Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 24, 1935, p. 4

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ptw4 the georgetown henu wednecuy evening july 24th 1935 a few words to you about the cnr twag i9m it trm bumu ot ltml tfrttrj w lui nekhi guj m14j14 wj tk tij it ju cm lwwlj mdilua ovuus tb rw-ea- iws tsuloved sad umbi psvroll wijiw wmsjpniw th wlu uutlv la rwaml w hrf w m4l4hrm who imvim bj pwvuwi u dij wifc wm ixujmil tw swage wuge uf roj fj a wi4 j- l wiiin 2ula kuuuuj kj tlw uu wiu r-ul- 10 uw u 194 lie twj fl irtiufortl w tj nsjw1 luiuiri ujuj u 44tli47t bmk tmww i tkir we tvirf urr lu vuut v 1w esge j thtu sw 1u ikii ftitakf ii rua risiim tj mfeurwiimufciiyuuiijriillv tjjluls ttj iimtiui 1 ttj t li4ijw sd lulur mjmijjj it lb wure 6j fcjimw d wo- wotta aj ttulj in is tukttaua crfila kjuva1 uilwm carried o 10000000 nwni done i m tktwulea uuiiittuxr im lkwmui lues f lthm ir m ttfg nj flm per rusuagir wub sn ersg i u tfbnj sju ttkmj thjlllkau4 t wuh s4lrws u it rjvu m ruld n teatjisn n4ii lisilft vv ii tiuuhmtrj w owailsl sl as l ui fcuh lb biuu ysfuuj u4 rsiltasy upffmum ile ipoeiin io iwtlnrtl in 1114 vf ik pfumii year ublj kui por4 u be fctmi a 10 iw mil unui b iarfj au mux eouy naiuw ii b iwu uumg cajja pujrt tad c a cotliuiub of tta uimixiwoi ia uc uiiiwv will ui u 4aj kj in nuuuul uiis nuwa 1b u ttuoii wiy la il ra it tairiffil u tliauolii uafvipjofsw aj u ruoi imthf txiiktfy w taldi tw ibpuk uu blg biii iifa of frruas ck4-i- niiai hilf iu uitj la uaj tw yui eo-op-iiua- a arrf uu by fit tut tuur til it iuiiv om4 bf w hwa u4jaltoa itwu ulriiaj twx1 wtll muiiuiif hulff bo oajf bj fell cuj u hm uj rti iu 1 of fry dolw igi nr f f al cnft at i ti cniladjumjlitujl i save your eyes examined tulyr lnat unlllt ordinary ptjlvu blwlrrt ar is hiju ifrtu an accurata to lb vary df whenever you look uj or down in or cut tulytr lna am reduced upjuioe and are told at the atune price all over canada- bo gat uiemvoro ui u tc tell tulyer liui for the aune prlca aa any on in toronto or auelph o t walker ro optometrist eyesight hpccialiut bnunntao b u at uobb ft dbug htobc gaartrtowa the tcotid wjiar af enry moatli or ya may catuolt o t wftlaar at hi ajflt in luamptaa secretaries 1 tlio olitor of the hvrahl would hally apprcciau 1 the eooporutiou of the wirelanes of tin ariouh urgun- izationii who uoiijd mud him a bnof anounl of their v meetink or other itims of iwal interat apdhks3 commlnicationb the georgetown herald oeoroktown ontario good rmes are coming for those who knqw travel values vacation suggestions ri touf omwwna montreal s days 10 trklilrung ilotal and lloala new york 3 days 10 ta w s in room ileal hotel oabatot etc thousand islands vu o 8 l yrom toiunto every dy lull ud berth imjivtod 1500 georgiu bay 10 mmk eu oralm zllcludfil lfaaii and berth grand bend 7 days 1800 t fa nw includu ucala and roots southampton kincardine port elgin 7 days 1600 a delightful wilful vacation at any ot the above aummer ruorta lncludm hotel aocommodatlon and romli mackinac island s a sunnrocun 5 day cruise 3500 muls ud berth included midupoeottfl island 8 b oirihwi v b b menhwi 6 day cruise 3500 ueala and berth lueludod afoc local dub or touiuflo aoent for rartloulan and nwrvatlona and tttvoeftftxttd vacation dooxlatt photie of write direet central ontario bus lines 1191 bay st at blow telephouei mltkvay 0s81 toronto my bovuooo cmval of all the dost i ever knew and i have owned a udy lev the one that gave me mart dujht waj juit a utile monaril tyke i found hun in the si range t way waiting on our ltepa on day he itood all ihlverinii wllh cold a aorry iubcct to behold itu coat wu cl end muddy too itu eyee a aort of hrlpleu bluf i took him tn and fed him up and jove he wtu a btoitjui pup he folloucd me matt every win ro and loved my utile bod to eharc and lordle how he loved to chau the vasrant cat from off our place they think a lot of pedlfree of famous doe of high dearer cocker follies pcklnsee but alter all uirye all sot fleas and so ou see in spite of all the classy brveds that i recail that humble tyke wul ever be uy childhoods cherished memory religion of canatua ten fvemlcr of canada one prime minister and nine premiers four are roman catholic four