Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 9, 1938, p. 1

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w yiwro ajkaliftaatfciitojv wjlww- seventyfirst year of publication wednesday evening february 9th 1938 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa junior oha group playolfs open at mfflon friday niflht when georgetown meet the county towncrs return game here monday nigmlnterniediates sure of r puyoff poaition defeated muton 5 1 thursday brampton 13 1 monday night midgets also near playoff black ha wk lead- in league by g mac mcoilvray j old man sunshine has been doing tub best these days to break up the oven though the palyofes are so however colder weather will be in order again in a few j days and arrangements are made for the opening of the junior oba playoffs the end of tails week m the junior grouping georgetown and orangevule finished in first place muton and oakvule tied for second place- leaving acton and fer gus holding the cellar positions with the tour leading teams playing off for the group championshipthrough a gentlemans agreement milton and georgetown will meet and oakville and orangevllle with home and home games and goals to count in the aawoff the winners will play three games the team taking two games dinning the group championship friday night next feb 11 your favorites will journey to milton and it is hoped a large number of cans will accompany the team for their irst playoff fixture an official o bta7eteterwlllhaodlell playoffs nd these gamea promise to be real hairraisers as far as fast hockey and clever stlckhandling is concerned n has lostonly twogames tnls-year- while milton have mlssea out on five so taking this into con- kldeartlon georgetown should stand more than an even chance of defeat ing milton in the first round of the group eliminations on the other hand georgetown met milton at the first of the season defeating them in both games but since that time the milton boys have improved con- jjderably and gave orangevllle who are also tied with the locals a run for their money to whip them one thing certain these miltongeorge town games wjll produce some of the best in hockey this season and will find the locals out there giving their best and trying hard every minute of the game on monday feb 14th the return game will be played at the arena here this is the second year in- succession that the junior have made the playoffs if you havent supported them this year before lets get behind the team how and boost them on to greater victories player on the team barring the goal keeper scored and he almost scor ed when he and anthony mixed it up in the second period if the lo cals can set this pace when they meet bolton in their postponed game they should finish on top of the group brampton goal richardson de fense long gibson centre anthony wings worthy thompson subs 8o- loski weller bull georgetown goal malone fense ball dewhurst centre tost wings ward richardson subs geo rlddall ritchie sanderson referee d a houston toronto correspondence a message fob education milton feb 4th 1838 editor georgetown herald georgetown ontario dear mr editor the week of february stb y 13th has been designated as canadian education week it seems therefore an opportune time for all interested in the subject to concentrate their thought upon ib surely interest is universal the cost of educa tion has received more than its share or attention perhaps in recent years with undue emphasis upon its in creasing trend when the real facts in this connection are consider ed the situation is not alarming it is impossible of course to determine exactly the cost of education- in oan- ada estimates which cannot be seri ously in error fix the cost of publicly supported education in elementary and secondary schools at 102000000 and in universities at 16000000 in 1934 this total cost is only 13 of all government expenditures when the taxpayer thinks of what the coun try receives for its educational expen ditures nine great school systems em ploying 74000 teachers and serving 2500000 boys and glrlshe will sure ly not consider the cost too high the bonded debt of all canadian govern ments was estimated at 678600000 in 1935 which the bonded debt for schools appears to be about 223000 almost before we expected it the group playoffs and stanley cup fin als in the midget nhi will take place next week in fact will see the opening the chicago black hawks have been the outstanding team in the midget loop this season 3lllmj l or 33 of the total these few the intermediates started the past weeks engagements with renewed vigor coming out of the slump of the previous week with two wins to their credit to insure them of a play off berth last thursday night they enter tained the lowly mutonltes who have not won a game this season at the arena here and after the smoke of battle cleared the georgetown sextette were victors with a 5 1 score it was- an easy win for the locals and they looked the much more finished team on the play atlhough it was a good fast game of hockey from the spectators point of view it seemed as if the locals could go down and score almost whenever they felt the urge ward and tost played exceptionally well in this game and their- combin ation plays clicked like they never did before ward scored twice in the first period the first goal coming on aolo effort while tosts pass ac counted for the second in the secondperiod tost scored on a shot that was deflected into the milton net when the puck hit bob brush and chaplin scored on a shot from the blue una sanderson bagged the fifth goal in the third period and d dements added mutons lone tally the r playing of markle the milton goalkeeper kept the crowd in stitches as he pulled off some al