Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 12, 1938, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 12th 1938 page 7 now x lax mb- i the ore upon the bearth la low andthere is stillness everywhere uke troubled spirits here and there the firelight ahadowa round me creep a childish treble breaks the gloom and softly from a farther room i how i lay me down to sleep and omehow7 with that little prayer and that sweet treble in my ears my thought go back to distant years and linger with a dear one there and as i hear the childs amen crouched at her side r esem to be my mother xalth comes back to- me aosihjir holds my hands again oil for an hour in thatdearplacol oh loir the peace of that dear time oh tor that childish trust sublime oh for a glimpse of mothers facet vet as the shadows round me creep x do not seem to be alone sweet maglo of that treble tone and now i lay me down to sle eugene field canada must be born again this is an editorial appearing in the january issue of the canadian ma- gazlne we believe that it will be of interest to you canada was bom at struggle iind cradled in a chaotic world in this clash of empires two great people bought and were fused and two branches of thej3hrlstlah religion came to exemplify the greatest of its virtues charity irreconcilables were reconciled the fusion was canada and canada became a living ideal so moving and so persuasive that it swept away a world of differences and rivalries and antagonisms in its march to nationhood when confederation became necessary it was a necessity born of an urge to- preserve those priceless things that had become of greater importance to canadi than selfinterest or sectional gain it was in this spirit that her leaders -em- bodied canadas ideas and ideals in government the intangibles of this canadian union like the ties of the british commonwealth of nations be- flux of canadian cltizen- shlp the love of freedom the concep tion of justice and of human good became the moving spirit of tne worlds freest people it took the form of an answering purpose uiat transcended provincial differences and rivalries and caused old antagonisms to melt away in trig fervor of an awakened nationhood we have gone a long way since confederation we have prospered materially we have become a fac tor in the affairs of our empire and our world but sometimes it seems that in achieving our material suc cess we have sacrificed our spiritual birthright for the road has seemed to lead away from that high and moving con cept of nationhood that we know as confederation in these days we face a crisis in our affairs one more de- nite and- more farreaching than many of us perhaps understand in ternally dlsceratat forces are defeat ing the nationaraalms that are dear to most of us sectional differences once a cloud no bigger thavt a mans hand have grown into shanows that are a menace to our peace the cast the maritime cannot hide a resentment over essential lights that are still unsettled que bec has its dissatisfactions ttihjnln- ority gfbup rapidly growing in mz and influence and openly fostering a secessionist policy ontario clings to its advantages manitoba and seti- tchewan complain that they are hifft by tariffs in alberta strange and disquieting things are happening in british columbia there is a growing demand for economic redress we have no thought at this time of entering into a discussion of these issues nor of questioning thatwrilnd many of them lie abuses and inequali ties and limitations that are veryjjinl merit t our one thought at the momi that surely we a free and enlighten ed people need not let our whole attitude our aspirations and our ideals be colored by the grievances of- the moment that we might look be- lyond those differences that divide us to the constant faith that is in us all we have a confidence that this is not impossible a confidence that is hot a matter of mere wishful thinking but that ts rooted deeply in our his tory for canada is a product ol other crises crises- of conquest and of the ensuing problems of racial religious and territorial adjustment and it ts heartening to remember that each succeeding crisis has engendered the forces that have made it innocent of harm the american revolution aat brought so- many influences to bear to induce us to join the seceding col- onies only succeeded in strengthi ourrdevotion to a form of govern ment thatheld our faith and loyalty the years llii faced us with ag gression from without our borders yt only succeeded in giving us a nafloh- wtstesctduihess that vas new to us and 1897 taught us to face dissension from within with a new conscious ness that the genius of our people was to and their liberties within the law and then came confederation dedi cating canada in a great experiment in government to the high purpose of preserving those spiritual quali ties expressed in the countrys grow ing faith in democracy freedom and justice there was a fervor in those days- to which we may well lookuslth pride a fervor for our ideals that trans cended all other considerations and made economic geographic sectional and religious difficulties and divergen ces only handicaps to be overcome by the united purpose of a people who counted possible private advantage well lost if thereby canada mightbe developed to the full stature of na tionhood and then the great war came and out of sacrifice and great tribulation we arose a people tried by fire and with a conscious knowledge that we hada destiny purchased with young lives for canadas sons had died for it and dying had challenged us that we should keep this land from pettl- jiemsajhatthfiirsacriftqeegnot be in vain that was bur great moment but the years have passed and year by year we have let our wisdom fade before a thousand peering listeners we have grown weak with dissension and false doctrines and vain hopes until today we face a crisis more sobering than any that have gone be fore for this is division among our selves and the house divided against itsell is doomed to fall either we will overcome these differences finding some common ground of sympathy and understanding or they will over come us leaving us a people of divid ed interests an uncertain loyalties a little people bickering away