Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 24, 1935, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtyninth year of publication too georgetown hmvl wfaeaoy evening july 24th 1b3s 1js0 wr armtnn id ajnoes zi0 to u3a tree gaorsetowo hmu j u umu aiubir aaj treerua ufuur canadian weekly wetnapr auoclatbu cnr tim thu puwnger an uall 1030 atn passenger ard mall u pu pwuena- tor tufonlo luph fleuiday going- east pouner 714 pu pasierjgrrs or toronto pupfil otis wj pasaengrr and mall tu am pa untier w pm pauenurr and mill o pja paiaeuaer ilunday only 8i5 am pawnger iiunday 1114 pm tuui naelb uall and pwnrr mail nd pauuwnr ljive oeoaoetotvm uj vmja 0u na 8 45 ul il 45 am shi ias pm 1113 am 1u pb 3i3 pu bu pn u pu hi5 pm ift pa 1130 pm 91ft pu cafiteilh standard txus wm u low os gross directory lovu itatatvicti your pretenor u a palm of praise and a tu meosuiv grandly ring ood tinner find my heart and ulay a te dua upon tu sfjing n r mc you but i iwl ttut i in gratitude miut kneel vour rud down bent on uov of croururd with it shining braid of lair ty hi bicuw i love ou to l in luelf a lender prarr all faith all mcekiys and all trust aflunl i cry tw-cuuu- 1 mut vcwr clear rye hold tlie tent apart and alia me my love of plate and pelf with love the lord with aj thine heart aiu love try neiglihor a uutelf o watin irut rye aorrly 1 iiwtd uun know ulge of v our grartou crtd nw bi nrdicllon of your far vour lift j face doth make a road per whllercbd ivacc and golden oraer to touch my heart ami take it load dear ftobun tjiint i bow th knee and give ood thanlli for love and ttv jean ilksrtt mo ulndav in thiu oaufc there u on flay o the week that u uppofd ot t day of rut for the taking man but c- would like to know how that can come about in the nmtpr buainea ni u some thing that break every day of th rfk and the live newspaper worker mutt g4 hi aluff and have it nady for tl nuuhlna on uooday mnmtntf hip4nrr sorb u hard ok it u a pity uir la a flunday in tna etk or u ii i ptty that nw happm on sunday it u dlfncult to know wtilch rvir hn gunday comaa and trry- body ru ta joins to ciurch or htad- laa for the pu ground or hta pun- rim a fuhlnf uip tha rrnortfr vu out of urd ltnoa tlirre u work to do and uta out to art a lln on hli copy for thr nct momlnjr it la a treat llf and one that offer gnat poalbul lit to tfe tnduftrtoua and th oon- clitltloul kixlg receive ontario envoy th kins uu knk rwtvd lion llrurt a urucr uiuunant-ckhcn- or of ontario tn mduiw at uuclt inuham fhlofr dr bruce sprnt nrarly half an hour b lilt hu uajfaty dturuiauitf canada und o aru he kj unpfiujd by th intimjto luioftlrde the king duv pliyttl of dominion utlnin end turn tl r uiurrii iluin by hu liaay ftu inlrrur uid dr llruor onv cuiudlan drvrloicnrnl of tahich hi ixaxily hjjh twd kmn ufpxuillon uiih tu ork briritf donr in onntsxlon h rwhouunu ixiirnvs ulirrvupon i tuppy to be ablr to bin mm iaie irl tiund information flu kuiq aiho tut kratlfifd to kjiu of lltr wiitinwnu ol loyalty uhuti itu jublltt tubratloiu had tu- und ihroualout ontario and of the cuann j und impnlkjwjw itlt hlcli id uu4- bos hcud in ttl rour of tht litipur buadiajiu if i true i mum to canada lhu urek wiiay ih ivi u tlk llin8 lilch makra the limb gambol lth gl the toju pranre lth jov tlir calvm uirow up thnr tain und run ukr furry tn bird alnjr tn plltthroat botra the toj uuiii upon tjj ctxtk twnju the liuxt butj ajmi hum in uie air thr muitmat uhutle u l ou aloe the blaclumuh uuahllngly bat the iron into fthap the plowman ur liu horw filth a gfup there the tn- mntvr save a klu to hu aaeettieart hr throva oprn the throttle the boodman amlllnaly plunge hu aw in to tlir giant tree the bankrr and bier- chat ruih to thrir aork with a cheery good br thr mechanic and laborer fairly dance to their job the aoldiar gora over the top eith cllnfhad jat und courar that know no fear the ii e aavuaan hie to hu eaiu with ihouldm aquared pride tn hi heart and nmra tinale with anticipation of nev iuroru