Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 2, 1938, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 2nd 1936 page 3 fan av your told in naad germany the following is condensed from an article by george kent to county the government men arrive as the cows are ffling into the barn they tike the stools train the tanner wife and the hired- gnirsu down and begin they srtp the 40 eowsrnd onwn fqes in their notebookb tb every farm in germany the gov- egiment men come to make sure thatj the amount of milk toe farmer deity- ers 4s precisely w amounts he drawi from his cows for the farmer must faring all milk to the control station be cannot retain even a pint to churn butter for the family the skfan milk he needs for his pigs he must buy back the price he gets is fixed for everything be grows lets consider- bow bans vogel typical german farmer fits into the intricate economic plan of the nasi f state before the dictatorship hans killed each fan four- or five fat pigs and made them into a winkers sup ply of sausage and headcheese now he brings all his pigs to the hu control station and receives for them the government price he has a fatl steer to sell mthe market kxctttng places these german markets used to be the trader beat his palm as he named another and the chaffer- tog p until at last a bargain was made now in the market meta morphosed by the nazis an officer along glances at the beast i a figure and hans must take it german agriculture is literally one vast corporation the national pood corporation at its head is thetmln- ister of agriculture r walther dane s man with absolute powers over an that concerns farming re controls almost every phase of the farmers lie hans can own his farm bat he cnmotavn what he produces denes s stalk the farm- erb fields squinting eagttenehnj when the potatoes start to grow the supervisors point to empty spots and order a new planting there they insist on so many catch crops be tween crop p that there is no longer any leisure ascension day once a merry holiday is spent in toll by decree from berth farmer hans is ordered to sow is acres this year m flax he bates the stuff any other crop would pay him more but german farmers learn not to argue with a decree theres a concentra tion camp ready for them ht bey do news and lafanaatioa for me bogy fanner frindpmh f grading the grading of farm products is based on the principle that it is sound business to classify five stock in such a way that the consumer will be able ht recognise and purchase quality products and that the price premium which the consumer will pay for the better grades should be re turned to the producer of them practice has proven the value oft the theory involved in the grading prin ciple grading activities have been tremendous incentive to quality pro duction with resultant price benefit to producers gather eggs often eggs should be gathered at least twice a day and three times dally is betteruringhotweather the time of one gathering should be just be fore dark or as near to it as practi cable this last gathering may not produce a great number of eggs but since broody hens will commonly search out the nest containing eggs after the days laying has ceased fail ure to gather late in the day is a common source of distinct deteriora tion each gathering should be placed in the coolest part of the cellar no other cool spot is available soon as gathered eggs should not be put into cartons or cases lmmedl ately if this can be avoided tin ideal container for cooling eggs is i wire tray a wire basket is the next best and perhaps the most practical these baskets aie wast paper con tainers pounds bower ottawa valley lfc- 000 pounds upper ottawa valley 5000 pounds northern ontarjoana quebec mob pounds total alfalfa beuevuie 200000 pounds brockville 43000 pounds upper can- i ada valley 10000 pounds total 253000 pounds alslke belleville 15000 pounds northern ontario and western que- bec3jb00 pounds total 18500 pounds timothy belleville 300000 pounds brockville 410000 pounds lower ottawa valley 640000 pounds nor thern ontario and northwestern quebec 90000 pounds total 1510 if i be thinks a farmeris careless ineffi cient br un be can take over tbetarm and operate it rmnseu giv ing orders to hans and his wife by edict last july the entire wheat nd rye crops were y ihvhid to safeguard the nations bread supply farmers may keep only what they need for then famines for feeding bread crops to live stock- they may be fined heavily according to g iz steere american agricultural attache at berlin these strenuous efforts have succeeded in making the country 81 per cent self- sufficient but many farmers are 1 evading the rigid quota system 1 gangs of syndicates operating strings of highpowered cars sell coveted foodstuffs widely and individual bootleggers travel about on trains with food concealed in a falsebottomed trunks and suitcases the penalties are