Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 11, 1935, p. 4

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paso 4 the georgetown herald wed netday evening december 1 1th 1935 socei fate cafe i i i i i i i i the best place to eat in georgetown christmas turkey dinner 50c neilooi l cream take a boek home harry chut rmw phooes brookblodc mala st sooih georgetown bbiiiihhhbbbmhhmbbbbbbflaiimbbhbbhaabhbbbabi cold weather is here r 5 prepare your car for it 2 we will fill your radiator with the celebrated prlei h or vulcan aniifreeae we have the better type of wlrahlrm defrour from s0 to 8js0 tby aukj driving la txormy alhr baffc m hot water heater from 978 to 1300 iiutalled j aktibjod bnap oh c1uik0 oh oouplete chad j n oneill son s phone 14 georgetown 2 imbbhhumhbhbhbbbaabbbribbbbbimbubbbbbiibbbb mjuw mik croaosrroww richard lieata fruit and vegetable market we offer you these prexhristmas specials fancy malaga grapes new mixed nuts absolutely this years crop the finest procurable and above quality to any in town diamonabuddej walnuts filbert brazil a abaoaeb texas sffdifss grapefruit lare b fo 2se head lettuce large heads 2 for 13c new messina lemons large size doz 25e oranges navel sunlcut new crop these attractive prices to meet every purse buy in quantities 18c doz 25e doz 30c doz 35c doz 40c doz 60c doz cabbaoes ctxcbv bananas vegetables etc ou nrccialttes ctubv isabt wry crtip cut up dally u umsl is kwk caakbebbisa ikt rrwh ucck ta ws wocld luce vod to ooue in and inupbot octl stocks yon potoius holiday punausea for men if your friend suolte he likes the choicest of fresh cigars cigarettes and tobaccos we have all the best brands in christmas wrappings which includes almost a complete line of all the best tobaccos manufactured in cooperation with the retail tobacco trade it is a breach of the trade ruling to give votes coupons free goods or discounts in any form with pur chases of cigars cigarettes or tobaccos e r magloughlen barber and tobacconist main street georgetown attention ladies introducing arno steam treatments for the hair i g treatments reg 450 for try one now 375 permanent wave specials for month of december 650 wave for 500 wave for other waves at 500 350 175 250 last week hi free shampoo with each finger wave give a permanent for xmas andrews hairdress1ng salon phone 40 georgetown l cokju mot ules ay wlgut if i had set a van of kw 1 could not swi at uilit the palncisusal cm of dying thug would htw so furtvly bilgnt thar la tha dark sutjuad my bd tuiy cstatulx i would to willi w6jitlj 1onmvj iing l par mercy uui id uij tiki inri fjiihlhlad rij of hius sorry bill imijuuial itrijgg througli loot whll no one hds their call id u4 runl paws tuutwuu4 off and twica uur normal tii imng luiud with parchd and pain- foamed toagua usjfoffl faiy sjla id fct llou wild and truaboro uuos which aiiould lk on la pc with glsr eee lock up al m in pifg la leieas if i bad k s trap q i oould ho uejarp iii tlulu tba palncrassd of dying thin would slime u tucjly bndil uow to htor tu itullno in lh ilru culit mooui of uu lurunl ai iil peotuii ftcto luuftd tn cuuir wxuunt in ontario ror vj7 laul acfkrht it is cfcumjllul lbe rr u caua of ur or bu urlou lojujy to puuiii not kluad tu nuwicy ooax of aulomoula sxtijnu in uio piovlnca fof lgtit ooottia tiaj lo euimavlcd at lvi tullhan dolun ft u uj to uy uiat at leaxl tiv tlxtii of all hu tou of uit and do lrty u dircuy du to gi tartlfrvffcr on til part of dnvra of cart- apptaia wiluout numhw bav aea ra to retlfjta drivers to cbbm uu dbexrucuao of ui and piopttjr tn tun bju no fully coo to taka mint buaxurea- and on euaauri to uila end th i in tut form of placing lua utal of motor lulur in tn hand of judge uutaad of jurta and ppg iha mtn penalty for auto hininp in cat of coovtciioo at a ytar uapruwmnl dliujuujitcatloh op uunscupal candida chang mada thl year to bkuoq u uunlcipai act wlu haw an la portaiu effect