Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 2, 1935, p. 4

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page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 2nd 1 935 tea at its best salada emergency tasnes by belly tukuy 11ct an two rap tc jtlahtful dluin which rqulv only a jn uft- over and uut ordinary uapu of uie pantry lr bo and trwrvny uulf try ustm wlun uneiiplfid ctttnpmny kntvm or wlhn you jajr to plj- uut faunlly with oiiuilng diritrmt esquesing fall fair at georgetown friday and saturday october 4th and 5th special prizes horses 1 eusb iub mtvt br t a llliwuvtr uju 9 bliuu turnout iroad la prta bjr l k rut 9 uru pitnut turnout ilnslt b r ic aadmoo ut ladra dhhf hf allium vtt co ft ckuvy faw in lurraa ut by w kif rifwallwi is s tiot tutd llo v ut cwomaj kmfpox llofm oa rata by oola broa ana scott ivwltnn ha 8 mt astieuluiral mora ea tuia by john into uluod voulo tuu ubyd una da o oaaauob ha 3 10 lli umvy iwa oa around inflicting hmct titft afcrtouuum sad fcnfral purpfe ut fcsld lad sjo0 ob any artlcl purchtod trod ilia- 1u7tu oo tfbl a d ituii 60 it ut ooiu 9 hui old and uikur ttd by bruuant by wta firanan u u odiirtaj oil us una t s w 3 ut ortiiu uah oa tuu iuoud to cwmlnt by htli blfkinnnn sb60 to a ddufud fioo eott on orartfca imp 11 ut sunn oolt alrwl by prise of tvadala by j o auuu to b 1aduelad est ism ttfrla fi ft m it lsdua potato ruot lat by o j book sad by w o llroartua ib gui or boy rutr uiuw ii yufa rulo sod jg haem eeoautfrtd 9 00 is qukk alluh tuuhld borw and om akkifld trwfc and unhuon lit brta by n but it ut lady itldir caab by aodriy 9 00 cattle t b t jdut fhui 9 lij luauurad uiotibora fmlll 9 uw hauuln neub uut ajahln vtoau b bat group of 9 dairy cms wmiluin- of on biatur eo ooa teojfvarold hatur aod on yaafltns to ba lud by pur brad bulla tllvrplaud fafaaoiald raproduouon antfaa duh donatad by t kilon on ltd valuad a uloojuly faiauy hu- uk con a t kalon pru at a kir to ins not s00 su s60 boo b oa 400 9 360 9 69 1 00 9 60 9 69 969 9 60 1 900 9 69 900 460 969 960 9 60 9 60 1 69 960 960 9 69 960 9 69 960 1 00 b60 360 9 69 1 69 9 960 960 9 go 900 99 69 3 00 900 3 60 i uhwtxwm onlott tnlrrod 3 tftiiltaalmmxia ft 3 cup bak4vl lsfftiu mijbm 1 ii kjtittitly buti ilui pfkwi vwpnili 3 cuim cnukrr cr tlry btvsui cruubss u cup ccokm tfaialtaw v cup biuavtsvi puttl niwly clsotpprd cook cnlun in fat until ufulfr add raiinln4t lnamxltrnt- ojuhi to uur lornd tltroualuy turn uito btfauutd ujf ivaji iub4 in tsuiikrau oven jio lcrr k 40 twiiutf cwr feiw luo -tf- 3 cuita oonim bj iujji 3 ftftf 3 uaohapoaju clbotnum dill puku vt cup v8xt puiry 13 cup cauup add villuiun v0 yol to conj- sd bf tisuh aiul uui tikoiuutily vaki in tlltly brun ufa kiu and drot lutli mutuie ty ptmaifuu onto bcltid laklnu jut luw undvi tuolvr and loi ctaoibln cutup rtvok ptrltkv ftiwl airr and itfat to makr a uur tup pulf wlui bot uuav gimuii with pakly and irsw uxuiudltly alyiww haw aw a diuhci now uial baruuiaa an uiriillful and laripniw you ttyy rnjoy tii- 4- ilahtiul laulcs at ctltn u ym bui try uvfoi and ou u1 tmsdialtly pltko boui nvlpe in our pfruaiuat tr v kiiovui wkvkk wabkv if l hhould nvi brry and x danl how i could w im liu ho wy tmity and im wldoot vry kood iii by a hui cottat and ilk- down by thai and i ikoti bjy hsipty ixltutud frirtads wui ronw and vuu m i m ihot to fond of chkaahu llut uwrs nolhliig quiwa in that i dot t illla pupoim tlthah- uo i gu 111 ri a cat and wtkfn fbt sttntuig wry old hjy trntyljht or liuw in set a uui oniuui girt and trfdt lar juii lilt tnia italiui u andttxm leuu bamnm 1 guu currant or grap vujr i cup boaina aur t bf animal 1 ysira and uiuur by nrvwaii ti imuran xtkrooto t vaal ciif by kly it black toronto t oalf ahowb by boy or tlii ovnad bs ualton county m or eu u for atotrttiihtp by dr paul ut lib tnd by uiltno hafdwt donation wo m i oo 100 sheep 1 bmi prn at ptna wool shaap not uu than 4 ahtwp i mala t f onalra by j baaumftnt 3 baal pen oi lon wool fibp 1 mai 3 fmali by k y oairacloujta 1 bsh pen of flnmd any brud 41 ihaar ram s ovca 3 umbo by lorna