Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 18, 1935, p. 2

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pasaz the georgetown herald wed headay evening decembef i bit 1935 your christmas shopping aaaaaa aaaammambaaaaaaaaaaaaabaaaaabaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat amajitt- i i i i silvers win and hold the goodwill of tu customer by adbering lo at standard of quality that merits confidence this confidence task silvers gift suggestions particularly welcome we suggest you ut oar store with your gift ust end ba us show you bow you can get lb menirouin for your money a bigger and better display ibis year tban rwt before crristfflhs gilt suggestions mens kid gloves warmly lined special imcpr i laow silk taffeta si lace trimmed with adjuitable strap 79e herd kt a big saving m womans fumrbnraej juuet siipftara soft warm and comfortable 98e fux suk satin ufiferb seu for woman panties and brasslefs in attractive base a very acceptable gift 149 hemmed bleached wabassa cat- ton sheets extra large eiza a remarkable bargain at 79 madera pillow cases another q lovely gift suggestion juj t lined bridge seu cloth with 4 serviettes alixactively boxed 69e tabid cloths a very good selee- tion to choose from 49c 295 ladies fulkfashioned pure silk hose far this week only jfjg pr ladies pure silk crepe fashion hose eitxm sped ft other gift suggestions arrow skirt tie pyaua and haodkafcbiefa pefiubv hosiery and sweater weldrett ftiofaauoned hose handkerchiefs you will wont several of these 3 in o box at isc ud mens sdk broadcloth skirts in white sand blue and green with collars attached or with 2 separate collars in holiday 139 ties each one boxed a very good assortment 2c to 00 mens sox including such- popu lar brands as circlebar pen mans and others 29e ibt- mens scarfs all wool scotch plaids and others 79e 150 boys leather mitts with elastic cunt special 29c girts tweed dresses sizes up to 14 lovely styles and material special gg specials lid fur4rimrod velvet mot or boot in block and brown canadian made 298 in rubbers i lathes plain overs in all heels p 59e mens heavy red sole rubbers t 79c pv mens heavy gum rubber boots 6 eyelet ipecial jl co pv silvers dept store halw popular warden host to cwnvil fend otkrtraj ay beuclouk blmhem ay kultom tmhftoamt ut amd rmxsrwtatiow wttucti harold cimm of aonr- lawn wo immt co tudy aikl to about nliwty guats itvelndlii bwti brs of county council and lhvlal at on of the most enjoyable war dens dtniwrs over hld in llalton county th metrlbrr of 0avgtan coun cil town omrlal and tumttoua other cluwru wrw among th tiaau prw- rnt who partook of dauelott tur key dlnnw pavpaum and sid ld th uuton inn uanjr coupliutiltary hntuht ww unfbmd wafdn clv fot ihf m7 abl and tolcut buiuuf la trhkii hf had ivrforawd ui dutifc of hi ottw durtimr u j llu pooul4tlty at wmn taa vtonxd by thj infakrra dutlns th tvvtnm and r rmprrum rwivt that h j trtttins from munldpoj poutic had un a credit to lh oouaty hli hojrt- town and hlntmu duriair hij ara of trrvlt at county oouacu following th toau propoasd to th wardn luv cuorfta yhorp of ntlum townihlp on bhat cf th county council pyntd waftwo clav with beautiful chair u unall toltra of th ftvtii to hkfa kf u ivrld by hi hlloav mhnbat lir ckw in rply thankws th mrmhfra foj tnhr riandbnw dft whlfh h would chfuh la favs i- coiiktioo of th liiattuiihjpa tm ha4 loinud hli a ff of that coilb ty council it had codaavufwd to 00 hi uo but it aj oloat to ui ttr ready and faithful toottmaiaa ui th rumbrri a hos mat th uood ofk of ifti had tmi aceoaniv uahul it had uio a nuuuj our ui4t th yjira lo roik wah tta bsaiav beta cf council and halwr tnffy ii may has put into hi tatloai va wrm hdtii ijsity inpald ty th luuutr hi oolma2uial h f ifiaaj upon him in ifttn hla wvamq 01 m hannar oouniy td uk too- vino ii ihankad otddals and all lot thatr bsswojr hmrlniri to his duxlojr til una of otto and wiabid all vm 1 1 hj happlosaa asd pfciaiiiij in th ara to oata ill loavu lut 111 i tll umo ood bw lh ttuai canal- pvcpoud by dau klo fiivawioam t to by 111 lloaor judaat uunjo un ion our gowrnfiiauu- 4vopoad