Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 27, 1935, p. 4

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pa 4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 27th 1935 silvers announce another prechristmas free gift contest 20 prizes valued at 150 00 free r see these special lww salt tatfau supt with lace trim 7j ladys wkue furuuit nigla gowru 40 ludirt rayon va and bloomer seta neatly trimmed 89 c juiw fine wooller moee uijcrty vest bloomer and combination extra tpecial 59c lajie gayleea in brown or black with heavy beeced lining in finest quality rubber ggg p lsdu black ruburt in all lire and heeli gjjg fr ltuw fancy slipper in cuban heels 79c udw heavy blanket oath bah robe 198 lsdaee coals never before and perhaps never again a chance like lhi to purchase a fur- trimmed coat at a price like thii twenty- five coals picked for thii weekend at half regular price culcwtte 3ie wootteii seta hat sweater and lmin 89c girls cable half coal a limited number only at 395 lined till seu doth 36 36 with 4 ser- vlettea to match 98e conies starts t nov 28 9 am and en itee 31 10 pm owing to the wonderful popularity of our kit years free gift contett we have decided to run a bigger and better contett this year just think i 20 priiee valued at 150 00 will be given absolutely free to 20 people beiidea the advisability of buying at silvers where you pay aornijili lese for everything you buy you itand a good chance of winning one of these wonderful prizes we want you to keep the following in mind i silvers does not carry on business like some somnolescent buaineasmen we know silvers does not keep stock for yenra and years allow it to deteriorate and tlien try to tell it to the public ut a reduced price silvers make every effort to have it worth your while to shop at our store our free gift content together with many attracts e weekend specials is further in dication of our policy to have your dollar go farther at silvers prizes 1 beauvois seamless tufted rug 69 x 9 value 5000 2 satin comforter downfilled value 2500 3 congoleum goldseal rug 9 x 12 value 1100 4 pair woollen blankets value 1000 5 pair woollen blankets value 7j0 6 silk bed spread value 700 7 8 double damask pure linen dinner cloth 72 x 90 with 12 serviettes value 9 x 4vi congoleum goldseal rug value 9 pair wootcot blankets value 10 reversible rug 24 x 48 value ii to is s pair ibex i24 flannelette blankets value pr 16 to 20 s table cloths value each 600 450 400 350 275 150 rules of contest a bonui of 1000 volet will be given for thote entering contest on thursday friday and saturday one vou fill be given for etry penny purchase cash or credit one vou will be given for every penny paid on account a purchase of any amount qusliflea you to enter contest ah ballotj mutt be cait at time of purchase tti prlsr listed here 111 b tinn euojuulf fre to tha- con- tmtiku having th highfau nuiabfr of voles by 10 pm trueaday dm ut no vol can be uwdrtrm after they haw bn test oonuttunu are pqiiuwiy tottidien to solicit votea in our store a itintpg cf she cootfsjtanu will to pottsm regularly in our store w are the sol jude of the oontsu and contests nlt must abide by our decision contestants ere assured of th utmost film on our part and are akd to cooperate with us by adhering to the above rules com these values mens leather oxford unconditionally guar anteed extra special 1 1 mens heavy gum rubber boots red soles pr mens fine broadcloth dru shirt in solid colora and stripes the popular lance shirts on sate at gf mens heavy work boot in panco or leather sole at jlgg mens cocttblnatlon underwear the wellknown watsons winter combinations on sale at qfig mens big b brand buclcovssjl 119 boys gum rubber boot sue ii 12 and 13 only to clear at f aa pr mene fancy woollen sox a urge assortment eg 50c value 3g 31 for q boys sturdy whipcord breaches double kneea and aeat special az pr table clolks 64 x k4 on sale at 4 extra 1 28 ladies silt dpe druses reg value 495 go on sale for this week end 295 men 1 here u a grand opportunity to buy an overcoat a large ussorlment of coats at 1095 u silvers store phone 37s georgetowns popular shopping centre georgetown new advertisements t 11 ji 1 1 winlij tenders wul to recalled by the undersigned up to nov skh for care taker for otonrrtown arena for aon of im4w tendan wul also to received at the ubm time tor booth prtvutft tor lb1534a toil bo- retary oeorgtown paluu wamuj ltjhom and bund hock puluu wanud ulgnut cub prtoa paid aiv full pjticulat box u9 ferju oolaikx g4wj rvue pau far good ibraw phone phouptlv we wlu pw ttu phona call u rtug it oaorefl- torotoood prlom pild for hore injuwd catua