united church and two preabyterlana the four premiere tn the east are catholtoi the prima minister and three premlera in the centre and middle west are united church and the two far western premiers are prbytertana premiere maodnpald of nova scotia dyaart of new ttnmewkfc laacuiiian of prtnea edward island and taicher- eau of quebae are roman oatholioa prime minister dennett of canada and pfemler hepburn of oatarta uracken of manitoba and gardiner of saskatchewan are united church premiere held of alberta and pat- tullo of british columbia are pre- byte runa l p d tiuey whose covernment hu just been defeated at the poll in new brunswick u an anglican 17 tux hook catches voub hands in checking over your tackle box in readineee for the ashing teatan be sure you have included a pair of email pller or nippers capable o cutting the barb or a hook if you are unfortunate enough to bury the point of a hook in the fleeh of your hand or coma other put of your person or if an accident of that kind happen to tomeone alia in your party you will bleu the day you bought the pller on a ashing trip remote from medical aid there u often only one way to remove a ash hood from the flesh and this same way is usually best under any circumstance pint cut the hook free from the line or leader then force it on through the flesh until the barb emerge this sound like spartan treatment but it is easier and far lata painful than trying to work the barb back or cut it out once the barb is through cut it off with the pliers the shank can then be removed with no difficulty at all treat the wound with iodine or mer- curochrome and there 1 little danger it will give you trouble tub pauuer knew a story is told by the implement sa machinery review england of two railway omdals who were puttied by the fact that a local farmer never took a railway ticket when fca went to the neighboring market but always handed the cash to ona of them these men were brothers and were the general factotums of the depot which was of the wayalde little used kind but at last they approached the far mer to leam why he persisted tn handing the money to them instead of buying a ticket tn the orthodox way the reply wasi years ago x lost a cow on the railway and never got eomnensatloa ao x vowed the oonv uany would never get another penny horn meand x know they never shall while youre here hewi frxmakhm garduo the swrte fcmdm auppuae vs-p- tables in abaiteunm prcuy f b ttuoush the mm toorath and al to maty which are easily stood tithe raw of cannd for toty use oomparatily tw pcnon aat aum- eirtit vetwubw mineral aucb as iroo cavliaa phafaonj iodine sul phur which nulrall- the add get- tiluoo of the blood art found tn f per witebuwloti as nature brovldsni thhu tn wsntihl faptoaai thmhj uttuce olry tocislo- cmrraia cah- bm atrtna bns bt paranipa pottle rwilih i oniooa euttunbrs auaragua turalpa peas and emuli- tlatr ail have varying amounts of svaliabu tdineral tuatur laf and tuni wrtabl- are richer ia falriimi qrm vvetabue are bu aoujoa of iron vllamlju cwntlal to health are irtary for growth and protection fret dwaae olttrtrl vllauine are found la various foods vtahue uwiail rvd raw tuth as uttuee etvbbaa eifal tcanaioee are vsjuable uuk wtuu aoiauw atnounu are prwnt tn all others uarcb and augar are found in po utm paranipe bmts csrroti com pas and biu and supply fwl for body brat and wrgy lejurae ripe psaj uns and wntlia contain mt- rogvn and are uwd for tuu building anour udportant function of tabus u u supply tibrou euutui whur u not u ld thus providing bulk or roughagt and aiding umlaa- tion points to be conudd la cooking wftablrs an prawrvelion of colour flavour and outrun ts most v tabiw are bwt cookad tn the anui ks4 fvinr of water whkh can be ued without burning the nxabue or they may be iawf ue the water boiling when vijetfcble te put in the pot steep it boiling not aba tnerlng and kp clomly cowfwd belt bjidd dxirtng cooking prvs colour baking without the addition of water u a good method in some ease but u not practical for many wfvubua to pvfm strong flavours as tn thoos of the cabtiise family or onions us a urge amount of waur la ao un- covrd vessel and boil for the short- tut fwt time for lafidiifisi varuty