u uulun miscellaneous x 1 but 3 iha dutur in m lb prtntj by r d warren 3 00 x 3 usui lb of duttar tn printa by p o t 3 00 1 bwt pair draued cnlciuna by 1l o uooturr ffooda b 00 k luat loraasad chicltan by byka 3 00 it b mat drauad onlclun by jama oraham 3 00 k 6 mat pair dratwd ctiktan by ilauon oreatn and uutur oo x t baat pair diwwad chkltan by m a robi x kttt pair diliiftd ohwtan by harry robtruon x t uau draatm ohlcttan by j saniord u 00 xlo beat pair drcuad ohkkan gooda fay j d uacl ui beat pair drauad chicken by u it thompson xl3 kiaat lvuad zxicx by a st soettfet nil but fjalr rtfiiiiil chicken by a h parnau xl4 baat 3 lumpkin piea by j olbbona baat pair dsmeaed chicken by arthur blacui beat braajad ooo by t itavson horval baat pair drad chlekana by v tceruy 300 300 300 3 00 300 3 00 8 00 boo boo 3 00 xlb xlt xly xi ib n drauad chlokan by tboa aykaa la 3 50 boo i 00 400 300 160 3 60 j dot whit bueulta 1 year tubaalpuon to tb pl oasatta 1 m 30 beat u doa brown blaculta 1 yaara uibertpuon to brampton oonaervator 1 w 11 but u doa buna 1 yaart auhicrlption to tha peel oaaatu 1 u 33 beat e dot oooklm 1 years uibjcilpuon to tha brampton oonaervator t so 33 beat doaen butter tart 1 yeart aubaertpuon to tha brampton oonaervator 1 m 34 beat dosan fruit tarta t yaara aisbtcrtpuon to tha peal oaiatu 1 bo x35 beat doaen butter tarta 1 year aubacrlption to tha uuton champion l 0 xm beat buahal northern spy apple by stone it welling ton nurwry oo j w spraula ajent 110 oo worut of nursery stock to be delivered next aprtng when chosen from tha agent apple to be deliver- d to 49 wellington b4v toronto 10 00 it beat loaf of mirm brtad by ouelph outflttera dftnit no 11 4 00 u oollacuon iluimamaaa baking varleuss by zeuera oualpn flonatw no 0 1u 39 oollaetloa of pastry by j d uoaxthur donation no t i m display of out flowers by a e wright donation no 14 1m k31 beat layer oak by uathewa wells ouelph fl lb glass jar of hose brand sweet mixed pickle 1 00 s3 baby bhow by inspector n outhrt gold lit moo sod tfw tfaaby under is tnonths b 00 3 so s3 bast handbound bheaf of drain to be bound dsy of show by u williamson 34 fiddler oonteat old- time nddler sb best dlanlsy of grain in bheaf not less than 3 sheaves thaaf to ha not less than 6 inches u largest family on tha grounds at judges stand at 330 pjn 1st premium ham bwtfts abbator dona tion no ib 5a 2nd carroll donation no 33 37 best couectlon of vegetahlea cash sb bast u bushel sweet clover by slohey pettlt so best u bushel alfalfa seed by peel seed orowen 40 best bushel alslke by p d salter ibnby 41 best bushel red clover by p d salter hornby 43 beat bushel timothy seed by p d baiter section so 40 41 seed must be grown in ilalton county and 1035 crop 43 collection of ilomemsda baking dona by lady tn trusting oonslsung of 1 layer cake 1 pie tt doc tea biscuits h doa cookie vj doa tarts donation no 8 by kresge ouelph 44 best trained bet exhibited ay country boy or girl resident of ilauon county by percy leslie 1 00 45 highest testing cream for last week in september ty if saxe to be added to price of cream xifl by j is moore x best loaf homemsde bread oaorgetown herald 1 year m x largest m dosen presh eg oeorgetown herald 1 year l m x best and neatest u butter oeorgetown herald 1 year 1 m x best bushel table turnips aeorgetown hwald 1 year w x bast dressed young aoose not leu than 13 lbs 960 3 69 3 69 300 3 00 1 00 boo 9 00 111 1 bo 960 1 00 360 1 00 360 3 00 300 300 300 1 00 300 x4y best bushel hamper snow apples by erwln b oold- ham roast or beef value x4b beat bushel of potatoes by silver dent store gentlemens hat value xid best bushel ltaolntosh red apples by bllverfi dept btore gentlemens shirt value 60 beat uap of north america by public school boy ftweatar value 50 best map of north america by public school boy by silvers dept store iweater value xm base pair dressed ducks by homo furnuhliigi brampton goods valued t x j article to bmxttne the property of donor 400 3 00 pawl tha bananas rfwoov tha oosrw thread and djvid in cuarurtv cutting flrtt crostasu and