the georgetown herald sixtynintb yaar of publication tu gmffrfowa hmwu wly evening july 31h 1b3 1 jjo tmt anxm b aatvaral 2joo la usa ttw goorolowa hoau j m uoou mux ui iw uw canadian wwfcly mtjuf cnr vmw tjj iutmuw au tatfe laii iuandaid tlmel pwtir in iliu 18 ate paatrnger and ilill iw pa hiwnjhi for toronto lupa sunday a goirg fcst paar 7 il pu paaweriaer of toronto iu pu fulag waal patwner and uell 149 eu il wncrr u pa pujjrnar and uu iu pu jwoil sunday ooly iu a to pawner llundey nil pa uall and pgaensr 1 15 a m hall and kurnirr new stkeale leava uumuuthirt 111 ala lia pal iu tea iu pa iu pa iu u m u iiu w pa m pu l na u pa auatskm btamduuid t2ux wia u lowoa areas directory u bov uk billbllj aaj 1 orgat0a oollrlo otfcaa oragory toaalr wd ulll si uxnktu h lahoboh mux wuu tuawy rata rust itorttaaa laosa u leas orflftfa matn amt aoulb nun m o40raob awlhbcbhb blcbabdaoh r- i aaauaina vm a muuc w uoiunceoh iu uooay to lata talaobooa ui ttaal omit hit u tui wuumn baksy oiaybom lawbehcs oooat ui bar m nruli wwiilln oat wwalia aox rraaar ranay il kdsam oooa ooroon orardon m ualn bl north urampton tauphona aj harold n lavraooa loblaw uulmlai drampton tauphoo au v b watcom uu hjul oaaafaiaaa ooc lloura a to kxofpt tnuradar- alurnoons a m nielsen na nir u p curotmctor x41ay dhim twagfal laay antral rf goo ow oobllalms bton oaorgatown uoura 1 tj8 mb da cimil tamaa htaaa uas serve the best tea maiiaiia ugh koto from hi world again out cf all lh sikwrlng hnr wlur there rung jit but to llulj til tlw cflmrttla iuut tlj- door and tfaw tba ulxulil ko uv djy u fading i con u tayuli aaril dnj uh lordid trading iiomr from ih buy urld out of all tba hailaj ovit j all irj liiunuu th loajt ao4 a eauln koaw to hrtr ui tttu hn aad lr lb tiuldjvn uulur llua fhn uwr u noor to worn tutu to fawn and tuiur ilcak froatl th crodd urwti out o all lb fcxhrffiiag llotsu hr tu utiuh 4trlf apotlj our ku drramifif un to wry iaaikt plat ar tur ly adxy chancff bhut tha door and dras th ulndat lurt lmrv a no tranra i ihall fan to fight again dy ahall utn tu batli than uit im for nljiu and tum and th hulro prattla uwr i drop a armor cokl and clw into guaoaa flota frobi lh aurgln ow and out of all ui madnaaa fcjix jl ouht uakv bjinatab 8t4v too tono ih watcs all th good rcaulttna- fron a tlh u lau if you uay in too km and tfival tiianj tathr do- th luuaj say u to con out ehan you bta to fml hilly that u already too ula u you bring- out a cold hadarny tiling u wui tay wllh you afttr you ara drauad hut brtnf out a thv ful glo and that 1u lut ajurwam inataad tt- rtiht um to laava lh viur uurtfora is vhn your bath la at th hrtjht of tnjoyttthit thai nay a hard uytaf but it la tru on ho two porl hav juat lh aaut vatrr enduraoot oo gua naa atuugh in tnty nurmua an othr can atay twtnty hour tvtry- thlns drnda on on a build- deal ropy companion and out th imfth of bath which bt suit you if your flagyi go vhlt and numb it la a r- tala tifn that you hav had too km tn fact you ihould coruult a madl- cal man btfora galna in th waiar again ultll kuorvimo on tutlkdav muiur- wliat lo do about uii lat bour uioupiny in ihr town on tuturday ntiiu u tvcoiuing ixior and uot of a proufta each k fu- il local lorvilwiwr oil uaiumay lut u-wr- el piara cf lulnji wr tmemi to way opn ui lanj pail taldalsht and iui opffn uiinday morning in ordar to arrceuauulat uwt9 many of honi had un in tovn frou tarty la lb vvvnlng but had fulad in ttj lflur- trninflt luwr uh aoclal inuroourw lth frunda hot until lh avalnj aaa alaott wr did thy haalro lo do uwtr ahopptng bo u uorm clot w ar uu aura that lh lau ifcopptr do not for a matwit rvalia juat hat lhay art doing by ihopplng- at auth a lat bour r- hapa if thay atoppwl to thlnit for a taoauot lhry ould raluy that by nln o clock th tsarthanta and ttair ckit hat put tn a ion tiring day and that by falling to do lhatr pur- chailng aa fatly aa poulhu lh ahoo- prra ara