pws4 tlva georgetown hnau wednevlay evening december 25th 1935 tea at its best salada hive voor eyes examlfldl tilly lim ualifc ordinary irtlvfj bli im tat siu loii ar imjriu to th my ado wbanawr you look up or down id or out tilly l or induced in prto and aw told at tha tarn price all o cvnida- t get them from uiuhuu tulyer tn or ik tam tu u w do in toronto or clualph o t walker ro otrounrtusv bvefliaixi ereculu saai tab to c4 rousts duvq htokk o- ik fefchj wfaiay 4 awry as lath fw m aaay eam o tt waaw 04 kb a brtai abowm fxt agth fcoab thcsv a lilt of twn and uuthtas and a crowd li ftud array thatva uw nwrrimant of initial with tha tatmui kiftlnj bay ho wvu bid go6dby to fcwto and toils burden wall unlod and find our way thia ciirulmax day xdown th oaihlahml itod it kay uwui hnur th song that long aao brgtilwd th nu ahohfdj whw owy wnt to tlnd th holy child vrhapa that song m inuv with love brid the load i lur ue far away today adown uve juthultftii koad and tf th way to u sii ions and if uv uiht u dim th tax uiat ld tli ww wu uvtw will point ui way to if ltd oh alow 0 heart to undroand ill peace will be bclord if w will find our bay tody adown th futhkrlkfta howd lill kcua esquesing council bieasrttown december 18 1615 tlk council lit id uvcir reaular monuily sore ling on llooday at lex noon deputy he 1 u uulltn coumluore o w li array k a itobouoa and w a wilson were prated lit aecrgay citfrt pr aidd at th meeting th minute sci read and confirmed fhinrri in sere read from county oafic supply compauy xh- ur uhop liuppiy oo- otuaxio good lloads association th canada ingot iron company university of tbroa- lo c itoelicgreen department of national defence hydro luectrtc pooer cooun oaorg k- soliou and jenkins at llardy th annual report of th uadlcal oootr of slaalui waa preaeutad at th msetlng uovad by w a wllaon arcordad by l i uullin thai th traaaukr pay 1w11 tauphona co ul31 o40 311 u total mm t u fioov rpalrtna toanuhlp elraj 1140 j 1l uauth 1 cord hardwood for eoun- cu chamber m komcr o ttioaip- aon premium on toenuhlp buudlng to drc 1w3 alaao county otto uupply co lupphm i1tji town of oaorgttovn to half imvuloo court coita and nnt 13000 oaorga e 3- liott account in full ra tax aato uj1 l u- bennett account for tamp for iflu 10 m j flaniord rapalruia- wraoda oalllnc 0c retiaf account to data t347s total t3343 acton public ulultlaa coqub- craa- ccnt atmct ilshu to vc it ims llsmcajtud uoved by l l uullin lacoudad by w a wluon that the traaaurrr pay th rtluf account aa drawnied by th rilltf ocilccr 134501 carriad- ifovad by h a hobtnann aaooad ad by o w uurray that th treas urer pay hoard of ilaalth aeontmtj wbl j ucleod taking ura a bprtdsataan to hi mi i ton uoap 1463 toronto oancral haaplul pilot for thoa irving isa l il kliimtt taking tom dtckauaon hosu from ifoapital for dick children nov lth 1360 taking wm dickaa ton to toronto oanaral dc- tlth isoo total u0 oo df ht paul half fa for 3 oannnbunta tttao h v uar- raclaugb maetlnga t3u0 mllaaga 1140 total 13440 oaorga currta nuetinga im60 mllaaga gjia total 13440 of h t paul maauntb um mileage 1140 total 13540 i xl dennett meatlngi wioo j san- ford account to data wj3- carrtad uoved by w a wluon amondad by i u uullin that th treasurer nay th road ahau aa proud by th road bupertnteodadt illltrt carried uovd by w a wuaon tt by i u uullin that leave b granud to introduo a bylaw to provld for th holding of municipal elctlone for th year 10m and that laid by- lav b now read a lint umavoar- rtnl uord by o w uurray by n a llouiuon that byu wo gjg to provtd for holding of muni cipal election for th jaw la b ing lnd rad a m th b d read a 4cond and third uam aad tujtwvd and that tha corporal j b attachad uito- carrud- uobcd by o w uurray taroadad by h a itoblnann that tha tma urer pay a c thobpaon mund on taara paid wtoncjy aaimitd k it hunter refund on taaci paid wrongly aitwaad x60 fctaupi to trmjurer 440 carrud uod by o w uurray wodad by m a uobuuoa that th trawau- rra bond for hojmooo at 4da pat hundred and