Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 6, 1935, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sfartyninu ym of pulucmtioa 11m gtotfion tfcnu weaxiy ewenlr nonanamr 6t 193s 1 jjo par annua ba arjraxa sxoo to ulsjl hm gxxftwa hanu j w kaoou cnr tim- tu udlm a aattt uh piiir 41 aw ftimlii aa utll lut j t t4 hill l1 tlm lifs v twoua iii u- bouujra ecu- auk i kfeilat or tvlrooto t4a i pii ud uzu ul kill 1111 nil u 6bd hhihf leavb ueoboktowm ml lis m iu tua iu ih3 iii iu iu u 111 to iu pa k3u pa ul pm ul pja lui va luta aa dally tuipl 8om i dally except btudy i i saturday only t saturday bundaya and llou- daya 0rtv eastolm fcramould toui uwoi confbofionuv outectory u ho dais oecw onu7 mun mat urn m kennxiau uum1doh vint urttim uabi u lu rrtrvh lliln mlw wilul iwinmjuu immnneoh bitutii mhahm wmria vkamk w wxmardwm 11a liana ia lou uichu ml iiihmn iw ihibauf qmta li femamftoh bans tiusoon uwumos oofc ml bay b muar iuut a ard rjttk ra u ox u kdiard oofdu orajdaa ul uilfl si ttorib m xmiptjqim tal uiku tt kinail teblaw buiutaf v b wahok da iuu utm houh i tolbiai9t thursday altmufiej a m nielsen iu yaw l rm cufobmctof xray diutuu ttunput u4y lllwllh otto sw rum intra star aaowtawn hauri t i tjs 148 pja okhj rtiwday rkaw i frank petch uccniko ailoiloma bf uw chiwiim a mai ul halt kraapt sarvlm nafiltamii ohaltanham m r fa omcutam ii r i mat cvhf otnlunhxm l n monuments pollock a ingham biuuiun la 0ur it worth oak oat dmijbi m klmt vtuu tmi midu our work in orunoood owuury commercial of all kinds we can give you satisfaction the georoelowu herald the air waves with the westinghouse mpilor the wu wou j tua muhaiauai u vi wjli wcuidfrkoum wotu gruiur with tk aipilm u your tvift wn guij you cab tour hi alt wav4a fro loadaa to uila ffooi cihuli to sauik atu tk aib- pilot b u acltwwmcac ku uk ali uu wok u ol tuakg w kit u you latf ikai you at hilazlmg u progffami at kl bttirt ton8 pehfect u to tit orfguil woaj- caill aab fo as airpilot tlwaaurttioa toca coan u tomoftovl ufc woildowrtt 1h lift twtuu 1 u g r muckart flumuaf hiunf eutlxk wwn ru a srvke phone 319w or 319 georgetown uusvka uartu vauov bizadtes tit nblvgs dr hammonds bm u him hb u a brain bon an4 tucut flletbulinr that bum lor pabmluiy nirvm a tint bbcthaa and tha raatorauoa ol foulbful war haeonmandal and tola fey kttctnutfci irag sto rtiy an radio repairs mihmuiltmlhul tollmi it hllab hugh lindsay b hi lam hji akjiuficie bay i think i hr uutd fcurvtns uir u- dy who luv uln fctlu bo long to km bnadr ilir aunw and loir on vuay hlu i tuluk i iww ufjd huprtia2 to- cuy ttt youiif uw irav tti fflilani and uir gay tuutiuriliuf- ina ton thv in ui grsvr i think i krar hum ltiina utr to day tlwy fcigh for all hie ilckry and tlw ondfr uut wu ui ivyond rwui i uilnk that thtr youna r a loiully on u ho go bo gaily to our tptru thli ivilliity i think tlwy know 1 think that wy am lliifnlnj uvdy i ml th matt our orators dklalu lny an back why lit hrwv arroa th fwi fontuna ffara it cooam today utflr cry o voild o orld ir it wu all in vain why did dur abot th arth rndutina hat uwy aik wu it lor ihu- i think thry tr mrtabrttnff uiu day of artnullml and oh i think i hrtr thm fplnj diet wtu ahould b ijwpina a plain tlw thing to tar arroa tu world tha youna dad wfplajl eithana uv c8d tha fond that i aliarr llh ouirrs u the foal uiat nouruhrj m tn itrvngth that i wnd or ouwr la tha ktivnstti tlut i rrtaln til ivwktfh i wk or otlirr uakta uw orrwr fre th pain that i raju in olhrrs bhall take tway my pain th load thit i hit from otlwra uakra my load duapuar tha rood that i uv in olhrra ity breatru good thall hi the lova that i fv for othrra oomra bark my utt to chrtr ttw path that i walk with othrra la the path ond vallu with me oraoe iuu vrmnan it la hard far a bride and a broom while on their honeymoon lo look ilka old manim folfca aa it u for old marrlad folka to look like brtde and groom when they are off on a trip cood food shortening te 1ft 13c all bran klli s0 new figs isl 3 k s5e new prunes 3rs0c heinz ketchup s il 35c new apricots fc