dprlvlng thirf obllglnj bul nau man and oun of much naadad hours of nat thro too it tauai b ratsmbrid that by testing th taar- chanta to nay opn until aftar taid- nliht thy ara rauatng lhfnt to braak th laa of our proline ratardlng bualnaaa co tli fubhaih in many nalinbortng towns and vtlufaa atoraa muat ba lotkd up at cartaln hours on wadnaaday and satatsday avsalaga in torn caus tnis hour la ua o clock and in othara it u ut a lven o clack and this byiaw la ngtdly anforcad th local tturciiant ara not conuuplatlna raquaatlnj eoundl to pau audi a by law lata but t th aam ttm would b grata ful to that of thalr cuatoaiara and ctlanla who muht aa fit to do thalr hopping at an early hour it would b a raally big htlp auuy ado- cata caoiluu roft wmsunst ooctauy vilcomad toy lh it b oovammant hm ha vultad waih- tngton racaotly and by fadaraj and provincial govtmmants in canada latar prcmur jotaph a lyons of australia via auo tnuwrad oourtaalaa by many prlvai individuals during his tour in toronto two cadillac aa- dana th ptrconu car of r b he- laughlin prcaldant of 0nraj ifolota of canada liatltad vara plarad at th p of premier lyons and bis party weattly nrwcpar aiort nuc iftilt amnual cxvwimou hx in toaxfikrro tta canadian wakly hiiaptv aaoctaikai mid tbatr tlmldi an nil roucvtittoa at tb hoyaj vont i lot tlroolo lau rk and- ttw fcavthllgal ij hckjond by ktsiw uucluu itapbuni and uyor jjji cifilptfin auiowlng th ruiiln tlan t dataa tuud a luncsaon u tb ballrouui of tli hotal whara wtniwfa wr annuunofd and award ptant- rd in rootwcuon wltli thr twa- papar contwta ronductad by th as lcctatlon in th paat yr tlia follow 1114 bfr announcaad aa lflug th bati all round wkly baa- naptfrt taklnjf part in lh contaat in ilia ftfal claulnratloii for lha uiua trophy jjouo circulation and ow 1 tha noruurn w of aflihlind laka charw talddr adllor a uim harrl ktuatialrur j ui bun- dard rytoltjr of cornwall rw tit cnaru ctark cup low isai and up to mobo circulation l th nmajlrt era adltad by aa draw lubb ui oowtchan laadr uc th luloi tunnar and th acton kw rva tbd for ltlfd puca tn thu conlaat th grand kirk oaattu adlud by t a lo too tha hugh tiava hhwld th coldwatar h and tha walnwrtilt star twrlvad homwabla tantlon ourlnt tha couna cv lb prwtua lions u waj httarkad h tba jiida that tbsra was much room for improrrawiu in many auy bwa paprra in ivjud to tha amount of rural conatpondanc arthur w uarth adtor of lh aa- liarttburg lubo otnclatad in tha praa antatlon of a paiwittta by oofg thontpaon to d key uayua of u- fra fontur uanagr of tha ajaod atton- afur tha lunchaon th dlalfa laft toronto for niagara alalia by ataabur whara thy r aworud cu a tour of quaanaton and vwtad tha illumination of tha fall- thay f turnad to toronto by bua cuangs4 amnlhjncata axut kuhjul mail cammumj tha rural rout mall eourtara ara to b paid on a straight mitag baa- la that u tha ajinouncamant mad in tha lloui at ottawa rcally tha chans will not b immadtat but will b mad as soon as finanou par mit tb nvs will b wlooiaf to lh courtrra many of whom ar not adaousuiy paid in tha paai rural rout contract hav baao awarded to tha lowau bidder and fraquanuy tha rata namad waa too low tba chasga wlu b approvad by lha public loo for thar u no ovalr that lfcaa faithful public servant ahould not ba properly compeniatad in rrvuing contract cm tha new bails ttlpulation should ba mad that motor cars ba used by courier durtng tha spring ausuaar and fall month in this modarn aga when servtcaabt cars can ba oualnad at small coat the courier should gt away from tha alow going hort and buggy during tha aaaaorj wha road ax good frank fetch licensed auoxloneeb u of owauu u vmi aaj luua praupt strrlm dulunhua mr u cuorattom lltl vou ooototultwhui monuments pollock ingham bucobuon to oaur worth gah oat pmim aa iiliu hmm lau irupeot our work in armawood oiaultty radio repairs y am bwuj u casta at aaa jala mt raw