ivp ta anything uiat puta happlnru in the heart energy in the body de termination in the ioui and invliibie court tn the will the bet t can tay about family treea u that they aw all a bit ahady u rov dau barruv aj luiuuit ueorgetown ontario osce uretjory thaaln llld ulll 6i ltnktu u ljjjgdon lurttoter tuutluf kury ui rtru tlmtgfl uonty to uxn ocooct alaln uuwt south ihant u aorfuo uwlniwaum aucuajuiaoh bjevwiara ftatiduee wacatim ai truaml w riouardfiow djl lloney to tan tauphona mj keaidapce 64 own limn hu4- lailahrron bjufsv gray dow uwunck a oooat barrwafrt kit cs bay hl tflfiah- hmaalim c eraur luney ico il edward oook oordon araydan 1u ualn ol north ununpton tvlephona t3 ifarold il lawrence loblaw building dramptoo tvlephoas 13 p a watsoh djjjl ilda gaargetawm of9c ifourao to ft csofpt thuriday aftamoona a m nielsen ttu vaar w fwue ctiifoprctot xray drusuaa tawttpul lajy atumsvu offlot over dominion store aeorgetown hour a 6 740 jo pm clml arflay i lsey how w l uacxehzie kino uader of uw ubersl party tn the next inderal election which will take place thla kall he la eapectad to announce hut platform within the nest few daya funerajl of the late geo smroule the funeral took place on wdn- day afternoon lut of uie late gorg uproule uruupuin a uicn family urvlce va iwld at the home follow- by a public urvlce in the uaptut church of which ur llpoulc vu an active mhbtt aince boyhood daya rhe wrvic ct conducted by luv w b ucalpine and llev nortnan uclcod the latter paying warm trib ute to tie memory of the uxeaud the city four quair u tung by ur llarry ifltfglnj the pall bearer rn- the following lucro e and church auoculei w a llcatty c v chaoer it i fctain oeorur william itoland ivming cougla cunovu ttv funeral cortege wa ifd by diiba r of the canadian legion meeibfr end fornvr mrmbera of tlie kaceulor lcrov club with the latter rre many pvnona promineot in lacroue circle in the provlnoe and tu admirtrfe of ur oproule ii itol- ley oordle tliom uruce leigh ton cohtrour w wauuhortli uiu liar- court o4orue wuiunu atari bleph- rtium oene dopp tvddy iteevea lvn limit h l connaclicr lddie ors oordon die ken itod andenion tted wajiliom ur dr virtue dr o jl campbell and hob filrpheruun tt large number of floral tribute bore addod uatlmony to the arm- ptthy of friend from dlifrrrnt part if the province one beautifully ap propriate of ring from the lull uann cup ajuocuulon of which ur uproule u a member it dangerous fbacy1cs ivnon walking on tha highway at night nevrr trem to know or care for that matter that when they u between the light of two approaching rare they are practically invulble un til tre car ar actually upon them 1 huh way fataiiu have become alto- grther too common but tha blame doe not alwaye lie with the uotor- uta of courae the pedeatrlan ha right on the highway the tame aa the motoruta but axurunjf thou right in the fare of a faat moving car at night uaually meet vuh the tame fate that befall the car driver that attempt to beat an exprcie train otrr a lnrl creating if one mujt walk on the highway at night would it not be wuer and tafrr to atay on the right aide of the road and to make boubly aur would it not be wit too to carry a lad tern or light of tome kind a wll- bea forth dpoauor tourui i thrre a drug atore in thu town dnuhvule cituena no but if you drive up to my home 111 have my old lady get you a anack to eat trey aay the first time a bcotaman uxed free air in a garage he blew out four tlm four honest men iu lion it b iknneu lion- w l uackanxie king- ur j 8 wood worth and lion ii if uteven are pa- uially honett tliwer loyal canad- n who have made great aacrtflc tn the aervice of the people of canada uurciy it u pouible to duagne with the policy of any or au of them with out impugning their mouvee or leunircting tiielr chararurs u 1 uiip ingratitude to utter or fpot oamaguu penoiul utttiena about itua who have devour theb live to public irrvure there u plenty of loom fur difference of opinion rpct- ttielr policlr