Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 14, 1935, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixlyninu year of puuntioa tw gwraatmni homld wdomiky evening auuit 14th 1s35 91 j p atatm in atkuras f2jd0 to ulsjl llw georgetown herald j w uoomk ilcwur carwlun whty ki aluxutlor cnr tim tktfc ktu 4 task tiusiuljtd tim ims jiag et liiwnittr un uall io intiiijfr end uju iu tjrniir for toronto u nutulsy goirg hut iijnufj lor toronto 0 40 pw pu pm p ui zrr and wail pauunurr liiiwntt und uu1 iatwrjgtr holiday only raawlijrr uuiulay bid m si5 11 1ft aa pu pa ib pkl gg kuu uail and wurnjrr t tfj ft 1j lfall and pjjsrijrir am pra tea at its best salada tea lave gsuwstoww i w lu u iiaa bb tu ku iu pm iij4 ui lu pja lu pa 1 p3- os ima aj pm a1a iu ii pm tl pm cjurrenm btahdako too vu u lomof atou directory tx bov out lunuo ul uuuur osfu- armory thuuv uldj 11111 st kcnweth x lahodom bnul uthuu huiif putt uortaai uacay la uu vuodm u o40itlen winbuknk a blctuasutn uum iuudu khiha humi w iuciiammsoh da trtiphon mj luubnu u mil hirriti bu q m u tuuuuroh kanky okayboh lawbance a cook buuut au all by ul itiilli hhbilhi oil c mur lujur ico 1l utud cook aorton grtydan us auln bl kortli llnmplnn tiltpbaas 74j lurold u lawruuw tabue buimlm brunptoa ttltpbaai ms r b wataoh djm kldh clnituga a m nielsen curopfaetor xray drulu thaftpbt offlc owr lyinlnlfln sum aafflown uoun a b ija cliril tliwcaajr tjo pa frank petch ucenacd avononssb r fc chiiih a ru uj uhua jproiupi brvtc chtllenham ro owwtown ii r i bvut oac cheltenhifi monuments pollock a ingham buffcuon to oaur t worth gait oat dniih aa bwul rkb hu impea our work in arwnwoad odmeury roi0 repair vulhmuuuubiul jilk w yw saai h 1 1 il w iml of lmh uau stnlu oiiw b m u hugh lindsay idtll iaa1 wmk wood for sale cftotm lludwood ootoh mil iui at 1300 pr oonl ubua wood nu mlmu 3a1 ims omwum wood for sale cholss hatdwood uipu and bejli mliud ult wood uott naioubli prlou apply juk vatl ptom m1w cmoriwlawa ofc have your eyes examined till lcu uulliu itt vu ulun sj ld wjt ui ua ait ucufaxj to th ky ur sturuwr you luok up at don tn or cut tujt la i u rwlurl in pfuv und ai u4d at u r urns pfu all obr captdi bu kl tfra fiom iuu w ull tulwr unut for th uaw prtc u y one in turonio or ouflpti o t walker ro oroufraiir eysaiasr ctiuf iru iu b u boairii dlo none a a nn w tn fn uy lit jl o t wja- u uj tlau to b4a clearing sale of all summer millinery all summer millinery to bt cbewd at tlw lew t poaaiu prkc bbii r ai misses claridge hrtij black g6rglowa n lfcjibrrw la tn piuuiw twfl udl at who knowthh bt in klndo uuth bw in wwry fcay wn bvy ihkv u oo of tii tuiumiv hinn tot and ulht ou of th unjui into tlw dajitr niibl 1 1 oil vould uijt btth lorrow uui aflrurt ocily for uu i iuum hr holdg uy llaiul flo ihlihhrr ud tn gtwn cr durt und i tnutalthm il i hli not undy ktatvt and by ulll wauraf ko u tlay u chtlaim lafcavy uaiit round as uotf and or uy tout th wv and btl toes fco but wtun lh tutfmi bat lotiil sjul i cry alcud lor hlp lh jr lbnj uanduth by and shuprta to my ou to it u it abow uk uapnu slid i hmi iun bjnd lh dailiiuiu um lh prfv uy in mry path uf thin i ud u y bo hthr on th htlltopa hlt and fair i dsu or la lb tunlnj vaiwyi hr trr ihidosi u tiu aaturt ii u uwr uor than lhu hrr th pathway imd it aiv to mr no imidimj brokn oooooooooooooooooooooo tbe giyl fnoin gotken bo hn ii ud 61 i cad ujmlf fo and in th uht hmfur i fchiu know why tn hu wudocd iu hath lttd u so anon accidswy- and cohrcnsatlon thr vr 5u0 tocfcbou rporud to th wortonn ooaanwfutuoa uoud durtnj lh raonth of july thia btbur th largwt nuubtr durtn any rionth lhu y4r and cornnu uh latt durlna jun and bim durtn july s yr ato th utj aoctdfnu numbahd o eomparwl with 33 in jun and tf in july ct 1w4 th total broau aardd