hail i l 1 tu uwat af a trakujiuau aarrim kattatar to art tw la hugh lindsay la tha laaaai wood for sale otolm uudwood bmch and uapu it sm par cord ulud ood om ner oordi kulu kiu par oord jr bkandmad rkaw us ar tall oaarfataaa wood for sale oholm hardwood uapla and boaat mlud tali wood cocoamutmauowchocolat fingers 2 k 25c canning time o5k fruit jars dor 99c 113 153 glass jar tops dora fioe zinc jar rings dora 17e jar rubbers 3 dora lie parowax s pdug sle jelly maker kkovth pit 14c vinegar gtlloallc wui miuj ruuu spice lb 19e wui mustard seed 8 01 se 7c ktuogcs er quaker cornflakes kraft velveeta o chateau cheese 2 valb pkg 25c avlmeb campbells o libbvs tomato juice 3 fc 14c tumeric jl puuui salt 50lb bag 45c watermelons jl vinesv bed htay oranges bwiet aaj juicv 2se and 3se doz bananas 25 oolden bih e doz lemons 39c doz potatoes coacomea 7 lbs ioc llplaa tea v4lbrvg 27c mclinf mo y punch fucy baltic 19c eu contain milk 15oi tin 18c hli bilad beans vs med tin 10c stlchv fly coils s er 5c clover leaf sockeve red salmon 17c helmet cooked corned beef 2 19c new pack avlmer peas sieve 4 2 no fi tint 21e crossed fish norwegian sardines 2 tin 25c carrous l ckooicoc000rowwjcjoooo0 i bill broatdenerj i by travel priouapply jaok toat phooa lalw main street livery phone 357 georgetown ulll h uutur hm iu li hv vwt uui i ftuvly afur lullv 4a- tarturv a ivur mu lilll le ufv ai i4t la lu aid ftje itw falriji llbw l popular nwhl uivhiu if hti ojj faal lud cow- if ilva m i hiug bdd uoawirblau mtj und till utur hij i ara mfig ilst to trip uf iila eurt wul d- il p i iii tiaul of yuy klod augtt tu is tuuwvtlill ttruatladlaig- ttirv uijtit tu lb uju bu lafil tug furtirirf v nunc to ika il ir lu huj wl lit ila udyay of iw ulil hu ttm hw mur wii talag pll j u u laulalll g iii tlg tlil uiaa- mil lad cora to li iau tifid lite aurfdta roe buum llui l t s i tuu yaarnlog i tob up w rvnelu lint elrt w tiula buw la rvnruar4 from ulocf lfut i i faiouj aotad to tla ixmm iu bsjl torrpadd htlh ur timttv or uw uilrltmtly j cor try bug so kja bad baat ihll fcuslij4 ubkti prutad ea uj uudaiy ii i r lag ibai ifca fvlrly intili llulb l rvumrmbaead bad aruwa qujla ratlhlngty baaeufal it onurrad lo luil lbbdiaiy lbat it sihiij la so vitrei plaa ta tom- mw i li irbctroiilltcolal tour wktcb lu ful iter bad pruoitwd bha ua ra ilko lut aftarward b would aattt dwhd la lb paternal real bmlma mlit a rail ea tba ohjtaaj ef ikai laapabot tba ftlvvar ubad la ataaplary umoa ulll tfcraa daye tkla alda af mi loula wbao soouibiog braka- a felluw toarlat ullatad ii lo ba a braka rod bet tba garage uua wbo lowad mai la atbrurad tllll it waa tba raar -ed- and ba was rtgbt- u1u could eol da ottwrwt han ao vpt tb tenjlct but it irritated bis fanadlagly not only tba aipsota of il bal tb twiaj aa ba mood latlog bla ay fh oa a bug rad riwdaj tr of anrtmi aaaka drawo oaf la una tld aad placarded ettb a aiga i at rvad rcr bata a30 hfty dowa aad bow mucb beaar iw lnuulrad rlfty total tild tb garaga sun and firtaaa allowaaca for yoar eld tla ueala- hiu ggtirad rapidly ft stub la 1 1 pockl ao mucb for a new raar mid tu take ii ba aald tmat i if it rune ttha ran with a iliua cooghlog lb lbs rartauror aad a hill shliocnvtaj or ha uft fmal wbaab but lha eld rata aod la balf aa bour bill bad for aufiao ba bad r owned a h vtar aod waa wlablag ba bad tha sort of rtiatbae thai matched bla saw ao q lalltoa now with put a wtab was aoaja- hileg to ba fulfilled aod when ba aaw ill rrai eign f a large iowa appear iu wo attber iiu to lb ehape of ou uwroua ga ataituaa aod small frame l uaua ba cast hla ea about for any i ting ttiat looked ilka a plaee wbera ttm aervlcaa of a bard worvlog young iutn would ba welcome ii tried half a uvxo aoth bow vr btrura ha found ooa lbat tired up m tla appearance and tbaa ba uaa accepted wily tm probatloa u twad a niau aald tba bruaqua firvniao wbo will oil that there an ulna ritd keep bd