without iriortlng to the cheap at and lowrtt of political tactic at tltc pttent tlm a foul wuiper- ing campaign luu pd acrou the uiuted ulau agalnu the peraon of 1rtkidrnt itoouwit a uory a vile a it 1 lalxe t being clrculaud by poluical icum who are the grvatatt menace to democracy if w do not protect our public men from tuch attack we may finally find that men morully tu lor clfuv will not accpt n wuh four drfvnt hooru leader t atiould be ruy to confine our po- uiicttl diwuiaion to the vitally un- portaiu uauc invxilvl oakville itecord intci4tiatf nwe utm iliitju marrutge and draih in ilrump on for tlie lialf year ending june jmti were lower than total for any tuniiar ptrlod in the but wwn tlie exact form of the much pruwd a u11 o ser rovy in tslitioii to rembsnsi to 4 wu from acort of pcnonal frtend ink- ear in the hrt half there wr entwertrsceived fronttne os ws- 3l too lacroaw club officer and mem- i be noticed nowever tfcat while ber of the bt calharuv lrcaae tirth cuoppnd 1 ther tu a drop of club onurto amateur athletic a- w that elation ul blmona lacroue club- liwriod there wa a total oat ural in- number ten lacrw team agrau c m populauon of it or wo and ttaff of prudential ituurance i lu ssl the ontario reformatory ha om kuuta limited william oho uml tit inmate at present tha lovcat pop ted urampton luptut church bap- uullon jor veara thu u tut uuaion circle end ladle aid the mw w clau of tr luptut uunday icliool formerly taught by ur bproule llaptut church volley ball league alio numerou tele gram long dutanoe telephone me- ugea and letter were received by the breaved family from urampton frtend away on vocation uip and from bualnea and aihletto tuoclate at a dutance all but one of the dulrtct agent of the prudential la- aurance company were tn urampton far the funeral come rv a tor ccf putfofta announced cotutructlon of a new aoclal order wa tre aim of the cooperative com mon wealth federation enunciated in a manlfatto releoxed but week by j ii woodaworth leader of the movement the other partiea would go before the voter in the approaching general election with propoaal to reform the rxuung capllaluuo ayuem the c oy would tight for new economic aal- u commenting on the platform of tha reconatruotlon party under lion ii il ctevena announced but week ux tributrd to live amount of outdoor wort available at prewnt to provide a convenient mean for rauporting patleot to tlie town boa- pnl coulngwood health department lia purcltiwvi a motor ambulanoe tlie durham chronicle rtmarfc that a walk around tlie back alrceu of the town tnalu one think that the town council will aoon have to com mence haying the arthur tax rate ha been raised mill tha year and hand at 4vt mill for luhllc ikhool upportcra and 4 mill fur fieparate uctjxa auppart- rrs the dominion government recent ly voted uc0 lor coliingwood har bor to be mod for the removal of the wreck of the 0njl wharf freight thed decauxe he wa unable to purchaxa liquor of any description in orang mile an american tourut en route to it 1 1 thriii a took time to poke fun at aome cuirena in front of a houl vou ahould call thla camelvule build a highboard fence around u woodaworth aald it aervod to throw klrt ahould be worn by the pflbtbt il b bbocfctt right lion it il haineu who uj uad the conaervauve party tn the general ewtion which u achduld for upuuur next i told tha i tfiall ccctinue to uad thaa so ioag a my health permit us uenneu announcml at the concjuiion of par llameot while devotlfigr much more time to radio addrwuaa the prua minuter will apak tn eil proviaoa two or three muting will be held 1a each at which wul be aoundd the keynote of hi future pollcta cuiaptt tuevme aucuit uotoruu tn wood tor are chuit- ling oer a atgn tnundad by the city for tourut the aln wa puod at tlie ouuklru of the dty but w locat- ed on the wrong aide of the road iur ktly at the tnlrano of woodatook cemetery it rd goodbye r good iucjl frank fetch licensed aooflonexb fa ii cauuw tt rul aaj halua