Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 18, 1935, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtynlnik yar of pufcaxi tfw georgetown herald wway evening decefnber 18 i93 9100 pet akunzm jo ajranc 200 to u1a the georgetown herald x kc 00at if h i if of lb oanffhirt wfc3y cnjt tmatoju tl ul r aa u4u lfttf tm i and uall cm m- sblie lot tvionte vutw cumlatluj lomo ago kirhanud was th old itt taaurtb with tucklin yule it ruddy glow wbif lcly ladle fclataly tam ud txwrry long long ytmj ago in archway of the buuuy hill th magic btuurto mu lht and lilh it often was nllcd a uiijlng tuald or giauoa fair a joyotia av lor on and all ivar frtrnd and happy lotera grt while harp and viol everywhere ust urn for lively tripping ftw tii holly red and rgtx wrf hariglng featooned oo lha wall and good old fuhkwd ciiutaiaj cftvt was trvd la tpaxioui uruju hall and happy hearty carol a tn greet old caien rafter rtdg they tang of ottrui of ibihubted and proudly haliad itlm u their king and quitkjy spa4 th goiun hours in gay ronvantlc daa of old whn chrutea u a tuval and heart uu falihlully and bold uy circun nanor wilklnton of niagara wilt ocurlo newstke1 luvs q6botowm 111 u u u m p ttt tm a tua 41 duy tct uuy dally atei 8uy h btudjr omv i auufdu bviadax uuil- dj oklv jusram enuoubd roue longs cohrectlohebv directory lloy dale ex llarriabler aaj oaargatown ontario pace oragoy theatre ludg 11111 st axnnetu fci uanodon barruur italullae naury psul pint llortgag uonay to l3aa offloe alain iur4 uouth pnona oaortumm flwwbijitne ucllardaon bartbura balkjun ntasua aj ruanu w luclialuaoon ojl uoncy to loan taupnona 64j jujdaac c05 uuw- andareoa hldf qimb ui uuuuton ransv giiaydon lawbxnck cook butiiun tls iu bay st tanata lbaaiu oat e rraxcr itanay jco ix kdward oook oordoo oraydao im uain fit north urauptoo tttuphooa 103 harold r lawranoa lnhlaw building brampton ttlaohoa ml v k wastuok djx1 slixa oom hour- to fccaipt thuftwlijf aitafluona a fjl nielsen uai vaair f auun cltbopftxlar xpray dnitlam tttmtel ka4 aiiiiiiwi oho ow ddolniaflfltte oaorctob uoura s 5 tj9 ijo oh i hi rtrtaay fiw lum frank petch ucsnbkd avotiohess fa tka oirtllig tf vaal auj mauaa watuxat sarvlo hiltmiii nhhh urn oaoiitetown ci r poat oooonrutihajii monuments pollock a ingham suomuoh la ottu ft worth gait out mipmt our oik lii arunvom ctemebuy commercial prinlinfl olau kinds we can give you satisfaction ocr cumiatuam daw am yuey utied vo itf 8ofiutlffia it wau u tf th viovr djy vr tit ht thlni of tnatr chitalmajm whcra to th grac and gcnaroally ol too itffir th am looaului larg to- dlallly the muo fun of tw cauhrauonat imjhaiia look bade ihrouab tha ujtmiixg glo of anrr but thrai la a rooianot a datlcalt fina tutaf of aomhhlng hkh indafd timii kt to uj nov ilo th tutgnbora rod lhrautb th anor on hottcbac to lara gauhfrlnfsl ilcw th pmly felxu v murfud tn rugs and fur atti ulna over th oad la tlatghi u6f th blii lipplcd and rang i and ho th wtd tuora tww opo to fcnil thai guatut light of candlaa breath of ptfi wruu aprlnu of holly ajsd tha high until of holiday laughing faoa graocful aad th virginia rail in th valng it u a heartaofiu thing to think about let us try to tawrt toca of thu gcntl baauty and fplru into our chrutmaj kuy w ha not tba uuum and apdomru of thoa lima but brarts can rafiact ui aj truly th invuibu yt lnvtodbut poaxr of lov and kntllnuil