Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 16, 1935, p. 4

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pb4 th georgetown herftm wejruy evening october loth 1955 enjoy die best ted salada your friend mrs strong called you d ctfiuofwily m pwl bimuai ralajadl tpwousft your aasjaov utthoaj h yoa coa- gucrad irhrthmg frihflftj id jotff owrt loce o to b bojtfmu j a cmd a day it b sa uh tnof corhiuat to t3k dlvrt 4tb joaf txitada aad thar b bo kin for youf la famhioa to eaklda life w tatmtl wbuw b blta yoof friitb to near th ttbrfofli b a hiilrwa iwt it help you tetl youf f ajw pfo ottg k whit you co grc the bea pice ttw b twudj a this you cto thiok ol ahid gfw co fi of hid the ctudle of canada h nationhood valcartier a the cradle of can ada nationhood u the rumatlon of venerable archdeacon ljut col p a ooott caio dbo of quebec otty senior chaplain of the first canadian division oep jleoenlly aa the guest of the war veteran and the city of verdun que archdeacon scott delivered an address which car ries a mauase for all veterans of the dominion today we have difficult times but canada u not alone in this respect h declared we know there has been dishonesty of all aorta in high plica that money has been wasted by government and that suffering hai resulted we mint regain the right spirit th spirit that wis tn th heart of the canadian eoldlera during tht great war th speaker thought that th ele ment that mad canada a nation aar- uud la the country today that th earn tcirit that animated th man who want oversea was atlll pwnit and that all that we needed to male it felt waa a union of th scattered force ii liked to look back on val cartier a th cradle of canada nationhood to thou returned nun who have faced diaoouracafiufit and unemploy ment during recent years th arch- deacon addressed a ipcial massage hold your head high although cir cumstances are against you ha said life may fa hard but there la no reason for shame gay to yourselves i con bear the days until better timet come exhibit th urn cour age in the face of overwhelming odds as you did tn wartime with unniffsing energy th be loved padre has travelled to widely scattered point during th past bum mer addressing veterans reunion enlhertngi including among other the nova boolls reunlon at sidney and the recent tremendously suoofti- ful event at parry bound onu in his journeying he paused at toronto and learned with evident delight of the organisation development arising from tn great oanadlan corp he- union there a year ago canadian veteran uedieal officer examining- the re cruits hv you any scar on your foerult too air but i can alv you a cigarette ullkr x never talc any troubl ham with m from th onto klniey i donl either ulnee al ways waiting for ma that too muools amd monit th tuovin ran krt takn frool uw bulmiis toc th taocu of wd by th kioyml buk usd thy im vtl orta txj by thom tnurmtd tn mofy fenturt bu tuttmit dltl u taur ha troomd to ufm th tauioftlbc of a dkm uxs rjurilifni inobry aumily u a bub tor twury we take tattod position to uo 6a in acjwtng uh thu pomt u vwrf klmdotd u ur uoot lritw wlu rl that f rota th vy fri of th detr ion bw rttf csamd to fcdkoct 06ubtit citnl bank itlon to arrht woaliou but no that th id has bttini fooulr thr u ral dittrf of u brio 0rfliibii6d to ui tei on th fctw4 th bank a cua- tadlaju of cthr pcopl inody y hmj to b ptokoooua uhi be u tharmlort pnfjarmi to bclwv lhmx th bank m t ivota bwhgio tur th twfftu of hhkh thy u ixulid- cd to wtthholil under ululo wlwf and thai ai any rl thy could thkoucb lowl eou of bof rowtnga tak a aubunllij cotri- butlon to rcory tb truth of th friin u that th rdueuooa that tuv t li i 1 tsktfl flu tn th mta of tatanai pau on dhuilu hat all ba piid on to th puhu uai tioi mrrilif ruhnio udtw noj- taj uit ofuuaf thia u th fft that during a dw of reowy th rkk of lupri froe baa tbbu u imj- mhwd and fceuay fcoeounu fomily doubuul hul to inwow imrumtf- 6uf tecuxtu i4 thaw of wry abort ural icdi in ahd hiirthium any furth- twursi ra ta th chars tor bank d- cmfiot pnpctty b pmd frrfavi vtui furiiwr r bui fccilljy uid troos lh piu- eaj ooaudwuona althing th bans opaaiftrt tft la mtt wy to omu- i biipo of lo r nu ou hmnk adrmna th ndueuoa to rau chd t bank on kna tranud to fiorjwtloa uh th tiia- trlbutlod of ootribut to a very umtfwrtant tfagra to ih coat of audi feooda th dyniulo powr of a puaurul and chwp ony sujy tn ih hand of th banks ifert ufeslf u it droduoi ctililysd coodl uona to th ufafrtril aarkm