Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 5, 1938, p. 2

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p4ie2 tiw georgetown herald wednesday evening january 5th 1938 geergetowifknu oqi a i i bates u50 pet year ta advance united state aboald be given when change of aadress ta requested tices 12c per unelor first to- 7c per tine for each sc per line or each insertion jf tn black lace type sc per itoe addltiooal notices qmdifyiiig as xjamtdg events such as concert entertaliuaenss so ciety chinch or organization nauuna1 etc sc per itoe mini- mom charge 35c fl meetings held gladly free lit memoriain n and 10c per tine extra tor poems ntrth marriage and death nouces sue small ad- vextlsements one inch or less 9se lor first insertion and sc for each subsequent inaeraon display advertising rates on- appbcathao atthongti every pr will be taken to atpatenor the herald accepts advertising in its on the under- standing that it wffl not be liable for any error in any ad der unless a proof of such ad- verttseinent is reouested by the advertiser and returned to the herald business office dub sign- ed by the advertiser and with uebt error or cohetlmsplta- ly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall no exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such adver tisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement j m moore rwknsner f4otaiung for a ufe jl f ramr catuwubtntsi mrninoa said tbatu people want ur aekvke revival tn thehr church they can have jt if they wfo frankly contess their stns ha public oonfessldn of sin is a vnal factor tn bringing about uue ye ready the way of the ird mark 1 x lesson pa8bage hark 1 iix learn the truth irre the truth fc the truth dmnc the trqtlv teach the truth am trath wot thee refi a revival of spiritual life in- the the more we read the old testa- hunt the more convinced wfd we be come that the new testament i not new- d grew out of the owl the synagogue was the pt of the cfanrcfa the p of the sacra ment the prophets of the saviour it isdtbcutt tosay when the gospel be gan it roots right back to ahraoam as least- math of the teaching of the hebrew prophet basr hwaorlcal knjship with the mind mt christ the prophets bwbt up hope of a messiah m j r and christ f tfr expectation ougniy dressed roeageny subsisting m a auger way than even the pro- locusts or wfld honey and to utter phets dreatwed whether the fifty sternest co upon the third chapter of isaiah was written evil doings of men may exhibit 1 8 john the baptist who preceded jesus and paul who followed jesus had tab in coalman they were ready to de- uaaau if- only christ might increase they gladly subordinated themselves to one whom they recognised as far above and beyond them without any mock humility john said that jte was un to uncloose the fhoe hucbec of jesus john was the fore runner jesus was the saviour john b with water but jesus be stowed the gift of te holy- bputt john was strong in condemnation but jesus loved people into fellowship with god john used the motive pi fear jesus led people hvtrust john cdttjd only point ahead but jesus was to men a present realty to go apart from the common pursuits concerning the nation or the mewri the life and death of christ john the baptist may have been the- ae- lookin forward there were so many little hardnesses that might have been full sweet and gently kind i if i oh in the new year lord grant that i be not blind j there were so many kindly things to say in formal silences that warp or numb my ups oh touch them in lhe new year lord grant that i be not dumb the little failures to be helpful kind the rcany hardnesses that codty rear a wall around me in the ne year lord gram that i see arid hear adah fairbanks ba telle str indifference to human pleas ures and revea purpose of wrought iron but to go about eating and drinking frw ones influence in to an actual normal order of life of right and wrong were diffttsliig sympathy and giving aur- inhertted from the prophets we ture to even the feeblest beginnings oi know that within our own lifetime we me this is a higher a harder are to face hnew world yet we can a holier task onhr prepare for the furore by under- the ba 911 tt and conversing the best in tne baptism jras a stage in the the past jeans made his appeal preparation of jesus for- bis life pi chiefly to those whose hearts had rviw fc brought him into fellow- neen prepared by the godtnspirea hip with those who had been quick devotion- of the fea and projqi by the teaching of john it phets identified him with the working oi jataa the baptist 4 c j ue spirit or god tn the expectant john the fptrf jesus paul hearts of some oi his fellow country- vhat a of irn j men it definitely listed him on the great as john was m bimaeu a side ot peace hi emblem was not to forceful fearless man his place in i be the lion or the eagle but a dove history was won by the preparatory and t ga e him the assurance of ork he did for the mlnistrr otrgcif favc he heard a voice christ out in the wilderness awt saying thou art my beloved son ja the jordan valley he called the in srliom i am eel pleased by his people to repentance and started tlietn tpilsm jsu had irrevocably com- laa th jo w a antteri iinnsell -to- the -great- reforar rogh wimernesb prophet rudely clad