the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 17th 1935 warm wcalhcr ad holiday apparel brills again jed in a choke array ot sooner and sports apparel style end price lo ui every ridividul sad pune d tle following line ladies and childrens sldit sladu sweat sblru spoh bleu fk hu cvp hau whit shoe anue so shoh ho short sutuuu bilking sub delicious porterhouse i r roasts i wlut rwj nil rrrl kosu 22c lb prune rib roasts fresh pork shoulders picnic ttyle g lb stewing lamb 2 25c front quarters of lamb 15 lb new cabbage g each new potatoes 6 quart basket 15g new carrots 3 bunch for fj rumuott shortening 2 25c rjiilma 8m4 ulua 41 jir pickles 29e falcon i ilk ua fhng powder 19c qutcn or louau ik ur flour s9 dictatobt ik ui flour 22c qtiaira muffets 2 for 19c we sell for cash phone f di fltf we 28w va duliv deliver watch our window woe weekly ice mum ahtclalg ami ookthowomibir chocolate marsbmallow snadae iqe longs conlcctloncry ksotl mew eas bi makeup sv these dagoelt ramsdoll cioationi make it possible for you to acconlualo the natural boauly of yo ji type thoir uio constitute the por- focl makeup kbfta face powder felmlu pifumd oiij iiltcolly imm lo bld dm4dly with vow own natural colow w 10 perfect rouge 1111 nullum kiiptwfy 00 pepfectliktick1iohjium roipbwty tmi perfect eveorow pencil black end bfowm perfect eve shadow bfu atv aw bw yg 0 couull ias paiittt 6 ramttltu btauly sptcbllil in altmiauc at our laiut f mjj tomtit perfect skin tonic cloui ik pori uimuiol clfculalloji i mov i1cuiv oil 10 y perfect finishing lotion rack1 end nalimll 100 perfect liouefyino cream lo itmovt make up and lo claenio m 100 tm perfect cold cream soap soolmna end baiuflclol per cal h robbs drug store phono 76 the ruadl store geoftotown mens and boys funnel trouseri sweater sport so sport sh bilking suit sport hau etc d brill co comer of mu1 and msia st phone 107 georgetown local news hw tw civic bolkuy sacaxlay atgut 8 no uoubl kmtpbjtf wars the day itaw you und hw booattr ticket tfc crop la this itric or fas mra ileal fiil royal bsufc lxtb derry dy a eoauduauy spirit u than th ooldcn fcul a good naoluudu for tnry day im going to beat ywurdsyr ctaujio vcluntmr lriidais 0i- vauoo u puuia jjj 2tid lo uh acton hw pjnnm lbrt u4 u iw lm civic ilolkuy tn uir u u to rworts a on th ciuttir you hfcw to b tt jt vuj tuoa u uai to uoir oid so tad olrti itkiiokki id vfcwl am imiiihuy and ft tvbue ttiue ublroy ltand uio thy bo u lefd vou ar ncud to do your ufc in uf louy juu a littw utur ulu you did u urujf wbu u you ilcj to do li you cin no louitr do fctiu you tu w uiok til ulq t3 bav tkiid uutr ucrtjtti3i tlorui it put dt tlj lcytl tapitnc luatl tuld a plcxuc u ul peutt uu tttujs- diy fcjurtukiii u you ftnt u uvi to hop- pifi rd tut fcdftxiuaf fjinf c itcjy coj4 cfiajch oqtiatm tiuuu un olda juum la orto- br of uui yr wu u bot juwi tar you um stukr buy a booxf uck4 uus bilf tb iumu cub your vjuitu prtm gttcn s7 ifi dooi blua ini lli blu u at tha 0o7 tbmtn 00 ttitw- day tuitil fetarruidi wlu uon u you uw any tusj 0 gural lotftf4t for rurjtrtftfl call ui pfcisj no th annual ptm of hamw county junion u bftnjf tald at bun try part erin loday w ar tutinj pluuy oi rain thu mir pouiom art ririd to b rottfolnx in oai puei oh your aiiut roia t ft tud co at oooki dajjy cwju ur quart hrtn your conulmra kj when ottted about a puoi to pajtt 00 saturday nigbl think oi hoali h finally taadi a ruuxy uiul tnf it u not u that all our apar caiii thould b aptot durtnf vaeauon ftk kood and fufl will b nudut in tha winur trtorth a thort vhua ao w rt proudt- toi about tha art that maaw aj to ik coailn in nov a- euii u hadnt eoai so suddwly 0wthon oranmbao and tvu blue lcdgm nwbratad tb aonlvanary 0 tha baui of tha tfoyna at oakvtlla 00 friday latt an tschaofi aayti it may touth on tha canary ta b but its for tha hnnni who llataa to not that tha mm tinea r1ifiri fala hbh uona orn ood im to cxarclit nil- gtoo u whan tha raluattnn pjau u pauad around it lmt fur to asoael tha alnnm to do au tha paytnjj both hrrw and baraaftar tha council thould tafca aoma ac tion in regard to tha road 00 john street