Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 9, 1935, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wedneaday evening october 9tli 1935 now is the time to buy your i winter coat at silvers annual i fall sale kmxxi wataom la cumvb4ov0 on mdvy octtiaw iul 134 oeorcaj lwbki wtiaod bk9fd huabauad of ww jb cjlu id hi mat yjt jaocaom al hu hrme in toronto tfl dovercourt hod bo baourday oct uh lta ix o ja be lowd luujband of edilh brdiy im ucmotuam uajtttw in loving taioory of a cbajr wife and toother uary martin ho fiitft awy october lilh lta quickly and quktly cam the call llar tuideii death ajirprwd us all we have lou but iwavu lias gained on cf ui bmkl uu wotld coftuind lovingly htottttbrtvd by lluhnd jul otllldfril silvers annua fall sale otters ihe ulmosl economies in fail and winter merchandise buy with confidence at silvers visit our store on thursday friday and saturday sdvers dept store wrr your dollar gee farther phone 378 georgetown news from the nyal drug store orient flnca valua u touebiea tn u imly tilt run rfc u vjrjy lldl imitm tt mirt amihkfa exceptional value at lge eath special values in soap tbir frl sat tnxtmom rvtaeii mum fr in ltlx oaj a inrvurt dkuoht lub- ufsbuov in lb oooo far u ih1imiim1 tuaittl boat i fr ik cjumm hoju iirnn be prepared when winter com fortify your lyaiera with cod liver oil hyal ooo uvzr oil 4b ul ilm vxuojdxwi ooo uver oh coo uvts on ttcjuyn ooo liven ou ttqoraa ooo uvst oil inx ooo uvkr oo myal ooo uvra oil oamclrs u bh uu wa lb iu ib tb pag a shaw c 60c pound mva oun ooupohb they aiie valua maecormacks drug store t we i asoaanoini bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbabbbbabbabbbbbbabbabbb hear m g ttawby 30 to 1 030 pm cfrb ckcl chml cktb oclw bbbaahbbilijhbbhbbilbbbilh obituary bgjuk kuigtuve itallowlng an lllnt cf bom ka ikul titathw fasjotvd wit of 11 alex luttd aurmptotl purd y t lumlltod iiopuil on thursday daxaasad wu daughlir of the uu ur and un jaiivr koiittv4 olhl wiuusu- ie4ksd iwr lluv- lajid tjw u turvivvms by im cluuivu jubm and dorothy tuo lur uul tso uoiacrt burloti uul kmlr aun wluumi and will al hachnjur ttm fuiufal tocjt pito oa balukuy wtuq tb haulai fc lnuftwl cttmchvubi cbbmriry a fust nmna of 0orloa uul pupil of cuorgrtowii lluh tkluyj tji uj pran o oweunujt oum jaclbfkn pid say at hu lueu wf doroun wd taratita oa ffalui day wi uli ur juuon liad un to poor hjui for taias u u- ud4 hi wtdo tvfao hi oramfty kdjth kikduy of cuorvbiowu h uiylvd by fatally of th aouj and uum ruiiifcuf twywwln jilkjkoo of oflikiuy 6r rw jazjuoa of nr yrrfr wnf b to labil and ho- bbod of twooto od alitw 1 jmod of tovoalo abd survtv tti fuiuraj took put on tucday afur- oooa u ut fuitanl osury stuso lh wrvtrs condorud by rv lalar of st anna hjitlan church and oinoa 6ky oeobuuc lknabo watiiom oc of gerikfvuhn taofct highly hpctad cluimu in th vtun or omf latum wauoo btlovm hm- tmnd of ktuftu jan lan pauvl away at hu hotria on uanla av on rrtdjy uu oeubmi ttli ur waloo raj in hu llu war and vai bore in kajuataiya vownuiin iu cam oaomtflra totythr yars mo and haa raalddd twr ver atnor iu farmed in naaagawra for toany yean ufor ootnlng to 0orgkom and often inolta of tha plonm cava in tha umnahlp when oan ra in cobuaon uto il u aurvtvad by hu vido forsutl ptuw jan una whom ha tnarrud forty yaara aao uat april four aona altred rohrt and victor of nocktfood and charua of tcatehtn bilk tso dauahttra ura emily wiuon of bdan uuu and ura k h 0a of vancouver auo ona aitttr ura iknry lluaband of okwr- oala vanoouwr 11a was a mmbar of llmahoum uruud church in pol itlca h vtu a ubrral tha funaral acrvloa at tha homa on uanday u oondueud by rav ur stsphatuon afttr hkh tha remains war takao to ebanaaar othurch mauaanvya shara arrvtoa was held luv ur eomarvtlla of ehanamt and ilrv ur taylor of rockvood aulatd in tha tarvtfia at tha church