Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 26, 1938, p. 1

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ymymmw9wwihmmrb itwwpw55jhs kiiafesi the georgetowk herald seventyfirst year of publication wdrmday evening january 26th 1938 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa ftwhat will sewage system cost ratepayers of georgetown mayor gibbons gtyes interview to toronto newspaper reporter dr c v williams mqh replies to statements reported the following speared in the toj lonto evening telegram on monday last commenting on the suggestion of c v williams georgetown heal officer of health that the town of georgetown could be sup plied with the beginning of a sewage system at an approximate cost of ssoj00o mayoreibbons said on gat unlay that the probable cost of a latvtomplete sewage system for the town ejh amount to some 300000 ex btuahe of interest and other carry ing charges there is no doubt that certain conditions exist in georgetown that would make the installation of a system of sewers and a disposal plant highly desirable mayor gibbons ex plained but the greatdifnculty to be faced in making such an installa tion is the way in which the town is spread over a large area of low hll it would mean that a great deal of expense would be incurred in pro districts of the town with trunk sewers many of the rest upts of the town probably would be naming to pay as much as fifty dol lars a year for the added convenience and its resulting safeguard of public health but there are also a great many families m the town who could not meet the charges that would have to be levied to pay for such a pro ject there are about 500 families in georgetown mayor gibbons pointed out assuming that the estimate of 300 000 is reasonably correct and the debentures on the sewage system were to be extended over a period of thirty years itiwould mean that each family would be obligated to the ex tent of 20 a year in addition to their other taxes and that there would probably have to be added another ten dollars a year per family for in terest and other charges which would mean that each family would be called upon to pay a total of about 30 a year as there are a great many of the families in georgetown living in rent ed houses it wo jld mean that rents would have to be raided or the lull responsibility for the installation of such a ostem would fall upon the property owners dr williams has said that ln could be two trunk sew ets installed t on the main streets or the town and that a disposal plant could be csn strutted at a total cost of 50 000 this would be a start towards a more efficient system perhaps but a gieat deal of care would be needed in the construction of this portion of the disposal system suggested b dr williams if the town was not to tlnd that this first installation would serve only a small part of the own when other sections were prepared to pay for such a service in speaking to the herald today mayor gibbons said it had not been my intention to make an public statement on the matter at the pres ent time as he realized how deeply interested the m oh is in the public health of the community and that he knew he had given much time and thought to this very important prob lem he thought that at some future time the installation of a sewerage system would be submitted to the people for their approval or disap proval who would later have sewers trunk sewer costs more than ordinary sewers and as they serve the town as a whole the town would bear the difference in cost between it and an prdlnary sewer in short these main streets would pay an amount equal to that charged any other street in town mayor gibbons has been quoted as stating a great deal of oare would be needed in the construction of this portion two trunk sewers and disposal plant of the system suggest ed by dr williams if the town was not to find that this installation would serve only a small part of the town when other sections were pre pared to pay for such a service unwittingly his worship plays into the hands of a small group of citl zens whose attitude is that if his street cannot be provided with sewers the same year as the system is first installed he will do what he can to block the whole scheme the writer has no wish to imply any but the highest motives to mayor gibbons approach to the problem one has the interests of the town more at heart than his worship is to be hoped that he will lend his valued assistance to this very neces sary jyroject thanking you sir i am yours truly c v williams pubuc school board first meeting of the board lor 1946 was held on january 19th members present d p crichton s harrison j d kelly h barnes hugh dickie- the following appointments were made for 1938 chairman hugh dickie secretary treasurer p b harrison attendance officer mrs c freure school nurse miss margaret c kennedy member public library boad ralph boss member entrance board miss a ryan property committee harrison borneo crichton suppl committee kellj cleave the follow inn accounts were pass the ottawa spotlight by spectator ottawa january 25th pursuing its exhaustive inquiry the commission on domimonriprovlncial relations under w n howell have been discussing briefs presented by large national organizations in the quiet of the railway committee room of the house of commons the commissioners have been hearing these