whan th bank steadily lacreu thai in hdouui under nrattur of ku fund an taer tn th prio of th bich- tat grid taouriu mwairily foil o innd short- urm and than long term touratt rate on gilt add jourtui f all a th yiaid on cuth ourtua beotknaa um atlratjjv tn- mmtouot fund erwatad by bank pur- chjua of giuadcad fcaouriuea bla to orflow a aorig sunay and into lh pukliaa of low clinaa of awourlurt to which banks cannot la- l if on oortpart th affect of ongurm financing on th on hand and th affaot of rdnod lnurwt eharrja of tn bank to agrtcultur industry and trad on th other hand u ffn apparent that the fornur u by long odd nor important in crating condition favourable to r- ocwary and much of th benefit to b drlvd from a proper banning policy 1 easily offset by any action or policy raoactlng on th credit of longterm borrowcra who under as istins conditions ar mainly gom th position can b undirstood by examining concrat ttiinplh thus a merchant borrowing tn th ordinary court of builnata might raitonahly b earpectad do pay interest to hi bank on onunth of hi annual turn over but to a corporation which re- aulra funds to buud or equip a fac tory or to a gonmmrnt which re- qulre money to build roads wharves or puhllo building th borrowing l bond represent a total oost which u only expected to be amor- tud over a long period of years in other words to a merchant a differ- enc or on per cent- la interest rata mime relatively no important in his cost but for any organisation making capital investment th cost of which is only expected to fa amor- used over period of say twentyfive yeara a reduction of on per cent in th interest rat l two hundred and fifty time si important si in th pre vious cue in a discussion of aic- trlfiaauon of british railways it wsi potntad out that bawd on an amum ed normal set of condition the acham would b a trait euoceae from an earnings point of vum if th fund could be borrowed at is per cent but a flit failure if it wm naowsiry to pay 6 per cent inter it 1 poatlbl that th aversg rat of tntareat in canada may recedr somewhat further but tn our opin ion th movement a far as banks are concerned hai con aaa far a i neces sary to tie th proper aurnulu to orderly reoomy present or lower rate of interest on ions term borrow ings will depend not so much on pree- aur of th banks to invest their funds ai on lh confidence of th in vesting puhllo tn economic and linen clal policies of government engineer from rocky mountains becomes deputy minister of interior ttaa meagaga of jaumtah kaea outdoor nun authualsstto number and a pat president or th trail bldere of the canadian bocjtla and a leading stalwart la the rank or the trail hiker j it wardlev ehlef engineer na tional park of canada ho won wall rsaserved promotion to tho boat of deputy mlaistoi of the department or th interior si ottawa although only in hi fordo llr wardla has been ntod as out of the meat efficient officer of the oapartnuat of tb tnier- lor for many yeara lie was born la cbllllwaek qrltlah col umbia tus june utiu 1888 r oolvlns his education at new westminster dc and queens university kingston where ha briduiled with the degree of bachelor of scleooa mr wart die joined tb department of the interior in 1013 and was ap pointed superintendent of banff national tsrk in 10 ib continu ing in that office until lotowhen he wu transferred to ottawa a engineer in charge of national parks construction he was given the post of chief engineer in 102s aa expert on tnouutaln high way construct inn ur wardla has hunervued the building of practically all main highway in the national park of canada uuder hi direction the uanrf- wladermere highway the flret molar road aeros the central liockle woa completed tn 1911 and la 1017 th road known a the kicking horse trail from lake louisa alberta to golden british columbia was also com pleted ha ha aupervlsed the building or the aast lee of the 111 bend highway along the columbia ulver from donald bc to boat encampment and recently was placed tn charge of the ooutruotlott of the west leg from reveutolta bo north to boat encampment this high way when completed will form the final link in the waatera sec tion of the transcanada high way the latest highway project to come under ur wardle euper- vision was the road now under construction from lake louise to jasper alberta ur wardla has also had charge of all other con- truetloa work in the national park he take over hi new dutle with th beat wiahea of hi many frlenda la the