Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 11, 1935, p. 2

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pag2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 1 1th 1935 your christmas shopping l mmb ni i i f i ii i imbfci a s dlvers win and hold the goodwill of ihelr ciuimuo by adhering lo a standard of quality that merit confide thi tonndmce mat silvers gift suggestions tarticularly welcome we suggest yau visit our sloae with your gift list and have lu show you how you can get the maximum for your knooey a bigger and better display thu year than ever before i w htas break stiifcc thf popular lance 69c gift suggestions mens kid gloves warmly lined special 98c pr lacuee silk taffeta slip lace trimmed with adjustable strap 79c her b a big saving ea womeaa fumrimoied juliet slipper toft warm and comfortable 98c pure sjk satin lingers set for women panties and brassier in attractive boxes a very acceptable gift 149 hemmed bjeethed wabaua cot- tea sheets extra large ike a remarkable bargain at 79c madera kbow cases another lovely gift suggestion 139 liner bridge set doth with 4 eerviettea attractively boxed 69e table critim a very good selec tion to choose from 49e 295 ladies fullfashioned pure silk hose for thi week only 5jg pr ladies pure silk crepe fashion hose extra special 4g pr other gift suggestions arrow shirt tlee pylma and handafefchleft penmans hokery and sweater weldreu futuaihioaed hole handkerchief you will want several of these 3 in a box at ijjg and up mens silk broadcloth sbiru in white sand blue and green with collars attached or with 2 separate collars in holiday u9 tie each one boxed a very good assortment sc to 100 mens sox including such popu lar brands a circlebar pen mans and other 29e 7sc- men scarf all wool scotch plaids and other 79e te suq boy leather mills with elastic cuffs special 29c girt t dretaea sixes up to 1 4 lovely style and material special 9g extra christmas gift contest extra oa wednesday thursday friday and saturday a bonus of koo vote will be given with every purchase of 800 or over contestant are advised to take advantage of this pedal offer silvers dept store phone 378 where your dollar goes farther mil srssasreiii georgetown robbs drug store oanta is telling his reindeer to be sure and stop at the rex- all drug store so that he may get the rest of his load special gifts for her yanttey toilet set 88c 1860 jasmine toilet set 8se 1600 stationery 2se 300 compacts 78c wjso perfume 2se 600 cocolates 28c 300 special for this weekend john bull malt ex tract and cod liver oil s9e ose tw vows castile soap entlus made 7 cake 25c im vontb kippa herb tahleu 25o at vota xmas cards 2 for sc 8c 10 dotlbte vomi rexall milk of magnesia tooth paste 38a ts vows at the smaes la sar special gifts for him yardley toilet sets 100 760 jasmine toilet set 100 460 colgate and palmolive shaving sets 89c and s8e rolls razors 695 and 808 cigars and cigarette xma wrapped frank medico filter pipe 100 robbs drug store phone 76 the rexall store we deliver georgetown bobm ucbjudc in rsanestnr oa avidey december sth ibis to ur sad itn j w ucbrtds ua uarjotls hun ter a daughter dies uuhrav in the bilk childrens hospital toronto en saturday de cember 7th ius charles orsnt uuxray dearty haloged infant aan at sir and lira j a murray sjed w obituary nathan lono after being in poor health for the past three or our months the last ten daye of which ha wu confined to hit bad ur nathan long- paaed away at tha home of hie daughter lira john smith colungwood en monday dec and deoeased was in hi toth year and waa born tn north topham norfolk county england tn lam 11a cama to canada whan a younl man and fifty ana year ago married uargant hohlnaot of liona road who predacaaud him tn 1030 ur lonv waa a raaldant of oeoratatown for naarty fifty yu and