aauefit- td to u41t4t of vhki- imotaam waj or cotapsnution and vrtmtid for nwdlcal aid mtm osjt tomato juim 3 14c for greater value rveek somnts favoute cookies shakes salt atauaadk 3 plain hbnz tomato ketchup urge bottl t t jolly good hspakd mustard shortening d-we- i- 12c baking powder w 17c gr1ms8v swect pkkle relish 37oi jar 23 frankf ord new peas any bsand evaporatco milk 3 t6i r 25 quick suds that last chipso slcvc4 notin i i 19 pkw 18 cornstarch 8c h o ammonia 2 11c carrolls mmmmmmmm l i h i t b mmwhwmhmsm tomatoes raul for slicing 3 lbs loc lemons fill of jolm 6 tor 17c potatoes no 1 omd cookcts 7 12 lb loe oranges bviskt tat juiov 23c 3sc doz onions no 1 vina attd dry 5 lbs 10c bananas golden ripe 25c doz apples forbahldfl 3 lbs lor loc all fruits and vegetables featured main street free delivery phone 357 georgetown x by cuttte atkins ooooowtoooooooooooooooooo iu ii ii hanlkoit uftvjj ii i itt i 1u llti illl ui huv rr uuj bl itlit i l guul 1 u uultj trll lltil lolu u uld lie huur lutiftt tluil i uu uf tlgb llow ii l hbh m ilmlc txidtlng i uit imi a iglt luru ti lu a sulvr tirlr ul au iuu4ul if u uv t uld rimb tto bus it wti tlto gllta t i iita ui f u ll l t so tu l tmd lu i wir a i uiltftiia and it ruuiurd ull uh- tiv uli ntll ufcvd a ifpttub ami iutlr dfj lr ptt ir uw ulili m wdtr tkxxj lgl 1 1 igtwd r mill iii uul g bjmd ikdi t it j bout it v sautl ii i at frh olr lu c ui lbr ult il tlxrva id twuvf um- 111 iu- gtrl u ni uhu- g i lrllfc tl prvli glria hik il uajart uuxij ilu rullrvo tiii it lr will lug fur iuii if an j t u udj till amtr boat lsj tut pll iuub bttruitoa to lb gill from ioni wihj u lb foufilrf ruuilo ur advl haifaa lh hptlkfa girl add rellkir tuuaswd uf ulufis lioorv ho ubaftbtul rloibs aad rubtrold raavaa uuia cibody rvadjf ucj ct ba hamptoa a bla lxal ibol up to lb 1 itr got all lb lun u likita a4t rr and raiuvraat 111 id rim aiilp it ou rao t all ill oo oo aid fq if mart toruu all akoardl tb gtmhl laaocb i airy qomo pattvs fcw way out of tb liaibor ad clt lard lb long uarb la tb oul bay btjocij tong luath u tbai gcal for tb day oullag tlitl ci oil itliad fcuag lira lay uu rbapsroa log tfai aad lb plrtitc batliita would furatb rfr4lifiioti afur th batb lug juts lor i aw eatfhd tb uf yd rauoiry girl and wondrd wbat h u iblbhlsg abuui a lr flniwj ir busld wlili foam crvthtlag aftsr no haaiulos had lioid tbraa al tb tuand aad bla boat bad rhagfad uway surf to nturo until aotuluwa lb illfura aratttnd along tb baara ii bi ulldrad fanaa tjea that dla- ruvtrvd lb lu of tb lunch baabvta ubar ar tb uiaatar tb uicd tb oihtr la aa tby trtppnt dowa tb bracti toward tb watir had la bitb- li g gsrauuta doaod in tb blt of aoot weatbsr biatro baibboaa wuw hm they gi mr fcua- cruftr why i put lhcts right ibara coo- nad wtar guiltily polallag to a j kit ntlnly rotirvd by tb riila tlda look i crlvd lira fay wllb a tragic gtatura tby luokad aod aaw lit ait baa- krl txbbtng away r mildly ooca tbay tttougdt tb md would rituni thm no hi mat of a nat but atoa th baa- lit t warv lot lo a moitr of fnm bd wtot wadfullj to tb bottom t a i tool tb lb hah i ry tail on goeo aald lvur lu a ikjiiow tout 9 mlgbt form- 1 u all until bo cotu for ua aad lbo w will all dla baartlly of coura at tb bulal ruiarad lrlmrr who waa inaglog for a awlnx who r baard f a plnilc wttb- oot foodr aahtd on or th gtrl lat a maka tbta tb flnu oo b waa adding wha umdred iuppd rnrward bloahlng warmly uadar tb br of tn patra uf ay ttalt a nuinuot pliat toy couiln urvgory brown ha a cabls id th i loa back bar h and hi frlmida com and camp fur day at a tim und tbar la ucually a good mpply of fmid aoma casnad tblnga and i ba- hwt b would not car if w btlpad ourwlv tter tby all agraad and fnr getting tb awlm tbay follnwad ull drfld to ui cabin in