lha ctoiiaetort bood for soooao at k twr btlmrad b renavad with a at wllaoa ot- pany carrud- uoved by i i iluulo taftwwurl by w a wluon thit tha traaaurar py tha following aoeounta oaora f9- rt untinaa u ullaagw aud comm m60 total 1 torn u uullin maetlnga mjw uiuaa 4w count ladfio total ilwao o w uurray nwatlnga ww ullaaga 11040 coaua itiooo total i4lf h a- robtiuon meeunga utm flu- age ua0 coua ww total tluuo w a wluon maetlaga 3dn0 aaua aga u0 room rd total alwad carried uovad by h a lioblnaon fcd rd by o w uurray that th h do now vacate tha chair and thai it be taken by deputy hw lorn u uullin carrlad uoved by o w hurray cuonowl by w a wluon that tha thank f ihu council ar hereby tandefad to reeve oeorg curru for tha euh- oub and impartial mannar la wfileb he haa prealded over th maatlnta td this council during tha paat ymm carrtad weett ai marey carviad an by voluntary caeitatbouoaa tt 3rrild utf luapikmi la nnr uihrr ll u riianuapikmi uuhuia la lk rlrl utfitla- lliua rarruaj poar mlaps aad uta mi i nourttthut fuoj rna ai tad taper lllu cxmulukuu u lauml la timalna ut ibu tuarua lull ihu iwrniul tfca rrvh of aui pur ui h4ki far otrr thirty oltu- fw uw skikitiu r4nllkrluu aaborulh n ku mkliiulivnl lli ihmullala al wrataa km luiolifi adult rof luhrrtvl rrilldmi iiwtt u tha uwa mar llwilld al au lbr hklta ju hapfiirvraa u ixlnf hmuaht hrtt jo uwp imho only haiulmbf u larb runja to u iku iiimi fnitu alwut tb yluiu i of nulnlenanrr u rwwnt tbu nun provincial and ami a tlrvj lu vnluniav nutirt fmlkin lina lonvaatxl ilto tmihlrat ma i n i at n ina f lioa4iaa will ttxi artml jour anltarl mi aaau utrmt turoala curiuymatt v hall i ibjy clilld uiy natal day i tike belli ring out 10 tuul and bay iujuiuli loud on fiwy air tlir call love all uwy cry lv all lowi a oar alum oer tlue at tliy birth lla light rtsplendent orr uk- eaiui the bell i uiry lake u 4evt tour uan cannot live by brraj almir i ho iludow of tliy crou waa there tthe ulu axe filling ail vie nir and to to you a ctuid u ulvin the perfrct uun of ljiui and hruvrn and wue nun brought thr ixm from far ld to the manager by tliy atar coma throbbing now a lati re frain who glvea hu life all lu sill gauvl alary e- luyhurat- eabxv stoalehketftno davu hkxalxkd bv anclat wmtl trafalgar tike good old daa ap parently serent ao good u peloa o bo ara ago a revealed by a day book found tn tha ratters of llla bradleys traialgar general atone and poatotnoi can be tanan aa any indl- cation sugar told at 15 cant a pound lea at m cents and othsr oustmodiuaa www propvunaalecy high- ilka day book carefully kept in ink in legible wrlllug deali with th credit bualneaj of th ttora from flcitamber itift to ttartli 1u4 tn ui days when traialgar or iotvlua waa a mora important comaunity than oakvtll pattad on th totld back cover of th book u i lul oi lax col lected tn 114 lha atoreiwper filling in ob of tax collector too the monetary ayttea waa tn sterling and uv lowest tax recorded la la lid th hlgheat 4 namas of pioneers many of whoa daaoendanta still realde in too vicini ty art to be found in th book an trtaa among thoaa recorded aa hav ing purchased goods at lha store nln ago ar john oarratt and wlluam albartaon k poat alter shorn poatvill waa named tha con oven apnlabys jordan uunn of uunna comers daniel ucdusa jamaa bigger and score of other prom th entrtea groceries ware a negllglbl stockintrade then out side of such ataplae as tea sugar salt vinegar among th beat sailers were candles needle thread leath er dry goods paint nail and tool they certainly dldnt carry such things aa pork and bean which are in demand now ura bradley said farmers in thoa days produced most of their own food- now vary few of them even make their own butter the fanner dosent cat eggs h sells them to buy m judging from th book th weakly turnover was about tso but i sup- pot that waa just the credit trual- rwesa the man was tha head of the family tn thoa days judging from some of tha entrtea on ordar waa i for william walt wife and other waa for widow jooaa