Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 2, 1935, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 2nd 1935 iv fair week specials- mens work boots paaeo uum sol re 2 50 special mens black heavy denlm overalls re 1 65 special mens heavy moleskin pants re 2 50 special mens all wool work sox rg 29c special mens fine wool cordigan sweaters g 2 50 special mens fall overcoats rg 15 00 special mens winter overcoats reg 18 00 special mens fine shirts reg 1 00 special mens fine shirts teg 1 50 special mens wool ribbed shirts and drawers psmav fair special 298 u9 l69 19c 179 1095 1395 69c 115 89c ladies will find many attractive values throughout the store d brill co mill and main st phone 167 georgetown tkil saoaoia young lamb legs je loins rank on 1 th front quarter igvic fresh picnic shoulder 1 7c lb pork chops cat froa the lain 25c lb hamburg steak shoulder roast i i5elb i 13c lb rump roasts new carrots urge bunche 2 c 5c cooking onions q lb for g chase aajmoswr coffee i lb bag 3se oxo cubes 2 for 23c heinz kid kronbt beans 14c cbotw lutmnui tomato soup 3 for 2ke uixoaaa wheat ktfapta 2 for 29c wuclb wmr salad dressing 21 a 68c we sell for cash p c j buck dejer nrr rw pure food store large tin carnation brand evaporated milk 8c yl tin neilsons pure cocoa sbe 32 oz jar apple and strawberry or apple and raspberry jam 2flc 16 oz tin homes double cream brand cut lard powder 24e white rose brand health bran per bag 18c baby cheddar cured cheese each 23e 6 pkgs deluxe jelly powder 2se 2 x i lb pkga domeatic or easifirst shortening 25c 5 lb bag blue highlnnd flaked whole wheat 23c large tin dole pineapple juice 27c fresh boiled ham sliced per lb 45c fresh bologna in piece per lb 12vsc sweet pickle cottage roll in piece per lb 22c fresh breakfast bacon in piece per lb 23c hereford brand corned beef per tin 10c choice fresh fruit and vegetables cotnjdets slack of china and glassware a e farnell phone 70 we deliver georgetown fall fair october 4th and 5th local news utrt you at in euetlon day a wn froa mon day oorftorn pair firtkuy and sat urday ho msiur how you voub ma to vcu komlnsuon at huton tint mob day big amattur owplv at lha gragory ttoalr on thursday oct itlh flrvimttatlli iutaifrlpuon to tlavlufsl trig agricultural boculy hughe cuevcr isao if thry ruwd markiung you btter gt aw raady it will coon b urn to put wn on buiin as usual at w h lianas tloiw vruu alterations and tfflnrov buoti an in progis mr oaorg ourru was lbs first f to qualify in italian in the coming dominion feuctioca not th ehsnga in th urn tibia o the canadian national hallsoys and in 0nlral ontario bus linu patronltt lions club booth at th pair on saturday and 1st your money blip lha undarprtvuafad child dont forget lha utile ilou by the bid of lha road in the park on pair day good noma cooking koyel otrtl luui ohukh st as tha dominion clttttons date li oct lilh tha nest tnaaung of ea- quaalng towiuhlp oouncll will b hald on monday oct msf- oortton oddfauowa will com manca their weekly danoss tn the arena next saturday night oct strt dancing d to 11 du1 heidi orohee- trt- ur k v ilarreclotigh of oleo williams who wta rappolnlad justloa of tha peso tn april waa also appointed a ooamuaionar for taking affidavits in bjpuwhar many additional pilsas haw baaa addad to tha spadal prist uat which appaara on paga four of this usua dont fall to taad lhn and gt your aahlnlts ready tha lions clue wul hold a tag day on oct- 13th procaeds for child mlfarc kvary cltlaen should halp tn this worthy cauu oaorgtown womans xnsluuts wlu hold a aala of halting in tha ax- hjnluon hall at tha park on pair day any on wishing donations called for on saturday morning please phone 311 or vt it ifr r a porrasur formerly of beaton has purchased tha oakvlu star and is now in charge ilalton newspapermen will welcome ur yv- raster to their ranks and wuh him suoceis in the guldanoe of the star a concert and oneact play will be presented tn knox presbyterian church under auspice of the young peoples society on monday evening oct 1th com and bring your rriends admlulon 3o and 10c program at s sir r j wiggins has returned from toronto where he has been painting and decorating for the past few weeks and is now prepared to da anything in this line for his ceorgetown customers up the mambeni of georgetown plre brigade accompanied by elayor gib bons paid a return social