Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 19, 1938, p. 2

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wwwwmfw laremwggwabjigg it jwtwqw page the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 19th 1938 the georgetown herald sabacrtpuon bate 50 per year in advance united states 50cfaddiu6nal single copies so botbtom and new addresses sbould be given when change of address is requested aihrerttsjng kates legal no tices 12c per une for first in sertion 7c per line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line for each insertion it to black face type 5c per une additional notices qualifying as coming evtfnts such as concerts entertainments ctoty church or organisation meetings etc 8c per line mini mum charge 25c reports of meetings held gladly inserted tree in memorlam notices 50c and 10c per line extra for poems birth marriage and death notices 50c small ad vertisements one inch or jess 50c for first insertion and 25c for each subsequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the herald accepts advertising in us opium on the under standing that it will not bt liable for any error in any ad vertisement published bereun der unless a proof of such ad vertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to the herald business office duly sign 6d by the advertiser and with such error or corrections puln lit noted in writing thereon and in that case it any error so notedls not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost oljuch adver tlsement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement j m moore publisher phone 8 georgetown the joy of work all may be away for weeks he asked me to rent his room furnished e en his books to the right party he said if he came back for a day o two he would s ecp anywhere i could put him 1 vdia s eyes rnd fallen upon a aaskethke con amer for letters and postal cards s e was scarcely hearing whai the utndl d iaid suddenly she irnc to herself i seem to like the room it seems hoiicy somehow she explained she took possession the following morning and as soon as the door was closed on the landlady s back sue took down the basketlike letter holder without looking at the contents she turned the straw hat for such l proved to be over aiw over yes thi is it the very poke bonnet mott er sent me from new york when i was doing odds and ei ds of illustrating on the omaha paper and to tl ink he has kept it all these years i had almost for f ten hinr she admitted some vi hit lamely for with the silm of the old poke own brawn and brain i hnet that she rnd worn so be for those whose love inspires hlii ti and so h ppily five years hustle uith might and main d during her western appren that inanwjllkeep on cliinmns an 1 uueship all the id memories re nothing can nblan o t to snd lor blood tiling for with such poer behind him re sure to reach the top so envy the mnn who hurtles snu needs to hustle too and from jour heart be thankful if that man should be you xtont pity the man who hustle the whole day through but pity the other fellow who hasn t a thing to do condole with thechap who s idle who has no row to hoe with no one depending on him and nothing to make htm grow hie misses the best of living the joy of work well done the thrill of high achievement and victories nobly won and the man who digs in dalh and whose bread and butter depend on his doing his very utmost and who earns all he spends is the one who finds completeness to every wellspent da whose life is filled with sweetness in work as v ell as play bis joy is in providing through t i looking for licht b buby tfoljolafl a hcclura newspaper syndicate wnu service short short story north light soidxydia clinker for perhaps the sixth time that aft ernoon her work required light she had a list of advertisements for studio rooms with nprthern exposure or m least a north transom skylight she was tired and discouraged at the hare unattractive rooms offered to her for such big rents ill try one more and call it a day and not a perfect day either she said to herself as she looked at the next numberadvertised she climbed the outer stairs and pulled the old fashioned knobbell you advertise a studio she said as if speaking out of a copy book yes this way a tired but neatly clad woman led the way up the jncarpeted stairs to the third floor where she opened a door into cheerful furnished room lydia smiled her pleasure this is a pleasant room and the light is good i make silhouettes fine black and white work and i need strong north light is this for rent the woman told her that it was butshefloiild not tell her how long she mightceep it the young man who has been living here with me has gone out to stay for a while on long island to do some special reporting for his taper