Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 6, 1935, p. 4

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page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday ewniliu nowiiiimit dill iii serve the best tea sa1ada payment of 1935 taxes town of georgetown tttf second iruulnwnl ol fmsu ue ale and twyaua municipal office e wednesday thursday friday november 61h 7lh and 8th w rsil rrf u tm a 61 tul tt u f w otoli w g marshall cotucto imahhiiaabbaiibbbaiibiiamiibbiibii cliilfail twtml prnnnal iu- i uu niy hbmi 5fetf hive your eyes exaaliei tulmt tba vrr ttaliaj klw bbiliii km bi uto udw in ukuftl t bba hur ou look up or davn ta or out rllrjw muim ta prus and ax add at u uoi nrto all wwt qjnada a4 thfca fri uiuhull tulyr laofa for tha war brie u as co ta tfofoato or otmph ot walker ro oftoiurruay syuiotn- artcttlia iimlie b b u tloe duo aitou c lit iil wt1 at i ai w mi hi h o v haw at u iau b mi t al n lit saws ttftfttsw when the weacher or bouuhold duties keep you lodoora and there are to miny things you twt aad yoo limply hiveat the time to go shopping how tundy it u to ulrphooe the grocer or butcher or dry good tiore u alweyg glad to deliver your order jutt when you went it so the telephone uaoothj your dilly path end stand guard in emergency vhi t2ryoryoufycu2f4tone r is just what you make it round trip rail travel bargains r georgetown friday nov 15 to chicago 7- saturday nov 10 pgrthiirm jigs windsor- 4- durtitd 4tss detroit 4- kemhvthrlmaellejfritotllfuuim canadian national alwav u camadtam nattomal tiuoaawtt vug notice to creditors la lit nutur ol the estate ol uc- liastd cowan hllosttlll iau u ike ywwtsjtltv of gimwlnf b use oaauuy el halua furmtr deceased norroic is imuddy oivxn that all person having any claim or de mand against the lata rlhard cow an bhoruu who died on or about the fourth day of beptember 1du at the eald township of euqueelnff are required to tend by pott prepaid or to deuver to the uiidertlaned aolleltor for xlenry bhortlll the admlnlitrator of the estate of itlchard cowan euior- tlll farmer deceased uielr name and addresses and full particular in writing of their elatm and statements of their accounts and the nature of tha securities if any held by them and take notice ulttt vrter the second day of december 1033 tha aald administrator will proceed to dj- tlrbute the asset of tha said deceas ed among the person entitled there to having regard only to tha claims of which he slull then have had no tice and that the aald administrator will not be liable for tha aald asset or any part thereof to any person of whose cuum he shall not then have received notice dated at oeoraetowti ontario thi thlrueth day of october ad l uhoy oaijb k bollcltor for the laid adnunutrator treasurers sajeotlaod for taxes town of okou1etown covtcth ok haitton to wtti by virtue of a warrant issued by the uayor of tha town of oeotifcvtowti bearing date the 30th day of augual 101ft t tale of land in arreara of taxee in the town of georgetown will be held at the municipal oftm aeorgetown at the hour of 10 oclock in the forenoon on the 10th day of december 1030 unlau the tax and cost ore sooner paid notice la hereby given that a list of the land for aale for swear of take may be seen at the uunletnal omee the adjourned aale if any will be lield at the aame place and hour on tuesday december ltth 10u and it la the intention of the town of georgetown to purchase at the ad journed sale u any held any parcel or parcel of land if the price ottered i fee than the arreara and eoata thereon dated beptember ftth tftu p a uaarison treaaumr published in the ontario oaaaite beptember 1th october 6th and kov- fcmbcr and imfl ut ooiddi tsqct kvry on of u bhall yte oefcunt cf hlmlf to cod uoaisju i 11 ltosoow faactaok kfcul m vlt we 4hn oumivs tha vv or ur of w tilth th eocnlnjf ilia u mad and tul our utuwa altaotphcr with fcunuuna or with uiada tl tuuu of tha ufa to be wa waw kuh cjor all our on and in tha 1uu of dtlny we rp a wa haw town whltlief etfkkt took hi trexlung woek tiouily lla liad bn rairwd to kubylon and wu fcpmklng to tha co- uwa thaw retarding hlmwlt a a watxhuen fcuia guard on tha city walls he told tha paopl what ha saw lla aa uname to uaka theni aceao hia kwa but ha bit that unwu hr uiufd a wiraifi h vouid be ure