visit to acton brigade last vriday evening a good mulcal program and delicious refreahments combined to bwktf s most pleasant visit the president and director of bsqueetng agricultural society would appreciate very much if georgetown merchants would close their place of business for a couple of hours during tha afternoon on pair day saturday next two young men were pe grapes and tpplea in town last week a lady purchased a basket of apple and tendered a five dollar bill in payment the man took the bill to gee it changed but up to now has not returned chief marshall wu called and u endeavoring to locate the mail see our t33jl riandblll and our ida ad in the dally star on oct 3nd and the evening telegram on oct ltd for full ust of apodal try your local l1djl drug store for quality tnerchandue ooubmsd with personal aervtcovrgtowti pharm acy ltd photu an oegetow detrt wm tetbig thb car tha new uib ttdlavoiwtn dubckc wul be on display at the mouuojan fexumtr at oeorgoiowd pall rail- oo saturday oct ftth mr and mrs lulry oiui cf wuaahaaa and mr and mi chaa wuuon of ttreoto vuitore at the boa of w h wuioo orw um and mr it t iuhh iwnaaf of asuna eauad ust of t t hmiia toronio was a vidto to artofn to attend the gtnt of tls ulllan mkudwa li john a mf4tribid nturaad home taat inm hi kteiod fiald nsar ooehran w ooumo and uft ca monday to continue his sudias at rwtajruhl oousc tovonio mr and mrs j j gjiiahaaitl and albeh in luuhervaf on bsturday suhuung th funeral of their aon- in uv paul bstgaann jf who as droenad in las oililmmt sept u mrs moqums fiho has ba ipnd- mg the unmsvfr u the of her daughur mrs j b ujfiwtti and vlut other ontario rilatlwa uft on saturday last for her host tn moix- snvule bask mr and mr ft- t meouvray of thulwtoen mr and mrs bruce me- auvray mr w a mfouway of turonto and mr and mr j oamp- uu and mr hakuj capbsu of weston vultad with mr and mr p l meguvrsy on ftundy personals mr jack thampmaa kptmt tha wwk fid at port mtdfjocl uw uuonwai the wwfcfcnd with friajod us toronto mr cuor faaerida of two farbof mlnft ota u vuitiag tl ur fed utf- whlrurs mr clarmaor j buck ta spending th jms du brtacaf wriliimila mr fcttd mrs w culuby of stikgrn pall oau wmtt tha wk add with mr and mr bkot- walk mr j m buk u at wru this fcfc atlmding the ftold irttin of mr and mi danwl ibjpfw mrs u lvi kyle of with u a tkt st th hona of mr and mrs it j ooodw lt vfdl mrs p sriiby ho ttfidwtrtu an etwrsoioa at oiipb al uopi j ut efc u fu nioa4y rav and mr csaieuj mclaamd 6 wlnghaa wv vuuort with mr wvtncrald ubro in town on twdiy mrs e o ttvrsttiiwa who wa qzmfmlml ob fit ouaupb 0arsj itot piul oa monday u frrtcwiirtvg nioiy miu ththxta kalmsr of fjondoci i tuulng with mrs outtrim suefct ovvaslwn and mr otihni wor- mr gordon aloou uft tbi aaom- tog for ilsmutoo wbatrt be uj conl- okatm hi siudsa at mimiaw uej wrjty ma7a t w co e v uvv cioush and aifat morth uft thi v4 fur houdsy la the korth coun try ms and mrs jsm mtqua dauihtr miaa dorothy of tlaiud wtlh mr and mr j b mao- tfassas tousosai wa la mr thomas suienlott won tha fol lowing prlu thl year at ontarios uyk largau athfation otuwa exhibition read and rush work sower tiaskst 2nd prt wasu panr basksi ird prts toronto exhibition wll- iow work 1st prts bowr basksi tod prts wast paper basket trd prise lardlnitr srd prts tondon pair viuow work 1st prti rd and rush work flowr basket 1st ptis wast paper basket xrd prts bargun tm tvws on the night of sept 17th mr m saxes rrfaimrry on guslph bt waa broken into and a unall quantity of aaxiry stolen- the thieve gained entrance through a back window on tha same night an attempt waa made to rob wa king butch shop but whan the thieve notiosd night con- ttabl wm emmenon some distance up tha street they jumped into a car and fled they had removed tha grata above the cellar window on the street pair nam tjtsauy park krka prtday october uth jack ramsay orchestra dancing t to 1 o clock hnllemen fide ladisa be saturday october uth wu1u tip ping and his blue dragoons darvtng i toll o clock admlulon tjotlmen soc ladles aoe the seasons lucky number draw- prise a substantial sum of cash will be given a complimentary ticket to the dancing tn ism will be swarded to th most regular attendant tn ims tf i cigpiri willi j th xion club have placed jar tn a number of store and tha banks tn town tn which you are asked to put your spar copper an effort