briefs explained by the repersentatives of these organ izations what impresses the listener in these hearings is that the submis sion have been elaborately and care fully prepared and that as an ex position of what is wrong they are first rate but thfitrin suggesting rem edles they are not quite so convincing in some cases those appearing before i the commission seem to think that all they need to do is present a picture of conditions asthey exist and the picture is as a rule pretty gloomy and leave it with the commissioners to furnish the remedies the com missioners being human would doubt less welcome aid in solving the co lossal problems which face them in this inquiry constructive suggestions on a wide range of subjects have however been advanced by industrial and social or ganizations such groups as the can adian manufacturers association in surance bodies real estate boards league for social reconstruction leagueof nations in canada etc it would be foolish to hazard a guess at what practical results will come from the hearings of the commission they are a fact finding body and will give recommendations to the govern mrot but it is doubtful if since confederation there has ever been painted a more complete canvas of the inner working of our federal con stitution particularly in its financial features as that now bng made on the records of the commission it is like the picture of oliver- cromwell not a line or wrinkle is left out it would need a very profound and astute student to and out any weak ness in the financial relations be tween the dominion and the provin ces that is not being placed before the commission prom the observers standpoint perhaps the most interesting points brought out in the briefs laid before the commission relate to the country s taxation sjstem a great deal reference has been made fire in brill block last sunday morning started in hughey mc donalds tobacco store and fuijmri parlor what might- have proved a very serious fire was discovered about 830 sunday morning in hughey mc donald s tobacco store and billiard parlor in the brill block by richard marchment who immediately gave the the ore brigade were on hand in remarkably short time and what might have proved a very serious are wasa verted by their prompt action and an adequate water supply considerable damage was done to the butlolng which is owned by mr brill to hughey mcdonalds stock and furnishings and also to the large stock of dry goods etc in mr brill s store immediately above the billiard parlors leper mission the annual meeting of the geoige town branch of the mission to lepers p 9 was held in the sunday school room or the united church wednesday evening jan 19th the president mrs e e young occupying the chair the devotional exercises were con ducted by rev p c overend and rev d d davidson and closed with a beautiful message in song by mes- dames vannatter and feller rev j h schultz superintendent i of the leoer home at chandakhuri central india was the guest speaker he presented to a keenly interested audience an account illustrated b moving pictures of life at this -ta- uon where for sixteen years he has been engaged in the work carried on b this world wide interdenomina tionai society organized to provide care and healing to the thousands of lepers in eastern lavds sixty five years ago a british po lice official in india mr wellesley bailey was moved with compassion for the thousands of poor lepers who wandered about uncared for sidered by their own people accursed of the gods and therefore driven from home and friends he decided to de vote his life to the amelioration of their lot through his efforts other waste chrltslans became interested in carry- cd hvdro flectrlc georgetown lumber co mcbftin a co f v maccormack g r muckart the board will meet on the secono tuesdnj of each month r s 8 31 6 10 2 jr 21 70 36 00 and duplication in the astern and a j out the definite command greater consolidation and centraliz- thiir lord to cleanse the leptr ation of tax collecting media in he i command which tor centuries had countrj are suggested as a means of be neglected now in 47 homes remedying to some extent at least at 44 aided institution throughout these defects 1 tl p world 20 000 lepenf receive care within a few davs now the new i session of parliament will open and the speech from the throne will out lint in general forrr the main feat 11 res ol the legislation which the jrpi government will brinir before parlin mrnt letters hovi been sent to the provincial premiers iniormink them nf the nature of the pro josed am nd men in the brrhth no america ort which would rive the dominion i the powir to pass an uni mploympnt i ns iranci act tin wording of the intendment woild be simple enough 20 000 lepei plrltual and material during cent vears in cases where treatment is ktxen r uic earl stages of the til cise healing has come to hun lot of business transacted at town council meeting grants made to band and choral society henry shepherd appointed fire chief r b foulis reappointed member of high school board town officials ap- pointed accounts passed directors of the countv agricultural society at last imptj adding to the powers dcslg nated as 1 ndcr the jurisdiction of 1 brought not onh information iht dominion a phrose referring 10 mc hetrtening revelation in mplovment insurnnci amend nts have been made