iiur tnporulbla for v con- iautotea this prtnclpia ol rmpon- albillty run throuch all ufa the pre la twoceuubua for the aulludv to ufa fcud by ffont pas i satlonaiumg of crude and uu sud8- uos to chikmn frooi comic uiiv tha pulpit la tvmaahilm tot church attandnu balng chrutun or pagan hchol uiihw are rwcooilhla for xaeipla a u a fr tha tpnodins ol kaowij rkjtj ara vca- fclu for uk ateaojphtra of a hcna ubt by ovtcrmlna tha eondlurt of oung popla thioughout ufa btatf- uen aw rotponalfaw if clusrn eon elude that a rutlons chwl aood u proparuy whao young pfopla taka to ertme cthara baoda uioulva are in part r pomlbla n if i ii soma of tha captivu to whom c kkl apoka ihfnwjtit tnat uiay could haw utile rtugkjo in guilty njortou babylon lud thay imq thoead to hmaln in jarualaea whara tnay could atufid the teeaple orrteiocka uhr ealght have obayd tha law but lhay tifufd thsmaaha faacauta thay did not find the tcvlronmant tn iubloo apuluiaily baiplul tha raj troubla was cot tn thalr ctrcumatanora but in thlr charactar itoe ferula uw hubum brain can b in advaitng al ibla bocae cacuaa thair liandarda by plating tha buma upen poitvar lax ity other aay that economic con- dltlon have ude raugtou faltli tm- pouiua not a tv uam uwtr par aula tchool taachara and preacher hatband ptaca the fault upon their wlv or wlvae upon their lnubanda tluka who have bn raiding aoma raooam books may evan auert uut thay have wa uada what utey are by thalr glanda uuch argument are advanced to cams tha inability to brmlk sinful habit hrrca with oodi help victory i alsaya pouuile turn ya from your cvtl way for why will ya 011 tha soul a drain te more often auldde than murder aauiaut u is csaklel waa a reallat dturmlned to prawnt peocla from dacalvlng tham- aalfea ita knew how paopla uim tha pan to dliguue tha praaant of the juh capuvaa in babylon claimed pnatlga bacaua of thalr par- cntaga tbetr forafathara had buen good paopla and thay half cvpactad to inherit the ancestral integrity in cfarwa day paopla proudly aald we hate abraham our father truatlng in racial origin rathar than in actual personal character llany today mat to patt conduct to eacute tha pracanl but not even our year of good behaviour can count very much if v are living carelculy in tha prra- cnt our reputation may be excep tionally good but ood looka upon the heart and know our arcicl thought and motive borne of tha moat tragic moral failure of our utnea are mid dle gad paopla who thought they had paased eafely through tha danger period and could taka uoeruea not ven church mamherahip or public office count a compared with our preaent reapofue to ood wa rouit give account of ourtelve not a we others to think of u but a we are oi aim sea it is wa cannot atore up mcil our past good deed will not matter much if our heart are wrong tn tha living present and by the aame token our put mlideed need not hundtcup very much if we truly turn from our sin and da right- the pest 1 valu- abla only a it may carve the preaent and the future ood la our oreet oon temporary and he makes tauporory judgment of u we may spoil a good peat by a preaent folly and w may redeem on evil post by preaent reformation uany paopla have been unnecessarily dutreeaed by tha fact of a bad heredity forgetting that much of the handicap of a bad heredity may be overcome by dis cipline and grace of ood ucrhepa no human being ha the right to pro nounce any one eue a either put redemption or permanently secure our rating u conditional upon our conduct wa must accept peraonal responsibility for what we do we do our own sins tn the but analysis we cannot blame other for them btlialuh u lleatltutlon con remove guilt ii cannot make the action a though it had never been nor con it alwaya era the effect or the action but it may change tha moral relationship of the sinner to hi an a thief who rejoice in hi theft i much more guilty than the one who ha ttolen repented of the theft and made full restitution eaekle aald that the nun who had committed robbery then made restitution and lived an honeat life would have none of hi offence remembered egalnat him in the parable of tha prodigal don the loving father did not hold the sona misdeed against htm but re ceived the erring son and freely for gave him all thou who have ainned and been forgiven often