ht ic qpi reporter and train travels thousand times around the earth in the 37 years the international limited hasieaa operating between montreal toronto and- chicago it has traversed more than 1000 times the distance around the earth at the equator and has carried approximat ely 3 000000 passengers h c ro chester oeneral car accountant canadian national railways told the members of the canadian raoroaa historical association in an address at montreal recently the international limited he re called began service on june 2j 1900 at that time it covered the distance between montreal and ofai- cagor in 23 hours and took- seven hnun and 25 minutes to reach toronto a few years before toronto was 13 hours distant from montreal following sutetantlaltmprovepenti to the road bed track and tolling stock including the provision of faster locomotives when the grand trunk was merged with the canadian national railways the schedule was cut to six hours be tween montreal and toronto and is hours and 15 minutes between mon treal and chicago canadian women s buying habits can assist unemployed what canadian women buy every day of the week has a direct bearing the number of people who are employed in canada and government statistics of imports show there is a wideopen field in which they can in crease the number of men and wo men who receive a weekly pay en velope if more women buy cana dlan on every possible occasion ac cording to a study made by the na tional produced in canada assocla tlon which was released today it has been estimated that wo men influence 87 per cent of the pur chases made in canada either direct ly or indirectly the statement salo -u- fhn it il in rh tr tlonal interest to study v hat the buy because of its relationship to employment among the purchased which they make dlrectlj alznos over week of the eax are such things as furniture drugs and medi cines woollen wearing apparel lea ther boots and shoes handkerchiefs silk stockings felt hats soap fresh fruits vegetables oilcloth ftstvcut lery cheese etc t mention inly some of the more important items in these categories alone import in the 12 months ending october 1137 amounted to 38325 478 bearing in mind women s influence in buying it can be reasonably assumed that it was their choice which influenced the importation or these items into can ada yet a surej of industrial plants and other pmduc ng attendee in can ada shows thnt practically ill of ties are produced or made in cnnada in so doing they emploj cmadiin men and women apart a together from those who are indirectly affected by the manufacture or sale of the commodities such a emplovee of stores allied industries nc the purchase of tht p imported items means the conttn rd un m ploment of canadians in these in dustiics who otherwise would be a work if cinwdlan women insisted in the produced in canad merchanlls at all times women can by their purchasing ha bits affect the number of people who are employed ln canada xt there fore they buy canadian at all times when price and quality are suitable they will be doing their share in helping to resto more men and wo men to the payrolls in the doinln- ion i x accidents and compensation i under the workmens com pensation act the number of occidents reported 1 a the workmen s compensation board pf ontario during 1937 was 70583 as compared with 61 380 dur ing 1936 the fatal accidents numbered 376 i as against 375 during 1930 the total benefits awarded during the year amounted to 6129j960s8 as compared with 5543 79679 during 1s36 the 1937 figures being madu up of 4878 113 06 compensation and 1 261s4847 medical aid taking a basis of 300 working days the average dally benefits awarded amounted to about s20435 requiring an average of 968 cheques per day the average number of new claims reported dally increased from 305 in 1936 to 235 in 1937 there were 5 728 accidents report i during december and the benefits awarded amounted to 57255666 mrs fishrr suggests for luncheon canadian pish cutlets flake two cups of any desired kind of canadian fish or shellfish and add salt nd pepper to suit the taste and two tanle spoons of onion juice two teaspoons of lemon juice and if desired two teaspoons of worcestershire sauce add to the fish and seasonings two cups of thick white sauce which nm been thoroughly chilled form the mixture into cutlets and roll in fine ly sifted bread crumbs it- is well to chill the cutlets again after they have been shaped hake the cotletv greased pan in a moderate oven or fry them in deep fat having the fat sufficiently hot to brown an nch cube of bread in forty seconds the white sauce may be made by melting quarter of a cup of butter or us ing a quarter of a cup ot cooking oil blending in a half a cup of lour adding two cups of warm