Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 20, 1935, p. 6

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pae6 tli georgetown herald wednesday evening november 20th 1935 9ror that rrci cold ima hurry with ybm hfwrr k msfii- quinine ajoaiataauooia wo of ill who love tod r within thd cpikt pl with uht kuttaovtnj f and busy hands th beauty of coltttllmot cad their lit th mouil who wilt loo bo tnui and pray iulp steady this old world upon iu way to ivoishkung muro men will turn from any str from any frmh dis tort king the filth and cheer cor which they 4iu 6tklaf a small roof shelter from tha mitet way o lb wvld that tan them wjir and then with straih henswd to tare thee forth agaln tha bomebidicg women have the por to iink the world with god in u dark w tfc me of httgsj ftaj ooldem taoct z u gud when they taid unto or bt ui go into the houe ol tho lard palm im lbifiom pasoiios lists 1 3 1 3 bo zhtmh i gio ood gv my world to k and x mvluouuy orbd out how smalji and u thl ellr- ills word wn4 ttd yt mild all that ou lo uy child umu thai moment dld and bore anew x crwd low take control and lead i tftwar the house teenu ttnwy with mry sway u krvarjing tchool ana letter im a loag time coming and the holidays ire week way pick up the telephone a long dutance cw will cbw you up and miry too maht rate on anyone utiontocutian calm how beoin at pjl my aoul to ay small atsx and la sy world u rtl ok kty h ct i t 4 ooachcauona are ofwn divided tfl ootnicci and und u difficult to mat up that ulnda practically all tha ttunlnv from tsptlvuy to jru- f wuhed to have a tempt but that tha tlmo was not mwiuhmhmhautfhhhuwtfiy broiler chicks i bar kil lie each dec 11th and weekly thereatur custom hattlllmu t mm egg nw 18th and weekly j thereafter adolph sandusky qiwa ut una wtt b 3 u baauton rilomi 32lrl jj lalbhbahblbllblalalblblblblbhmi new advertisements pttlliu ivaftud lagluun and lurnd itock pullela wanted lllahcftt cash prica paid give full particular uax j3fl fcmua otitarlo toiuol frame houu at comer of edith and factory tureota newly decorated in- aide and will ba noaly painted uuulda all mooarn convctuoucca ihaawninn nov at apply to lira p p made bum phona iw georgetown l ciaaa priaa paid far good hones phone phouptlv wo will pay dm phono call m ring 31 oeorse- town oood prlcca paid for hortc lnjurad cattla etc or anything ault- ahlo for fox meat but animal muat bo aecukd iuuz0iate1y to be of um and moot in perfect condition- vannauar vox parm waatoj nov eaupoali ditch and drain to dig old oaaapoola cutama tc doanad on abort notice alio while- wajhlnj and any other work done uathroom outflta complete tnataued at loeu prtoaa jamea wullama 1km 159 georgetown tf wood for sale chtae hardwood maple and beeeh mi aoft wood uoat raeaonahle prioaa apply jack tot phono taiw oaofiotowti wood for sale ghoue uaplo bardwood and cedar baua at light ptioaa order loft at a uunei or at my homo phono 84 nnmnuy attended to ov uvdfotvohf wood for sale cfcolaa hardwood beech and uaple at hoo per oom uttad wood lm per eotd halle tm ner oord eutahdpoko fitiau ml a tall oeewt- notice to creditors la too aaatiar at the itatalo af uak oaktrr ida andeksom late af w t goorgeiowii in the coanty uauoov wartied wowui doeeaa ad notiob ib hereby cjiven that all nenona havlna any claims or da- tnande afaltut the late margaret ida anderua who died o or about tha thlrtyflnt day of may aj 1035 at tho city of ouelph in tha county of wellington are required to tend by poet prepaid or to deliver to tha un- daralgnedaouoltor for thomn ander son the admlnutrator of the eatflte of margaret ida andcrean deceasod their namee and addreuee and full pahloulani in writing of their clalmi and autemenu of their aooaunut and the nature of the aecuritiee if any held by them and takk ncvriob that after the aaventh day of december loss the ttcadmlnutrator will proceed to dli- useawthb aiieto of the aakl deceased uug hamxftrfiona entitled thereto iwionly to the claims of w he iihainhen have hod notice 52 ji admwtatrator will not bj liable for the said aauts or any pv t ny person of whose claim he shall tut then have received nouc dated at oeargetowit ontario this smut day of november