Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 24, 1935, p. 3

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toe georgetown henu wednesday evening july 24th 1935 pwas warm weather uj holiday apparel brills again led b a duke array ol somioer and sports apparel style and price to tutt every ndividujj ud puna id the following tinei ladies and childrens skirl sudu sweet shirt sport bloua fact hal crepe hal while shoes abide sea short ho sheru suruuita betklas suit mens and boys flaruiel tvoiuert sweat sport so sport shoe belhlnc suu sport hau elc d brill co comer of mill sad rvkb su phone 167 georgetown hams 25c ib boiled ham machine eliced jg b corned beef boneleo rolled plate 12l b i lamb chops slewing lamb 2 25c 25c front quarter of lamb ige lb fresh fillets sliced salmon 17c 17c durham corn starch q btlml tlkslh a jar vinegars 2 h 27c certo s oz 29c cream of wheat 23c rot bran ftalce 2 fw 25c quakeb puffed wheat q soap flakes quick arrdftlbrand 2 for 25 c fresh fruits and vegetables we sell for cash phone t f ai tilat w 28w dij viv deliver ariiibtnrtri ifriitiibiiiia iniaia iiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiii save with safety at your rexall store bismaalkx pr blaraacj lb im re08 ftta ehoejilate laullv wuiz file giaaraatesa put killer bikers a of m specials for wadoaadey ttuureday fviaay bad bateraay gsutjhton health salts tt heikeituno hayuino oats si uatasaa sowhite shoe cleaner at lie aa isa carbolic health boat powder pupps a tar lis nickels dtasaiuar pree wil french balubau far lea win strawberry mar u vmi can alwaye ikaa le advaalag at raar kexall stan mivllosah olvaa rae w ua 15 aa um uodesb i pvm wua aaaa hi tic far is uvgkol tha htaearfl aa ua at robbs drug store ruokb itwe deliver wis battll st okobob90wm nousehold hints buttons ar fashionable again you may have somo pearl ones which have none dull with keeping or wash ing ito nuke these like new paint the entire miface with colorless nail varnish or natural if you wish to give them a pinky cast let them dry and they will have a lustre as when bought rub a little of any furniture or floor polish into the wrong aide of your duster then fold it in tho ordinary way and duet you will have a per fect polish and not a smear and your dinting will look twice as welt done before vacuumcleaning a carpet rub it well with a large lump of aalt then pass the cleaner over it and you will be surprised to see how many tone lighter the carpet looks clean and with its colors wonderfully re vived to clean a bunny wool article sprinkle with powdered starch then place in a paper bag with more starch bhake the bag wtll then take out the garment and shake in the open air this is done in a few minutes and saves time washing the article if wicker furniture is scrubbed well with sak and water without the aid of soap it will look like new as the salt cleans and stiffens the cane in a wonderful way wanted small flat top writing desk with side drawers uust be in good condition apply at herald cwhce itp concrete work x am prepared to do conerete wort of all kinds atlmatcs given free of charge u you require anything ta this una phone ml a wajker oeorge at oeorgetowtt itp if local news ttw tuy in kplnf a bit bhortartf buy youy count chock took at th lwrajd office i 1 e twniaw of a bountiful harwii the kafcd to sutethw 1 ptrwd with good fcdtiaaaorwt4- cja holiday a mk hod beat uondsy a pubuc bouday boaball gme in the paj tsre lobsorro njhi et m pa acton vs oakagurwtl we ut the uttt think u a loog long ay 10 ousb- cofau to ovorvvteaa oo 6tufdevy lutjhu and u th cnwd i the rain yilttdty u sure tp- prmutid alur the ho bu tvkaj ia tataay wlve as mf bwaiw ducae in cahadi la utw the ltotu club tise rud i fcicci7 uetnj at the rauajue to our lown hipaihlnj ahout pchur the uave e fere of u tne ituwe cooud takoeae oa the hlgtwas at prwit irrj to be a cu of tnitkers tmuj tfllllam the