tua holaa to tha roadway ar umhla and much in naad of tha gradar or a food ooat of craval a larga numb attaodad tha band oonoart in tha nark on thursdaj avanlhg- lut and tha profraea of muilo aupnlud hy tha lorn kiflaa 6ootuah waa lhorounly aajoyad ur doc u no loacar vrtnkud and vomad sha tuaa onas corn and craw bunion safe at uaeoar- mjuki and hobbl dnv atorai navar in tha htitory of ptnacfitt cmp norral haa anthualass and la- taraat aiomdad that biinf ifrtlm thaw at pnunt by tha u alria ao- nllad from all potnta in pu and naarby eountua bam danea m ba bald at tha lout of frank patch lot fch una waat chlnjf on vrtday cvanlnff july lkh undar tha auaptoa of twt ootu junior xnttltuta fumiay v chafetra atbnualon 14o plua ui u iaidnf apaca la at a pwmlua go ualn atraat and atraau laadlns to it on saturday nlfhta blf crowd icaap tha itnraa but and butlnata ta raportad to b btttar than latt yaar i scotch tnliua grovtnc in tha gardan of j r ullla wilton haj raachad tha beliht of alht fact als inchaa and oontlnuaa to thxlv tha plant haa a aprcad of mora than thraa fat a fardan party urular tha aut- nloaa of tha woinana boelaty of tha bantlat ohiikh will ba hald u tha noma of tha ulaiaa laird ohaxui at on tuaaday july 2trd at pja a ood program vtll ba prwldad khwy ona eordully imltad tha annual ihihktni of tha oaortatown ladlw tibaral club will ba hald at tha puhllo library on thuratuy july lath at mo tun tba nuaunf vul bt addreaiad by uutbaa claaw liberal oandldata and tboa uliltwlofk ujp u jyunaral aaryloea war hald mon day aftamoon for william o black- lock vtoapraldant of iralton akrl- cultural 8odty and a pait maaur of both tha oampbtuula uaaonio and oranoa lodfaa who dlad ifrtday in hla slat year a llalang ratdnt of tha county clutching a ttv wtra earrytng 4000 volia as ha waa climbing a tr oordon rtobla fkreetavut aunvred aavsen bums and brulaaa falling to tha ground atunnad aftar raulvlng fine aid ha waa taken home whera hla condition la raportad aa fair tha federal election 1 alatad for september and a hot oontaat u aa- aurad with liberal and conaerva- tlvo candkulaa already aeledted cor lulton and tha ooj and veteran contemplating putting a candidate in the field tha big cjuaetton u who will ba the btawna party candidate a baker adveruiad for help thus wanted a young man to aaatit bak er uuat be well bred can loaf two daye a week and get hla dough on saturday night or every night u ha inveada it churgetown has one more drug store this week making three in bual nau here my jack lurhaon has opened a store in the bailey block under georgetown pharmacy limited wltb three stows the town should be able to get almott anything in tha drug store una mr a e oummlna of swanaea writes the herald has been a source of much enjoyment for more than twenty yean we wish tt and youneir tnany more years of hapnl nau and prosperity and a growing influence for good tn tha community which you serve and now just as soon u tha country begins to look a little more prosperous with bumper crops liber als conservatives oay ana the stevens reoonstrtictlon party all want it pcrsona15 um a lsmou kpvtt tha wtek tax in mi dr and lit tt oouop era bolidy- log at ouaa uum nimhh cvtim u boudayua- with f rimda at outotd mr and ui anau kwty im hou- daying at umrmtoa iuzujmly b holldayta at owu lake burt jrklta uua xtomlfa bfwd of whitby u vuiting at lar bona bo ui j a wluousnby uft uu wk for a hohday tn tind ui itaraid bill of uuliion has a kid viator tn town ui jic wilkii of cajapbillfaid l ccildaymg at hi bak bard ur j w pmuy cj iwoquj u tpiuidg a lw days fctth uia ltr- un im w 11 ormhau of twtrcu vujtfci with uw aw o beou ua laus audrey orliw u timhag bar luuoay vuu tha h1j ouacy to iwomo ui and mrs w u watun l tj-r- j a uciur a holidaying in 65th anniversciry and reunion at ashgrove public school forates tnafrwra pupil ajj fviaoda tvom fas knj tiff met oct saiurjay aftermxxs lo renew acquuntlteei mr atjs ui ctuy hjunady hi leturuad tcna aju a iwukuy uuwhul ura it- mcullouah apml lut v vtuung in mioico wuh ui a4 ura a vv4ur ui and ufa 9 sury and mrs iinninjnany r vuiung with in au