and orava tha pallbarra mtrr r o ntion wtel ucqoavll john campbell v uc donald wm bulurant and w j brovnrlu tha rwnalna wra in- trrd in ebmraer cvnutrry dont miu jubilee year at erin fall fair raiday ad batthdv october 1 1th and 12th dio ust op prizes why special attkaottona meet your friend at erin fair oeo o bprt prmidnt w p uaekchv smxvaa ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbabbbbbbbbbbbbbbabbbbbaaj public medina j in the intereitt of george currie liberalconurvative canrllrlate for hilton county will be held in the town hall georgetown saturday october 12 at s pm the following apeakera will addreu the meeting wm morrison hamilton dr r k anderson mp roy sargent the candidate and others norval war at boui ethiopia u not tha only plaxa ot tha map whar war u on aa on bat urday aftamoon last a conunacnt of inarpahootert from tha ambitious city of hamilton bwoopad down on tha villas of norval and oapturad tha korval rlflf club in their own fortress it lookad at tha bealnnlns of hntttlltus as if tha mortal boya were havlmj tha bast of tha naht but tha hamilton captain out-manohj- erm them by advanflna with hu heavy artulsry and won tha battl ajur partakinf of luncheon seoond ensaffamtnt took placa thu tlma frith oonsldarahly raducad ranks tha in jurad havlna- bean aeot to their nomas tha lumlltonlans uain win ning out tha norvauua after being huitaleruud fekarrettuad browned and nursed for a couple of weeks as pect to tnvad tha city under tha mountain when they hops to irallop noma with several scalps under their belts tha seorea hnt ansajremant atamllton tu norval tt3 second engasamant jumllton a3 norval nomlnevtlon meeting largely attended mm rboiuai i tw hu i thr araa a ur fejthttint at the nomlilatlon uniid hald u uuton on uonday wheal tha fouwtatf randidalw rrra duly ttotnlflaoad u rrprtwiu theb party in tha forth comlai t kuaun caofiok ctmiuat oteafcrrtk huoittd otxavdt liberal u ivonlmuoh humhuntiki f s davu of oajtvllw 1- uan of tha ttwatioa and cud on u landldstm who ladmd thr electora on tha uier of the day ouur nmkr df arwkrwja up ror oun currte and hunt kuwr for hush cwwr nihu8 usktil wab faiwt fahunr ttwu in u vcabb owen sound oct 8 ura t f or leva of oaoraretown who was in tha city tlus weak attending tha con vention of tha ladlea auxiliary tha canadian ixoton renewed ac quaintance with a pentlaman that aha had not seen for 11 years during tha war lira oruva i a red cross nuraa in noutttghun england while visiting in oen sound aha suddenly ramsmbarad that ona of her wounded patients during her work in knaund resided in owen round after inquiring aha anally discovered that uark frankun tha boy whom aha had attended years ago worked at tha postnthot after a period of 18 years aha walked into the postomoe and ha recognized her at once ura grieve told of how ur frank lin was received into the hospital with sever hip injuries and a high trench layer the boy had never seen an english wedding and x asked him to mine it u indeed a thrill after all these years to once again renew ae- oaulnuncea with the gentleman for whom x have alwaya had the greatest of respect urs orteve stated tele gram notice to creditors wavsoh uu el uu item omwuwh ib uu cnwir el iuj- lutt nuraj uaur iwui all persons hvln cuinu uhnit uu mill ot tha above lumad oors laoium wnlioii who died on or about uia ui day of october i0m at the town ol osortetovn are re- qu red to und to the undertlinod no- ufitot on or before the oth day of november ibm full dartloulart of their clalma and any aeeurluee tliey may hold uierefoie nd kb notioe that after the pth day of november nevt the execu tory will orooeed to dlitrlbute the uud eeuu having retard only to the clalmi of which they ahall then have notloe and that they will hm be llablr wh0 xb they wul not then have received notloe lor the aueta ao dlatrihutod