to the const 1 eatlv this last has been a rompllshed as a result of medical re s iron in crtmian hospitals- an other of the monv instances w irre the church has led the wa followed later bv government and coram miu effort fi 1 the common good s nn educational film illustrative ie folowlng officers or the brigade of hdlm life the picluns bnownbtrr mounted for 1938 fire chief- mr scrmitrposesssed hih value and i j shepherd at a salary to the funds of the lepers thev s7 w p an deputj fire chief council met 4n special session at a pm on thursday evening last members present mayor gibbons reeve davis councillors cripps brown hall costlgan lyons and smith e r magloughlen and frank mc donald asked for a renewal of their btlllard room licenses a herbert and h hale asked for a grant for the lome scots band mr jos young wilfrid leslie and miss m erwln on behalf of the choral society asked for finanolal assistance communications were read from bowman toronto western hospital railway tax distribution s mills canadian legion provincial dept of health l m langdon ontario municipal association weston sani tarium moved by thomas l lyons second ed by a e crips that the billiard room licenses of e r magloughlen and hughey and mcdonald be re newed for 1938 at the same fee as for 1937 carried moved by thos l lyons seconded by n h brown that e oole and mrs f nodwell be appointed mem bers of the cemetery board for the years 1038 1939 and 1m0 carried moved by davis seconded by cos tlgan that j m moore be appointed a member ol the public -library- board for the years 1938 1939 and 1940 carried moved by james costlgan seconded by j hall that s mills be allowed to put in a gas pump in front of the saxe building on gufijph st subjec to the approval of the hign waj deportment carried moved by w f smith seconded by thos l lyons that we make a grant of 40 00 to the choral so clety to assist in the paying of rent carried moved by j hall seconded by g w davis that we make a grant of 700 to the lome scots band for 1938 caried moved by n h brown seconded bj a e cripus that the canadian legion be granted the use of the park on july 1st and also street privileges on june 30th carried moved by thos l lyons seconded by a e cripps that the treasurer pav tnc relit f commkdnn the sum of 177 94 to paj december accounts carried moved by james costlgan second tti b n h brown that on the commendation of the fire brigade joint address of both houst niqual meeting failed to support the rtutlon of australia in a similar ingestion of vice president william the acti al woy in which the amend bovaird that the fair would obtain greater support if it were held in the tirly summer the suggestion came titer a lengthy debate as to the best date on which to hold an exhibition hits year favorable dates having al ready been chosen by other fairs in the vicinity the society had a much more sue cessful year financially than for a considerable term of years previous ly during the year 730 was paid off the mortgage o t fair gro correspondence jan 24th 1938 the editor georgetown herald dear sir in reply to statements reported to have been made by mayor gibbons to a toronto newspaper concerning installation or a sewer system may the writer be permitted to make a few remarks in the herald the statement has been made that the probable cost of installation at a complete sewer system in georgetown would be about 300000 not includ sag carrying charges 1 no figure as to cost is an 1 thing more than conjectural in the absence of a survey by sanitary en gineers and estimates by contractors the mathematical calculation of his worship in arriving at an annual c o 30 for each family is there ibrethlsleadtng pnd of no value 2 when a municipality installs sidewalks paved roads etc esti mates are never provided for their complete installation as a single ven ture the cost would appear at first prohibitive why then should a pro posed sewer sys be treated in this manner in the case of side walks paved roads etc the municipality through taxation charg every tax payer with his proportion ven ingh his street is not benefitted art the time those householders whosoi p abuts these improvements pay an extra sum through their local tanprovement tax for the increased value of their property a sewer ys i tern can be installed in exactly the same manner 3 mayor gibbons seems to infer that the town as a whole will be taxed to pay for the trunkaewers in stallation on the main streets this j-jr- is nottha case if trunk sewer were installed on two main streets in georgetown the property owners aesved by them would pay a proportion of the cost at the same rates as other streets v 4- i and the year was completed with balance of 1441 dominion govern metn grants obtained when the falr moved into class b totalled more than 13300 the totattumover for the year was 7834 assets were list ed at 12910 and liabilities includ ing a mortgage of 7300 at 8289 officers elected were president alex mckinney jr vicepresidents william bovaird fred mobride dl rectors chlnguaeousy mel ackroyd jack fraser aiken dolson toronto township haddon pegg j h mc cracken t h graham douglas dun ton brampton amott mcclure l j c bull charles fendley n j alteman ivan lavery toronto gore n s llndsey wilbur nix caledon watson wiggins auditors j a mc bride w j fraser ladies auxiliary canadian legion elect officfrs the