irvtnda on sunday lr and mrs david barclay and uiu iwlu 0 uuilijn vukad mu aggti u uoou during the waak of and mra itarud luim4 and bat oi lrungioo feuutuckay vullad unit aunt uue ajtsu scott uat son- day j j oik starrum pauad uh honours atcm tuud- tntttotu at tha toronto nmrvaiory of muuc mia k- orydala uxs bmty dr dala and ui wu salth of rurooto uud at mr and mnv llarry ssrrya on sunday mr 9 l- uouvray and mr walur uoouvray cailad on or uaynar at palgrat on saturday alu on frtaods tn fwianribfri mrs thomas wllaon and baba patty hate tnttfi i4t ruling lbs pail tso rnts cun their paranta mr and mrs jaoaa blair wa uaamlmd doubt that taan la mads of dutt for dust usually irttha tha iottra 1uu now rornpliliil by iba p 1 kin prlnllna plant ron bstswn flv and ala uiluoa nanus a large numbrr of piraoos bhfin tha aga of 31 and 3a wui cast their om vote it would be intsftttlng to know how many oi thta will gjve mitous though to the quuttons upon bhlct they wui ba prlusgd to pass judgment llata you noticed tha many baau- uful oovtr ganwns and nodj- boue about tha town hot waning to dia- crtminatt were not going to ft any namaa but thvy all are vary at- trartl tndaad and together with tha many wallkapt lawns add much to th beauty of the town vuttore to oaorgatown or tourists passing through cannot but notice tha progsaa- tivna and community eptm of th has a bjsm u 0aa onx tha board of directors of the cana dian national exhibition unanimous ly rwiutetad colonel it ttaacon praaldant to cabla an invitation to colonel tha linn lurbirt a bruce ueutexiantoovemor of ontario who la now in gi to omclauy open tha exhibition on aug ttfd as tha kihlbiuan omcaa saturday a was recaivsd from tha lieutenant- oovemor tn which ba rrmsentad to perform the opening ukeaonlaa a brampton juwnus was pat on uipjhf aenunoe last weak for two years by magistrate u j o bull and ordered to report twice a month to hie office until soma arrsnsement could be effected to plae thoungstar un dar tha supervision of a service club tha boy was accused of purses and bag from cars parked about tha uutxonvuie swimming pool ids youthful partner tvcrine was 1st off with a stiff warning on of tha larvwt and tnoat an- jorua gharinga bld ta thle dlautct iumlh at the ashsrove school grounds to biufctsts tha both jufcuw of tha present and uptodate tehee fcittlimg which cotapajaa iv- crihly with the uodro prnt day schools tt tm ua tlxtyflve years of irvov and auo to meat sacb othsr again and aojoy a day togther in tha happy surround tags of their school daya the sports eotumju to chara of ur- w a wluon carrkid out a varlad program of raota for which prtua ere donated ei a aplrnded game of beiifcajl which waa won by w 4 iiir team by a auaht tuargin lattsca conveying kindly horde of gweuaf swre rad froni thcae from a rti bho were una me lo a generous tuptwr was red by the ladue which waa thoroughly tnjoyad by ail after which a tpundld pro gram was earned out com ut tag of sateral nuniurt of two part chorusa by the ladle of the ualisd churdi eaieii was a trst indeed solo by itutb oitien marjory davson and barbara ntxon auo lutrumtntal vio lin and piano uttxtlons sire enjoyed during the evening a prur for thr oldest pupu present was preuotad to mr arch- itowson of arthur aged w by the chairman mr luury wiuon tha ki of th reunion i due largely to th splendid ioik of mr pred wrtgguesorth pruubnt mr oo kennedy serntary and their commlus among those present from a dla- lan4 we noted were mr and mrs jts- itarrop indian itad mr daw dtck cleveland mrs d urotalebank arthur ura d smith and miss ilslan smith oladston uan mr and mrs wto irwin mr and mrs 00- brownrtdge mr and mrs wu mcdowell ui and mrs wu thorn ton mr and mrs owaid thornton mr and mra ptr ttiher mr and mrs chris mobto mr and mrs u- il mlxon ui tcd and uus irene uuffman mr 00 mcdowell mr and mra edgar buddell all of toronto mr ed cfawford mus crawford mrs- j u luams mue ida llood mrs ben lloeden ouelph mr and mra oordon graham thorold itev and mra o u- thompson llamuton mr and mrs peter dtck union mr and mrs walter wrlgglrtcorth bock- wood mr clarence ttompton