Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 26, 1938, p. 8

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page 8 the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 26tnti938 local news only five nwreqaya in january the women a institute wilthow a social evening at the home of mrs w h kentner on wed pew 2nd at 8 pjn if the first regular session of on tarlos twentieth legislature will open atr queen a park on wednesday peu 23rd- the ano club erin held a very successful dance last friday night when a large crowd was in at tendance the music was surfriled by the rythm lubkerst with doris hulls at the piano owing to the outbreak of one case of scarlet fever d thomas m o h has caused alton school to he closed alonfr with ytiung peoples meetings and sunday school activities for one week uchardsons hardware has been appointed agent for renfrew air conditioners humidifiers and electro- home portable air conditioners mr cameron hlllmer of oakville will be their personal representative come to the dance in the parish hall nerval on friday jan 28th fun for all music by lewis orches under auspices of norval bachelors noveltty and lucky number dances tra admission 35c and 25c 3t anyone who plays an orchestral instrument and who would like to join a community orchestra now be laren 348 georgetown giving lnstxu xnent played training and expert ence it cost hon duncan marshall a lot of money to get defeated in peel his election account is returned at 3341 46 which is about thevsme amount as han earl rowe spent over in centre slmcoe hon t l ken nedys bill was 152449 and russell pawley the c c f candidate spent 13168 the four young men who were charged recently with purchasing and consuming llauorjulegally in the house in college view appeared before magistrate bull here on tuesday and were each fined slu 00 and 6 50 costs making a total of 1650 each pretty expensive drinking boys at the meeting of wellington county council last week john mc phee reeve of erin township wan the unanimous choice as warden of the county for 1938 the contest for the wardenshlp was one of the short est recorded warden mcphee is a descendant of erin pioneers and oper ates a large farm near hlllsburg the lome scotsljand held their first of a series of sunday evening band concerts in the gregory theatre sunday when a fair attendance en joyed a most delightful program mr harry cuthbert of brampton rend ered a trombone solo during the pro gram which was announced by chairman harold c mcciure advhied mnf clothes when it was reported to the beams- vllle board of education that several girls in the high school had put on coats in the classroom the board wan told the room temperature was 70 so instead of ordering more heat the board recommended the girls wear more clothes successful year at st pauls st paul s church of england norval enjoyed a prosperous year in 1937 it was reported at the annual vestry meeting under the direction of rev w g- brook all obligations were met following officials report cd rectors warden ernest driver peoples warden john sllngsby par ish hall committee warwick coup land o grlmwood wm pearson and ernest driver hi war pictures shown pictures showing the devastation wreaked by war in spain and china were shown at georgetown onlteo church last friday night under the supervision of rev w b smith tor onto of the canadian rescue com mittee for providing hospitalization and relief supplies rev smith ex plained the aims of his organization in caring for sufferers in the stricken districts celebrated 59th wedding anniversary our esteemed citizens mr and mrs ing formed please phone a mac james hickey celebrated their flfty- nlnth wedding anniversary at their home here on thursday last jan 20th they were the recipients of many heart congratulations and best wishes for continued health and hap piness from their numerous friends we are pleased to say both are en joying good health mr hickey is the oldest firemen in town and also one of the oldest subscribers to the herald mrs harry hale of georgetown be came the bride of joseph thomas hurst elder son of mrs newiot hurst and the late newton hurst of acton re c j s stuard rector of the church officiated the bride who was given in marriage bj her father wore an afternoon frock ot powder blue satin back crepe with grev accessories and a corsage ol briarcliff rosts miss lillian williams of toronto cousin of the bride was her only a tendant in pale blue lame with black accessories and a cor age of johanna hill roses mr newton hurst was his brothers beit man immediately following the ceremom mr and mrs hurst left bv motor for bracebrldne and on their return will reside in acton personals mr douglas shortul of toronto has returned home after visiting friends and relatives in georgetown mrs j s ruddy received the sad rews tuesday morning of the death in meaford of tier sister mrs wm laycock nee lizzie reid formerly of georgetown miss ruby gray who underwent an opsratlon at the western hospital toronto last week came through the ordeal very nicely she will under go another operation in a few days rev j h schultz superintendent of the home for lepers at chand- khuri central india was the gues of mr and mrs c b dayfoot during hip brief visit to georgetown last week mr and mrs thos hlller and mrs chas fabian of niagara palls ny were visitors over the week end at the home of their brother mr and mrs wm