Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 9, 1938, p. 8

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page 8 t the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 9th 1938 3 local news saint valentine day next mon day dont forget the bingo in the ohm hau friday night february 11th good priaea it dance in nerval pariah hall un- der auspices nerval bachelors fri day feb ntb at esqueslng township council will hold their regular meeting at stew- arttown on monday feb 14th bring all your gardening prob lems to dick the amateur gardener in the united church march 17th it come and danoe to willis tip ping a muslq on feb 26th in the arena under the auspices of ohoral boclety william brown will hold auction sale of farm stock imple ments etc on wednesday february 23rd at lot 28 9th con esqueslng on the wm wylle farm at one o clock frank fetch auctioneer the women it association of knox presbyterian church is holding it annual valentine tea and sale of homemade baking in the sunday school room on saturday feb 13th from 36 pjn a good program all are welcome it the women s association of the united church will hold a valentine tea and sale of homemade baking in the school room of the church sat urday feb 12th tea will be served from 3 to s o clock a good program has been provided and a cordial in vttatlon is extended to all it does your back ache are your kidneys out of order try back base kidney pills a well known formula of great value special offer 29c per box of 45 pills 4 boxes for 1 00 sole agents maocormack a drug store men i to gst vigor vital ity try raw oyster lnvlgorat and other stimulants in new ostkex tonic tablets tone up worn ex hausted weakened system if not de lighted with results maker refunds price 125 you risk nothing call write robbs drug store tf students enjoy pictures an interesting program of motion ptmi talking pictures was presented at the public and high schools in georgetown last thursday by the bell telephone co the countries where material is obtained for raak tag phones and gray owl s brother the beaver were the leading features arrangements tor the pictures were made by miss c whitmee manager of the local office and the pictures were presented by p f bromley and a e haynes bell telephone officials card of thanks we hereby convey to friends and neighbors our very sincere thanks for their many kindnesses and expres slons of sympathy in our recent sad bereavement by the sudden death of our beloved husband and father mrs horace p bingham and family personals mr and mrs arthur tyndau of toronto spent sunaay with mrs w tyndall miss hazel montgomery of toronto visited her sister mrs james gray on sunday mrs j f downey of london spent the week end with mr and mrs j j mcolll mr o bentley of toronto former ly of georgetown visited with mr and mrs h bradley on sunday mr and mrs w a- mcoilvray and mr and mrs claude mcgllvray of toronto visited with friends here on sunday messrs corey herrlngton and wm mcdonald were guests of dick irvln at the canadlenmaple leaf hockey game at the maple leaf gardens id torontoilast thursday mrs jack stewart was presented with a cream brocaded bedspread by the members of the staff on the oc casion of her resigning her position in thejocal bell telephone exchange on jan 31st mrs w huggins who underwent a serious operation at toronto general hospital recently is improving mr huggins is confined to his bed at present with pleurisy we wish them a speedy restoration to health our esteemed resident for many years mrs j c wetherald celebrat ed her 86th birthday at her home on edith street last wednesday she was the recipient of many hearty congratulations from relatives and friends miss ruby gray who is recovering nicely from her recent severe opera tion at the western hospital toron to wishes to thank- all those who so kindly sent her flowers letters and cards during her illness she hopes to be able to return home in a couple of weeks among those from a distance who attended the funeral or the late w o mckay on saturday afternoon last were mr and mrs gerald bar ber miss alice barber mrs arthur doran mr and mrs roderick a fraser miss elsie fraser mrs f h little mrs lou skuce dr pett de puty chief of police george outhrte mr charles hodgson mrs george begg toronto mr herbert wether aid windsor mr and mrs v a smltrf hamilton mr and mrs eric allan st thomas mr and mrs j a wlllougbhj toronto card of thanks mrs james fox mr john fox and mr and mrs charles parton wish to thank their many friends and neigh bors members of the orange lodge orion lodge no 109 ioop alii ance paper mills and georgetown pipe band tor their floral tributes and expressions of sympathy also those who provided cars and those who so willingly offered and gave heir aid in the sickness and loss of a dear husband and brother food 19c westons sodas b slat hdav 12c i h gou mbdax peas chafe qaalttr 2 23c sunlight soap 6c ligrtmuftyhousbvives p rib roast 21 clb boned and rotted sirloin sleak 2 5 ib full cntt beef shanks jcib 7 t lllla each fresh wwterfed lamb legs 25 front quarters 17 with sw the slalom 1 club club 18 active although it fails to snow fresh