ai to uie iliaquaurf- una of candidate at tb appjoachtnj binn alaciiona aaya uw llunlcl- pal wotbt a caruhrial u no long luytawhaa fat ippatj taju tdt ul cunuu year 11a u duquaimad u ha ha any hmirmh or tnouna taua overdua and unpaid at th uma of tha tyiffllnaltin ot u lhar laxm of k preoiding year or yean ovardua and unpaid in ratpact of tha land on vhkh ha qualflaa a tenant t du- qualinmd ii at tha uma of tha naco- inatlod h osea mora than thraa month rent upon tha property in rcpect of tilth ha quaunea bub wcuoa a of flection 70 enactad in iiq3 and amrndad tn 1830 provldaa that tn dttm and town a candid fa hall produce a ccrtlacata that thara are no municipal taxr dua on any of tha iapj tn tha municipality of which auch penon 1 an ownar or ucant a under tha amendmenu to flection u a naracn 1 not dla- quauned on unpaid taxoi t any land except that on which ha quail oca and then only foi arrears of a preceding year or years it could ap pear that uubuction of uectlon 10 haa been rvpeaied by implication and that a ceruflcata a to tha pay ment of taxes la no longer ntccsaary filmcca lie former wintcbt will it bs mildf chief cam bnak of tha ojlbway indiana on tho llama reserve 1 cred ited with winvpg the prediction that wo are to navo a mud winter um la laid to boas his considered opinion on his observation of furbeartng animals and feathered birds and one has aa much right to speak of faa ihtred birds aa of furbearlng ani mal for whuo tha birds are fea thered all animals are furred except perhaps tho rubbercovered or leather covered email mexican dog the wild geeae new higher than they have for years tha foxe and other elma have not grown heavy coats and the maikrat and tho beaver have not built winter homes black uawk of the llama reserve says there will ba but one foot of snow in tha north be came tha deer scratching their ant lers on tree do so this year oca foot from tha ground and tha height of which they do this indicates the depth to which snow will fall thl winter tha same authority claims that there will ba practically no snowfall in the vicinity of toronto and along tha shores of lake on tario perhaps this would be owing to tha absence of doer the anow hav ing no tree mark aet for it does not even coma all this is interesting to those who are interested tn all tills as regards the weather ncirly everybody listens to prophecy but as to fulfilment they just take the weather as it 1 served out to them one should be grateful to the ojtbway chief for his kindly prediction no matter how the winter turns out otlll a little winter now and then i welcomed in this coun try anow does not carry off the tap- sou a torrential rains do a blanket of anow over tho fall wheat snuggles the growing grain like a child tucked into bed by its mother the lumber camps get along all right with plenty of snow the deep snow packed watered and frozen make a highway like cement weather prediction bated on the conduct of wild animal and wild birds should humiliate tha human race here we are masters of life on this planet we have dominion over all the boasts that roam the mountains and the plains and we have carried scientific inquiry to incalculable lengths a college professor can tell fou believe it or not how many mile i i from the corner of king and yongo btreet to the remote imelodea that christmastree cluster of stars of which skygasers are so fond so many things wo can do and yet when it comes to divining the weath er and the kind of winter wo are go ing to have we must fall back upon chief sam snake and ho must fall hack upon the muskrat and tell us that it any muskrat knows more a- bout it than does tho president or the university of toronto and all the faculty it docs not seem likely to us that a chipmunk can know morn than a col lege professor with his blfocal on it does not seem likely to us that a chipmunk can know what kind of a winter is ahoad of htm beguiled by