tb pluia pter forcad a window and tnurad opto log a door for their otranr into a coty intarlo- ulldrad isvaatlgalrd ua pan try ihaaty or aalt codflib potatoaa sour lard ugar cov som but tr aggm but doubtful i tlnnad milk aao frott and vgatabla call for toluntaara la tb kllcbtdl aba aor- tyad th craatfallio facaa of tb glrli with marry ejaa john lorlmar aagarly vajuotecrad and adl raluctanlly followed hla atapt tb other deaerted afaatu- laaaly for tb water adrl stood awkwardly by whit umdred tuauugad tit blu flam all ato with a prac ticed band ah deftly toawd blarulta logstber and put them into th ovea it waa tbit ulri from ooahea wtiu amd a pin ftuni dried pcaeha wltb latticework top rruat avau baking plecrttl patty far john lorlaur lit timittier used to do it thai way he kupl taylng until auvloua adela llunit oul or th house und forgot bar inutile lo th frteh aalt bath thua hnura of intimacy aa they prtpared th dellcloua meal of trvmned codflib aud poiatuea fluffy buiull plcbke pie and coftw war worth ilaja of lauuol social inter- coursu to ultdrtd und grava john primer ll uuhunt from hit dignity und purvtl uitutimg and humbly watt vd umii her thvu whan lha meal waa otr he ddlhund the clearing up into the luindu or thu h red haiiiy plculckura while he and mildred ualkud to the plnt and look a wall turned rent on the cool aanda and that auld adilu tragically uu nhu drvumd fur ulldrvda wad ding la thu ttuy 1 lost john loii- uiur 1 aajtawgao c0nipuu0o fcu juu ul by donilnlm uarkbdmi tor bciioolbov iiowlebh lady the feminine of bachelor is in waiting chivalry is the ottltudo of a man toward a strange woman the bible is atraltut bigamy it uys no man can urvo two mastera heredity u a bad thing and it ought to bo prevented the liver is on infernal organ of the body one of uu main causes of dust ta janitors new coftcrvtttlon bv kwatlmioh a new arranged oner of light atiaxi fthot or r- piung rtnu a cuu wnkh hltharta has not brn glrn th opportunity of cotflpftlng for prtiad in conuu vfjt in uu of heavy targrt rlfu u not pfrmltted dominion ltixkaun hav eon- laptly rncourajd lui fchoung in uiu rountry by a urua of teu ar- ranjird coteprtliiona and thotkand of uiou liav nroud at tjwlumxlr and clubs have bwn fonnd ail or lh country th imtrm tliat canadian hav urn in thu ara borld fafoou bulry lmpirv bhuot ana lh iuora and populajtty ujt liav fouod th comparallwiy recent tntrodiicttoa of fuut kiioottna ahow th tfwandoue rnthiulum willi hkt cajudun tr lajong ihrlr bhootlng and doaitalon uaituawn rvprrt uut uu tea- ptilion ui b equally inthwllag and iucciiul in iu flfcid 110 coiiulkjt wtjih u ima opnk to markunrn equipped uh fij uratt rtflra may b ntrd by ahootrr of any ag who ara rbur- m uu dominion ixutuawa all that u ruuary u that four or ftw uiootrrs form a club and appotet a wcrrtaxy lo ahould notify domin ion uarfcunm ladquarur aooord- ingly they will rrflv a club iuj- ut ration card and as many lddlrtd- uauuutrauon cards aa thy rcjulr targru atpruily d ignad for th purpofi and to to rtrd from twoty mraaurrd ard wuj b auppuad fra of chargr compuu uu of un fired target ara lo b ratumd fcb tim to lh llradquajter and th thootrr wtu lhen b awdlud trtin lh ixorr mad and th prlsa for- aardad to th club wemary llroclw ultrr and gold ptiu will b awarded to th martuman whoa ua urgvu at twnty yards inow iwaty ftv or ovr aightyfiv or owr and nlntytvn or over out or a pos- albl rundrad nspaotlvsly th cam- pttltlon is rwukrud to th us of atngl shot and rwpealtng rina of ii calibr without allnga or uuacople sighta using tita fir aktnttwi any pomition may b adoptad but if th prona poaltioo u uasd th fore arms roust at all tim b ckar of th ground ko ru oi any dmcnpuon may b mad rurthir particular may b obtainm by tanning a pot cajd to th