thra iroguisuj plsica in a grsum cas- strol and pour ovr uwm a uuca mad by bulling th currant or trap jelly in lha tailing wtlrr and mixing with it tha juice oi a irtnon oovrr tha casurole and bake until tha ban anas are undrr the cot tr may tu mom1 at tha ist moment and the bananas tprlnklsd lth granulatd sugar and allowed to brovn slightly fiirva as an entire with gams mut ton or bscf hajsuaa fvuurs g tunanat 3 ublmpoan sugar 1 uuitetpuon orange juice firuur battsr iv 1 bananas rut rath in tso and pllt cadi half luce the puers tn a bowl with sugar and orange juice and kt them stand for one hour drain thi fruit dip tn bourr and fry tn dvp fat the jtrtry cow noble floxie bred and owned by it j oraham oeartrtv town ontario hue compirted a record at 3 year and w das of aae in 306 days of 0 loi lbs of milk 337 lbs of fat with an average trrt of 6ut notice to creditors or iks causu i joltw allen gif- ven uu eg uts tawajilb ef atwag la tks laakty sf haltm vrmf dtraij all persons having claims sgalnst the uute of the above named john allen olflm who died on or about the 30th day of august 1033 at the townihlp oi esqucslng are requlrrd to urnd to tha untkralgned sallcltar on or before the isth dsy of october ism full particular of their claim and any securluci they may hold therefore and take notice that after the ltth day of october ims the execu tor will proceed to dutribute tha said estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice and that they will not liable to any person of whoso claim ha will not then have received notice for t a so dlitrlbuted dated at oeorgetown this 14th dsy of oeptember isu kenneth u lang don oeorgetown ontario solicitor for thomas robert alffen jt executor treasurers sale ol land for taxes town of georgetown colntv of ualton to wit by virtue of a warrant luued by the usyor ot the town of oeorgetown bearing date the 30th day of august 1035 a sale of land in arreari of taxss in the town of oeorgetown will be held at the municipal omce oeorgetown at the hour ox 10 o clock in the forenoon on the 10th day of december 1035 unless tha taxes and costs are sooner paid notice is hereby given that ft list of the lands for sale for arrears of taxes may be seen at the municipal omce the adjourned tale if any will be held at the same place and hour on tuesday december 11th 1035 and it ts the intention of the town of oeorgetown to purchase at the ad joumed solo if any held any parcel or parcels of land if the price ottered is less than the arrears and o thereon dated september oth 1035 p b harrison treasurer publiihod in the ontario osteite september 1th october sui and nov ember 3nd 1035 ut treasurers sale ot land for taxes township of ebquesino county of ualton to wit by virture of a warrant lstued by the reeve of the township of etoues- ing bearing data tha sixth day of june 1035 a aalo of lands tn arrears of taxes in the townihlp of esques- lug will be held at the council cham ber in the village of btewarttown at the hour of ten oclock in tha fore- hoou on the tlrd day of oiuber 114 unlet the taxes and ooate are loonsr paid notice is hereby given thai th list of lands for ssle for arreari of taxes hi been prepared that copies of the said list may bo had at my omce that tha list of lands for ssle for arreari of taxes is being pubush- ed tn the ontario oazetta on the oth day of july 1935 oa tha 3rd day of august 1035 and on the tth dsy of september 1035 and that in default of baymeut or taxes and costs the unds will be sold for the said taxes ad oasts treasurer onto this 30th day of june 1030 okorob lfcolie trsjurar isaiah portrays the suffering servant ls9wwiuasj wsssasliy feksjs ojust sui iftu golden text with hu strlpu be arc h aud luuh j 5 ltfiison paaaaof usuli u 1-13- we brrach th usch antirui to llvt together in pear no man eirplotllng uw wak no man listuui the tirong hxch race wking out its on uvsulny unfrttrffj srirruprcllng frar- uaj- uh twi u wvii for ui fourth quarter of this yj the uul farm tafsioo unit with the later proplasla and wadcra of judsh ilaut uaumil lo