lasabu cud rvuolaid wtll uu at uouihfcide jvim wcaauock oo july jittj- lurvaui this w-k- mms dloi- fd and prtnud vit i lin ion j- ury ajriiion itp it uau do chin tn tike ua f fjfiima nd nwms tiwy asaln be isjiuon toaae day town oouncu tut tuchl to dluuu tas arraawe and rne for a tu fcile slave hki ba to cjundr ue the qulnu yet itundjvds fce going tbere f7 cuy the ton of leg lotiu artbes at the tasia pkaixhse to the town the njfku haw bsen so hoi that it u not eurpruing if people take to rouaing tn tnetr dithlahlrta for sale is a 1 ft flat hay ruas good ud low hei bj6a3- j w owjuj ai bon cuowura at fall fair thu year there wtll b no tan on i but tbete will be s tax on aaiairtnt owiae at the fslra bolton otd hoye and olrte he- unlon will be held on kenday aug uh ho about osorgetoyn boldtog a tillf dy tte plcluig of wphanu has wvmmeivoad and th ytild u said to be heavy this year and the sample of btfrry bettrr than ueual have you got your bocvur ticket for the batobau game uaorww night axton va oeorgaiown rui lajueble pruus given away frw the pwl oautte says there on plac in horval that is doing thriving txulneu thew daye your ura u as good as ours chemee picked st port eru oct tvftv rvceruly dcuvfred tn winnipeg by aeroplane the distance 1 is mllee utng mao in nine hours and 40 tain- utea there hasnt btvn any intimation vet of harvesttrs exctumlone to the wist th tinkjt hu all been eastward and us been a long and mill ass cunlon the great growth this season has brought the weeds on the highways and byways into more than usual pro minence and will neceiajlsta atten tion soon the wheels of industry and com merce win hum only to the tune of prosperous times when all cltlsens realise an tndlvdual reepontlbulty to better builnsse urs e si dick widow of the late rrew dttk editor of the banner and times brampton for nearly fifty kara died tn svel lietbortal itospual a thursday afurnoon your local business coricerne have constant capacity to underttand your wants and always endeavor to be honest fair and courteous to all you should trade with them an act passed st the last aasslon of the enwtnciei legislature gives xiuoe power to order into a garage jor lnepecuon any motor vehicle they believe le a menace to highway safety the moat interesting event of the rear the garden party at stanley perk ertn will be held on fnday aug bth look for description of the program that le entirely different tn next weeks paper it yiv hundred invitations have been issued to former pupils of 8 s no a palermo school trafalgar township to attend the aoth anniver sary ceubratlone of the school dis trict to be held august 4 and 5 during the present summer sea son the onr la providing special fares and excursions between points throughout canada these are excep tional travel bargains the nearest ohjt agent will be glad to give full particulars we notice that the church attend ance is declining during these sum mer months it is very easy to de velop the habit of negtscting church service but it is not easy breaking the habit of neglect once formed stake a point of supporting your church with your presence llow swiftly the summer appears to pass i now the twelfth is over and orange and luack lodgemen will be looking forward to derry day cele bration in georgetown on lfonday august 13th after that it will not long until the exhibition the dstee of which this year are august s3 to september t election promisee galore i the voters of canada will not want for election promisee as a matter of fact there will be so many they will be in a quandry before making a decision in the coming kedera flection ifessts stevens and woodsworui have announced their manifestos how we want the platforms of laesxra den nett and king it would seem that the party which can beat bluff the people with promisee may enjoy the fruits of victory racoordlng to the erin advocate there has been more rigid