fay w n iijjuhsvui oalkvlll lipoalasmsi to by uugha ckavar ui tiuiuiut- too and t a inwuiy ij oaavlll county fnnnril prfwawl bs w f dick iio county 0wn alio- ny uutoo iapondad to by duaoaa camnhcll uooau j 1 luoa oalnui 00x9 ilarru burllaftua and hairy rant county cutfc jbiu um wni4ocod by v j u iuffinhlm uiaou fnoiidsbd ta by i ai vuck oof towa tad w if uorda oakvlu tla l by a u- on aclod ratoiadod to by o a ddla axtoo hm pmia and 0cri atahu oaktiu nooni th wanun- jopol by hoy f noun county jcntnar ovklu rmtiandavl to by iff cismim cucrgtxown wardsta of ualtoa ooua- ty tnaitmaatix j u uoor liuilo was aujspiiad fhirtag tvcnins by marchmant xlrosaan of oun wunam who uuhtd cujvirlng wttb thalx numfou ucuoni special prices 011 finest qualify iabisi mmiwmmmmiiiizsmmmmmmmmrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrlmm foods or the holiday season at kings calendars for all our customers and friends we have a full stock of finest quality turkeys geese thickens docks the vebv besy xmas oranges sb lan si s 39c 49c 59c 69c cautosnu 21b baa 39c mixed xmas nuts 2 lbs 25c phone 375 i tmsgarataratl wben your dollar goes faitber georgetown raaimiaiabfft m- mim ttnm m mam spsragafcsn robbs drug store oanta is telling his reindeer to be sure and stop at the rex- all drug store so that he may get the rest of his load special gifts for her ysrdley toilet seu 8sc siaso specials irohi now until christmas daws imported english cordials 85c special gifts for him ysrdley toilet seu 100 760 dr wests tooth brush 50c im vons jasmine toilet sets osc 1600 jasmine toilet seu 100 450 milk of magnesia tooth paste largo size 39c ms vows stationery colgate and palmolive 25c 300 english castile soap 7 cake 25c us vows shaving sets 89c and 98c compacts 7be 4b0 kipps herb tablets 25c ta mul lauliw tss vons rolls razors 695 and 895 perfume 26c 500 double votes on all rescall products cigars and cigarettes xmas wrapped wa wau like tske lab edsshatiuy is vfab aar suiiy rrtoad auj eaitsawfs a vty hrry cbrbdau aad k llsssy ahd ryoituro new year nl- chocolates 26c 300 frank medico filter pipe 100 robbs drug store pbone 76 u rexau store we deliver tteovgetowit died runid fluddnly in detroit ulto- itfan uila- on oaturday deoem- hcr hlh 10w daniel a bilrd formerly ol alen wlulama ldat con of the late ileverend david daird otuwa and huaband of helen uautte weat dennettcuddsinly smday dm 13th 1013 at her lata raaldc lake avenue acton alary eutav- beth pingham widow of th ut llobert uennett hendejibon in oahawill ootarlo on thursday dcmbr olh lftlft emily louise kcddle beloved wlf of the late ttiomi llandenoo and deeply mourned atiter of lira fred- crick webb urooke stewarttown ur llobert itorru apent ounday will ur and lira e o uodf uaptlam waa obaarved in at- johnl church her an ounday hut among that from a dlitano at tending the funeral of the late oront alurray were airs ceylon cmllb of lutchcner and ura uoard and ur and lira edgar ox ptiterboro oervloe in gu john ohurcfti oicaorttown will be at 7 jo next fjunday oftemaoa wo are pleated to bear that lira frank jenklnaan l able to he around again terracotta on friday evening deo flth terr cot ta uvo and ujwo held tbelr annual oyiter aupner at the bntxvi ol mr and ura joteph lloare about 1u memberi and their fatnlllu were lirewnt the snacloua dining roottt a a tastily decorated for th oocm filon while the table were laden ulth many uood thlnga to eal uucb credit is due the committee in chars urs a mcdonald ura il p leau ura d young ura w blncjalr a toait to the up wo which was celebrating jts lftlh anniversary was propotad by ur prank petch and responded to by ura j a ucfcona who was its first president ur t l leslie proposed the toast to the host and hostesa which was respond ed lo by all ainglng l they on jolly good follows the remainder of the evening was spent in cards and dancing uuslo was supplied by puckering orchestra of jt ootu with ur will blnclalr now man ager ashgrove on tuesday dao lfttlt th wo mens institute met at the home ol ura it n reed with a splendid at tendance the motto the borne and the child was given by um o b dick and