isulssflai wliv ia w in uvr tntuui century study about tnn ho llvsd in a small und tnty fhe hundrsd veara agor oa rason bsscuuse ua sn er forcwul perwiaaslltl4 wlu by their words deed and character have turvtwd obllvton another raon u no other nation has had such a sue cession of iptritual sssra furthsr the jowuh popla ar still a sulfcrtng popl vltnss tha pstseuttans tbsy have uradergons rscently tn oeruany kar can e be unajndjul of tha foci uist jsu tludled tha prophsu and found bimwlf in sympathy wtlh thstr uachtngs usuh ixuily sppfalsd to him th wtyuum diaptr of uslah twiher originally dssscrsiang tlie nation or an individual prttlgur- fd chrtus carwr both jwwa and chruusn fesl tha pathos of this moving portrayal of tha butfsrtag bsrvanl tli wrttsr was so artut tn ribai pictures a first hading mass u rscogtus it as great ulsrature and lifelong hrsading conllnuss to ybld deeper meanings troni it nsttsa asj hlih 13 there has brn long dufu ton as to whether this ciisptsr rwtsrs to tha jewish nation or to tha utiilth k peeled of tha ws pvrfaaps tha ort btnal writer thought of that pmrt of hu nation sutfertng ula tn babylon or of soma actual leader such aa jeremiah but the cuscrtptloa flu both tha hlauory of tha jwuh psopl and th life of chrul by suusrtng and persecution tn egypt in assyrian and lubylcnlsn captvltles undsr ilomsn cksmlnalion scattered l he nations of tha earth with homeland until tn recent ywsrs undsr a uriuh protectorate of paksttnt the jewuh peopl have been dwptssd and rejected but they have rttalnsd their natlonsl and splruual out of suffering genius has born by driving out the jews oar- many is robbing herself of many in tellectuals christ also was a suffer- ing servant man of sorrows and acquainted with grief what a eon- irou between christ and mussolini ho for months tuu been threatening the world i for a time tores rosy max a great show of atrength but whst will be the verdict of lha centuruef kafferlag far ouurs 44 the writer of the fifty- third crisp ier of isaiah had a conviction as to the seriousness of sin it had driven a urge pert of his nstlon into cap tivity however utile w may ap prove of the principle it is naverthe- a fact tiist the innocent sutler far the guilty conscripted boys who have tut lil will whatever toward their neighbors may have to die tn tropical trenches because of tha lust for power of a war lord parents of ten suffer more because of tha eon- duct of an erring ton than tha way ward boy himself auffera the sin of humsnity isy heavily upon the tender heart of jesus while some of the worst offenders were unconsclou of their alns it is difficult to under atand why the best man who lived should hsve to suffer a christ suffered yet his redemptive work could not hsve been dona u his life hsd been one of esse pleasure and freedom from pain christ bora our tins voluntarily because ha was so enaltlve to the slnrulnsss of sins tits wsy of uerifiea tt to be defiant and vindictive when insulted i instinctive but it is not the highest attitude to furm injures uie injured and does not tn the least help the injurer christ did not believe tn eplts or rsvengs he taught that we should forgiva un til seventy times seven thst is an un limited number of time he for- uave peter who denied him w can- i ot out believe that he would have forgiven judos who betrayed him the noer of the parable of the iirudijal son is in the portrayal of the fathers forgiving love when christ aas scourged and insulted ha did not retaliate even while nifferlng tha intense agonies of crucifixion he prayed for forgiveness for the vary kople who had caused his death it significant how many of tha de tails of isaiah miyuuve were ful filled in tha lire and death of christ but still more striking 1 tha way in hleh christs altitude of non-re- wane and forgiving love was des cribed in this picture of the buffering bervant the vletsry ibis par a time it may appear that truth is on the scarfold while wrong is on the throne but that is never tha final verdict m tha long run indulgence gieed hate and lust