we new peel 2 k file pineapple tmfii ti- 12e raisin cookies u jumps ihhc henu j nrauc hjuitatim hhuxf thutut d bfcans alwtjtmuu p rttui ko he skaj w4j so baua caffajii oawiafv hikaf pwa cuvar haaav ou celuy maou sytup canolli flavofmaa calfaa cui pork 9 ihm uai 15c gnt paul tender peas 9 ihjiuu 9fc ayuai oauaa baalm choicejorn 9 no t ul 91c auilmlua peaches l6oiua 13c naw saijaj leila raisins felsc fresh nipm th oardcms l ha tl tu nittrtm tla iu iru til u ija chocolate treats a ua tw uunil itaavily coalad wliji uli awb ckauuto tfc mnmi blwvh wautloa bunj 18c glasscos jam fraiuy ruj raiajmiry of skawbarrv jaai with pattl atuad ta tl im m wuhypuw j tia oaa aao oaly h p sauce lfu87c ija valaa vaaoi cough syrup ul 23c tie fmplm aaumhftld m oxydol li oil 19c good ai 111 niaa gold soap 7 b93c tla aalliaolla soao lifebuoy s cii eoc hawai floor wax tlb lla 43c sal ada tea m ttirsic tut new health cereal it regulates i good humor frumenty 3 23c the shooitnimo that makes foods taste bener crisco 21c 3jb 59c potatoes 3 n 10e n 10 lbs 15c grapes 1 oc lb aeuea vup bananas 25c a doz oranges 25c a doz -ij- bt amma a fallow it birmi av jtujey lettuce hothouse 2 for lie main street f delivery phone 357 georgetown up tlw ljdeagaki it wu victoria iuum ud u bmttraln for yollualona but th lalalforw waa not put with fclru ilrui2 ooodby old thlnjt chrla chin chin no avalantha of khak dd ilwlf into wty nook and ruiifr of tlae train th uarchllahu rre not playlnf mr fxfldoil to- uht uy roupanloaa our knauh tduaua rota wtnehmur who had toaie up to town that evalna and had juu dlnad at th tvooitwfo ttuy had peka with thfia but not or up die tine kkfare twttloa out vn their vartoue carf they lir laking one lau hike throuah th lyteneia and it wo jnu such young uuftltua uiat croaud utf knalub channel twenty year ajo la tutut rr aruy a 0rman friend wu mtag thant off i gave hlm m ktur to pot the buard loew hla wtiutle and the four bogiuhown urutk up a bolaueloua una in german aa trie train putud out on tl way they ulkid of bpaln and canada it fc6iad no uw until e dre alonsfclde the boat fc kjlka- itone it vaa after mtdnlaht and the r- cutn twata of the lutithoua fci our live quiet town whtre and ao on to atn- lb kald hi uther waa au kaaalur cvptaln who vaa ltv- lha- tu mtwport until yar ao wb he did it waj hard to nc the b peaoiful vlluse of fccolvi u the dumi where we had a rtlofrid fchiii uvlns on chfaunuta and thrf and where a whole vulake of tiny huta waa built out of odd txrpe of debria treated to the inud the ttal bam where the bunk were itatkrd four and iim deep u uill theie but the aounde are thow of the lanayamx not the tiuulhoraab and cro-m-and- anchoy tarnae kah mbl thwe ulet uim wre onot oiumid with nark uulee and wmona the ruin of uont6telol lwera oande aa the rranfooernian war wrt il the uoche apard u lo the uat war aa tt u valuaue hae- finder bo was the factory chlmney 1914 1918 acton mrhd am tndeed tjrd lo kin that ur ww j wttenon who haa been to rftouly lu for lewral wweka at the hoinltal lo outlph d no tni- provlna and all wuh hr a apeedy re turn to good health a weddlne- of local uttt and of ekeceptlonal tntetat at the ttw rv4a office waa aouauuaed on ytiu4- daw but when two taeoibert of the uah of thla office ur hobeet uao atuiur and ulu if it feuon wr marrud the tmaony took plaoe at the united church wriotis and waa performed by itv dr at u uorrow ur and lira john iumdet and ur and ur j oordoo itaiiudea and children left thla wek for thai new home in ban uand w v they have ben rldenla of axton for ud yeara and uade taany fruade here wlu rwfrt their rwaoval but wuh theni aufosaa in their tie hoom albert dracey erin lou valuable road hone when the animal devtlop- fd irmurn fever and had to be daa troyed thla dueaie la rare in on tario and u dreaded by hort owtun and aooordlnf to veurlnartea cannot be cured only when wrunt la uaad in the early fctagea the irua u hard procure bring ahf uhuuhuhhha1hiblbla1huhhhhbfll mhhuwbbuhhtthhhhbltfuliw u 8 n bbaab lest we forget m troopa uied lo aprnd uulr