joso lfchov oju kjo solieltor for the aald adsalnlstrator nlwu and inposutatiom tou tux to4j8v fallmtm one unje duck farm tn eastern canada u planning to ship 3000 basee of duclu to england before the close of navigation at montreal and to bold uirm in itorase for aubaaquent aale uillpmenu of feeder cattle brought from witlrm to eastern canada to be fattened under the dominion breed er policy totalled oter 300 bead for tlic month of fkpumber to drive home to foxmcra tn gener al the important place of good seed la on oarlcuuural programme rwqulk that u continuous pertinent sound iouctu tonal protrkiiune be carried co oixr a period of yeora said profeasor ilobrrt hummerby of macdonald col line in hu prtaldcntul address to tho canadian tkvd oromcra auoelauon many or the furmcra of eastern canada who fed western lambs dur ing the 1d34 u winter under the do minion lamb pecding project are placing incrcaittl repeat ordera tn man caua asking tor double tho number of lambs they fed a year ago the applications particularly bom quruc and ontario reflect tho ebun- uunt aupphes of hay grain iiage and othtr crops in eiutem canada clmtrle rail lualhi elccuic soil hratlng for tho prooa- gntton of tcwti and pramotlnv plant i rowth u makinj headway in canada nearly sco installation are now be ing ud in the province of ontario in grftnhouim and in hotbeds and cold frames for propagating- the twi or tomatoes cabbage cauliflower tffb plant peppers cucumbers melons certain flowers rooting cutting of flowers evergreens and sprouting uweet potatoes the results of elec tric soil luatina arc stated to be very anthfactory in the durllngton dis trict tho use of undersou electric heating haitcru tlu development of plants to set out in the field by about three uetka and the grower report thut freedom from worry when tho weather changes u one of tho dis tinct advantages of tho system plant have much greater root do- wlopmmt lhortcr and thicker stems and are generally more rugged dur ing the past season plant when set out in the field had less wilt and made quick recovery from it opportune for jhng and 6ounslud diay la nearly swry urge croup more aw those who wish speedy ac tion and thoe who pk4 tor cauuon- ut may bo a hfiwwnea in lomjwa- ttnt or u tavay bo tho iult of look ing at dlhwent group of faou ar- untanta could bo advanced in favor ol building the tempi and also id favor of daisy until the people thorn- salvos were more propoua iiaggal felt that it was not fitting for the people to be building thlr on bouase and nogucting to build a temple for the worship of ood tie said that oods house should have nrt plaos in pioneer district to canada u was often tha custom to bold religious meetings tn housro un til a school or a church could bo built but the people who settled can ada did not delay long in erecting places of public worship woku j rratasrtty a t ilaggal did not hesitate to assert that there was some relstloa between the poverty of tho people and their neglect of puhllo worship they were working hard but were getting small harvests it was like earning wages and putting the wages in a bag with hole on the surtsce there does not appear to be much foundation for this atstrment but if we look below the surface we and that national character hss a direct effect upon proaperlty credit u at heart a question of charactejr imports and export are very largely conditioned by international good will consum ers who earn less than fifteen dol lars a week are forced to buy very carefully whereas consumers who are receiving adequate wsgee spend freely becurlty depends largely upon justice and prosperity upon cooperation the a fill curiatuab stocking for the tint time it i going tn be pouible to put a new automobu in that chrutms stocking and have the wholo industry from which to chooao the girt at any rate that i a uood flmire of speech to describe the effect of the introduction of 103e models two months earlier than usual tho industry with a view to spread inn the work over winter month us ually slack moved tho national mo tor aiiow two month ahead and awulu the outcome conndbntlyi if people buy and there no longer x- uta any good reason to delay purchase