in arvlng vegetahue from day to day aids in appealing to the appetite bid vovj kveal fttop to tsxavkt by edson u walu ghawnee otka edein soundly rmirtusn of the bureau of adertulng ajia and business managsrir of the kw vorit bun taye the difference utwwn good buat- net and bad rvuitneie is the speed at which money travels frota hand to hand when buslneas ts poor money moves slowly it is spt to be put in to a bank and kept there or pushed away into teapot or a vase on the living room shelf when business is good money puses quickly from hand to hand and strange as it may seem people are apt to save more when they spnd more became business being good they make more if i spend a dollar this morning and the person who gets u spends it again with another person who spends it the third time there hu been three dollars worth of business done by these operations if the person with whom i spend the dollar irtgtn- aliy lets it stop there only one dol lars worth of business has been done por this reason advertising is of ten called the motive power of busl neas because it ghes speed and action to money good buslneas represents the wul intrnru of many people to spend the mime dollar over and over for needed thlntra that advertljilng has brought to their attention till prrnonax note hamilton flixftutor of june 10 ltfia time 7 pm last evening flcene at one end of the line onectstor edi torial room scene at other end of line unknown llella bpecl- llellol is that the spec yes is that no u it no who thejltvtl u it then the horse reporter its the ass reporter i want oh you want a personal do your bilence amos fropcw of social justice ulmulutel iwm- hmmdaf vukj ooldtai tsoct let judfitfcnt run down as wtfs and hshteous- ut aa a fatuhty sucatit amos jt lkii90n pabbaoe amos 1 k17 nw arts thalj blotei of loftkr tmxild and ultuler muu uiruj uie skwe and ewry life ahsil be a song when ail the earth u pardue a ii pwptit 7 the propltft anuu is eotllud to fame tn his own right but he has the tddad distinction of wing in the sue- rmuon of iujw prophets the first of the literary ptfttbets- if he could come into our church or living rooa4j today w should piobuy iv- tm tdm as a rude iouu man vet he had coruclmcw liks a lluu of stvit ills dally vork was to lock afur tvccmore trf and a herd of cwue but all the time he kept think ing of hi own nation and of neigh boring nations when he wnt to the city to sail his product he teheld the rich noble living to luxury and dissipation and he was filled with tn- dugnauoo at the injustice of hard working people bring enslsvns whilst other h wd tn idleness by controll ing the labor of their fllown doubus many people fait a amos did but le u able to esprtss his issungs tn words of such porr and clarity that his cry of uuu rraialns s chajungs alter nearly thive thous and yeaxa the h lllrn g amos was a natural orator and be knew the value of concrete liluotra- tion to drive hcsne hi truth pictured a plumbune lstng let down to test the pople of israel his hear era would be funnier with the use of of a plumbune tn inf and u wu not difficult for them to see the pur pow of the metaphor and to know that they were being tasted in re gard to moral standards- fivveral plumbune hate been tn use hi can ad the government is able to uli fairly accurately how many paopie can read or write there is also in formation available u to the number bho own ihttr hoes and the number who fnt each yar statistics are given u to the number of people paying income tax the census sbowe the agee and religious i of citisen all this tnformstion help us to get a picture of the life of the nation within rcnl yer 0n sdians have been startled by econom ic investigations conducted by the rvdera wruamtnt a plumbune hu been held to canadian buitna math- ode and some of the revelations have shocked the conscience of canada hbwever iinpisasant the truth may be it is healthy for us to know the worst sbout ourselves only thus can evils be remedied and condition improved oceatshope and slums unsinploy- ment and strikes may be prevented if we learn the facts and desire to find the cur a osartier pttss iu throughtout history there have been many drastic clashes between men holding high position and