dominion uarluumn i o boa ifeo liontrfal i q be courteous u vuitort vultora to any towu ui iway wttt thiol oruin ladpvwuioaa of th community fcuht u has frucdjy or an ufrwadly pute coiding to lha traatmit vmi thteo an uuunra oi hos vwlort can b 0o th ruht tmpnfalod b lh msllod adoiitad in lh towa of uoillaftad xoa fcbrw lhy ara hamud a prtnurf crd uarlog the oi- kinj mijfcg w fcnt you to know that you ar tn a human city and not a wwill oo this is your lom b u for a day or night only luy you rt sj full of at llwp and drama from hd to foot uay you find ubrty haf to uv your ou uf tn jour way to hs our pthacy your comaowum and a chhul u- moapjtfr uay your days fa full of uknaa w that your tiputrtu in our city uuil b a happy ubury lur uay you t good n- from u you kv luf awry uttv uuram or uwpfon call yj iii u of a kind to oak yoo bappurt whao you go afaay um lor this city grauiui fung a rrmnjr of this kind cannot but hw a toad ci on th mtod of th vlillor and baa ua itul that b u aaong ftiindj fchj h u tn that town hmjua might vu ul a uai from uuiung tons 4jouu and mak an attott to lm pr v latora lhat lbia u a town aorth aad vorth rmtronulng uj a customer are those eggs atrlcuy fresh oroeer to hu clerk feel tltoae esgs george and tee if theyre cool enough to aell yet frulu arid veftiuucs for th ruman body naads minerals and vitamin th gwat natural mant for health and growth which art supplied by frulu and wgvtablss ulnarals such as iron rairfttm phosphorus lodln and lulphur hav bacn causd th balance wheels of tb human machlna as thy neutrausa th add condition oi lha blood ttay ar found in proper combtnatlna and tn arylng amounu as natur provldaa lhtm in vanrublre and frulu spin ach celery and cauuxlowar ant rthr tn calcium btraaberru mfxa potato spinach cabbag and ear- rou ara good tourcaa of iron lattuot and onions provld appraclabl a- mounu of phoiphonis vita mini euantial lo health ar nrcttsary for growth and protaotlon from dltras different vitamins ara found in various roods baana car rot applra torn toe spinach art valuable uxirrca of vlumln a oah- bagc lettuce green peas sptnaea and tomatoes jlt vitamin o d o apples cabbage paaa strawbarrtsa and tomatoes provld vitamin o gtarch and sugar found tn potatoca pannlpa beu carrota com paas and beam and supply fuel for body heat and energy legume rip paas beans and lentils contain nltroavn and are used for ttseu building the efficient homemaker know the proper food to serve her family fihe alto cooks and serve that food ao that it will be eaten enjoyed and probably more anted pmlu present little dlfficully in their preparation uoit of them are delicious vbes senod raw and the cooking u almnla cook with a small amount of water for as short a time as wlu make th fruit tender add sugar after th fruit is ocokrd this preserve natur al colours and flavours and leas sugar la rtqulrcl for sweetening berva vegrtablen in their raw sute when poatlble and thus provide the needed nutrknu as nature supplies them woi vegeublaa are beat cooked in the tmallrst amount of waur which can be used without burning the vega- tanks or they may he steamed have the uater boiling when the tabic is put in the pot keep it boil ing not simmerlrut and keep closely coven a bait added during cooking preuwee colour baking without th addition of water u a good method in tamo cases but is not practical for many vegetables to prevent strong flavour as in those of the cabbage family or onions use a large amount of uatcr in an uncovered vessel and boll for the shortest possible time for tendcrnrb vurlet in serving from day to day aids in appealing to the appetite canada most or these producu in their fresh lute are obtainable only during port of the year so meant of storing them which will assure an abundant