the georgetown herald offers you a great subscription bargain that- saves you money fi-tu- ejmi tvu uvl 7 ott v esjia ettcujnrtt f here it a real efrar that will save yeu maaay 6sv yourself and your family laitiitf anjeywant and entertainment the whole yaar through this is all you have to do select inv of llicst and you will receive the whole 4 publlea tiona for one year from tha data w receive the coupon her it the amazing combination lew price miliiiiksi 3 currant thoutu yr qmitluni m luuh 1 tt qcbataum 1yr rcmatlit 1yr nntsmial hmm manluy ir qhimu sevuw lyr l caimmm harstukuwi an j hania magi3na lyr our diuraoiaa to van i 7tu hihlfful otttf j wll- ftbl to old and tuw nibicrlb- vtt to thlj uoumnaoer wa tunutm the tuliulratat of all uajjuib hiboeripuou ud you haw twaltlv aanuauoa that tula attoraua otfar la xaolly aa myteaaatad ho- wwala will be extaodad or full term afcowa courom todav lietm tlip list 0 utoqualub afut chtcklhl 3 publlm- ttotu dttitnl u1 owl coupon careullt claauasriaiii x tuicloaa i please sand ma tha thra tttaajunaa checked with yeara atibwrlptlon to your beawpejwai nalhu rtaldel t6wn and pftovwcb aunt cfilws inherited merry chtutmafl gift oi li aunt lutvk w a darky uluwmal a wtd aa aba waa bleb m t bad feutlu him i would imn1 m u urt ul uv crwatlo kw ww a rj luiiuluiiiiu liaimlkthrrbtw iuu aumiter lxii i uuii iwir iiiukff sticalbg up llku lalj it ti faint lift wlaaci kv big fiuniub ui lltr uuiliiu i of m suarwrig atr cujluliliatwiiy uariavtb tt ba- liilllr lit iwf birtit iimu ruaa utile luib iiimi iumii vlutr tuluj taw 1 1 j- lunuv ui bjuilua la tbe gloat tf ll n ul i1fcta waa trry p aad lllumjlivttly elrfrill hba iwl baxl hiiuliiatl4i railwj ta bar walla vtiiv two e- avl lulrne ue waa of e kurslrw id nil uituitr imuui tw ollrff ami4 a 3iriktiilsa bvtw a fclhjtblw4l a kff iw klng 8 fl luni rtwi i brtij liiaa ainiltia fcxw 4 trf iwhuiira ilrhi t in tu tikktaula b ut- iu slwhit bard tliua twj 1i it ii wikiaea gailua lalwilty at iw fcjia- uvr i4 ur hl ttirtrfsl few l1 ta webnave lb rujitifa rjai if abm a lliiu c m ab aiiiutit im if ak t4i1 tab tauek itirtftlmab t 4 fi air bmt ewte rail ab eaa ikiafa at 4 i inler clduiil imtua uui ah at all hi i sivj 6131117 i b sllmlawe sad ufed ttw i toofae at u arww ah ura srut rim awaj ah m chi and aaw in die rfalllmmiw tlnkf ah kfpb a bvihln el da iuoimft hk kta 4 rvl da wintlilnr w mab rvark iwn hi inge 1 so tli if d alnl ta j ml die aalnnta it a gir frfti rtr winl rlilllhos a uir inm rt ixn1 arwl ll btvrw bv- fiiniln ab n fcae ulu smile iii up ll rtn m llia a iiav btialrvme vnnm ft inalng ttimseia chrifltmaii luck omenji utvcd tn days long ago do vih kimiw thai a rail ivus at virutinae day is turtd ta b inluki ll ulng flng ijiilil ilirtmmaa ilsbl ebralshaan urt liruinies baavs- cbsatfisaaf snd ihst a wlrkfly inirliimaa aad a rain rw1bfmas wm htbl aa aasea of a gnod year fulil during lb twelv dare sftse tlrtalmss was ssm ta foe trll a wi year in follow l ua tfoo rating lha bona wllh riiruihias lially iarvful tun to burn any uaiw terrlra that fall twil ml tbeiu can fttl ly sway ualll twelflh nlftu bn ty sfuviitd b bjmt wllh lb ml nf the rbwivrsllea tbea lurk aivd tuppl rwa will follow but if an mark as a bully laf ta burom befitrvliad yoi ar ohirtlng disaster say live oljfeub i m1 roudtry fnlk who ah atorv 011 itilrfetiuaa aovrna fukb to yur flrv oa itirlslmaa liy fur if h bam hrlsht ly ll 1 a slgo of riroafkrrltyi if bus rvrr wben the fire u hrat lighted it mvoulbra and refrnwa to mrsw trt mrka may b tanked for darlag tk irer to rome urar smnetblng oew oe christmas tsy if pnaalbla for lucb aad b vary rsrrrul to put oa 00 genual with a hnle or i tar to tf otherwise yoej will u nxmry auo raeaeenbar that lb first nnrd cpnkea la the day abaald l rbeerful t to epeak a word of graa hllna is to court bad luck uaatfaal llfratl qitbaws30c9 ry vv juevju rv ju v wexj vsj 1 j oub santa claus j t i x npilt araerina atnta ctasa t j it oirruittlita of lb duttb j it rinte moiii o il ucllugbaa ns hants isua tba aara