milk and cooking the mixture until it is chick and smooth jiurring it constantly a tomato sauce goes well with the cut lets canadian pish poods rich th nu trltive value and in vitamins are verj easily digested because of the ten derness of their flesh radio station employees move the population of the town of bow- manvlue has been reduced by twenty persona as aresult of the opening of the new canadian broad corp oration s radio station gblat hornby replacing the former orct at bow- manvillc messrs k o foster charles bqun- aatt archie mtf and lawrence marley together with their wives and children have removed to milton which is seven miles from the new station messrs harry auln and w a shane with their families have settled in oakvule which is 13 miles from the new station the men their wives and children number 20 hi ah ernest brown another employee remalnswin bowmanville as a stand by man the local station is ap parently being used as a relief station for the new high powered broad and it has been on and itttt the air for several days during the change over and test period it is learned that nothing definite has been decided as to the final disposition of the local station which is owned by gooderham and worts ltd toronto and which was leased by the commission the new station is not received nearly as well locally as the former station but gie co having by iniemat- nal agreement cleared the 840 kilo meter channel for the new station this situation is not likely to last bowmanville statesman the kind old lady bad just used the public telephone for the first time and had given the operator quite bit of trouble after she had nnisned her conversation she called the ex change kindl old lady tin very sorrv to have given you so much trouble miss so i m putting another nickle in the slot for yourself the ge hvnsa 3 m moors of the canadian weekfr newspaper association cnr time table standard time passenger and mall 7 jo ajn iojob ant cm pjn passengers for toronto 9jt pjn passengers sundays only 713 am gobw west passenger and mail aij ajn passenger pjn- passenger and mail 662 am passenger j2j5 am passenger sunday 11j9 pm goto north and passenger o m time table gray coach lines coaches leave georgetown debts collected one of the two largest stores in toronto wrote us on decem ber 22nd 1937 as follows iwe shouldjlke to express to you our appreciation of the very satisfactory way in which you obtain settlement of our ac counts let us help you too kelly aiken the collection specialists orangetoxe ont e 1890 su11 getting results lavdmark disappears bitorms of the past few weeks have completed des ruction of the par credit lirhthouse burned in 193b it was a landmark for more than 30 years the foundation stones late now su b the water accord lng to information trom ottawa qlven dfllcials the dominion government intends to develop the harbor and erect a new building youth i used to uiinkjold age a desert land a place of broken dreams- ancualnt desires of vanished friendships and of lone ly days the banked grey ashes of llfes early fires bat now as lightly down my foots eps go into that valley which they say u drear 1 find the banks are blue with vlo lets and all the springtime birds are sing mg here i used to think my heart would be so sad twould spill its tears to see ano her smile but i am still a child of laughter town gay as the friend who walks with me my mile i learn soul is as ageless as the dawn that all loves messengers around me sing so walk serenely in a pleasant path tall is the gentle replica of spring rose willis johnson it must be clear therefore that the middle oune and inexperlcrloed rjftvthqvf looking at triplets the nurse had just brought in jwcll laltrk the one in listen lrcanada19381 c impchul tobacco jf jj inspiring prooram jfl kiday 10 pm est stations ckoc crct cbl commission dates fixed dates of the ontario and quebec bearings of the roya commission on dominion provincial relations have been announced lay the commission ontario hearings v ill open at tor onto april 19 and the quebec hear togs at quebec city may 2 the commission sits at halifax cram peb 3 and in charlottetown ptefo- 10 new brunswick will be beard later not being ready fa feb raary the commission opens ax bdmonton march 2 and victoria 3c march 14 pinal sittings will begin here about jtide 1 when reports of the econom jc and financial experts of the com snlsslon win be presented bach government federal and pro mdal will have an opportunity u reply to any points covered in other fcrlexs at the reports of the research staff argument by dominion and provinces will also be heard oh the tnatertf submitted farmsr brown whx did your son earn at state college fanner mcks well he jiadnt been home three days before heshow- jttudouar