Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 10, 1935, p. 2

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fb2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening july i oth i93s buy the best tea salada jure food store 24 e bag stber mom pisbyrto 59c 98 lb bag golden west canadian hard wheat flour t2j 3 lb evaporated apples 28e 12 or bottle pure malt oder or spirit vinegar 10c white rote health bran per bag 18c 2 bottlei symington finest quality essence of coffee 29c 2 lb tin falcon brand pure cocoa 29c junket ice cream mix strawberry maple choco late or vanilla pltg 10c 2 lb honey bar biscuits he 2 lb jelly jumble biscuits 2c 2 x i lb bagt soda biscuits 2e fresh bojogna in piece per lb 12ve fresh boiled ham per lb 4ac 2 pla- princeu soap flaxes htc 3 cakes palmolive touet soap 14c lelya hard water soap per cave he ganjiuta slock of china and glttawafe choice fresh fruit and vegetables ae raoncti farnell weeeuvm round trip rail travel bargains r- georgetown friday july 19 chicago t saturday july 2 a raw wmflw3lss ftwrmja wimwias windsor 4e detroit 48 tawav lw fan feaa j lali cwj iui wjiwlf b fawffff canadian national ua ca ma0 raaaa- dtzd ksfhedyin toronto general hos pital on wediuedat july ird lue william cyrua knnsdy beloved hiisband of prance ruludge la hu ttth year latcyarulnrcta july after a lingering third daughter of the let wiuuun and rebecca ucparun of karval out beloved sister of lira search un hughson of toronto un gar den of btratf ord vtm and john of winnipeg lauratetu it inilcrwsi oametary kami thursday tomorrow j at mb pjn standard time obituary oavid aimuue afur in 111nr of unrtl yut dur ation david outhru cpjt engineer died in sulbarund sssil on thurs day lest deosassd wu a un of tb late ut and ura jsmse outhrta of oetrgeiown and ba spent hli boyhood daja hsr um wu on of the atar player of iba old aatna lscross club of georgetown twice taurmedi ala lr and on of t popular young uuj of our town as a young man ha lift bar to accept a position on the opjl and waa a valuad sm- ploya of that company until taken ul a few years ego beside hit wlfa and family ba la aurvlad by three bfottaantedwuvs outhru chief in spector oeorge outhrta and inspector nat outhrta of tba toronto police department and thraa sister ure waltara of toronto ura beaauy of nelviue suk and ura strong ub ut outhru death u deeply regrett ad by many old friend and former assodafs tn oeorgetown and they estand their sympathy to the bereav ed family william cvkus kknkkdv after a abort luneu wuuam oyma kaanedy passed away it toronto oeoaral hospital on wednesday july ttd deoaaaed the ldet ion of lb lau oeora kennedy and grand- eon of oeorge kennedy founder of oeorgetown lie waa in hu tlth year and a ufalong realdent of oeorge- town baatdee hla wife be u eurvtvad by two tuugntara ura albert toet and ura john wuon of oeargetown two naif autara and two halfbrothera ura 0 woodall of wlanlpeg uan ura o e oouttt olerattiolu a1u ur oeorga heartweu ortmaby on tario and air emery ileartwau khiu- burg pa lir kennedy waa a devoted huwand and loving father whoas un timely death u not only mourned by hla family but by hu many frtends in town ana throughout the community the funeral aervlce on saturday af ternoon at the home of hu daughter ura a toet queen bl wu conduct ed by the rev ur thompaon of bt oeowe anglican ohuhh th pall- baareni were ueure albert toat jr harold toat earl uoorelght john wtlaonatrnait vorgrave and robert mtteraoi interment took place lu oreenwood cemetery there were many beautiful floral trtbutoa from relative and friend w j oausbon mux the many local friend of wuuam jauea oamerou bell learned with daao regret of hi audden and untime ly death in toronto on tueaday of lut week although he had not been la good health for some time it was not untlu a few weeks ago that hli condition beoame serious cam as he was known to all his friends here was a son of un n o bll and the lata w a bell brampton and was