stvdeilfl abe not kexvcfu a bamla man found a gold watch the other day and railing to ut any step to aaoertaln th loaar wa arreum for a it aa not bew rally known that the law rroog- nuea aa theft the keeping of found article it u lmperatl for th per- ton who find to arck the owner aa it la for the later to trek the loat article ii la good to be children iome- tlmra and never better than at chrutmoa hrn iu mluhty founder u a child jllmjsrlf dlcfcen 1 1 1 1 r 1 ttri tt ttn titfir iimtttiitik christmas shopping edition gives suggestions for christmas gifts local merchants present exceptional values in special advertisements no better stock to be found f ooo upon a tuna there vaa a u man who wai willing to aeotpt good advlor ii hadad th chrulmaa ahopptng wamlnga did hi chrttlua ahopptng farly and bought evrythlng at hon krdl to ay thl wla man en oyd th bwrrina th cailat and th taot aconomlcal yuleud of hi life 1 oorgton uerchant prcaent in th advertla appearing in thu ipktal afapa ahopplng edluoa of th iwrald value which an bound to appeal to th peopl of oorgawn and thduutrt thera un any need or any raaoa for buying out of tosn when local atorebeepera dl- play coidpwt and varied atocka of chrulma olfts at eccpunally raonil priofa f thu dltloo ahould prove of great valu to local and dlatrtct realdenu aa a ahopplng guide and an eaiy tolutlon to their gift problem tn th numerou advertla appearing in th page of thl uau will be found manr gift augtaulona and a glubpt at th prtota will reveal that oeorgetown atorea oompar very favorably with th larger eaubluhmenta in nearby duea f only five mora ahopplng day remain and dlalrkt peo ple wuj be well advised to maka the moat of their oppor- tunulea and heed the timeworn alogan of do your chrutmaj tlhopptng early local merchant are all pre pared for the buying ruah and a careful peruial of th adtcrturmrnta appearing tn thl edition will eliminate the objectionable feature and worries of ator to ator ahopptng and enable the thopper to atart 00 thalr tour with gift iliu and prlota all arranged in advanot support tke local merckanta help utera to kelp youl 1 rrrrr- trrirrrrr 1 iirrr memorie hf hkhwv ulllrwt ct xrrrrrrrrr rrr rrrrr ings malted cheese 13j plum puddings a 35 puh ii mincemeat 2 u 2i ttnute 2 l35c walnuts 355 j drops u- 157v dates 10 ttfigs h 10 peas nostto 93 ulaat pmul boto the gcorflclown herald l kisses 2 lb 25 olives lcr s chocolates 72 v tc qoe kh suj dmhim nt oi miracle whip 8 19cv 27 jf victory muiurd or mjj k st x sweet pickles a- jw 23 is c arrotts j grapefruil nick bizb 6 lor 25c lettuce mil mbs 15c potatoes aoon cookkks 27 peek oranges medium large 33c doz other size 23e 47c s7c dkw cranbertiea grape applet etc at special price main street free delivery phone 357 georgetown tt ii ry uaj tm vbr fce lllt- rtwv1 uiltirg ujrrl fcucjflng into tulr iiu p ur unv hrtwlryt u- um s tf h ovf sfrut i rtr mm ur iuadr slfe anj ma tuuittir aiu4 uiicd t the mtwr tlw watrtlbg w jj i rr im dlklb4 erwd l like tm law lw aftcesarda tt jfelijltfc aau that h- la ruiube rba iy taw baw4kleg thai oti h1 wn tfcat day lie aailud at alir ill wra a uar aa a tu 1 a irurtrat aa d- alruua cf iraajug hla alud trb at tint with fallb im tup ffe bll1 thai be u lkt go arouftg tbe lake a ur hiuy a41a4 aoj meae lh blia a biuo7 of bl ufa lie lid iu tbury cirvl ikat ef f0 wka it uae laai day a4 wathad