supply throughout all tea- urns must bo considered home canning often answer this problem the open kettle method is common but is quite unsatisfactory to preserve colour flavour and min eral content and learn the destruction of vitamins all frulu and vegetable ore best cooked or sterilised in the jar in which they are to be stored this method of homecanning u com paratively simple oood result de pend on using approved method and following directions explicitly vege table and frulu are provided far every meal in the year and they are the best tonics 1rihoneb eucapc costs yuknkey his position followuig up his avowed policy of deniing drastically with omclau in any way responsible when escape take place from the provincial jails hon ii c nixon announced 4hat turnkey a uayea of the hilton jall now under supervision would be dla- missed as the consequence of the re cent escape or a prisoner from that institution the cose as i iu informed 1 a hard one iw said the prisoner waa caught redhanded in the armed holdup of a garage and waa placed by tlie provincial police in the jail for aare-kedplng- the nun was slightly wounded in the course of hi arrest and was turned out in the yard the jailer went to lunch leaving the turnkey in charge the turnkey also went to lunch leaving no one to watch the prisoner and the man c oaped toronto dally war hav usx tcucals oh btkdavi aoat hjlauvum miu04 only new iubwmy regulation announ cad lbia wwk ban trucks from lh huheaya of ontario on suovya undr priialty of hartng tbatr hfrf uio tl near regulation ti rt to make bunday driving mj rr on lh biawaye information ha baan cuppusi in drockrtu how to tfa out thara will be no t to th ua of oommarctal vautl on sunday for pisaiuj purposa u u polaud out lhat whan a chanj is mad or a far oolicud for passanaara how- vr lb vahlci ao usd smmadulaly caem within the rwouloo of tt imblie vwod act apaaptkm to lb ban aw but milk trucks rnrrtilanota fir truoks and auarganfy vahlda of that type kucctauc suock uazaro in this staf oi auctrkuy th lat est tjuajd added to iu on th frm is alactrtoal shock th passage of ttsctrtcai current of fru4rrf volliga through a man rata par- aiyala of th hlgbar nsrva oanlrm o- uilina lha etoppaga of braaltlng the laikir of lh normai uau for uf ahouid not b takan as vrbknot oi daath ivraons haw baa kus- citatad aitar hour off affott alihouth ondlnary sign oi uf war absent tn eat whr lha mtift m gi lbert duration and what eruildai respiration has baan appuad without dalay ttara u a batter cnano of re covery although tn raauty reautci tatlon from auemcai shock u a cat for th madlcal man or at a for that kim oi th power and ul- phons eompanke wautralnad tn th an or artuuial raaptratlan lhsr ar certain things that aarybody can do in shock aoctdanu the victim is us ually thrown dear of th uv win or apparatus but u such u not th case lha obvious thing to do la to clrar him at one from contact th gnat- eaa cam batng taken that lha htlper himself u innatd from contact notwithstanding th fact that iuc- cesa tn resuscitation ovcrwtw in hot summer month warmth u of great talitano tb pausnt shouu be wrapped tn warm blank and not water bottle applud a person par tially shocked should b mad to ua down and it u a point to un tbarad that owing to lack of tone of th blood vessel tt may b fatal to allow a resuscitated patient to tit up or stand artificial raapiratlan of coura l of th greatest import- ano and ahould b tauaht tn all dis trict ktforu tn artificial respira tion ahould b kept up for atltast four hour until th signs of rtfor mortis are daftnit canadian kkokn w iwl taw ugiit tn cnad uk lamf ulowd oi ood w ara th puua oi rwg ua car- row and iu blood and w th nwn of canada aan ffi lh world and braf that w m born in m ba- nlh th briluh