have a strong hatred for sin and a sure aeme of the forgiving mercy of ood ood judg ment i not arbitrary it i determtn fd by our own moral response if we love tn and deliberately choose to continue in it we debar ood from for giving u but if we turn from our sin lie wilt freely forgive lie 1 faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleans us from oil un righteousness tfce otuw spotlight by wilfrid kesteuort otuwa novenibar h ttwt rw bgvnunrnt kiartad out at a grfal clip uvay ptouilsa to make tha fur fly for a whlla at but within oi vk uwy had tbolulicd uie harbur coaunhlaut of conau lud takftt clp to apply economic uuictiuna against italy liad wt up a comialtln- ol ui cabinrt to deal directly with the wheat probuoi had liald up for vlew a immlr of important public otkx project liuludltm the uiiiumi dollar tuniifl utuw toronto harbour had taken initial llnw to twnotlau- trade agrrtiwiitj willi llir unltrd utalr and japan luuj uarud modify inj tha lilgh prcuuonia attitude to ward otlier countrif if twnu run true to form uvrw arc tha ufgumuig of an active period ur lfjukmab king lu soma urttve and couraaou luuunaiiu and uiay ara iwlng gtwn irauuiau freedom to bring about die reforms uwy bra rurary in titrlr own driwrtmnu subject to cabinh rruw of courw uwtl4 otkfii itaavaoa bomrtunes ruw govemtiunta rwtp uw liarvfcst pluilrd by uielr prwda- cauors in the abolition of uie har bor board ute nw govemmant mare ly did what uu luvvlous governmant lutd bmn advurd to ox by hit alrilin- dei olbb and had acuvely conlfnip- luted but liad naver socompllshad thrrv ore very good political rwa- lon hy a new government l able to co thing which an old government would neifr dare espcially if the new government coma tnto power with lft mambrn tn uw llousa of common for a nu at least uky can arford to do uilnga widen are politically dangerous the cabinet ha no fear of aaclional pleasure nor dora it naad to b conevrnad about insurrection in tha house ol com mons there ta nothing potentially much strong or autocratic than a government in the position in whkh u naw liberal gowmment and it- tclf it con afford to do what ap pears to be good buslnrsa and say to hack with politics whan another election draft nearer and tha whims of the people have to ba consulted again it will naturally bacome much more thoughtful of tha popular ap pro of this or that contemplated measure among the problem to be faced by tha present government there are two of great important one i to bal ance the budget the other u to dis pose of our surplus wheat- a third peihspa not lea important i solve the problem ol railway deficits if it can carry out uuvut threa form in uie next twelva month it will liave laid the boil for much bet ter time loaer tojue higher agri cultural income more employment all of which objective it ha sat it self to accomplish in order to balance tha budget two things are necessary tha txernaat economy tn the matter of nonessen tials and a revival of trad so that the present very heavy scale ol laxr will prod ik the required revenue or a while longer even if condition im prove the federal treasury will have to bear the burden ol several prov ince as well as lu own demands will be numerous from all sourcea hon charles dunning will have say no pretty firmly to all but the most dearrvlng if he is to gat the national finance tnto good shape soon tke wheal ryilua tha wheat problem u not to omln- i as it once was but it doe not solve itself very rapidly actually at the end of october the vlsibla wheat stock stand at tha highest level tn history we cleared overseas in the first three months of tha crop year only 71 million bushel a mere bagatelle when it la recalled that in more prosperous years w have sold as much as 100 millions in a quarter year at prices above what ore now prevailing the railway problem u a tough one hon o d how has made an aus picious start on the marine end of things with the abolition of seven cofttly political boards and the sub stitution of a single business board at ottawa can he do something of the same tort for the railway it t going to take guts to do the nece sary in rcapect t the railway prob lem cither grot revenues have got to go up or operating coats have got to come down the only auamative i bankruptcy jor the private