waa ona of our but cltlaana an honorable man ctaetned and w- pectad by tha entire community lie waa an employee of the o t fit and o n railway for 15 yean and of tha alliance paper uffla for about 13 year itour year ajo he retired and went to realda with hi dauth- tar at colungwood one daughter and two eon aunive lira flknlth colllnffwood john b and win u fjong oeoiiretown daoeawd waa a member of the united church 8w- vloe at colllnffwood on wedneaday waa conducted by rev u ii eaton of trinity united church tha fun eral at georgetown took plaoa oa thursday on arrival of tha 3 pu train when the remain war interr ed in greenwood cemetery tha mr- vice at tha grave waa oonduoted by rev mr overend tha pallbearer were p d lfonally p armatrona a sample a tut tr j d god frey e ixowlurter the many beautiful floral tribute were from ur and ura lowe cap and ur pteanoa no surrender ltu uanltou rebeoca lodoe ura lcttit t ur and ura wu letsitt mm ptiher and ura uolean ool- llngwood ur and ura a sample fire orlffade uojl 3u ilalton chapter 334 royal black pfeoeptory looy 100 llarteykay kiona club alliance paper utll iloyal true bluea tha vwmlly oeorfatowtt stewarttown etquealnff w i ipent an enjoyable afternoon with norval w x lait ttiuraday at tha homo of ura w raid the aohool children are buay prac ticing for their annual xma dou- certa the aympatlty of tha community eoea out to ur and ur j o mur ray in the lou of their infant ion ura w humphrey waa called to toronto last week owing- to the 111- neaa of her father ur w dickenaan waa removed to toronto general ubaplul laat thura- day i norval jtwserldc j whlta for omi fmmt an ataploy of the toronto ttt kallvay co and the totxmta trana- portatkxi cotnmimloij did at hli hatus h lutunlay tn hu tuh year attar a kntthy tllriwi horn in ttialand ur while mmnt hum of hi ui in twonlo bcioce lraovlfiat to horval it vu a ttxiber of tha unltad church and wu a ootutrva- uve lie u turvlvd by hla widow tkrwirly uua cdltli 1uiu of ner val baluhafad uu h carson of ulltoa aprnt tha htk and with ulu anna row- man ur wtd utiuy wt fiunday for totonto bf ihe will undcryo an r ration nn lur rye tn 6 ituhjuj pllaj we ou tiii hr b tpxmy rrry ur drey of uuton tpdta sun day morning in connection with tha ululonary and ualntrnaiice rind of the unltd church itv a o w potrman luodj th rbytry uwtlng ivtld tn iurabaii ojj turwlay the v p fi hld ttulr dvvo tonal and mltxlonary buvtln runday rftilnj ttir ten ptuf uuco bu tiid by prvd fuiortul and itrv ur taxfman td in prarr tha tail thaptrr of thr ulviiofiary fltudy ikick ft blvfl by vjtt iu i mlk hum und til onollonaj tootc tm tunt of happitaha vu giy by jvart ilaiiary fwrnu barmbrfa of ui ilalton vpu cifcumr and alu of tha owvghovn boclety rtundd tha mmttng ashgrove tha annual blni of tha auxili ary wu hfld on tumday lvc ird in tha sunday trhool rona with un ckro nuru prldtng th roll call wu ancrrrd with a chrtomaj thought and tha talnuua of tha lui mtsfung rad by ura j iullboddy the tint chapor of our naw atudy boclc tha nw africa by donald kraatr wu given in an lntraauin taajuvrr aa tuzsaalad la tha uttla paaphlfi pivpaud by uua winnl- iwd thotbaa our gnvrral aacratary of tha wats haporta wf rold froos each ovparthu bahowtngt trau- fytni raaulta for tha yaara andfar- our tha n ofscaf for lfcm are u fouoaa lion prldat urt- b kyre pati prtaidnt ura m- if wright ptalket ura- oao kum ta vtcapraaidant ura walbr urownrtdga ind vidfidml ura w wanlwa racordina- mcratary ura k wtkon awtafnt weordlng wcrvtary ula u glffa tnaaurar ura o b dtctt corraacratary ura a- j ruddau aaaoetata haotutw aacmary ura- 1l wuaoo chrutian utawajdihlp and flnindaj saewtatry un jaa darnaa uualonary tsvon- thly and w y aacrttary ura j uauboddy aupoly tacavtary ura waller linwnrtda ivannttanoa aa- cavtary ura vvad wrlttlamworth preu aachtary