Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 26, 1938, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 26th 1938 georgetown herald lilgllsai bales ij per year la advance ynlted states 5qe additional single copies 3c both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested adverttalnc bates legal no tion 13c per line for brat in sertion 7c per line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line for each insertion ft in black face type 6c per line additional notices quahfyingj as comlnk brents such atr concerts entertainments so ciety church or organization meetlngswx 8c per line mini mum charge 28c reports of mfffittngs beki gladly insetted free in memorising notices 50c- and xoo per line extra for poems birth marriage and death notices 50c smau ad vertisements one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 16c for each subsequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the herald accepts advertising in its columns on the under standing that it will not be liable for any error in any ad vertisement published hereun der unless a proof of such ad vertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to the herald business office duly sign ed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections jalaln- ly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed each a proportion of the entire cost of such adver tisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whple space occupied by such advertisement j m moore publisher phone 8 georgetown j how old is a g puxal sharfca a problem the question bow old is ann refers to an old 4n axiomatical prob lem which had a wide vogue at the beginning of the twentieth century on october 12 4003 the new york press in its column on the tip of the tongue printed the following letter submitted by a correspondent who signed himself john mahon and gaye his residence as brooklyn is twentyfour years oldt she is twice as old as ann was when she was as old as ann is now how old is ann now a says the answer is sixteen b says twelve which is correct mark sullivan in our times says that this letter started people sharpening pencils over the entire country and for half jt dozen years remained a subject of dispute and means of pastime the imperfect manner in which the problem was stated bottf the answers given were incorrect not only confused those attempting to solve it but also con tributed to the fascination of the task several persons it was re ported went insane trying to find out how old ann was all sorts of ann problems some of them en tirely new and some of them merely modifications of the original were published for the amusement of the public from what source the writer of the letter printed in the new york press obtained the original prob lem is not known that it ante dates 1903 in one form or another is probable some people have at tributed the original ann problem to sam loyd an inventor of puz zles and braintwisters cut there is no evidence to support the claim the problem as stated in the paper presents no particular mathemati cal difficulties and is readily solved by algebra the answer is that ann is eighteen years of age says a writ er in thetndianapohs news martha or mary i cannot choose i should have lltced so much to sit at jesus feet to feel the touch of his kind gentle hand upon mj head while drinking in the gracious words he said and yet to serve him o divine employ to minister and give the master joy to bathe in coolest springs his weary feet and wait upon htm while he sat meat worship or service which ah that is best to which he calls us be it toll or rest to labor for him in life s busy stir or seek his feet a silent worshipper vocation plan for students sanest dominion government in augurate system to adviae yaang people regaitunf best careers extension of the dominion govern ments guidance porgramme through the dominion employment service in cooperation with the provincial de partments of education was suggest ed to the roweu commission at ot tawa recently by the canadian teachers federation committee the federation represents 30 000 teachers throughout the dominion the committee was led by j w hose- worthy toronto president of the on tario secondary teachers federation mnorris and l s titus were sir edmund androa waa able colonial governor sir edmund andros was born on the island of guernsey in the chan nel inlands on december 6 1637 and died in london in february 1714 his family belonged to the feudal aristeercy of that island as a frieritof the duke of york he came to new york as governor in 1674 remaining there until 1681 five years later says a writer in the detsdit news he returned to the colonies to carry out james iis idea of consolidating the new eng land colonies into one royal prov- ce when they heard of the landing of william of orange in england in 1689 the people of boston rose and seized the royal officers including andros himself he was returned to england for trial but acquitted and in 1692 was appointed governor of virginia where for five years he had considerable success from 1704 to 1706 he was lieutenant goernor guernsey hejjjtoeary of american biography states that though not popular with advocates f democratic government never theless he was one of the ablest english colonial governors of the seventeenth century he was es sentially a soldier and where sol dierlyqualities were needed his rule was excellent but he lacked under standing of business affairs and of puritan psychology that england valued his services is shown by his long years in office and his appoint ment to difficult posts the committee referred to the ex perimentation which is being under taken in the training and guidance of unemployed youth by means or the mflaondobar vote of the current year vocational guidance for the young people concerned is an integral part of this programme the committer re marked and such guidance could be extended through the medium of the dominion employmit service to the students of the schools the unifica tion of