a nlco day ho may in tho presence of an ihdlan chief eat a nut instead of hoarding it tho fact that a fox has not grown a thick coat may be tho result of a mild november not tho indication of a mild february and when a fox or a chipmunk makes a bad ruess as to a mild winter and dies from it error no record is kept of this one must conclude grateful as wo are to older bam gnako that man is not as inferior to tho muskrat in his diving powers as he seems to be bo many girts were bestowed on man that wo feel sure if bad winters were to befowtold man would have been 6lven an extra layer or rat in novem- er whenovcr a bad win drew nigh use slefkh bells for jolly christmas gamo 111 is u 1u uiwj vkdlllij jituet 1 lu iij ut ui liruiiiiuu iurl frlrj i i u wl l hi iill itvlltf u u ii l um ru li iiihi nit lu llu- uh iljjt nil is bwlii wtln lulu fill surjlug ujd ii jlu 4 11 u uuiiw lu jllilv lu tl9 ill nu isiifv of liillility fun hit mia i juiil lllt ll ib tutu 111 l at ull olltfwl tl tutlji i ii iwriwat wtv dutt dx hiki ulnl i lit ur lultwl lui itiufci htul mil ii wiiihi ui ilv uiu ifrrv ir il- iu ou it ki i i- ui md tii i ruui lu ll in iu niiultiut u11 uliul iji tiii1 h tr liihliiiii- f a o lwlli i 1 i b up w l k lultt u ui llf i at it- btxl iuiv ii ihal l ljtni hf arv fuur tvumlv sit in mc itrorbio unial lv i rulunj imik viijj ljb ut ii slimuu lu u inr i itiljrilulmr of iu im llu ittt miiu iv u uliv iljlutil lo lalhtf iimuj flujlii ali i j srtuo 11 ail w tmiei uimi i la ibv uiiimi uf nil rliiiilib unll llt lwtlalivt pit vi duikbd bwuj lr il th fcll tu ull- f blolxl in stiihu mjr iit rlnuiit ltlnl tinnl ihng sfwkfn ih ll si iiu ik- tiillti fo di lial iiub uo fcxtiil ihir- iiht ijhi final iitf inliti h ii far f r t hi gmi at c h from ii vilt syifl iiarrly ullll hrn h ii i km doing o hal t rqnlrvl uanlis funnlnj ttitnaa chriutmus ik i la and joyous weddlnp delist clllaltvilixi 0ur tllui xhib a isrb lt gival lrlkjiiiaa irula tain lu m s4ut sfcj lb uil tuu iuu1 mhla botl it- bvftf hhl4 luii m ibruub tttsr tin soillltitt ilirtil tan usuii udtm stui uiivk iui sulltuw- siuj kvxmj will i hi fill uiiisl lruinai virrjntutrst of llu j bitto iwl burrivtl ilmuub llu til 1111 ll j ukiw sturm lu ll iwium no lb tltltf of iu silt tliw l j luuilllsi bonuuisj of rljlfls llmiauo 1trvll siood la it aouy cat siuj tlimtiiru vslroow miwb lus aanw aa wtwo ass had left ii but a year bfor juavi think u ba msirud tut cbriu oua iub tta grand day to ll mimiis cr isnl ii nnowfull 11 hurry t ran hardly nstl u 44 uimb rl lut acqul4jd by a tltfbtsr grip ef hliae inu and b gsatol amlla or us lirsiamlliig mlamhia aod bruaklng ta thrj fiawis rrnm ilmm tby opsoad lb dmr ik1 atrv nlmiisl simhted wltb grfl lues sod sboula ef llsrry cbrtsuaii from lh whole family u hst a sigbt i cbristsssj banal wj dins uiu i tha trsa luali aa eoa gtlttsrlug uu of lights and ealoutar balls lxlla ef gom sad btl ar sllw fcfa rhimtsui tia brsocht stood a bug ball- ahaid eoalaliwr aim ply toadsd dona lib christmas gl fi ml rtg girt- all fnr this oaa alght of bights all a palm a chbistuas suacic if dlbjsl iiv bsh vv 11 fclkrrffie s psrv oswirge would yuu be alurro if i klawxl yoa while u are inuur thai mutlflnat onic tea but it would ba a hill alarm msss3se3ail gj kiag wua 0h king wlnctalaa iiiiiunrlallisd in tho will bnuwn carol wan nail a ltitiiiii1un prince who ulnl in a d ulv ills mi ma should iroprly ba sixll vi notwlnua u was famous for his gnrl liliulnraa lo ihw poor ami at- utiin in ritilftnlr a d ivu as vas lllliil by his brother tlflltau tb po 11- f lb ciunlry wre baartbrtliw hi la allll ngurilnl ss balr patron nlnl tit lilts llsgailna u52taiiarskks santa ctaua i paamu dat goiitunin siiatuti haota ouua said unclu ubiii u ho nnpular ka- body mi bum nirry sroiiml so muth vulimblib fcvrnui amiir or tstor btla hijartikt ww ckrul was a cklu it la good in bo children aoiiiutlmta nml nckir httier ihsn si cbrlslrnss when us