Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 9, 1938, p. 7

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the georgetown tjerald wednesday evening fehtuary 9th 1938 page 7 bbbacii ached for 4tears kruacben put him right pot lour yean this mans back ached almost oonttnnoubly nor at mi he starts the day fresh as a daisy and- his back aches no more read his story x had continuous backache for fovrrywan i looked on the black side of everything now i write with extreaee gratitude tor what kmschen salts has done lor me the freshness with which i start my dayjs work is perfectly nunreuous after- seven days of ktuachen 1 felt better and ooiudlget up immediately without any special effort i am- 57 and my early fmernuv dose of kruschen is my t- i the hdneya are the filters of the human machine if they become sliiggiabv impurities find their way in to the bloodstream and produce troublesome symptoms backache rheumatism and depression the numerous salts hi kruschen quickly coax your kidneys back to healthy normal action as an im mediate result you experience re lief from those old dragging pains as you persevere you lose your pains altogether workmens compensation r a statement there were 6106 accidents reported to the workmens compensation board during the month of january as compared with 6138 during de cember and 480 during january a yew ago the benefits awarded amounted to 6ttrvt538 of which s44635168 was for compensation and 10333370 for medical aid he got tsld an irascible old soldier was kept waiting on a golf course while a woman with a baby in her arms sauntered across a path that happen ed to be right of way slurry up there with that baby shouted the soldier baby yourself retorted the wom an playing with that little ball and in those silly short trousers go home to your mother you naughty little boy- the man who says it cant be done is liable to be interrupted by some body doing it pscobac a health scrvicr op thc camaoian mkoical association ad ofk weuaanca companics n canada biliousness biliousness la a word which holds its place in everyday language to describe a state of mental depression and physical discomfort which is marked by headache mrttiw a mouth which tastes badly a feeling of nausea weakness and depression together with constipation the popular idea is that this un happy state is due to what la catted a 8lugglah liver tins idea appar ently comes from the fact that when the socalled bilious person vomits and he generally does the contract ing walls of the stomach draw up a small amount -of- bile this small amountor bile is sufficient by its yellow colour and bitter taste to con- vlnce the patient that alll his trouble arose from his liver which produces the bile the liver is a very reliable organ and it does its best but sometimes the excess of food and drink or the failure to eliminate wastes from the body may give rise to a condition with which the liver cannot cope and so it rebels it is not the liver alone which protests but other parts of the digestive tract wlu join with it pro ducing that form of disorder which the public if not the doctors know as biliousness the relationship of mental effici ency to bodily health is seen in the sad look and gloomy spirits of the victims of digestive upsets the way to a mans heart may be through his stomach certainly the way to his good or 111 humour is by way of hia digestive tract the treatment is not by liver pills or purgatives but through the correction of faulty habits this means simple food outdoor exercise plenty of sleep and a freer use of water between meals regular elimin ation can be secured by jublt diet and exercise biliousness does not trouble those who lead a fairly simple life who avoid excesses of one kind and an other who pay reasonable attention to the requirements of their bodies and who pay attention to their food and their elimination instead or tak ing medicines some people think that they are born bilious but in doing so they are only blaming their ancestors for what is really their own carelessness with regard to their eating and other habits questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical as sociation 184 college st toronto will be answered personally by letter now on display here new standard ford v8 newly styled for 1938 come see m drive it thats the best way to appreciate the new standard ford v8 for 1938 its newly styled wrujtlonger hood and sowing lines- that give it distinctive 1938 beauty luggage com partments are large interiors roomy and newly ap pointed youll be surprised at how many expensive features the new standard ford v8 offers at low price the standard line includes the tudor and fordor sedan and the coupe it gives you the basic advan tages of the famous v8 engine judge this cars beauty and performance for yourself 1 ask about the low prices and easy financing youll agree its the quality car in the lowprice field ford for 1938 introduces two lines standard and