uockla and indeed throujbotti canada oorudo tkxt obry feay vok kad i will b your ood and y ihatt b my ioi1 jailb v u- luksom pajuflaoa jcmnlah 1 111 11jx i think shout ood vh x talk of 4li feaauers how unt u odd how kny idw toot thmturtl of qiumuobri tfeithbor irui wtiur and rain indihvrmu bkbora iintltfewnt paln- aoarf trivial uyk ssuhion ahiit uh a nod and w all tl thu i am thinking of ood oamlhaj brvhard vpiw w w l 8 jitimua u u frturn ihaltaid io- luitu iu tumw tu aw to stand lu p trtlirrt kirfry puuiiu wu u ouiwl a ffliud lui hi fawitai fcttttud u siuunfd to nv baa otu u oonuant a a mt- ur oi uuioricaj taxi jjmiah a uuuaj iuro ho dard to jk agum in trend of hi own tuiwa and wuo tenia w inuruiuouaj stfahs tnm tu tnuruauouj vwwpoint uu uie and his yjgniiwrtt eou wre not so much tn ruin of nu suu a lh outobod of a su of divra rjjiclnj sirudlah hha not fo tutowli but tor ood iii prfwona ljlrnc foukl hav lmu to ki suae and b j k fu ho tnat oud ud glwn ukd a bh i a tu tiwk and that at ail oou h bu sitek tn fhiijjf to th tipj itow cn anyona be sure thai ood u coa- pulng ida to nk to th nitlaa or to th woridr itum fisuu b s timml conviction is to wnul trulha la addition jcmauh had an umr eo- pj thlt j 6u44 thai coosct enc tking to th nsxui of e italy fiotrtt truptrallori that mad htoi oooncwat that lh p- or i peaking for ood wi uid upon hla cwsibi aad isuufemy l brituh feulog fonuy 4hotkd bjf th fftn to a europsan ppr uut a w4 of bobbing puna could dnktroy okhrallar to two hour hrii uhers hav coa to think of gibraltar a betag in th tuuuiw of a fissd iiai qitiucut and pahticaily during th oraat war whan bomb wf be ing dropped upon old london had wiimintr abby bean datrord u would hav bean rhpgirdad a th last word to iicrusga to th jve tiring to th days of jeremiah th teapl in jruiila u th symbol of lha4x faith a rv to thalr ovtouon that cam to b nirdad u a plxdw from ood that b would protect lh jewish peoul jauh fait tbu he had to diuhum their mind of this coiindenof it said that thlr acurt ly did not u in th toauty and archi tulur of lh twapu not vea to u sacrifice and worship but to th mor al character of th popl u rqulr- ed them to amend thstr way and their doingi th praen of beautiful tempi tn hich tneaas wai burned would not mik th nation strong if thar was aoonomlo oppra lion das hat and tooa living a soon a jeremiah mad this slab- aunt th patriot were aggrieved and th reugiou devotee wr acandalla- od in an old country city two grat rival cathedrals are beln r which have cost many million of pounds jeremiah would hav said that th treatment of th laborer at th docks of th city 1 a surer tadea than great cathedral tb aesthete would reply that beauty 1 a naoassary as bread but jeremiah and all th othe ilehrew prophet would aay that th welfare of peopl should be considered before th alo- lue of worship hhwj surm that th most significant thing about th pyramid wu not their mualve- nes and durability but th fact that they were built by slav labor any one making such a statement whil tho pyramids war being built would have met spady death and to jeru salem many thought that daall should b th immediate penalty of jeremiahs apparent disloyalty beelal buadird i t in great citla there are striking contrast old london has it cast end and um west end chicago ha exqulilbi university building with the horror of th stockyard not ar away britain ha quaint uniwwity citlee with th tragedy of tuprad areas and the coaj pit hiiml them uodern social reformer u demanding that human wetter and personal right should rclv consid eration rather than property value and cultural pursuits jeremiah said that even th tempi was of secondary importance compared with th moral character of the masse of th peopl jeremiah appreciated the holy influ ence of wosrhlp a much as any other man but he also wanted justio between a man and hi neighbor fair treatment of immigrant orphan and widows and devotion to ood ex pressed to upright living jeremiah loved hi country perhaps far mora than those who sang patriotic aonga and mad patriotic speech it wa th land thit ood hid given to the fathers and h wished it to continue to b th possession of hi people but he was honest enough to aay that if the nation deliberately weakened it self from within foe from without would overpower it it wa not long until jeremiahs word cam true blag tll i11s the world is governed very largely by catch words oerminy decided her policy with the thought of a place in the aun alberta has the election