tc or anything ault- nbia for fw mat but animal muat to imuhd immediately to to of ma and maat to perfact condllton- vannattar poa parol not to ouftflelvea the world hai narrovad down so much machine and wlngi hav conquered nocc the city with 1u reumj ixordea u part of every country place and every atone of hatred quns into the fcca of human itrtfe wilt coat iu ripples on the shore and ahaka the peace of tvtry life not to ourselves we live and die but to each others good or 111 my neighbor prospers to do x life a muhty scales must balance still por faith and love are common stuff and thought have suvermounted vines not to ourselves but to the world our work iu own fulfilment brinta wsaafaj nv cats- pools dltchaa and drains to dl old easepool cisterns t cleaned on short notice also white washing and any other work donav- bithroom outnu complete uutaued at loweu prioba james williams box tut oaorgstown wood for sale oholaa hardwood uapu and baaah mlaud soft wood- most r prioaa apply jack tost phone saiw wood for sale oholos mania hardwood and oadar balie at rubt prlota orders itftu a uuuate or at my horn pttoaa let promptly attended ta a uvdfostonf wood for sale ofcolca iardoo4 beech tn temple at i1da par eom ubud wood kuo per eofd hall hu par l 1 j lasundvobo vhii tall f tsu mkljevkfl mkntal patiofj steadies tub ncrvsts dr hammonds brabs anj nana tfttte a brain bona and tissue frfcgbulldr that make for viitnaalthy rwe a clear 5llf mind and the nstorauou of youthful vlwr rioommandm and sold by lurtwmav biii slre mf oeatttwa exr miaalort to jnualn interaaueaal ualfans baaiay tlebaal lmab deeesabtr let iw golden text the hand of our ood u upon all them for good that seek him efra 8 lkflflon pabbaoc eara 7 810 31 3i ax oh let each of us beware how his thoughts and motives bear every road that we shall choose other pllfrtm feet will us borne will follow where we lead lrng as life shapes life indeed have a brothers cart and pray ood to mark thy road each day inlaw liens cesiaeta t exra was a more capable leader be cause he had had experience in baby lon before undertaking his work in jerusalem ifirperlence tn other lands broadens the mind and furnishes ex amples as to methods motes owed much to his wide experience before booming the leader of his people karl mara lived for a time in britain let- in and bulln both made visits to other lands british statesman teal it to be part of their education to visit the oolonlee while the prtnoe of wales is one of the most widely trs veiled men now living bonar lav on engluh political leader was bora in canada tha present premier of the dominion of canada worked for several years in tha united states several of the premiers of tha wea tern provinces in canada formerly liv ed in tha east croat religious lead ers such as gandhi of india kagawa of japan or koo of china have been great travellers and students of conditions in other lands one of tha few good results of war is tha knowledge of other countries which la gained tha christian church has been greatly enriched mentally and spiritually by having mlislonarlea many lands leader and lad m eire was a scribe but ha was also a practical man of affair ids or ganised his eirpedltloo thoroughly be fore siaxtbuc out the caravan route required a journey tors was leading people of many different trades and interests hut he wis able to infuse all with his spirit thtrloaitm and religion unified their purposes ear felt that ha was being helped by a power greater than himself and the people also detected in ztra singe of gods leading the good hand of his ood was upon hint concrete illustrations are needed to express bptrltual experiences ihe touch of ood spirit upon the iplrlt of em waa to him as real u a hand laid upon hi shoulder hares policy very comprehensive he desired first of all to know gods law then to do it hlnuelf and to leach it to others this sums up the procedure that u wise in both education and religion we must try to discover the law of ood we cannot be content merely with knowing we must act it is by douig that knowledge becomes profit able what we have discovered of truth and wisdom we mint pais on lo others especially to the ntu gen eration the credit of exras expodl- lon must to shared between the lead er and the people prayer aj faiuag t too many people go to extremes lo regard to tasting and to feasting failing can to carried to excess quit sa much as feasting it t wtser to follow the golden mean and to prac tice neither fasting nor feasting to txcmm we- are sure that there is merit in fasting because our saviour fasted many great saints have prac ticed this habll por people