mighty fnunoer was a child hlmsdlf utll chrlataaaa tr thiy imvini yii invunteil the col- lupsllilu chrlatiuti irtv fur tliu utile it at bin lltb inhtuni and sprucea grow auiro llllpuiliin appeal against uakudale voyts on local option an effort is being made to upset tho vote taken on local option in the village of markdalo tn july last as tho result of which that place was placed under local option and tho license granted for tho operation of a beverage room for tho sale of bwr and wine was not renewed titter uie 31st of october mr w d llenry xlo acting for ulss lorctu kelly is tha plaintiff in tho cose while ur johnson lucaa olerk or tho municipality is being mndo tho defendant mr henry claims that there was nothing wrong with the voting and the voters list used for tho purpose was the proper one lie is basing his claim on the contention that the petition which wab presented to tho municipal coun cil prior to the vote being held was faulty tn that tt hod rot been revis ed in accordance with the municipal act and that there were 40 name on tho petition which were not on the revised list why not make it a point this year to spell it christmas and lasso tba chap that shorten lb up to xmiit telfcatete for tkirco by rilavch waldo m ltli liu vl ll fhr lihi pa f uly willis lu- win lhiu ijiilt tl vutill liilu- r ur stljlf rihf h al aluliil in llwv rvjnllinf ll alirii wiiimoii bihid tii ti it tr mi uril alitf ly itr it- iiurjlii iwllgi aliul lor mimj kiii tl tl- lmiilf itu4t ii ui nrr hla ijimil ur ii ui i a-4- tl itirl pult1 fin 11 itll fll al mi iii it ahut it ur l kall ul ual ii fri1 il nlttu his umur iiil ulhj hit llu rtl ulr i ixigiilii h uy i but i y al- wa wr a uunnl tml ii atarvl at mr ii a kirtd lo oiul silljlutnm fit ikio i atiihjl lhrv gaping ah ajiautant vflorv tt ins i hfar a l buh i v mu- up my mlrul lo 111 you a fut llihija oii1ght hold oo bi usibo to afnilt i doot uuiwntarwl of ctxirav imi 1 vti ilint umvr aland auylhlmx i d0l ll l i rr ba- tlial a why i in fid up and bltb of yu hi bad liatbnl away aa u nun firaard now llw am in tba- senter ut tli rhqi imiuiwo tmilly la 11 amj iwd radog ttib ttiuvr wl m dutait of thra i fnyr fl ivrpuiliy had gttn vf in fcu iptiia to si- lsilldrtbot thale e amsrt kwb ytwir scar- lag ifart told him runlipipluoualy but psa sol sunrlkrd i idn t eiurt yea o iui lo btwist lat i was taliiibg aboul yuu pun upr rk lunvad tlb a lia ol lr ftlmb hrowd lnad ami u ama lb room to plurb a rlgafvtta froaa lbs raa oa tba ffiantfl ttkrw wn tlurvra la ttui iniarval fr ah round oo fur tbsr worda- lob at you now all dolled up ilk as abbasasor i am thats tba nay yv ba afy ofstl aaked yoo bc a tiv and a pal it trail and talk talk alk uy o d youya dumb i dldit tfctolj soyooa ta llollywixd hsu b a ddaib twxit a tblag ilka tkat ii aaacaad ta ass baib is rb alr tmt kla tooa bll unlet fluxigtt uae you b sakid goo abao- lutaly luaaa uarlr feka uagtsad ssala and agala u bad forrad fcisccato qualily tt wld b all yuu could aa ta it sca sbaf barb al hlra your ta bllad aad w stupid i slnwal fwi sorry fas f veo haow for a llttl wbila rtgfct at bnt i eooldot ball it i told saysalf yaa wr ivrvtaadlna al ta aaawfeuod jut hmuuaa ymjd si ways taaa ivtars imsi frtaod aad ssayta i was rtgbl but i doubt il i eat tfetnk aayao could b a hly- pura wstl all thai units ta caat i played u atratg bt ta yuu aod yoo altlar cooldot gal tb loa or didot wast ta aad tow tsb ifamiizh ltb yoo taiwigb ym bear iuj aad if you art ad tale way out or loyalty te that nppld bobod of nili i hop yoo fl prvirly onbur ir i vjf drtda ta tell it oa you yoor gutag ta ba taojbed tight oui of plrtiirva now g away lrhp m biao of fiwfw ni have lu b do aiding yea every day at lb eiudlrt end playing with you la thai allly hory of pwtart but res nvt going to aind anolhrr ailntil sltb yoo uft ih at if i cao balp k voorv a bih aod a 1st tlr and a big pain la th ntvk- oaf eotr tb final words r alrnnal