ura k wuaa ptanlii ulu uabii wrlouaworth aaaliunt ptanlat ura a j rod dal audltora ura clayton wluod un n o wrtgxlaesorui glen vv1ll1au3 the aypjl of st albana church hald tbair ni nvoouily auchra party tn mday avaning tha nrlm vtnnara war gam in jo norton 2nd iftafd ward conaolatlon uarria clark uuuaa ltt edna oavlow yryi ura dtckanaon ftrntfrlaltnn un william lucky ticket prtae ura wuuama st albana sunday achool hew cboaen wadnaaday dae lath for their chruimai concert to be bald tn the town hall ccmmancingr at odock prompt tha united church sunday a concert la to be held on ifriday de cember 10th oln wuiiama uox no ita tn ataliad tha toilowln omocre on nov ember lltiu iw5 lp jooro john c axx woillm roy norton dai uro p oonn hhaplaln pff j rurhavrman recording secretary bro jaa po ftoancial secretary bro oeorga ntlrlf treaaurer bra l uarchmcnt lit lafcturar bra j evcrson ind locturer uro a xngua h bro j cam ot committee bm r norton 2nd com ml t tfe lira y wood 3rd commute bro a carter itn oommiit uro j urntfiau initallatlon waa conducted by pa u bro p norton and dr d u- bra c iftownon- ijcji bro p nor ton who baa been u year a rtifnnr of the orange order had tha honor of tnafitnj hla ton bra roy nor ton to tha wortblpiul uaatara chair wouan8 uibbionabv socbttv the woman uualonary society of tha united church mat on dec ard and brought to a cloa a eerie of unusually intareaunff mmiing in october um o d atklnaon of tha dominion board gave aa ad- dreu appropriate to tha 10th annl- veraary of union in november uua uopkln and ur uatheaon of burlington gave an addrata and in december a won derful meeeafe from uua shepherd of preeman who waa ona of tha county delegate to the achool for leader hald tn tha united church training- achool in toronto in sept ember her remark centred around tha high aim m purpoaai of study ing the kingdom of god movement oha atreaaed tha need for alert and conitructive leadera tn thi reanect prayer u tha keynote of auooeaa lira ualn aangr a aolov which waa much enjoyed by all nreeent- at the concluilon of the meeung tha fallowing omoera were elected for tha ensuing- year hon prealdent ura il l iiuu prealdent ura v a overend 1st vtcepptuldent ura r o adam ind vtceprealdent ula n uo- kay 3rd vlmpreiidant ura w il wulaoa recomlngiecretary ura george dobaon oorreapondlntf aeoretary un a r vannatter treasurer ura deans secretary ohrutlan etewardshlo and ptnanoe mlaa uruuayv btrangrs awretajyurm ryeure supply aetiretary ura u l near temperance eecretary ura day- foot aludsu ilalnars awrolary ulal oovddtry ulemiuw ucntary mrs j w kbwlmy preaj morsuw un w tyndall ksnlal ura n tuck the nutting cloud with prayer oabd or yiunkb w nerelar convey our venr alwxra tlianlu to mendi and uclthbon for their many kindnesses and lytnnathy entended to ui in our rseent aad ber eavement by the death or our beloved father the lata nathan lour the raully i special prices on finest qualify foods tor thehoudayj season a kings calendars for all our customers and friends iii a kkcial halt cwruu bras creamery butter 2 ik sst evwy ptaaj ghituimj vi lb pig 2 srscuu bxlk bvhil ui cheese 26c lb round steak roast kuatf aaj thom isc porterboum roast of prima beef 0 ik a jilltliaa kaut uilki aai tidu boiling beef loe lb uu h t pot roasts of beef 18c lb sjwtiiljy roast of beef 18c lb ihcul tiir lm rv- shoulder roasts of pork lse fresh pork butts rr 1 tilillvr uuu ha 19c raeau ctnriaaa luu pork chops 21c oiuiaa- la tuases beef prifgfag 2 for 28c rwiiaiiss thaaifr aijto sausage 2 mm 2se otej qaawy mincemeat 2 ha cart 28c pork sausage 18c hj finest quality fresh and smoked fish 320e raxsa raoxxm lake herring xd aauiom steaks 18c lb raxia hisoock fillets 17c lb cuoica s u ua aatsi wh1tefish 18c lb buna bread large kippers iscpr biaeiai a ttiuib ciscoes 23env ntsh oysters 20ciar caluwau