bom in oeorgetown iwyean ago lie attended oaorgetown public and iugh behools and spent his boyhood day here after graduating ha was em ployed as bookkeeper in creelmani u4- later working in brampton for bout tare year fmr tbg past aui yaars he ha ratldad tn toronto where he wu employed at the ltja rubber qompany plane sire rears ago be tnarrud ulu uay gundy of toronto who with one son uanln eurvttm 1lu mother one euler ura luny lavuon brampton and a brotber amn of lulwvuu auo ieoaln to ftiptfi to mourn if lea ur kfall was a fcifi and devoted buiaband and fethar who will be greatly muaad tn the home and by thota who knew kim but the high cateem in which te wa held wa borne out by the many and beautiful norm tribute the funeral waa held on thursday july 4th from hi uti bom t jluelbrae ave toronto when etrvtoee conducted by rev ur avlson of ulsn park united church toronto autst- ad by rev ur 8opr of fit- pauls united church brampton the pall bearer were ueatra gordon iwen oeorge uatbere jerry jerritt clar ence king harry lelton charue roger interment was made tn park lawn cemetery georgetown band again win honors at waterloo lome rm scottish win daw b orw haaorw and newmaxtet joe wilcof win sunr medal frank carter alao winner given reception on returrnna home saturday nibt in il xmotdd purpobe of band de- viopbartu and band the utt wavtrctoo band ktatlvai baud ut baatuniay auaued la athurarrit ud iiif tub of the thre pfwlou utivij bbicb have aw a fttandiud tar 0ntdln bind activity ttu waj muvii lb fourth l0 ftvct hild foaf bandeaaafd had wat lovf alike lhkkasbout tbe provtnee had front more duiant polnla ibowl bwkre lotrf t lhan any of tbe prwt- aat odit htwu uuod tbe wtuloo uujcal sloeuy o v thule duwtor of uj wilm liand oapt onuue oryuui of qb ttaidt ad- ldicator toother with otbar mad cun and cluaoa bo aulaied while the crcd j not aaual to the urge nuiabr wbicii jsmnvd the ground uu yar u a uckiuy ufae drplla the rain of later liter- noon yaatimai arally place the uundence at ujboo or ijaml tnlylhje band took part in the day ucuitua prtulpaling tn the frrtdlag parrtormance rtufb fcux our oajjuuoia gmtpwl for mifcd band and nve ga artuu tilpd by ux bmitb txrwlq of itoaton wt a new etajuiard for a glort ou latoo prtagrau tuimasad by a march pact and a kptaeular are- work dupuy which todad tn a heavy barrage tbe lome riflae tscolluh band of 0offctoati rtaind llair high stan- djd of prwtouj rujj iftj and lj gfet honor to thamtalvee and to tbe town when they cured on puxe to cuae or cqntuuoa e ltan- over and kvwmariuat band tne point wre u follow aaorgattown tbe band wa under the vry able a it w- dnctk of mandmalt tott tbe etlu of oaaorvvtown are very proud of their bnd which wms rl- cuookj by the urve crowd of nerty 1500 popu who wauud to gibe thwai a welcome when tbry nrtunud borne on saturday night a hue bonfire wu built and h- harold cuaw in tba abwivw of uyor olbbotu undartwd the eoagr tuution of tbe town to tbe boj iiru1friatr wnotr lbn thfikal all tur tbe lalmwat abown in the bmnd and uur fondurtad the band through lbil ua pic tne talianlan wben one cotuider that this com- puuon u opo to town with a popu- utlon up to lijjm popu oaro lowtj have good rwuooe to be proud of t ttal fjjflnl in the aolo vht u krfv joe wucoa of ovoffvlowti woo the all bwdal in the oomet cftrttait for boe undar the age of he alo came aeeood ooke chappal of torooto tn tbe i ii clue out of a grou j lor the iso boy a plaxa in the cornet duet group of toy auo l boy are puplla of ui a j lockauy of torotuo prank carter alio of oofgetown came fed in a clau of is boje under is years of age or clutn aolotu prank u a pupj of evn a it prrrott and wa jwhnpahtew tn the oonuavt on ihe puno by ur j young of ovoflivtowtl congruuuuon are to order for thaw tso wry young auaiflina the hand appreciate the aupport given ulhb by th clluauu of tbe town alw the lcome hoa on dif- frnt ofwiaon in order to abow their appreciation a concert will be given