most impossible saves georgetown goal malone de fense oewhurst and hall centre tost wings richardson ward subs ritchie sanderson ooldham chap lin milton goal markle defense dements j brush centre r brush wings cannon d clements subs mills lott transom milton georgetown intermediates scored- their biggest win of the current sen i son when they almost white- washed w the brampton squad on monday night the score being 131 with the visi tors goal coming in the last second of play the georgetown team sure nicked a nice time just before the playoffs to administer such a -de- dstr defeat and making brampton chanws of getting into the playoffs aumer than slim and assuring them selves of a definite place it was a wide open game for the full sixty minutes with georgetown carrying the play all the way the locals scored four goals in the first and ond periods and five in the final nam in the first period ward counted 7 tost and richardson one keaeh in the second geo rlddall got 9 x dewhurst and tost one each and m the third ward richardson hall sanderson and ritchie scored bwfstructure contributed tcr ritchies goal being awarded by the referee when the goalkeper threw bis stick thompson scored the only brampton goal t tn georgetown team had not play- j so well together all season and although shorted handed played headsup hockey every minutes keep ing the jcrowd beering almost con- t tmnooaty thtlocal team had only xi- nine men on the ice necessitating half and dewhurst playing the full sixty minutes on defense every this team has a grand lot of kids and jack beaumont is a highly cap able manager first place carries with it the nhjl championship af ter wnich the stanley cup playoffs will see the first and third teams meet and the second and fourth teams the two teams that are eli minated will engage in a consolation series with the 5th and 6th place teams the winner of this series will get a cup as will the stanley cup run ners up the teams have all hit their stride and are playing much better hockey than earlier in the season many in teresting games will take place in the playoffs and the boys ate deserving of better public support come along and root for your favorite team and may the best team be the winner additional sport mews on pages five and eight st geoges choir guests of wa on thursday evening the womans auxiliary had as their guests at a most delightful supper the choir ol st georges church the married members of the choir brought their other halves and the choirboys were also guests placecards con sisting of st georges flags in thi shape of tiny hymnbooks with a line of music and the members names were set in tiny flower pots which on being opened were found to con tain afterdinner mints and a so quantity of birdseed directed the choir members to their places grace was sung and the delicious and abundant dinner proceeded the toasts were then- proposed by the rector the king was answered with the national anthem the health of the church was proposed and the doxology sung this toast was responded to by the- peoples war den mr f d mcnally who gave a most excellent addiess on the subject mr w p bradley choirmaster re sponded in bis happy vein to the toast to st georges choir mis- yvonne adams then proposed the health of the wa combining the toast with the choirs very sincere and cordial thanks for the lovely banquet the choir declared music ally that they were jolly good fel lows and followed with three rous ing ones and a tiger mrs w bulli- vant vicepresident of the wjl sdpnded m the absence through ill ness of mrs w v grant the presi dent and told the choir in a very gracious manner that it was a great pleasure to recognize the services of the choir in this manner a programme consisting of a very i amusing competition identifying the foods on the menu was given for solu tion the choir being informed that among other things they had con sumed an automobile a furnace a poor actor part of a foot a nanny- goat some stones and some lunatics then followed a very amusing skit given by mrs thompson and mrs imckenxle in- which many jokes- tet 1 pulled on rector and choirmembers the delightful evening ended at a very reasonable hour mrs shortt and mrs w bulllvant j were convenors of the supper mrs 1 mckenzle in charge or decorations aria abundant and efficient help was given by many members of the auxi liary matters of common concern all these things enter vitally into the growth of i personality and the shaping of char acter this means i think that the activities of a social life in the home if charged with moral purpose have a far more decisive influence in tha formation ol character than in- struction so i say you are all teach ers the big task of the adult is to be the leader the inspirer and the friend of youth in conclusion of an already too long letter- let me appeal for a re- thinking or- education in terms of modem needs and condition in charge of the educational affairs of this province you- have in the pro vincial department of education a group or officials from the minister of education down who are giving the most earnest and thoughtful atten tion to every phase of this education al problem they will welcome your assistance your criticism and your suggestions let them have all these in full measure the only hope for the future is in more education of the right type the only way to pro gress in human society is through bet ter and more widespread education thanking you for the courtesy of your space i am sincerely yours j m denyes inspector or pubic schools young men charged with having housebreaking tool about 145 on sunday morning stan lyons called chief marshall to tell him somebody had broken tnto his apartment fin the wllloughby block at the rear ol