enforoement of highway trafno act regulations in thst village lately and it la pointed out that constable james ualrd has been keeping an eagle eye and en forcing the lava eigne at village entrances reouest motorist to drive safe and sensibly but anyone whose interpretation of this limit is excessively broad had better get ready to receive one of those ominous blue tickets also frequenters of the vil lage are reminded to pay soma regard to parking regulations and to have their lights in proper condition the announcement has been made that tn an effort to strengthen the highway aafety campaign inaugurated by hon t b ucquesten afinlster of highways that a night police patrol will be started on several of the more heavily travelled highway this is a splendid idea but unless thv night patrolmen make themselves more con- splclous by their presence on the highway than those doing duty dur ing the day they will have utile enact on the conduct of trafno re cently we motored almost three hun dred miles on one of the main high ways and failed to even glimpse more than one of these upholder of the law xlpp laxative tablets good for adult safe for children oeorgetown pharmacy ltd valenbona fell personals kaue k tteanca u hc4idytng la ura a u orandy ce ouerville u vuiflng at ears h e uarrisone saua ella stunt of orlula 1 spwiding a fw dy witti ail a- oole ulm sfwn dirtmui u holidaytog with airs j a efecluzv at lw aydtwy ur and air harold hrrwilue of tabeiburoe have bn bollcuy visitor in town uj- a j omalll and family and slue acue country are holidaying at cfiarry lueactl ujs e- u blwuy and fmiiy of rtvingtik uiox have hturned nous after holidaying in town ur and lars w e hunt and ur w slunt of sluifce inalla ur and on all coe and aon and ur john coi ol torooto spent iy at salr tl w cole ur george leslie tvuirr of mu4ing idwnshlp who has bn in vu uicuaai lloptal tronlo for ajahtjiltria undafgoulg fjaatitmrtlt u ivporied to be dung nicely we lope to w turn around again soon ur and iara harry t gukon ol wuigiiia ootsjio nrn the en- uagiauui ol theu daughter ttarjorw iiaoen to ur chart ajurt wu1- on son of iar and ur- wullarajl wuliou ol uexiffriioed ontario the qlxriajie will tat piece early tn auguu uave i kwi iii iru lotiowlog trupaulng notlpf ap- luard oo laim proarty goodnae noe w kotie i treaiipaipsre bul u derwculfd to toe full extant of 4 taungrel dogs wblcn neve was oer socjiuue to urangain 4t i dulue bri shot gun wucb aim lodad with sofa plliora dam if i alnt guten ured of ini hail rftuld en my puce u oris- d t fclate u g4j al i g a eamptoo tnotortat croaaing the pace uruie at kkihalo when cjueiaod as to hie address proudly tsdard l come from the gjats4 flower town tn canada it dldn t mean a tilng to the customs oedcer where thatt he asked siramptonl the outoms ofneer was g xh yes wall when are you going to fix your main street atlaglaaal ft a ur cirtalnly uure are number of places where the motor car cannot supplant the horse and striking evidence of this i revealed tn a new canadian maturett rlngdom for a uorw at the gregory theatre bngtnnliig july mth sroduced by associated screen tttudlos u revcais what horse are doing ail over the dominion the first turn tribute to th equine population of the nation old dobbin doce the uuxmnpanying commrnt- and the se- quencr lllled with action include the rax for tlie king plate broncho- ousting riding to hounds and thun dering lire horvse in full gallop elaie w dome her eit wflij til b cwt the time has arrived when all noxi ous vd should be cut and destroyed before their m are scattered over tne landscape there are still a num ber of vacant lot and other spot in and around the town whereon a good crop of weeds is nourishing under the provuloru of the weed control act all noxious weeds must be des troyed as often as it is nsoessary to prevent the seed maturing if th owner of the property do not cut the weeds