eggs a large a medium a puueu 25c doz 24c doz 23c doz domestic and easifirst shortening 2 ib guelph creamery butter 36 we have not had this column in the paper the last couple of weeks but in this issue we will bring the slalom pews up to date friday night january 3 1st was the last night the cltib met at the golf course to ski the weather that night was unfavorable and the snow very sticky however the club mustered about 20 members together and af ter the last had arrived proceeded to the hogs back where the next hour was spent about 930 the olub started on a tour around the course finally meeting in front pf the club house the most pleasant part of the evening then came when it was announced that the club were to pro ceed to the home of one of its mem bers betty grant whose mother had very kindly offered to entertain he club for the evening when all the members had arrived and removed their ski boots for the sake of the floors a short business meeting was held in which the advisability of ob tabling crests membership cards and holding ski tests was discussed the meeting was then adjourned and the most enjoyable part of the evening then came when the hostess announc ed that lunch was ready after such a strenuous evening of skiing it is not hard to understand that the club more than did justice to the banquet placed before them after lunch the furniture was removed and the rest of the evening was spent in dancing it was only after several hours that the party anally broke up and after thanking mr and mrs grant and betty for such a splendid evening left for home tired but with the hope that another such evening should take place soon during the next two weeks there was no regular meetings held as the snow had practically vanished and also the club had decided to postpone their regular meeting from jan 28th to feb 4th so not to interfere with the bon temps club dance although there was still no snow on feb 4th a skating party was held on the rink behind the high school at this time we would like to thank the staff of the school and the school board for allowing the slalom club the use of the ice the members assemb led at the school at 8 o clock the next few hours were spent in skat ing after which the club proceeded to the home of paul barber where re freshments were served after lunch a meeting was held and business was- discussed the president then verj ably thanked mrs barber for kindly allowing the club to meet there the party then proceeded to dance to the radio altogether it was a very pleasant evening and it would seem that the club hasn t missed the lack of snow very much notes a meeting of the- club a 111 be held on friday night at the home of bill monally at 8 o clock all members are urged to be present as there is a great deal of business to be discuss ed a sample of the crest for the club has been received and will be shown to the club for their approval standards of spring flowers with a background of palms and ferns formr ed the setting for a pretty wedding solemnized saturday afternoon at the home of mr and mrs william blake woodbrldge when their only daugh ter vera marjorle was united in marriage to frank wilfrid wilson youngest son of mr george wilson and the latemrs wilson of george town rev c w barrett officiated the wedding march was played by mrs j c brown who played the wedding music for the brides mother and the ceremony was performed in the room where the brides parents were married forty years ago the bride given in marriage by ber father was gowned in silk chanuia lace rfwer ivory satin cut on princess lines with high stand up collar and buttoned in front from neck to hem she wore a crepe turban with short yell and carried a fan bouquet of butterfly roses and lllyofthevauey the bride a attendant wks mrs john dea who wore a dubonnet frock of wine velvet hat to match and car ried a fan bouquet of johanna hill roses mr roy blake brother of the bride was best man the soloist madame ethel holland sang all mine alone accompanied by miss marie allen of weston the recep tion took place in the living room the brides mother wearing navy blue sheer with a corsage of roses and sweet peas the grooms sister mrs stanley gowland received in navy blue printed chiffon with a cor sage of roses and- sweet peas the happy couple left on a motor trip to florida the bride travelling in a two piece suit of independence blue boucle in schlaparelli style top coat of blue tweed trimmed with grey matching accessories and silver fox scarf on their return they will re side on the grooms farm near georgetown church news scripture text for ood sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved jn 3 17 sl georges church rev woo thompson rector septuageslma sun day holy com amnion 8 ajn sun day school 10 ajn matins 11 am evensong 7 pjn the preacher at eleven o clock will be captain mason of the church army who is in charge of police court and prison work in toronto on sunday morning last the sunday school had mayor gibbons as guest who spoke to the children after the lesion on the influence of the sun day school in sport and citizenship mens- broadcloth shirts 49c house dresses 