line this would mean an appalling blow to our whole business fabric for the publtclyowned line it would mean repudiation by one form or another the wheat situation will be mater ally helped if agreements with son of our potential customer oversea can be neootiatcd wheraby in return for a more favorable treatment for their goods they agree to purchase larger quanutlca of canadian wheat the world statistical position has not been more favorable to canada for many yean it is our golden oppor tunity to clear the bins but the slocks are very urge and the time is relatively short can we do ut qaaeliaeu far dlutuolan 1 wnt clu oommunlty rea- ponslbilltyr 3 con we justify family or denomin ational pride t s why should we care more for cliar- acter than tor reputation 4 when 1 any one past redemp tion t 8 how may we he sure or forgive- neasf mother macin ims sure i love your new permanent wave and bobbed hair and the brows atlu left standing and penciled with care i mis the dear face that waa lifted for mo- ali whod gueu that in shorts dear youre mother mochree i buffalo oourlerkkpre well i wajii provldenoe rx john bwan and hlubeth ekick both of this city were married by arthur bill justice of the ivaoe at kulingly cotuw pennsylvanla new keep out of court when small town people deliberate ly get into trouble allh the courts they are terribly hurt when it gets in to the local newspapers what ore newspaper for anyway and what do people take them for if not to get the news a man may go out get i jag hn and land in front of the ma sutrate charged with a breach of the liquor laws this 1 more a lapse of good tense than anything else and perhaps not of general public interest uut when that same man gets caught in petty pilfering or outright burg lary it u a distinct breach or the law and the public should be told in fact tlic newnpaper that down t tell it u not playing fair with its readers who take the paper to learn of these and other news matters of public interest the best way to keep your name out of the police court records is to keep out of police court dont blame the newspapers blame yourself dont run away with idea it 1 a pleasure for the local newspaper to tell of your lapses miner they would sooner tell of your many good qual ities but by your behavior you wont let them the local press dosent tell every thing tt know if your wire lams you with the roast of beef because you arrived home late for dinner and got saucy about it the editor says nothing about it he never knows but his turn 1 coming neict if you are picked up by uu police because you were a bit woozy coming homo from some early morning party the local press lent interested it u when you get into someuilng distinct ly out of order and land before uw cadi in a crowded courtroom that the ercss get busy then it softens the low a much a it can durham chronicle jou caught police bergant have that burglar patrolman no but we got him so scared that he dosent dare show himself while were around tenant the roof 1 so bad that it rain on my head how long 1 uil going to continue landlord what do you think i am a weather prophet when a boy gets to be 15 or 18 year old he quite quoting hi father and begins crlualng him holloa junior fsurrawtw hold annual juaing ctm- petition- on ralurtuy lau ualn iuimi mil 41 wit early u mx-im- of ituult w llvtty it flllytlmv juiiijm wis in hi all tun at hulmui fullml ul tlie aurlrullurul oflkr lor uthr annual comim llluim ihitliiif i if moniliiji un rltmwniil ltvrit tt w c judged al tlie fiulowlitu fululjur towiuhlii untv jim whinwji w ituwrllm valuyrna funii flu huljhin walla rkunw iwu ihrcy urry otln r fiininn roiilrlliuud ilvouiwk v n cwvxur lloolh ami fbhi aiul jufjitl iluwu- uie bltrrruu n juduiui j kfblit suul cl fruit ud vilirtaur uul u trram prudtng drmutv trutton wn run off at uw uu tan hluli httuxj the day pruarammt uu biiiitil pi a illunj close lth 11- aniutiinreiivriil of prue wlniwrj aiul tirridntatuui of tlophw1 which look uac- at a curu- held in the town 1u11 uittii agricultural ileprru niallve j wlutelock was aslued during the day by umrs jos wulmott uuton itus sell ivart llurllngton ornnt camp- bell iloflat j y rvsur furtctsvlhe harvey alton and uax rvaiharuona riman and clare wlisoit ol uuton lloyd ctusholm ol cam plu villa was awarded uu