Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 9, 1938, p. 2

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wrefgwpiwywflvprmffwi pa 2 the georgetown herald ly evening february 9th 1938 th georgetown herau wlmlhihi bases hjo per jrmr m donee united states ooc muttknftl single copies c bolh au y ngw xkbwws shook be given when change m address isiwmssted ba ugml no tices is per une far ant jn- s few ttne for each safaaaquent msertion readers a par line 4br each insertion if jn timet face upe so per line wtmtfrwml notices qualifying m qmflnc kirants meet eta c per line mini- wnm charge 25c beports of aeettngshsld gladly inserted free in memoriem notices 80c tad 10c per line extra for poems birth marriage and death notices sue smsil ad vertisements one inch or lass boc for first insertion and 35c for each m insertion display advertlsm rates on application although every precaution jdh be taken avoid error the herald accepts sdjrertlslnft in its columns on the under standing hat it wlu not be liable for any ttrcor in any ad der unless a proof of such ad- vertfcjumant is requested by the advertiser and returned to the rtfrafal lhniliwh ofllce duly sign ed by the advertiser and with such error or cosra plain ly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such adver tisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole apace occupied by suchj advertisement j it moose pablisher j at tat fight boxer have i done him any dam age disgusted second no but keep swinging the draft might give him a cold uste 1rw cahadai9381 l hi lemcco jf imkmat tmmcos msmrins prooram friday 10 pm est station cbl vtmm ii um the ffiahuth for man 13 1 golds tsact and he said unto hem the sabbath was made far man mark ft 37 lesson pa68aos hark 2 33 to 38 here may we prove the power prayer to strengthen faith and sweeten care to tettobiour taint desires to rise and bring all heaven before our eyes william cowper s3 hla- the sabbath day has a long tory it arose out of the new man the discovery was made that more work oouldberdone insixdays than in seven and that the human spirit was steadier and stronger means of a rest day once a week the hebrew people put this tton right at the heart of their ianat constitution great imi was attached to the observance the fourth cexnniandmeat sanctity was associated with the strict ob of the weekly day of rest the sabbath day has been a factor in the national unity of the hebrew people and in the influence they have exerted upon people of other races through the christian church the weekly day of rest has become the possession of many na tions whether observed on the last day of the week or the first day of the week the day of rest is a boon to tolling humanity liberty 3436 any good institution if it is al lowed to become rigid may mis its original purpose sometimes the tie- brew people treated the sabbath as an end in itself rather than as a means to helping people the phari sees made strict observance of sun day a test of orthodoxy yet jesus was able to tell them that when david was hungry he ate the shew- bread as emergency ration davids principle was that human need must be served even if an abstract princi ple should seem to be desecrated david had no lack or reverence for the house of god or its altar out he recognised that when men were starving something had to be done about it the lord s da act of canada recognizes that there are some deeds of necessity and mercy regarding which exception has to be made the lords day act seeks to preserve one day in seven as a rest day for the workers but it also pro vides for the carrying on of public services and industry sabbath ob servance depends anally upon public opinion and greater support will be won if we exalt the social service of the weekly rest day and do not reat it as a taboo opportunity 27 3s christ uttered a word concerning the sabbath that sounded very radi cal- to his hearers but to us sums up the highest wisdom the sabbath made for man and not man for the sabbath the basic principle underlying sabbath observance is not to build up a sacred custom but to minister to the needs of men in childhood we are apt to rebel against the restriction of this one day a wek but as we grow older the sabbath is regarded as a prize opportunity it affords net to the body jprovuea woratup allows for family friends and by a change from the routine of ordinary dally grooves refreshes the sphit of man for christians the sab bath is supremely the lords day by observing the unit day of the week we commemorate the resurrection of christ and we publicly acknowledge his lordship we seek to use the ab- bath day for spiritual puproses which are in accord with his life and teach ing when we make christ the lord of our lives we have little difficulty in allowing him to be lord of the sabbath that is we seek to use the weekly rest day fot christian purpos es and according to ohristlan stand ards service 15 jesus healed a sick man on the sabbath day right 1 the synagogue and his inner consciousness assured uni thathefaad committed no of fence either against the sabbath of the synagogue