Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 26, 1938, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 26thj936v page 5 he was always tiredand ill three complaints gave him a miserable time suffering from three complaints disordered kidneys sciatica and rheumatism how could this man be anything else but always tired and jll this is what he writes up to a month or so ago x had suffered continually from kidney dis order sciatica rheumatism and gen erally felt off colour i was coh- stiuitly tired and under medical mib- ervlsiqn i tried many remedies bijt without effect until i gave kruscheu salts a trial tri four weeks kruschea has brought about a complete trans formation i have a healthy appe tite and once more feel that it is good to be alive svj the kidneys are the filters of the human machine if they become sluggish impurities find their way into the bloodstream and the seed of half adostl common ailments is sown the scientific combination salts in kruschen quickly coaxes he kidneys tjack to nealthy normal ac tion soon your ailments are relieved and life becomes a joy again glen williams the annual vestry meeting of st albans church was held on tuesday evening january 18th with the rec tor rev w o o thompson presid ing very satisfactory reports were presented by the churchwardens ladies guild sunday school and aypa mr robert eason was-elect- ed rectors warden and mr m merryday peoples warden the sides men and the- board of m were reelected mr joseph beau mont was vestry clerk s ashigrove and joy ruddell and another paper by mr prank southern the children greatly enjoyed a sleighriding party at ward and doris brownridges home on saturday afterd noon they also showed keen ap- proval of the lovely lunch served mr and mrs horace barnes of milton visited wllii mr and mrs n c wrigglesworth on sunday jan 23rd an occasion or two birthday celebrations acton drives injured when sleigh upsets frank king driver or haddells bakery received a badly sprained ankle and bruises when the sleigh which he was driving turned over on chapel st last thursday evening he was gfrenvmedical attention by dr reg paul and later taken to his home an xray revealed no bones broken but a badly sprained ankle that will keep him off duty for some time r read it or nota horse has eyebrows the womens institute ibeld their regular meeting as an open one on thursday night january 20th- at the home of mrs arthur ruddelu the usual roll call minutes and business items were taken first then the motto do not waste your time look ing at youf hill climb it was a real collection of beautiful thoughts welded together an instrumental duet by misses isabel wrigglesworth and ruth dierlam was much enjoyed at this time the men were invited in to hear the splendid paper on the history of the scotch block given by mrs hector bird following the singing of the national anthem everyone played either progressive euchre or crokinole the prizes going to mr and mrs c b dick for euchre and to mr and mrs ward ruddell for crokinole a tasty lunch was served by the hostess and the com mittee in charge of this delightful evening the first meeting of the ypu on sunday night was most encouraging with a good attendance and a well prepared program the main paper was given and illustrated by miss zeta graham under whose direction this meeting was held the program continued interspered with musical numbers and readings which were a piano solo by mr j bird a read ing by miss isabel wrigglesworth a duet by misses frances wrjggesworth at the last meeting of council the clerk reported that approval of judge munro had been given on the sale of the shoe factory building thc value fixed by judge munro an building was 000 possesstsbr the building will be assumed on feb- ruary 1st but the municipality must prepare the building immediately for occupancy the purchasers under the agreement of sale agree to employ at least fifty employees for 9 months in every year for seven years payments commence on february 1st arid the deed of the property is vest ed tri the corporation until all pay- unents are completed at the annual meeting of erin fair mr r j kerr was made honorary president of the board- this is two wellearned honors conferred on mr kerr this week acton fair also placed him in a similar position mr joseph ftynnhad the misfor tune to be kicked on the leg by one 01 the horses he was tending the injury has been painful and mr flynn has been laid up mr james gibbons suffered a badly crushed hand when he was at tending one of his horses that was sick rev and mrs e a brooks have during the week taken up residence in st albans rectory and last sun day mr brooks occupied the pulpits in st albans acton and st johns rockwood free press finest opals come from coober pedy s australia from coooer pedy in south aus tralia come many of the worlds fin est opals it is a queer community which sends these dazzling jewels to adorn the ladies who require add ed adornments to make them im posing or intriguing states a writ er in the chicago