hlller mrs ada hlller of buffalo is also visiting with her son here white mowatt miss mary jane mowatt of toronto a daughter of mr and mrs e v mowatt of inglewood became ho bride of beverley urquhart white of brampton fion of mr and mrs s a white 6f toronto at a popular weddlni service in the manse of the brampton presbyterian church sat urday evening rev h m coulter pastor of the church officiating the bride was gowned in turquoise blue satin brocade with white lace mil tens halo veil and sheaf of cala lilies she was attended by her sister miss muriel mowat of inglewood wfio ttore pluir taffeta with silver acces sorles and carried a bouquet of talis man roses andrew creighton of brampton served as best man pol olwing the service a reception was held at the old mill in toronto af ter a brief honeymoon mr and mrs hurst hale white will make their home in to the chapel of st thomas anglican ronto church huron st toronto waahe scene of a quiet wedding on satur v iik r4itjm to rr daj january 22nd when kothlen eth dick called to bar nan elder daughter of mr and kenneth dick runner up for on tarlo in the dail stars oratory con t st in 1926 7 was called to the bar n ovgoode hall last thursday he will return to milton to practise with his lather crown attorney w i dick mr dick represented milton nigh ct ool in the oratory contests he a tended the university of toronto graduating in 1932 he graduated from osgoode hall in june of last year h is a grandson of mrs sidney yount of georgetown esquesing fall fair will be held in georgetown as usual this fall at the adjourned- meeting of ea- queslng agricultural society held in the public library thursday after noon it was unanimously decided to hold the fair as uuual in georgetown this fall the following were added to the board of directors a maclaren fred conn john bird spencer wlbun craig reid and james fisher president t j brownrldge p w cleave and w a wilson were ap pointed delegates to attend the on tario provincial fairs convention at toronto in february t j brownrldge president was chairman of the meeting more publicity for laws more publicity is needed for the enactments by the law makers of canada these include the domin ion parliament provincial legislatures and municipal councils editorially comments the vernon bc news these bodies in their wisdom an nually enact a great deal of legisla tlon sufficient to tax the ability of the ablest legal minds to follow and more than enough to totally confuse the average man many laws are not even heard of expect in the most ad vanced legal circles and are not given publicity in any medium within the reach of the people even the fate of proposals which the press may discuss previous to passage are lost sight of the aver age individual has all he can do in hustling a living without trying to follow the course of legislation which may be enacted one session and re pealed the following one it may be of course that our leg islators are not averse to the con fusion which is in many minds re gardlng legislative proposals the man who is taxing his powers to the utmost to wrest a living from the soil can hardly be expected to stand up and cheer because the member of his constituency or his next door neighbor on the government payroll gets full union wages but seriously there is a dearth or knowledge on points of common law which if made abundantly plain would save many an unlntenuona infringement tit the law statutes and a reflex result would tend to strengthen respect for law and law makers tood easy on the hands p g soap 6 lor 25e royal york orange marmalade 2s as jar 22c deserts pears 2 23c york brand chicken with rice soup id oitta loe toilet tiuue 3 25t 1 thrifty housewives eat more beef t with lave cattle selling at mod jj erate prices we believe that m now is an opportune b time for you to enjoy g this fine food boneless pot roasts local colvcil of women mrs nod well entertained the lo cal counc 1 of womm at her home for tne first meeting of the jenr on frldaj january 2lst about tv ent ladies v ere in at tendance and the president mrs haea occupied the chair afur the opening txtrclstw olid minutes the correspondence was read and various items of business were transacted tile main feat i re of the afternoons programme was an address by dr c v william on some health prob lems which was micl appreciated bj all present mrs hutt expressed to dr williams the thanks of the council for his most interesting ad dress a social half hour followed- mrs lf fri col wired t n and mrs feller and mrs w f smith assisted tahllism try a choice roast round steak roasts 2 lei rump roasts 18 young pork legs 2 left half or whole fresh young lamb legs 27 loins 23 front quarters 17 kraft loaf cheese 29c washed carrots 6 qt bskt spanish onions 2 15c spy apples qt bkt 2sf we sell for cash phone g i dt 1f v we 28w vs j duviv del1vi deliver church news scripture text therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble and the flame con snmeth the chaff no their root dhall be as rottenness and their blossom shall o opu duet be cause they have cast away the law of the lord of hosta and despls ed the word of the holy one of israel is 1 24 st gcorfcs church rev woo thompson rector fourth sunday af ter epiphany holy communion 8 ajn sunday school 1c ajn matins 11 in evensong 7 prrt wednesday will be the feast ol the purification fcan3lcmas st albans church glen williams fourth