Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 19, 1938, p. 6

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join flw axmr ol happy lioaildr who hat ehaagsd to aasuaao amolto- l hamoo ooko onto faoj your toes hamco ri ho j n yopr faolh hawuoh u by w h kentner son j b mackenzie son moving and talking pictures the heart of spain the destruction of shanghai united church auditorium georgetown h riday jan 21sl 1 s p atidress revw b smith ba offering all are invi1 ed expert watch repairs by j h jordan georgetown phone 11 lane block ministering to physical need triform 9uhlvf school lesson jumir cs 193 golden text and he healed many that were sick mark l 34 lesson passage mark 1 2943 at even when the sun was set the sick o lord around thee lay o in what divers pains they metl o with what joy they went away thy touch has still its ancient power no word from thee can fruitless fall hear jn this solemn evening hour and in thy mercy heal us all henry twellst this health qnestlen x9 31 if a survey were made of any veil organised canadian town or city the following health agencies might bef discovered provincial and municipal health- departments waterworks partment general isolation ortho pedic and children s hospitals uurs- ing and rest homes sanitaria health departments in newspapers books and health shops and diet kitchens doctors including allopaths homeopaths osteopaths chiropractors drugless healers faith healers mas seurs herbalists advocates of nat ire remedies health clubs gymnasiums in schools churches ymjca and ywjca drug stores nurses folk lore medical schools and research la boratories sickness costs hundreds of millions of dollars on the north american continent each year in lost time care of the sick and in health and accident premiums modern society has not succeeded very well in preventive medicine though much is being achieved in remedial measures occasionally an epidemic sweeps across the country almost baffling hu man skill clearly the example of jesus is that the sick should be heal ed and cared for if incurable a community picture 3234 at a given moment in almost any unnutnttythe foll sufferers might be listed children afflicted with contagious diseases aged invalids victims of traffic accidents chronics subject to colds pulmonary troubles rheumatism indigestion falling bight or hearing operation cases cancer patients under sentence of death convalescents from infantile paralysis with each autumn thousands fers from hay fever it is not a very happy picture especially when we know that much of the sickness is the direct result of human ignorance sin and carelessness at the close of christ s busy sabbath in capernaum when sunset made it legal to carry the sick a motley crowd with blck bodies and sick minds gathered around peters door they wanted healing more than teaching they had little concern for bad tempers or wrong desires if only they might be freed from their aches and pains jesus wished to tell them about ood but the crowd wanted miracles when faith healers visited a canadian town sufferers came by the dozen the deaf the crippled -some- carried- on stretcher some hobbling on crutches the need and desire for healing art evident of nature a reinforcement of sym pathy and love the consecration to idjoallstlc service in their work re- cape from economic motives after this buy sabbath in cjipemaum chrlstvfelt the need of prayer even moic than of sleep rising up in the morning a great while before day he went out into a solitary place to pray he had to get in order to give ht had to be alone with ood before he could be in public wth people christ knew the necessity of prayer how can his followers ever get along with out it insistent crowds 3639 in capernaum the physical needs of the people hindered the teaching ministry of christ when the dis ciples found him and reported that crowds were still seeking him he de elded to go to other places in order that he might preach where should the modern church place the em phasis- is it true that a minister is called by his ability to preach and judged by his bickvlslting does a forty year ministry of sickvisiting give a minister 8h unhealthy reac tion to life should his full strength be given to the pulpit proclammatioii of the good news of the gospel of course christ did both but he dis covered that physical needs might block spiritual opportunities christ and the lepers 4045 mr w h p anderson a cana dianl general secretary of the mis sion to lepers has written a brief account of the work now being done among lepers in all lands he telis of the beginnings of one of the homes in central india medical help was absent and the missionary told simply and modestly how he dressed with his own hands the open sores of the tuf fers and did what he could to alle viate their distress now forty years after that home has cared for 5 000 lepers and rescued over 700 children enabling them to take their places in the healthy community the efforts of the mission are now being directed specially on behalf of the childleper for the problem of the control of leprosy is found in thi ireveikiertorthe disease in child hood or visit the leper home in jerusalem over the