deluxe get complete details from us about the new deluxe ford v8 the most luxurious ford car ever built new in style tops in value cripps dealer in ford cars trucks and tractors hiram steps in bt ehdora bamsay nctuedsom xxthy lucy green hiram thompson seid in real dis may you cant mean that after all these years you are going to leave ine the lady addressed tem pieased her fpinsterly mouth and re sumed her knitting yes hiram she replied with terrible finality in her tone 1 mean just that havent you had a nice home to live int the poor man uiquired tim idly the furrow between hia- eyes deepening if its money lucy name your price lucy green clicked her needles impatiently and kept her eyes upon her flying fingers i have no com plaint im forty years old and i want to see the city for ten years now ive been keeping house tor you and im- not getting any- young er vm going next week but im getting you a housekeeper all right lucy the man almost moaned i cant hold you mies lucy gathered up her knit ting and almost ran out of the room hiram thompson stared into the fire and thought that life was a thing exceedingly hard to endure lucy had made hia home comfortable had cooked just the things he liked had been such a nice body to haw around and his little girl whom xucy had taken care of since the child was two adored her really he could not picture ufeptbrlthout lucy green the inexorable passing of time brought the departure of lucy and the coming of her successor hetty mcleod whom from the first hi ram felt he could never like that evening hiram took his seat at the suppertable and looked across at the bony face of hetty mcleod who talked in strident tones as she poured the tea i see the neighbors cat makes free on our side of the fence she began i aint agoin to have that never did like cats oh little mary wailed aunt lacy useter feed him we love that cat miss mcleod sniffed and made no reply as she poured a dark fluid in to the cups we dont have coffee for supper we have tea mary complained taint coffee cant you smell the tea the new housekeeper cor rected a few days later hiram noticed that dust had begun to coat the mahogany furniture lucy had al ways polished with such pride little mary studying beneath the lamp kicked her father gently on the ankle and wrote on the dark sur face of the table im hungry and i want aunt lucy the child had expressed the longing that filled his whole being he was hungry not only for the food lucy prepared seven chief unite gold electrical ifoasvrssncst there are seven units of slsctrloal neasurement such as ampere ohm olt etc the names were arbi trarily applied being adaptations from the names of pioneers in tha field of electrical science the ampere is named for a m ampere a french electrician the ohm for the german g 8 ohm tha volt for alessandro volta while tb others take their nsmes from charles a de coulomb michael faraday james p joule and james watt the ohm is a unit of resistance tt represents the resistance offered to an unvarying current by a col umn of- mercury at we temperature of ice 148421 grams in mass of a crosssectional area of 10q003 square millimeters and of the length of 1063 centimeters the ampere is a unit of current an ampere decomposes 0009324 of a gram of water in one second or deposits silver at the rate of 001118 of a gram per second when passed through a solution of nitrate of silver in water the volt is a unit of electromo tive force one volt equals one am pere of current passing through a substance having one ohm of re sistance the coulomb is the unit of quan tity the amount of electricitytrans ferred by a current of one ampere in one second the farad is a unit of capacity the capacity of a cond charged to a potential of one volt by one coulomb he joule is a unit of work it is equivalent to the energy expended in one second by one ampere cur rent in one ohm resistance the watt la tha unit of power it is equivalent to work done at the rate of one joule per second short short story complete in this issue for the tastefully kept house that breathed the presence of lucy but he was hungry for lucy herself the next day hiram thompson journeyed to find lucy green sit tha address she had given she was staying he had known at the home of a sister in a not far-distant- city until aha could find the sort of situa tion that would enable her tb see the things she professed to yearn for as he walked up the steps hiram thompson fortyfive and usually at ease was as nervous as a school boy lucy herself opened thedoor oh hiram she gasped whats happened la mary hit hiramwalked in and laid his hat and coat on tha chair nearest the door wert starving for you lucy- mary as much as a child can and me moren i ever thought a man could i thought maybe youd con- sldef comin back not as lucy green housekeeper but as lucy thompson owner we just cant live without you lucy he finished lamely there was a soft light in mis lucy greens clear eyea and also pie