of a motor car until eprtng then factories will be busy turning out models to be displayed in thousands of dealer showrooms dealer and salesmen will be busy and most lm nor tan t of all there will be unaccus tomed work and wage for workmen in more than sixty towns and cities across the dominion where pari and material are produced for the cana dian car certainly that a good woy to play bant glaus to tho whole or the dominion catching tho spirit of the thing the province of ontario and quebec put motor license on sale early removing in these two province about the last objection to early car buying knowwhite rkunk seen at hanrewood a snowwhite bkunk wo discovered by bert marsh a short distance from his liome at mansewood last w tho skunk was said to be tlie first or its kind to be been in this part of the province mr marsh did not at tempt to capture the animal a white skunk is very unusual but not outstanding professor j it dymond of tho eoologlcal department of the koyal ontario museum said albino animals occur among all kind of a white skunk in ontario before fcrowth erf a el apbtt bs m bauoas la unhealthy but u t inevuabw wbaaw rf thvrtf la oppraaajca tho indttv- dusi fault of it tniav was bot vry ant in tta affect upon pubutf busmesa but ui corporal tort with froarn smu can contribute to bust- new staituauoo there cn no be ccilttuve miser line tw v yik t wlien tli purllamcttt building at ottawa were bumd during tlie war ttie canadian popl resolved to tiwt a more utcnultvd and beautiful build ing llluoenu in lite capital city and vultors compan usjormer par- uanum uulkilng and the pjtrnl buluilug areatly to the of uie prtunt building tlie teoy of the second parliament ihulding u greater than uie first the some trfon was mode in jerusalem when a second temple was built the original tem ple hod worukrfui tradltioiu but uia proplc wtu hod tuvn in capuvlty hd nilarued tlielr iavas and tiod lilgli amultlona ouinr people mlltht bo vonulouk of more thrill in rmcmher- uiy uie til it trmpl but thoie who uiortd in the building of the ivcond temple felt uiat it gav great glory to ood tlie lltbrxw piople did not glo chief ciia to utfaifive but sun- buted like glory to ood who had glwu tlie ulver and bold which made pos sible the building of uie uuple ihtw lulfb fl 1 hiigiisl and zckliarlali the pro- pliets gave gnat urvlcti in filling uir ptople wltii enililuiaim far tlie project of temple building it wo- uecisuiry tiowever to hae a prax- licol duii to carry ihe prujict through to completion zerubuhrl appeared upon the scene with authority to carry on uu work vri uie glory docs not belong either to the prophets or to the practical builder tlie initial uuptra- un had come from ood hlmwlf it was by tho influence of uie spirit of ood upon the people that ibey wr able to undeftave and carry through so targe an achievement tho s planalion glo was ood help hot by might nor by pof but by my spirit said tho lord of hosts in tho oid country great glory is glvo to fur chrutophor wren for his ex- chhwture but greater glory ta duo to ood who inspired tho builder this u true of any chtoiaa effort the evangelisation of the world by hu man wudoea is imp- it bcti possible when ood spirit works within his church a cealrasf t u what a contrast between tho temple ruins comprising pu of debris and the muy temple itrndlng in all tta glory i credit was duo la zerubbbl the buuoir but tho lisbf people united to give credit to ood who frort tho day of small thing had wd this glory possible could jaequa earlier return to canada and irast proctday oofldulon with what be saw four hundred are ax how great pratrw ho would aot even the ptoost who sottud oaurto one hundred ytfs son or tho path finders of the pernii of fifty yeara ago would note remarkable prosreee and improvement could they rwtraco their steps today credit to duo to man but writer glory l due to ood who put the impulse of cfeetivo ao- chlevemsnt and the perseverance for faithful performance to tho hearta of men tho modern world needs learn from tho ancient llsbrewa this habit of seeing the hand of ood in the achievement of men qaujo fee dkeseelsa i will canada ever have great cathe dra la t x what