oo tba belle and uvll gia you a roul hulia mar grtuned 01 ii and ba thvd mlib them long aoottgb ta aara il f price of a beautiful gray fadora ui l a mum eergii ready made eall i livo oc mora be set oat fur hl l-oule- now whan a girt baa made bar own w iy fur three year baa a tidy little buui in ibe bank and do relet i tea to cutmlikr ii la not surprlhug that tba aurt or iiropuaitloo ulll put up to bar a few iwura aftar hla arrival had its ouu upwul cpvilatly a naltlier hill ow hla funilly ware ktrangera to bar harry uw right away dear ba bvwgad iter ie had found tba aoip- abnt dlilrtt avan do bar justice wull g lo naw vork for our booey uioon two can ride aa cheaply aa oba and 111 get a job there whoa pay will etiiiiutilly take ua back to dad coal buslueaa whlcli will beep ua llr- lug hupplly llutli looted up at ulll lo hla hecoai lug blue suit and aoui thing ah aaw lu hla nice gray eye removed any ult arruplta oil ulll tba elgluta i ut ool eurv it a wtsa hut i will i hill a umlluir uiiituratood the letter alt rwiuitl rriitu bar alitor lo nuw vtt mitihwhal itelter for the verluuti hiuitlvte frmii liur iii uhkb hud pra- itthtl tl hui it ahwl b hum oo lite ar- rhul whkli ha hliuself uluburatlug u itiiih nlaoe had fulled lo do itrur llary how you tulried ma with your ula uf wnlliiualfhl fllvvir aud utibophlstl mltrd itiwboyl uy avpliaw kill ar- rlnl lurw in a huge urn brilliant nmiulit ultti a cliumiliiu youug bride uiitl iim king ilka a nilllloit doll ara uill half a ml 1 1 ton uuua calk wluiul ilia hnuidmlng inhiiuuta or iruvfl it a lucky your ain illdnt go round tlw world i itul here aliould ba u wtinl of cuu lloti utttusi for uny youug luim aniiied o tiitululw ulll not all ulrlit un lo itillh wiifllilti um well ua htauilful ol oil mtoml iiiiihi cara ur tmruulna ituittir hit tiinlnir a ml tiot all inj tiiiti iht utur liiup rtml nut blun wrt nulla aa could our turu ontahio tutcatoe tax atktubn iiiq1ier operative for the ttm time last month ontario a revised amuument ta ha brought the provincial treu ury almoat three tlmea as much re venue did the old tax in june 1w4 premier blitchell hepburn announced reoently the new use yielded almjrll last tnonui compaiyd with mty8 a year ago nature of the new aohedule was the imposition or a fivecent tax on ucent admuilon tickets to placee of amubement the former aohedule left uaket under 39 centa untaxed a hick town la moatly one that la ott the awlatwa feel and halton old timers ptottc kujjt at ctmatan raftal gtmam tmw maw about elgty old tura and thalr friend freed jvel aod llauoo coun- lua oaf gathered at curran srk ll ajanltrjj co wifi 1y july lotu litli and aojad lbir tuaxti ftii j biukat pank at four u clock pan usyor cater of lirkxdoo bjk an otuxial fcelccci oo behalf of tb city aod lovllrd th vuitora to bring their lucruca to urandoa avry ar where a harty kai would u giwn by ui clllwna ef iirandan ur john tkl pau ptauum of ui atuxialuui repjkd to tha aalno c4 vlccrfo and tljinkaj aalayor calar for ue uu ol tla park frw of charge ujui alu for ttw fndoia of ua ctiy of llniruloo anvpig uuw pifajtit ra ui john itsfcu and family lira j u k iivowo tuid lirk- c liaror all of uourti ur j l wtabood lira tl r kog ut aitd luirl hiinton of elkhcrd hi ojad lira j a camanaj it l car iiojiaui and j j camahau of kam uy ur and un h a- ucj3ou ut and lira w 1 urown and family ur and uf w if ituj ur and un v if olu ftev o e loughaad ut tnoous rvnu ur and ura ooidon irwui ur and ut o t ucotcgur and family ura j a an- drrsa and family ur and ura- metl ucoirgor and luu ann cartiahai all of airandon and duxrta uu jean tumllton wlnterbum ootarto ur and ura john uparrow and family oak ilher kv j prancla wu- bur prancis ounhoro lira w j cuik ura coupland ur k m clark tvukm ur a u uiubayi uunora ur and un d floaiu ut and ura a uccolj abenuuy uuk un- j loon carntgl ur u hurt ulu annie llawthoni uyra bever- aj tuliors cajae