Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 27, 1935, p. 3

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k fv the georgetown herald wednesday evening- november 27tli 1935 3 r some seasonable merchandise items at brills m mens wool sweater coal we are repeating m this special value al i qq u mens 8ejelet buineoari gum rubber only 169 men winter overcoats special at 1095 for the tiny tola to 6 years of age we ha e a fine attnent of cuver ttyle in suits and dreties at attractive price culdrens settee winter may suits various shades priced at only jgg jj lw fdt or lfeatner comfy suppers special j per pair 39 ladies winter underwear tke latest and most com- m fortable in style and fabric you will be delighted s and surprued with the smart styles and at r- reasonable prices h lsw fufjriusaed winter coats good styles and heavily interlined 1095 2 d bmll co comer mill and main sis s phone 167 georgetown kj i delicious sarava si a at aaav nush hams fob bojusino 17elb pork chops cmk trtm i ul 25e lb rsehii butu of pork 17elb s shoulder roasts of beef 15c 16 fresh 22e c1scoes finnan haddies silverbright salmon by the piece g fillets 17elb j oranges good sue cranberries onions canadian spanish 21e lk 8 b fc 25e dumassa sbortealas i lb 13c ckrirt tulu vwulb soups 2 for ibc clarks jumbo tin porli and beans 10c mure soap chip 3 lb for 25c qijeem or robes flour 7 lb bas 19e we sell for cash phone hone if f lf tsflsf we sbw du vjv deliver bbbbbbbbbbmbbbbbabbbbbbbbbaiabbbbbbh save with safety at your rexall store rontvs crkams 0u d vaaka as uiuilfa halt tocniao aaj coo uvkb on raucihi sutusohkn haltm special for wednesday thursday friday and saturday fu mfcbj w kui sirs us vu a la filljblnr sawubl talcum powder ilia tit klenzo buavtoo cream oc purete8t cod liver oil ruls sr mini me sas iis4 enoli8ii castile boat 7 okm ih vsa esa always feaoe to asnatar i rssr rexall dnv store kiwh tits llok lax u ua moxzema vuihi st psr rua rj c c a me iijss pitch hiuuroo with aiifufj fcrata use robbs drug store poohs t w iwlmr fas rsasll iiw oioaarroww the best place to eat in georgetown choicest foods and prompt service harry chu rrrieir phone 2 brook block main st south georgetown local news k from to- chrulm four day felkuoti for mayor twsi uonday drc 3rtd have you taken savant of cmu grrtt tusgakia cowf b fcdvt on 12 4 band corvcatrt in oreaory th sunday- wtitn luxt dre 1u 8si dvt 1n irira blid ira uuy br- anains fw ttwlr uf mnuil bui es vrar v evetry rtnuyr tn tod uuhiid cut ihsrtj vou in lh tubycatsjiy rontru rwvt uomuy d jrtd rcp tnuruuy lrrtmr lfcth cpn to a b mo if uboat eovwrt btrtir uliaol on tth uim hl4hwy ojw and play ktvoo at lloly crowt llail en tsloivdjy cw 2nd and 6ft your ctiruluiu ixnli- vootj enjoy it -tlu- wocaun auaclitlca j u united church held suietsncaful umr in uw itony olock lut bt- uidjy oorgrtotvn prsiryttrun ctuucb luuiiar d till tlw bcouh mik cikl bill be hcuri- for lh u4 unu nnt wlf ttu rtffuu uoclhly fccwlng of tlu woovon inuuuu iul b held u tht taoav of urs ucwrt erwln john on we4nday lvc 4ib at 9 pu ttw uliiion bind of lh unltd ct mrch bill rioid uttx annual ut mid talr cf baktnr on baturday da mih wiuh for mthm dsirtlcuura tttfr va a ui atutidjuaj at lit urarg baxaar in lft arwia lau jywfy aftrrtuvu and alio at ua euchr and bruae party tn lh vo latr lurold ukhl u1 hold an auo tion ulf of milch oa and 49 ounz cattl at tot 10 eon 4 auqn i- irur on ttiunday pc llth at i o clock j a tuiott auciioumtr it a aalr of horn road bikln and chictfn pattl aupft uxuur tha aiuplc of the ladua aid tlil u trfld in lh uauid ohurcn olo wilium on friday kov win ad- mluton aduju uc chlldrttd isc it th rtfrular ovmutuj of 0orga- town uanctt caruulun lfaon vlll hr htld in thr ntw lfjloa rooaa on ihuruuy nov jhh it o clock all mrmbrra ar urgmtly ivqusnatad to be