he was eager to help a sufferer at whatever cost to con ventional stan how may we make the best use jt sunday min isters have the opportunity of leading in worship sunday school teachers meet with their classes parents write to their children away from home neighbours go to visit the sick the aged the shutin and the bereaved people who have discovered the spirit ual help of good literature spend hours in reading helpful books or magadnes some families take a walk together and finish the day wlfr a fireside hour many people partake of the sacrament on sunday instead of using the weekly rest day for pleasure and dissipation we may learn to call the sabbath a delight because of the rest fellowship an inspiration we derive 4ee4ieek by week thus may we cherlfft last sunday as a help ful memory and look forward to next sunday in anticipation for renewe spiritual life athtudw 6 a good test of the way in which we observe sunday is our attitude towards duty as we resume our dally tasks on monday it fe are fatigued badtempered physically unfit we have misused sunday the lords day should give us right attitude towards god and our fellowmen when jesus healed the withered hand of a suf ferer in the synagogue on a sabbath day the pharisees and herodians ttere scandalized they had no joy that a sufferer had been helped jbut they were shocked that a regulation had been broken instead of gratitude to jesus for his helpfulness they were alienated and sought some method whereby they could destroy him their presence at the synagogue on the sabbath day did not teach them love but put murder in their hearts we miss the real purpose of the sabbath if we allow our dutiful observance to make us self righteous regarding our selves and critical oout others the purpose of the lord day is to teach us to have a christian spirit in all the relationships of life recognizing christ as lord of the sabbath we are better able to make him lord of our thoughts deeds moods and disposi tion qeesttons for dimension 1 how did i spend last sunday 2 how am i planning to spend xt sunday 3 can i honestly say that christ is lord of all my sabbaths 4 do i use sundaj for self or to- service to others 5 how may we be helpful to the sick on sundays in leaves and- grass and buds and flowers and bees and butterflies but when she comae in tired from play and crawls upon my- knee shes worth a hundred millions to her mother and to me she sits among her dolls and toys and doesnt seem to care if wealth is all in rosy cheeks and locks of curly hair she toddles up to me and like an art ful fairy clips a cupon bearing love from all the sweetness of her ups and when she puts her arms around my neck and gooe in glee shes worth uncounted millions to her mother and to me and when shes in her crib at night and dalntly tucked in the wealth of croesus couldnt buy the dimple in her chin and as she blinks her roguish eyes to play at peekaboo she chuckles me a fortune with each archly spoken goo and though she has no fortune i am sure you wul agree shes a fortune more than money to her mother and to me a big special j in it j v i ni i give yourself am your family enjoy- bmnftand entertainment the whole year th by lactingone of these special ffers either offer permits a choice of top- magaxines together with newsrper group a dlltaiailjwuflkmltltf actttltuune iff ntrul home monthly 1 yr ncwtaoaii maquine 1 yr mmtoibju hflewcgffjsmtt kuheatwl 1yr on hokitk ft home ftu 1 yr mo am 1 yr mlveittreen t yr oroupcb- trflejtout ivr open road for mh mrs american roy 1yl parents magazine 1 yr strfflrakd ivr rtoveek stom ink 11- ybim 4md1mg magazines r35 hamer mparu mwta mew l semflsymt i emclott rlftftfl uno mi q offmo i ftw bwucfcjo oftf ho ft 1 am chtckim trffl uaoazmb dtsmo with a yar1 mkcftirnonto voijritapv- town amd provihci r things that kfdurc honor and truth and ma these are the things that stand though the sneer and gibs of the cynic tribe are loud through the width of the land the scoffer may lord it an hour on earth and a lie may live for a day but truth and honor and manly worth are things that endure alway courage and toll and service old yet the rock that abides he shock and holds through the storm fltnt- true pad and folly the whims of an hour may bicker and rant and shrill but the living granite of truth win tower long after their rage is still labor and love and virtue time does not dim their glow though the smart may say in then- languid way oh we ve outgrown all that you know but a he whatever the guise it wars is a lie as in days of yore and a truth that has lasted a million years l good for a million more ted olson a fkabl op ntjok she isnt worth a fortune sum she hasnt any stocks her wealth is all in little shoes and pinafores said frocks in little rings of curling hah and big turnover of farmers association 473jm there are now 26 farmers coop erative egg and poultry as in eastern ontario which since the first one was established on december 1st 1934 at kemptville have paid up to the end of december 1937 a total of 473090 46 to the producers for their eggs and poultry it was not until september 34 