great fron- door are carved upon the stone wo words jesus help its inmntes are mohammedans jews christians a friendly happy family the nurses ratysls move day by day among the leper of ii renvoi is too hart for them na service too mean or trivial doing everything for the helpless ones washing cooking bedmaking ban daging service is their motto and to the service of christ in these his poor ones they have given their ives they live christ among the lepers and they are happy thus does christ still meet the physical neds of sufferers qaestlona for diacoaaion what are the health agencies in your community is sickness or sin fhe chief prob lem in your district how coulo doctors and ministers cooperate is sick visiting an aid or a hin d ranee to effective preaching is leprosy being controlled on a world wide scale power throatfa prayer 35 doctors nurses and all helpers of the sick need rest periods and aca tions the strain upon body ind spirit is very great nurses on twelvt hour duty month after month hurry lng on foot most of the time and with constant drain upon their sympatlu are often near the breaking point a chaplain with the canadian fuee- overseas said that the hardest work he saw done ltr the army was done by nurses in a surgical ward after a battle yet even in peace time the strain upon busy doctors and nurses very great they need phyhtcal rest but they need more they are in need of spiritual renewal the healng 1 vita at the floor a that no needed d it make depend fjft b nttlv patient w contempla etoro and yrfon emitter over w ae toronto l mpport bm u vc sffist space donated byj the georgetown herald new iast ski buns built in rockieb within a short time jasper will di rer the general public skiing condi tlons second to none in the world ac cording to members of the jasper ski club who are bubbling over with en thusiasm over what the future has to offer in this section of the country the canadian rockies for some years have been the summer play grounds of canada and local citizens are convinced that soon the lovers or winter sports will and the same set ting featured as canada s winter playgrounds work on the wtnter feature has been progressing for some time and already one of the most natural ski runs on the continent is available on the whistlers mountain less than two miles from jasper station flail and early winter work has prepared a 1100foot slide 190 feet in width and soon this will be extended to a 2800- foot slide just as fast as the most daring would wish this slide with a 45degree slope at the top offers everything the real su addict could desire skiing in jasper offers every typr pr varied ski running declared free brewster noted trail rider and out fitter whose lifetime ham been spent in the rockies from jasper sta tion headed by guides that know the territory a party can ascend t stages to tekarra valley 8000 feet first there would be nine miles by motor thenalx miles over the ski trail to the first basin on the north and east slopes of maligne range the next lap would be four and a half miles along mountain ridges to big shovel pass where the first night would be spent in a warm cabin then on to little shovel pass where the maligne ski club has a cabin the third night maligne chalet would be reached it is pointed oat that no kind of a ride can quite compare with skiing down the seven mile run in shovel pass country declared mr brewster skiers are therefore offer ed two types of their favorite sport- either a lew days in the mountains with plenty of fun sliding the stopes and spending the nights in comftirt- able cabins or stayingin jasper and enjoying the skiing on the slopes of whjstler and signal mountains the snow conditions are excellent and with fine accommodation always available in the town of jasper skiers have plenty of funin store for them dur ing the winter months up dublin boss rushed into the shop at eight o one monday morn ing and yelled at all the wo today is monday tomorrow is tuea- jdayaiwi the nextday is wednesday hhlthe week gone and youre not started work yet general news in 1932 a man in kingston received relief from the city to the extent ol 140 recently this man went to the city hall and handed the mayor 9147 he stated he had later secured a good position had provided for his wife and family and v saved enough money to pay back to the city the amount spent on him for relief he was certainly an honest man and a real good citizen the hanover post is well repre sented nn hanover council with its editor clayton schaus and its mech anical superintendent bert scarbor ough boh occupying seats on the board shin plasters the small 25 cent paper bills so sought after by tourists and children are to bid farewell tt dominions money markets instruc tions have been issued to banks across canada to return to the mint at ot tawa all shin plasters received in deposits the small fivecent pieces the large twodollar and flve-dollar- bllls the first issue of bank of canada twos and large coppers are also being called in by the mint authorities at a meeting of alton ratepayers held after postponement owing to the illness of the secretary john beer was returned school trustee for school section