tato lh haajrya a9 ill blad aad ua a tlina u4 la tfca tiao b aas ah wag uaalag owe aos rcffa fta wrsutt cd ep aaw iln wj wa u arl girt a r rvssbw4 intcg tt tad utrntd lit tfca lowttrf ulag aay llalla aaa bad aald aamlua lajal laglf luiukaabadaaeowd tumrj lad fciuavd wrtn ta uj 4 fanlllar if bad rail u cilag aa rally to bu lloa i help y4ir haa aa ol fmi fall aa wfco i ibv be bad afctad arw word a aw adfaafofa i hlu luacaludaaw at altea agata osr- lag la fvs wwhi tjoea tt blrtlt fall growa aba bad wm la is iking la hint low lappl baoa ii fctartd t walk ilia salad wag ealaa hatad for be bod tm tmtivuj blkwtf bsfore wlib u tduly cwhap bair aa boar fcfw b bai uft ibe lleadryi trta b u to a atoaa wa of granite haaw ibal a bad aa tut ateaa btfor the rata bad bnllawed aot m aoh of tot la tba grablla deper taas tfc indian aquawa omwd la naala far rjnil in their eaeal louled be looked at tba atoaa eta eooldot raaaeeaber wbaa b bad aaaw it u walked paat it bat tla aaalla wa goo ii rornad arooad aarvyj tba afaaa sometlna laba paat b bad oat apoa il lie rvtraead ble atepa euaaad mm tba atoaa aal apoa u a braaeb af lb eab bv aboea hi bead awayed a abara raalluttoa eoade ittalf auat- feat ii bad aeee tlut braaeb away la eiartly tb aim way aseaatism a other aa axrttemeet rts ta traeaae ibrough blaa ii waa on tb boiai af retoaaibaribg bl identity ha raaaaeaberad b a3b la gwat fuab hits drlbbkd lata bl auad it la iroa bat bow be waa aora wb b waa ii remembered two an ta raaaa they were brother tbelr laai uaaa waa iacbano illltna jaefcaoa waa a prlvat oerretary to a larg baabar la th routs butt jaekann waa tb blarft abeep af th family itott bad aaaa lb ibald f ring blng and 5mu vutar either tb rub without a maaory bad ae quired a aharp terrible caaeaary n remaeabared craeplag craaelbg apoa ht aaaoapactlng brntbar ii muni bered ralafbg th aaadbag wblrh waa loaded ii raommbaead jutf at tba critical momeat tb aoddaa raralgg af bl brother ulltoa la uutoaf ay b had ao hi aceoaatloa tb caa plat qbderatabdlag af all tbat bad goo befora that cuaea wa th thing that bad driven him off t that had dtad hl laa hi autoorr la an anennaetaa tttoojvl to pot lb awful horror oat of hi ahvd n eprasg to hla feet tla waauj run baeb tad tall alica ii pauaad ana faot oaut retched and atoad atia how can i tall berr ba tabad tba oak i bald ba parbapa hiiiad aty brother ii lavad ail ii fouidat attad bafor bar coafmaed a riutt jickaoa i feel claaa i ha ertm oh oag way eooldot i really hava been r eraatad thti timet why do i bar to tab tba punlahmeot far aomathtag i did la aaothr urr it wu not only it ebo would bar t take th puttlalintrnl it waa atlca toa bh loved bias 8he wu willing to marry hla avaa now though aba hadnt th blight id wbo be might ba ii couldnl 111 bar ha eouldat make bar lira butt jaebaoo ii alarted to walk away rroai tba lab ii woutd flod trala bop fralght ii would v atratgbl bo could navar have bad a tbooght ilk that lla waant roully llutt b wu myalcrioua parano who bad baaa ef bted anew at h walked ba put bl baad to big rorvhoad thar waa gomatblng odd uluva that ii touchotl it tooebad tba lop or hi baad iii aya awallad r trlod to remember tba ituld of blng blng coaldnt retnembar atrala aa he might ho remembered th inald of tba bank the bank nihcar he aatlated q leaped into tti air tboutlng with joy bearing a poor col toot all uluoat out of lla