prompt samoa vuaalmbmi ohaltcnham j r j oaoavtown irl pom offlca cheltenham monuments pollock a ingham suooataora tn oatar 4i worth gait out daaliu aa raaa rkasa hu inapact our wotfc in areanwood camaury i radio repairs vm laiuj u eaau ta u talk afar yaar auau lil iu sawaa tl a tnlauj atajua anlaa bibw b ymh far tka monat 11 hugh lindsay la tha una hak wood for sale ofcolea hardwood dooch aud llanla at tsm pv turd ulud wood bm mr cord halle uu par oord 1 bjunproaw abaua uk a cuj oaalvautra wood for sale oltoloo hardwood liapla and beach muud anlt wood unat raihnluhln prlau atwly jack toat phaus mlw oaortatoni v z2fk pastes 10c ia-u- 13c crea oct mrt jeluv vv p b 3o ktit 34-o- raar 19c 31c pii9- fc into bold relief the fundamental uaue of the coming campaign it wa the utue of reform vertu the abolition of capltalitm and the main atreet ought to have a water fountain at every corner wen among hu wiltkumi dual im ooy nronoted i f is rttris peas ifapjoca sieve ho p rj5 cu 18c 19c 6c walcrmclons gge mtitrii bon uwlw w waw hallmafin blue ribbon mayonnaise 3woi i 10c finest 8ed heat oranges hweet and jiiicv 25c and 3sc doz bananas 25 oolkjen ripe grapefruit b or 25e potatoes coodcooxeb l lbs 12c tu in cmi c frllll ii a m wnlaeuley ej fritley foe ahreelive free 0e fels naphtha 3 bar 20c carrolls wtlmitcp propoted relief bdmlnltrrrd on a acelc ufnclent to maintain decent living condtion national ayatem of aoclal tnaur- anoe again t unemployment alckneu accident and old age together with iroclaluvd health service 9 national minimum wage for worker guaranteed minimum income for farmer wf ether a cop candidate will be placed in the federal election field of hal ton cant be definitely ascertained aa yet iialfiiol1daym acton wednesday auuton thuradoy arthur wodneadoy drampton wedneadoy bolton thuraday clarluburg wednesday creemore thurwlay dundalk thuradoy drayton durham wedneiday thursday erin wednesday pleherton thursday georgetown thursday a rand valley wedneadoy uarkdala wtxmotcuy uount poreat thuraday onuigeviiie wednesday owen sound wedneday palme raton wednesday ghelbume thursday tottenham wednesday thonuhiry wednesday teaavater thursday walkerton wednesday wingham wednesday one form or another ueem enough to supply the demand of the ladle and gentlemen who like the weed the western rubber company ot calrdon have purchased from the j u dodd estate the lower mill at alton auo two house on terrace iliu und a duplex home a new roof will bo built on the mill immediately and the company will commence rnanu- lacturuog a full line of rubber good turly in the fall the mill ha been idle for the post ave years chop report below will be found a brief aynopsle of telegraphic report received at the head office of the bank of montreal from it branches and under data of july 18th lou crop tn the prairie province have benefited by the hot weather which ha prevailed and in general mouture condition arc satisfactory exception being tn southern alberta and weat- tm boautatchewan where grain u uuvcrscly affected by drought tn tcuttcred area there ho been some damage done by hall and report tn- dicate that nut continue to develop in bouthem manitoba and southern baikotchcwan in quebec the growth j j ot crop continue to be aatlafac- wedneaday i and an average taxvest la antlo- jpatcd in ontario crop condition generally are aauafoctory althougn cxoeulvo precipitation ha caused wime lodging of uraln and hay cut ting of fall wheat will begin next in the maritime province the weather continue favourable to crop growth in brltuh columbia warm weather following heavy rain fia promoted the growth of all crop and aid improved tho outlook the canadian national railway yard at bcarboro a few mllea outaldo of toronto have been used a a storage yard for old box cars pro nounced unfit for railway service par some month their number had bteadlly been added to until about mo cox were awaiting ctemoluhmcnt to bwak them up would have been cost ly involving the moving of several