dated at osorihtown thle ith lay of october 1039 kbnttbth uurney lanodon soueltor for jamea victor wauon and aeone oordon th baoulore thereof at iiuohml oleavts tiuralpwtfulbe ciiruudau or luilon county to the electors of halton couktvi w liake taxlod the tloaing j ol tlka catnpawn to uuu of you alio hse un fallowing us a tuizn tiauly and tvdtng tle scaw6laa wjju by pfoaliient aprakera of all of u four parura uniting your support tail ll a faxt ihat you luw twrd so tnauy rcmruftlng beu of fljurwa and sitfurtinua liiat you do not know iiom to brlutft it u iat this rc4 loch makia fwttons to uncertain undrr ordinary randltlona it ha btvij taid uiat man bo ara boiwwl iup hen it ooarfa to poluua or hor trading rut uus lima i voiwkr if all of tha platlorm oratory u folng to hva much thwlt tticra ar cwuln tuu lthtn your own penotul knowuds 1 rvlrr to your own actual urlg con ditions if durtni the uu ba ara ou have brn prctprrous if you hire ud your lharw of tha utue lukurua rid plraiium of ufa u you have bad prrauiunt tmiiloptnl st toad fimm and no danger of loaing 11 you souk know iha facta wltluxit anyone tail ing you the convene holda true ou do not need to rely upon tha uu title of any politician to proe to you how duiatuaffd you are vou have born in actual need in a land of plen ty vou have been denied tha ordin sry plrasurea of ufa and in soma in uanrea tha adual wouiiuaa of life uoine of your children have not had enough to eat and not anougti clothe to war boms of your chudrwn are eorlng ceutoti gartbunla which soma other person has given to you borne of ou have bn looking for oba for our four years and you are still out of work vou are given a mar pit tance to live on tha head of a fami ly sets ii aj per week and boc per twk for very additional martbaf of the family taking the average fami ly to have two children this works out to moo per week for four par- tons if you do not spend any of thu money for clothes household aup- pllea such aa soap etc- but tf it u all sprnt on food it works out to less than five cents per meal per person tf you have three meals a day x know there are tome who abuse the relief eivtiete and who do not want work t thu problem of the men who wtll not work can quite easily ba solved as soon as we are prepared to give employment to those who do 6v rv it is it fair in a christian country like canada to so govern our aeon omio life that we have over ona all lion people on relief on the ona hand and on tha other hand axceaa wealth in hi hands of a few no man u rn tilled to an inrome of three or four thousand per day while someone tua in the same country u on relief the same thing holds good with the farmers vou do not need to be told that hlah tarlffa are no good for the farmer that the farmer wants markets instead of uhctsl receivers vou do not need to ba told thai yon are taxed to death that tha lnwltwit needs balancing that tariff are tlranallng our trade that exoeu pro fits and stock watering must be curbed that monopolies and dishonest chain store practlcea must be curbed tl at you are not getting a square deal vou know all of these thing because you have felt the result m your own uvea let ma repeat a paragraph in my nrst letter to you par all or these reasons i suggest to you that when you mark your bal lot on october mth next you should put aside sentiment and party loyalty and consider your own welfare vou should vote for tha party whose plat form will beat serve the common peo- plo of thu country by tha wntt people i mean the mechanic the far mer the great middle class aa oppos ed to the millionaire class and the big internals in closing x wish to thank the elector of thu county for the fair and courteous hearing which x have received without exception at all of my meetings x have tried to accur ately place before you the facte as x understand them and have