aiur supper wbo did not regular tba cldett gentleman praaexu was ur w ii held formerly of oajtvul but a rvildent of m for u cars who waa w yaaia old tha olttut lady praunt waa ura 8 r lngllih fonturly of caledon who 60 ycu old ulu jean lumutoo or wlotcrbum ooiario waa from tta grtatct clulanc ut and ura ko- u of aberrvrlhy lug mad a trip of mrr two hundrrd tniica before nooa to attend the picnic th following wr unabl to ba praajnt lion t c noma ottawa a dolg ea uiaa wn uohaon ex ula lion j it uosdn j t rjnlimi a w shaw a k llowlae kc proliauor j if iuddall o r uowle and a u shield th corn lluafccr- orclaura of oak itlver composed of robert and allan i la thorn hay lforaid and itoy sparrow were present and aup- plied both old time and modern music during th afternoon and evening kay sparrow and allan itawtborna aang acaeralionga which were sell raorlved in u llonatahoe tburnamrnt play ing for the wm perkins bull trophy ur e it- clailu of taulon for peal defralcd ur n a ucooweu of bran don for hal ton in a clot gam ur clark will hold the trophy for oca year both ur luoowell and ur clark ara rapcrta tn their playing and present enjoyed watching lha game a short program waa held at four o clock when lau prraldant rev j rtancls acted aa chairman tn lha abunce of the president ura j clar brought greetings from tha win nlpeg peel aaaocution ur david iloieu of abemethy sailt brought grading froro the tlaikatchcwaa paal and halton ataoclatton at thu tuna john bparrow who has been uecrttary of tha axaociatlon tine it started in 1iu0 waa presented tilt a billfold and case tn recognition of hi service as secretary durtng that lime ur oordon irwin mad the preaentatlon ur bparrow tljmkrd the members for tha present and hoped all would work together tn the future aa in the post to make tha picnic a real success ur wm wrkin bull ico offered as flru prize a copy of hla latest book bpadunk to ba given to tha member of our association who ha done the moat during tha past year to promote interest harmony and n thuslaim among tha ifaxhodlats be longing to it a second and third prise a synopal of tha book bpadunk was also ofleerd by ur bull rev j d prancls of olenbom formerly of iirampion received the tint prtta and ura john bowie second pru and past president ur j a camahao re ceived third prize in tha beauty oantcat the judge aire a long time consldartng whether ilv j b prancls or john sparrow acre the better looking but they fin ally gave their decision tn favor of the preacher by one point b the following orflcera ware elected hon president allan lealle hon vlcepresldentalra w p brown president n a ucdoweu vicepresident lira w j clarke secretary john sparrow treasurer w p brown chaplain rev j d prancls albion lira coupland- caledon earl qunson chlnguacousy john bow lea toronto oore thotnoa pvnwlck toronto township w j siccroxk- i brampton a u bhlclds boltona li undsey btreetsvllle j o llamea trafalgorwura v u oiu kelson john bhanka nojaagaweya wm ucoregor etquesiryraustln brownrldga acton ur d roaell oeoravtown llr j day uliton ura n a ucdoweu oakvuie wm h held a vote was token and it wag decided to hold the 103d picnic at sourl rev j u proncla moved the usual vote of thanks to the president far the able and efficient manner tn which ha had carried out hla duties during the past year die chairman of the reception committee ur oarnahan and to the secretary ur bparrow also the ladle for the bountiful lunch served and to the four boys in the oom lluker orcheatra for the muslo auppued ac companied by a purse of money and an invitation to come hack next year the picnic woe over at eight oclock and all departed for their homes welt satisfied with a pleasant and profit able afternoon apent together pigs ib pios a dent who live tn a muhborlng community pulled a smart one on several oalcdon armera the other day when ho came along with a tight truck and quite a number of