tomorrow night tn the park to which evwyone u invited william okay wuuam oray one of orangevlue elderly cltlsens and for many year a fanner in amaranth township paued away at hi home on john bl on sunday june aird in hu um year although he had far outlived the al lotted tpan of life ui oray waa in exoeuent health up to the time of hi demise and had vtiited hi son in oeorgetown and hu daughur tn to ronto only a fw day before the last ummona came- lie expired sudden ly while seated at tbe tea table tr rua home bora on lot 4 kth line amaranth daoeaied wu a eon of ur and ura robert oray who settled on and cleared thu farm property which u atill in the poieeeilan of the family he lived and farmed here until fit- teen years ago when he retired and ounslaorangevlue lluloutemoura- ed by hu wife formerly uary trtbbu to whom he waa married fortyavo years ago one son walur il man ager of the baronaton perm oeorge town and a daughter ura ruatell bradley of toronto 1u u also sur vived by a brother robert oray of amaranth and three sitter tin hiram btlruon orangevlue ura jaroe uaharw and ura jama dob- son case city ulchlgan the late ur oray wu a quiet reserved man honorable in hu dealing and a ttrat class neighbor pormerly a member of laurel uethodlit church he had been identified with pint avenue united church since coming to or- angevilu 1u wu a liberal in poli tic and a staunch umperanoe man there wu a large attendance at the funeral which was held to iaeurel cemetery on tuesday afternoon june uth private service wu held in the home and wu followed by a publio service in the laurel united church rev j o johnston of berkeley unit ed church toronto omcuted and wu aselslad by rev o p uotntosh orangevlue the pallbearers were sut nephews uesars bert trlbble jamas tribute vernon oray william attn- aon alfred and louis uaharg the flowerbearers were ueatra ilarry sttnson oeo tibbie bert and jack english chas trlbble bill langtraei oeorge langtree and loiter oray orangevlue banner the aympathy of the community u extended to ur walter oray in his sad bereavement esqueasinc council blewaruoen july a lau- tte oft h r their regular aaoa- ruin r unrutijl puiy reeve la i uninn councillor u w uurray h a ilobinsoa and w a wilton re pre ten t tueve ueorge cum prulded at the meeting the mlnnttf of last bieellng were had and conflrmed nnwmintfjiiflm ar read from bali tlpnane co pred uorrison umirstm sackabb lettar bhop and tkxppiy oonlpany and fieorg r1h- oil uovad by u la- uullin seconded by w a wluan that the treasurer pay the rluf account u presented by the itauaf omcer giu4t-oajtid- uoved by o w uurray u oy h a uoblruon that the traasurer pay j uanford 1 book of reoaipts si 3 a publio uuiuiee rvynfi crscent atreet lighu guoo uydro ciectno power oomm brampton at f f hif lift si uuard of uydro oomm oeorgatown ureat tlghu at oun wullams loxoo iuu taupnone ox 01 01 1 ull tl totaj aae ool d if c uason ihnniing dog in act of worryti sheep isno oeorge at soliott re adveitiamg tn oasetts gllaov carried uoved by h a rohlnton aaoonrted by w a wluon that the treasurer pay tbe road sheets as preaented by ihe road uupsrlntendeni stw47 carrtad uoved by o w uurray by n a robinson that leave be granted to introduce a fayuv to ap point pio vuwars for the town ship of eujuealng and that said by- ub be now read a first time- carried uoved by 1 lv uullin seconded by w a wluon that byuw no atg to appoint pence viewer tor the town- snip of euiufiiing having been read a hrst time be now read a seoond and third lima and imaed nr th fiig ruled in u fouoas ward 1 alexander lawson ward s robert cunningham ward 3 henry wluon ward john p robertson ward 6 t il cook ward a clarence anderson and that the corporate seal be attstcbed there to carried uoved by n a robinson seconded by o w uurray that the treasurer pay sheep claim ool d il o ua son i sheep killed by dogs 11000 1 sheep killed by dogs s40jj0 1 rogiater- ed ram killed by dogs 11500 a sheep injured by dogs 1400 