jaltf vlafl oranges medium sue 35c rjoz large sue 45c do extra large fancy 59c dos calilwmu uu grapes 2 fea 2se ou cuiay avaa maple syrup large 32oz qt sire k8c 16 oz pint bottle 29e 16 oz fancy jug 20c bautva is tomato ketchup 2 bottle 28c buj cruluy ifual christmas nuts 2 lb bag 39c caaka flfai carrots 6 ik 10c rim aa dry cooking onions 10 lb jute sack 19c srecuu uanr barsrv lulaia jelly powders 0 for 28c comuxinoh aaib ik gold medal tea ik gold medal coffee both for 49c phone 27 wm king prompt delivery bbslbibihha1llslbhbslll pria whmw at kaa aulal the prta wtnnara at the kano social on ifonday dc stn ware in it uu bout ur tracy tad tea kettla ura vounj im table tamp ur attaood ith 10 1u sugar ura a carey kb pall botuy ura u doju sth pouu pot ura b wucoi 1th m lha sour ur j kmncrsan sth baakat trull earl hornby nh 1 iba butter ulu bart- lell loth table lamp lira a wu- cok uuu ciganti caaa and tray uua t treanor uth pillos allpa ura lienney 13th 3 baikete pou- toea ura a itulma lllb tea kettle ura o carey loth table lamp ulu u treanor door prtae 3s lbs flour ur d ialey apeclal prtaa rue ur yatea aaaaal birnl miellai on aooount otthauit wadnaaday of december wmna on chriatmaa day this year tha annual maeutui or rural achool section ratepayere will be held oa the fouowuuf day thurs day church news tk dauej chana rev p o overend djl ubuster 10 ajn sunday school ii ajn our wonderful counsellor t pas stare above tha avelsht tralnao- baatm ckanh servloe will be conducted in the new advertisements vw bala english pram naarty new will ell cheap apply herald omoe itp gih wantad voung girl o wait on table at the golden oate oaf a apply at golden gate cafe u w sato pun bred rock puueta starting to lay j a van pleat uh una ka- quealnf itp ckhaoaia traaa far sale phone 10 and order your christmas tree now pineal quality everfreena 50 cent itp daplist church on sunday by iter o j cameron ha bt gaargaa ckuwli rev w g o thaompcon rector third sunday la advent holy com munion s ajo sunday school 10 am holy com munion 11 ajo evensongr v pu bona of st george corporate communion at 11 am fit alaam cttarclt oua wuliaaaa third sunday tn advent- sunday school 3 pm- evensong 9 pm vr bale urge heater for sale in food con dition also wheelbarrow at a reason able price apply d logan phone 119 georgetown tf paavaialaa wanted pkve rent 30th deoember to 30th of april to reioonslhl tenant who will take good care of furnished hotisav apply by letter to box o herald office itp lufer strayed strayed from lot 38 sth line west ohlnguacousy big ilolatein heifer mostly white piece out of right ear cat in left ear finder please notify u o lyons norval phone u r 31 itutipton it etaetrle washer what would make a more appropri ate xmaa gift for uother than a new idedriu washer or xronert we have the lowest priced tftajvdard washer beatiy porcelain tank at tfiodb also several reconditioned machine rlchardaona hardware georgetown floral designs wieetha bpraya basket and all aiara wark made and delivered puces tteabonaule hiete tt j farmer oueltjh bt u cieattetawtt fancy xmas boxes cedar chests etc hunts moirs smiles n chuckles 1 lb xma wrapped 60c 2 lbs and over 1 to 375 cut rock candy 19c ik hard boiled and filled candy 19c 29c lb xmas special creams jellies chocolates and bon boris our own mixture 21c lb 2 lba 40c creamed almonds special for xma per lb 30c week end chocolates per lb 3bc xmas stockings and xmas novelties at 8c to 100 oranges pop corn canes clear toys cracker jack any article la he atare will be pal away aiilll xmas for a small detteeu we would appreciate your looking over our stock be- fore making your xmas purchase watch our windows for other bargains 4 vebv heuity xmab to am longs confectionery mi0nb h wa delhw uala 8l geokattrown

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