Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 11, 1935, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 11th 1935 page 3 0 ks merry cirlitma5 christmas gift values r t i c iiiii i r i handsome gifts for your loved ones small remembr ances for your friends novelties to delight the youngsters appropriate everyone are on display for your choice at our i da n tr m specials j xmas cards i wednesday thursday fndy and saturday 2 lor 5c 3 lor 10c rj 5c and 10c 0 mu m christmas gifts drug store for csv hu cpw lumh klu uieh is of 4sv twf lra uu wu it 11 xmas seals tags tinsel i special 100 votes wtittuty taaruay fruay satarsay lda cash contest large writing pad and envelopes both or 29c will evr kiu ef turf uilltag pad uj eetbew 1w vtlm special 100 votes gifts for her vasrjlcv laytvnrn hktu lb ii u 1111 ims wis w1j mm lis list oluo manictibc nrrti im ims uj cirrex manicibe hetm ur iuj tut body dubtivo powneb it la 1113 lottib a uoobe 1it4iiam utvennltt bcth ur iiu iuj m- uatii mlt cbvhtih is a lf lmlvm hotyabd heth mpui iijw ir out utatiomebv tu ut tlm tlm gifts for him htteb a moobe nhav1no heth tiu nu mh vakdley hhavino sets us i15 gij tuu tsj colostch cift beys uoodbibyh am rktb mlnnen gift sets all h bibbcbhet hiiavtmo bbuhiteh ii m llm im oillette bjuobh tfa u bh lcutob baeobh un hit- huui ulrajavury rr mr tobacco folcllfh bsw uj uiiiw lie a tat cloakettzm cicjabs yobaooob all u s4lr knnii xiu wmrl bolls bazobb for children fictttbe books ik oakeh btbtiidav boosui uf xuas htocbinos li soj ut clivcandy ineilson holly and betty brown 39e 60c 1 00 u t4 ae for your xmas parcels xuajt cobd xmas bibbon healh taou nshix rarca bj ami wuu hollv xmab fatcb xuas bells wbeatuh tbee dlcobationh watermans pens 276 300 500 watermans pencils 1 00 125 1 so will make up any set you wish in xma wrapped box flw hoi water bottle fancy xraa wrapped the practical gift extra value 1 00 xst georgetown pharmacy uwllm jack d harrison georgetown our greatest pleasure u pleasing you jbhbbsbbbbsbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb phone 232 bbbbbbbbbbbb acton native of arton was llargaret hind sister o liu late o0re lirvda luurd away at th ray jubilee ifospltaj in vltcorta so ea novrmtxr tltb at liv ae of uh fcanrn rara oha hall brd m tv- tunt of vlctorta for tna put tblrtj- riv jtarn u q undtaf and robert kffv 4 ion of acton vera mn amont tha prlio ttlnnrr with itoclowv hortaa at the winter fair at aarlph un i j drowning of ivuoflla lium uiu tvk wlui tvr tuur ura ilobert ucptwrton whi frthhlai tfl be pleated to uam la recowrtn nle ly from hrr rtcrnt operation anj una oble to return from tha hotphaj liut nk ur and ura prank diy ur 00 day tu haj brn wvaral lta hi oielph oenentl liocplul ulu ujs ruret ttiomu of nocilvood and ur prvd day or tha ctuetflal xniutuu wood lock vuilcd at tha taaj of ura it h wanaboroujit on oaturday 0 1 turcday evrnlnf novceitbar m a few rirtidi and nuuvh atharad at thr home of ur and un vrcd orion in honor of ur and ura oeorsr ilamr of alton th awn- tnj wu fcnent in guar and danctnf a ihort prosrum look nlaca la fakb on addrru wvu tcad and many mli- crllaneou sltta war praaantad to tba bride and broom to which tha groom nipondd at th clou of tha awn ing a ocil time waa tpant by jt prre prcia on hilur judsa bpdtnjr eh how many umea have you becri before ma bpeader never your honor fva tried to pail you on th road one or twice but my bua will do only 5 tit hab4iltt lady iiov did you find tha penny i eac you 10 quickly iiesgar im not the bund man im jiut alttuis nera while lie a gone to the movira tbaca pat mti offlce boy rieaia air i think fkoirrbody uanu you on the tele phone chief nov what u the use of aajintt you think i am wonted am i a anted or not boy well ir aoniebody rang up and tvatd la that you you old idiot empress fcdesiwalfirgvise f dy tho tnif illation of a narmauatit tllod i swimming pool ineraajwd daolc apaoa and a lido cafo tho kmpr of auatralla famoua forraar world orulia liner of the canadian pacific u bfllqk fitted for har thre montba woat indies cruuo season in im i tlio wliolo aftorend of tha ilfitm ton thrce- funnellod llnor la now being romodellod in knuland and the atruoturat cbangoa being carried out will roault in tho addition of many aquaro feet of deck bpaco on a dock an odlarrod shelter promonado on d deck and a anaoloua cafo facing a tllod open air pool which will be tho central feature of tho now sports dock tho tltod swimming pool will havo an area of 7s0 aquaro foot