parts of i lie ir bodies that used ache on lh old boneahaksr the high bicycle before duniop re- volutlonlsfld the bualne wtatford ueacon- herald timely hint ity heutn u suzxyzeat e hi nc tiis tut ou bd lo uaru luo tlsrduvr patvd up bd duwo sruucj llttu- lj of iul rwi et pltkj up frou ihe ulrvjtj sar if uo rsu htiiaw hath and tuojotf apparently grnulntly alarmed by the fact that fewer straw hate are being worn this season than in any year since the first hay betaut was evolved by man manufacturers are urging wliolrsalrr and retailer to do tome thing about tt are we wit- nruing b permanent revolution against the cereal chaptaur has the uncertain weather which passed for gentle spring tills year had some thing to do with lit are more and more men and youths forsaking head- urar altogether far the duration of the good old summertime r a lit ue of each l probably the an- wrr but most serious of all to the trade is the growth of the lis ties lad at least they once coiled u a lad but unludllke it hasnt died itathrr it gains new converts each mmer now and again on of the professors conies out with aclrotio irojaon why people ihouwnt go bare lirudrd but lie altogether too obvious that he has been greased by hat mok- tr to say so in this respect al trim race man puts comfort first exchange there one ruee wav the day before yesterday a perfect ly nice lady called us up and wtth tears in her voice reproved us for not mentioning the fact that aha tad a friend staying wtth her last week we totd her she had not let us know about it then mhe said weil you should know i thought you ware running a newspaper wouldnt that rattle your slebtt borne people think that an editor ought to be b cross between argue and walter wlnchell they seem to think our five senses are augmented by a sixth that lets us know every tiling that happens even if we gee feel hear taite or smell it not dear lady editors are only human if your going away or if your husband chops hu toe instead of stick of wood if anything happens that makes you glad or sad happy or mad call ua up thats the way to get it in the paper awl ndermere a real camp jsjzr striking while tbo iron u hot la a cbaraclorlmln nf tbo wast that baa gal nod thu ailmha- tlon of the reel of iutiuda and ao there i lltllo eurprlao in thu announcement tlmt tint hoard or trade at luvvrtnoro dc has leased the buugntow camp nt beautiful lako windermere for tbls summer in anticipation of increased tourlit truffle to ho canadian bncklcu which lino luoii generally forocnut id kuropt the orient and tho united hi11u1 the camp which lu tchut taken over by mimll hut i-ilt- getlo luvermoro la ono nf lio most delljihirully uliuaiod in tfm cunadluu liockltv huill url- glually by tho cutuvhiui vmuk- hallway thlu cuui ii 1 bron mir- oiiaiully operututl fur tliu pogt several jtara aa a prlvato camp for girl- in tho centro of an ideal vucallon oiutrlrt it ui dimity roaohihl n tiiiiln iiiouiiiiiln liluh- wub i he fuiiioiiu liitnff-wlu- dormoro road luul in ll 11 11 uul altrrnatho rotito helnu through ilia iiiiiuiitiilnu from trunlirnuk tho luku uviruiiu glmiut ch ih croea in tho uniimcrvnnil in lilcal for bwlnimlnu nud lioiiilnp iv- collont trout fuliliii ran he hul tn koteral crocka nntl mm her inkiii iiuii by und tint lnko linclf imh lanillni uiii hnlnnui of inniild- pratito nlf within n ht rdu- lu hip rpllirulid lto of tlm llitiitlnu aiaoleri with tu iiut- titculnr itlarlom nil nmcuntritlin in one mitrnliip wlllt nn ico wiiil ovoral liiindrod frot iil jti which itii 11 ronlliuiiil hiiritimilon of uiuiill icoburgu lutu tbo uku tho camp la a particularly good rentro for a wbulo summer rut and oxplorutton because many are ho eldo trip that can be made by car mountainbred donls or on foot to adjacent spots of luuuty or blslorlo interest tan- in cuurui and motor launch are u ullutilo for ibe us of the mils a tboro in accommodation for i u en im in tbo camp which con- iiiib of a largo main building wlili wldo verandah and of aep- urutp itmull bungalow equipped uiih aliiclo bed stove clothe cloud 11 1 co furniture runnink witer tuui elpctrlo light a a ilnublo bothlioiuo with hot and cold ruhnlur water opntahu rat bath room lb ir uxic4 ae rkrwu jy a uu wutwa run jour boue w rootiuuvd if we utlvrly dlsrvganled syslvu lb way ou loukfrtirs do ob kseteaal what a u ll would be iu busb up yuu tuakw bs swrtoa 1stlr akoted baxb 11 jtl curt i m llvd wf always tseriug yoe hie about bias ullce catclsacy just like youuktcg eafce uo i try to git a f ulpful btata ba rtoeim ktue surveyed tke cluliced fossa uw old try lo plan but iberv was al paye sawlklia oxslb