the mnnlrlnallhtf have the right to hav the same cut and charge the cost of same against the respec tive properuee the weeds listed as noxious within the meaning of the eat are uladder ostt oxeye daisy sow thiol white cockl wud oat canada thistle blue weed chicory docks ragweed rlbgrass stinkweed tumbling mustard wild carrot burdocks hawkweeds wild uttucee ifarrled at bala two popular young helton people uls siary hume daughter of xu and sara svter hume of uuton and ur gordon liooth son of george siooth and the late alia booth of oakviue stole a march on their many friends when they motored to dale on wed nesday afternoon last and were quietly married in the stoesbyterlan church there by slav j h ifcafaul minister of knox ireebytcrlan church sluton who le holidaying with his family at bale the bride wore a dainty flower ed chiffon gown and carried a bou quet of pink and mauve sweet peas and babys breath the wedding march was played fay uiss welsneil- ur organist of the church at bala and alts lolxabeth qatar of llaltlmore tad sang i love you truly the young couple and their bala friends were entertained after the ceremony at the summer home of kev ur and ura ucvaul injared la seeier ulss sara shook aged m of de troit and weu known in georgetown and her brother jacob shook aged 11 of oorbetton were admitted to lord dubertn ifospttal e week ago last sunday suurlng tfrom injuries sustained in a motor accident earlier tn the day ulss june shook aged it daughter of jacob shook and dri ver of the car escaped with a num ber of bruise uls sara shook suf fered a fractured right wrist frac ture of the right arm dislocated shoulder and face and ecalp injuries ur shook had several ribs fractured suffered head injuries lacerations and abrasions of the face and eoelp the accident happened on no 10 high way four miles north of orangevlile when the shook car which was tra velling south attempted to pass a car driven fay carmen webster of hom ings ullls who was accompanied by hi brother nell at the time of go ing to press all are reported to be re covering although doctors held little hope for their reeovery a few days ago lonoek life fob waxuued women tne annual large number of june brides will be murested in the fact that by becoming a bride ehe betters her chance of living a longer life tn fact the statistician of the metro politan life report that while the death rate for spinsters in the age periods between ib snd 34 years is lower than that for wives after age st married women have a progres sively lower desth rale than spinsters quoting the words of iprofeasor wilcox of cornell university the statistician add if women who marry are healthier at the time of marriage than women of like age who do not marry and it seems probable that marriage acts as a selective agency for both save although not perhaps with equal force then the higher death rates of wives may plausibly be ascribed to the result of child bearing mpeclally the birth of the first child no i dont want to buy that horse he looks as though ha had a mean dupasltlott bet am uothuv boss lie just got dst look from runnln in bulky race v dohotllv douclas ocooockxvookyoooococra tuvuk rv bu uun r uaw rrt4tlm wltu luil u lkr wbro til wau tiuruuud by u iooj of da- tiriu4j lui ww vrlalnly wii in tl uldi ur ii r i lit dartiet bteek tflvrtumm crowdlng lir ummmj ub it fact itat iia twii ui t it tu ouflld a lat for 1u wjw rt r ivulleart it loaiitr tlulluui m vim- f tl ee lliw ubltvrv it rtw im gdiulrlng trituiv la u a or iff 1i4hx llele wbi oeve af tu iiue4 titljiful uitirwu d rolirlji to u rellvo uio girl wbooi ii waa lulr lj lu bfw hut la b uwo cilmallui uf was m lusre uol s aj groaldg by il wayside sad potthijr tmr il mwm gvoerattua ould le ir 1 1 liiar tor lr x larimd it waa drawlog livar il tltae aua i la grvat euiatkr u1 ti nultlog li quale l aiulltf upoti ttu ailirtog audi m9 and scuip um luiimd