la be ing made to colleet ft ton of these coin to be used for child welar work in town and community your mutanae tn this worthy cause will lie appreciated by lha lion olub who are uuuavorta to make lit uttl brighter and better for underprivileg ed cjuidhb crash as flllrertiresk mary planus aged of ouelph re ceived minor scalp wounds when a car driven by her father george punus collided with another vehicle on no t highway near bilvercriak on saturday night both care were damaged but the little gbi waa th only occupant of either car that was injured tha second oar was driven prank griggs of toronto dr o williams attended the injured girt chler w o marshall and trafito of ficer bert howell investigated oeotiae ctojtre ooasarrvative oandldate for lulloa county to the ectors of halton county x have bromlssd to ull you in thli utter what the tapir trade tratt haw done for canada protd 1w1 oa the tjcjud buta tncasad 1u tsrlhi sgaimt catwda tc uut our ekport to thst ountry dfop- 1 froa around tuogoaoo to m ay rw instance our exportt in rjvfwp dropped rrom iiaodacd to i1si and our wheat front u0i6m6w to iluod it 1 no sondir thst tn udd wov buying more than army band csaewt th salvation army band of west toronto visited town on saturday evening and gave a very enjoyable program on main bt on qunday evening following the army aarvloe they gave a sacred concert in the town nail which waa appredted by the large gathering present mlsa jean and mailer jlmmla ruddell assisted tn the program with violin and piano elections major joseph gibbons wa the capable chairman of the evening la miser at gregaty presh laurels wetw heaped on the heads of predrla march and charles laughton as coliar of dairy zan- ucks stirring production of victor hugos lea miserable this great picture will be ihown at tha gregory theatre georgetown on tuesday and wednesday oct sth and vhh 1m miserable is magnificent entertain ment full of the color and passion of the novel which millions have read and will enjoy tha privilege of seeing brilliantly uansciibad to the acreert ye ranilumh artku a small tjttt very appreciative audi ence greeted the member of ye oanadlanne artist concert co when they preseated ihelr splendid concert program in tha auditorium of tha united church on monday evening sept 36th sir xdru laopkln am erica only male aoprano aurprised and delighted everyone with his re markable voice lit ilopkln la also ft celebrated ootteert punlst and his piano work vw brullant ur paul barbours lyric tenor was very pleas- uig and all hit uutttben were well reoelved the period eostutn worn duririg the 11th century kngush drawing boom bouie were very beau tiful these two onstandlng arusta vialtod ooorgetowa undf tha fttu- nlcet of the young pooplaa society of lha udlled gburcb all major reforms wcr dvoi us by th liberal oowrnwct but ha do not ciuot a kliasl on of such re forms did not the ubnrnu promise an uartnoplyitant kuuraiao schste in lftl but do nothing although in power from lb3lsor it was uft for the ccosrvaue oowrnment to bring in an act cowrtag the taxmttcr on 11 rooord the conawrvmtlve gov- tmtrarnt is worthy of ratuetton your tlnorrvty geohok ouitrttel ln liuj the ooruarvatjve oovern- buat ruvotuud the boptre or ot- ust trad trwtus kuptre trad u or onequsrur of th world usd mr atiog and his gowrturwnt paid practically no titration to uattsd wlngwvm as a maikst in ikh osnada oorupud hfth puc as an exports to the untud tltngf but in lloo she had dropped to tlvalh place within fit months aiitr the kslptre trad trtati had niolifd by th oorurrvauv oovsmmtnt exports to grt iliuin froa canada incrsasid hojwojfjoo mnd export to olhrr kaaplre countrir in crasd 10 prou lftm to i0u ex on team ouiada to th united iungdom tncreasad by tloojooomo to australia by nearly ijoooooo to bcuth africa by ntarly maoojooo to kew 7aland by nearly m 000000 to the irish pre ttuu by neaily i1jo0 060 icafports front canada incrraud mi and uaporti from empire coun trie by m it was a good bargain ror ail part of the empire it u quite true thst prices for farm produce have not un xclirat but where would our produce prices have un if it had not bun for th mar ket opened by tha empire trad trra- umt in january ibm canadian farmer wr getting over twice as much for their bacon ts the utiitra btats fsmwrs it is quite true thst the american price have rurn but those price cere