the bank df facts seem to prove that our financial difficulties are at least not due to ex cessive expenditures on education true there are great inequalities in the support of education in different communities but these have to do with details- of administration for which i do not venture to ask space our main interest will be centred in the progress of the schools in our county i mean the elementary schools i fondly hope that evidences of progress during the past twenty- five years will be seen not to be lack ing idealsof the purpose or edu cation have themselves changed and are coming more and more to approxi mate to the needs of a more and more cordptex civilization the aim of the school is no longer a mere 1m- partatlon of facts to increase know ledge intellectual acumen can never meet the demands or complete living in these days perhaps the best de finition ol education is that proffered by a recent commission which denn ed it as discovering the springs o personality and releasing them characterbuilding transcends al other objects a fact which teachers realize increasingly it is also cognized that in the development of personality the activities of mind and hand are very closely related the fact that manual training and house hold science have been made com pubory in the secondary schools is tn recognition of this fact in our public schools the urban boards have steadily refused to introduce such subjects which is to say the least unfortunate constituting al most a breech of trust in view of the many girls and boys who would have been so specially benefitted by such heads oaa societies r j kerr or acton was last week elected president of the ontario as sociation of agricultural societies he is chairman of the acton public util ities commission and has been direc tor of agricultural societies for more than 40 years in the subject of music held by the english board of education among the indispensable elements of the primary school curriculum we have made real progress until haltor- enjoys a preeminence in the suo- ject there are only eight classrooms in the inspectorate which do not en joy the teaching of this subject un der a specially certified teacher our annual music festival is regarded as one of the very best in the province what i should like mo appeal for in this education week is a careful study by parents and ratepayers gen erally of the part they may play in the exertion of their influence to wards better conditions in the schools for instance in two of the urban centres there is not medical inspec tion of the schools and no school nursing system undoubtedly this very prejudicial to the health of the children as agreed by all authorities public opinion should be so exerted as to compel the municipalities and boards to provide for this need home and school clubs in several centres have been active in promoting the interests of the schools and have co operated with boards in introducing improvements there is also the matter of sympa thetic cooperation with teachers tjicir function in the state cannot be oweremphasnted itls vital to the lite of the community and the coun try that we have wholesome pure- minded clearthinking teachers lr charge of our children where an the ideals for the future to come from it not from the children at present in the schools where else lies the hope of better things socially econom ically and morally dr l j jacks says that in the cataclysm of recent yjears most of the beacon lights have disappeared from the heavens who is to set up hew beacons if not the teachers let there be the hearuestj cooperation with the work of the teachers what i am trying to say u that education is everybodys busi ness and that the teachers to do their best require the intelligent and active interest of the public another side of the- picture- must be considered the teacher is not the the fact that the church is a stonefenly educator professor artman of church burns loss is 2s0w damage estimated at 30000 was caused by fire which broke out m norfolk united church guelpb at 1030 oclock saturday night a pipe organ valued at 25000 was completely destroyed by- the flames which were confined mainly to the choir joft its escape from even greater damage firemen battled the outbreak for two hours be fore getting it under control the loss was due partly to- smoke and water the sunday whool housed in a wing adjoining the church was not damaged and se were held there today by the pasttiyrev o elmer kenney the cause of the fire was not determined though it is believed to nave originated beneath the choir i loft- about the same time nlgjit con stable emmerson had found the front door of the bank ol commerce un locked and mr diolintock manager of the bank of commerce who re sides in the apartment above the bank had been awakened by r his daughters calling to him that some one was on the fire escape with a flashlight trying to open the win dow into then- room after investigating two young men giving their names as dick elliott and brook roe of brampton were arrest ed by chief marshall and constable emmerson later marshall floyd and francis mcleod of bolton were taken into custody by chief marshall and provincial constables oliver and cookman they were all lodged tn milton jail and will appear before magistrate bull at georgetown on thursday morning to answer to the charge of having housebreaking tools in thelr ston ashgrove the auxiliary held their meeting this m6nth at the home of mrs a j ruddell on tuesday the first with mrs c b dick in the chair a hymn and the reading of the new aim and object of the wmb were the opening features following this the minutes were read and business items discussed the worship period was taken by mrs a j ruddell and