total uw c undssy valuator 4 trip lano w il luid 1 sbsep killed by dogs isoo 1 sheep injured by dogs 1x00 ft sbsep killed by dogs att00 j aheep injured by dogs riu total ms 00 k c lindsay valuator a trips aioo ollten st bon 4 sheep killed by dogs 13300 i aheep injured by dogs 1im total u300 a n stark valu ator 3 trips asjo pred j brown 1 sheep killed by dogs as 00 a sheep killed by dogs gisno total 13100 a n utark valuator uoo csttbd uoved by w a wilson seconded by i l uullin that the treasurer r board of health account dr wuuam night call and telephone to toronto general hospital gvoo carried uoved by n a robinson thlftd by o w uurray that uu council do now adjourn to msec uonday au gust 13th at 7j0 pjn or at the call of the reeve carried high school entrance results the following candidate writing at oeo were suocwstful in the re cent high school kntranae snamlna- lion wuuam oeorge auaanaf hon wlnslow htaimlih uudred oampbau thosj kdward bruoe oounan boa- soaie dwhuit jean kslbarloe dick than lcveiyn has duncan ross ansood oajbutt agnse oubawt uargaret ouiewt truannr orahsm ifva oertrude lurdlng luuo haitfofd hon oordon hilts uargaret jamas wilfred johnson prcy king hugh leslie uargeivt christine leaue uarton i leus uargaret loutka a ww if mitakajk uooauley itslen agnse uefwditb outs joy kuddeu than joan fshartlu- uargaret k emathurat john atuwood suow rafj are tie kf honj uutb wiulamson tnon ilelsn o zimmerman the fottowtng candtdstee to try tbalr eismlnatlone through ul- nesa were awarded cmattncataw on their years work elmer burt and clwu edge uarkj are being mailed to unsuc cessful canrtidsts any appeal for rereading of papers must be in the hand of the oecretary zrispeolor j u denyee uuton not utsr than august aoth aooompanled by an appeal fee of 3od l uadc to dl p h wataoh womens institute the july meeting of the women institute wu held at ihe home of ura a smith john bt after the business part of the meeting had been flnlabed the ladles adjourned to the lawn where games were played and eon teats held a presentation wu made to ura wm anderson umslatlng of ft beauti ful fern and fernery sera anderson has taken a vty active nut in the institute work and will ml by all greatly georgetown win two out of three lames in pat week in a trt oouity league baseball future in the park here lut thurs day night oeorgetown defeated acton by a score of 3 to 1 thu wu the locals ant win from acton and it was a hectic atruggle from start to flrush but the locau were able to pull through with a two run lead uar ton pitched for acton and put wal ters for oeorgetown pal u pitch ing great ball and had wonderful sup port from both inheld and outfuid on saturday last oeorgetown jour neyed to brampton to play a schedul ed game there and were sucoeasful in taking the hnmesuirs by a score of 11 to 3 walura was again the winn ing pitcher and made the brampton team struggle to get on the scoring sheet at all all players turned tn some wonderful fielding and ward of oeorgetown was the star of the game getting 3 triples and 3 doubles which also puu him about first place in the batting average of the entire league lut night the locals weakened trifle and tasted defeat from bramp ton in the park here this u the first tune brampton have been able to take a win out of oeorgetown true season they played real good ball and were on their toes all through the game while oeorgetown played good ball they were at times quite loose in some of their plays which had a bearing on the game bramp ton came from behind to make a wonderful finish and win the game to 4 there are two more games here ttt week ouelph comes here on thursday night and brampton is here again on saturday at the regular midweek meeting of the baptut church held last thurs day evening the rev b o ptnnock puid secretary of the upper canada blue socuty wu present and near the close of the meeting presented dr p it watson on behalf of the head ofnot of the society ft life mem