triad to appeal to your common sense and good judgment rather than to your emotions vou have been waklng a long time for this chance don throw it away vote libera voure sincerely iruoina cleaver utiehousz the put wtk has bm lik usy- day in ulwjui to euny movlcf in paring to mov and pfopnty ct anglng hands we hope u u all for llir u4 to thcw laufmlsd ur doughty has dupond of the u acr on the fifth line oppoaou tha united churih to a irwonlo ctiatt who e undvruand are btnnlng at on to etwi bulldlrifj and en- a nuinbrr of liuproveejunla on the property talus wlnnlvn ivms of twonlo his pukhasvd the twouw and lot frcavi ur bougluy waving itt douaivty th tlhtr lot ut the t of the houw oobrimunlon tervtre obarvpd in the lrsbyurlan churoh on tkm- ouy conductad by itev ur currie of ll lmwule on sunday oct tatli uvere will be no sarvwa in the lr byterun church u u u annlrmry sunday in knoi chuii cnorvtown- iwnlca in tha uruud otrnrti wa lihdrsrwn on aocount of annivrariry vrvtcea in ouo wuiums united criufch the wkrn inultuu rwld uwlr rrguur monthly uillng on tnurwlay ejirnoon ust at the hoe of ura- arthur uul tlie prealdent ura wta oody u in chsxive of the tiiirf uur after the opening esrciaa the roll call tu ivuronded to by i a fruit or vtsxie and lha viuiitn value li contained urs seaathuru and ura liui ware appointsd du- gaue to attend the spwlal instltuu mvung at uluoo whan an tflinii was to be lwo on llo to buy ad- vsnugttouily ttue was ona of a number of mattings to ba held mon thly along this line urs olbba appointed as delegate to the h1 euvtuig of the ontario wonvena in- uituta to be held at the uoyej york totel in novmlaer after the busl- neaa meeting urs qry explained and demonstrated uie boning of chicken which was most tolrting and ln- uructlve as a token of ajrpraciauon and rirruuhlp ura johnson pre sented each tsdy present with few tulip bulbs which ware much an precuted by all uia oudya packer trave a very uuretiing paper on home cconoealca and uue ormdeil delighted the soclsty with a reading iriven in her usual good form lunch was served at the close of the mut ing ur and ura oordon urdith and daguhter of toronto ur and urs howard ueradllh and children of brampton ur and ura y uooaxt- ney and children of georgetown and ur and ura o uicaa and babe of acton were vultors with ur o ueradiih during the weak end ur and ura d doite of hamilton vuited ur and ura w uuuaf on a number from our village attend ed the agricultural fair in george town on saturday ur and ura johnson ur doughty ur and ura wm lane attended the funeral on uonday of the uta ur l watson in oeorgvtown ut and urs smith of toronto visited friends in the village on sun day a number of the ladlea of lha prea- bytertan woman a uiuionary society attended the ulastonary sectional rally held in icnos church uuton on tuesday of una weak the ifarmony club off the united church mat friday evening when a most interesting time was apant af ter a period of song worship was oonducted by dtnnu hill the busi ness session resulted tn the filling of two vacancies in the executive vu praaident dannie ilill and literary convenor charles douglas a recrea tional leader ken buvhetuon was appointed and plans made to carry on a contest somewhat similar to the one held last year sotlowlng the sugges tion of tha young peoples conference at whitby a study of uta four poli tical platforms was made the con servative was pruenled by ura step henson the liberal by tow pcksr the rcorutructlon by charles doug las and the ccy by ur suphstison it was understood that the apeakere were not necessarily presenting their own putforma and much instructive information was received the meet ing closed with singing and prayer bsiimeli u baaed bare pruey a publlo meeting tn the interests of hughes cleaver luwiprogteaslve candidate for halton will be held tn the