un official prophets armed only with moral authority john the baptist had to teu ugly truths to herod fuvenarola had to apeak plainly to the uedlcl luther calvin and knos all challenged people tn authority amos had to endure the insults of the courtier priest amsxlah at bethel amaxlah sent word to jeroboam king of israel complaining of the state ments made by amos lie did not concern himself about the truth of the charge but merely wtshed te have amos silenced amailah told amos to go back to hia own country of judah and prophesy there for what wages he could get lie ordered the prophet of tekoa away from bethel altogether little did amaxlah know his man amos wu not so easily supprrsmtd lis was ready to risk hi life for the sake of truth and social justice the same sacrifice is de manded of reformers today mon opoly and privilege can be very ar rogant and ruthlessly cruel over and over men who hsve spoken brave words in the cause of social justice have been silenced by being made se cure tn a public position personal comfort and asfaty may easily be valued above social welfare the prepaet catl 14 u the courage of amos wu due in part to the fsot that he wu con vinced that the 8pwi of ood urged him on he had not bd trelnskd hi uie school of the prophets and h would haw beri ijuiu conuet to keep on working with hie orchard and herds there emme howewr an inner impuw which he flt to be a divine compuuion tslung him to go u a prophet to tti pofl bf the horthtm tcinadom it 1 difficult to explain ail thst this tptrwaew means one man may tnur the min istry s a proitesion and another imu it to be a divtna vocation rjii paul lie sjya woe is unto me tf i preach not uie aoprll gladstone had something of this ptoohrtlc con- iclouineu and his political spclwe brar some rr rmhtinns to the point of view of the lufcrew prophet men of science also in the imch for truth hsve bten driven on by an buwr urge thst they felt to be the prooiptlng u the uputt of ood ttwr u a wu known saying that one wuh ood u a ttajorlty cwerly anyone who fl tlvat he u thwarting the parpo of ood cannot attain his full suih the man who is conscious of uomi- fuh motive and of ood clear guld- anoe will be rady to take risk tm endure lutfdslilp for his cause this u uvr qusllty of which martyrs are made tueaiu hssleg ii it very often resolutions paud by ct urcti courts and vduorlsle pub- iljvaj tn nebspanerk are to umtd down that they lack cusctnss and force a hurrtfd rvkdljig of some tsuments indicates that the ehirf effort ia imd to avoid giving of- frnre oertatnly pain should not be inflicted needlessly but unjou uuj- nes practlcv and flaunting political crookedness new to be dalt with frankly and feartsmsly whan amai lah thfmuned amos the prophet of tkoa did not take to the hills for vsfrty but he rpsud his message more daringly stuh predicting that israel would fall and her psopie would become captive because of their mor- ewgradation poriunsie is the nation that has proplvcu in it pul pit paruament unlveraltioe and editorial offu who will put justice before peace at any price and who vtll run the risk of poverty and os tracism in order to keep aliw the nations soul anyone who slut the picture of amos or who catch the hptnt of jue chrtu will hesi tate to be a coward amid the social crisis of today l im i fw hi i i i i i low do you account for the great ness of the ibbeww prophets 1 can you name any plurnbllne test ing your munlclpalhyt 1 i it a strength to britain to have islihope members of the lloiw of iwdet 4 llow may prvachers and statesmen be sure that they have a divine callr 9 hu canada any prophets todyf eptearrtvg 8tnd law the most ingenious plan for check tng reckless motor driving that wv have heard of is the one which hu been adopted by the highway police tn serbia when a motorcycl cop orders a speed to pull to the aide ot the road instead of haxukng him a ticket he orders him to m out of the car and let the air out of all of hi urea this i said to have a much more powerful effect upon the offending driver than a summon he tiutaf hu to pump up hi tlree before going on or hire somebody to do it for perhaps after walking a few miles be fore he ran and a mechanic to do the job after one experience