chicago trip ru blamatlc of tha day championship while ikwncer wllum of nerval was coach of hi high tram composed of claud mclaughlin orolg ittd and norman wilton and wca ived the ivlrrmo challenge trophy among tho speaking at the pres- rntation of troptne eitl luake- lock uut heave victor hail kdwln llarrop itussell part wank thomp son itobart ulutr harvey alton jos wulmott waller orey john dvn nan and mrs cworgr agnew the prlia wlnnars wrra a fouoa itobertwon trophy high score in heavy horwa jack turner duncan camp bell trophy high score in bf cattle lias taylor lurotuton trophy high scare in dairy cattle uartyn heslop uason knltung trophy high score tn sheep johnston nland the lusckrlock trophy high score in swine jack taylor lulton bred trophy tugit soar in grain and sad donald uchabb btralhoona tro phy lugh score in fruit and veg etablesjohn bird palermo chal irruje trophy hlgti coach spencer wilson nerval bank ol nova flcotia tropiiy for inter township com petition won by nelson township jock tvylor max taylor email wood dr anderson trophy for intrrclub competition won by 1411 ton club prank chlsholm emmett ucolhbon lloyd chlaholm wm itosser joluuton nee land itaalnald nee land trip to chicago a rand championship lloyd chlsholm o n k uhlcld for high novice won by robert allan benion odction llorua jack turner wm proaser beef cattle lias taylor biewart sill ier donald oatea dairy cattle km- mett slcolbban bui booth sheep johnston neeland kmeat wood howard orsff swine jack taylor jack lawton oordon rhsher grain and seeds prank chuholm reginald nealand fruit and vegetablea john bird olen campbell junior beotion horses oront ilaalop robert allan archie oatca beef eatua walter reld norman wilson john rlnehsrt dairy caula oarold ormham irwin bhepherd addison woodjey ahep claude uslaughlln oraig raid john aleiuuider swine roy tovall mel- vln blorey harvey uaatty drain and seed donald mcnabb john uo nabb lloyd rusher fruit and vege table oeorge breckon douglas ua son uorley peacock teau oourtrmow winning team bpenoer wilson coach claude uclaughlin craig field and norman wilson second hlah team lloyd chuholm coach uelvin blorey dougla uason and walter reld third high team uartyn healop eoach oront ii- lop oeorge ureckon and irwtn bhep herd fourth high team robert uu- ur coach robert allan oeorge henderson and wausoe bwackham- mer taking the fun out of rioief ul w fluff uw nimfilr i j th iliu rfmstk u hisp- id lle kw fj u witr 111 fmii imim mi minlflirul jir villi lljisutrm i i llhirlllm j ltli not all our own day after day trotting around the country looking- far new we hear the young men aay we wont oo to war our recollection ol what young men aald tn 101 are more than a bit tuury we do know when the a real war broke out canadian dashed to the colors went to nonce and foudht like heroes but that was a war to end war blnce 1914 public opinions on many subjects aeem to have changed perhaps we are really becoming more clvulted perhaps we are more cowardly perhaps there are legion ol ways of thinking about the possibility of another world atrug ffle if u should come a young chap who poses as some thing of a preethluker gave us a lomewhat new slant on war it isnt merely the lose of life that make me so bitterly opposed to war he said i suppose ir people are foolish enough to let thenutalvcs be hood winked into thinking that war u a grand and noble thing and that the aggrandisement of on one nation 1 their chief aim in hie it t all very well for them tj be killed in the sup port of their belief other men will bo bom to take their places but consider the lot of irreplace able national resource so much iron so much nickel so much of other metal wasted on a war chemical natural resources cannot be replaced when powder i burnt it ootuutuent chemical are last probably with the advance of science if the pnme pace of discovery is maintained sub stitutes for many of cur chemical re source wilt be found in time but grill the substitutes be found before the original material la exhausted in my opinion there i grave doubt whether oil depaststs or the world will last until there la a substitute found to replace gasoline we lieard a great deal about an electrical auto mobile that was to be put on the mar ket here this year it would seem that if there