j i ilrirml from rl niekalas ihmimh tb rsmiiisr us of 1 rhlldroa la teutimlr coantrlaa 1 1 inwevrvt o amrla the direr t nmif followed by hlsi la same- i ij bat npen to queettoa oa the u he traded hie gray krvrc for tj a rrlmwr and niate ebsrgaa in l his appear or i jjev usuag 8a gar toy kunor toys may ha mad arcordlda to thv follnutng ill root ions 4 pounds of buksr 1 oudre of corn alnip i pin i nf viitir i bill to ua242 dagrevo then atlr until rlnudy end prnir in plsa- h r of iar1a nionlda that ham been i iilnpd after snnblng hi cold water far tut nr thrae hours ckrulrua air every bin ltmlon luarket bae its uwn bmclul churuilttrlaltcs oa of the moat rhararlarlatlr of all is ladao h ill maruf i luhuiiae nf its poat i ion and lh euuntlnlly rrlrndty sad family air striuii it riiirlnit tk riirtstraas seesaa the air ta pnalilvely festive nlee for ckrutsaa gifu jara af mince uaat fruli julcaa ama bllloe or luikitl fnods tusk nlc reiurmliruncaa and carry as iddlrldual touch chrlstsaae blrtlulay a child ivtrn on lirlahuas day situ illltva hi pmtiltmii nf wlmt to buy for a birthday pnwvnl sava toy far jaalar forwful purviila tll not wear eal tliu t hrutuius toys befure junior gits a chsnni st hem ooixxh text tba tnerey est the lord b front avaeiaaunar to trraf- laatlna upon them that fear him and hi tljlilfiiinmaaf unto thll- dratla ehlldraxl pwalss 109 it dswotiomal atadoa aajn ih ood u ft vmthaa uan u a tvothar llf la ft balaaion and bat rvtfifl at aarrlm us aearptaf u fcladnaai tha least is tba bavlng la dylzig olvtae la llrinat life u aurnal and low u lu crown lvjy during tha paat lhra ikwuand rnrs tha laaiatvw race has had an svaniful history after ft aoaud trt bal ufa thry found thaoualvaa cn usvad in etgypt thea cjd long period of windartog in th wtld- naa after blng sattld cotnlott- ably in lha ptocnued land they were cartud otf into capuvuy wltbln rvcrnt years jawlih ropla have tuf- fervd cruet rrcutkiij yet their inuilaoual llf u uamtalnad on high levvl in edany countrwe and many hav bean rpatrtaud ln wl- eauirap a proverb taya ifappy is the nation that haa no history tlk hebrew raca has had ft painful his tory but out of it thera haa come gr4i penonaltua great prlnclplea girat hurature and grmt faith isvawta tragedy very often ha valiubl by products tb oiat war was ft tisgedy t u has given an tmtwtus to cienuac and uvchanlcal pro grtaa th evil and restoration of the lubrtw rax produosd ouutand tng man tforwura such a kara and ar riiwj driftin into toraotten ofum ukat tha forgottan lan of tha last pmioatal campalgxi lb rauways uav canada ar rapidly drifting into th fontottati olaaa said uou c v vujuartou fcto rhaiitmt of lh atuud 01 tvuataae canadian rjatlon- j mauiwaya who ol oprd tha uwuvougm latest aoditlon to the iaiyujy efaaio of hotels at in4to haul ort uatenlbar 10 foraoucn by sniptvrs tn favor of bus and trucks loraoiteo by th gnvertuwnu tn their laiiura to appiy in aatoa ragmauons to tha busaw suui uulmm aa wr appad to them the railway wr gioumuy 1 enacting in tiacir annuax staumanu tha havy axpendltutas of maintaining roan bros paraheiad by puhuo algliways wrucn enanwd th bus and truck to tax away revenue on which th 1 ab ways weie dependant for their raialeiecj admitting that lh truck and bus had a brapumat put in lh trans pcrtauon held and a right to operate under fair conditions tha canadian hauonal chamaan poinlad out that unregulated competition might have hlgtuy undaalrabt results ll slkow- ed how th railway rata struct uw wa dealgned to move such low class commodua aa lumber grain and coal wtilia making up eascnlisl re- vnuea by cluuglng hlglvsr rate on the more valuaiu and lesa bulky netkcmlala and prophau such u ind isaiah and stiakwl ti bb rntcji vlrst view they i wtu concasied ut ko lb trt and fall of smptiw aa nch they saw in lbo vnta avldancas of lha huklag of th will of ood their spoken wist iff was ehailrog- lng and their wniisn word are to- plting awn afiar th uia of twen tyfive cauurt th captivity vu not all 1ob whn it producad