of this sort it 1 reported serbian rnotortst pay a grest deal more attention to the traf fic regulations anyone who hu partly pumped up one tire by the roadlsde on a hot day will appreciate the fitness of the penalty how to make iced tea hu ib 1 1 il i ii ii j lui mj t u um ussw mo aw ii il iimi i i it it sate u h ku msj tin i ill lf7l m nn i salada the coax business of the late john mcdonald will be carried on by the estate all orders placed at the office will be appreciated and promptly attended to queen street georgetown v rr- 1 ji n m clearing sale of ill spring millinery for this week prices from 75c to 200 misses claridge htnu block gcorfctowa sbssbssssasassoabmsiasiiih region tatters what a the news windy windy wolf im not reeding the news im looking for a job lugson it appears to me that you are reading the l help wanted column wtndy will alnt my wtfe a fe male it tint chivalry that make a man consult his wife about every hin deal he wants somebody to blame if it goes wrong the honeymoon is over whan he sayi ooh you re a punk cook sweetheart ctsnapshot cuili its campfire picture time keep a picture btory of vour campfire psrtlts during these ane summer days just about everybody u seems wants to take advantage of every opportunity to get out to tho coun try the lake or seashore for camp ing mirshmallow roasts corn routs clam bakes beach parties and what havo you taking pictures at night around the csmp are is a lot ot fun and tho results pleasing and out of the ordi nary btnco tho introduction of the photobash lamp there bs been a tromondous interest in campfire pic tures for thts lamp le so simple to oporatu the photoflash lamp le aim liar in appearance to a common otoo- trio bulb and can be screwed into a special holder resembling an ordi nary hand flashlight tube these holders aro very inexpensive anil can be purchased at almost any tore selling photographic supplies the flash le set off by pressing the bash button and it gives in intense light without any noise or smoke this is how you take a csmpflre picture the people ghould be grouped ia close to the fife as com fort wtl penult the arrangement of the group can bo viewed in the under of the camera by having uue oue hold a pockot flash light or are brand at each side of the scone this wll indicate juit what and who are included in the picture and lot mo warn you be sura you hsve everybody in full view in your finder otherwise you may find tho docapltated body of a door friend appearing in tho finished print it le well not to havo tho fire too bright nor yet allow it to die down to embers when tho picture is mndu with the camera resting on a tri pod or firm support sot it at stop s or us 4 open tho shutter and set off the flash bulb and thou ho suro to close the shuttor immediately when using the pbotoflasb bulb hold it to one sldo ot the camera and slightly behind it the latter position pre vents possibility of lens flare from the flash heres one slmplo precau tion see thst the camera le ptacod where posslblo smoke from the flro may not be blown towards the lens or between it and the subjects hemember too it le not necessary to own au oxpemlve camora to take campflro pictures at night you csu take such pictures and good ones with a box camora by using the larg est stop bo if you are planning oh au out door party at night over this week end or a camping trip bo suro to be prepared to tako some fascinating photofluh pictures heros wishing you a lot of fuu and good pictures john van auildbil our business is printing se i letter heads sale bills catalogues booklets office forms broadsides show cards blotters stationery business cards prompt work low prices t hen you want printing you naturally want good printing vv promptly done at fair cost that is the kind of printing we are qualified to render we have modern type faces a wide selection of paper stocks and layout suggestions which will enable you to attain real quality character for your business or enter prise be the job large or small we can serve you if you will phone our representative will call and if you wish assist you in planning the work to be done phone no 8 the georgetown herald

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