mus t thoapeon and mus csuiertn llinton turonto th happy day ended by th sing tng of ood tsr th king ur paartfc la on of tt beat- koww puraars la trans- allan tte service end daring bu loag ssrvtf wltb tb canadian pacific ba made friassd with tbonsands of regular travsllsra 11 vu many yaars ta tha ku4raa of scotlsnd and ba baaa round th world so ortsa that plaeaa ilk dombay and uiagkcobg era as familiar to aim aa th fcruud gardeo of ida atostbabtoa home week end specials dimity 36 dimity whit with red tpot white wilt tpeca epot white with blue epot 38e yd fancy dimity at 3ge yd ftuxy voile at 38e yd wque 36 faocy striped pique at stfe 36 white pique at 2jfc and 3oc 36 good quality broadcloth 20c 2 k 36 white pique at 2e and sjse yd while nainaoolt at 2se 36 fart colored prinu at 17 36 broadcloth finished print teg 30c and 35c special for 27e yd shoes miue white kid slipper iie 2i to 3 res 200 for 149 pr ladie white kid tie ef 350 weelc end tpecial at 2l4rv ladie open work canvaa slipper ize 5 554 eiig men oxford white with black 249 fv simplicity pattern 18c aseal for langlevs cwaer and dy- we deliver mcbean co phone g4 georgetown th otuw sialstit a weekly 8ev1ew of national ayvabu by wilfrid egglaiiaa ottawa july it the revolt of lion u u- stevens from th oofuertauv party to set up a camp of hli own did not cause th cusrupuon and dismay which war perhaps expected th twiitk comnunlators may be under- etlmg tha popular strength of thle new factor ui stevens is a like able fellow a platform speaker ot great emotional appeal a hard work er and a ccurgeous battier ills strength has in tha current dissatis faction of voters against the old par- and in this respect ba will have to share votes with mr woodworth thar has been much dlsninlnn of th effect his advent will have on pn fhsrkfs tn liberal say that stevens candttlslas wont cut in to their support and indeed by fur ther dlvulon of tha liberal force mr stevens will give them a larger majority than they could have ob tained otherwise th conservative refused to ba frightened by ur stev ens tasuirection they warn organ rations thst if there is any defection from th loyal party ranks over to mr stevens a new organisation will set up and a bennett candidal tha funeral took place to oraan- wood oamstsry georgetown on tues day july llth of idlsa jane kohl widow ci th let ww l noble who dlad at th bom bar daughter daughter ura w b wurta lai oaafjrey ot toronto older real- dents of oeorgetown will remember tha late ura noble who was in her dth year nacaasad is survived by one son w if nobis and s daughter mrs w if wurta three sitters also survive mrs john scnoi and ura woolener vancouver ura lynn compter oal tdne up voim cas broett you toust a car tuneup before the vacation trip will do more than any other on thing to make th holiday a innfase th car that asems tn work fairly wall tn daytoday driving may not be just on hundred per cent for work at full power over long periods both safety and pleasure being at stake it is ad- visshl to check carefully before start ing out brakes and steering are tha chief items in tha safety oategory and in most cases simple adjustment will suttee oood tires are essential too and all lights should have good bulbs with headlight beams properly adjust ed a motor tuneup ts on of tha best precautionary measures battery and generator lubricants radiator and fanbelt are among the other items which should be given attention and it will add lot to tha vacation ist happineaa if ha has the body bolts tightened the seiisfaotlon of having a weugnomed car on the vacation trip u incalculable card op tuanks the family of the late w o ken nedy wish to thank their many friends and neighbor for kindnesses and sympathy extended to them in their recent bereavement also for tha many floral tributes new advertisemekts par sal twenty pali freshening uolstetn heifers pure bred and accrcdited- arbogast bim tthringvltie perth co ontario stp wanted young couple clean and honest want home tn ejtcriange for wifes ser vices as oaok general in oeorgetown or olen william apply to box t herald office up