email pigs aald to have been raised by ouva dlanne father of the famous quintuplets the boys swallowed the story without the aid of a chaser and the pigs sold rtiodily at prloe quite a little in advance of the market oh yes i it happened alright this is the age of racketeers and some of the boys who lay awake half of the night can think up some await ideas fsawk ajtoftavvmaw satty ytertou lupavake u kau tn palaifteioe ulll td uhocl louaa ha aaumd a b eacxtuy ini yr for lfa4 uaarka tha aout annlvaraaary trf tl crcloa- of tha pntftu building wt wk th diteorid iubtva wuj ba ouarwd with a todoy eawk- lion durteg which old pupua wm gainer to do boeor to tba td old acioocj dj and to auhanaa bwow- ua of tha ys when tha atudy of kadin ihia and tiuamiur brougiit icwhr bdipy young giu and boys who wr to bucxtw sturdy tltuti of canada of th ulaolara who albwdvd lha utujcl mm dacadd ago oily a 1w ulll u tn polerua ura wluum cowan u on of tbaa and f genersxions of her fmotlly haw goa to th school liar father waa pupil in uv old khocj she went to both th old and th cw her son ar uaur cull fulkrd lw klaaj faow savan yearold koa oomn bar giundaroo 1 be th ttm form i wait to the old school hn th boy uud to knock the strwwplpad down and tban wad hv a bolidy ura cmsn aald tb cedvlra all helped with th ftrvwood tn wtnlar a ttaea we a gai tuny peanka buiy yaars ago pwlefwu waa i very busy town and saora popl u- ad there than ura oowan rraiiibr- ad ttiere waa eacaa ck than lhax now for tha foundry waa working 1 can rmtutsafcrr whan thsea war 1w men employad in tha ot and tha palermo plos waa umou ail or aha tail tha tovn was busy with saddler harnsaa malars and thar were two hotal ura ooean waa formerly uary carrtau and whan tba rww acbocl building was open in tfrts one of tar classmate was annie uccready who u now ura j lucas both ura- cow an and urs lucas ar buy with pe- paratlons for th launloo and for lha past few days have been working with ura u- j oppjj ialrtng tha old school tug ura- lucas and i wnt lo lha school a the aama tim but wa ware in dlfiwrent forms bacauaa i waa oldar thsn she ura cowan aald tbra were two rooms and ulsa cani abba now ura uoon of port uopa was on of tha first teacher to the new building uy euur una orange lawrence alto taught the tn system waa just about tha aama a it u today tha school taught up to fifth form and prepared for tha en trance ui lucaa ramffbra th long dis tance that tha children used to walk to coma to school the game war much tha aama as today and tha boys and girls ail played together aha daclarwd w used lo gat good strappings yea the girt too ura lucaa said they dont gat it now but they should and they would be better children tattling waa one of th major crtmaa and the strap waa giv en for it wed just lew to go back to school today but tha children donl have a good a urn aa thay used to they donl know how to play nowaday they are kepi down too much school section no 1 u palermo date back many years and school re cord from lata or still in aidstenca tha first school building waa a frame struct ur on the present site and it was pulled down to make room for th new building por a time classes were held in tha old agricultural hail and then tn the iwparanoe hail up to ibm there ware two uechera but with a drop in attendance thar was need for only one room ur laurence heger is the oldest pupil living tn tha palermo dis trict i started about iks cmlktran dldnt begin aa early than as thay do now he told us tha reunion will ba splendid but there ara a lot of people who have gone to another world that wont ba thar uoat of the pupils of my ttm became farmers but there were a few lawyer clergy men and so on i think tha scholar of today are jmt as good as they war than ha said and now there la a batter sys tem of education it ahould be bat ter for with improvement in trans portation printing and so oo tha children have the