cry or tuoo e month the state of louisiana responded to a promise of cash payment canada hi been lured by th thought of th twentieth century as her very own usually th slogans that win popular following are those that promise people things or that appeal to racial or national prejudice when the missionary force take as a slogan the evangeli sation of the world in this generation it hi very difficult to get an adequate response or if the policy of world changing through life changing i suggested it is thought by many peo ple to be too alow and impractical jeremiah told nu fellow countrymen that they were only half true and that they were inconsistent hi person al conduct even the temple conse crated to religion hod become a place of graft these word of jeremiah have a striking commentary in the actual deeds of jesus when he drove the money changes out of the temple several centuries later qaeelletts far dbieasslati i i it only the prophet who apeak for oodr x doe canada security net upon canadian national character or the protection or brltslns navy 3 ethould the churches be interested tn the reports of the price spread commlsalonf 4 whlho popular alogan influence you mostr ft tor what are you moat thankful rose actum bawa hy baoy bcuy pua of tokkx t kw to th mark are a tsuch put of tarty tall dyj a at the bmv turn- tot to all tbatr glovtou tiki n eot- cra hoewhre to fc h erf a ikimu pi hiiir wul nod it to oo- etd onf m tnkkift this u nutng with a small ounuiy of juk isj lariat frtwi you will ichkv a pi which u easily nuolxd at lh uhi tfepoe mm u puipo with out tpoilii th ewul trwit uttef of lh st 1ihiitftnwe ukfcookliie uploe it cup autir brown u told my wife she naedod a new hat yesterday green you told her that good gracious what did he eayr browni she aald vbu alt down quietly dear while x phone for the i tobiapoon bwtud butbrt t cup hxud hjd oswnj i to pi crti rii iii ii r ejiiickcookhitf tploca str salt butter aiwl grtx- ut suaj about 1 wir lbj a t- lacb pi iu whh pstry hud v uuh ihuil tnll wtih trp akhou uoateo d of pastry wiot cold wa- ut adktst top cruu bwk to hot own ftso w lfcotouue thw ttwau ht to taoovrvi tod d- tfnri rt and bak faahiuue luirr or until hlling u ff cup cwkca iiiuortj thoptad cuv i cup tfaoppad ewry vi eui erwkbed hrtiii uu lmtuot or othr salad gtwo rwcuta hawtog oubv felly uli um j 1u thvtd ci try and out and fan toto aawll ulli uou each ball tn chopyad ur- rdi nut uu utiuc ui mh iii tnf to a salad ut and ihea mr ta flung ball alismaujy with ciaa of gua jtiy on top f 6hd salad cji amsytaalfa 4 cup mtooad uw cup aliod kwuij g s tatlmpooa ssiaow 1 tsbuoon chili su4 butwd bfad uis th asyoantl with ewy brwsil nut pkkla and chill taut etprd ruling bwui slic- of but- ud bred rrom hloh th eru1 ha bn reaod uoerr ano rixrw fi lilt ft irt wmh baaaaa wki i package junket rm4 d powder i pint milk i whit 4 cup sugar l teeirwai leeaoii iuloe 61k a banana into drt tliif warm th muk until lukwarcaot hot and discjs th kinkst nat dst pojr to it- four or th m it stand in wbjs room until set chill in nfttgerelor when rady to srv mash the rn lining banana add agg white euar and umon jut bating until thkk add si topping to th dmrt rrwther did you hav lh car out last nlghtf son vs dad i took some of th boy for a run around rather wall tell thm i found two of their uptlcks wul yout notice to otcdrtors or th wmuu ef okoaok leohasb wataok uu ef tk twww af qiargilsw to tk osaacy u afal- toa retired faraur diiiiitl all pcrfiohs having claim against th sstat of lh above named oeora leonard watson who died on or about lh uh day of october tftm at th town of georgetown ar re- oulfed to send to th undersigned so- ucuor on or before lh tth day of november 1w full panioulsrs of their claim and any aeouritlee they may hold thrfor and take uotfos thlt aftaf lh ath day of november nest the kxacu tors wul proceed to distribute th said estate having regard only to th claim of which they shall than have notice and that they will not be liable to any person of whose claim they will not then hive notd notice for th asaeta so rtlsfrihuurl datco at oaorfetown tht fib day of october lau kxhwth ilcanxy lamodoef solicitor tor jam victor watson and oeors ootdon the fctecuiots thereof u treasarars saleotlinj for taic town os ookuurrowk cmthtt oa btaltom to wtt by virtue of a warrant issued by the ifayor of the town of oaoratow9 bearing data th 0th day of aug 16 a sale of lands to arrears tax to the town of oorsatowa will be held at the llim omoa