prewnu watch for lh opetucff inktau for thr month of ewmb- at an- drrvb ikauty oalan ruitt to 10011 canfsktlantry wfdividay dr ith w alio hate a new tttna tf4tfiuat machino for oily or dry hair our prtoa on thla will iuu you lhdo 4 dent forget lh sauuluulrm ntahu unckr lh auaptoaa of tha lion club at lh arena thia fmk on thurulay and friday teth and utb novembrr thr will b at not of fun and amutratnt u a mlluonalra for a nlahl at a brtdg party lut vk ulta dorothy uamllua ckajt ulaa uaru rvck a hand of is apad thla u a wry rare ocarurtvnc and s only know of on almilar caa in oaorvton hrn aome torn yvara ao tha lat lv llrath dralt ur j u uifttrili a hand of 13 of th tama aull thrr will b no oooleat in itfj- ton county on dfc tlh for a raai her to the older doya partlamrnt tn toronto ovlnjr to th wlthdraval of wm bill jahruon of burllnaton one of the two candidate turold huthand of uuton tha other candi date u therefor elected by acclama tion at a ipeclaj mltna of th coun- cu on nov ithh a reaolutlon wa paaaad aiklnx lh pott otsoa depart ment for th ua of a room in th new pott ofooa bulldln for th pur- pa of holding meatinca of th coun cil the third divulon court and th polloe oourt councillors a r bpeljht and p a blackburn are rmlrlns fwta council at the end of the year tny hate both ptrformad lhetr dutla faithfully durtn their term of ofooa and tha thank of tha ratepayara t due them for lh aenlc they haw rerutekd tha own thank fntlr men be our zjxa handbill and our ida ad in the dally bear on nov 37th and tha kvanlnf telegram on nov uui for a full utt of dmj opeclala dont forfat our u3jl eon- ttit apeclal thla week 109 vote fttveo with a purchaw of an addle tooth bruin for only 39c be our xuaj aifte aubteatton in our ad on pg l oaorretown pharmacy ud prion 233 wa de fltep on it tounda uka foollth way to wmow coma but if youll atep on it and ft a tuba of noaacom from your drugglaf youll realtu ua not 10 foallah sold at oeoiraiown pnarmaey ljuu pbon us fulflftmllusal at omattbl riten cajidldau for the rlt of corulrmauoo war raoelved into tha church of enajand sunday by stt luv ulahop x w nrouanail lord blahop of niagara at aarvioa tn bl oeorg churoh if enttitndv looti- ducted by rev woo ttumpaon rector personals wlbl dorothy ifaromuoa of irosjaoi epfmi uat vk at lh hon of kfy and ura l t rteefc ur and hit cuv bnyd of bl jtuaoba wtk edd vlkltara itb u and ui u e- ruck ur w u ltia wa ealkd to oj unirwood thla uoralnx owtufc to lh lartaoua ulrapm of 111 father ur and ura ralph trfpp wer at ifutlonvuw 00 tueaklay attendlrui lh fuiwrj of hi tripp father ho disvi at nsrtsf toronto 00 sunday uaf- uf alka iji of wsvuroui tuak jho u tmnij hi hora at lh ktoyal wtoter ruir at tororuo fceaau lh tok eod with ur and ura 11 ytti- ttaot frooi a dlriaisoa vibo attend- cd the fuiwral of lb late ur john lutlm rr ummt d and ul eticle lloutetn ui laid kvwa ul rrt uf and ura dm kctl4 and aona of conn ur and ura ollkpl cnat- hau ur aad ura j wrcuaod oranilu ur and ura w tkullh ura j usouajald ura uofwy k ur and ura if auhoo c uufdock uiu u johnaoo toroalo ur and ura waul ur and ura- ttnkney ura w chulvofai krin and uutf wki iiraiaptoa tsjimiixm are lh name of the tsvtuwr at th icavno 8uiw on uon- tof nov iith 11 baakrt btotvrit t floruby jud corim pot k trran or trd ul it u lmuwrwi till 1q 1u auar ur collin tih table lamp c ltd tu puato pot ui j lurruon 1th pair pillow covtra ura ucnlven ith drruwrr acarf u trvanor mh pouio pot ura- vate loth tntltarne rf u tyre llth potato pot a lwuuo llth picture uulir toat llth buket fruit ura ucnlten lth uble lanp ura b lima door pru chukrn j bliep- hrd tpeclaj pru wool blanket un cautna ansbaj tk weu i rhrtar it era open nlatit at the baptlat votmg people meettna on uonday evenlruj hen ur john b uaibr entertained a erovded houu with aovtna nlcturf