tvenlfiga and werkrnda juu btyond thoee bluioiy duuk dlffa lay bhonucilffe tamp hut there vu no ruiue of guna acrou the channel tonight a ryench sailor wu ilnjlng to hln irll aa lie leaned over tla ihlpa rail guiding the big mail crtue into the hold borne old wanch am chanty maybe uut on driving dour i found it waa a rvanch vimlon of the dig ilad wolf ciyeplng between the iheeta of ft comfortable bed it wu pleatant to rocau the night we aet out acrou the ctunncl in the hold of a mibalaee hip bound for an unknown port fin ally lo braunk off the oout of wance null one tniued the atrange glamor crratrd by an verprtaaot cnatty lurking in the darknftii the prcianry of a torpedo and the con- llnual alertnea tor an emergency which made life ao tnuaat the eun waa rttlng bthlnd maata and funncla when we came on deck at dunklrll i wu directed to m local train for arraa aa the parte eipreaa pulled out x waved fanvell lo the itudrnta and a frenchman 1 met on the boat then i wu told that vu the train z ahould have taken grab bing my hag i raced afitr u mawtng a wild lrop for the running board aa the door awung open there were ncltrd crlee of uonileur monileur and i alammod it behind me fuel in time to aave it being ripped off by mail crate u big u a boa ear very dufereai new the troop train which took us up through ot pol to uruaj moved like a anail through anowltdan eounlry we coughed and choked in the smoke from the brazier while trying to cook our canned alow but now i wu rat tling acrou prance at levinlyflve or eighty miiee an hour and one oof- ire alopped all ovr the pleoa it looked as though a giant corn- uropla had apllled tla eonlenu over the oountryalde we were aklpplng over a craayiullt of ripened wheat and beets and potatoes and red clover to the hortion and beyond the land tu sprinkled with doubledecked tooka of golden grain and the freight roadways were lined with trnder bushytopped treat popping up above the anctsnt cottages were modem brick houses ginarauy high and narrow with iteeplypllched roofs plctureaque old windmill uiu crown m the hilltops but a modiro concrete variety is replacing them at our first atop an old peasant woman cam aboard kir face wu deeply lined presently the probed around the many folds of tier black dress and produced a sandwich wrap- iwd in newipaper bhe placid it iter knee and made the algn of the cross before eating we were now entering the battle- field arvn but the country wu a rich and fruitful u be for the war though there wu a significant ab sence of trees the great pyramids of alag around lens wen visible like iho bluegray mountain of oonne- man and we soon reached the new italian of lens which u vary modem in design passing through avion wo could tee over agalrut the morn ing sun a long dark escarpment on tin northern end of which stood ft cloven plinth the canadian memori al on vimmy nidge bo this wu how the ridge looked ti pritay hut the smiling countryside just didnt fit in with our wilderness of muck and filth the familiar names of vimy and parous were flying put but this was not the trogto land we knew even the british cemetery near the railway outside arru seem ed loo nrat and pretty to belong to that past eidatencfl where we lived like crawling things in prehlitorlo slime it almost mokes one sad lo see every thing sa nice no mines hurling tons of rocknd earth into the sky no blasting of flaming red snails against the smoky night no whining whig- bangs or glaring very lights to make you duck here we were just hurt ling along quite safely at seventy- five mllee per hour dut now the brakes were sereech ing for arras an imposing war memorial in ft wellkept park faces arras station and beyond it are estamlnrts cafes und restaurants with their little hhnded tables and chairs arranged in vitingly along the sidewalk i walked down winding streets where one tuts to squsew into door ways to escape passing trucks a utlcker on a post read patclun no socialism yes uut the people of arru were carrying on with their casual occupations in their own cas ual