chance to know mora thing when i was at school there were boy and girt between 11 and w at the school practically young men and woman and they were pretty hard to handle palermo waa a busy place than but now the big firms lam cut out the smaller ones and the email towns have suffered kstenslve prepajatlonj have been made for the reunion which will be gin on saturday aug j- haoea hail gamea and other sport will be held on the school grounds and a picnic lunch will be served in tha evening a garden party will ba held at which an exhibit of old time pictures will be a feature on sunday aug church servfots will be held conducted in palermo united church by rsv john wilkin son of proctor station and in 6l lukea anglican church by rev ur weaver of campbeuvlue the school trustees of the district ara tn charge of the arrangements for the anniver sary with ur arthur smith presi dent and un arthur cowan secre tary of the reunion cooimlttee ur whettisufer is chairman of the board toronto star stoaucs they tux a couple of atortea have been go ing the rounds of ottawa enlivening the monotony of ooirtdor gossip an irrate correspondent wrote a critical letter to a government department re cently saying what this country needs is r u dennett in power and a good steady rain the reply was sent out ur bennett is in power and has been for ave years and a good steady rain is falling at the pres ent moment the answer came hack by return mall dont bother me with little technicalities get busy the second story has to do with the recent election in new urunswlck a liberal candidate was introduced to his audience by a youtmullooklng cleanshaven chairman arrayed on the platform was also a collection of party stalwarts the candidate launched briskly into his speech but the young chairman behind him was called out of the meeting and the chair taken temporarily by one of the old gray beards on the platform in a pause in his peroration the speaker paused to appeal to mr chairman seeing the old gray whiskered gent tn the chair so recent ly occupied by a mere atrlpllng his jaw dropped his eyes bulged and fin ally getting his breath he exclaimed great heavens have i been talking that long the tendency when jumping at con elusions is to jump too far comaecjstloaf daar heart do you fl llivouraacv iiurdfiad with worry and carat do twrxuv dutw pro trbkotna pilling tby soul with c1rfpjdrt and trwnd who low you to tuajiy bay toofd which eauaa you pmuv ah do not thlnit lu u futile tu ood utile shower of rain rtaettabvy too much brlht nfwahn would vut tha klit oowff rv slaya wa find choloa mt n afur a summers ahor and ood to 111 tnhnita 1dvkij i braking your puasura thalr so really your trouibua ara mij tu ood lltlw shower of rain after tha storm u over and tha sunthln glunmars through uaklug your cold doubt vanish leaving your hop bright and acnael down and thank your alakar tor making itu purpow plain but whan your twt grow car tie wiu send a thor of rain- what other papers say th2 nam rmonjlnictloa ptriy u not going to b popular with nave- paper handing writer it u loo hard to hi into a single column haeruit port hop hewa i saniad uax to quit th ring at flo aaya ur umefe brtda but tfa ditfervni now that i know hisi uar- rud only a web or so and she thinks she knows liml th kortharn ww thzusc recently walked into ralkf headquarter in a caruln town a wo man who said she had a up to maks aaya th klngavlu rrporta- asked lo state it she rwniud wil my husband and i just cant g4 along on what wa ara getting from thu ra il f weve talked it over savaraj iimea and ha says that if you wont give us mora h u going to go out and try to find a job its too bad that there ara not mora of thaw on fahwf who frit th same way about u with farmer throughout tha province wn gagad tn lh haying and hsrvwt operation and requiring man lo as list tn tha work there mr still many munkipaiitlaa supporting able