movement vhih john represented living simply and he dealt vigorous- pictir jesus leaving th- carpenter with sin it is possible for the shop in nazareth wd oing down to modern church to jiecon- so -alu- johns baptism eaer ur what migh rated and aestheuc ihi tnori cis- happen next instead of pleading tinctions are glossed der many his own perfection of character and people are too sensitive eiihe o hence no need of baptism hike the confess their own sins or uu to pnariseesi he identifies himself vith the confession of others yet an the humble and assumes responsi bill widespread revival in the charch has ty i07 israels srs ii is a symbol of been accompanied by conviction an 2 social solidarity and of submission to confession of sin this was true ot the will oi god his cleancut step the revival under nehemiah joht as followed by the divine stamp o the baptist john wesley and oumtk approval hut also by the spirit-en- today in many areas revi iceans forced rugrle in the wilderness public confession of sin in tbe mnd the temptation ix 13 the temptation lit the wilderness was also a preparation for christs public service he felt a senae of mtml6n godaiven compolslan am he wished to think and prayjiis way through he must ohoobe the methods by which he- would work and he must test his call to see if it could bear the strain of time was it a sudden impulse or a growing purpose for both joluvand jesus the problem was how do you get ready for and effectively launch a new move ment or a new ideal for which you believe the time is ripe jesus sought detachment for thought un hurried meditation prayer fellowship with god the guidance of scripture when it all became clear he launch ed out unafraid we tool must ex pect struggles when we become fol lowers of christ and committed to jus cause just where are we to fit in are we to be speakers writers social reformers personal evangelists ministers missionaries or can we give our best witness for christ to those among whom we do our jally work one test is unfailing as we choose our life work and- determine dur spiritual atutudes if is this are we living for self or for service 1 when would you date the beglnn- ingot the christian gospel 2 la the john the baptist type an ideal for modern christian mini sters 3 water cleansesnre spreads which does more 4 was the voice that jesus heard inward or outward 5 what were some positive convic tions won through christs temp tation my lanb of fantasy i love niv land of fantasy its field of shredded gold fts silver trees with azure leaves have limbs that like wings fold in my land of fantasy live the fay and gnome oh oft i go to fantasy with my mental friends to roam and oft i so to fantasv to be alone with me tat my dear land of fantasy no other eyes can see jess york georgetown otttcook sebv1ce aid to fabmkbs many persons believe that the acre ages seeded to ihe various crops an canadian farms and the output of live stock in any year are things that just happen however individual farmers know that in order to bal ance their feed supply with the num bers of their live stock plans must be made in advance in addition plans must also be made to provide some deflnlte-sourobs- of ready cash to meet taxes mortgage paymento living costs and profits in arriving at their decisions can adian farmers lit the past have been obliged to turn to every available source of written and verbal infor mation in an attempt to outline a jjrogram which would give them a satisfactory return for their years effort and they- have had to safe guard themselves as milch as possible against unfavourable weather eondl- uontand other crop reducing factors in the past ouch information has been- scattwrd and difficult to bring together and analyse however the dominion departments- of agricul ture and of trade and commerce be lieve they have introduced a publi cation which will assist farmers in studying market possibilities a mak ing their plans this publication is the agricultural situation and out look now available on request to the publicity and vrtnin branch do minion department of agriculture the 1s38 edition is the fifth annual publication of this bulletin which has been receiving more and more atten tion from farmers and agricultural workers in the outlook the current fea tures of domestic and international demand are discussed after which individual reports are made on each ot the major agricultural commodi ties if a farmer vis interested par ticularly in beef cattle he will be encouraged to find in the 1938 outlook that the cycle of beef cattle produc tion is now on the downward trend and total supplies are expected to decline for threeorfouryearsr this should mean relatively firm prices for beef the united states has bee im afalrly large-volume- of- canadian beef cattle and the unit ed kingdom market is encouraging in a similar manner the important factors concerning other farm enter prises are brought together in a read able alia informative manner down on the farm two farmers were discussing he poverty of the hay crop owing to the iinsefiionuble weather mine was so short it was hardly worth cutting said one short queried ihe supergrumbler did you see mine i had to lather u to mow it have faith behind the clouds gods love is shin tag behind the grey there shines