wo such a car invented the oil companies have held it back to let tnem sell uielr gasoline and crude oil tn my opinion the natural re source of tlut world are the property of not only ourselves but of genera tion yet to come if there is no con servation for our children and their chlidren then the world 1 limply piling up greed and haired that will burst into a final armagoddon for possession of the lost of the oil and chemical deposits there would seem to our mind considerable truth in this gentlemans analysis of the situation how much truth we cant aay of oouru it i only a point of view and yet h would make a thinker think we think dont you gtreetsviue review ilkiuluwl th i uitltuy llmt il mlkrhm i tu ujulm if it jmjij m 11 lt- anu- miul wlllll ml it- tin if 4otr- hi h ml ulltvra alrfl ii n it k ftuwl wlttumt u rj n ihwi it v iikc l ju1 uil wlltlim ii lu j ii ftijka wl vivr lit- iwr liiidtifl tuiuvr ur iruut liny llu- ilixi lmr tn flwir w p willi it ull mil i urn w irlimd u 11m nn- -j- wli liwkr tlw luiuvtr in- inl ai r linj- wlm bnh urll t lumuh wlili- tlf wik 1oai jiv iii ui pnuiublly vry tlil ur j ii tutttil thititulvrh villi lusu ijuma uiul uimurwrur willi liv jt i tit thin- m iv uitii ti tlfii until k wo un rrluf ut ffl uimi ftfl irlng ii wlnlir moiiuih in uie mwinj uvy tnwir hal uiut hearty llkr uw trviiurullwkc rraily fji anylhlnj that offers tlwy havr rw bills to worry vi r they ituv ull tltul to live taspayrr pfior fuht wlko ha kept them trie tumpayrr wlut ha patched hu year brrlau uiwlrr- waor sometimes ha even patclud the palclies ha liad hi shot lialf- uilrd lightened up hi btlt bwjvcu hi lamlly into two room to save fuel and ha kept the reliefers with uw betl grace uia he can muster it ha almost reached the point where one may know a laspayer by uie palclir on hi overall aiul tlw rtlufers by hi air of wrlfrd pros- parity it u enough to uttrtty de- morallae all but uia strongea char- actara- summer a msn who wa on relief all the following winter had 10 house painted wr ail ilka to sae a man take pride in id home and wuh to improve it but very few of the utpayer who krpt uiat man were able to paint their houva they could scarcely paint the kitchen chairs another man with an acre of gmund at hi command growing up in weed that infested tha whole neighborhood applied to the council in rnbruary for potatoes last yrarl when potatoes grew everywhere but in the middle of the road and on the roof of hie house bake my bread in order to econ omite i can bake for exacuy half hat i should have to pay if i bought it from the bakrr who posses along our concession twice every weak rut a i come home from town with the bag of flour in the buggy i meet a family whou relief bill constitute a part of our taie solng home wlui their arm full of wrapped bread they don t have to spend three quart en of an hour twice a week setting bread or boost uiemselve out of bed at five oclock tn the morning to knead it down the whole situation can be summed up in one word ahlftlessnesat last year i collected data on a pi oneer family that come to this coun try from ucouond one hundred year ago the hardship that family en dured the makeshift they were driv en to would make the average relief- crv hair stand on end once when the flour went done before the new crop wa ready they lived on potatoes and milk for si weeks a man hare went on relief shortly altar he had harvested seventy bags of potatoes from his plot of ground there t an old ryhme familiar to many for every evil under the sun thera is a remedy or there is none if the remedies which i am about to suggest seem drastic let my ei- cuse be that i consider the relief evil one of the most insidious with which the dominion of canada has ever had to deal drink or war cannot compare with it when one considers it effect on the morale of tha people the first requisite to an honeat and efficient handling ol the relief situation u a municipal council with backbone 3 the provincial officials must up hold tha decision of the township council it took fcso 00 tn the month of uay last to keep one young widow with a threeyearold chlid tn a town with a population of i too the coun cils claim that thalr hands are tied the reliefers- write to the provincial cftlcul who come up and aay olve it to them they cant live on