wile he ran buck tb wuy ha had eouai in nulling almullng holding hla baad the top of hla head ilia hnuera tntirhvd the uolaal r mulnihr of a once lame bump stau cuu u out ta mat nw rtoej mams to ctmcth glow im u haofjkjt vajuwo of rmom ofje laoawkmo o da u th um u rapidly drawing tr ibao lunu hi iwuh dwwa by al4hi prancing lalnowr and kmdd to ciiy wuo giiu froni ki gunt claua fauorwa wul uaw oo hi jounuy around th world- in th avdu that any of th reindeer are forovd u drou out lcaua of th txibcdoua dnvlng paxa tunta will b tcw5 to eait fiooi ihcm add timib uua will be addod at punt f jrjzg ui ay wuo faht si ollnd hi cwus- atioo ha riud ajood th world hi bwarry ea twinkling and ejt with ay- ful bjmjijlejkbt- th auigha foul luuh u th rvgaxl taounliln j or aund tlon uuough th lima fitld and tmxurutraha lol of quad voting n xuy and thano to uu ri6o of th hiwmx iaa oo jltuujgn th unllad rhltrt iros thcra around lh botld tran tor lh journey hat long taa rrtnxtijtfd and txt rr th laxtans x tna crui pd lav hmmjx u th puh of flrodltififl xoi of ail aorta gay doll lu tajjl r k f t sa i w tiftm rim qua nt n wil a almtiu ttalcj u14 pourad to an apauetujy nrrv ing iv nmg th ftlrrmllljf of ga n 1 i worluuta uu bsiors ium baiitaa wofltra band oo t fi j- f gat ijif 111 nmiuf uj iaadft ol fulcq h anka lljnl for lu if ooofjua lpf bjuj njp iinj toj piu f u auured i n f 11 j ba koaw thai au th fcorkl would ioui in hurty fixaj of ihur aiiorta 10 cmaw aura and bauar gut than avaa b tora imlly reporta 00 th weather ara roaitad read an great auan- for in th awni 01 a bliaard lha lairi cf th xjf ara greatly uciwml bui in aptia of th peril of totth am iliaiinr averyon utf ew lial anllr r rifila tiiiii ahmty to do khit he mi 40 proudly ailuumcwi he wa out to do 4 at hi osn record twvexal of uamaa oadl mua taka givat pride in recounting th glortou pagjury of th alart of nia tru in previoua iraara u u- uauy turn at 4 ajn initanily th ou broqu a acana of favaiiaii ac tivity ritxftfp n halpcra daah oack and fortn ureal uf huh ftfrta th tlf around th toy lactoiica aa uanu arcaaa tn u rrtklnn glory everything 1 in rtadl otu lor th atart naarly alaaa thara la light aaowtsdl often th tnhfl of a bunard that oftan to try th mctll tf uanta and hla hrava ralndaar vor th great journey flint wear hla ault of citouon leather ulnubad with gorgaoua ha of arasina m jaunty cap gjvea tum a itf inirg air uim warm giote ar uad tuh th toft feather of penguin th buckl of hi broad ball iiairhlm in th early ny j atway hla balpara wait to hear th ht coamand on rjgboar 00 bather on pranoer co vllcil oo cupid 00 oooaat 00 dusdar and miteadil than thay know thai tba gwai p baa ooch and thai lh rao tba ajrig roar of thirty two boola h through th tba arg aattlaa into u aoutberly court aa lh wind roar up over lh arctic ocean thl year u aisaya gh gnomea and phda who help banu all through tba jr lyi g tiny apadt t rapidly dl appear through th dancing anow- ha thai go whirling in uit twtng aarrahand of whlta ujxton howuik txioa nkw owyb on n laai th lulon plow men ijato bald thalr anrmal mrnilng in mim owing to tba allppary flonrlltlftb fie tba road tba alfnhan waj baaftat tojtnal but tbota la ahmtvw wwfw mot en thualaauo ovar the guwtai of uu paii year wan arw ajraady under way to rt and aureaag th outitandlng rr held la lata the election of ouoaii reauuad aa fol low lion pnaldani