sunday after epiphany sunday school 2 pjn evensong 3pm knox presbyterian church rev d d davidson ma minister service at 11 ajn and at 7 pm special young peoples service baptist church rev e o baxter minister 1030 ajn sunday school 7pm service for worship subject give us our dally bread monday bypu so clal meeting thursday 8 pjn mid week service a welcome to all educated the following appeared in a recent issue of liberty magazine the writer bting anonymous which contains a great dgaj of truth and common sense when i see a help wanted ad in tlie classified columns of a news paper which specifies that the appll cant must be a college graduate i often wonder if this might not be better said no one questions the value of ed ucatlon it is a fundamental prln clple of a democratic form of govern ment but going to school pr college not necessarily ttu equivalent of btlng educated there are men who have never fin ished the sixth grade who are bet ur educated than some college grad uites maybe not in a fen of the politl accomplishments but certain iv in the fields of specialized know ledge it is not that ou have gone school but how you 1 ae goni to school there is no secret formula possess ed only bv institutions of learning for cramming knowledge into the brain ability to think comes easily for some people it is hard work for others many others ft ho ha e the ability lack the ambition it is much easier to drift along mental byways of the pleasanter sort the educated man does not accept all that he hears or reads he has an inquiring mind he questions everything regardless or source proof he is not carried away by novelty or plausibility he does not let prejudice interfere with his judg ment he recognizes in education an eternal going to school he doesn t have to go to college to and this out or to do something about it thus when i see a help wanted ad in the classified columns of my newspaper which specifies that the applicant must be a college graduate i m included to wonder if this might not be better said educated man new advertisements for sale collie pups 4 months old good working stock beauties p laird con 6 lot 6 esqueslng ltp to rent two apartments to let in mcdougall block mill st all conveniences ap ply at elmer c thompson s office georgetown u the united church rev f c overend ba minister 10 am- sunday- school and blble classes ii ajn successful christian living 7 pjn service of dedication for all the officials of the congrega tlon wood wanted tenders will be received by the un derslgned up to feb 1st for five cord of 4 ft hardwood to be delivered at s s no 16 esqueslng gilbert sinclair georgetown r r 1 slabs for sale stove length slabs for sale at reas onable price georgetown lumber co phone 250 tf a one bank bam on tile farm of herbert black north of rockwood was completely destroyed by lira which broke out late saturday night the first intimation of the fire the reflection of the lire on the windows neighbors hurried to the scene but too to save the fine- structure three horses and two cows were lost as well as ail the contents this farm was recently purchased by j r mcallister of the mcallister saw mills ouelph cause of the buna is unknown to let two room suite with baloony con venlences hardwood garage with oi without board apply box k her aid office by letter v fire s a l e i its front page news damage by amoke and flame will necessitate extensive alterations to the d bnll co property on mill and main streets georgetown for obvious reasons the stocks of both stores will be offered to the public at drastically reduced prices this immediate action will make it possible for the painters and carpenters to commence their work without much delay merchandise which has been even slightly affected by smoke or water will be posi tively closed out regardless of price sale starts 10 am sharp friday jan 28 d brill co mens wear dept ladies wear dept shoe dept pure food store 2 x 1 lb pkgs pure lard 25d 2 lbs ginger snaps s 19c 10 bars p a white naptha soap 37c 3 bars fairbanks english carbouc sdap 10c 3 pkgs ivory soap flakes 25c 2 tins eagle brand condensed milk 35c sweet pickle cottage roll by the piece lb 18c choice breakfast bacon by the piece lb 24c peamealed back bacon by the piece lb 29c fresh bologna by the piece lb i2v2c 3 large tins aylmer brand pork and beans in tomato sauce js5c 3 large tins lealand brand tomato juice 25r 16 oz jar shrrriffs fruit cocktall marmalade 21c 32 oz jar sunsweet brand prune juice 19c mcvrne pricf s digestive biscuits per pfcg 28c dr jacksons roman meal date or raisin bars pkg 15c gold medal liquid floor wax per till 39c choice fresh fruit and vegetables a e farnell phone 75 we deliver attention shell service station at monument u flew management from february first art scotl phone 162 georgetown capable mechanic in attendance for sale ho 00 each a prmll 4tube mantel radios in nice condition also a small tjfrel memlograph fo printing circulars nikenew p 3 okunmluwu i wanted pure bred ajshlre cows freshened or due to freshen immediately also two yorkshire brood sows that liave had one or two litters phone 98 r 5 or write oscar kenney r r no 2 georgetown 3t january flower specials daffodills 50c doz potted springtlowerssociiir snapdragons chrysanthemums stocks carnations r mixed bouqu 75c up corsages for the dance 50c up barber floralxkx georgetown

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