ere canada outstanding na tional chsracteruursr 3 uom csnsda oer built in churche sehoola and collegeat 4 how does ood a power help ust 5 will future canadian generation coruider 10u the day of small things t great esplorer we were slowly atanlng to death but we cut up our boots and made soup of them fellow hoarder at boarding house oshshsh not so loud the land lady might hear ou qksnapsmotcuiliv i lets go hunting tu si r ie u nl i u estle lube u u- jutj witb jfli uiivillr stock wocj ilom ls fcuiua so tfc- k i d i milt uj tj ikrousb uteroo t jo tjetslij w4y j w e u sue ulsh kjtk uj kunukw baiithv bobb u bt lo 1 3 dcs twijr tlui joe 4 k u4i ya alout l aaj w- 6iiir you ua iubn j u iiumw lo frwlallum ftj your own lwn uu tk tuy ium utki ju ius4 ttur iua etitiuatcfl ruhntsheo jwcjsriaajlliejihrtcw it tho wise huatsr who keepo hie camera leaded and ready to snap the real eterytaltlitq pleturee such a thl one ront these cool crisp fall morn- ings sort of givo you tho hunt ing fever in spit of all tho plcaa uro you had during tho good old summer time you probably look upon the fall hunting season a ono of tho highlight of the year and a you sit enjoying a good evening smoke isnt it a lot of pleasure to talk over the happening of tho day there should be more to a bunting trip howovor than tracking your game or anticipating that tenso momunt wbon tho antlers of a flno young buck tuako tholr appearance through tho trooa or ho carelessly makes a wild dash into tbo clearing and you put up a vallunt sgbt against a severe attack of buck fovor tho oppoaranco of your game and the exciting moment whoa you quickly raise your gun to your should or and pull tho trlggnr la ono of tho thrilling adventures of a hunb ing trip thore are however many mo- mnuts of relaxation and leisure too it is thim that you should do a dif ferent kind of shooting shooting with a camera should not bo ovor- looked for it is with snapshot that you can make a plcturo record of your trip and oujoy your expedition ovor and over for year to come your snapshot can plcturo your trip from tho time you and your hunting pal load your duffel bags guns blanket and olhor equipment until your return with wo hope your tropbloa bpsco will not permit enumerat ing all tbo picture possibilities on such trips plcturo taking opportu nities however seem to bava the habit of appearing at the moat un expected moment ao its tho wise hunter who keeps hla camera loaded und ready for action if you have never before taken snapshots under overcast fall skloa it i important to remember that it will bo nocoaaary to give a longer exposure utaanrdlnarlly nude un der summers bright sunshine but your snapshooting should not bo confined to outdoor pictures for it 1 at night to tbo cabin or lodge you can take picture of your party aoatod around the open fireplace swapping yarns and reviewing ex perloncos la this and former bunt ing expedition you will find that pbotoflssb bulbs will serve your purpose admirably a photobasb bulb 1 similar in appear- onco to a common electric light bulb and can bo screwed into a special but inexpensive bolder resembling an ordinary hand flashlight tube this can bo purchased at almost any store soiling photographic supplies tho flash ie sot off by pressing tbo flash button end it give an inttmsn light without any noise or smoke after placing your camera on a tripod or some solid support look into tho under and bo sure you can so all who are to be included in the picture set tbo diaphragm at i or v 8 4 open tbo abutter after hav ing beoa set for time and then flash tho bulb bo sure to oloso tho butter immodlatoly after tbo flash it is not nocossary to have tho room la total darkness when tho flash is mada but bo euro that a bright light la not shilling directly into tho ions of the camera make your camera an important part of your hunting equipment and on your return have a plcturo story to show to your friend john van doildtill seukvsw ssjtwtftx fatloubt i ijrreadies tffx nervfen del hammonds bfj uj h ffe a bnlo baa n4 luru mmfcuudir ihit uu lor pabmluiy twiw ttau jiulal tod utf ruatua itatcifautsi sna canadians and yiiiik indusyk i8j- and tii1ik bank wholesale and retail