is although meetings of ioraryjffljrajiadleen marked fly considerable dissension this year s meeting was one of the quietest on record magistrate mckay of hamilton in sists that the license plates belonging to the car of an offending motorist be turned in to the court they will be held for an indefinite tim alongwith the operators permit this deprives the owner of the right to allow any one else to use his car the magis trate is determined to stop reckless driving in that city a verdict of accidental death wax returned at islington on monday by a coroners jury which investigated the death or edward major ferndalc park cheltenham killed an the blooi highway on christmas eve when hie by a car driven by john hoxton 2001 bloor street toronto coroner dr w k fenton presided peels county tax levy due on de cember is amounting to 346 430 has been paid with the exception of the 18 080 due from the township of al bion a larger percentage of the tax levy was prepaid this year than in se veral preceding years preceding years mr kenneth brady of burllngon who has been engaged at farm worn near brampton for the past three months suffered an accident thrus- day afterpoon last when his hand caughlto a buzz saw and mangled two angers on his right hand after medical attention he left for toronto where he will remain with his aster mrs wm bowman until able to re lume his duties mr brady s parents left for england four weeks ago where they will visit for the next three months there was a tworold celebration at the black homestead at nashville on new years day in true scottish custom the black family and their friends would ordinarily celebrate only the birth of a new year but saturday this major event was eclli sed in the celebration of john black 90th birthday the affair an house during the afternoon nd lng was held at the home daughter mrs arthur e jol anthlme blgras 102 of browns burg quebec and his wife st have been married for 74 years blgras at tributed his lifelong perfect health and advanced age to abstinence from liquor and tobacco hard work is another factor he says he is a na tive of hermas quebec road work trucks must obey laws trucks engaged in highway con struction work must comply fully with the rules of the road as laid down in the highway traffic act ruled mag istrate w f woodllffe in toronto township police court on tuesday when james sherman dixie was tried on a test case charged with driving on the wrong side of the road by provincial offi cer a s andrews sherman is em ployed in construction work on new middle road truck drivers have made a prac tice of driving along the left side of the road to avoid a long trip around the boulevard sections declared the officer we have warned several drivers against it but they seem to think they have a right to do 1l that road was built at consider able expense for the safety of tm public said magistrate woodllffe and there may be serious accident if that sort at driving were allowed to continue the case is perfectlj clear according to the highway tra flic act and there will be a convlc uon sherma ntestifled that he had not heard the warnings and knew noth ing of them until summonsed he was given suspended sentence on payment of tl50 costs a good way to pile upenetnies is to give people what you think they want instead of what they ask for oeorge 1 got m real kick out of kissing xatherme last night cnartea more than usual how came oeo fa picobac o shaw schools i business coupes dayniqht correspondence imiiiflittii jrr t f s eavlmpmt banurim jttc permanent waving marcelling finger waving port- appointment phone 90 r 14 nornl orlm woods barber shop and beauty parlor jiorval tt o wood for sale choice beech and maple at m single cord mixed balls 9u0 per cord mixed wood 06 per cord j brandfokd ms arzssj for corns or callouses vm lloyzfs thtmoiatd corn salve desenstttaea and r pain with firs application tod cant lose tour monet back if it i 25 will be paid by the anyone i g a office a earn or e they cannot ranove which i ly fellow op with lloyds appooa- tfcm pads and obtain paxasncttt re- salts for sale by maecoftauctrs drug store phone sz7 geasz- treasurers sale ol land for taxes township op esquxsing county op halton to wit by virtue of a warrant issued by the reeve of the township of eaques- ing bearing date the 13th day of september 1937 a sale of lands la arrears of taxes in the township of esquesing will be held at the council chamber in the village of stewart- town at the hour of ten oclock in the forenoon on the 8th day of pb- jmaryj9mjinlesajhejxeaftnlcobta are sooner paid notdce la hereby given that tha list or lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been prepared that copta of the said list may be had at my office that the ust of lands for snto for arrears of taxes is being publish ed in the ontario gaaetta on tha 6th day of november 1937 the 4th day of december 1937 and the lag day of january 1988 md that in da- mault of payment of taxes and coata the lands win be sold far the nwks taxes and coats oeorqe i- radio repairing we specialize on this work j sanford son kfeooks o o o a thm p gewgdiwibtnh

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