white purse octainltur money and keys tost on road near speyalde suu- day last ptuder please leave at her ald ifffloa and receive reward or ebon usfu ooratown th gop spokesmen point out that th aim of ur btaven ts to reform cspttsiiim whit on their part they are satuflad that captsjum will not work any longer they er out to re- plan it with soclslism they argus that ur stevens may cut into the liberal and conservative vot but that it wont hurt them so it ail depende whose point of view you ac cept ealli the eueusai the one certain outcome is that the election campaign will be further enlivened ur stevens is a good campaigner lie appears to be in good health and spirit if hs can raise th necessary ftnsnans and pise can didate in every riding he ought to win a few seats anyway and there ts always tha chance that a bold move of this kind may capture th lmaglna tlon of th voter ills chance of ohtslnlng sufficient seats to form government or even to secure th balance of power are v remote no odds could be secured on thinks on parliament hill at tha asm tun it would be a pretty eaf bet that ur stevens himself and at least a small handful of followers will be in the next parliament providing a high ly vocal opposition to the government of the day no matter what complex ion tt may be th popular following developed by mr aberhsrt tn alberta in a com paratively short time should be a les son to those forecasters who argue that because third party movement have always failed in the past they cannot work in the future it is pos sible that the stevens movement may inspire tha liberals to come out with a rather more striking and compre hensive program than they had in tended the impression is thai people will vote liberal in the next eleotlon but at least the people would like to be given a plausible reason for so choosing so many are saying the eleetian data the eleotlon date la being picked by the amateur prophets there are grounds for believing that it will be early rather than late august 36th and september 3rd appear to be the more popular dates just now we ought to know very soon the elec tion lists will be revised and ready before the end of august the same prognostlcators are busy with cabinet chang and senatorial choice the weekly newscaster is not so free to take part in this guessing couuit be cause while he is going to pre with his predictions the government may announce the actual names and make his predictions look pretty fiat like brer rabbit or the tar baby who ever it was uf bennett is laying low and saying nothing either about the election date or the appointments senate vacancies there are it vacancies in the sen ate and so odd appointment of im portance in other spheres the con servative wlu have a majority of 40 in the new senate that la there will be about 83 conservatives to 36 liber als which suggest that if uackcn- tie king gets into power there will be the setting provided for a tpecta- culer clash of power between the senate and common in which event one may be sure the cry of senate reform will again be raised chipso e 1 7 tut t- a a i yb he 1 1 at tlw dammm sflk si rvste kttk lo w rickmells sx p fcs ut tk uloi uj riehmello 5v2r fciook a3s golden tip hu u a green fcir special bland corn flakes corned beef 7 10 fruits oranges 29c and 33c dos cabbage se each grapefruit large aize 2 for 13c manyffowcrt 3 j 3 marmalade glassocrs j3os jars 25 pineapple jriy potted meats 1tuis shredded wheat 1 piiuu 1 giiiichevmntgts certo niaf beete sj 10 muitrd- 9 pesfa 2t n f somhtii no newi davside ib queens vx cm ut stvffbd itx jtr 25 dominion stores japan threaten to take action against oonadaa goods wheat lum ber and so forth probably a silly step for a country to take which depends so largely upon its foreign trad for virtual existence still they can say that we asked for it and got it uore likely tliey have announced the tariff reprisals to speed up negotiations be tween the two countries toward lower canadian tariffs cattle ownebs favour t b area during the past few weeks the pro posal that i lai ton become a part of a t b pree area has been a