uvuig in tha canadian climate it is usually wiser to seek memtal clarity and spiritual fitness by moderate eating or mild fasting than by a prolonged abstention from food we are ac tive people with great practical de mands upon us and we cannot allow our physical strength to become de pleted in times of crisis or exalta tion however food becomes a secon dary consideration we may forget all about it for a day or two or by having times of meditation before breakfast we may have our minds clear and use the first momenta of the day to have fellowship with ood writers usually dine lightly before writing important articles speakers find u prudent not to overload their stomachs before making pubuo ad dresses each one must work out tha teehnlqua for himself knowing how to take aumcient nourishment for maximum efficiency ezras fast had a fourfold purpose tha worship of god guidance as to conduct safety for children protection of property he did not put property first using 0f polth u u esre faith was put to the test in action no matter how much theory ha might have talked tn babylon it would have been discounted had he not made a great adventure of faith demonstrating his trust in god eara made his expedition a spiritual pil grimage rather than a military foray he was able to persuade tha people to this act of faith because of their trust in ood they looked upon their safe arrival as an answer to their prayers remember that this man of faith had first organized the ex pedition to the last detail it was only when ha had done his utmost humanly that he surrendered the whole project to oods wilt ho could not have done this slnwrelj had he not first of all done his very best by human means it is a mis take to try to do things in ones own strength alone or to trust wholly to supernatural help from ood a bet ter way la to have a partnership with god doing our best which is made better as we trust in ood for guidance and support cjettselattsness ef gcd 11 sb the distinctive thing about the he brew religion was its consciousness of ood this may be as real in modern as in ancient days one who has dis covered anew the presence of the spirit of ood writes por so long ood has just been a sunday ood to we that x cannot quite get used to the fact that ha a an every minute ood warning to share everything with me the hebrew way or describing this experience waa to say the hand of our god was upon us only by this experience of living may this he fully understood but it may be come progressively tha treat reality of our lives thrre is a power not out wives making for rlglueouvness the teaching of this irun is sum- marund in the orulrrful golden text which may be vrrtflm in dally prrlrnpr the hand of our ood t upon all them for good that trek upon him qaetflaiu for dluuuua is sctrnoc changing nationalism in to intrmutlonaluvmt 1 why is rnthulam truluprruable in a leader t what place has fatting in modern life 4 how have your prayers been an- wcradt arc we losing our unit of ood formek ilillhtwro behident celebrated ninetieth bibthdav pour generations were pretent at l he ninetieth birthday party of mrs robert evcrdell at the home of her daughter mrs j bpcddlng u charl es street east toronto when many relatives and friends called to extend congratulations and best wishes mrs everdell was for many years a resident of luiuburg district and is the mother of ten children and is remarkably bright and recalls many amusing and tragic tales of the early pioneers dunf bslsag so youre out of work and want help whats your trade t im a painter muter pointer ehf well now my car needs painting what would you charge to do that job two doltarn an hour two dollars an hour why i wouldnt pay michelangelo two dol lar an hour in times like these i well muter i dont know this michelangelo but if he paints cars at less than two dollara on hour he dont belong to the union a having the flapper was truly repentant and mmight to make amends jack sho cried iam sorry i treated you the way i did oh thats all right honey jack replied i saved s30 while we werent on sneaking terms for blue coal kmlthlng coal and hamilton bypreduel coke tu norval emj dulrict to mrs j walklns norval stalion phone 63 r 24 georgetown ajtjbejfjsjasjaiam broiler chicks m barred ratks lie eaeb dec 11th h and weekly thereafter w h ccbtou hatciono h tiis egg nov 1iih and weekly thereafter adolpb sandtiiky m qa 1st ltoe wss b s m baamptoh phone ulrtl notice to creditors in uta smaller at the etsu of ma- gastey ida anuekaon late et vwwa at oargeuwh to ike oeaiy of itatuss saartled weamea daeeas- ed notice ib hejtldy oiveh that all persons having any claims or