leu then that rd like to talk to one of those provincial relief official for half on hour i could introduce hun to tiwn who liav raued familie of flvi mwl si wtio wre cxrdlt to llwmvlve and uve country on m a ttvkith in uiat tame town and ntyrr iliruiiiy of ahklnu fur help fiord any- tmr i iuii irtirtadw him to a man who hfcj ian hlriwlf lit wife and four ritllrlifn 1 month at a ume on fifty iili m day f run introduce him to u vinuii wtft hit ktit iwrkelf her hi i hid m five rhlldiiii ami never hits nam muii ui ilijlur a day t ii lc with his it to ti it i hi lii illf wniui ut be uiat so i ll itlff tfllriau are anriu ty per cent tha first month refusal to work should automatically cut thai person off rlbf at tha same urn dropping him or hr tram the yc voters- lut- it ha bwd anpytad by m war vutfan that tha ration system ba ln- troduond into the tumt mctunsy whan a soldier went on lcva ha w alvcu book of ration ticket mcb ticket ivtatrntlng so much bread butter but jmm ate if tha aoldlar made a pig of hsnualf and ran out of ration tlcketj two daya bafo tua leave avplrd ha iuir went wluvout lot 1 1 ww two days or wwvt bck to lw line in ui rvilaur cow u iiiiii is tiin- f i v- tliouvand aould mean hunt up m job no one lsiltr inufs whs dm a man vt r luaid of a soldier hoevcy l- l j ii i iirfiiy ail r r u fttr tlu- miirfvulle starving to death hi i hllir h itm- in hlmwlf and til wliai 1 needed in this country iumi iy tusif uin it liit an lr dmf nv n than an increase in the number viih un ircdfs- if fir hiiitdrd rtvd l rrpf promts or an increase in ur- u rti uiiljs 1 1- k m nun who prur u an rrvornvxi increaia in the i tiaur m f i in f tyjlwn nt tin- p r wrt j uride hot uw pride ls lr uil ii 4t mnr iypr uiat i dftennlnrd to be o weufd iii ii un ti tn mi kinsw rfivl at ii drrjd a un huut litrtt in it in i uu vtr fejfnii ii tt t rui matter atio paj- th blj but 1 i mkhn ii 4t tl fyjlirll 1b tm wit lit litl-p- lht at lfut wlts u 17 uw sum ny t- wko mi to u tnide uie yard gate hit i i un ml it ill tlrf- rljht pi hrn railing fftr help instead ol rah un a min u ijnuii u xn r- ilioi su ho if the brail howl llrf fir i tj t liy utirk er ftr utty on tlte n conoru4oil bu ui k lt- tujir in lvaid him or f tin canadian countryman her fin nil i iih lo t rfkl msjny 2 z zzz i a v uand ultt aiul snapshot cuil j iti football timl tfnlsroamant of leao distsrsca akat will oft brlno out tha setter dauii ef a foethsil plsy uft a skat from tke alda lloaa rloltt hold that una hold that line yea football season wllh us attain with its idled ytllleg cruwds racroon coat and joyous celebration by supporters of tha winning team what a p rod is far the sasp- hootcrt ho who soes to the gsme without his camera la mustog a golden opportunity plcturw of the rume tho crowds la the btnadstands and inform i shot of his class mat rs and frh nils will furnish blm msn 7 hour of pit as u re yiar after yaar a ho looks bark through bis snapshot ilium thiro am countless opportanltles for i tit i resting story telling picture at football satne all you bavo to do is use a llltte inijilnstlon when you are block d in the trarbc and remark to thu girl frhnd ooe look at that lineup of cars and ibo crowd al llio gate doat stop with that tsko a snapshot dont be aattafhd with stepping out of ibo rsr and just snapping a straight lino of csrs aland on iho bumper and shoot down on the traffic sad crowds the ruaolls will ba much more pleas i u than the ordinary coavsaiiuaa view the period betora ke start of the game offer further oppotiubltlee for uausual aanpahots ytr lnsoc us a plclqra from th top of the grandstand step showing th crowd coming up tha steps to thalr seata a shutter speed of 1to of a second will stop th motion of the people a ibey wslk directly toward roar camera stand oa your seat and taka a fall view picture of the crowds la tha grandstand and as you do this yoo may aee soma of your friend sested nearby attract thalr attention and as thay wave with a cheery hay mil yoa ran snap another interest ing story telling picture rvvn a chsnea blind shot over y oar shout- der msy bring unusual and pleasing results ba today tbst your rsmara la ready for action load it with 81m and have for the game determined lo get tha kind of pletaree 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