way llera ft cool dinky interior with a man corking bottles and there bakery where girls an wrapping biscuits the same quaint vehicles that carried refugees rattle along the streeti and harnosied dogs are itlll used for hauling hand carts suddenly i emerged on the petite place which fifteen years ago loolced like the city dump its quaint pletn- ult architecture u faithfully repto- diued and the beautiful jioticorps hesdauayters few the vimy ridge push ttfet fcortttt jeuu w huuuwahuuuuuaauuh gf set jifiu hair h j rit u c starter j ha j csaauu a 5 rte j oowaa jj k u fvmiub 2 we j oedrvey j tt fcgt w c ofilaew tt tt 5 rte l gees rte h hbaay pte p kug rte w rbtg rte j e tuajujy lit k laole pte w lj rte o winn h w tt tt s tt 3 hgt- j- wnra tt u jdl a 8 aitaett y bet u hh g h pte d hrifiaala jj pie w rftfiuae jjru o h auauklliabiaag tt pie o r bsiree h j rtt ll c giaiiwiae j tt pie 0 auawfasiy h h ajuelsticit dav h himfiy nh ilth hhmttbbbuhhiitt at la targette until it woe rased and a dummy erected some distance off all m one nlgnt down by the river bcarpe ft sausage balloon wu anchor ed until one day ft pritay aeroplane wooped down from the clouds and it bunt into flames oows ware now grating in the meadows where the naval guns came in for the big push on the vise in front of them an am munition dump u fired and burned day and night until only the skeleton of a lorry remai one evening as we waited to pasa the barrier at uaroeuit the next village a roof went up in the air and came down over us the corduroy road up lo alien dump on the arruuslhune road haa almply vanlahad und only a few chalky hummocks mark the eighteen- pounder smplacenunts dun valley where the f ive- pointnine wen lined up hublohub is now a aleepy hollow filled with the scent of growing things and the hum of bees tht heap of white walla jimmy prise knew u kcurie hu now blossomed into a pretty village crowned with a churcn steeple and surrounded by wheat fields one simply cant realise that this pleasant land wu actually the atage of that drama of flame and mud which seemed to us to have overwhelmed the whole world what a paradise is thla normal eslatence of ours i imagine hopping on a com fortable bus and racing through what wu then a series of pits of red and green water a death trap strewn with barbed wire and refuse known u no mansland in a few minutes i wu back in arru again the shows opened at nine oclock in the evening and noisy a tec trie bells rang continuously until the picture began i saw uarte dressier and polly uoran speaking prench youd swear wu their own and also holly- woods champion stutter atutlering in prench- the prench picture wu a paths production directed by pierre oconnor with photography like uocesslon of old masters as x returned to the hotel the streets of arru were practically de serted olad only in his shirt the aged concierge came down to let me in the belfry of the hotcldevlue rang out its medieval tune and struck midnight by dalbralth oleary in the toronto star weekly puhuc school kuburb aueroavr rost is u 49 were underweight at beginning of term 34 were underweight at end of term 78 pupils attended the dentist dur ing term s had discharging ears l attended ear clinic 10 were examined by uoji re de fective tonsils adenoids and vision 30 had tonsils and adenoids re moved during term 4 had chest krays at clinic 1 had sinus kray at clinic 5 had eutnlnatlon of eyes and were fitted with glasses m were treated with toxoid t attended the mental health clinic 13 had epidemic conjunctivitis 1 mad german measlea 9 had scarlet fever if had chlckettnox 11 hsd akin disease of various kinds iu visit to botnu were tajuto quite a few local hunters took ad vantage of the thrie opfn daye for partridge and a number were bagged ur and ur w if iwrs and u1w winnie tsur spent sunday with ur and lira george nurse itornby tile many friends of ur danul pvrguaon are pleaud lo see htni able lo be about following a serious 111- nee un logsle who hu been oonftn ed to the guelph general hospital suffering from a fractund