the roll call was answered with a humorous alary ol childhood which proved very interestuiif a splendid paper an hrtitmsjr was diven by urs prank huddeu and a number of inoxpcnslvd homemad christmas gifts wen shown a twm- pleto report of the toronto conven tion was given by ura walter brownrldgo except the gwa uatlott which was fully reported by uim joan plshor a good djmoaitrauou on boning and tfrasalng a chicken now to all was well carried out by mrs bird a guest from ovauifmtllle lunch was served at the close tho young people held a meeting on sunday nlflht under the leader ship or the social vlobpweldent ur john iltrd and ur harold bitter tho sunday school christmas con cert and supper will be held no m- day evening deo 36th the diplo mas and seals won through the year will be pronented card op thanks mr and mrs o 3 uurrfty of gtewarttown hereby convey to wends and neighbors their very ameer thanks for utelr kindly expression of symttatlty and floral tributes la their sad bereavement by the death of their dear sou oharua orans aturraj choice xmas beef tryaturi m kalrtio s cranberries 27e- texu irrwni grapefruit s r 2se tuaav uoaxrs ouvxx jelly powders 6 2se cuoics mincemeat s ik ttium 25c runqixr aasno auacm qcsxrrv tomato juice 2 no 2 lias 2se ddoe bjuvtv grapefruit juice llullu ise 15c ooldth buokzd 23c 5 bd atuioh q 5 hteakb ioc is m choice wiiitensii 15c finest quality fresh and smoked fish fresh lake herring 3 lbs 20c racnii ovhtcbs 29c fstj1u num 17c fc s phone 27 wm king prompl deuvery new advlttservients lor sal enaluvh pram nearly new will tell cheap apply hernia otnoe up chrutmos tr far bsi christmas tree delivered anywhere in town john farmrr phone 320 ouelph ol 3t larm wk wanted esperknced form hand wants iob on farm apply to holt warn oun itp balunafad ur and un j bobeon of oualph are visiting at the home of thtff daughter urs p w llhorull several case of ottman meaaus have appeared in this coeamunuy we hope those who have thata wtu be better in time to enjoy their christmas tiinpjn th annual meeting ol th sunday school was held at the home of ur ii warn ttev a foreman aetad as chairman for toe evening shnal arrangements were mad tor th concert to be held on prlday evea- ing dec 30th the fouowttig are the officers for 103 buprintndml ur it warne assutant p w bhc uu secretary- twasurer ut robert shartul assistant uls pearl uc- enery organist heta 8horuu tem perance secretary lira poreman mlutrgiary aecretary urs j klrk wood ttie annual rnmg of th w jl was held at the home of ura w ucenery the roll call was answer ed by a christmas thought- tbs following are the officer elected for 1038 president ura w ucboary vlcoprosuknt ura p w bhottlu recording secretary ura o uetwtck treasurer ulss j shortlu the work commlttsn la urs poreman ura a vannatter ura thompson and ura deswlck splendid readings were given by ura robl lleoery and urs beswick also a piano duet by urs it vonnatter and peart uo- enery lunch was served by th committee at the close of the meet ing paluu wanted leghorn and barred hock pullet wonted highest cosh price paid otv full particular dos pergu ontario far hal 1037 chevrolet 4door sedan in first class opndltlon will take small down payment and dive terms to re sponsible party apply donald her- rtngton phono 16a osjorgetown it bis4iit chore h service wul be conducted in the duptist church on sunday by itev o j cameron ila christmas bus- aages in service and song per bel large heater for sole in good con dition also whoelbarrow at a reason able price apply ea logan phone im georgetown tf moil school part and djanos last eprlday evening the atudents of the utah school held a very en joyable party and dance in the arena members of the student body and those who went too lia last year were eligible to attend the party started at eight oclock with games under theideotion of ur ralph ross who uipenlaed them with his usual vigor and tutthiatasm after the gome ptrtt third and fifth porms presented short aklta in competition for a nrlse seeod and pourth porms presented their skits in the intermission ol the dano- ing which cbmintenoed at haifuasi