severe fines prison and in the case of largescale operators death yet the minister of agriculture es timates that onethird of all food produced is sold surreptitiously feed a balanced katten if mere is one thing more than any other the importance of which is stressed in hog feeding it is that grains alone are not enough to make good hogs and that for the pro duction of the selecr bacontype hog it is important that a balanced ra tion be fed in many parts of canada parti cularly throughout the prairie pro vinces there is an abundance of cheap grain feeds which as they stand are un but when fed to live stock quite attractive prices can be realised where grains alone are fed the live stock product is seldom satisfactory and to get worthwhile results a protein supple ment must be included to balance the ration skim milk or buttermilk form is the ideal protein in bog feeding these however are not always available but beca these are not available is no reason other equally good forms supplement should not be used very fine type of pork can be pro duced through feeding tankage a by product of the packing industry this provides an animal protein supple ment ideal for hog feeding and at the present time this can be obtain ed essentially at cost sastera naruten and central sweet clover belleville- 150000 pounds brockville 32500 pounds total 173000- timothy and alslke mixtures nor thern ontario and northwestern queb 50 pounds prices red colver basis no 1 per pound brockville 21 to 22c lower ottawa valley 24 to 28c up per ottawa valley 34 to 26c belle ville country run seed 15 to 18c al- falla basis no lper pound brock ville 26 to 28c upper ottawa valley 20 to 22c belleville country run seed 13 to lfc alslke belleville 20 to 25c northern ontario and western que bec 20c timothy basis no 1 per pound brockville x to 4c lower ottawa valley 4 to 5c certified no 1 5 25 beuevule country run seed 3 to 4c sweet clover basts no 1 pei pound brockville 10c country run seed 5 to 7c belleville country run seed 7 to 8c timothy and alslke mix ture basis no l per pound lower ottawa valley 8 alsike 7c nor thern ontario and western quebec country run seed 7 to 9c per pound i red clover mixture northern ontario and iforthwestern quebec country i run seed 18 to 20c per pound southwestern ontario demand the situation has not changed much since last month the demand for all items except timothy is good seed merchants are report ed to be quite active in obtaining upply for the domestic trade and for supply red clover 116500 al falfa 38500 pounds alslke 52000 pounds sweet clover 335000 pounds timot 1 700000 pounds prices red clover per pound basis no 1 22c country run 16 to alfalfa per pound basis no l 25c country run 17 to 22c alsike basis no 1 28c countr i run lvi to 22c sweet clover per pound basis no 1 8wc country run wood for sale choice beech and maple at sum single cord mixed rails fuo cord mixed wood 2j6 per cord 3msw scsarttsj aids involved omhe 4235 outbreaks m both periods the causes were determined in 3jdi2 as listed these were as follows defective heating ap overheated stoves and- fur naces improperly installed equipment carel storage and handling of fuel 1963 fires defective chimneys and flues 347 fires i electric wiring 316 flre sparks on shingle roof a- 184 fires matches end smoking 62 fires miscellaneous known causes 141 fires undiscovered causes 1223 fires from this record it is apparent that 73 per cent of the fires of de termined origin arose from defective or carelessly installed and m ed heating equipment supporting thul conclusion is the fact that 86 per cent of school and college fires occur during the winter months many years of- experience has convinced this office that the majority of thge fires might be prevented by thorough and regular inspection and by the rigid enforcement of reasonable mainten ance regulations as a practical means to this end i would recom mend that local school authorities everywhere in canada adopt and use the standard school inspection form approved and promulgated by the do minion fire prevention association these forms in both english and french are available to all school administrative bodies upon request to this office institutional bodies as a rule have far more local prestige than public employees most of our institutions are inspected so frequently that in spectors visits have become little more than social calls for the exchange of civilities they have a limited value in respect to minor matters but few inspectors arc willing to assume the responsibility of ordering substantial expenditures nor are they prepared to jeopardize their employment by arous ing active hostility orders to be ef fective should be premptory and must be supported oy the public wilt there exists the crux of the life haz ard problem in our institutions ifc solution does not lie in postmortem sympathy and tearbathed regrets within six