1935 that the second association began business at pinch and by the end of that year only 1978 cases of eggsj30 dozen to the case were handled in 1836 more new associations were formed and during the year marketed 20 437 cases or- eggs 9682 lb of live poultry and b3b20 lb of dressed poul- lx last year the 26 associations sold 4263 cases of eggs 45355 lb of live poultry and 178823 lb of dresead poul try an increase of 10 per cent in eggs and 116 per cent in poultry handled over 1936 the amount paid by each associa tion up to the end of 1937 is as fol lows stormont pinch ll6 454j5 oxfordonkldeau kemptville 69- 80696 maxvllle 4065618 trenton f3b07ul renfrew county jcgati- vllle 2440s8 renfrew county cobden 21496 08 cassebnan 20 k92jm moose creek i37sa6 ash- ton 31559670 jasper 18347 46 csmpbetitord 1340170 plantagenet 1304772 north oower 1181138 st isidore 1137083 lansdowne 11316 06 almonte 996444 vank- leek hill 607017 westport 4- 39653 glen robertson 4j92m wllllamstown 3987 48 kenmore 2 047 06 emburn 4 jos 76 st eugene 184241 bourget 1778 athens 92659 bristol 41419 prior to the formation or the as sociations practically alt the fanners in the ottawa valley sold their eggs either to the stores or itinerant buyers often not on grade as required by the regulations of the dominion depart ment of agrlcultrue but on an average price and without troubling about the current price on the montreal rnarket the governing factor in the sale of eggs in eastern ontario many of the farmers either had no means of learning the price in montreal on the day of sale or didn t bother to find out at each centre of the associations the eggs are delivered by the farmers who are paid on the basis of the grade and the avenge of the weeks quota tion on the montreal market less the deduction for express managers commission and biher essential charges each farmer receives s grading report for the ggs he delivers he knows tht he will get the current price for it is obtained and posted every morning at each station but the actual market price less the over head charges is not the only advan tage to the farmer the grading re port gives him an indication of the advantages of brerftngleedlx sanitation in keeping poultry- the grade is determined by three principal factorsquallty slae and cleanliness inspectors of the domin ion department or agriculture main tain close supervision over all deal ers in eggs whether they are private o cooperative r re is mterestlng to note that these associations supplied more than half of he carload of fresh eggs which was recently export to england footprints of service this is a reproducnonof a picture taken in subzero tern- peranire the morning after a severe snow storm it shows footprints of a telephone operator leading to the tele phone office they arc mute evidence of the spirit of service that is back of your telephone blocked streets and high ways seldom keep telephone employees from the job if humanly possible they are at work ready to do their part m providing your telephone service the management of this company is proud of the fine spirit of service shown by employees and we feel sure that our customers appreciate it because of it your tele phone service is maintained at a constantly high standard mr binks was busily engaged with spade in themud beside his car when a stranger hailed him stuck in the mud he asked oh no explained mr binks cheerily my engine died here and rm digging a grave for it yooks tlbb citmatgfjlqflvil hcrrld out time table auadatd time 710 u pgnenger wad lean ltt aim mud ida rm te itamntoi jt jun fmengorvjwxidaja acog tu pm totb tuu cray coach lines coacbes leave oboborowh a 7jq8 am mb sjh lfl pun 4j6 pan 6jsq p i us pan to kitchener x s3s ajn c 256 pan xb 50 pjn 1139 aan a 4ji6 pan d 11 pan x l56 pan x s5 pm e u30 aan x through to london a except sun and hol b8un and hot o sat dexoept sat sun and hoi bus dcpqt w hlong mrectory 1t dale kjc georgetown ontario offlceoregory theatre bjdg mill st kknlfkth m langoon barrister seucusr notary pamfct first mortgage money to j office main street south phone 88 w grant barrister etc mill street y po box 188 ranet obatdon lawrence jfc cook barristers etc 5 bay st taroqtobnmptan o e eraser raney kc m h edward cook gordon oraydan 333 main st north brampton telephone 72 harold r lawrence loblaw inuii brampton telephone 643 p r watson djdts mjks georgetown office hours 0 to 5 except thursday afternoons j e jackson do a successor to the late dr oouop open evenings phone 224w oeorgebnrn frank pettch licensed atxnnonkkr prompt service cheltenham 36 r 23 georgetown 61 r 3 post office cheltenham monuments pollock a ingham successors to cater worth gab onl inspect our work tn greenwood c the forgets tm ifankl a m nitlsen esth tear at practice outoprmctor xray dnigless thefapist lady attendant office over dominion store georgetown o eanfjp mother says can she have ft pound of butter and some sugar on trust x little gw in the grocers u and wh doesnt your mother xjfa said the child fun of inno cence mother trying another shop v a-c-

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