up oiw ruolj say fiuie to wio ude 1s lo b w sad ao oa- it uaed eae i lapv but baby would ckooee 00 to fuae he eeuldat read asotker avbed- ut of vek kuikw pr lugtj ta wlgaaat feetwt u ur you 11 dad year skota hi- kept bar vole bmvll was sjlll early ta ike day aed see kad a tit lo do uh bad to be ckaerful luby t utb dr fwsd bi te sip dukse to wash aad wipe kllrks to ssop babye wssfcltig ksde clsea ep ike late rcoci luock tke ssoralog ws tee skort ob well ao aeed for luncb aurtly at twslte today bee a varatloa tosk rare of that h djjot aeed lo bate a duaclual aisal ilsse two wsks esther tied ksr caet aprvo bstlly a tke urta startsd to wall fur ble weekfast twtt o clock liiub reedy v beua boealag voice woke ike baby ijtl u luo bad rv fused to stay oa ackedute tkat mornlug asd kad sisrtsd hi nap aa kour late you qtlat tk baby hi be ri fat dows to ng s eauker ealled from tbstr bedroom what i notklog ready for luaebr wby tttwltelockr auo souodsd la n berry udey dar yea know eajb naitod yao doat kave to be aaywktew at a vq wtsnal bea esploded agsla ttjj uetea kare eatker tkle artsr- aoon yew aad i are gslog to take as hour oaf sad til plan your work fur you tine you deal aeeea able to do it yoorwaif uaa lost kte tamper rum pletsly and esther boew tkat but gulf bad bee bad bui eke grew vary re sentful lunch waa a quiet aullea affair at tkree after utile ban wset to sleep oaf echedul eethar jolsed bar busbaad en lb terrace ike carried pencil and paper use voice waa soft too soft if han bad stopped to tuv luv it pot him off ble guard he kow sesy it le if you just stop to plaal be was aaytng coodesivotlr ingly i eu a nit wit could follow this scheme aod have have to rest ba il dee fbtbew smile only becase sweeter you rest bow deer she said in a concerned voice i must catch up on some tag eada ao that this schedule can go lato effect in the roruing with out a hitch im sure youll had that things will run along ae smoothly sa they do in your office hcnole wok at six u usual and rulhar fed him and put kin lato bis kiddy pea toply he prepared break fut and put her hat coat and suit case near tke front door tke alarm rang at set so hue heard ben getting up a aba slipped oat tke door wau bow did tke lime budget work mt deerr esther radiant burst into ibe kitchen at twelrsthlrty three day a later beo waa preparing canned auup the baby walled there youve awakened the baby p bea eye ware plea ding he waa a bit embarrassed not off schedule sural jt eethar appesred horrified with a gay laugh she threw hsr arms around her un happy husband borry i ran out on you sweet she cooed but i got so tired f working ao inejtlcleully i knew the baby we aafe and a long as you miild run thing ao much qifltt ebciently cut it ketbfr ben aald i couldnt work the dara thing even the first day i hsd elsie come in to do mime of the things but even at that home one called up and there were five mtnutea wanted rather aald and ura uoberts talked a half hour over lite fence white i burned tha nibblsli nosey ben confessed and there was always something him popping up wasnt flier old dear ksllier was really sorry for hwr hiishamt if you hadnt come today id have hlnsl everything done be said i was wondering if yea would well i uui too stubborn guess hen admitted i just uatitid to prove lo j on 1 hut it could he don but it couldnt vol with an infunl around fllur hyuiuithivd haulviillig into the kill lieu jimt lu time to keep uw auup from burning silas kills yea hr ilnnlnerr an those utu lenient ready t vol yet hr ilurduer im surry i iiti tnobid up from his desk kffl ilenry thats what you women ned litis voiin trailed into bu awkward ihiiif i wu your nardinr the aecre- luryu uii- was an inquiry oh iiollilng deu mumbled f easy week most anyone can be an editor au an editor hutotloutoaltathu desk six day in the week four week lu th month and twelve month in lie year and edit audi tun u thu mrs jones or lost oreee let a canopener slip last week and cut herself in the pantry josh flmlth wants to wll a good oow that trves two gallons of milk at everu mukins and lot of household and kitchen furniture raf stoatr oat lkfst throiaia ktna sad our rowd at una run aoillicaf vady and aomeuswe climb a waxy hill then wads ue by the iwtnk of umiy wu kvul fiowing rtwra or a btablm- rui al uee the road is tough and seas and atoney firrftwltrtse the stond ckoud slw in the sky a tiindj ng storas ra6we the wy so lonely while ohid uazk rmvasu vesavl and by the roada not long wtth au hi low to thmif ua the way u plain with hi dax hand to guula we nd not fear to croat the isifig tortattl with ocd the wthsr by our sii