nji of be duhki l ile ullc4jn ringing ji ou our biiitir oitlaired a auift umiv tolt- kt he otlar td of ik wlrv i v hmiih ijul fr jwj afirr all no it u t l nw juur fctary i run l ammniauj u voud ralbar all and llivo tn illtiit lu urvetsart lsu bate a but dla of ru lue to j la jour i tp mu i iran hav log oa ellllog ltkhw ilmiirhni muslla a joy latiti tuuli tin izlaly waa aglow lntu lwd to foot a ua viilarvd if tunl rturert ball and waa simjwo to a tln uol u- into hue tugr u 4i i in wt friogf of l htaga lltrlf ll aiii tji grvul and tmvipecird m irtal ttiat ijfcl al dual ml a if klmuil rasard th glter of th uhi ulili lit hand l had au rtltuuil mum to iu busli thai ixarbad tl draw ing 8tlde f tha curtulia taforv treat laart wid tkaforv ilvta bulging bl ioiid to hla hicsai ul fancied he would beer th thuiiijung of ixr twart ae close sha waa lo hire as i alood bowleg klsta suddrfklr ftll cootunjuj pwwar fcp iittr lar ll aaamtsl for a umftnaul an if ibv unlttrrv sptin lo cirri f itglit and giaul strviigllt about bar sret llmi utt liar aaratwly rslai ttiat alrvugtli mil lar fnnj aooth ar woaid raiumlimel mhii ltr jrvullaart tiollxl in i tin milium lurat luto mild n i i in ilia uim a prrvlllllll 10 lliillu ilia- ital if vu tta taru1 of 11- tltlir- juolullj jorult- grutl l ttimt- waa ilila crrat luatttr ha rati hx amrlil frvlj of i widderful t111 iiu1 ilnrumil nidi but lb paalii i lit ihiw airoaa lit cltiuga of m lu- tiotiu elsta fuuud llmi lo lotb al lilto and llateo al hi rmm- tin una too grval a j7 ao xlic itn i irr ta unwafliut uuealngt itt miatl uilrmr id it lang blf wuf u ur nonluiu anli and rvftrxtnl hi- ma ml autranre t lb halt tuan mull iuiid in hi mlnl tiousa duilntf tit- in nwiiio wl fit niu ale audi aa ii miil1 illii lirard aaa dm tan forth hy rruilnurt and llala along willi llir ll iumdu r olli ar llatadlng uaa mrrliil to rvulma llial muai aurmllj la a frtngv of laavau than uililuii u loaiitmota warn tog tcma sprang miin ur- alagr hung bar body airalflil in tn ni of lit matter aiait aa loinl n rl rang out fro in tha back or hi- imiu- titan aim ml tn a tutul al orrul laart a htt and a thin atrrum of rad flttarvd ftoio amni vl rr lu liar bodjr tbi ra taa w hlmiil ut tha buck of tlw ikium- ami i in iii hi wliu had flri llif bihii wua iujiluml and lifld willi lila rutoblng rv li i mill in ida graaji itahtnd tin wlfil druun curtain 111 titd in i to look lain iiiom of tin- mali r hr held lar ganlly in ida iirnio ut il gutvd down al iter will a loi l if auiti inlrintu ami danuani thai klle foolllily found e tear in in r nwrn uj tlilld no ihlm irlinl tjrval lrt bmbinl ul did jt do itt you uilgll liutf ioi our ihtr raa and mill li im id lur giily in bis anna whllt u uuli sutninniiid mrufim ailfnilid tin vtotind that tha tiullrl lad u unlit in i- 1 la a aid i would iiluillv d tu miild kuta sollly llladly miti oi for the world i am jiti a inlilhjta a aaed while jou oti rul 11 ni hud inal conarlouaoea again udt whin fit- wob up a sec- oud time alia uii in lur own room on lb euitny oui h h i he window and t treat haurl wna hilling ik aid her tbsre was a hugr imwi ir rose and the wnndarful llnbirr ihut gae aucli glorious niunlr in ilv world ware stroking hi hnli loub rrom elsies forebeed thai look of inli iim wondur una till in iti aye of tlrtulhrarl aa if be were trying in fulliom a aiupan doua trulli ll ill i mil a jet know that th grvhl triiili tuia lm o in e form thai fau iinla ionld real ise ao big and owiix imim and alto- gel her beautiful it uim hw was u nihitniin ha inht her aiiftly iiii briiu tlaaa dmi t ill tl-li- ufi i j only liapaihil in mi him in ilina in thai ttuy mil ror i um uhnl um glad an glad in imti ihnii una iii tie tiling miirll uliu and i in grvai inilii f riniau drvw elsie a inmd ui lu il ui tudd it than ami in il unit llala knew why tin lu i httn gtiin alrengb for ll mi- in iimluu thu loved one in r ln l ni oriouttlntyy