arm reoovrfed sufficiently to be able to return and 1 stopping with ur and un tt hurran ur and lira wu uaclilhan and litss laura macuilisn ur and lira prd uacuulan and daughter of to- glewood ur and lira fclgifl lauih- lln and baby of oaledon were bunday visitors with ur sod airs harry laughlin a former resident of erin village and for the put frw fears of hills- burg passed away at the old peoples home pergus on uonday october 3th in the person of his llolmae widow of the tale john harding bhe had been an inmate at the home but a short time when aha took 111 and passed away advocate milton the engagement la announced of queenle irene only daughter of ur john king hornby to george oal- bralth youngest son at the late ur and lira daniel oalbraith hornby the wedding to take place the early part of november the board of ilevtew composed of chief justice hope chairman duncan sinclair ur amos and a j flumball registrar held a session of their court in union on tuesday last and dis posed of several cases from the county or halton samuel ucdowell died at the home of his daughter ur oliver buck gait on tuesday october asth in his tdth year the attested lived and farmed nearly all hla life in halton county his wife died three years ago he moved from uilton to ouelph five years ago and hu been living for a year with lira oliver buck at gait he wu a liberal and a member of the presbyterian church leslie bray halton county gam warden assisted by chief smith bur lington rounded up several young man who are alleged to have killed three coons in nelson township with in the put week the coonsklns were seised by the officers end it is likely a charge will be laid the season for coon shooting dldnt open until no vember 1st halton county fall aulsee opened at the court house here on uonday november ith at 1 pm there being no criminal cose on the list sheriff hampshire presented his lordship chief justice hogg with a pair of white gloves there waa one divorce case cripps va crinpa the interested parties residing in burlington and another civil action e t emerson va william riummey both of nelson township a claim for damage for assault both were nonjury case champion mutt improve county jail at a recent meeting of the halton county council the member were informed that the nconunendauoru made from the prison inspector re- port must be carried out otherwise arbitrary measures will be taken letter were read from the provincial secretary of jails enclosing the re port of the prison inspector in ad dition to this sheriff hampshire wu r resent to address the council on be- slf of the department u well u the jail surgeon dr stevenson who spoke for the provlnelsl medical ml apector of jails who also tn a written letter requested immediate action to place the jail in a more sanitary con- 1 dltlon the report asked for two new grilled doors to replace the solid door at the entrance to the jail the building of a new kitchen the old one being in the corridor of the jail a jail surgeons office for examining prisoners he at present having to examine them tn the jailers office where there is no convenience what soever new spring beds and blanket u the bad of the straw type are ob solete and must be dlsoonunued new bath tub to raplace the old tin one and hot water tank aupplled the council discussed the recommenda tions which have been made for the put four years and finally felt uut action must now be taken toward making a start to undertake some of the woommendations the property oonmuttm were instructed to secure priced on the work and bring in a re port at tna next meeting i a minister saya every man should he a hero to his wife that easy like building ft bridge across the ocean or taking ft trip lo the ttuott ttaat btoatl vt tttt wav note britain lavatorial lo be unknown dd hi the vpree tailim is at the uittid galej strange how we yearn for old aosas or daye ory though tbey day of hud way with little wotd of ehetr vtt steady te the longing that fill my heart today to see again th eobbud road that led up vpte way t