de mands against the lata margaret ida anderson who died on or about tha thirty- first day of may ad 113 at the city of ouelph in tha county of wellington are required lo send by post prepaid or lo deliver to tha un dersigned solicitor for thomas ander son the administrator of tha estate of margaret ida anderson deceased their names and addrfistti mf full particulars tn writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and tha nature of the securities u any held by them amd take notice that after the seventh day of december 1m5 tha ssld administrator will proceed to dis tribute the assets of tha said deceased among tha persona entitled thereto having regard only to tha claims of which he shall then have had notice and that tha said administrator will not be liable for tha said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim ha shall not than have received notlc dated at geor ontario this sixth day of november luft lerov dale kc solicitor for the said adaonlstrator it treasurers sale ol land for taxes town op georgetown colntv op ualton to wit by virtue of a warrant issued by tha mayor of the town of georgetown bearing data the 30th day of august 1m5 a sale or lands in arreara of taxes in tha town of georgetown wul be held at tha municipal office georgetown at tha hour of 10 oclock in the forenoon on the 10th day of december 1033 unless tha taxea and costs are sooner paid notice is hereby given that ft list of the lands for tale for arreara of taxes may be seen at the municipal office the adjourned aula if any will be held at the same place and hour on tuesday december nth hub and it la the intention or the town of georgetown to purchase at the ad journed sole if any held any parcel or parcels of land if the price offered is less than the arreara and oosu thereon dated september 0th 1033 p d uanriborf treasurer published in the ontario gazette september 1ui october slh and nov ember 2nd 1016 lit damage nv motha can be heavy iv winter under the lmprrulon that motiu commit their depredations in the spring and summer months only nuny people display little care in putting ntty their summer cjouwt for the winter as matter of fact moths may be found in heated mod em buildings all the year round pre vention u better than cure there fore it is neofaury to use the same care in parking up summer clothing in the fall tu is ben tonnl on winter clothes in the spring moths them- mhr do no harm except that they lii rhtrn and when the eggs hatch mto lunar or catrrplllars feeding other iw dumatte commence at once a the oung larvae are ttry scnsl- the to light the seek out protected mt nation in the folds of furs or aoollen oarments or in the interior of uphoutered furniture summer raiment before being laid by for the winter should be thoroughly brushed tkutcn and shnkrn preferably in trorig timllght if there are no alr- tluht trunk or chests handy the clothing should be placed in cotton or paper bag or in cardboard boxes sealed with strtpee of paper as an alternative the clothing should be wrapped in two thicknesses of strong wrapping paper taking eara that tha edses are turned so that the maths cannot gain entrance tha control ef moths which infest clothes is fully discussed tn a circular prepared by the entomological branch of the do minion depsrtment of agriculture it is much more dignified to say were moving in cycles rather than running around in circles although it come to about tha same thing the georgetown herald offers you a great subscription bargain that- saves you money stu ejt-1ea- tou tivt i lony v yv h is a real offer that will v you mousy gjv yourulf and your family tatting hjoymaitt and antartalnmant th whola yar through thia is all you hava to do scltct 1ii1v 0 f llltsf illlllous mjililun and you will tveciva pgv tha whole 4 publkaj aw tiont for ens yare7 from tha date wajd raeaiva ha coupon f hare is ha amuing fmi combination low price rf vplc our guarants to vu i 3urfnt tkoufm 1 yr qmatuani u buss 1 yr 3ulairt 1yr ncarmflm 1 yr ntdmul horn mmtlmy qmttehal rsw1y 3 canadian hartuultur and kama maratln 1yr tmi wondorful offer is avail ablo to old and new subscrib ers to this newspaper we murantoo the fulminen of all majnulne subscriptions and you hava positive assurance that this generous offer u exactly as represented ito newols will be extended for full term shown ikg m mail cotmon yodav please flip llif o usoulws oiler eksemka j publica tion tfulkd mi out tuubm unullu oentlemen i enclose i pleas send ua the three nuufsibus chocked with a yoaf subserlpuoti lo your newspaper w namb stoeet town and rnovwcn

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