tribune the sev eral hundred inhabitants ot coober pedy live in caves because the set tlement is 150 miles from a rail road even the branch of the com monwealth bank and general stores have no buildings all business is transacted jnmonmadecaves the excavations are tetv- to fifteen feet dep and are warm in winter and cool in summer when the thermom eter climbs to 110 degrees they refluife no timbering t there are fireplaces chimneys ventilators shelves and bunks cut into the cave walls gasoline cans serve as ta bles and chairs water is scarce but government provided a dam and reservoir from which it delivers water to the caves there are no rents nor taxes the opal gougers and their families live under primi tive conditions but are reported to be a contented jot the- solid earth is veined with gypsum and is easy to work to find the opals the miners merely dig deep holes into the weathered crust of theridge until the band a hard thin stratum is reached under this is the opal dirt the opals are found in pockets with his small pick the miner scratches arouncl until he strikes something hard then he drops his pick lo use his gouge a pointed short iron tool with a hole for the inser- tion of a lighted candle if there is opai there the candle light will reflect its iridescent glint and gleam if the fossicker is lucky he may strike it rich some day and find a gem worth a fortune choice fresh and cured meats kings government inspected for your protection choice tender steaks round 23c u sirloin 25c lb porterhouse 29 rib roasts prime tender 23 clb xean meaty pot roasts shoulder roasts 1 sc lb fresh ground lean hamburg stk 2 u- 25c i rump roasts 1 7c brisket and boiling beef 122 a lean boneless stewing beef 2 29c choice round steak roasts 21c fresh picnic style pork shoulders 17c freak cat bu pork chops 23c n halt or whole pork hams 22c b sweet pickled cottage rolls 23c u hoootlobf womsror weeks teh hist prizes bw1mdi un wis 23c special sunnyside brand fjntgrade creamery butter 2 lbs 69c special standard quality peas corn tomatoes 3 tins 29c choke boneless and railed veal roasts 23 c lb shewing veal 25c j country style lure cubic sausage 2 bb 25c liver 2 25c 5 special sugartcured breakfast bacon by the r piece or diced c lb oranges juicy mealum lars 2 35e 35 extra large silvebbjucrlt salmon half or whole fish 12vic fresh fillets lb 29c pacific average 3 to 4 iba sea trout 15c telephone 27 w m kxn g prompt delivery l old testament mentions both plough ploughing in the oldest writings with which we are all familiar the books of the old testament occasional ref erences are found to the plough and ploughing and these invariably of such wording as to prove the opera tion a matter of course for in stance observes a writer in the montreal herald isaiah 28 24 reads doth the ploughman plough all day to sow doth he open and break the clods of his gromia the idea was evidently as general as today and the purpose the same but the implement the plough quite different a sbrt of iron pointed or fire hardened stick or crotched limb as quite often a type of stone or metal hoe that was about 800 years before christ micah 200 or 300 years earier said that peace should come and men would beat their swords into ploughshares not much of a ploughshare as we know it but evidently such as used at that time writers of th long ago sai litth of the plough or ploughing they recognized it as the basic opera tion in agriculture the great basic industry and that was enough for who needled to say anything about something everybody knew all about and that was ot the same time par ticularly in those days of crotched or pointed sticks anything but in spirational of the muse gaels and gaelic websters dictionary lists the gaels as the celtic inhabitants of scotland ireland and the isle of man especially a scottish highland er of gaelic speech also any mem ber of the gaelicspeaking branch of the celts the jjrilnnnjca states that the term gaelic in its widest sense is used almost synonymously with celtic and one hears of irish gaelic scottish gaelic etc the scottish gaelic is the form of goidelic speech which was intro duced into scotland by the dalriadic scots from ireland there are im portant divergencies in phonetics and inflections between irish and scottish gaelic the gaelic league was founded in 1893 in dublin ire land to preserve and extend the use of the old irish language now the first official language of the irish free state the rogue himself shakespeare certainly needed no foreign tutelage in crime and crim inals for ready to hand he had good english matter in the beggar- books and in the actuajtifetjf his day and his was the genius of all others for transferring this matter to ari small wonder then that his rascals remain vitally distinct and individual for where the span ish novelists and their continental followers are intent upon society seen through the eyes of the rogue shakespeare in falstaff has anatomized the rogue himself irony sarcasm wit htnrior irony is a figure of speech in