destroy those who yield to them while truth and honor are vindicated when jere miah was tortured it appeared that might was right but jeremiahs teachings endured while his oppress or are forgotten the port of the jewish nation in exile might feel aagrieved over military defeat but out of their suffering has come great literature and moral inspiration jesus was done to death on a cross but he was not defeated his per sreutora defeated themselves christ has had a spiritual influence greater than any other teacher because in his own life he won a complete moral victory used his time and powers for others and died sacriftclally for other today onethird oi the people on earth claim to be his followers pilate and herod hod the power to send him to death but christ had power to make his cross a witness to his endless lire the singing of hymns such as alt hall the power of jesus name crown lilm with many crowns all glory laud and honor to thee redeemer king ihow that the final victory was not won by force but by truth and love the galilean has conquer ed and will continue to conquer quest far pliwsulrw i do we regard ln ai seriously isaiah did 3 wherein lies the motional power or ualah ftftythwet s does love always entail sacrifice 4 who was the suffering servant 5 in what tense has christ been vie tortousf are we to remain helpless pawns in the tragic pitiless pastime ot party politics ii is ha less kan a diatrae tbat a young and vtjiorou country uu ph uvlauy endowed by na ture soould and nenelf fating banlminuy ooetenib ol bey teopl ex relief ber business and industry tan tujaalnf and bet citizens laden with tke ugliest pe capita deu of any nation in tb world tb cause party politics no lest if tbe tun has not come wben none ar f or lb party out alt ar for tb stat tbaa our- case b bopli we are telfooorned to tb slavilt doeniriatioe of eu party bumler we are pawns k pawnt in tb pitiless pa of party politics simeoe reformer to the electors ol ballot comly october hlh faoelul dsy tn cana dian hltory draws near luws you fkcd facts t are th ukh to ucome richer tha poor poofwrv ar tha scale of ijoclal juslioa to b failnru which has tha grwstsr value tha dollar bill or tha human batng who is to prsvau tha 0gantd financul lnu or lha coeamnn pasoplat what t it to be lha o rule or tha ruia of uold mlht 1 right or right u iktlghl tb answer fu with you canada boasts a financial clique that twyids lha fymuvon pentvl are in rips his of thoughl ulind allegia ma to old pouucal pan- has alwajs bssn right down uv silry for crganlssd finance th chap who voted ortt or tory bscausa his grmndpappy did has ban putty tn lha hprt oj lbs money h its has bssa uncouragsd in his party loyalty bitter quarru ovwr urtil sr sals they cbacurwi caaiidmti- uoo of mooaury raform of m liberty of progrstaiv atsps toward individual sscurity pnigysss to ward a higher stats of clvuuailon was to vw3i only as ilia mind of high ftnanca permiusd history repeats itself one hundred years ago a aery crusading rsformer william lyon mscketma uiinchsd a revolt to brwak the grip of tha family orr- of that dsy he fought for political lib erty today tha struggls is for fflk liberty with hon harry 1l stsvsns ui tha role of tha modem wm lyon macfcspits as b seks to smash th shackles forged by tha modern fam- uy coeipaet eight month ago rt lion r b bsruutt prtma minister of canada electrified the nation by hi fsmous radio rjscisrauon the old capitalistic system ha gone it will not return tha old system served you weu but it aodsd tn co undsr which there hss been universal depression and unem ployment and poverty in tha midst of plenty thar are many faults tn tha capitalistic system child labor sweat shops slave wags uushlngly long hours inequality of bsnsnta low prices to primary producers high prices to tha ultimate consumer many tall to realise what unemployment means zt is visible expression of tha inhareni defects of th capitalist system if we cannot abolish tha dole wa should abolish tha system a gen eration of strife death in foreign lands at noma the tearful