subject of considerable ducussion amongst the cattle owners of the county under tho auspices of the live stock im provement association meetings have been held in all part of the county to explain tho plan which is offered by tho federal health of animals branch in order to ascertain the wishes of i la ton cattle owners peti tions have been circulated and many of those arc now completed judging by those which have been handed tn well over the necessary twothirds will be secured- similar results are being secured in other counties where cattle owners are also conaider- lng the restricted area plan we note according to a newspaper report from northumberland county that well over 00 and in some cases 100 of the cattle owners have signed the petitions this speaks well for the plan in vlow or the fact that nor thumberland county adjoins prince edward which ha been a restricted area slnou iktt prince edward cattle owners are well satisfied with the re sult and hence their neighbors in northumberland are anxious to have the same privlllege the canvas la jlaltan wul u b ex pected be completed during th cur rent weak th omoera of ths live stock improvement association are most anxious that there be no mis understanding on the part of any cattle owner in order that there ie no confusion the following facts are presented 1 if tho federal department ap proves of the petition of the cattle owners in th area all cattle will be tested and reactors will be ahlpped to an abattoir and alaughterad 3 compensation will be paid on all reactor with the exception of grade bulls and lumpy jaw cattle this rles not only on the first test but on all subsequent tests 5 compensation is based on two- thirds of the valuation made by the federal veterinary inspector th maximum valuation on grades u loo and tlko on purebred 4 in addition to the cornpenutlon paid by the federal department the owner of the reacting cattle receive their beef value 0 once tho area is established all cattle which come into the area ex cept for slaughter must be tested no compensation will be paid on cattle purchased outside an area which re act to the test this applies to feeder cattle which may be purchased at the stock yards 6 there is no charge made at any time in connection with the actual testing by omclala of the federal health of animals branch any cattle owner who la in doubt on any point would be well advised to get in touch with his towtuhln clialmtan or the agricultural repre sentative at lallton we also under stand that any cattle owner who sign ed the petition under a raise bnprca- alon wlube given tho privilege of hav ing big oaue rtnuivadtrcmi the uat intereulno now items i ueaford is to have a new post omaa and customs omce it is expeeaed work on the new building will bsgia about the let of august thomas westran a nallv oi iba village of nerval died in tha odd- fallows irnrne toronto last weak ta 85th year talk about luck i on th lass day of school jack palmer son of raaew palmer of adjala fell off th enoa around the school ground and sua- talned a bad fracture of his left ami the holidays will be nearly over be fore he completely recover the department of lughwey hag- given notice that the work of widen ing and flattening the torontvllamll- ton highway will not ba m to any point west of port orecue this year brampton town council intwvtu to stop certain persona from boldma re ligious services on the main corner on saturday night because the buatne men complain it must be a case of where religion interferes with busi ness you should out out wllgion mount forest bowling oiub recent ly lost four 7000watt clutrio lighs bulbs when an electric storm passed over the town tha male population of uuspti as noyed by the recent action of a peeping tom have issued as ulti matum it will be tot for tha cul prit if tusoovered polios have re ceived complaint tn man ha beta peeping utrottgh the window of their homes when they were retlrm on young woman reported she waa accost ed by a man who stepped from be hind a bush and attpcm lo m- braoe her on tlte street poliu ba ueve tho same man retponaibla toe alt