it will bo 25 feet long and so foot wide day umbrollas and oomfortablo lounstor will bo dotted about tho deck for sun- bathorb and provision is being raado for an additional full sleo dock tonnla court tho udo dook extends to tho stern or tho ship 1030 schuduloa for tho rmprob of australia in addition to tlio west indies season of five crulso leaving now york lu january vobruary march and april provide for a number of scandinavian and southern crutt0b during tho summer to provide additional comfort during tho monthb the empress or australia passongcrs will spend in tropical temperatures additional ventilation u being provided for bathrooms aro bolng added to a number or the bedrooms tho empress or australias west indlos erulso departures from new york will bo january ssrd pobruury istli robrunry 2dthj march 81st and april olbfororulsosof ib days is days and 10 day iu ion cui lliotocranhs show a merr toa party a boforodlnuer gathering on the new snelter deck and a dook quoits game obituary mm john nrait i over one hundred f lends at ended the private funeral aervlee on dun- day dec lit held for mr john near a remdent of orton for forty ave years un near whou maiden name woa sarah entutle ft a in bar eighty ilxth year and had been an in valid for tome year her tutter ura t w bmlth has been attending her for ave years as a girl ura near reilded in surford townihln in brant county her hiuband prede- oeobed her twontyauc years ago ur near waa the founder of orton unit ed church and built end completed it in 1001 dr onenco conducted the acrvlcea at 1m pm on sunday ills test wax taken from work for the nlfrht is romlnit during tlve ser vice urs welltnaton en twist le and hrr daughter ura ilottley of wood stock sang abide with u the pallbearers were urnt james ii lued acton lcn awrey hllubtirg let woods unrsvlllc albert bmlth toronto john near toronto and john iteed toronto all nt phrns of the deceased the n mains were in tcrred in grove ctmcteri where a ah rt service uos held bunlvlnn arc two bisters mrs t w bmlth and urs thome of detroit and two brothers urnurfl wclllnaton fnt wlstle of woodstock and thornon ent- wtstle cf oticlph prlends were prea cnt from toronto orkvlllc acton otorgetonn woodstock ouclph per- sua lulaood orond valley orange vlllc alton and lllllhburg touniht auto traffic declines a serious decline in the number of american tourist automobiles coming to canada in the four year period 101034 is shown tn the latest domin ion bureau of statistics flsures and opponents of the gasolne tax believe there is some connection between this decline and the rising trend of gaso line taxation in 1030 4110100 tourist automo biles came in for a period not ex ceeding 34 hours and 1307 030 for a stay of not more than sixty days 1 1034 thcle aatires drooped to 3313 648 and oat 071 respectively dy provinces tho decrease between 1030 and 1034 were as follows taken in tho order of automobiles admitted for a period not exceeding 34 hour and for a period not exceeding 60 days maritime provinces 343j7s to 1st 630 57670 to a3 016 quebec 23as3 to 304 610 360030 to 230665 ontario 3 470550 to h0wj7 0036o7 to r331s6 manitoba 35 043 to 34136 ibftol to 106m saskatchewan 30677 to 16 431 5734 to 4609 alberta 3j3w to is 463 6174 to 4648 british columbia 47633 to aoq03 137736 to 70006 retail stores in canada employ approximately 450006 person includ ing proprietors and partners as well as eniployeo milton ur and lira j o wtllmau who have ton residents of ulltoa for several kara ut on friday last for toronto wlierv tluv will spend tha winter gordon turner of trafalgar txndaw- ftint an oturatlon at ouph ocfwrsu llotptui on uotvlay hu many friends liope lie vlu liav a tpcdy rrcmer u j carton of csqueslng town- kl ip at jii ted la lhe lata klctuttu cicveniment as ooleul receiver for hallon county under the ssraun crt dltorb afrmnaewent act has i tr vl notlee thst tie has bn rurv- of i u iwitlon and that tha cmta lu future 1j1 be linked with iwi olt office at cooks vl 11 undvr lbe r ttil inn of ooedon o jarkson k c furmtl of ullton clumpton erin ulu ttactlsel ucladurn of wood vlllc u vuiiinv with hr utu jn flonaid and ualcolns mc- licl em ur and urs ft d wuklaoa at- let ded the funeral of hi formne uter urs uorruon of mt lilu 1 uonduy um lulmon visited with her son iu tben of wycllrfe collet toronto itlw uliei d ng hit uudvnu ttrrvloa at c01 voratlon hall ttu fui erst took piaca to lha oro rtnrttry in 11m day of urs john near a 1 loiieer resident