struggle lor wealth thin vlls gourtshsd in tha times when napifuaw ran itself ran tha people ran the stst with this stirring rturmlfw riot ing in the ears of tha iiatlon high hopes war hold of immediate ataps toward raform and what has happanadf bennett blows hot and cold he talks reform but there it ends u leave ua on tha proverbial hm or as one critic has said ii hnntt believed what he aajd then ha stands condemned as tha impotent unwilling toot of tha system he condemns certainly we cant forget that eight months and one s ail on of pariumant have passed since those words of tha prima minister lifted us for the mo ment out of tha depths and what of king tha financial editor of toronto sat urday night quote a prominent busi ness man as saying i think iii vote for iifnt king his record has been one of masterful inactivity and thats tha policy that suit ma and for months it has been the policy approved of by all the financial writer they speak tor big business big business doesnt want regulstion by the state it wants complete free dom to do as it itxeswater stock gobble up tha small manufacturer grind tha primary producer and hold the independent retail merchant in cample to subjection shades of 1u7i wm lyon mackensle the great rerortner would blush with shame and tremble with indignation if be knew his grandson ut hon wm lyon ssockeniia king in uie liour oi canadas greatest need stands forth as the exponent of a policy of master ful inactivity endorsed by the finan cial family compact of 1035 masterful inactivity what an apt description of the liberal policy and of a leader who declares under his own signature that unemployment 1 canada greatest problem and who offer in the sixth year of the de pression to meet this problem by set- m m robinson reconstruction party candidate in hilton county stevens has been a great national asset montreal weekly witness for considerably more than a year the honour able harry stevens has been o great notional asset the quality of the asset was his readiness to be used by the spirit of rightness reverently capitalizing these words as being fundamentally synonymous with the holy spirit the quality of the asset was doubled from the time when sacrificing the emoluments and honors of office he became a private largely nonpartisan back bencher a negative factor in party councils he then hfmam a positive public benefactor the onetime champion of privilege became the prophet of honesty in business equity for the workers and a square deal for the public at large whether his bid for power at the head of a new party will weaken his influence by confinina him once more within the four walls of a party programme remains to be seen what is certain is that his severance from the official conservative party deprives it of what might have been its strongest moral argument in the coming election the government that had to throw out its single champion of the oppres sed worker and the cheated investor that gave prefer ence to mr cohans policy of subservience to big busi ness over mr stevens plea for social control in the so cial interest has written its own condemnation mr stevens rendered his country a magnificent service at a critical time we would like to think that he is on the way to fuller conversion still clearer vision and grander achievement we hope that his new move ment founded primarily to rescue canadas wasting youth from the desert of lost opportunities will retain the vision glorious and refuse to be sidetracked by prospect of petty political gain we commend his de clared resolve to have no truck or trade with donors of campaign funds with strings attached and his plan of working through volunteers who believe in their mis sion rather than ward heelers at five dollars a day and expectation of further rewards stevens sets the pace his crusade in the face of tremendous odds utirs the nation he deserves to win join stevens in his great crusade for human rights ting up 4 natlonsl txsmawloa to uudy the matter and hsukninind tisl anion is to bs taken on can not do clherwtk