mrs j g wilson then the study chapter was given by mrs g nurse the next meeting will be held at the home of mrs j g wilson on march 1st a crokinole social is being plan ned by the auxiliary for feb 18th the youngs people held a success ful crokinole social on friday feb 4th and all reported an eventful evening mrs r j graham won the ladles prize and mr mccelland won the gentlemans prize this meeting was in charge of mr john bird with his committee of misses joy ruddell marion dick and frances wriggles- worth served lunch ballmafad mrs b vannatter spent the week end in toronto with her sister mrs h mcintosh mr vic swindlehurst spent the week end in brampton with mr w allen the y p society held their first meeting monday evening at the manse in the absence of the presi dent rev a o w foreman acted chairman mrs robt mcmenery had charge of the devotional exer cises a splendid address was given by mr donell on the influence of christianity on democracy and flor ence steen gave a paper on the life or albert swltxer the roll call was answered by n a statesman lunch was servedtat the close of the meeting chlckenpox is very prevalent in this community many children are ab sent from school the crokinole social held friday evening under the auspices of the wj was a decided success despite the icy condition of the roads there was a good attendance the prise for the ladles went to margaret shi clalr and gents prise went to hv huts donald sinclair winning the consolation a short- program given consisting of solos by willa price and doris harding duet by rev and mrs foreman recitations by joanna shorull and harry shortill and piano duet by anna foreman and mrs vannatter glen williams the uno club of erin held a very successful dance in the town hall last friday night feb 4th there was a large crowd in attendance music was supplied by the rythm makers or georgetown little miss oertrude cain very capably entertained audience with her smart songs and tap dancing mrs doris hulls companled her on the piano every body reported a good time miss eve watklns of guelph spent the weekend here the guest of- miss mary bludd mr and mrs george louth and family spent the week end with re latives in acton mrs wm bennett returned home on monday after spending a short holiday in peterboro with her moth er mrs hewitt mr and mrs gordon robinson and children of erin were visitors at the home of mr and mrs wm hatpin on monday mr and mrs wm everson jr mr john everson miss bertha allen and mr jim williams spent sunday niagara falls t the ladles guild held a most suc cessful bingo at the home of chetr president mrs ouyot on- friday evening at the regular meeting of the yja tin tuesday evening the mem- m hew decided to hom a homemade shartag cooperatmgt bearing mp bak -awfe-on- e hv4he lklln 1lnil jjj i bl4r ttwtt chicago has said that education largely and moat a matter of social grouping that seemsto mean that the most important influences in edu cation come from relations with othw persons r of children with adults and of children with other children these are more formattte ban formal instruction to be con crete the child learns from the ex perlence of loving and being loved be ing acred for and trusting siblltty discussing and deciding on parish hatt terra cotta mrs j mcnally is spending a rew days with her daughter mrs a lewis at malton the ice harvest is- going on now in full blast the ice is a good thick ness this winter and of an excellent quality mr and mi dean atttnan anctr family have moved over near chelten- i we are sorry to lose such kind and estimable citizens from our midst wood cutting is now the general order of the day mr jamison lost a valuable horse last week we were sorry to learn of the md- tien passing of the late robert mc- menemy at guelph deceased was wellknown in this community and we all join in extending our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family and friends in their sad bereavement- mr r w starrit who has been on the sick list for some time we are pleased to learn is now able to be around again we hope soon to hear of his complete reco mr r j stringer who spent a lew months with mr and mrs mc- keown and family at acton has re turned home we are pleased to see genial jims smiling face in our midst once more miss emma- rutledge we are sorry to learn is now on the sick list we hope soon to hear of her recovery messrs mark varey and ed san derson our champion wood cutters have taken the contract of cutting 200 cords of wood for mr george whitney on the mountain mr fred biltori of parry sound was a pleasant caller tn our village cently lions club dinner lion meuntock gave inter esting talk on facts about canadian banking on monday evening the regular dinner and meeting of the georgetown lions club was held in the dining- room of the mcglbbon hotel uott chief h- jvbekunann presiding after the minutes and correspon dence were read chief beldmann ad ldressed the club oh ijoniam and the duties of members towards then- cldb he then turned the meeting over to past chief mclmtock lion mcllntock then gave a most interesting and instructive paper on facts about canadian banking covering such subjects as credit de posits security of deposits bank taxes the alberta situa bank earnings the foundation of a bank money and gold reserv service to the people the clearing house snare- holders note circulation inflation much useful information was given in very concise form and many mis understandings in regard to banks and banking cleared up the speaker con eluded by- saying that there was no mystery about banking except in the minds of those who failed to under stand the functions and the status of a bank after thanks had been expr to lion mcllntock for his address the