berahlp certificate for long and faith ful service with the society dr wu son ha been 33 years secretarytreas urer of the local branch and so at tains ha suver jubilee in thu silver jubilee year ur ihnnock and ur oodfrey chair man of the local branch spoke very highly of the work done by dr wat son in the inurest of the society rav ur lcaur alio nnmrnendlng the long service rev ur ptnnock gave a splendid address during the meet ing afeuokiai window unvkiued at oabvuxs an impressive ceremony took place sunday morning tn st judea anglican church when a memorial window wu unveiled tn memory of the late oeorge llillmer farmer ujjf for helton exusyor of oikvllw and county registrar at the time of hu death the window e gift of hu family repressnu the oood samarl tan and bean th text laove th brotherhood it u placed beside the memorial window to hu ut wife pauline the dedication ceremony was held on the lawn outside the church and wu attended by repre sentative of the loyal orange lodge the loyal true blue associations from various parts of the county and the oddfellow the memorial wu unveiled by the right rev l w a droughali of hamilton bishop of mugara the service wu conducted by the bishop canon d russell smith rector of st judea rev o il p orout and rev j a u bell of appleby school pmeooer fie ores well mskoajmll allowed to leave hi cll ea tom- pitig j tt roasted to tusth by lbhvt- prwd ujrtt 33 of pu- ton steeped from uiuon jail bundav afternoon by scaling a sofoot wall and u still at lara bbot tbrouab tbe leg during a gun fight with police aiur be bd sileaed- ly eturtpud to rob tbe scrvlc stsiaon of wilfred ormd near tanwy on tuturdsy uystt was belwved to be tertouaiy woundad when brouabt to uilion- nmfjkjf badly and pawtsnd- ing to be ul uyatt wu ecuied fiom hi all to the jail yard for air a tr hilftuue uur he wu mld and the alarm wu rald ttarcb partis were immedlauly organiawd and searched tbe country side for a radius of un mlk with out ming a trace of the fugitive tti man wu a jumping fron tbe wall about 2 pu by ivo passing motorists an mveaolgalloa rwealcd that uyau had climbed up the ban on the hrt and econd etofvy win dows and catching the swwtrough swung along u hand owr hand until la rachsd the top of the jail wall aulo wei foe- 1633 ww oat dull black urenaix uauxmmb ttflno wadk ay guklpwj slkposthatostv oloay white uun ou nithu lu tbu u wu learned uonday will be the ontario automubu marker fofiibifiatloa for law at ouelph re formatory many thouiand of tbe puts have already bea turned out and the tint samples have rvachsd queens park tne buthoiiuse are quit proud of tbe new combination they figure that tbe gloasy white on the dull black will prvsent a duuncuve appearance and vwl readily catch the eye of lrliac ovr heat years plates wul have holes punched in the bottom of tbe marker u wu u the top itus u dasignsd to fit the pute on the licuhodr attached to some of tbe new modal cars the t rnavse the piste utile wtdr from top to bottom and the name of the province u brought to be foot of the marker marshall reunion the suth finrmial reunion of t usnahau family was hsld on july 1st at the cabin on the farm of ur thos aiathai comer of the ouelpb road and the seveatb line ktrtn there were about fiftyttve tn attendance bvluding dstrendanfs from oeorge- town acton stria nw toronto to ronto itamilton orton chicago and limebouse those vowin tbe long sat distance were ur anj ura uar brt uirshsll helen and ur and ura howard of chicago after tbe usual greetings were over lmae and raose were enjoyed not sst of which were ball tame tn the sitsmoon and evening about all oclock the gathering sat down to bountiful supper provided fay the luncheon oommltue th evening was spent in dancing xt9 ameers start sd for the m year were prwudsnt ur clifford e m kew toronto secretary ura c e uirahall kew toronto assistant eserwtary ur oordon uirmll erin and ur ralph uar- shall toronto lunch committee ura e oheyne orton ura lloyd