merchandising radio repairs u f ltl inlim u hugh lindsay fg tow cwrf arrow busfl week end return excursion fares honored friday to monday oh ann rotrrea mtwtow all rodtw iiiimm kwrtua h wmm tukau fuu m otftu oilj ccntcal ontabio bcb uncfl llhrrto w h long georgetown h notice tojcreditors 1st tke smatur attke esute al xuc- luttd cowan mhowttlx lau af the vewaship af lusiilag to the coaaly al lultaa tmrmtw miimiiii notice 10 hejiedy oivkn that all persons having any claim or de mand against the late richard cow an bhortlll who died on or about tha fourth day of beptember 1pu at the said township of esquealng are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitor for henry bhortlll the administrator of the estate or richard cowan hhor- till farmer deceased their names and buktressea and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their account and tha nature of tho securtuee u any held by them and take notice that after the second dty of december 139 the said admlnutrator will proceed to die- ttrbute the assets of tho said deceas ed among the persons entitled there to having regard only to the claims of which ho shall then have had no tice and that the said administrator will not be liable for the said asset or any part thereof to any person of whose clslm he shall not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario this thirtieth day of october ajd 1u3 leroy dale kc solicitor for tho said arfetlnlstrator treasurers sale ol land for taxes town of oeoegetown oolnty or walton to wit by virtue of a warrant issued by tho mayor of tho town of georgetown bearing date the 30th day of august rou a sale of land in arream of taxes in uie town of georgetown will be held at tho municipal office georgetown at the hour of 10 oclock in the forenoon on the loth day of december ibm unlet tho tax and cost are sooner paid notice 1 hereby given that a list or the lands for sals for arrear of taxes may bo seen at tha municipal ofdco the adjourned aale if any will be held at the same place and hour on tuesday december 11th 1039 and it 1 the intention of the town of georgetown tn purchase at the ad journed sale if any held any parcel or parcels of land if the prloa offered is lou than the arrear and costs thereon dated beptember out 1019 p b iiajirison treasurer publuhod in the ontario gazette enlbfe ml retail i yuajvecosuitedlysaofiv matttii wj oa fuhtout mr tl etulliiij mi to sjpf h f cuuo wh ike uu ssj uau smhtiaaw saj i lav ma fcnj tttmt of pefsunr fmity oawui too kiwaf v hi maktfacttimiat yitvrnutlosjjp itm uca trisew aaj ruiuji uttifotoy lot misr jn- ve sffwue qmi i iiiijy ssj fott uta to lie owl jf c atileg otwvtufg vnav t iwxt couu luv tttm se urm oa dfjit it oj oa tnoi vw aot so food td the lik ol tfuoirrd the bwjt ptraui u to bortow la lhuuuul tmounrs during our uuy uuoei bttiuir la faoj iaiaciil hi hie so uiutlh puutunsaj a arpuuloa far fajtg uiu and iua pturoptl ma bttalubi traloojwdj ues bu the vry fouivhiioa bftucruj gawtanltiag saj gors ill tw war tbioj4 tke ij jhj our cws- sooufi ut culf cub utfm or lave gooj chl usui of iute lave tkeovg or uvuiji utuwts st t buk snj tn sje of it tlaay io ptjr o owt um titan iiy sul fudaus oa tuir tktj sccomstt tasu of due rwis ldlu tat it wkhrsside uiw goaisuatiil tleeoui ulefj anousn for ewwoawh soj fs3f4o sxlufag of ikuii- ut sej dorusuoii docouauvg prune cobmm- cuj ppr toiai oa notes saj wtfikoa aroifxi lfttm of au httjafjiic irmuvrt of icjvji cowulag nportt snj laoii saj damrutc ihp- aamit bftifnifwiooflwijltftrdaajtiijcuifur- euiton puictui uui uie ct tuhxngt fwiuirl sprcul ue uiuiut leukijig lite uaponuu fkaaje bjuilxia sawlng fof tama autoa wtie tnk tbrou mou iho w0 bruuhes bank of montreal iitabiiiiiid hit iiiao offlci uontiial g bfmthi j tl sufth uiiir unmam rrricirnt bankino srsviet thi outcovis or it vrsts snrrtttrut osiaavioh canadian ajtu n afrrle rtxg the followtng apple ripe prepar ed by the fruit branch dominion de partment of agriculture are ultra from the department bulletin en titled canadian orown apple kcsua apple ft bake urge tart canadian- grown apples rub through a sieve chill add s cup sugar and the vhltee of 5 eggs beaten stlrf with a few gtalna of salt