which the intended meaning is the opposite to that expresses bythe words used for instance words of praise may be used but the ironic lone of voice implies blame sar casm 1s a bitter gibe orteunt spoken with the intention or causing jsain to the bearer wit is the apt asso ciation of thoughts or words ex pressed in a lightend amusing way- humor is the comical allusion to huthan beings or their foibles in a aoodnatured manner week end special sales three days thursday friday and saturday blankets 64 x 80 white flannelette blankets 198 60 x 90 white flannelette blankets 219 80 x 90 white flannelette blankets 249 prints 36 fast colored prints a large selection 75 pieces all new goloshes misses brown rain boots sizes 10 to 2 week end sale 95c sweaters misses white allwool sweaters roll neck 175 week end sale 129 snow suits childs snow suits heavy frieze cloth sizes 2 4 6 500 sale price 389 bed spreads 80 x 1 00 silk rayon bed spreads sale price 249 silk panties misses silk rayon bloomers and panties lace and plain trimmed only 25c simplicity patterns 15c 20c 25c agents for langleys cleaners and dyers mcbean co we deliver georgetown phone 64 rptcoryi theatre friday january 28 love under fire coslarrlog dom ameche and lorctta young musical transatlantic love cartoon homeless pups fox news special panay pictures saturday january 29 double or nothing brilliant comedy with martha raye and bine crosby comedy montague the magnificent cartoon peeping penquins chapter 1 of tim tylers luck i matinee at 3 iijn tuesday and wednesday february 1 and 2 ufe begins in colleger with those rhythmic nit wits the ritz brothers scenic serene siam sport crystal ballet coming souls at sea with gary cooper milton members of the halton garage op erators association held a social evening in the farmers building here last week the meeting jras ad dressed by patrick mcpherson ot niagara falls ont who- outlined measures for the benefit of qualified garagemen and protection of the motoring public that will be brought before the next ses o the parlia ment arthur speight of george town president of the halton as sociation was chairman of the meet ing miss ethel firennan left on monday morning for redlads calf where she will visit her uncle d a blair also mr andmrs alfred g- blair mr and mrs george b jenkinson prescott ontario announce the en gagement of their eldest daughter margaret hedge to mr e bradford clements toronto son of mr w bradford clements and late mrs clements milton ontario the mar riage to take place early in february a successful year with no losses was reported at the annual meeting of halton protective association on jan 11th newlyelected officers for 1938 are president w e mccready vlcepres w s chlsholm sec- treas robt bush jr directors nelson h cartwright s agnew w shllds george agnew roy ellen- toa trafalgar j h wilson frank cartwright r r anderson r h qalbralth esqueslngj elliott t f chlsholm clare robertson mil- ton j hardy the treasurers re port showed a balance of over 1300 in the bank champion erin at the annual meeting of horucuiural society 4hej s4fl0qwing were elected ior 1038 hon presi dent mrs jas justice president r w medley 1st vice miss dorothy baird 2nd vfte dr abbott secre tarytreasurer miss helen- bush directors for x years mrs win grif fin mrs wf meenery mrs j h olbsonr canon weaver mrs r m bell directors for l year mrs bracey mrs jessie walker r w hull t j bush miss m mcmillan auditors c k overland and ken neth mcdougall mrs prank robinson returned to the home of her mother at belloun- taln on sunday after undergoing an operation at the lockwood clinic toronto we are pleased to report that she is convalescing mr w y gray was in town last saturday and is stepping around like a boy he- reports that mrs grays health is much improved they will be with their son and daughter- inlaw at delhi ontario for some time mr and mrs david campbell es teemed residents erf oaledon cele brated the 55th anniversary of their marriage on monday january 10th snow was drifted so deply on the roads that many of the guests were compelled to travel on horseback when mr campbell and his bride catherine adams were wedded at claude 55 years ago a former erin township citlsen passed away in ottawa on thursday january 13 1938 in the person of florence burt daughter of the lata david burt and janet lang in her 6l5t year surviving are two broth- era djo burt toronto and arthur of winnipeg her sister agnes pre deceased her in 1834 advocate ballinafad mr and mrs frank bennle are visiting with thejr daughter mrs r weir in toronto mrs a r merriam was in toronto on friday attending the funeral of her brotherinlaw the late mr a 1 forster mr and mrs ray meenery and mr and mrs c meenery viskasun- day with friends in woodbrldge 1 we are gaw to report- tttm- a foreman who has been confined to her home for the past two i is able to be around again andmany a man has fauulji castle in the air while his wlfewas nailing a board on the back fence

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