want to hetr the old tag the ribald song and fciit wihfao long tffc took ue mo the line to uarit tbe with old rriu in dreams i hear the tetu tired ud of biiddi of fey day who knw the oobbud load that ud to hall ui vpra way but moat i need of ell itdhg is to get again with atauea the lads who ww my comrade oo many wmy tuile the boy who groused lad jallied por life la abort theyd say the gang who tramped that cobbled road that led up vprea way i know that friend are fair wnoissb when ikiee are er and blij but give me comrade who will atkfc through thkk and thla wttto yout these are the friiadj vm prmyb to mset on lu highly the kind that cursed and joustd the gang that trod uaburrud the food up yprm way and whan jehovahe trunat sound an sod to ware and hale pethap 111 wt some wikal souie prom out the uenin gate rmfaliertng youth who tarthad eitb tualb and who shall uy tn vtinf the men who sleep up ypree way shall bad the van again 1 k w vrowmdal in vancouver troino rabttwk cab rajf wafvstd lm lscatwaial on tuut purcliasfr of new car in novani- btr and december of this year will not be required to buy a prilam iftu ontario automobile license un- dr on order issued last wik by hoo t u urfjuaaisn instead the aim- uier of highway announced thaw pujxhatera may buy their its pulaa afur november 1st and thfte llfwrui wlil carry thefis to the and of dow4- ber iftm the same privileges are tstsoded lo buyer of secondhand car thee purchasers can escape from the uaual 13 fee charged for the regutrtuoa of a change of ownership to the middle of the year purchase of their ltd plates will permit them to put their cats on the road big reason bahind the lifting eg the levy ur uoqutslea said wmj the hope of spurring automobile bus iness it wu fell he said that a car sales wold be stimulated and uut tecoodhand dealer would bav a utter chance to dispose of their heavy slock of old car the move hu been urged by the industry but the revenue derived from the part time licensee hu array bean th de partmental objections against tu the ulniuer of highways sched uled the appearance of golario new black and white license plat for about november 1st on that data he said it u expected thsy wtu be available at queen park with ease throughout the province kfgip shortly aftcrwam- sixteen cabinet wmrfisb in uwystal oovaulwstsljftf a liberal government of members headed by uackanil aong hu been sworn tn to otflce to aucoead the conservative administration of it a bennett with several departments mrgd aa an economy move the liberal ad ministration wlil consist of only six teen men compared with twentyone for the bennett cabinet at th time of dissolution pollowing la th cabinet prime ulnuter president of th privy coun cil and secretary of stat for exter nal affair uackenil king ottawa minister of uinsa immigration and colonisation interior and indian af fairs thomu at crerar winnlpag ulnuter of justice ernest lft- polnt quebec ulnisler of public works p j a cardln sorel que minister of rnsnee charles a dunning uontreal postmasleroenaral 3 o elliott london ont ulnuter of trade and cwmmsroe w d euler kiuhener oat becreury of state pemand hin- fret uontreal ulnuter of national defence ina uackcnsle vancouver ulnuter of pensions and national health o a power quebec ulnuter or national revenue j u haley kentvllle ns ulnuter of puheries j e ulch- aud edmundston n3 ulnuter of labor normsn rogers kingston ont ulnuter of railway and oanal and ulnuter of isrtn clsrencw d howe port ahhur ont ulnuter of agriculture hon j aardlner saskatchewan ulnuter without portfolio raoul dandurand uontreal jellybean darting doe your father know that i write poelryf issbell not yet dear ive told him about your drinking and your gamb ling and your debt but x couldnt tu him everything at once arrow bus week end return excursion fares honored friday lo monday oh akiiow noprea mctwotk aix roiww ulalwiiu kututlau aj lutwa wakab bau it dayaja only okntoal ontaiuo bus uwea iwmo w h long okomietown hull

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