special train to various point on the system the problem wa solved when an agreement wo made with the offtcau of bcarboro township that the unemployed on tho relief list would do tle work in return for relief vouchers during the post couple of weeks work ha thus been give to more than 10o0 men the township officers have the selection ot tre wood obtained but the men are also per mitted to take a certain quantity or board home tho better plecva to be used for buicuig purpose and the scrap or winter fuel a large num ber of railway men who novo been off duty have also found work dis mantling the steel frames for the rail way when the work is finished only tho steel work and the trucks will have to be moved to the shops which if feet a pronounced savings in the deadhead movement main street free delivery phone 357 georgetown a little difficulty for tiwkhukhh threshlna machine ownera through out the country are not nndlng it easy now to move from farm to farm the new law tutys that they must clean their machines baforo betting them up on another farmor property tho thrahbig machines have been aeons- ed of being carriers ot the seeds or noxious weeds and to prevent tho spread of aueh weeds tho ownera must dean then below tawrlnv on majting vour own hard timlh everybody rcaltac that period of business dipnaslon hard times as wo significuntiy coll them are largely duo to paichological cause tho publlo get cold feat is suspicious appre- iiciulyc mood last business stagnate as soon a people begin to bo cheerful und hopeful prosperity return tins ho un important lesion for teomo young people who am making hard time for thimcivcs year in and year out you havo an idea that 1 ere u not much use in trying to do unj thing worth while that you are ikntinod to failure no muttir low you try you ure auspicious of tho people who oiler you advice or deem willing to help you you wonder what axe they have to grind of course you have a hunt time you moke iu confidence may bo overdone of courwi opttmisim may reach tho point of folly confidence and cheer iouovcr which are necessary for a country a prosperity are just as neoes- succcjesf ul life cultivate the rsontttaujcylon rajtttt pouowtng u an epitome of uu platform of th hsccauuuctlon party headed by th lion il il eleven 1 work for youth of cmada 2 bju sustaining puolio work 3 national housing program 4 uniformity of wage and hour throughout ci 5 leguuatlon based on the recom mendation f the prlos spreads and mas buying commission and th eatabiuhment of s paderal trade and industry comaiiavslcn e reduction ot fntarest rata to s per cent on mortgagee paying off national debt in twenty ave yar through development of natural re source t nationalisation of the bank of canada dominion agricultural board to direct marketing 0 increased taxes on large inryvqis 10 reciprocal trade agreement 11 solution of railway rjroblea without sal or merger of canadian national railway a 12 pull exercise of pederl power under brlluui north america act penal reform protection of women and ctrl from exploitation by employer 1ft adequate relief for war veurana liberally interpreted there will be general approval of many if hot most of these items there will be strong dissent in the rase of other work u need for the youth of canada from the paint cf view of those who will do only certain kind of work at good pay from tha outset there 1 plenty of work in canada for those willing to work at whatever turns up and satisfied with a modest livelihood partners cant get enough help to harvest the lojft grain crop no one will object to punlio works that are sure to be ssusii staining we would pause at a national hous ing scheme people naturally would like better houses at low rentals or purchase prioe out what about uwertng values and rentals at houses already bulltf what about tha in vestment of private means tn the pur chase or erection of buildings uniformity of wages and hours ot labour throughout canada is an im practicable dream