lauies auxiliary canadian le gion held their election of officers on thursday last jan 21st with tne following results president mrs j kemshead 1st vicepresident mrs f mc cartney 2nd vicepreslcent mrs h perry secretary mrs t grieve treasurer mrs c stacev past president mrs f bralsby standarcrbearer mrs c davis sick visitor mrs b hurley social convenor mrs w roney the election was conducted by the president of the branch cot g o brown who also installed all officers his assistants were com j smith and com h harlow refreshments were served by the 1937 officers card of thanks hughey and mcdonald wish to ex press their appreciation to the mem bers of the georgetown fire brigade tor the splendid work they wd in extinguishing the fire on their prop erty last sunday morning shepherd thev s cr anmim lt a 1 domld latimer at a salary hetrtenin revelation of the 50 p annum truck driver and iav hi investment of dollar and ca laker of fire hall stanley rnl can be transmuted into hunan l yon a of 45 00 per an nppii s as the peaker explained in out of these homi 1 f limn carried moved b f smith seconded ment would bemade would be throurh ieperprindie fct has he not n j b j hn i j 1 home two niillament to the british parliament dothinr and even the auretment of the british pari la l m addition ment would be mcrelv a formality it is fair to assume that the ses sion will be lively and probably quite long the question of power ex port tariffs defence unemployment relief and insurance trade relations and treaties and many other ques ttons will give plenty or scope for discusslon western members have alreadyindlcalcd their intention or making reductions in tariffs on form equipment and other articles used in their part of the country a subject of categorical questioning celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary mr and mrs philip buck celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary on thursday last at their home near zimmerman mr buck who is 78 years of age and mrs buck nee catherine mccanni 77 years of age were both bom bo halton county of united empire loyalist stock after their marriage they lived for a time in haldlmand and lincoln counties and then went to british columbia later returning to ottawa valley where they lived for 13 years after which time they came back to haltop county and have lived here for the last 30 years mr and mrs buck have two sons oliver of oakvlue and robert of bronte and two daughters mrs irene poxcroft toronto and mrs 8 jjrjdge man living at home with her parents they also have is grandchildren mr buck is blind but tor years has walked over two miles every sunday in all kinds of weather to at tend sunday school and church he is very proud of the fact that he never touched liquor or tobacco peel hoebtein breeders elect- officers byron jenvlex of the holstein frleslan club of canada and p w watson of the ontario uveatodt branch were the guest speakers at saturday s annual meeting of the peel holstein breeders association under the presidency 6t robert cool er mono road the foktwtng new officers were elected president e w eellam woodhridge vtcepresl dents andrew giffen victoria andt douglas dunton britannia secre tarytreasurer hugo lyons chelten ham the therape itic fleet or realizing himself one of a eommunitj to the well being of which hu dally work graded according to the strergth and ability of the pati ent 1 is a very definite contribution the message of the love of god in christ jesus for even a leper is in some cases too much for him to grasp at first taught as hf had been that his affliction was a punishment for sin committed in a previous in carnation pictures were shown of the daily activities of the 50 patients at chandakhuri planting cultivati lg and harvesting of rice gardening poultry raising and dairying building hospital work etc boy scout and girl guide training in athletics ana games for the youthful patients and also for the segregated colony of un tainted children ere among the most interesting scenes one pic ture showed the wedding of a young couple who were leaving the home together to start life again as healthv members of society to carry the good news of a god who loves even the leper under the supervision of a small staff of europeans all the work is done by the indians themselves and is so well organllced that 10 cents a day pays for the care of a leper inmate the maintenance and exten slon of the work is dependent on the interest in christian lands dona tions sent to the local treasurer will be gladly received or to rev h n konkle secretary for canada at the mission for lepers 866 bay st to ronto following are the officers of the georgetown branch for the ensuing year president mrs a reeve vicepresident miss m young secretary mrs j l lambert treasurer mrs w tyndall very sincere expressions of appre elation of the service to the leper work of our late vicepresident mrs annie wlnfleld were voiced by mrs young and mrs davfoot embodied bo a resolution will be re corded in the minutes modemlslns it f- you have heard said the pro fessor that babyion fell and nine veh was destroyed and some one in the das tyre was punctured point a milk inspector for the town of georgetown for the year j938 be now read a second and third times and finally passed and the blanc be filled in with the name of dr r learmonth at a salary of 20000 per