of orton cua- inct sio puj away on koronber jfiui in i r ulti ur ilev dr lipenre ronductru tha krrvw ur and un wm davtdxon quut ly celebrated the thlrlyalghui an- nltirsjary cf their wedding on bun- day december 1st when they wf the duetts at die noma of thalr djuahter and son in taw ur and urs hector ihnknry urssra andr and ilobcrt hunter u also rt b1t at the festive boaud advocate low rutxa st cawabass rixlflc ooalrt rtayoaockd hesmenu of lusisra oaasidst wij hav an cjcmtuniiy thia wtnur erf trawlung by low foundtrip ksc aloti tmtv dovtmi by th two osiasv- dlan rslliraya to oshawl acsgiti haygrounda on th ph6 ooaaa av eoiding to an aunouneojant by c p iuddu chairmatn oaiitdlsn pwssasi eer associstiott- frouctad trooi tha wlnur cold by tha gt tnounulrt runjr and with a ciintau trmpmd by tha waxu waters of tha jspn cunvot ilfltuh oolutnbu is iiy aumctlng an ever inecvaiicg of vultora frotd kusurn canads who are anxious to avoid th rtcoura of winter in order to ttwet this cvtuand both rallmiaya ul place on sal l round trip hru uu fare frocd port arthur ajuuuoug and all slalloca tmit uwrwif in ontario and in quabc and the usrtttnv tivilnc to ow- u nit lorn in uaiusli coliuitu ofgod and waahlnton th faros will ba good going from dvcuber 1 to r4- ruary is with return ickmeiimau good any tlni up to april j- btopover prlvluiv will ba auond at all iullons on going or wtum trip vajtoua opuonal rouliai will trf in nvct for uusw azcuralons without additional charge inc udlng passage through unlud luatu urtuory find also optional route on canadian lines or by otlr various rout4 with slight adabtlonal ot bpelau win ter rales will also la svaluu at wtfu th clues of vanoouwr and vie- to is haw spmul fsuiiluabi for ail vultors and offer tori of tha bst golfing to canodi p lh win j ter oolf toumaant at victoria froos rvbruary 17 to u also fuhlng uanis and othw normaljy mmmtf aporta which are all ar round ptsraalta wbll vultors with a rulr for hw tog varkty can hav a cuy wuhssd or toltoggin try taking a short tu froa vancouver to tha n takc pberaimonb aoainht m at this particular tlnu of nar when the housra and buslnasa plane have to be heated by furnaea or ntovrn resldenta of georgetown si ould make it a point to have thalr he 11 ting j items checked and put to perfect condition tha dangers of tire from overheated or dfeell pipes and escaping coal gaa from defective furnace or stow ax av ways prevalent during the wtnuf months the local fire brigade has on number of times been summoned to homes to extinguish chimney area while there was no great damaga done had cither nre occurred dur ins the night when a loafer time would have elapsed before the arri val of the art men there mlsht easily have be n serious property damage or worse still th loss of human life durlnr the past few months several llvis have been snuffed out prema turely tn ares which ooetirred tn vari ous sections of th provtnc and u u not beyond the realm of possibility that a similar occumtvc mlsht of- dur in georgetown or district unless all the nccftisary precautions ore taken tun wiax derajtst the old oariany u not dead it mrly twd and now it bis rwl again adolf hitler i am an incorrigible optualt e bout th twenty third cactury xo- bert laud th ecnantracy of two and two te make four la bound to be in the long run ucwiaiful ataa pound 9 the dsjfcna and todlgnc4 in the ufa of lh msini has so far iwn the most glaring drawback of clrtlt- satlon dcaj srasad organlsstlon u th uost dau- cat and dimcult of all arts aliraye liable to perversion in th hand of thosa who practice it m enl pra- turant events hare aade h tuia that there ta one man who ea cvbsi th president- hi nans la franklin d noosevalt walter llppeim no recent reform has delighted m so much as that lust announce td in poland whar awtion aa set inge and addresses are now mad crbnlnal offence bernard shaw the only palmists x wtu allow to read my hand are travailing gypsies whose vision of th ftuure bscomae rosier and rosier as your payment in creases robert lynd- whan th british bnsptrs puts isa war tcuiu into th uedltcrran eon there te something mor than a rehearsal of oubert and buluvan to prospect- dr william j louott of harvard uolrsuy statesmen today are 111 feurs in high powered care who know tha road la slippery while in 1614 ihey were like chauffeurs who did not know what afcbifiipg was sir ar thur wulert no nation can be destroyed while it possesses good home utm3 o itolland it looks very much as though