than ask wlwre has mr king two and what has ha bswn doing for th past six yosrsf sure ly as lead of an old pouucsj party lie has hsd ample urn to study and rttlte some trsatmsct of th encrt liu ovarth of ldas hi uiuwfol in- utue proposal of a vtfistittjirtjm on unetnploymarit damn him for evsr in the ryes of all thinking rurftf the unwnpiofsd want sotfc and bigfi they hsv u1u pallrnt with likh to endure hiis rommlulons ttudy and rrport and parliament 6v- bstev there is utua bread and oir- uinly no butter in th king pfopoasl it is on lh great cutlon of social reform thst btsvms ditftrs so radical ly from king and iferinsu fltsvens con land tha chwf issue is one of balancing tha social seal h bis bum coaceatrstion of ssahmi tn th hand of few for tha prxat finan cial bliasard 111 fisht u with big llusuaw which would crush htm for uig busum didnt ilk tha frtca bpreads and mass buying tav llga- llon special srtvluw do ix wt regulation btsvrns u after tha pre datory inter it iwgards u as th duty of th fltata to rwiof barxaln- ins poer to the farmer to rwtaow the artificial tarrlra so th old law of supply and damsnci may opsrata to sscura for labor a fslrr share of the hward of industry tn short h leeks a b4ter tif for th ordinary frllow stevens mslntslns control of can ada economla us 1 the treat stake of this modem crusade 11 stand for an easy money policy ua points out thst mr bennstt and mr kmg hsv on all occasion supported th bsruotra policy of hstrtctlng credit g inter rats and limit ing currency circulation mr bwn- nett calls thi tha bound money pol icy but mr ivn rssrard ll as the tight money policy- utlgmsd to preserve for a few powwrfui corpora tions and a group of rich man full and absolute control ot canadas econ omic lit this policy mr stevwos contend is rwaporislbla for tha de pression orsat brttsin recognised this and adopted an easy money policy with the result thst thry have mad great er strides toward recovery than any other country tha midland bank review july 1035 advocates tha easy money pol- icy this review says w hsv endeavored to show how vital has been tha contribution mad by the british governments cheap money policy to th rsoomry involv ing eraploymsnt and increased eon- sumption further from tha midland bank raferrtng to tha change from th former tight money policy to tha present essy and plentiful money policy thi great bank declares this change is nothing short of a revolution it indicate en almost complete transtortsutlon of the mone tary system these are tha words of one of the greatest banking authoriti tn lha world but on that has been out of sympathy with tha old orthodox ex clusive financial group and so you hsve the issue msstrrful inactivity on the part of mr king waits against the captuilstlc sys tem but never ending delsy in execu ting his proposals to make caplulism your servant not your truster by mr bennett the development or a cooperative state by mr wood worth and bute control of canadas toouumlo life as advocated by mr steven who maintains above all cue that th social security of tha individual u rtaromount the reconstruction party cam in to bring at the urgent request of tha small business msn it is a crusade singlehanded stevens fight tha good fight no huge campaign pot to help far his is a poor mans party all out to restore to the rank and file a fair share of the pool of life stevens has a record of accompllsh- mrnt behind him ha has intimate knowledge of the poor msn prob lems without money and with tha ml flit of st james street arrayed against him he has embarked on hi great crusado for the common peo ple defeat for stevens mean victory for organised finance victory means a squar deal for the under dog it means the human being hwmes more important than the dollar bill if you are content to let capitalism funltealf run the people and run the state vole for king or bennett if you want the state to regulate capitalism vote for stevens u u robinson candidate tn ilalton county for the reootutructlon party

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