about d ifarta crampltm her mgarert aad sung tt lata tb srata after a sa- bsnt rnovrle rot ralhrr dltbrslly and ma ae bar a brttr bnw lo told b fwuulhat rlttdu arw vary popular thla sraaua so ob shut up and gul aha broke in swiftly spinning around to ftira taa wbil as lastani liiimr b sloit1 lacking at her barb then afrnda lo the dear epmd it and went out without aaotaa word fata north lay quit obotlnnlaaa lo tba bad a look of pniround aaotlonal duturbaara aa his tblq raca a arraaoad black bos stitnd upoa a stand bsalda him bis smrvtary sat by th feat of tha bad pencil and aothib ta band ptr north raacrhst ovar aad snapped a switch on tb black vos tha asldt take a utter punu mlaa allan tw llodarte aabe kiiilitt uiuula tr rod pre a mnoaalob to maba tbar isoi aaally mad ftham etaba t ilka a kntfo i hid a uuto- graph attach rui n i in my wiftva rwb3 to night and itatvuvd to everything you said how could i have biin such a fool as not to know that ir anyon were clirallng with ma ii would b ungralrul wtf but never you tha finest frlaod a man aver bad juat th warpsd creation of a ilrh mum brula auphmu furguu nn and qod bks you old pat 1 liter ilurl litiuul hy lnr huudnir ulndnwa mitldg oul tlicrv in th broad drlva bulnw iha could mni llmtirlca car ll was an taring tt ilia rue howixt nt and angry id hi lliiht from tha or- snda llarj turiud away i lr gray eyta tittr chika uitv wot wlih unrhwhw tiara ihv anmll mihiiuiiii chub ujmo the ntatiinl a hunt al 1012 kbt sut upon lb iuhi unit look off tier amin allihta thvn a in- nplurd ihvm b ntijth um vunlly lahti twuld tba iiiliropimiii whu h alu- hud flral dla- niroriil ul tivtiiiy wwn iiilnntts aftar nihil bueep killed bv dogfl nelson township farmers and mem bers of the council aro up in arms over the heavy loss sustained by a number of farmers dua to the activi ties or theepkllling dogs which ap parently are rooming the township unchecked lost month no less than 14 sheep were reported cither killed or worried by stray dojs and as a re sult nelson autliorltles were compelled to pay out over 170 in compensation to uie owners e r woods uttered tho loss or his thoroughbred stock ram upon which a value or 30 wag placed j a pettlt township clerk stated the dogs which attack tho sheep always travel in pairs and of ten so five and ten miles bhootln la sold to be the only cure ror tlia offenders when caught deserved it i dant suppose you keep any such civilised thing as dog biscuits in this onehorse rundown hick town do your the touruit customer remark ed oh yes we do the village mer chant replied pleasantly quite a fow folks uke you come through horo and wo aim to have everything they call for will you nave torn la a bag or eat cm bar iau gift suggestions 5 at richardsons hardware sport toboggans 7ft s32s skis 200 325 3g0 s38s sleighs 33e lo 178 hockey sticks 26c soe 78e c c m bicycles skate and shoe outfits al 278 to 1600 ski poles harness etc m e m r y childs sport toya c c m tricycles ot 700 7 50 00 c c m kiddy kars at 250 295 dump trucks 180 steel wagons 149 185 wooden wagons 350 460 truck cars ccm bob skates 4sc roller skates 98e 195 merry c hr 1st mas jj china clas sad graflhew 23 piece sets 1 j9 ss cups and saucers 25c soe glass water sets 100 s carving sri 195 25 30 s pyrex ware kitchen sets s bread knives etc h r i s t m a s electr chrome grilletts 259 iron 108 325 350 50 toasters 225 350 440 soldering irons 175 curling irons 100 hot plates 300 480 stewart clippers skate and bool oululs 350 375 495 s fre e hockey sstick and puck with each outfit hmhughflifejfihii mat by islukara vf jaaaary iu slotor vehicles mutt ba fttud with 134 markrra by tha bt ginning of tha year department officials have sd- vlifd at toronto tnat la if you wish to drlta your car in the winter uma the tntormatlon gave notifte of a awrrping reversal of policy dating back to the oorumattre admlnlatra lion when the cvpartment of high way first