immortal man it ib uore b1ehsed to qi tu kkceivit- ttils has nothing to do with banks or savings accounts but mora money is saved at christmas urn than any other time or the year yaa saved that may sound absurd to a lot of people wlio have spent all their money buying tareenta or their families and friends and neighbor but it la true just the tame uowt why because giving la the finest sort of saving and not only saving but investing evety good gift la permanent gain to tha giver it is better than a bank book carrying tlw same amount for ft gift is mora truly a saving than credit aooount on a bank ledger if you want to save your money give u away wisely boco uiat sound mexotubjtot ftth member it is rnora blessed to tlva thono receive tha itsbiww prophet insisted thai jueiio between man vu mora im portant than worship that no amount of baautlful ritual could tax the plac of honest eua lings but ihst worship which waa atfactiv would result tn upright behaviour at ue clow of an tmpreailw ser vice conducted in a wauulpptd church for th benefit of wuto- do congregation dinajllsn minister as tniormed that on of th fami ne of his tx4xghcatlon was without furl 111 sunday dinner was forgot ten together with on of hi right- hand church workers wood wax chop ped on th sunday and tairn to the dastltuia horn th incident tvought lh conviction that nllgion must ra- lister tn ecotvatica that with fifty thousand dollars worth of motor cars in front oi rmrl no cana dian family should b toread to huddla in bad to baap warm on wtntere day hot la it enough to try to rsmadj such ft situation by christian charity anhghlerky taciti engineering must prevent such pov erty hhaalaje bom ot the flnast literature la the old testament grew out of tba axil and reatontlon several cs th walm record tha moods and h of th captivity uefora tha baby- lonlan attsxk iiahraw prophets warn ed lha nation whlthar they wen drilling during th xn llsbrav prophau spok words of comfort and hop after th return th prophet summoned tha people to b true to thij earlier tdaal this great old testament iueratur la not fanciful or tmaginxtlva but gyw out of tti tual expertenoas through long yaajs of history tbea writings or ehsre- cteriiad by slmpuclty by concrete mustrations by beauty of thought and diction but abovw all by hub moral purpos tb sneaking and lha wttting of psalmist and propnsts helped to unify lha aibw and tusks them loyal to ft mwimn task it may be that future canturtee will look back upon tba twenty years through which w have just lived and pay lasa attention to th facta of the great war and th world deiwwiion and find tb most significant fact of tha epoch to us book a poem or social movement in which kings and warlords had no part in he brew history tha rophata rank high er than other kings or priests ptkk ta 04 instead of losing faith hecaum of their captivity the hebrew people had their faith in tha living ood restored and puriftad out of their trouble they learned to trust and to obey will lha post uva year of business difficulty purify our church life our politic our bustneea prae- tioeat ar we yearning for jutuot and brotnarhoyjd or ore we only waiting for the return of prosperity to be on the make again great is sues are at stake the future of the leagu of nations 1 being decidsd- the ralatlonshjpa of church and state are being transformed xa christiani ty to be tha religion of the future or will riatlonausw and oommiinltm supersede ut itav we bean mistaken in thinking of pagawiam as ft thing of uv past or is then ft revival ol paganism tn the twentieth century no on naads complain that there on no great causae for which to work to day this la on age on age telling the futur ol uncertain and tn uou respects the outlook u dark our one confidence la faith tn tha living ood who box been leading his people throughout past oenturlaa and who will not desert ui now the fray may not be pleasant there may be great world alruggles and radical chant in tha order of society but humanity remains the long