and wuteirahu if it were practical applied to certain calling it u likewise impossible of achievement with regard to prtoe spreads and mass buying something may be done by publicity and regulation and a com mu ion but legislative interfer ence may easily go too far arbitrary reduction of interest rates may and i very likely to result in a scarcity of money available for legitimate en terprise we are all for the payment of the national debt as soon as roaalhle that it can be done tn twentyfive year through the development of national resources we very much doubt we have the resource no doubt but have we as a people the en terprise the ulfsacrtftce and the will to get about this work and carry it through would the nationalization thai u the complete state ownership conduct und control of the bank of canada moke for the convenience security and stability of our monetary ayatem or would it be on instrument of in flation and uncertainly r we think something may be done to stabilize the prices ot agricultural product by a wellinformed and pru dent board but tn the long run sup ply and demand will regulate prices tunc on large incomes are already very considerable almost fifty per cent are people with good uioome to seek other lands to live tn there u a limit ave would not go the length of confiscation tot us have all the reciprocal trade agreements that we can get provided that exchanges ore fair a solution of our railway problem is certainly desirable but we would not give away our national sytel tout carttatcu noy hvwt wit afjuors i love the gat cathedra and th little wayside shrine where thoughts of ood can tow lolo feortdorn hearts like mine i eiaj love jtu tempud tr who pillard trunk surround the altar urea of uktloga tha siirvouldrlng on the ground the spring of holy wiur thai tw uood lod plcd for to th staiiwd guu bit of sky uufc shine through ewry italy u the choru choir of bird and bm and h break thai atad ttie rich incense of oody sawla out all the br bring oo pitch ay tent in wild- git amy bd of sod i watch 111 marching star lluu i fil clow to ood cod ca ft wax only a tiny flower tuil grsr by tn duty rowl but it cheered a weary lrawiw who passed with his hvy lod and tie thought of the one who gttai life to the great and the waisu who painutii the waxen lily and mark th the sparroera fall wha ood car for a tiny covtr or evn oca small um then i knov he carte for t and my humble prayer is hrd then his heart grw light and ujhtitf and iu sup rw lighter too cast thy burden on the lord weary one lie cajm for you what otheiis say j tlf apeubincw u gwtlng in lie big dig at garden party the dj one of them tn the eour of hi own cailad out plxi fcp ji i can hardly bear myself sntwav which hscitler riplud you not prise can hardly bear myself i 1st riplud mucilorisly sule uuafiounf th italian dictator u evidently detennlnsd to make r od kuuopta the alrlcian hlrvgdoid u is uilvsd that be ha gone loo ur la his preparation for war to boat dom no unlf ti lla blac alngdvkai a- ondas to all hi dtund wblcis ihiafnt mulling yiivpfa virtually an twr prouauotaua th kthrtfjiwf ar pealing to th lasague ei naakiaj tor fair play and proclaim that thy ill fight to the last man bucb a trr will have farrcaxhing effects and mil result in umble suifertng for iuuaa sand native alike but uuaaoijal 4ba dicutor ha truently rountad in coat and is anxious to try out uta borate new wax i report aay that u populanty in italy fe b- glnnlng to wan end this bold stroke in kuliopl 1 calculated to leraa his preatlg and popularity wfib tho who envisage a new iflnplra p ton newe xt would appear from rtguraa ia sued from time to ua by th daeals- ion bureau of bcatlstica that a ao country jual cant be kept down he- port of increased activity la all phasse of buainaa have bean lgid periodically and now coma out flag of tha brtghuat sets of emnktysurii ta compiled tn soma um te bureau gathering data troaa tjrw firms employing fifteen hand of enar indlrstft a coaoauedarahle