the industrial and social warfare of th nest generation will narrow down to on between fascism in too form and conuntixusm harry suae barnes after twenty five years the reci procity pact between canada and the united but has at last com totoi actual sohlevecnafit i tt cmd 1 want a wekeou once again to gayety to iwndlineu to the happy spirit of chrittrruu caught up for oil of u in the jolly peiaon of santa claus thia year mora than ever before he i a symbol of hope and a promlae of good thing to come and as we recapture the twinkle in hi merry eye and hear in fancy the pattering hoof of hta reindeer we know that dream come true that the worlds a liappy place when everybody smiles and say i wish you a merry chrtttma ttnttxnte pare food store large pkg purity quick cooking oats 21c new spanish valencia rauuna per lb 22e dcluxe pltg spanish cluster table raisins 38e fancy california bleached sultana raisins lb 20e 2 lb new australian seedless raisins 2c 2 lb new pitted dates ssc new muted nuts per lb 20e 2 lb pkg falcon brand pure cocoa 2se 5 lb bag blue highland flaked wheat 23e fresh bbl fine baking molasses per ik 4e no vi tin gold medal tomato juice 10c york brand tomato juice per tin 8e domestic or easifirst shortening per lb lse sweet piclde cottage roll in piece lb ibe choice breakfast bacon in piece lb 22e choice fresh fruit and vegetables large stock fancy china and glassware make your selections new a e farnell phcvne7 weoeuveft oltrlher htulck whxn d bull ing weil tlve day after the recent earth- q mke john lone well known stock- mnn of ptlklngtan fou d hta old de pend ibto spring upon which ha re lied for his principle water supply al- moht drttd up in order to supple ment the deficiency he recently had n old well near the house re drilled tnli well was formerly 03 feet in il pth only flhlnt a very meager sup pt of water after adding 13 feet to lt depth n aiuhrr was struck which r ilhcxt n rol imn of water to n helsht of 10 fed abovo the surface of the it round a i at for ultlcii tlilki ih no hllbfltitutfe i mutttr in one or the foods which has been uidely used for many cen turies but whoso true nutritional merit hus only recently been brought to itdht oroordlng to lnura c pep per or the dairy and cold storage uronch dominion department of agriculture iu cognising th impor- tnnc- of adequato amounts of fat in diet and the valuable contrlbju- tlans made to health by butter mod- cm ckntlsts uphold the gene roue use of this superior fat palatabluty and hlh food value ore the tuo qualities which cam for butter the distinction of being the fat for which there is no substitute pats recommended for their tasteless propcrttlcs hold little or no interest for tho woman vho prides herself on her cooking she knows it is butter that makes cream sauces look and toate so rich it la the butter used in cakes and cookies that evokes praise from friends and similarly it is but ter that insures excellent flavour and colour in many dishes prepared for the family table as for food value butter is a con centrated energy producer yielding 3u times as much heat in the body as the sugar and starch foods this is a strong argument in favour of using plenty of butter particularly during cold weather when the body requires extra heat butter is easily dlcstod and readily and completely assimilated by tlio body it contains small quantities of lime and ph phortu and in addition has a hlgb vitamin content which dlsttogulsnea it from other fats xt is an exoep tlonnlly bond source of vitamin a which builds up reslstanoo to cuseasa and promotes normal health and growth butter is also one of tha fow foods which provide vitamin the sunshine vitamin so neceatary for tli development of bone and roller skates 69c up stream line kiddy kars 295 tricycles with 1 wdid riitoer tire 500 and 600 coaster wagons in all sizes snowshoes skis and toboggans eveready flashughts at 85c up rocking horses 245 b b air rifles 110 up pocket and pen knives from 28c up ccm skating outfits for children 276 ccm skating outfits for boys and girl 325 up ccm skating outfits for ladies 395 ccm skating outfits for men 398 jj oivsv vkxmsv electric table lamps electric heaters and toasters sandwich toasters silverware carving sets bread knives connor electric washers mcclary electric ranges happy thought quebec ranges and heater plumbing furnace work and electrical wiring estimates given free r h thompson 0 phone 46 georgetown zj

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