parade the great procession tba origding ship whose crew may chantj bt whose captain is eternal the mercy of lb lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them thkt fear him and hi righteousness unto childrens child- ren qwsamlaeia far dbeaawjea 1 what may we learn from hebrew history 1 what mode the ilebrew prophet duuncuyet 9 why ow religion and tnorellty in- separable t 4 which rank higher ln literature the psalmists or the prophets 8 can you think of history as the long pauade your husband looks like ft brilli ant man x suppose he knows every thing dont fool yourself lie doesnt even gutpeet any thing i lheie latter commodities are what tiia huisx are alter and wliat they are getting iney pick the more lucrative ironic leaving lite low grade commodltira to be tnuupurtrd by tha rail by s ha said 11 u al most a mathematical certainly uiat if tnis unregulated competition con unue to increase lha day u1 coma wiktn uke ralca oo low class com- ttwvtittm will iisve to be tncicased if th railways are to coniinu to oper fh hbrwnvo uitcalad th profound f- hlasirv ft this would have oo th domratic iuaiwj traiyir trail vf ftjnufj the news papers tnat lh matlrr of regulation of trucks and bus will be consider ed at th conference of rvif provincial premie n now g tn ottawa h observed in more 00- tlaalahw valo review of this years opera tion of lha canadian national hall way ur eaiuerttn releaxad some striking flguraa which showed at operating profit tor tba railways ho tel system mora tnan double th itt figures on operating loss af iutjooo ln connection with th mer chant marina in ltot tranitormed into on estimated profit this year of u7jd00 and an eutlmaled profit of leejooo for the west indiea suam- shlp tin which has shown an un broaan if dereaalng record of d kelt since lis lncepuou in 1609 surpassing even ihasa figure the chairman predicted ft grow revenue for lh roiivay system of unjooojooo tor lai utlerment of a000j000 over 10m praaentlng the state mant ha oompored the railbaya showtng this yaar with uiat of lht whan tba gross ravenua was 1 although taminas ln ibii had bn vflfioofioo rnora tnan in 1m5 th corxnany will haa lujoonoo mora rut ravenua this year than tn 1631 rtuaiwaiif cwnoftilae had bean put into effect to mike such a showing rymim witbout attampting tb ml of prophat i think wa can rsasonably reel recovery la now assured our exports and imports or increaxing recent trad treaties are expected to increase th volume of trafito moving and iftsd should sea us well on the way to recovery ur pullarton pre dicted concluding with ft word about rail way hotel systems ih speaker gave an fitlmal of the value of the tourist trad to panada one frequently beais the argu ment that tha policy of lha railways constructing hotel wax all wrong i oar willing to admit that certain oi thea hotels were overbuilt bul where 1 ask you would th tourist business of canada be today if these hotel had never been builtf li it b fully recognised that servloe to the travel ling public la one of a railway a pri mary cnnildrrattonx whatever criti cism con be made of overbuilding ho tels must be necessarily to soma ex- lent be modified kepiylng to uxyor ft- u pindar toast to tn canadian national rail ways b j uungerford prukunt of the national system took to lhasa critics who were under th impression railway m ware asleep at lh switch at no urn since railways began bxx there been anything like ax many new developments in methods of operation and design of equipment and faciutlex in a similar period of time ox there have been in the last five years he asserted instancing such improvement ax faster freight train sjyieduiea col lection and duilvery of package freight the movement of package freight on local passenger trains the simplification ol freight and ex press clattirtrxtlon he said further vast tmprovenient in railway service were in sight introduction of im proved equipment would neoessarily be limited by financial condition and no sudden revolution would take place