takrn on hi trip around th world the many beauti ful torn taken in many countria and portrayad on the canvaa were mad doubly intrrrulng by the splen did tjatcrlptton tlvrn by ur barber filnftna and wuctloru by the orchea- lra added to the pleiuure of th fathering ur lwu laird on be- half of the young people thanked ur barber for hla klndneaa tn ahowtng hu ptcturea and the nenlng wa brouaht to a clow with lh benedic tion aetaa cacneil fcy flfrhiajilua there will be no luon bald tn acton thit yaar u uat ymra coun cil ha been returned by acclamation uwu viuiimsu ut anrismniiiri the only change took place tn tha public uulltle ctoinmlaaion c han sen replaclnc o king who moved up north thu fall htalea car kaeavared a car belonging to ur a uccum- ber waa atolen from in front of hla home on uonday night about 11 o clock it was found on tueaday af ternoon on the 3rd line abov acton about 430 it had been driven about 0 mile birthday rvrty a very enjoyable birthday party was held at the home of ur and ur b hurley john bt on the ctccaalon of their eon lloraoai aitt birthday the evening waa ipent in gamea oonteau and dantlni teniyone ffueate aat down to the iupper table which was centered with a lovely cake bearing 31 candle horace waa the recipient of many lovely gtfta fflfhran fee a quiet wedding took place in st paula cathedral londan ont wed- ncday nov nth when helen u lee of hamilton formerly of bt thomajl became the bride of robert d cochrane of georgetown former ly or aylmer the cereuony wai pirformed by the very rev dean jenkins the happy couple after re turning from their honeyujon will take up realdenos in qeorgrtown celebrated eetb hlrthiay plghty roeee in four ctolora were 8 resented to ura james ucjdoweu on ie occailon of her eightieth birth day uilb month between thjity and thlrtyflve friends inf the fami ly of aut daughter and ave aotu one being absent out weat gathered to nay their reaped uany feauve occsaiotu have been enjoyed at that home on the fourth line and thli one oeruinly lived up to atandard varl ous forms of entertainment aunhf the evening to fly by but not before lntereatlng old tnnrf hid been renewed onoe again ur uc- doweu atood at the door biding them u eoodhye u only alio can da and invlllng them ail back real aoonagala ilhfait cat mu u wluer fair at th itoyal wuilrr fair cat uhow the bum miry largm in th hla- tory of lh tuvtv waa topped by prtnom ctiula of penan imported and owned by un a u nwuen georgetown wa named the brat foretan bred cat and alio the beat msftfiaj in ttie ihow thee rare and valuable cat of which there are let than a trore in canada are light lawn tn colour the lower half of the far ear tall end itgm a very dark brown in ulam they are regarded aa being 4arrd inlmau ura- nleuen nteivd a pair of ulameae which won two flnia two winner three ipeciala alto lite beat lilamea and lh beat pair oebkewttj hireee welwg our eateemrd mldenta ur and ura wilfred gui celebrated their uver wedding at their home on bat- urday evening last the home wa nicely decorated in pink and atlver and white and brow mum vulton were preaent from buffalo and nia gara fall dfltctou refrrthmenta were teived and the beautiful wed ding cake which carted tt candle wma cut by the bride of twentyfive years ago during the rvenlna uratrs a herbert and thoa scaion on be half of th lorn riara ibcotttih band presented ur and ura dill with a beautifully engraved allver tray ur and un a ill were mar ried twenty- live years ago at couth luinmond hv by rev ur poppe new hockey club executive elected morulay night oeorgetown hockey club held their first meeting of the teoaon in the arena on uonday night there was a goodly number of cnthuilaitlo sup porter present and after receiving uutructlona from the ojfa to elect all new oracers for the 1u5u teaaon th followtng were