uarshau krln bporu committee ur lloyd usr- shsxl erin uus charlotte acton ur wubsh erin ur wm uarshau toronto uaseball oame in the park to morrow night oueipu va ooorgelowit money pipe band news at the regular weekly msetlng of th oeorgetown pipe band thursday july 4th it wu unanimously decided by those present to hold field day and celebration annually on domin ion day this wu suggested on the strength of the suooau of the initial event of the put july ut the pipe band wish to thank its many supporters through this column for their hearty cooperation through attendance on june aoth and july 1st deep thanks u voted to the various business enurprttea who donated prise vis j p held oeorgetown wm king oeorgetown scale a roberts tobaooonlsta toronto jax kirk oo tottsooonlsts lumuton nellsons ltd toronto and w u held tobaooonist toronto whue the oeorgetown pipe band sought to present a holiday with en tertainment for everyone they also sought to create a feeling of good will and friendship amongst tthe towns people and with uus goal reached greater july 1st is promised for lug the way to better butineu is to seek it newspaper advertising reach es the most people tot tbe least wee sh1suxv tvjeyle ualf ideal kole cefttare with ejasut bairyuaee pigftur imibf tk lru oesaaul that bundle of screen magic five- yearold shirley temple will soon be t u and nehjtulng her army of local raovu fans in a new picture re port from other cities indicate that b the lltue oolonal pox pum ha given her an ideal vahlcte for her acting singing and dancing talents- it will come to the orsgory theatre oeorgetown on saturday neat july 13th she cosurs with lionel barrymor tn thu popular story of southern pre judices adapted from annu piuows johnstons series of lltue oolonsl stories which were the favorite read ing of million a generation back and whose appeal u perennial the lltue oolonel u the story of a kentucky bsue who marries a yan kee against her fathers wishes and u promptly disowned by the proud old aristocrat who u still living tn the days of the civil war barrymore u the obdurate southern aristocrat bhlruy tempu plays th cameo col onsl whose dancing feet smiling eyes and honeycolored euru make m withering attack on the heart of th stem rebel in keeping with the importance of thu picture technicolor graces part of true de sylvia production the real shirley u she really looks u seen for the first time by her following of movu fans dont miss uus wonderful picture it the gregory on saturday balunafap the annual sunday school picnlo wu held at pemdale park saturday afternoon june 30th it wu an ideal day and everyone enjoyed the pro gramme of sports arranged by the committee after which all did jusi to the picnlo supper we are sorry to hear of the illness of uus bessu bennu and au join in wishing her a speedy recovery uus jessu uckay uft on wednes day for a motor trip through the maritime provinces- there wu a large attendance of both uelvlue and bajilnafad eon- gregtlons at the induction of rav a o w poreman to the united church here rev j totten of preelton con ducted the worship service rev p o n atkinson of cariuie the induc tion service and rev o i stephen son of limehousa gave the charge to the minuter and congregation pol- lowing the service all were invited to the church hau where nfreshmanu were served and a social time wu enjoyed by all the monthly meeting of the ilappy helpers uission band wu held sat urday afternoon july 6th tn ttie church there were eleven present and the roll call wu answerd by a verse of scripture containing tbe thought of healing ur p w 8hor- tlu who has succeeded ura altken u tl special weekend prices at svnta trextal hale wbti awmw creamery bolter jf3 22c lb kings skxilde roat el prime beef iscav csaraaicr short rib roast 17c kv likf ml ulb brisket and wale bolting m lie ik prime ribs of beef m j sjj uuiil 23c k pot roasts ol beef 18c b trtcul mix choice roasls veal 1 1 7eib stewing veal 2 it 23c swt