orvgory theatre georgetown vrlday october 11th at s o clock pm the meeting will be addressed by moa arthur w roebuck kxt- at- tomeyoenaral of ontario hughaa cleawr t a tilsvetftck ujj and leroy dale kjo a oordla invita tion u extended to all to ladles especially invited have your eyes examined tulyar trmws unlike ejdlfiary ptjlvu hall is are in bfyb unsaa are aturau to the very edge whenever you look up or down tn or out ttllyer lensee are reduced tn priu and an sold at the same print all over oanada bo get them from us ai we tall tulyer leniee for the same price u any one in toronto or auejph ot walker ro orrohxraiat svcaianr arttctaii bwaiu he u at bobrra dbdo atou oliril ux mill weiuijay f mmry i or yea may euunli o t walker at ue aau b bhautm ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbp radio broadcast hear hughes cleaver chml 1010k hamilton saturday evening 648 to 718 ikings unatal hum wmi kmokiob picnic hams w x 9c lb uraxfal haue nutmtf shoulders of pork for ri 1 7c lb rvb cmi ut kmucchofs o ike uu vl iii ii t reaata ol lkmb me choice leg ol lamb 23c t freak voa butia i itujr vy rjin i 41 23e sausage 2 25e htmciu uaui mu- bunl creamery buker 26c ib uttiu rout sausage im lia sxvc1al iiala brtskel aft plate boiling beef loelb shoulder boasts ol prime beel 15c ib nelbeaa coeaa i li lb 19c hu own buwd tea 1 fc ta 47 uww rvil ilu mustart la ftwy tiitl i ise ui iu ui pork a beans ulf lb 15c chows quautv buncutaut 2 lb saelrua cartaa 25c mauiv uocxra breakfast cup coffee fresh fish for friday lu klppera ise tir ffeab hatuadt fuu he lb cloiot tiki stctfu fuleu 16e it rd salrdoa staalta ise lb freeli oyatara pe jar 2se good qtalitv rikli cooking onions 10 lb jule big if b0 lb jut big ejgf valencia ormhtea good the 2se dot 5 flhhie wm king ppi livery bbmhaaibbaabbbabhaaillllbbaiibhiflhhbb glen wtixseufs ura wmtherstone of k has been spenduu a few days with ur and ut wm- scott ur hobart ucunemy ar and ur and ura hu ouwwinf dorolhy and neu of lluiimgton speau the week and with ut and ura uofart urleanamy j ur and ura gordon notatnwa and chlkirrn of ililiacjurg spnt the week eodwlui ur and ura wm hajptn ur u baaiawont returned to bar home from ouelph general ifospual on thursday we are pleased to w port she le pnatrsuig nicely tha sincere avtornalhy of the ouo u extended to the family of the uu ur ingram tnae waaiu yorfravm iter very auty and sudden pasiing will be h2rwuad by a very targe circle of ralatlvee and friends tha i rut sllsi inn of omosrs of the aypjt took place at a special ser vice in stjubana church on uonday evening ur charlie uarher pjx dlo was the inst alls t ion ofaoir and the devotional service was taken by the rector rev woo ttumipson a social evening was spent tn the paruh hall after the service the itarvesthoma rwivel servloea were held tn the united church sunday rav ur ullou of toronto was the special preacher both morn ing and evening the church was most tastefully decors tad ueuucd rem by own ideaees itad ifiarmuljveui tht ihrnmt ottawa tad lctoru ol floiity ab uureallng cliil uw a slew in dvr wiblf ihe flru trni ixr to be rlevlrd in ottawa then hyli i wji tjlvti b ii p hill kc heforr lu 100 cu b at ottawa slewart dcrhyiirr wlwii ii mhiui ad la 1840 hod tin c lulw itr ul vt oul of pooulsllon of apf rol vtirly 2 5u aouls wnkn ailalfd in niovn la thutc davs he was an hngnahiiwn wh imj corn out as a autftbrr ol lnrd durhim a al iff and reaulned in dnad uhcu lord durtvun waa succredd na dovinuv cxneril by lord sydtnhim dcilthlre kforr bring elected to the lraliliiutr w is editor of a utuill ruwtpjpcr in monirrnl the inruker de tit willi the character of mr ptnyalilrc r urwr thin wlili hljochv- luea he referred to a humorous address tad by deriiyehl in launching his poll tks campnlan in hylown nnd la the muieroeol it ctiuied llirout wul the two provinces raptilallv