however equlpment being retired would be replaced by units oi new and mare efficient design xfxny kind oi existing locomotive and cam would be vastly improved dur ing the balance of their servloe life by the application of new appliance and devices particularly in the west sold ut uungerford there vaa no jusuflcalloq for exaggerated peaesynism in regora to tba future of railways like ux rullrton however he spoke of the effect on railway aanungs of truck taking from the railways a cartaln sharv of the greatly reduced volume of traffic resulting from the depres sion both factor had reduced gross warning of canadian railways in 10u to leu than half what they were in 128 in humorous vein ho remarked that now that the railway was tn the hotel business in saskatoon it would welcome those who come by any means of transport and in closing told his audience they might regard the bchubarougb bx an expression of confidence on the part af the cana dian national railways in the future a1 thto svairie provinces generally and of the province of saskatchewan and the city of saskatoon in parti cular a e warren vlmpresldent wes tern region wax chairman of the function which was attended by rep resentatives of the federal and pro vincial governments clergy and mili tary the city and its many civic bod- lex aa well as commercial and indus trial business men christmas presents to suit individual taste bl htha mvish bj bw bae frutut alary parka war d lug ortalbaaa it a nbaurd uaryv liarlba wa teaying for tw moumi to atwiad quit a u4 er a we da atb yar for fwulaaj praar mta huf llarlhx wa b b fatallt and ii wouldnt like cbrttahe4 at all oh wall axrhas tifts af tatara daiilug ot ly 1 illuk klar wa hat baru ktvud frbhula fur a bcig w siuxibi ba pswaetly fraak aboot what w wsal you bat aoiaavthlbg in buad slary fcoilud aad oa brtba srwd wall aba coailaod v ua9 l h nrlklng iva wanted far ever sa uag wbattt asked lunka flwa li la tui la say uiaf room svaar tba slrwbtw t1 ma ph u small aad lb oulsldw elat be largw a bat u li auda oiv urtml usually and to4al lsu wtrva anyway aad it will b oaaa psay for we to have seh 6vnjy ftoatlsj lb air a 1 riiihit and ike eatar dabt mailer so bvng as ll kas a cur taaar why yea but rvw did yaj gu- aa ejulcblyr luxana i um irn eiartly tb saai ma foe jiiai m i ii sit you arwl jmj g1 nw ukr mill ahal nrlinna dnntcht l tur- lha mi a rsll 1 atlb uary got ft eag and canary muo tlalsrnrd chrlatmaa is irelands gratefit of all feama in no coniiiry i cbrulmsx lonkad fnreard to with graie aatletpatlsa than la t raised for 4tarta tk camlng of lha christ child ksa i tssllrd with aabourvdvd jay by uv ea pu of tha paterald lit usny storta erwiated wtti ckha tsaa ar rpaalaal yaar ofiwr ya bround irish flrwaldaa aa eld woa tsiu thai aobsstlse oa ohriacsma weg lis 17 and tk christ child wadw abroad swaklag sbeltsr traarfaj uat they si 1 ftawh la vsla a tkay rnj la twthubaa laag ago b hku4 ax die la placed la every window ta guide tbea in a plac nf iauga are left burning through th blab tu lag into tha ilirknees guldlsag ftxy waav 4rr that etlghl b abreauli fvr iks ugvtvd also ull that tb u4b osd rtalld bliy rnme in almnal oay gula all tha world rettaoibera iruaad at llirlstmas for bar cfalldreft ar orat- lered la every land a steady mraex a lifts ood goad wish eeaaa dm hag into bee axtft kamlliaa djhdvd by urwtrhlag taau or raualiad la aplrtt a the bridge af tlsa ood epoca b brokaa by uv aid oappy ftfaaelai a uaary ckrutmaa ood brick rtw vaay- afsibartaa aulmax it caaaoa hsvrmlc the early uld llaael b afraid i wasnt golfig taglw say thing to ber how d yaa knowr nb sect bar chrutma gift t as lau waak ilamissa and life lie aled ut harness poor chap yea and by the way did you ever notice how much like harness life ut there are trace of etwj line of trouble bite of goad fortune and breaches of faith also tongues must be bridled passions curbed aad vverybody has to tug to null through blxggcriiia aiutigtit what would a nation be without women fltattntkrti x itaaw uututa paraslt