bodied man who hava reached the point whara thay think tha tla i owhthani a liv ing whether they work or not and ara contest to live oh their fallosfea just a long aa relief lasts there la no way of ajing tba numbar of unemployed who have tha aama view of thing but we do know that thalr number u far greater than it should be th taxpayer ara lacking al ready at paying the costa of relief but if it continue much longer thera u no telling what tha end will b omni palls waa the seen m week ago of an incident daaervtag of a pise in history a hort hit back at an aiucunobilal faithful friend of man beast of burden through tha centime th hort u slowly disap pearing before tha advance of mac- nsnlsed mean of transportation tcven the younger gaflera can recall when an butomocuhow quaint that word sound now waa something to exdta wonder a raybeard old timer ex amined th nawfangad eonumptlon and said then that it would never re place th horse but it did i hand some carrtagca gave way to aiaak stnamunad sedans racy roadster replaoad tha sporty bugglaa of tt early century in the realm of trade and commerce trucka took over tha dulls old dobbin had carried out so faithfully tha dashing fir horse went too and in their places cams purring crimson trucks kven on tha farms gasoline enginee nudged old dobbin into partial oblivion and puff ing grunting tractors hauled plow harrows and other agricultural mac hinery through it all tha ticra re mained patient and resigned as th motor car continued its unwarranted intrusion uodcrn man with no thought of long year of service was replacing the horse with a faster means of locomotion but a smith pail horse struck the blow which evened many an old score ha had had about enough of this motor business and to when a ear veered too close ha ran away from it all through tramc he shot and hu brief but erratic dash ended when ha smashed into an autotnohue damsg- ing it not greatly but enough to sax- tsfy the horsesense of injustice that smith pus horse ahould go down in history h gallant rebel fighting in a lost a hopleaa causa smith pall itecord the thuhon op bunbubn during july and august sunburn take precedence over the weather as the principal topic of convereatloo- thle u the season when onehalf of the papulation u compelled to listen to the other half biagtring about tan or complaining about blistered ahoul- dera and arms sun hatha have effected aimask miraculous cures in cases of tubercu losis of tha bone and glandular dis ease and a good coat of tan or case of sunburn adds credence to the see ihora vacation yarn but there u also grave danger from sunburn inflam mation fever infection and era death may follow injudlcloua expos ure to the sun the burn of which is not different from that of fire or steam good rules for bathers to follow are to keep out of the summer sun be tween the hour or 10 am and s pjn except for brief periods to cultivate un gradually and not seek from a weekend trip to return home with a certificate of tan to o season at the seaside just now when the practise of ex posing children to the sun for health reasons has brought about a special garb for their sunning the warning is in place that the periods of expos ure be brief and above ail else the head should be covered and the eyes protected by dark glosses sun baths without bums but with all the tan that the individuals com- swlon entitles him to is the ideal be sought and in the attainment of this all the beneficial effects of the sun may be gained without the mala dies which wait upon bums bambo we you remind me fo all de world of brown sugar i lisa how come bombo bambo you am so sweet and ao unwttnd am wife now that i have ah ni can kteno- anirry wifenow that i have electric refrigerator see what you i do about getting a taieohanlcai tiu grapher a kansas editors definition of ft woman is someone who reaches for a chair when aniiwehng tha teu- ijhoawv