appointed president p b- blackburn vl5prtaldnt f j haddeu bacretary clarence king treasurer nathan silver executive member george luddail it u expected that oeorgetown will enter both an intermediate and junior teams in the ojla this year at this time of year when winter parts are in the offing those who fallow the ins and out of apart or gsnltatlons may feel inclined to ask themselves if it pays to encourage porta in small towns prom the fin- nclsl standpoint of course the an swer u decidedly tn the negative but there are other things to be taken into coruuderatlan in the first place ports such aa hockey curling skating etc in win ter baseball softball lacraue etc in ummer provide on outlet for the urplu energy of young and older folka while at the same time they f trove a source of entertainment for rge numbers of nectoton in small communities like georgetown these events are often the principal form of recreation they are dean health ful ports and ir kept free of croak ed practice are on asset to any community the old proverb to the effect that idleness breeds mischief applies to the state as well as to the individual the community that falls to provide means of pleasure and recreation is a fertile field for crime and will find its standards of living reduced to a low level aside from the recreational value of iports they also have the effect of uniting a town and giving young and old a common tnterel financially ports find it difficult going in small towns but they con tribute to the life of the community much that is worth while this year the local hockey club ore idling boaster tickets end appeal for your support oeorgetown fans have always been very generous in their support of hockey teams and at no time has the club needed it as at tho present time in a few weeks we will be in full awing with u10 hockey sea ton new equipment will be needed and old debts must be cleaned up can you help if to ask for your booster ticket they are only we bwllh iskultiois oil htthtum u4 acully oivu qukk am uulaj nlltf svcwathacllb dkuo btoktsi tbeue a oeawtawti mcbean co storewide ale now til full actiorl offering ou canadas finest tserdl andtea at eeouine savings indeed a stroke of ood fortune for those who want to mall very benny count in the buying of lacs winter beecv choose your christmas gifts dur ing this great sale and save save oo chrisuass guis dress shirts famous poreylhe or shirts valufts ui to 13 tt on af jft ulc at 3tlj9 dress shirts to to 15 ucns ajlar tathd dm fchlrts very vary spfclai 79e pyjamas famous fortyth flnst quality lngluh uoadclotb pykifflil a r 179 dress gloves pinest quality cope and uoeha 89c lined dress glove dress socks allan a uena auk and wool fancy wave beautiful qft isote on at pr jtf c sweaters hundreds of sweatars to ciaoow from for men women and thli- 49e 69c 89e u9 149 198 underwear tumbulls tmturaj v aq ocj comb undcrfar 13i underwear tumbulls natural wool shirts and draw shirts hve double bmvtk and front a jft underwear urns heavy ibvc shirts ch 59c ruii silk hose vour supply of lb i hoad at ukas very underwear umob bsy tltuj uilh sad ttmtlal wh 09c congoleum rugs s s s tit t s i runners work socks fcbn buvy wi sent in ueu 19c windbreakers uzn uaxklnsw wuulbfeakere vjr 295 leather coats boy ksuur jdxkhi qa rubbers uos and boys red sol rub- st- s9c urtl 69c sox sups sjwui 79c crepe sups satin sups quslily 179 silk hose pull uhfcxud ce very ifctul ojc bloomers panties vests zu 29c 39e 49c au 59c shjcsets 69c 79e mcbean co save on ikrlsioiss guis overshoes aufuts d cutsu uversiiuc 19 gavtees iknart tlru gs a tuus it uor7ct lfcs7 gaytees with fur lota in ilum or bfown veifluai qoaiuy 4 towelling hundred of yard pu uta r 13c 15c 18c 31e to 27e dresses ladle drir in lb wry bvr- eu styu and mslaruje cat r 295 0 uj9s dresses uartha