opportunity is the awlftest bird that files this u one of the oldest of platitudes yet needing always to be taught anew and yet there would be little profit in gaining that piece of knowledge if it were not equally true thst opportunity is not too swift to bo caught the bird flies low within reach of our grasp every day of our lives opportunity to make each day a vic tory opportunity to cheer a sad com rade with a timely word or smile op portunity to surprise someone who has known ua well perhaps too well by showing that there is a kindness and courage in us that he never knew at all opportunity to live instead of to drift to engage in some stirring little adventure of faith which may turn doubt into certatnty fear into boldness why do we so often let the bird flash fay is it because we are looking for the wrong bird too many of us x think wait for gaudy- plumaged chance to perch on pur shoulders while opportunity hovers near us unregarded borne people never talk about fami ly pride untu after they have been ariwstecl ijbcrvjg swep p e l winning all 30 seat all uvrromrrtmu or oohtmva- ttve govkxnmzvt wlteo out at iroaxii liberal tide nodded ferine edward island yufday ruuettng ery oon sarvaiive candidate in an aiactioc lumovar perhep lajpracadantad in cajiadlan political hutory rmirklcct waller u im will have no copoalioa in the uouse he 1 about to uad instead he will hw thirty support jtwuiiar w j iljumilt fcad ajj sarwti of his cabinet uihuuwm ana swpt from omce in the cwbde vhicfa followed one month behind a e- ing libera victory in the rvttghlwvinst vtnce of haw slrunswick lurdnchting sanw ri waived comment on the feault tne fact speak for thetruive x have nothing to say was hi only etate- marot oppoajuoa leader lea whose ltbar- al oowrnment wnt dowti to dfmt in itdjl wa jubilant c todays swapping victory but eald he fully raalitwd th grave lapuluullee which the new govmment will as sume ur lea bacame the lihande flrt fartawrjtvmir in law when he stepped from the ulnlatry of agricul ture into th lffiiitrtlp fa si atod to lion a c behind who mounted the suprm court bnch his oovernmrnt wsj defaaud tn 1ui and h im the 0catlilon until ya tardaya sweeping victory smend i suppoa you tave your share of douuful bill ea your books t uarthant i only vuh thary w thrres no qiwtoo aiool mca of the following sign 1 dlaoamd to the arrow lunch ttoom stk town uan dont pn arjmt our cooae vou may beddaad 3 yoursalf eome day- week end specials mabbehaaablaiaaaibaallalaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dttuty 36 dimity white with red epot wlite wiilj green ssyel aaeyi 38e zscsbdtte 2oe230 2 17e pot white with blue apot fancy dimity at fancy voile at mque 36 fancy striped piqu at 36 white pique at 36 good quality broadcloth 36 while pique at white nainaook at 36 fa colored print at 36 broadcloth finuhed print rc 30e and 35c special for 27e tl shoes miaac white kid suppen aiie i2jj to 3 rg 200 tor 1 iv ladiea white kid tie rig 350 week end special t 1x49 tv ladies open work canvas slipper tixe s wt at s11k men oxford white with black 249 iv simplicity pattern 18 aw for lanclev3 cwaar ad dyw we deliver mcbean co phone 64 georgetown food always at dominion de- tske tjkaace eat b4ryw food twi im suu sole 8w uoomus sad be asaa ej lrvskib oaauiy said eeeeary ka tuatw bsw tomato juice x i jtswafea atalaaaaff plum jam ut cohoe salmon 19 cood quality oolms p wax beans 215 chase a lahaoatr coffee preserving youll need tbetc eaxefts piht9 an lib quarts dor ajta ugallons ilillaj huhbtr jar bincs ri ol 11 94 zinc jab rinqs tut m mli spirit cllr dub vinegar gil jhte parowax a pin- im ccrto 29 i ma vsioe choice im tu sv tomatoes jl grape julcej w9 raisin sultana cake 9k ritz biscuits tha ntw oraal oatpuffs h9 swtii lltxad 2iox jar picnic pickles 2jjte ilaclarcna 24ox jar peanut butteraiti iib i 5 soap flakes pk lsa 8qap atb p gsoap lolunggt calay 3cl4 oxydol