fivg rvv of ua haw the blood of klnaa tww ara of courtly fctrtb but tr ar vagabeikb of dotaviul nam and worth and all hav on credential that uti u to brag that w sw bom in canada ba- nitii lh brllui fug wv y4 to make our tfiotwy vv yi to make oisr fame bui we al have gob and glory in our ckan colonial nam and ewry man s a muuonalr if ooly h can brag that ha was bom tn canada ufilh lh untixh fw no till and no coropet u hast aa proudly worn as that whlh w lnnecusd aa ma canadian bom w count no man to nobl aa ha who makm lhe brag that h aa bom in rvn j 1 nth th urltuti fli tte dutch may have ttatr ilouand lh upaniard lava hi btakla and th yanka lo th south oi ua t th aoutn of ua must faln por not a man dar lift a land against th men who bra that thay vera bora in cd ba- wath lha uiluh ujf wultna uhmon what othjlaul say i local crap say lha family aa wasaga batch true m u th upooners iu aaya that u thara at night you tea soma of th whusrtar you go bhelbum tltz hollyhock ar maklns a bva show thot daa tf- utrpru4 meau lhat bolton adopt lha hour- fcock aa iu town sowrr jhsm uta corners along fetus front or tum garden tn fact any placa whsiw th 1 room and tn a yvar or tfco hh town will b tn a wuer position w uy claim to lh uu of itouon the uaaotlfui- tfca uokon enurprt frzui2k hepburn has don th right thing in deciding to rrfus fur ther provincial relief to untiiahrlsa man if will show even area wte- dom tf he ujows on lh munictpail- uaa the entire burden of paying for such relief as u hereafur provtdad either for tlngl men or head off famuire the prcaimi situation juali fie such action seldom has osaxto had better crop than lhw year ba ca us oi wldeaprcad breaking down h wind and rain the amcrmj of lar required in hanrstlag lhasa crow greater than tn any prevtoua saaaon since ui tntruductloo at tha salt- binder in order to copa with ah situation thus presented faraurrf and farmers wive and children hav bna working from dawn unjj dark to allow undar such circumsunora han- dreds oi men to conllnua uvtnat hi idlaneas with part oi th bread thay eat nrovtdnd by farmers would b an outrage uoreovay if urban munict- pallue are feit to pay all off thatr own relief chargte lhey will soon aa that undeserving ractputu oi rail ar left to shift for thamairea pal oaaette this and that atlapatthwbael drivers cause 3dooo aoeida a year mora than 10 of them being oolluiona with other car the man who drive tn bel- glum do not need a license but by buying ordinary put assume re sponsibility for th car no matur who drive it at a busy interaevuon in minneapolis nolle have a new traffic loudspeaker through which canlaaa pedestrians and motorlsu ar admon ished publicly for their sin the automobile club of new york is cir culating horn movta teaching chil dren graphically and quickly the traino raau or life an audible warn tng device manoiecturad in england sound an alarm when you drive above the apaed limit general alotora nordlska invited 10 swedish artuu to lake a chevrolet from the plant and paint it and trim a to make the car of their dreams there were torn amailng resulu but the public- invit ed to vote on them balloted atroni ly in favor of the plainer and more uuored made models by ulescoplng it into a trunklike compartment whan not in use an english firm has built a sleeping room to carry on the back of the car a new windttutid accessory has bean invented it u a small spray nonle above the wiper and u said to be swell for removing exbugs dust and road spray c1ettino twisted how easily history u varied by care- leas writer t the other day a tor onto choirmaster it is claimed inti mated that lhe london ont cal amity of 1 847 by which over twenty leading cklxena tost their lives waa caused by the collapse or the roof oi the city hall