picutd cottage rolls 23c st fuiu ualt-ru- qoiii fresh bologna ua- 2 lb 259c exrb4 aretial hle uii ruiua red rose tea tat 27c arcctll iaik pineapple 2 una 29e pea soup 3 urg una ie pork and beans 2 for 28c classic cleanser 6c each uautv uoavra braauaat cup cotfe i it fitf 28c lb pt 18c rtu iur jellv powders pba 25c phone 27 wm king y hilaaiailiila1k1aiaailaiaila1aiaaaa1a1a1i taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai georgetown pharmacy ltd iaaa aava aaal w e are proud to announce our afflliilion with the indatmadaat drugtiata aluanu which aoahua ua to aupply your drug nacda at pricaa kpreaeaiing trua value you will find ua always at your aervica with iwrntrliatn courtcoua atteo- tion and real pcraonal intanat we iolicit your continued patrooage and aupport specials lor wednesday thursday friday sod saturday vacuum bottles 24c kleenex 2 lor 28c face fiib 300 in box 21c powder puffs 8c wash cloths 8c lifebuoy soap 3 for 18c lux soap s for 28c infants delight soap 2 for 8c princess soap flakes kotex lda milk magnesia 1dasal tablets 100 for lda mineral oil lda shaving cream namel tooth paste addis tooth brushes zambuk ointment 18c jsc 48c 89c 28c 28c 28c 28c 2 for 23c extra special the fint fifty rolla of films left at our store for aunermlevelopittg and printing will be done free of charge films left before 10 pra at night back next day at 3 pjta a coloured and framed enlargement this weefc only 49e see our hsndhhs for a complete list of specials georgetown pharmacy ltd georgetown phone 232 we deliver mmmmm church news seribaare tal fllinl be the leim gad the gad ef luwsl who only deetb weairewe ullage and suaaei be bl gteitsae name ferevert asul ut ike waste earth be ruud with hie pa wi fa luperlntendent wu present and gave ft alk on xndla others taking part were pearl uoenery and joanna shorv till the mite box were handed hi it being the half year meeting it wu decided to hold the obmblned baby band and uission band picnlo the second week in august jught the piru time teaoheinow can any boy me a sentence iulntf the wortf mia- demt pupu people who drive carelessly across railway truck diadem eight quicker than those who atop look and wan bt oeerge charcb rev w a a trtompson rector pourth bujvday af ter trinity holy communion 8 xa sunday school 10 am uatins u ana evensong 1 pjn bl alsans cfaanh oun wullaua pourth sunday after trinity holy communion 030 am sunday school 10 jo am baptist chart subject for sunday july 14th oreen pastures rsv o it easter pastor knes pitwabytetuii cbarel sunday july uth sunday school and blue classes at 10 ana tne rev o o lamont bonar presbyuerian church toronto wul conduct publio worship at 11 am and 1 pm organ- ut plorence paul atoil ilkuaama preebyutua chmreb bunday july lath sunday school at 1j0 pm standard time at 330 pan atandard time the church service will be conducted by rev o o la ment bonar presbyterian church to ronto llmebswse united chareli rev o x stephenson ba uinl- ster sunday school at 1030 tun d bt worslilp service 1130 am dat oleu wuuaub united church rev o i stephenson bjt mini ster sunday school 1030 am dbt worship service t30 pm dht uttlted church the womans uualormry boolely will have charge at the service in the church next sunday morning gphcoryi theatre friday july 12 the mighty barnum all lb uullu of a ctaeu unlaa wallw bairy charlie chase comedy chases of pimple street fox news saturday july 13 the little colonel eoiurrln fuiuuy tw aaj umul bairriaar cartoons robber kitten and calico dragon oddity donkey baseball ifsllhm st 1 plbs tuesday and wednesday july 16 and 17 princess ohara kurvihf jmu pariur ut u sbl comedy object not matrimony oddity sporting nuts couinoi u barlui si o anlar wuj aatua unllad auu itohhs aunaroy ntumad mis honary at mala will ba ttia snust sealur i watch our windovv i won wiaaay ick ckkam arecmufaup oommowsi this week double dip chocolate soda 10c longs conlecllon

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