epansiob ta employment at th beginning of june tn which moat industrial group shared tha payrolls of th ployer were enlargvd from iafjhg en may i to 01573 at the beginning of june or by 33704 persona wo- ncuineed advance were reported ta manufacturing th aj to ui4 staffs considerably exosedlng lb av erage seasonal gain noted on jus 1 in th but fourteen years- th fav ourable movement extended to prai tcally all clasae of factory aloy menu tlfzrz are 334 young men under tl yaara ot age tn the canadian pecllan- tiariea this informs t ton was gttt to partlament on july ft lass tbay are confined in th fallowing prfsofl it was also atated that th greaiaw- number of young persons covteiad of crime were in the provtoctal rafoaaa- torles kingston penltcntury j bl vincent d paul penitentl- ry few dorcheter penitentiary 4i uanitoba penitentiary m british columbia penltenuary ib baakatchawan penltentury u collins bay penltenuary ii the report of the superwtauwnt of prisons contained tha snnounosrasot that within sixty day th boretai ayatem may be introauced into caba- dian penltentiarle buinclant mocay was voted to provtde for il tb bor stal institution in the old land fito- vide for the segregation of young prisoners the teaching of trade ana the giving of instruction along aduaa- tlonal and nllglous line m gjo- emment 1 prepared to adopt tha jmr- atai ayatem in canadian pen iter tlaru for the youthful psuonera aald lav outliie this i good new u wall for the people of canada aa for uvea unfortunate who will it is hoped ba directly benefitted effort hava beea made and legislation exacted by tha bennett government to assist tb un fortunate of the dominion no auuiar what the nature of their cluaeuity brampton conservator sory for them do not make your own hard cooperation should be brought about bowtno reeds of krstnnfjtx ftowers seeds of perennial flower may be sown now the seedbed ahould be mode in a position when it ta shaded from tha afternoon aun tha surface sail shoujd be raked very fin and the seeds sown in drilla tha depth of sowing depending on tha size of th seeds the larger onaa ahould be well covered but tha very small one need practically no cover ing the beds need careful watering and weeding and when the aedung are large enough they should be traits- planted bo as to make good pianu to put into the permanent beds in th fall times a union pacific shopman had been drawn on a kederal grand jury and dldn t want to serve when nls name was called ho asked judge pollock to excuse him we are very busy at tho shops bald lie and i ought to be there bo you are one of uioso men who think tho union pacific couldnt get along without you remarked the judge mo your honor aali uie shopman i know it could got along without iub but i dont want it to find it out kittued said tho judge as far as possible the federal power ahould be brought into full play when the gen eral good demands it but provincial rights should not be ignored or de fied penal reform appears to be called for but let us not coddle tha criminal there ahould be the protection of not only women and girls but of men and boys from unposltlon and oppression by employers and rrotn undue interference on the part of labor unions we think on attempt has been made to give extensive relief to war veter ans what relief will be eotuddered adequate wo da not know ml aueot oouiedertu a six month toll ta tig uvas during the first auc months of mu the a rim reaper took a toll of be live by sudden or violent mean u toronto as sliown by a hat released by chief coroner dr u u orswfbw of this number sat war found dead or died suddenly from uatural causes pour murder cam and one manslaughter caw appear on the list- there were twenty fatalities bi auto mobile aoewenu and three more eity aooldenl vloums died in toronto kait aenarai hospital seven other per- bona died in city hospitals from u- ejdeau an the hlflhwayi rtftytwo idled w their own lianas

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