meeting closed with the slngmg of the maple leaf erin miss mabel- mcdougall daughter oi mr and mrs d t mcdougall under went an operation for appendldts at the womens cottage hospital to ronto on monday at last reports she is getting along as well as can be dr campbell attended the veterln- aries convention lni toronto last thursday and friday mrs campbell accompanied him to the city the following officers were reap pointed at- the annual meeting of bums presbyterian church on mon day evening managers wm bar bour george binnic james blnnle thomas blnnle roy ferguson roy ffhln roland mceachem w f mcenexy robert mcenery c k ov erland o d scott frank robinson the latter to take the place of the late j m steel secretary w p steel treasurer w f mcenery financial secretary roland mceach em auditors o fit overland w f steel choir- leader dr j m ab bott ushers clayton barbour fred mclaren mac cunningham w steel advocate milton umr and mrs henry fetter milton celebrated their fortyfifth wedding anniversary on saturday last at the home of their daughter mrs ivan oumbert mr and mrs fetter celved many lovely guts about forty guests attended those from out of town were mr and mrs chas cralne ouelph mr and mrs w e dowries toronto mr and mrs thos son kelso herman tlgert lions head mr and mrs john fetter peterboro mr and mrs geo quills campbellville dr frank vernor graduate western university london ont and who has spent a year bravest gradu ate work in europe has taken over the practice of dr black of camp bellville the following officers were elect- ed by the halton county seed pair society which will hold a fair a acton on march llh and 12th presl dent j e perrtn acton vicepresi dent a e woodley milton and f fetch georgetown directors edwin harrop e ml readhead milton w hurray a swackhammer acton w w wilson thomas brownridge georgetown sarah m cordtngley wife of edwin blanshard passed away at appleby on january 30th and was buried at appleby deceased was formerly resident of the homby district hunters in the licensed area of nelson trafalgar and plambsrotown- norval knox church yfj3 of georgetown- visited the nerval society on monday night a gay singsong perceded the opening of the meeting miss jeaa hill read the scripture miss janet mcdougall led in prayer a sprightly instrumental bymlss june frank fol lowed miss ruth anderson tbw president of the georgetown ypb sang a charming solo misses betty kean and jean macdonald gave a fine duet miss jean mackenzie read umely and thoughtful paper an canadas citizen number one under the direction of the rev r d d davidson discussion groups were formed to garner the opinion at the young people on the qualities and influence which made a good citizen summary of the discussion follows courtesy charity and commonsense should characterize the good cltlaens burningtbe midnight oil to sup plement ones hometraining formal education and christian instruction courtesy is application of com- mansense discourtesy is undiscip- lined energy unmannsrlinsss de- tracts from ones popularity proper conduct make social and business con tact more pleasant consideration for others is the guarantee of ones own rights the double code of morals was attacked as a detriment to good cltt- zenshlp the much abused privilege sowing wild oats was denied youths unfortunately one can sel dom degrade oneself without harming others too often defenseless by deed or influence fewer obstacles and less prejudice impedes mans return to the straight and narrow women who smoke drink or have their fling are held to contempt a large extent without censor his de gression is regarded too frequently with indifference quite the reverse for the weaker sex although a wo man should have equal rights with men she should refrain however from dissipation if for no higher purpose than the preservation of her beauty everyone craves success- the chal lenge to achieve is great the con servation the development of our resources through intelligent and per sistent cooperation is our task a task demanding all our talents un impaired by stultification com acton mr earl scott of limrfaouae site jessie and mr james service and mr robert hamilton of milton visited mr clifford mcdonald who has been sick and is improving nicely mr and mrs gordon afackay mr id mm jos thurston and baby wayne all of toronto visited at mr r h wansbourglu mrs mackay- mother on sunday last mr r j kerr firstvice prestfeot of the fans association and mr f l wright secretary and mr c w mceowiwol acton fair attended the annual convention of ontario fairs in toronto this week last friday evening a track owned by j h smith of stewarttown slip ped into a hole at fairy lake and was partly submerged it was being used to haul lea to stewarttown and got into a bole and the back wheels were- in such a position that they were loclwd nutder the ice a cargo of ice was on the when the rear end went down and it took some hours of hard work before tt was pulled dut and was able to return to stewarttown the- house on the farm of mrs her bert black near rockwood was com pletely destroyed by fire on friday trnght- the barn on the same farm was burned along with the contents in a fire on january vbxbi the farm was recently purchased by mr j r mcallister it la said that the are started when a stove being lighted exploded and the flames spread ra pidly the contests of the bouse were also de a press it mlgbt beta the doctor was and told her i x can only reference that you are not h yoof ships are reminded that thereia no i of work w hunting in the restricted areas jann- i wen slr jane requested nope- ary jlsr being the last day champ- fully do you think yon coumitnds ion latin name for itf

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