annum paid annually carried moved by w f smith seconded by j hall that bylaw no to ap point an assistant collector of water rates for the town of georgetown be now read a first time carried moved by g w davis seconded by h brown that bylaw no to appoint an assistant collector of water rates tor the town of george town be now a second and third tunes and finally passed and the seal of the corporation be attached thereto and the blank filled in with name of p b harrison at a salary of 30 00 per nnniim carried moved by a e cripps seconded by j hall that bylaw no to author ize the issuing of debentures to pay offthe balance of the housing loan to the government be now read a first time carried moved by w p smith seconded by a e cripps that bylaw no to authorize the issuing of debentures to pay off the balance of the housing loan to the government be now read a second time carried it was moved and seconded that the treasurer pay the following ac counts e c thompson court services 4 00 william ward court services 4 00 h m dewar stenographers fees 2 00 bell telephone co mun office 6 05 chiefs residence 2 25 f c whitmee streets 6 00 relief 200 william ingles streets fred sinclair town truck a- livingstone streets hydro electric town hall 5 58 fire alarm i 25 mun office 2 07 power 1875 street lights 591 25 618 90 the bristol company of canada ww 6 19 w h kentner c son coal 27 20 w g marshall truck license 2 00 fire truck license 2 00 postage 1 od exchange 80 5 80 municipal world stationary etc 17 00 canadian bras co w w 3 91 r h thompson co housing commission 51 58 r w robb stationery 75 council adjourned 830 8 00 36 00 4 50 8 13 meals a day a change of t appointed ntghtp constable for uie blanket of hls of gcore b tne mo at a salar of 50 00 per month carried mov b jas costlgan seconded byn r brown that the motionap pointing william etnmerson as night constable be rescinded carried moved by n h brown seconded by jamc costlgan that william emmerson be appointed night con- 1 stable by the month at a salary of smrooper month carried yeas j costlgan brown hall smith lyons cripps and gibbons nays davis moved by j hall seconded b a cripps that we request the high school board to advance to the cur- i rent account of the town the amount of their county grant as re ceived same to be returned as re quired and all by the end of the year carried moved by g w davis seconded by w f smith that r b foulis be ap pointed a member of the high school board for the ears 1938 1939 and 1940 carried moved by thos l lyons second ed by a e cripps that bylaw no to appoint a sanitary inspector and one member of the local board of health be now read a first time carried moed by n h brown sec by w f smith that bylaw no to appoint a sanitary inspector and one member of the local board of health be now read a second and third time and f passed and the seal of the corporation- be attached thereto and the blanks filled in with the names of w g marshall a sani tary inspector and harry gordham as member of the board of health carried moved by j hall seconded by thos l lyons that by law no to appoint a weed inspector for the town of georgetown for the year 1938 be now read a first time car ried moved bv g w davis seconded by james costlgan that bylaw no to appoint- a weed inspector for the town of georgetown for the year 1938 y now re a second and third times and finally passed and the seal of the corporation be attached thereto and the blank be filled in with the name of w g marshall carried car stolen in georgetown recovered in brampton thieves make their get away after police chase when john hore of orangeville supervisor of the shell oil co was making a call at the shell service station guelph and main streets georgetown last thursday night his car was stolen by two youths from in front of the- station chief w 3 marshall was notified and in less titan half an hour the car was seen pro ceeding south on main st bramp ton constable armstrong saw tne car coming and stepped out on the road the car stopped and tne two occupants fled in opposite directions the officer went utter one of the men he pursued him over back fences and shouted to hun to stop the man kept going the officer fir ed a warning shot the man still kept going and soon disappeared centennial committee report the centennial committee instruct ed the secretary treasurer to publish a surnmary of the receipts and ex- pendltures when all accounts had been paid trie auditors have just certified them as correct as summari sed herewith receipts oontributions 353 85 municipal grant 138 97 pageant 303 75 banquet 159 50 ball 40 00 sale of decoration daj photos 7 00 lacrosse gate money 10 25 balance of community service collection 12 5v miscellaneous 31 43 moved by n h brown seconded by thos t lyons that bylaw noto appoint a milk inspector for the town of georgetown be now read a first time carried moved by a e cripps seconded by g w davis that byiaw no to fcp- expendrrures cornation day decoration day centennial ball high school reunion banquet pageant recreation general 2 50 34 39 33 35 11 73 344 80 360 ss 34 00 334 99 first girl georges tnade me laugh second girlit tickled me too the mills of the gods grind slow and that s also the way the old head works when youye trying to think m a snappy retort to somebody wise crack

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