nine the prise for the best skit was awarded to pourth pom which presented an amusing cjoisroom scene with the speeches tn rhyme it was excellent entertainment and wall produced pourth having written the whole presentation paul uatber was tlie guiding light of the piece and be was ably saauled by nine pourth porm stalwarts and staiwartcuaa the judges were bliss petuott ur w v araut and ur john lambert thb dancing continued until one o clock music being iutushed by the new harmony orchestra nots duncan hod contort of the business arrangements of tho even lug he was assisted by the ftswu- uvo of the student council per sunl two semidetached stucco 0 roomed houses with bath and all convenl- enoas garage on church bu george town easily heated apply to phone sj3w lost auto license plate ho em ftm lftw between georgetown and ith line esrquealng on monday decem ber 18th plnder please return to herald office it- tease to seat brick house on uoln ou seven rooms hardwood floors newly finish ed throughout bath roam fumaee and all convenience rent very reas onable to reliable party apply to a restlvo pmlt store georgetown tf notice re taxes taxpayers are reminded that tons should be paid on or before decem ber slit in order to avoid penaltlea w o marshall collector tendekb wanted tenders will be received by the undersigned up to tuesday december 31th for 5 double cords of body hardwood 3ft long also 1 double cord of cedar to be delivered at ash- grove public school pred morrison secy ltp georgetown r r no 3 no let up her because of dprasloi bout i fttalat lit tin mi rl i r aibniplrui tutr ui u th null mat haiiliw auwlitluii lliniili lis pilaw klukk lin an i ol uthli n liua imuiii li l haii ill y ifiujb ittflll ii jl v i mi ihacliariiy anilriwl iuoii lid surely j la tlluiuat flt siullittaiakiultillla tn uituanl- f jl wi twu anil thililn iiovi itihl mlliinul urli lumltlif wv llmiuiilitui slat vtiintor th iiwaaloa lutuuiu nt hit tiirnavml tlimsnd tot mrvlu tluwj litwi hula liuvt uwn liimtl l mill lalitatv mitl it nn w ihclr liuildlnuo ami llniilsuihiiiww lliiv brthmiiliiiulsilt limn than 1000 mivtliiu uiitv u lliev tin iht vlrllusar win nut wltliout wputtiiu k vltiv ui in rt im a wfuiit kldlusiilu if aiiiiiuiit you b will nu iilmuu uiiil an ameeratlou im cjwd sulffi kt au niuiiiu itur will tie ui m church news hi oismtvb cferr rev woo thompson hector pourth sunday tn advent holy com munion sov sunday school 10 artv uatlns and litany 11 ajn clirutmas day dec uth uld- nishi eucharist 13 pjn cluiatmas eve choral communion tm kl alton cbveh olw wtlllosaa 1ourth sunday in advent sunday school 3 pm evensong 3 pjn chruurtoa day choral commun ion 10 am cast clan rev p o ofandd dju usmur 1030 mm sunday oatsta iuble class at lo o clock as usuad u am ctulstmas tn song and atory by th sunday school detmoauon of whit outs v pjn cmrtstma choral servtoe auto ucenses time extended the ontario oowmaismt has as- tended the time limit on purchase ol 1036 license plata for both commer cial and passenger vehicle the uinlster of huhwsy stated that passenger car permit and driv er license would b valid until janaury 15 an extension ol two weeks from th former limit of de cember 3 1st commercial vehicle and trallera set a somewhat greater extension tn tlmt to purchase their ptrmlta the 1933 marker will be valid until the uit day of pebruary fancy xmas boies cedar chests etc cut rock candy hunts moirs smiles v chuckles 1 lb xmas wrapped soc 2 lbs and over 1 to 375 10c lb hard boiled and filled candy 19c a 29c lb xmas special creams jellies chocolates and bon boris our own mixture 21c lb 2 lbs 40c creamed almonds special or xmas per lb 30c week end chocolates per lb 35c xmas stockings and xmas novelties at 5c to 100 oranges pop corn canes clear toys cracker jack any stifcl in ibs ilsrs wul a sal sway auui xauu fr s msu daui we would appreciate your looking over our stock be fore making your xmas purchases watch our windows for otiher bargains a vebv mesuv xmab to all longs confectionery vuone 83 w deurw uala 8l aaaaaaaaaawtaaaaaaaalhaaaaasi aaoanavown

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