permlttad uma axtaniloas itrgiiiration branch cmcisla reported i there was a steady but not heavy de mand for tha 1 black and whiu markrra thay are to ba saan on the roads ecpecaluy on naw cara where they are good to tha and of ncit year stall cfcrtstsus wfesls eshy with christmas only two weeks i away the post orace authosiuea are urging careful packing of gifta to ba mailed to distant points a douhla corrugatrd box is advised for gifts that are easily damaged and tn all costs every parcel mailed should b wrapped in several layers of strong paper and tied wllh stout card china pictures lamps tits should be mark txl fragile in plain block letters on the outside of tha pare if thai parcel is worth sendlnc u la worth careful packing wuuura at kcaa last wfttk the following are names of tha tinners tn the keno social dec 3nd at iloly cross church 1st tea kettle sirs v king 2nd chest writing paper urn o ollllvet 3rd groceries lira tvera 4th uble lamp n olb- bous 5th perroutor sirs tyers eth bos writing paper a ixurusto 7th potato pot urs ilornby tth uble cloth u hillock oth towels w connelly 10th double boiler w connelly nth labia lamp urs bul lock 13th towels urs uullock isth strw pan urs harrison lith table lamp a laley opsctal prise chicken olive fielding door prise 3 lbs but ter ura king county council the splendid flnsnlcal standing of the county of hal ton was brought to the fore on tuesday when at tha be- rem be r sessions ct the county council held at hilton the county sold t3a 000 fiveyear 3 per cent debentures at a price or 100331 did had been called for these debentures and when the tender wcro opened it was found that ihc bid of the bank of nova bootla ullton was the highest ten der tho debentures are for the countys share of the building or the middle road highway oltchlng on the lakcahore highway and placing ot shoulders on the brant street ten- foot strip the tatter item amount pd to 13000 oo the countys share of the new highway and ditching was for work done before the hepburn government relieved the municipalities or paying 30 per cent towards pro vincial highway the debenture by laws were given two readings and icrt over for the third reading until the approval of the uunlclpal board la obtained other bylawa to receive three readings were a bylaw to increase the salary of the superintendent of the house of refuge 1200 00 which is homo fiftyfifty by the counties or prl and halton another one re lating to an agreement between the counties of peel and halton for the upkeep or certain boundary roads tho third and flnnt bylaw was one designating certain township roads to tho county system a deputation waited on the council asking for an office in the court house for the ohuclrens aid inspec tor the property committee was in structed to ascertain the cost of mak ing room in uie turnkeys residence into an ofnee for tho inspector and report at the next meeting of council fallowing up the recommendation of the superintendent of prisons for action tn bringing the county jail up to standard tho council authorised tho purchase of two grilled doors for tho entrance of the jail warden cicavo announced that the annual wardens dinner would be held at milton on december nth the final meeting of the council will be held in tho afternoon champion a dilemma i car your old mans getting better nr all mrs arris yes dearies nud its put me in a bit of a olo ive sold all la clothes to pay for an madstone science ends danger owintry homes saju jtics swans wwj tva uttj jalmlfaavia aula m laanuuoa ual at l aula fil1laaj ijawttaa la mtaallr llaaali iljll saf aj llltj t faar 4 laaikai ufa v0ti discovery cuts fuel bills 20to33 makes homes xfy to heat from tba jormsuaaviua ub- oretofue has coma aa amaslag new fisulatioa a light fluffy wool- like substance that is actually blown from rock it looks like cot ton but is a pure mlorraj with all the charectfflatlra of its atony origin