glimmer of a twinkle her little plan t inv s poorest housekeeper in the state and the grouchiest old maid had worked but there was no use tell ing hiram what he neednt ever know so she dropped her lids and said gently well hiram i guest im homesick too noughts for naught the armenian merchants arith metic is somewhat elastic as when he asks 200 for an embroidered tablecloth and accepts 3 an eng lish official tells of an instance when adjusting claims of the allied sub jects for damages in the near east after the war an armenian asked for 500000 damages waa awarded 400 and insisted he should have 500 but you asked for 500000 orjgirfally they told him thats tfethrng with ahjwg o h a ders my lawyer just added a few noughts wsuhinyton church owes start to british throat of alfc washingtons historic churches foundry m e boasts the most romantic origin it owes its existence to a pious georgetown res ident of the last century named hen ry foxall foxall owned a foundry which tradition has it supplied tha guns with which the american fleet won its victories on lake erie when the british entered wash ington following the battle otblad ensburg in 1814 says a writer in the washington post his foundry was among the buildings they in tended to destroy hearing of their plan for vengeance foxall took an oath that if god would protect the foundry he would erect a church in gratitude on august 20 the date set for the attack a terrific storm arose and discouraged the invaders the foun dry waa spared and foxall pur chased a lot at fourteenth and g streets where a year later he built the original of the structure it wavavflrst suggested that the new church be named in honor of its donor but foxall declared his gift was a memorial to god not to himself when the name foundry was suggested instead foxall u said to have replied i accept that name but not as any compliment to myself it shall be called so in honor of the foundry in london wesleys first church order of the garter the order of the garter is the highest order of knighthood in the world it is believed to have been instituted by edward hi about 1348 says london answers magazine the story goes that at a court ball the countess of salisbury of that day slipped her garter to cover her confusion the king picked up the pretty thing bound it round hia own leg and said honi solt qui mal y pense evil be to him who evil thinks of tbi this afterwards became the motto of the order and of the crown of england the order of the garter is limited to the sov ereign and other members of the royal family with 2o knights and such foreign royalties as may be ad mitted prtaf mb pajstt stop at the budget special gkanclatid sugar 10 53 polly hum bobin bood ceane or fine oats 5 lbs 2 1 c special westons fanci biscuits 2 29c special chbistnre c sodas 2 n 25c special dohakts brand ll pure lard 2 special 18tar light bulbs 3 special 81 oa loots pork beans 3 25c special super suds 2i 19c for easy washing special p g rfs8s 7 25c special eleven oclock te 110 tomato or vegetable soup 3 tins prjnso24c shop at the budget ask for premiom cards free delivery phone 366 bland of orleans the island of orleans situated in the st lawrence river a few miles below quebec is one of the most historic districts of the province jacques cartier called it island of bacchus but the name was later changed in honor of yalois duke of orleans since its early coloniza tion sometime after 1651 the cus toms of the original settlers have been preserved its population has remained french and many french- canadiahs trace thetrhncestryto one of its five villages still old- fashioned are the parishes of str laurent st jean st francois st pierre and st famille along the fortytwomile road that girdles the large stone houses with highpitched roofs gardens old churches and wayside shrines snake battles dont count a persistent and popular notion is that the age of a rattlesnake may be told by counting the rings or but tons of the rattle each one of which is supposed to represent a year in his life this is entirely erroneous says a wrjter in the detroit news because they actually take on an average of three each year vibra tion at tke tip is so pronounced that very frequently a segment is brok- en oft and lost some small speci mens carry more buttons than some twice their size r to our subscribers our mailing list has been corrected to feb 1st subscribers are kindly asked to look at the label on their paper as our mailing lists have been corrected to date if there is any error in the date on your label we shall be pleased to correct same if the date is correct and your subscrip- tion is in arrears wilt you kindly let us have the amount due us now if impossible jjqti you to pay the full amount please be good enough to pay part of it at least and we shall credit same on your account r thanking yoti in anticipation of ybuf favor- yours very truly j m moore publisher

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