during a danoe the fact u the floor of the hall ml wlule a crowdad meeting of clunns waa celebrating a municipal election victory the victims were almost all winner in the contest and the floor collapsed not through dancing but because 1u support had been weak ened by change hi the room apace on the ground floor the roof of the hall waa unharmed than lately we have a story from the ontario lake bhore highway that a hdy hai on exhibition a gig in which daroy uo oee was supposed to have bun murdered lure again vw have lo tion it 1 true that dary uooee wa a ua ulna tod in ottawa in the winter of 1wt hut the deed was com mitted while the auteaman was en tering his place of residence on bparitg street after he had walked down from the parliament building at the close of a lata night session the irish leader did not have a stir lie was known as a pedestrian and was followed on foot lo his home by the aaaaairrl who was duly hinted for the erltimtotthahte rpcakh in dcfencb of yiik carfyaijst c it carlisle in his address beor shareholder of ooodyear tlrw and ilubber company mad vigorous apology for capitalism against whs he designates as ghouls who criti cise a and want it controlled in hi defence he review what ooodyear ha dona for iu employee holding u up as an example of what capitalism has achieved on behalf of labor la u not the lowtwt type of man ur carlisle asked who romenla trouble brtnga misery to individual disorganise industry and 1 wealth all for hu own tetlafaotlanr ohould not workers and industry be protected from such ghouls those who axe forceful in the eon- detniution oi private industry as usually persons who hae produced nothing employed no one and hav contrlbtufd little u anything to so ciety or government and ar usually selfinterested and seek their tain through politics tt is this ii inexperienced and selfish parson who aould run your business and confis cate your property tre detnagogue argumenu tn favor of mh ant plausible but he has never proven ana soundness of these arguments by r- sulu controlled industry and pabiu ownership may appeal to thaa wha ara not experienced or who hav not mode a careful study but th result have not been beneficial u oil it in the btoss oauvaav the glory of the summer row sjsad- en passes all too quickly already stimulation of growth by frtuur and cultivation in the rose bed ahousd he discontinued those precautions the experienced gardener know fav our the ripening or the wood of th bush which u necessary for safe wintering the shoot of th briar commonly called sucker which soma up from the roots ahould be cut out below the surface but beyond this the soil rad better not bo disturbed until the time arrives for the fall applica tion or manure which should be de layed until freezing weather i ap proaching unlou spraying and dust ing have been thoroughly done plants of tome varieties are likely to show disease in the forms oi mildew and black spot to combat theae anemia the pumas ahould be thoroughly dostaa trroe or four times at inter off ono weeks with a tuhttuae composed of nine ports oi dusting sulphur and one part of arsenate of uad buah b the advice given in th pasuuua pall work in the itoee garden u- sued by the dominion deparbmant of agriculture winter protection is also dealt with tlw crisis agricultural law ims of holland is no half measur tt grants direct aubatdles controls ttie entire process of agricultural pfoduvj- tlon and distribution and monopouzea uu importation and exportation as different product like wheat grown in india nearly the whole production of rice in india apart from burma although a- mouitung to more than onethird of the total world production is absurbed by tbft 8m0m0o0 inhautanis of india

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