the blue so trust his love when days are darkest hell bring sunshine back to you i i count as god oi avenues and gales the years that through the portals j come and go i block the roads and drift the fields with snow j i chase the wildflower from he frozen fen my frosts congeal the rivers in their my fires- light up the hearths of men hearts and railway octotus sir edward beattj states that be is xto longer advocating railway unifica tion but is contenting hhrtf vith statement of fact that ids oot- eome is tnevttable in order to avert a r- crash in ca from con- xfnued deficits of the canadian na 43onal hallways there is not the slightest doubt that some major action must be tak en to solve this great n prob lem the chief trouble nes in the tact that it is toextrkahry bound up with partypoiitics rt hon r b bennett while prime minister of canada came to leahae the grave nature of the railway sit and did not hesitate to speak out with the xeaattv that he lost the railway cn- nlorees vote in the next election premier king and his cabinet mini sters are remaining discreetly shent on the subject lest a shnoar fate costly extras meanwhile the cnh deficits con tinue to pile up at a rate variously eathnated be fifty and one oun- jjred rqinwi dollars yearly in his wery able presentation of the case for wwmcattan str edward beatty has re- peatedrj stated that such a step would naean a saving of j35j0o0jd0oa year the ft of pool trains be toronto montreal has demon strated what can be atxompusbed in this direction it is true that some xmuway employees would lose thelr jotas but the majority of them could in gradually retired and a reduction awade in the number of new employee taken on they win lose their jobs wentnalhr hi airy ease if the present trend continues branch lines in all parts of the country are losing money and the highway transport compan ies with their greater mobotty and be tnevttable the the better m an other ten years b may be too late to repair the terrific damage- wrought to the countrys credit and finan by season of the railway fat 62 yearfe doctors have been corning daily to this hospital to donate their time without charge during the past year over three score of them donated 40000 hoars of work to the task of giving sick and injured children die very best chance for the recovery of health and happiness crippled deformed hurt in an accident suf fering from disease just yes to any of these ques tions has always opened the doors of this institution to children in need of hospital care no distinction has ever been made in respect to race creed or circumstances the- provincial and municipal governments each contribute a fixed amount per day for those who cannot pay but these grants do not contemplate the cost of rnedicines operating rooms oxygen xrays plaster casts anaesthetics special diets and extra nursing and they do not provide for the cost of many many other neces sary items each year we dependtpi public subscriptions to cover these extra costs wont you help this very worthy cause please send fbur gift direct to 67 college street toronto we employ no canvassers it ant thli hawhal set not bar la hm twmdt coust 4 by tas totwrta f hm far cmmmht inwn sahswta an i aarla the georgetown herald f the canadian weekly a newspaper association cnr time table standard tune 7 10 a passenger and mau 1008 am passenger and mall 640 pju passengers for toronto 0 17 pjn passengers sundays only 731 pjn 834 ajn 334 pja 6js3 pin 0325 ajn 1119 pan passenger and mail passenger passenger mall passenger passenger sunday going north o going south time table gray coplch lines coaches leave geobgetowif 0 to kitchener x 935 ajn c 235 pm xb ao p jn 1120 ajn a 4s5 pjn d 11j0 prn x 1js pjn x 55 pjn e 1230 x- tbxougll40 tjiwf v a except sun and hol b sun and hol c sat d except sat sun and hoi e sat sun and hot w h long cmrectory lebot dale kjc m stbil bennett ha barristers and soucltora georgetown ontario ofnce gregory theatre bldg krtu st kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary pnbuc first mortgage money to i office main street south phone 88 georgetown w c grant barrister etc offices mill street georgetown erin phone 234 po box ibs raney oeaydon lawrence v cook barristers etc 65 bay sl toronto brampton out e fraser raney ko h edward cook gordon graydon 333 main st north brampton telephone 792 harold r lawrence loblaw building brampton telephone 643 f r watson djjs mjds georgetown office hours 9 to 5 except thursday afternoons j e jackson djjs successor to the late ur gollop open evenings phone 234w george to wn frank petch licensed afjctioneer for the counties of feet and hatton prompt service cheltenham 26 r 23 georgetown 61 03 post office cheltenham 67 colleges street toronto monuments pollock ingham successors to cater sc worth gah oht deafens on rooaou phone m8 v inspect our work in greenwood vi cemetery p a m nielsen mh er ot rrscuoe chiropractor xay drugleu tbmtput tui attendant offlce 6verdomlnion store oeorgetowq i hours 35 7 jo bj0 pan clomd tnnndar vnane ua of a party at the zoological gardens stood pussled before ablrd its a beagle said one its not said anotbef tt i bowl- ttiey appealed to a bystander both wrong he said shortly ips an wk r im- a g-

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