washington ftoks smart stylae and attract s ts dye colore s ej on sal f lx7tosish37 be sure to so th big dlanlsy of our urge stock of fancy embroidered linens couutfca and table loaded with beauti ful linens it a sight worth mlruj and you ar bound find the very thing you hate in mind as a christmas gift- umehouse a community concert will be held in the prraiiylertan church on uon day eenlng december 33rd the children end young people of lh two congregation will provide the pro- rev ur eurphsruon and family motorrd to arthur on sunday to be with liu father in oeubrattng his mod birthday the public bchool concert is being held on thursday evening dee iftth at the school uiu beatrice lane spent the week end with friends in toronto ut wm usrshavu uitsea edna and charlotte and urs hill of to ronto visited ur h uarahau on tiunday ur benton la now ready far busi ness in his new premises hsvtnjr com pleted the transfer of his good last week end ura wm gowdy spent the week end of nov 17th with friends tn de troit uiu doris adams while visiting with her grandmother urs bwack- hamer on saturday last took quite ill and had to be taken bock to the hospital that afternoon we trust she is improving and will soon be quite well again a meeting of tha hockey club was held on uonday evening and plans were made for a be to be held on thursday afternoon to get the new rink in shape church news fkhsier teat hal ttw osd ei ail grace b halb railed w ante hi eternal glory by ckrui jesse after that ye have bartered awhile atase ye perfect uuh ureagtbn settle yea- 1 peter si is hu oeergea church rev w o a thompson recto advent sunday holy communion s am sunday school 10 am holy com munion first com munion of the new ly confirmed 11 ant ttvensong tpm the date for bt aearge qunday school christmas entertainment will bo uonday doocmber 33rd bl albana church glen wuusuu advent bunday holy communion tint communion or the newly con firmed 030 am- sunday school 3 pro evensong 3 pnt baptist chttreb rev john atcjtntoah of toronto wttt preach in the baptist church next bunday evening hulled cbtsre rev p o ovcreiui djl minister 10 am sunday school 11 am uy brothers keeper 1 pu power plants new advertisements i sale brick house in oeorgetown with all conveniences for quick sale to close on estate apply to leroy dale tcd solicitor for estate ftt ileus u stent 8 roomed brick house with hath and garage on king bt all c venienoes rent reasonable posses sion at once apply to t w tteenot phone lbsw tf ussvry watt wanted to borrow i300o on ant mortgage firstclass security apply to po boa 455 oorstown ilp bartr wsaul home comforts and flratclsss ae- commodaltnn near ojljt station apply at herald office up clrt wuuj voung airl to wait on labia at oolden oate oaf 3j a week- apply at oolden oate caie it lata fae ftss lots suitable for building in oeorge town john ucdonsid eitat phone iftt or i1l ovhrgetown st furnace blowers prepare for cold wahr4neuj a welsh furnace blower have eufe heat and less espensa bold and ta tsiled by alex hums shon 3sd oeorgaatown tt aeorjiaaeagaaaai b 88 samssmasssmesuubmmub sbbalbsbbhabhabbbabs dominion stores annedf00iai thcie valuci ritcctive from thursday nov m lo saturday ov jo fyjfy tbckc value elyrctive from thu r id j y nov m to saturday iov jo staajiel hx4cm4 gaysaie ckofas 020 peas corn toiiiatoes wi10u wu or cu sslu beans lhoice ouality puswlun a v liner soups ft m11b ha tut tlu m haamwm aabbaaaaaaabbbaabbababaal cuawcoa gboles oaauy dicso no uil tlu beats cau 2ti jjgtc soup- 3 t itaytwle choice v tinier tomato or chstlsttes lemon puffs a tally new bucult 9 aatamausmaaum cahei tomato 1me juice 3w tdbvbox 8uoarxurkd bacon csk fancy santa clara prunes 3 oolden hallowi flour 1 dates 3 pastry 24lb hue dominion tstqres limited

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