in tlu pec- stewart drftbyrlilre wn nn upri und honcat inn nl lid mr hill ind we can all look kick with pride that our int renreaent illvr paumuaii tiwh ikjmlr- able qualllies he should havu btavcd stephen ciniue wlu tued the wlnnt- k0 jockey oub for dinvrjea oulno to vtng been ciipiled by n oclldent on the race truck while e inloyed there loai his suit he hid been noilrd ut 1 cert 1i11 point to watch boya who hid cllinld on m aiftnbojfd ul iolo puik ti uc tlwt lluy dldn t iwurm down int t tlmgcr ilirv dlj some ol them riti hcoj 10 ilic liifuld und cuflue ran ulur lite 1 10 wtm ihetn he had nearly reached the liulde r ill when 11 racing car canie ihrouuli tlu dut und struck him down tit court held that he should not have led hj pol ahould nnt have ruthed inlo dmgrr such civtlrt on lie held of hitlle mr jiuiice dve u quoted as saying h11 wan lv lor bruvery und pll mtry 1ml ii wu dllirent here with pity or the plaintiff i ura bound lo find tlut lie it ihe author of his nuifoftune toronl slur what canadians bat the people of cumiili cat more epos md bolter than the pewit of any outer country and realatrr hian as meat latere ltiey alto enjoy fruit i lie statutlcions of tb canadian government released ngurea oa rail consumption in c which show un averan per cunlta coniumptlon of about onerllh ol a uirrel of apples more limn onequarter ol u bos ol oranges and lass than one third ol a stein ol ban- crhsory theatre saturday october 12th uatinea at 3 under the pampas moon w u uk artrnllm uurlj vwu beiur comedy old gray mare chapter i of the new aerial bum em up bamea tuetday and wednesday october 15th and 16th society doctor thrilling brcwtr lo mm in unit urruf cmtrr ftbrri aa4 vlrilaia iwf comedy rurnl romeo noveltica ski scrnpera rhythm on the roof watch out- window ron wmjtlv tea cxam artcialb akb oomwotioutay this week david hanim sanjae 10c lonfls confethonery z r itf rrt rmraaaaaitan specials fob wcdne8dav t1iusbday itudav and iati7ulav radio in tub nodtii la order to keep llu nortliera areas of canada in touch with ihr outside world the dominion govinuurnt iiialntiilns wtrelets iiutlons ut port smllh resolu- llon rae simpson norman licho hay aktavlk hertclicl uliind coppermine and cheilerfletd in the northwest terri tories these opcrutt in conjunction with the wlreleu atulloiu ut dawson und muyo in yukon territory and with that at udwonton alia puirab and dngno ioss it was all right when a chicago robber ok hllu cbulya uiiyntond purie ot the point of a pistol art die never olvctrd when he removed u 250 diamond ring from her flnqei uut wtun ihe line nrutcj atinman asked for a kiu alic slnnped hln dowal he csxainij ust water battles ue naxmahu cream ale alar ue preach castile reap jt rakee far ue abeorbenl cattan t ib me cemufiailaa ausclimeiua 30e calieura ouitmeat lie he dmtw ced uver oil is 01 4le cteevel englu teeyee i lb ue najjuut vsgeuue cemi ue wliuaraile vu t7e deetee utaere ou 40 oa 1e ida baby ceslgt flrrmg ue ldja chew bab ue id hatarj bab ue nafeuel timus imsu ue palsueuve baaw i eakae lie betty brown homemade candy ll rviveriu caady of the kalian try a vtuj uue wile m one pound 50c wluil vea crar oeed candy yy auy brew ida bronchial cough syrup aa effmllve reauay far afferdliv unuat reuef ma bmoeejik uriit er rkeuy eeaiha and eald t aa battle rea lee this week only 49c bold under our moneyba guarantee palraatevaarliu btbi slaw eva bay law prim pneboitlpttonb aoooratrxy disyenald georgetown pharmacy umtkd ar phone 232 geortfetown ida drue settiu wa baiia a wood for sale otolm uardaood beech and liable at ww per ant allied wood ibm mr eonl kalla hu per cow baunbvoeu hiaaa ml ar tall iiiiilin wood for sale cjholm uaala hardwood and oadar raui atriabt bhoh ordartlattal a hume or at my home rtuwe ata wonmuy atteadiui a uvinaalronr

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