large tkg small itg 20 s17 pastry flour 24 ib bag s5c dominion stores instead op uoimiotbeb ltghtshlps are located at strategic placce along the atlantic paclac and oulf ports their greatest advantan over a lighthouse is their ability to occupy stations where llghthousfts could be built only with tremendous difficulty and at great cost also they may be readily shifted to new elation when a shoal drifts or important trade route are changed their greatest disadvantage is their high cost prom fourteen to sixteen men the usual crew of a lightship stand regular periods of duty consisting of two months on and one month off usny of the men prefer not to take their leave in this fashion and stand much longer periods of duty saving up their periods of relief and taking off several months at a time their goings and comtnsi are made possible by tho tno seacoast tenders attache to the district headquarters these ships alto carry fuel and provisions to the lightships in the area and chock up on the aids to navigation along the way life aboard the light ships is no sinecure there is plenty of work to be done for the lightship is becoming a more and more compli cated mechanism while on duty the men are divided into watches the period of which is contingent upon the number of men available for duty in the crew conductor cant you see the sign no smoking bailor- sure mate thats plain enough but there are en many dippy signs here looks there one says wear nemo corsets so i aint pay ing 110 attention to any of them life evens itself up fairly well all of us have relatives that we are ashamed of and also relatives who are ashamed ol us new advertisements par sal wild raipberrts delivered in town apply phone 81 r s3 oeorgetown it wanted two unfurnished rooms wanted at once reierrably one on the main door and one upstair apply at llerald omce it im uhi waalaj will buy hoiua injured caula me injured anlnub mun ba aaourad lm mediately a meat mutt ba in perfect condition vanatur vox ruma phona da r 11 oeorfffttown 4tp notice to whom it may concern i otah to vlthdraw th atatement publuhed in the herald by ma on june aetb and july 3rd 3tp it ii morrow georgetown rar sale equipment ol the hoalel aeorc- town single cote doublede6k ootj mlttnuee ehllra ublee dlihea cut lery toweli curtalna electric fixture screen doom poti vena aalta peptien mlrrora eloclu atovea bedroom furni ture refrigerator elselrlo wuhlnf machine electric ironer oraoe rural ture typewrltera duke fllln eablnate duk lamni uureaeograph els etc ako lumber tor building 34 ft 90 ft 13 patent windows 3 door tlectrlc wiring and suture for s celling light raftera for nor intact complete lin ing or tjentvat fibre eoardv above good will be aold by private ule any one lntereated many arrange to rn- littt wood for sale ghotoe atanla xiardwoo tad oaear rail at rlgbt prloaa oraam bit at a llama or it my noma hue w promptly attended to a ltvinobtonr treasurer ssaleot land j fer taxes 1town8uip op ebquiaihj countv of ualton to wit by vlrturo of a warrant uaued by the ileeve of tna toftiunlp of icaattm- ing bearing date tho eintn day at june 1035 a mo of land in arnara of uuea in the townahlp of baque- ing will be held at tho council onun- ber in the village of stewuttowat at tho hour of tton oclock tn tha ar noon on ule 13rd day of oelaljer lau unleu the taxea and ooata are aaaear paw f notfets 1 hereby given that hie lint of ignda for ule for aweai ar taxea haa been prepared that eoble or the eald llat may be bad a ov omce that uie list of land for ej for arrear of taite u being naailah od in the ontario aaiett oa the ui day of july 10m on the ira day of august 1033 and on th 1th day of september 1035 and that in default or payment or tax and eceii th lands will be sold for the told lax and costs treasurers ornee tills loch dog at june 103 aeortoh ubfsfjii

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