the provincial employment services as suggested by premier king in bis recent letter to provincial pre miers would greatly facilitate such ar arrangement reference was made to the organi zation of the unemployment ex change system in oreat britain near ly thltry years ago which includes boys and guis within its scope which advises these young peopls re garding their careers a system something like this was urged canada nell i hear that you and elmer are engaged i donl suppose he you that he was engaged to me last year beu well dear he did say some thing about there being things in bis pashe was ashamed of but he dldn go into details ried in and walked out ttyi four friends were stretcherbearers but christ was the soul surgeon the crowd that came to hear a messaga saw a miracle there is a relation between sickness and sin but we must be on guard against asserting golden text son thy sins arefthat individual sickness is invariably ministering to spiritual needs internattooal unlfana saaday school imsdevjtaiunuy 30 uss forgiven mark 2 lesson passage mark 2 113 and some have found the world b vain yet from the world they break not free and some have friends who give them pain yet have not sought a friend in thee and none o lord have perfect rest for none are wholly free from shi and they who fain would serve thee best are conscious most of wrong within a cottage meeting lfi christ taught on week days as well as on sabbath indoors as well as outdoors in a home as well as in a temple or synagogue in the evening as well as by day christ regarded teaching as his chief work healing was occasional and secondary peter and his wife helped jesus by placing their home at his disposal even though the roof had to be repaired next day peters home was the more sacred to him because jesus made it his stop pingplace while in capernaum and used it as a place for teaching and healing how often the paralytic would return to see the roof through which he had been let down and to tell of the marvellous change that had come into his life through the forgiveness of shms and the cure of his ailment nineteen centuries afterwards christian people sing a hymn telling of what happened that memorable evening at peters home by hospitality friendships meetings and family love we may use our homes for christ entertaining a sunday school class may endanger the furniture but save the pupils conversions can happen in homes as well as in churches an unconventional interruption 3 4 jesus liked unconventional people zacchaeus climbi a tree mary breaking the alabaster box peter jumping into the lake and these four friends tearing up the roof and letting their sick friend down at tne feet of jesus as he taught in the crowded room there was no word of rebuke either from jesus the speaker of the evening or from peter the owner of the house christ was much more concerned about forgive ness than form about cures than conventionalities he always wel comed interruptions the people wno wanted to see him were the oeople he wanted to see later he rebuced his disciples tor trjtng to send tn children awa and here he turned an impromptu situation into a spiritual opportunity for him the point oi tension was the plate or strategj at a morning sen ice in an ontario village bjjkapcd inmate from s mental hospital walked up into the pulpit during the sermon the min ister was not perturbed for a mo ment but put his arm around the suffer spoke to him like a brother welcomed htm in the name of the congregation prayed a never-to-be- forgotten prnjer and walked arm in arm with him to his home forgiven and heated 5 9 the paralytic came seeking health and found forguencss he was car- due to individual sm often it not sometimes people have nervous breakdowns through devotion to duty where they feel impelled to sacrifice self for the sake of others by tho same token we cannot blame provi dence if we break physical laws driving on wet pavements with smooth tires or in heavy traffic with faulty brakes as a rule we are much more sensluve to physical pain than to spiritual ill health christ was able to heal both body and soul moral miracles are even more amaz in than muscular m when christ lives in our hearts by faith our bodies benefit through purity gladness and inner peace the toot meaning of salvation is health christ safeguards health in body mind and spirit the critics cotrfownded 1ml christ knew what was in the minds of his critics without them speaking a word their faces revealed their thoughts christ looked into their very hearts he did what they could not do the scribes were negative and shut themselves out from christs help the paralytic and bis four friends were positive and went away rewarded christ demonstrated his threefold power of teaching healing and character changing all tho scribes did was to criticise then- doctrines about god blinded them from seeing ood at work they were- given an object lesson that they could not deaf instead of having then- hearts softened they were probably more angry than ever they were the official and accredited teachers of religion but christ demonstrated the power of the living ood john wesley found it easier to preach to sinful colliers than to the sermon- hardened pagans of the pews many people have been inoculated with such small amounts of christianity that they have become immune to the real thing christs power pe rate u there was no room for doubt when a paralytic who was carried to peters house picked up his pallet and walk ed out yet the spiritual transforma tion through forgiveness of sins was much more remarkable than the physical cure the healed man did not need to say anything it was enough for him to walk and have his face beam with gratitude for release from guilt the spectators could not analyse the cure or reason it out all that they could do was to glorify ood saying we never saw the like of it moffatt the mass movements in india sajs bishop azariah are not i sendees but to te due to evangeusuo send influence of changed uvea low caste people see