etanley v otreauvtua protldant l w nhtihnlm uu- lit vloarxttldent fetar feddla ulltoa 3n4 vloapfbjlhritjohb uooor- lack evaatnar traiurrcajud picked homhy bcruryj at whlielock ulltoa director rwiiuiitnm wm ttobjnarn jatt mniwhm t uonabh at maccormack r i i ii 1 rr 1 do your xmas shopping at the nyal drug store only g more shopping days till xmas let ua bdp you cocapltle your uo greetings i uay i take thl opportunity to slth my many friend and cuatoflur a very uerry chrutma and a urtght and proiptroua kew year t v uaeoojufjutk phm b kaaaagm it dredga and arthur norrlab trafalgar john lister harold picket and vtotor hall nelaoo wm dale and wm j hobertaob oountyooar ourrle j ii wu- ton oordon ohuholbt and wed bo- a xmas special vanilla and cho caramels 23c bx chocolates deuciuuiy frb and vjhekua page shaw 60 to 300 netlsons 2sc 80c 78c 100 smiles n chuckles 28c 60c 100 18 200 double votes oh all ohooolats atlewtiaw hyal patmhrity contest 0le tb ljulr sfrui u uil xuu tw imu cjd- bejuj and yagb doubu ohm cjubmeas boioiet ul oaadena hoap uj fimtvmm quraara rooni rr u iw vu dentaclob tooth ftbt- u tu vila cod uveb oil i u hi im vmm coo lives oil its ib im vi ood uvpt oil ii w 1 u vth guis tor au ai prices all can allerd books for christmas new fiction excellent author 225 anct 200 reprint on fse book for giru s0c and 60c boolca for boy 35c and 80c booica for children 10c 18c 20c 25c 49c uk ollb hebald ad last week fob uobb 8uooeton maecormacks drug store imam m wtotumt aaomaaami bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb wrist watches audliorjflfea irving ullton old f8ams nwwa and woman vtndb mh1v u0hb the back of an old wooden thoto- graph fram brake and dumped 1100 in ullwlnto ura oeorge douea up at lififjbme in lutowet tha photo graph ad been beaueetbad to her by her gtaudmotlier ifta wtlllam polnton of palmentod and bad spent many years in a trunk with other bottle of the bills dated to 1qu and tho tnott hunt waa ltto urg polntoa dladt hhw yeaw ago take we to be an eootutnltt ta pngperityrtbere la no rear or ho being one hi ftdmiatty offer herald reader are advliod to read and take advantage of tbe iprelal offer on another page of thli luue through which they can lectin a year lubaoripuon to three popular canadian rgim together with a year lubacrlptlon to tba herald for tba sum of wwt the biagantpfl included in this of fer are uaclean pictorial review national home monthly chatelaine canadian and current thought any three of which are available in this special offer the offer is made for a limited time only and aubunbers are advis ed to take advantage of it at ouoa either new or renewal subscriptions to the jlereld will be accepted in the otter but it applies only for paid- up subscriptions work will begin shortly on new steel bridge across the holland river replacing the present narrow structure which has created a trafllo bottleneck for many yean it will have ft mfoot roadway will be m3 feet long and will cost about 45000 1 stomach powder ttttu gil huihmm uj adtty oia 4 ul lulj hiui mr cute at ul drtl btaht uuoocbl dkvo btomjb 760 to 2750 gifts of all kind watches jewellery china and glass toys and dolls for the kiddies hintons gift shop eobgown bbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmbbbbbbbi john mcdonald estate queen st georgetown

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