clan fireproof vrmin- proof pestnaneot odorbss when laatsjkd la your attic floor or celling it forma a kratproof bar- rift more than 8 inchee thick re sults are astounding cortly beat la kept inside the home and you ran depend oa aavlnns of from so to 83 on your furl bills further more in tha summer your home hvnoaudb of uhcttfl are enthusiastic boostehb fob j u home insulation nw law rrlom new la a beet it rays t iruauta- georgetown lumber co georgetown milton acton will ba from 0 to 19 drgrrta cooler on the hottest daj a experts agrre that only thick rock wool will pro tect homes against beat and cold in a truly scientific way phone ua today and tet us tell you how little it will coat to male your borne rrally livable every day lo tba year there is no obligation haircuts in lulowel have gone up to 35 cents 30100 bathers nude use of fergus swimming pool this year aurora council has decided to bar posters and bills on poles and trees uaybe somebody will invent some thing that will never need any spare paits dreaming or goo1 times wont help much if you dont make your dreams come true printing what you want when you want it and at a reasonable price let us serve you the tax rate of the village of tara is only 36 mills this u almost a record for ontario municipalities asking ood on our knees to bleu everybody unt half as manly as standing on our feet reaching down and helping somebody announcing further examination changes for 1036 hon dr u j simp son ontario minister of education declared entrance examinations will soon be a thing of the post he was speaking at the annual commence ment eiterlcses of bradford high school in tho near future ha said more and mora pupils will be given their entrance on the teachers rcocmmcndatlon it is claimed that an intelligent man will drivo a big touring car through the crowded streets of a busy city and still keep one eye on a pretty girl away over on the sidewalk and with but one eye on live job will es cape a collision but when this man drives hu car out in the wide open spaces lie sometimes falls to see a locomotive oa big as a school house and runs right into tho train why is tills uoybo a pretty girl seated an tho front of tlu engine would prevent a lot of accidents wi1v comp season of snows and sunsan of flowers seasons or loss and win since grief and joy must alike be ours why do wo still complain ever our falling from sun to sun o my intolerant brother wo want just a little tod little of one and much too much or tho other jamos waltcoub xuley new advertisements lagg wanted we are paying cash for logs hem lock pine bassood elm maple oak and ash toga oct in touch with us at once georgetown lumber oa phone 350 tt far rent a semidetached stucco 6 roomed house with bath and all conveniences garage on church bt georgetown easily heated apply to phone suw gaed price paid or good ilersea phone prouptly we will pay the phone call w ring si george town good prices paid for horses injured cattle etc or anything suit able for fox meat but animals must bo secured iuuediately to ba of use and meat in perfect condition vannatter pox parm it pallets wanted leghorn and barred hock pullets wanted highest cosh price paid oivo full particulars box 339 fergus ontario t wanted now cesspools ditches and drains to dig old cesspools cisterns etc cleaned on short notice also white washing and any other work dansv bathroom outfits complete installed at lowest prices james williams box lu georgetown tl wood for sale choice hardwood slapl and bmh mixed soft wood iloit reaionshl nrlmj apply jack tut phooa tslw aaoroolowo v wood for sale cltolm usple hardwood sod cudsr nails at rlaht prieea order ian at a hums or at uy hous nuu u promptly attended to- a uvinobtom wood for sale oholm hardwood beech and uapla at 1300 per eord uued wood kuo oer cord ralla iu0 per cord 3 bkandrokd saa tw ar ull r

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