other low caste people who are living with new mot ives they ask if it can happen to them people seeto radiant christ- mas new standards of truth love and service and desire to find for them selves what others nave found hr christ the best witness we can i one christian life our ever own qnettlotu for plat itwrtiju 1 am i uamg my home for ood 3 are there ever any spiritual sur prises in our congregation 3 do i spend more time on soul or body ido i think in terms of minus or plus is my dally life a- good witness for christ b jjft cnr time table standard time going eaat 710 ajn passenger and matt 1008 am passenger and mall v 840 jtm passengers for toronto 917 pjn passengers sundays only 713 pja going west pa and mall usihl canadai938j l impmiu tomcc01 fi impmiu towccoy iihpwit htoomim friday 10 pm est stations croc cbl expert watch repairs by j h jordan georgetown phone 11 lane block grapevine telegraph the grapevine telegraph is in origin a picturesque brother of the underground railway according the dictionary the phrase was coined during the civil war as the underground railway was a secret and guarded means of sending slaves from the south to freedom so the grapevine telegraph was any devious or covered means by which news or rumor traveled by private letter by word of mouth and so on communication was not well organ ized and there were many false war reports afloat reports not to be easily and speedily silenced tales and canards of mysterious origin were said to have come by grapevine telegraph the diction ary still see to limit the use of the term to mysterious rumors and fabricated reports but by exten sion the grapevine route is any means of communication which is not easily detected or which is able to smuggle its messages past bar riers intended to keep them out debts collected one of the two largest stores in toronto wrote us on decem ber 22nd 1007 as follow we should like to express to you our appreciation or the very satisfactoryway in which you obtain settlement ofour ac- let n help you too kelly 4 aiken the oaoeetton speetaltetf orangevnxk ont e5tl0tm getting results zoo calendar if you ask a kirghiz his agejae may reply i was born n th y of the dog and have lived five rounds for these nomad tribes ol mongol tartar descent know noth ing px our western calendar they have a system of their own dividing time into rounds consisting of 12 of our years each round is subdivided into 12 parts named aft er an animal hence you will hear of the year of the snake the year of the horse or the year of the bear a big 5pecial mkrten steals its nest according td louis piguter the naturalist the pine marten now rare in most sections uvea in the densest of forests when the- female is on thepointof giving birth to her young she looks out for a squirrels nest and having surprised and de voured the proprietor installs her self tnareut readers of this paper qfftfl km 3 magazines from this list group no 1 d mmum ruguue h torn 1 1t chatojune lit kttoml h0e mumi lit caittmhl ugiznc n mctmutret aw o desneator- give yourself and your family enjoy ment and entertainment the whole year through by selecting one of these special offers jemier offer permits a choice of topnotch magazines together with tms newspaper choose emcft offer offet i a itt itt cakhwirre 4h0k mas proo anobtm damehcan kt ism d aiver screen itr dnuelltr magazine 1mb dokn road for ton 1mb a ameiiciuinaat grower- in your newspaper and mo magazines 2 rt no j magazine from brow a i magazine nam group 1 oroupca a macuam magaine m fca i tr qchmoawe itr mattohu home monthly i yt cjuudur magazine 1 yt nctomal reylevaar delineator neak hortme 1 home mag jjrootgw slyer screen group i tide story open road for roys american rot mrentt magazine- itt itt itt itt nscreemarb jhewhteek 75 lyt 11a itr itt itt aksbqimk your newspaper and 1 mg magazines cboumbh ibktp4- hticsenome o qffbina 1 ahcnxmaa ob no j i am cheadm mi maoazihcs desimp wih a ysmcs sutsaurnon to rout faio name t sr o kn town aho movimct the geortetown henli rablwhr an nntotor mfember of the ouiadlui woaklj neiraider association oi passenger and mall sunday gahw north mail and passenger going seetth mail and passenger 1134 fteq 2jm pm 1225 ajn 1100 pun o time table gray coach lines coaches leave gbob0btown a 7 06 ajn 926 am 1228 pjn 415 pjn 650 pjn 90s pan to kitchener x 935 ftn c 255 pan zb 850 pjn 1120 ajn a 4a5 pjn d 1130 pjn x 155 pjn x 655 pjn e 1330 mn i through to london a except bun and hoi b sun and hoi c sat d except sat sun and hoi e sat son and hoi btjs depot w h long 89 georgetown directory leroy dale kc m sybil bennett ra barristers and sobcttors georgetown ontario offlce gregory theatre bldg mill st h langdon barrister solicitor notary pnbtio first mortgage money to loan- office main street south phone 88 georgetown w c gbant barrister etc mill street georgetown erin phone 234 po box raney gbaydon lawrence cook barristers etc 465 bay sl toronto brampton oat e praser raney kc h edward cook gordon oraydon 333 main st north brampton telephone 792 harold r lawrence loblaw building brampton telephone 643 f r watson djs mjd s georgetown office hours 8 to 5 except thursday afternoons j e jackson djds successor to the late dr gouop open evenings phone 224w georgetown frank petch licensed auctioneer for the ocmniies of peel and hatton prompt service cheltenham 26 r 23 georgetown 61 r 3 post offlce cheltenham monuments pollock ingham successors to cater worth gall ont deciriunjtemest phone jems inspect our work in greenwood cemetery o a m nielsen 5tb year of practice chiropractor xray drugtess therapist lady attendant offlce over dominion store georgetown hours 3 5 7so 930 pjn closed tharsday phone 15w o o a man with a big wart on his chin dropped into a doctors office to have it removed when he failed to w- turn for additional treatment tfae doctorphaned hhn to ask how tht i wart waagrtong along just floe replied the patient my face u gone but the wart la still there sjwlwswwgiiajw

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