tl rough her veins george dawson then a cub reporter with a desk next to her own had fallen in ioe with her and had begrtd her to leave h m that hat so that he might al ay call to mind the picture she mode to him then for lydia had found herself far from ready to be love much less to admit it but she had given him the haland now yoarsjifterwards she had come up on it in a furnished studio room faded worn but the3ameserrtr- mental keepsake she replaced it and realized how odd that style of hat would look to day on her bobbed locks every morning she woke up with a song in her heart perhaps today would be the day che was having a cup of coffee and a roll at the desk when the knock of the landlady startled her come in she called mr dawes is down stairs and as he has to make a hurried business trip west he thought he had better get into his trunk and get more clothes said the woman it s out in the hall but he has to have light from this room to see to get into it i would you mind letting him surely not said lydia trem bling like a school girl i the landlady departed present ly footsteps coming up almost echoed her descending tread lydia stood in the doorway the north light throwing out the golden glints of her short fluffy hair lydia lvdia cried dawes taking both her hands is it really you al last does it look like me she asked the trunk and the clothes were forgotten until the steps ot the land lady v ere heard on the stairs promise youll stay till i get back and i knew the old hat at once george said lydia little did you think back there in omaha when you chucked me over so heartlessly that 1 would wait through eternity for you if nee essory no i just didn t think at all in those days wehatippose you spend the next two weeks thinkjng of me and making plans so that we may be married when 1 get back i m mar ried to this job right now dear and i m making good on it please7 lydia assured him that she would wait and he left her satisfied that at a big special 1 readers l dfth15 j paper a give yourself and your family enjoy- and entertainment the whole year y selecting one of these ipeciai offers either offer permits a choice of topnotch magazines together with this newspaper for one year choose either offer any 3 magazines from thisust cuour no i mmlemn magazine m tern 1 ti chheuihe 1 tr dnatiohm home mmw 1tl cjuuwuh msuiik ik n lfc qcmlfhunrreimwehtg iff mdm gun itfc duuuhun i0t 1mb suns soieeh iyi rubrrr magazine im d open road for nts it me d american fruit grower 1 yr your newspaper and 1 big magazines grout a n macuans magazine h lm 1 ti chatelaine 1 tl national home monthly i tl canadian magazine 1 tt pictorial review tmltmt 1yj itl 1 tt itl itl ztis itl 1 tr itl delineator cahhortrreahomemag rod gun oiter screen group true story open road for rots american rot parents magazine screenuwl newsweek world 2 seaiq i ahd11ig magazines gbflttment 1 mctose please send me a offer no i czwueat ismchlq offex no j- 1 am checking the magazines desired with a years subscription to your fakr town and province a 706 ajn 828 ajn 1228 pjn 445 pjn 050 pjn 90s pjn to kitchener x 936 ajn c x56 pm xb 850 pm 11j30 ajn a 455 pjn d 1120 pjn x 155 pjn x 655 pjn e 1230 am x through to london ftbtoept and hoi b son ana hol c sat d except sat sun and hoi e sal sun and hol bus depot w a long georgetown directory leeoy dale kc msxbil bennett ba barristers and souetlon georgetown ontario office gregory theatre bldg belli st kenneth h ungdon barrister solicitor notary patdkt first mortgage money to loan office main street south phone 88 georgetown w g grant barrister etc offices mill street georgetown erin phone 234 po box 186 ranev graydon lawrence cook barristers etc 465 bay sc toronto brampton ont el praser raney k h edward qjr gordon graydon 333toain st north brampton telephone 792 harold r lawrence loblaw building brampton telephone 643 f r watson djds muds georgetown office hours 9 to s except thursday afternoons j e jackson dds successor to the late dr gollop m open evenings f phone 224w georgetown frank petch licensed auctioneer for the covntlea of feel and halton prompt service lr3 cheltenham 26 r 23 georgetown post office cheltenham monwnents pollock ingham successors to cater worth gait ont designs on request phone 248 inspect our work in cemetery o a m nielsen s5th tear of practice chiropractor xray drugless therapist lady attendant office over dominion store georgetown hours 2 5 j2c- 920 pjn j closed tharsltay phone istw o o down en the farm two fanners were discussing the poverty or the hay crop owing to the unwesonable weather r mine was so short it was hardly worth cutungaid one short queried the supergrumbler did you see iblhe t had to lather it to mow it

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