georgetown at the hour of id oclook in the forenoon on the 10th day of december laid tin lie the tax and coat are sooner paid hollo u hereof alvea that a list of the laud for eel for amar of tax may be seen at the afthitotpal the adjourned eal if any wui be held at the earn plie and hour on tuesday december nth tra and it u the intention of the town of georgetown to purchase at tn ad jouruad sal if any bald any parcel or parcel of land tf the price ottered i leas than the arrears and oost thereon dated tvptember oth isu p a ifarriboh traaaujer published tn the ontario gasatte saptamher t th october sth and nov ember and lau 1st treasorerj sale ol laud for taxes tammta or uotruwa count or ualtom to ww by vlhur of wamm tmma by um ruw of th vftwntfiltfel ftuauw uut hmhny diu uu blxtb uy al jua uu ft ul el ludi is wkmm al ulii in th towuhld or r-iwtii- uut wul be h14 it th oouutu ttuml mr in th villi of atumuawa at tha hour of vm atletk ltt tb fdf nooa b th ibi iur a oilhir aa unlu tb tuui ftua oaiti fti iwrtrtw twld notiob it hartby una thu th lut of uiuu far uu far umu of uu bu bma dhouad thu uahm of tha uld uu ttuy b hftd fttity otaat thmt th usl of land far iu far ftrrun af urn u btbm ituhm t in if caltria aauu to to ut day of july lot ad th m day af auaiut ims and w th w du of uataiabtf lni and that fat tfsauu of hftyauat of taua oud oflabl th uhd wul bt uld for th told taw ftttd obatji trauuwrt ouat tbb utfa day of jtuav imft obqikui uattbt the georgetown herald otters you a great subscription bit rgi in thit saves you money ftu euti you tetiilontj fltcutfufftf hat mai oth tk1 toll aav yoij femoftay gjw ymumlf mod yoiif faotlly lasflas njoymri and nuhaifibarit tk wkole yav tkoyslj till i all yu kv lo do stlftl iuv 1 ol llusi- 1 n orxiyoij will casv ke whole 4 imiklkir- tleiis for sh yar fvom the date we reeeltf tk ceupen kaf it tk amasirtf eembibetleti low 1 ilc illi msi t qethtminou mmkaa m 1 r it 1 i aaamea aasasw an n til if wawaai lwewsf f aoaduo tiwuuto oil n to yul thle wonderful offer is avail able to old and new subscrib ers to ihl ntwinspar we ffuarante tha fuloljjnient of all rnsgaslne siibscttpuons and you hav posluv luurancw that ihl grtutou offer u xartly as reprceenud ii- awal will t extended for full term shown kd ivt j coueem tobav a ttmi clip itsf ef uioultii tty tlukjua s rvuica- tioa dered yui cut cotipoa rerall gnumen lenclos w twnd me the ihrv magaxine checksd wtih a year tuhcrtotiob to your newapeper s naus 8twer town and pnovtnce ufvttho bkasoh to feus and twoond growth which itcwt thoww ysajuj growtng tn profusion reports recalvad from various agents of th canadian national hallway it widely diiferera sections of northern ontario and quebec indicate that the indiana ware right when they declared thit big pun and cam bird would b unusually plentiful thl season throughout th north country both moo- and deer hav ban seen in abundant and tn aom sections where lh antlered king of th wood had ween scare for year h appear to have returned to hie eld haunt deer is also silted to b seen in grati fying number on forest lands which previously had been burned over they ar feeding upon the gnat are now in the uiritlmra big game is also reported plentiful vtlh a lame num ber of moose etallaulr it is intcr- rtlng to nnte that ui first dcrr to fall to the hunter rifle in resil oouche county new brunswick was one of tho while specie which are very rare in thrt parts according to the puh and otme department of the canadian national fuilway known as albino deer ery few hate ever been takrn tn new brunswick the hunter won shot the white doer is going to haw the head mounted radio repairs tea a fawui to mi ta aaj tk satm u a tralaaj keen teevte jtagbm t yste far tk hugh lindsay i tk ua btmll nibtiaraittarb n oi m oi iih mm r wa m m j our business is printing letter heads sale bills catalogues booklets office forms broadsides show cards blotters stationery business cards prompt work low priees when you want printing you naturally want stood printing promptly done at air coat thilt ia tho kind of printing we are qualified to render we have modem type ace a wide lelection of paper stock and byout auggettioni which will enable you to attain real quality character for your builneu or enter priie be the job large or mall we can serve you if you will phone our representative wdl call and ii you wish assist you in planning the work to be done i phone no 8 the georgetown herald

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