a iiobk- heritage in petty disputes and ungen erous selfinterest that is the clear issue we either win or lose there is no middle ground but there is in us a great and con- ettnutjpxq3myttof- h c james who on february let becomes assistant general pas senger agent canadian paeltto ftailway with headquarters at montreal mr jamas is st present district passenger agent for the company at saint john nb and brings a wealth of experience earned during his 23 years cana dian pacific service 4o his new post vms association insuranck companik5 n canada exercise in winter during the winter months there in our country more illness than there is during the other seasorib pi tne year there are several factors which contribute to this one of the chief of these and one whose correction lies within the con trol of each individual is the giving up of exercise or play when the cold weather comes a certain amount of physical exer cise ts necessary to keep the body fit whether it is taken in the form of settingup exercises or in play or again simply as part of the dally rou tine of life such as by walking to and from work most people during the warmer months of the year do secure a considerable amount of ex ercise because they take part in some form of outdoor life which ne cessitates the use of their big muscles unfortunately many people once the cold weather comes lead an indoor life and seldom bring the big muscles of their body into play in addition they continue to eat as much if not more than they did when they were actlve they slarvctlieni5elk3ofj fresh air and live and work tt fldent faith that what we onceweree we may be again a nation dedicated vlj v- ij i t ni j uitne time in an overheated atmospheia to a great ideal of liberty and unity wncn m itself debilitating and fraternity a country in which w- r wltj t and fraternity a country can keepan unwavering pride a try that might well stand as a tribute to a noble concept of united nation hood a shinning lesson to a fearful and bewildered world we areht the crossroads of our the result of this abuse of the body for it may be fairly called abuse is that there is a loss of tone a state of comparative unfitness develops with the reauhrtnal there is more illhealth and more actual diease than during the months when the tlonal destiny we must m ctajos reasonable cire cola or littleness hen we hae hno llacl responslb in fact there is much to be greatness in be bom aain hearts canada must i all seal please a young lady has a vivid memory of rural courtesy she was struggling with a hot cup of coffee in a small town railway station trying to gulp it before the train pulled out a youth standing a couple of yards away noted her iljpllght and seeing the conductor look ing anxious came to the fore here maam you can take- my cup o cotfeet its already saucered and blowed to our subscribers a matter that owing to the increasing cost of produc ing a newspaper we find it necessary to col lect all arrears on our subscription list and be- lieve you will do your part toward relieving the peculiar situation in which we are placed at the present time by remitting- the amount due us on your subscription as indicated on your address label will you kindly let us have the amount due us now if impossible for you to pay the full r please be good enough to pay part of it at least and we shall credit same on your account x thanking jou iifj anticipation of your favor yours very truly j m mdore publisher disease said for the sllmulatingtfrecl ob cold fresh air the 111neues that ccme with winter are the penalty of our neglect of our own bodies just as soon as we put into practice what ftt- know about exercise and fresh an and about living and working rooms that are not overheated wi shall be more healthy and there will be less sickness it may be imposstbtv to cohlluc the same exercise in wint er as in summer but there are many ways in which the necessary amount of exercise can be secured in winter fathers change willie to his father who has re cently married the second timer theres a shop in the high street just like you daddy fathert shop like me what do you mean willie tgettlng near to the doon why its under entirely new man agement fit mi low round tkip rail fares bom thrill to golf under i skies relax on warm sands for a winter vacation or longer star there ft titter a dw moment and living costs arevary moderate cbooseyour own tooca fans apply director via die canadian rockies vancouver and vic toria to san francisco in on or both duectkns full information as to ftounb imp standard farc tourist fare coach park cvaps h oy aaapl canadian natiohal budget features famous foods special quaker oiats quick or regulab l pic special cojrm syrup bee jove 2tl6c special frys cocoa note the nice 1 lb 2 tn 19 dumat finest shortening 2 lb 2sc maxwell house coffee unusually low pnot lb 21 heinz soups 2 t 25c hillcrest sweet mixed pi crbp and dellclpas j mustard af keep a tin 1 handy granulated soap kffectm for ll f funic cleg beautv soap- palmolive 317 special robin hood all purpose flour 98 lb bag 38 24 tb bag 115 special smiths pure catsup uty canadlsu dnct 12 a high quality canadian product 12 02 bolt i special federal brand matches strike anywhere mccormicks jersey creamr sodas b krrct ask for your premium card and make your food dollars buy your gifts at cost your dollar buys more here free delivery phone 366 borrowing at the bank idynake a smalt sound fnimmeu small business con cerns independent well- managed established oh personal ability honesty- and industry fortunately abound in canada many of them have all the ele ments of increasing success they may need only sound 6nancial assistance to make them even tually large and important contributors to canadian prosperity conservative borrowing may be a constructive step the bank of montreal welcomes enquiries from such business con cerns regarding loans and the manager of our nearest branch will be glad to discuss with you in strict confidence any plans you may have for taking a comtntaive step forward bank of montreal established 1817 a tank when mall ataui u georgetown branch j r smith manager modern experienced banking service oimi rao yw smaafml f

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