inmard by thr aisughtertng of ttock whrreas the prtof of canadian products wtre kept up by trade export of canadian apple have incrvaud trvmrndously since iu1 canadlsn lumbrr evporu increased from tfl0mo00 to i10a30 060 and within one year after the trtati were property working thrre was an tnerease of over w0o0 em ployees in thr woods th rmploy- mrnt tn woollen mlus hss increased through the empire trade treaties and through the fact that the dump ing duties imposed by the conscrva uv oovcmmmt nullified competition from aslstte countries where texlle workers receive as tow as from 3c to 8c an hour our leather business was also increased to that canada was first in the british market in patent leather rubber boots and shoes ac cording to statistics the shoemaker in jspen receive about 1c an hour how can we compete with thst wagef lie- member mr king at woodstock laid that mr bennett should not be oppos ing japan tn the manner he was and now ts does mr king care nothing about our ttxtll and leather btulnaa- u in llaltonr where would the basket factories at oskvule and bur lington be and the fruit growers and tsxtue industries in the northern end of the county if it were not for tha kmptr trade treaties and protee- uont where would our farmers be today if it weiw not for the markets led by the empire trade treaties t did we get a market for ontario tomato in great britain th an swer is th empire trade treaties mr king and every on of his follow ers but on in th houi of com mons voted agalnat the empire trade traatie and mr king has promised great britain that h wul glv ft 0x reference in our markets and end he treaties statistic show that that will close 60 of our factories those treaties must b renewed in hot you are reaponalble for the renewal or non- renewal if you want the empire market for your natural and manufactured products vote for the conservative government for which x am a candidate the liberal party ha promised you ft reduction in debt and taxes let us look at ontario in fourteen months the hepburn government has increased the provincial debt by 1w- 000000 and you are getting a taste of increased taxation on the amusement tax on a sftoent ticket there 1 go ing to be ft pall session of the pro vincial government and it will likely add new taxation what will the liberals do it elected at ottawa you know how they have carried out their lromlsea regarding debt taxation and arm loans mr hepburn promised tha farmers great thing but ha can celled the farm loans the conserva tive government at ottawa enacted the parmer creditor airangement act and has provided pederal farm loans tha conservative aovemtnent not mr stevens nor the liberals in stituted the price apreads investiga tion the conservative government amended the companies act so as to wipe out many illegal practice which previously flourished the conserve- ive government enatoed the unem ployment imurance act and has plan ned an old age pension at the age of ilxty the conservative govern ment ha reduced unemployment by almost onehalf ilnoe 1033 despite the number of canadian coming back from the united states and the in crease in laborsaving machinery the conservative government lias enacted housing loans and if returned to pow er will enact legislation extending the provisions of the farmer credi tor arrangement act to householders hi urban districts canada has only lost 35 of her trade while the unit ed statee has lost 40 and the unit ed states hai been under a liberal government during the last few yean my cleaver attacks tariffs great britain has lead the world in the re covery from the depression she end ed free trade and imposed tariff in 1033 ifr lloyd george one of the greatest liberals in the british km blre say a country should use tariffs negotiate trade treaties mr cleaver in his lost letter ts openly against governments supplying work for men and yet his leader ur king tn his radio addresses said that he was pledged to public works ex tensions of highways the elimination of level crossing planting trees painting and repairing buildings and fenou both in the city and tha coun try and ao on and u forth is mr oieaver ftghtuig hit own leader ur intimated that phuuoally cleaver bag i bxuxttj fckpofcy the following u the report of eord- uunicabu disabled by the mojf to gorttun baud of iksjth tur ba- tetnur 16i5 diphtheria 0 beirut pwer 0 