beat the mixture until rry llgnt and shite and bake tn a but tered pudding duh about 30 minute fierv hot with cream and eugar mather apoie fu pill the apaoe between tho crust with canadiangrown apple siloed thin rounding up tho slices so as to make a very full pie add 1 or 3 tablespoons of water and bake in a slow oven when cooked ulth a sharp knife cut around the pie be- lieen the 3 crusts and carefully lift off the upper crust add l cup sugar a few grains of salt a tablespoon of butter and a little nutmeg mix thoroughly and spread evenly over the apple itephvce the upper crust pressing down to meet the apples it necessary and sift powdered sugar over the top serve when slightly coaled with cream and sugar coailsh apple ft butter a shallow agate dish deeper than a pie plate oil tho dish with ailood canadian- grown apple sprin kle lth a cup of sugar uspaon suit a little nutmeg or cinnamon udd 3 tablcapoons butter in bits and 3 tablespoon of cold ater cover with pastry and bake 40 mlnutea tlene uh cream kecoftd fob new cajtfi it is highly unusual to say the icoat for one man to drive 00000 new can in 13 years tlie fact that the cum ure oil of the same make lend rddillonal interrl john mcmasler cmiilocd on tlie assembly lino and lcl track of genera motor of can ada limited for the past 13 years holds this unique driving record the ran acre all mclaughlinbulcks almost 00 per cent of canadian wlieat u contained in the bcotlish- mllled flour uud by the bakers or abi rdn n ucotland in a country newspaper appeared the folio ing advertisement the man who picked up my wal let tn tlie high direct as recognleed he is requested to return it the next day this reply was pub lished the recognised man who picked up the wallet requests the loser to call al any time and collect it fatui hoawe in wdvntst the winter feeding of the farm horu require somewhat more thought than when he u engaged tn heavy aork at other times of the year tho hone in hi attitude to man dlflsrs from all other cuusea of stock in that he reduce energy and not food atatra the pamphlet on the feeding of iloraa how avauebks tfrom tho publicity and extension branch do minion department of agriculture till fact alone explains to a large degree the greater prevalence of dis ease with horse than with other animal the proper realisation of the relation of feeding to work done the avoiding of overfeeding and watering or making sudden radical choncea and regularity la working and feeding generally will go fir to ward the prevention of ftfnmon ail- menu in the working horse caused in many cases by failure to observe the essential polnu every horseman ought to know for the horse which la not working during tho winter or for horera which merely require what may be termed a maintenance ration it u recommended that for every hun dred pounds of the horse weight ono pound of mixed hsy one pound of clean oat straw and on pound of tumlps should be fed dont you just love the good fallow that telephone you at two o clock tn the morning and aay i hop i dldnt waken you i the georgetown herald offers yon a great subscription bargain that- saves you money har la a real offer hat will save yeu monay diva yaunalf and yeur family lasting enjoyment and nfekalnment ttie whole year through thii i all you hav to do select inv of lluvsi famous miiiiziius and yeu will racahe ojpsav y the whole 4 public- j i i tiens for out year from tho date wo racaivo tho coupon hero is tha amaiing combination low price qcunwnt ytteuim 1 yr qmitlunt m luiiu yr qcblttulm 1y ciiujlih iff qtutunal hmm stwiaiy qhdmbl ewfew lyr cuumsm hbrluuilum ml hwna mihiuina i our ouannlm to yeu i thi womlertul o i tvtll ablo to old and new uburib en to thl luunpiper wo suarantoe tha ulmunent ol ii ruiulns hiburlpuoni and you bava noiluva auutanca that thla kenaroui ol u anactw u ktmuntad no newau wui ba antandad lor lull farm ahowo wc m mffi ajm ad majt cowon today flmu mvjttg uaoulw amr hmkla j leublte tloui dmlred out eoiibou eatvftillv aenllnnani i anclou mama und ma the throe maiuliua chadiad with yeu isribuon to youi uawmanar m your uawnaner namb vtt stjusb town anb pnovlnce

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