months everyi in canada could be made substantial ly firesafe if action were made the substance of our prayers sj grove smith dominion fire commissioner canadas favouritetea are you sure your eyes sec correeily 1 be country run 6 to 7c demand the small crop of al sike and red clover is now mostly sold and most of the best qualities of alfalfa has been sold also by the grow some red clover has not yet beerl threshed but that remain ing is not extensive the demand is very good for red clover good for alf- atft and alslke fair for sweet clover and generally poor for timothy al though there is some movement of timothy in the brockville and belle ville areas supply red clover belleville 70000 pounds brockville 9000 have you keen the new rimless mounting no screws to loosen and cause wobbly lenses leas breakage of jrbmra thus saving jro money our price is the same as city prices o t walker ro oitometsist eyesight specialist in awgree wha is at bosss drug stoke georgetown the iiiiei wednesday ff every aaaae or yen may eensatt o t walker at bat aee tat eenavpam policeman excuse me sir but yc4trathepaleacedgentlemanw looks like a lopeared rabbit i was to tell you that your wife has gone 3 to 5c timothy per pound basis no tn 30 b the tmgic fire which recently des toryed sacred heart college at st hyacmthe p-q- bringing death ti some fifty persons and serious injury to many others imposes upon this office the obligation of calling public attention to certain hazards almost universally prevalent in our educa uonal establishments and institution al buildings the following record of fires and losses in ca schools colleges and convents for two com parative eightyear periods is pertin ent to this submission from 1822 to 182b inclusive 2274 fires occurred entailing an aggregate property loss amounting to 10577- 306 prom 1930 to 1937 inclusive 1961 fires caused a total of property ices of 4962710 while some grati fication may be felt at the improved loss experience in the second of these periods the significant fact remains that there was little curtailment in the number of fires reported and practically no diminution of the haz- thoughts the things that come to the man who waits are usually pot worth waiting for the less a man knows the more he wants to tell lmsj some people pray for more things than they work for there is one good way to forget the faults of others remember your own some people who think themselves wit are only half right there is an off season for nearly all flowers except blooming idiots the osier la w h kentner son phones office 12 res 211 georgetown wife i wish i had talent rm just itching to write husband well why dont you sit down and try scratching a little professor what do you know of the latin syntax preshman did they have to pay for their fun too for corns or callouses dae lixmrs thymouted cobm salve hi nailhi ana idn aala talk bat apaoaalua toil cant lose took m onct back u b da wu ee pale ay la i treasorers sale ot land for taxes township of s8qtje8ing county ot halton to wit by virtue of a warrant issued by the reeve of the township of esquea- mg bearing date the 13th day september 1937 a sale of lands arrears of bums in the township of bsmietfng will be held at the council chamber in the village of stewart- town at the hour of ten oclock in theforenoon on the mb day of feo- rsaryv use unless the taxes and costs a sooner paid notice ts hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arre o taxes has been prepared thatcople of the said uat may be liad at my i office that the list of lands for sals for arrears of taxes is being pu am the ontario gaaetto on thai th day ofnovember 1bct the 4th day nf ruifn mlnr 1997 and the 1st auk of payment of taxes and costs fte lands wm be sold for the said taxes and costs txesj o this 13th day of october 1937 o0fw3e leslie treasurer grapefruit 7 special value texas seedless delicious nice size lettuce niee slae hara bead criaa z beads 1 x c potatoes white mealy cookers 13c pk oranges new navels fresh suck 18c soz tomatoes fir jllb new camls cabbage tnnqis apples etc carrolls kraft ofck telm or vclrcato cheese vwbpi15c dark caocolakcoatcd treats 2 b 29c kraft salad drwiqminck whip 8wii9c grvs pic apples 25c esstfint sborigsiao or domestic 2 ub pis 25c canoir owa steed wrapped side bacon bpk27c extra spdsl ay later sweet mixed pickles 3 7i25c tender peas n9c 1 quality mdarta powdarcdjeues sakav9c qullaaaa at caaaaa corn starq1 ah 9c aytacr oleic goldaa bantam corn 22r19c caaybivt or lbpyi pork and beans 7c ayaatr vcjtubk or tomato soup io a 7c grl dowa oa hosiery real uat lux flakes 23t jolraoai qeidmopolhli glo-coate- 63c petri napkcva or p g soap 3bn11c oats cook quqtfy bs3 23c b9 keeas eafjttl mustard ba 14c 24c teatterleaf tea 7oxplca 28c silvo latkc ho ammonia aire 5c cleanser a 5c jffajnjsireel georgetown free dehvery 14

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