chlckenpoat la mu o otrman measles 0 mump s infantile iralyu o typhoid pever a whooplngcough 0 crbrobplnal uaaolngltl 0 wooofott sale cholo hardwood maple and ifmli tnlwd oft wood most 1jsfchahi brie ajipty jttk twt pbbn aaf uxiacvkf mknyal paymil k btcadlxa the nrjlvfcu dr hammonds feiratfl tag nerw put a brain bona and tluu iriccbullder thst make for healthy nriwe a clear f a wind and th rotorslton wvcof youthful vigor tucommendid and sold by ut week end specials thursday friday and saturday silk hose ladiea full uhioned pure silk hom ladies ktraictiftth sdlc hate ladies pure silk hom ladie ceuneae hoe only ladies lule hose ladies cotton hose golf hose box cou hou 35c for 2 fine wool hose 50c for wool sox mens wool sodu heavy nb white toe and heel only 2 mens worsted sox 3se kid slipper ladies kid strap shoe 14 ladies kid tie 189 ladies kid oxford 3 50 for 276 simplicity patterns 18e aftb ft langlevs cum and d we deliver 88e p 80 ps 39e pr 28epr mepr ifcpr 25c fo ibe 3se mcbean co phone 64 georgetown in celebration dominion 09hr these grand values sunlight 4u avlmer tetiute vegetable soup323 oihar brandt ji8 except coadiatrd cucka us lb lsbrt tnm aylart soups part psyucat for km qtaklf mar of gthittra tttdor hsu your choir of aay convblristlon beans cirr no 3 ti coujen no 3 tin wax ban silvu ribbon no jit tln tomato juice 3 25 lux flakes lsm nt smiil ikm lux soap 3 smi floor wax vuuf pask lobster 33 tlm vlu uauu olluruli i tmwhwt wlu w4mully ckbsircik salad tea bbtgma msx c 31 blub ffev k 61 vdka 111 vilw im11 ift 53 dates it n01 pls chou ouilily pumpkin hirttijut btj cherries wfy kkapt mibacle whip 21 ilf taucs larg boltu ft7 u4dd hau1mj itcj fba ib stotk ap four outry will ikacs uoaayssvliig vslura ssafutt cllb jteaults- peas m barsui ctiu quality corn bfu ci ils qtiabtg 2 tint tomatoes s tu si aay csauasllaw 325 grapefruit se cooldns onlou 10 it 10c cauliflower lemon 10c 20c dominion stores barisd in arnwaal ttu remains of th late ellen or- ham who passed away al lafomhn alberta last vk arrived in oeorg- town on uonday and were tiurrd in ui family plot in greenwood oraatery dscaased was a daughter of the lata prancls graham and was bom in eaquoslng she ts survived by one lister uargaret of looombe aiul the funeral servloe was oonducted by rev mr overdid of the united church the pallbearer were dr it watson w a wilson j j thompson il p araham francis thompson and j u uoore a ihsasalu ftoelal event there was a lame gathering at bt aeorgek tennis club dance in the arena last friday night the hall was beautifully decorated for the oc casion with a gorgeous array of flow- era and the event proved one of the most peaiunt social gatherings tot the scuuon music was supplied by now harmony orchotra and delici ous refreshments were served by the ladles the patronoues were bars woo ttiomnson mrs baxter lire wallace thompson mr percy blackburn mrs pred mokally uui pettlt praseuutian to be ami mr easier following prayer mseilng on rtiun- day evening sept 19th the member and adherents of georgetown uaptlst church made a presentation to llev o r and mrs easter prior to their removal to vorktoti bosk an ap propriate address was read and mr caster was presented with a puna of money by the congregtttlon and mrs easter with a beautiful oullt by the mission circle mr easter has been pastor of oie church here for the past sixteen monthi and during that time luu made many rriends who wish he and ura easter health and happlneu in their new home in the west drug specials roil wednebdav tilckbdav hud1y ano utoboair aluolhurt osj uw ou ua lint 1 lb se 1 lb 11u hymp ii so ilu klmaai hum olalbunl isc menlhsuliutt piluk sob lllo rvlllam bmj i lb lllatral oil 0 m turn cmisb srnis lb tie lb taa ldja uby csli byraa tie csusra itobub s bts 1h iv ida catu bab ttt to a ctu tsbuti ue id ch um oil 1 ilu its lda chuty cmisb byma i tie uv tb betty brown homemade candy the psvorll cindy at taa naliaa try teexa tau wmsmj one po 60c ida cratone tonic a wlasbl rtueif bima1iu utuiaal auril la raumm ff by liu si wdtm sad uadmuy unnl week lann tatfttne la asiuula uu laa hh tyiuai slid la nunl hauui mwhi btdy bmhb sad vlh lai m oa bsltls iui this week only obc rtlfuht vw lm avm stow eve toy uw prlew pbbboiuwtoms aoodhatby par georgetown pharmacy ltd phone 232 georgetown ld a drug serrke wo dalraw

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