tb tnlstufow traditional cfcrtataaa dacuratlon tuucb mora la favor a ear lier days when tba ardent swata ware ftol so forward and the tualdaa war esore raaervad is found eseat abosv dantly ib tba tropica althougb it u widely distributed througboat tba world th ntlsileto la a paraalt uv log oa lha ssp or the tree araaoj which it entwlna itself oft lk ax untie see bos rd nf th united btataa ik lbjtetna ta found oa far north oa tba jersey coast but t raora abandsxt farihar south lialag cbrlslssa traae long life for christmas tr he advocated by th onltad rtotae for service in a acta buggaatlag that liv ing tra with root properly ballad end packed to a boi may b need indoor aad later set out to beautify la greunda sandy joined a golf club and told by the pro u his name was on the golf balls and tlvey were lost they would be returned to him when found ooodl aald the scot put my name ou the balls the pro did say would you also put ii d af ter it laid the new member im ft medical doctor the pro obeyed there is just one more request went on uie boat can you bqtieesn liotira 10 to r on m wll italia ckrulasae isulastry nsplsa was thy center of tk itihse ohrlatmaa industry during the f1 teefith century and had whni bordaaf artlbtx flgurarr as they war callid who did nothing but make doll ror chriatmaa tk geaula ckriatnue piwts wrlto heautlnii crirl taua carnla but a child e laugh i christmas itself of th oanadlaa rafcry wawapapa aaaoeiatkati cjhjl tstxm tsaua aaauw aearw fcsk txs uue 1 and wi for- toroold i3aday0 febg i rt toy mtjbla uaqic op chluhtalai hwkeph brtlie wold the mxglo of ch1s mtb lies over the world to- toy charging the dreary commonpiaor anents of yester day into things of vuider and de- lliht and fllllnp th 01u with hap piness and ioi a id cheer it per meates the while errth fom end to end and monk nd hi every land and in every chmo rrand to it in the fullest measure ror jjto our hearts at this tune tiifrr cornea a beautiful something ihotruxei us above our selves and ting us to greater heights than ic ever reach nt any other time lfr with the magic of christmas tlnu man buries lf in trying to proiole the happiness and wellbeing nf others and tn doing this finds 1eatest rtapplnets for himself also f lor it seems as if the more we givf of love of service and of ourselves lie fuller grows the store from which we draw upon and the richer we gfw in the thing that make for ouj own hxpplneas let us then allow tie mxglo of christmas- ude to fall pen us 10 deeply that it may not oijjy slay with us at una time bub tjrrough all the dayi to folio 1 i a lea maf anj fci onduaa rssatnr baiikday f tf 9 i 1lu l ujx i oaaaat rtariii u v lkavst cjtaaulttowl4 waa baa mltja sal 1xa pl xxu pji cu pjt aa pat i oil pxo 11xu aju tus 1 ftf baa of pjau dally cacti sundaty i dolly cjlept taouedky i g fsatufday only t 1 saturday sundays and uer day otsxv extcm tftatouuu trifxt long cowrkcttonkxtv ajllaacsw j svlsxi f 1 f directory laaov nnr gc tmorgmowi oolaiio obiaamom nun audi laul at utooma u hmo pom irl i t ihmlmir fehcf r hi hrml uoiuaa 1 tlnlfma uilrt i ptosa a 8w1kbub1is m mibumbtom luuat ll it mriiriii ae iriuwc w mrmlanao ul tjijf i 1 nuebona atl iuu wmaaflt aataa jlocttom 000k iuu kta tu bar i oordoa ofardon as iuia at awtb ur at yirnii irniia i e rnur ua itc u kdaam dook a m nielsen uat saar el isaimia chbrafmttat 3aay drutjee tbeateal iad altiabaea boura i 8 tj0 tjo tit frank petch lksmtsd aoolthkka lit uk rreallia el chi aaj butw roaut samoa okaludhara m r if aaonaatoan ft r corf rtnrt tliihnum monuments pollock a ingham buoobbtms to oalar a wtrtb dafcoat miim e aimii wttae am uapaot our work la oteaaftooa oafiutary commercial printing ol au kinds we can give you satisfaction the georgetown herak tom all rlttat in hla bum yea but tba tnubla la ha wont so there until be tuea led told me hie lfe had leh hfatt u he uuat have bora toolta- u waawlth another wonuuir a nataou with a aeuae of humor haa juab put up a alga in bla ehurohl mo wlilamiw neunad altar uartna the auar