wun com at uu the aad ef lbws long journey and w lock baxk oer sil the de vious way the tou lh hsu th burrfaa wfil ui nothing if ood has un our daily strsagth and stay u a ik i hab kmoefm if i had known what trouble you what grufs were la the suaae ca your face i would haw bwo more gentle td more carta and tried to give you glidjfliaw lot b apaee i would have brought more warut into the piace if i had known if i had known what ihoughl de spairing drew you why do w never try to usder- stand i would have lent a little frlsfukhjd to you and liipped my hand slthla your hand and mad your euy more pleasant ta uie und if i had known iury oarolya davis uadkte heaku afithtf asfxlkk ttue week we saw two eights that tt us rendering one wu that of young wunan harrowing u jail ago bar broth r had become persaan enily disabled uoney wu scare accordingly this young woman took charge of the fared in dead aaraawt 8h plows ihe drives th under aha uu wood she milks bake the family bread she has a one garden and a largs flock of hew betwssa times she dors the farm luvumvofk and all that the does mhm dose antra wtil u the hoi cocmnunlty uatl- ftrs- the other sight wu that of a lady 0 years of sge holding grain bags for her husband also nearly so year of ag aa he was preliartng to sow ihe spring grain and ail three were happy albiet they felt the sharp spur of grtrn necessity not on of these worthy three were receiving urge re turns for their severe toll yet each one of these three toiler u doing his or her full ahare to sup port thousands of idle folk who re fuse to toll unless everything in oc cupation and reward is quite up to the queen a taste worse still the powers that be approve of this very thing a premium is placed on abjft- lessness kxttcr tlmeeadvocat the jersey cow oedirvale uary p owned by oedarvsle school for olrut georgetown ontario hu completed a s year old record of ojmm ubat of milk ui lb of fat with an tast of 5fc in too day who are tib uaryfxxttt who are the happleet people 00 earthf tus auestion wu asked by an english newspaper and prists were offered far the best anwr there were four prlsrwtnnlng answer a craftsman or artist whsstunf over a job well done a utile chkd building sand esvauaa a mother alter a busy day bath ing her baby a doctor who hu inti a dlf acult and danserous operatloo and saved a human life no mlulonsires among thaw one notices no kings or ettpsfona bichee and rank no matur how the world strive for them do not nuke happy live a sand cutis doe thai far bettor than m paiaoa h buld be aad day on earth if only th ft could be happy hut hanpinau 1 for everybody not for a few jfsmsfhjn liagaiins hoses and commekts prellalnary figures for ltr oom- plied by the dominion bureau of etatuttcs indicate that the produouon of chemical and allied product in that year wu valued at wwbeeoh at factory prices this u an triers of ist per cent above the 1043 valiw and ids per cent above the iftjj figure fh improvement tn ibm wu quite general with sil industrie participat ing except soap and cleaning prep arations canadas coal produetlan in april reached a total of u1m1 ton u oompared with ai3ti in april 1sn and the b07430 average for the mon th during the put are year canada exported ijaw tons of coal ta april a 14 4 per cent over the average for the month during the put five mar the continuance of vt re covery during the early months of the present year was fully dsanon- stratod by the gain of about nine par cent in the business index of lb bureau of bfilstkt the avejwgs standing in the first four tflonth of iku wu 077 against b07 in the same period of but year tha gain of about nine per cent rrpreaenu the aooekra- uon in business operation over on year ago a canadas newsprint industry aoeel- eratod orratlong tn april the output being skxsta ton agslntt rttoafts in search s the output of 303 leather ftotwaar aavetorie during the month of apjl reached a total of 302ott pair uus total being exoeeded only twice in tha 11 five years via tn august and ptember of 1013 the april produc tion shows an increase over the pre ceding month of 8764 patre andan increase over april 10m7 of ktjjru palrx production from tha aufunhi tnanihsuuruig industry during 144 wu valued at ltdlsj4el wbkh was 18 per cent over the 1mj figure and the highest value reported sine ltao th total wpretenu the factory sail ing value of all motor ears and past made tor aale in canada and for tot- port by automobile msnifsviturins and assembling plants in canada and al io the amyuni received for custom and repair work in the

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