39c horsehide coats and windbreakers drastically reduced mens white lawn 3 shoes on sale wabasso prints 13c map heavy black vsyelei gums 138 brills fire sale print aprons will cut 23c ladies coats ffcsb ladies felt hats 69e ol shirts drawers reg 79c far 49c penmans merino combmathmf loo st albans church glen williams septuageslma sunday holy com munion 930 a m sunday school 2 pjn evensong 3 pjn baptist chanh rev e baxter minister 130 ajn sunday school 7 pjn gospel service lead us not into temptation mon day 8 pjn bypu thursday 8 pjn midweek service halton presbyterial wjhs a meeting of the executive of hal ton presbyterlal wm of the united church was held at sl paul s church milton morning and afternoon ses slons with mrs earl wilson first vicepresident presiding mrs c l readhead and mrs f hadley con ducted the devotions the treasurer reported 544407 sent to the branch treasurer a slight increase over hut year also 30 for special objects reports were received from the sec retarles covering the work for the year hi different departments in ad dition to special relief sent to the west the supply secretary reported 40 cartons sent to home mission hospitals and schools the teaching of temperance and citizenship to the sunday schools was urged arrange ments were made for the annual pres byterlal meeting which will be held in march mrs b mowat acton and mrs m leslie strabane wet pointed presbyterlal delegates to th hamilton conference branch meeting to be held hi st pauls church oak- vllle on april 12th 13th and 14th the memberi of the executive were pleased to have with them their presl dent mrs h ingleharl who ex pressed her appreciation of the many messages and letters she had re celved during her illness mrs ingle hart led in the discussion regarding the suggested change in membership affiliation the nominating committee met during the recess the milton ladles on the executive entertained at luncheon between sessions new cheese ias we sell for cash 3kec j buck deler united church rev f c overend ba minister wednesday 8 pjn meeting for bible study and prayer sunday 10 ajn sunday school and bible classes 11 a m on being in different to religion t pjn young peoples service conducted by a group of students of toronto tjnlver slty a fireside hour will be held at the close of the service love and hisses at gregory theatre watler wlnchell and ben hemic those famous feudists who put puns into their punches are back fo the greatest return match in history in love and hisses coming to the gregory theatre georgetown satur day feb 12th this time the reason for all the barbed wit is the fight over then- new sweethot from paris the saucy and vivacious simone bimon who sings operatic arias and popular bal lads for the greatest surprise of the year this new idea musical show from hit making twentieth century pox features a great laugh aaecond cast including bert lahr joan davis dick baldwin the raymond scott quin tet ruth teny douglas fowley and chick chandler the result is laughs and kisses mtudc and misses and a show thats got ummphl the new 1938 require ment of musical comedies dont miss it pure food store 49 jb bag maple leaf cream of the west bread flour 210 7 lb bag dayute pastry flour 25c 3 lb bag cooking bran for home baking 15c 5 lb bag blue highland flaked whole wheat 25c 2 x 1 lb pkgs pure lard 25c 1 large pkg rinso and 1 bar lifebuoy s 24c thenew ooodhumojcready cut macaroni per pkg 10c sunsweet oaldtornia tenderized apricots per pkg t5c 3 pros bhlrrtffs fancy free dessert 23e 3 large tins lealand tomato juice 15c chase sanborn s bulk coffee freshly ground lb s3o sweet pickle cottage roll by the piece lb 18c choice breakfast bacon by the piece lb 24c peamealed back bacon by the piece lb 29c fresh bologna by the piece lb vtc choice fresh fruit and vegetables a e farnell phone 75 we deliver approve tomato petition halton county fruit growers have apporved a petition to stabilize the marketing price of tomatoes between the grower and p factories a large number of growers met in the nelson township hall last week and unanimously endorsed the petition a oommitte was appointed to obtain signatures from other growers in the community give this- boy a chance by purchasing your globe and mall every morning from claude dillon you will not only help him to support himself but also help him to win the globe and mall s free trip to new york city paper is delivered before 7 o clock every morning get your paper from the globe and mail carrier boy claude duuon and oive him a change to make good team dies in blaze a team of horses perished when fire swept the house and barn of oeorge harper second jlne erin on monday night the house was of brick but both buildings were com pletely destroyed harper was absent visiting a sick neighbor when the fire broke out he returned to find both buildings in flames neighbors who arrivkd be fore him managed to save only a few farm implements implements a quantity of feed and contents of the house were destroy ed total loss was set at 6 000 new bridege planned at burlington canal tenatlve plans for the new bridge at the burlington canal in connection with the completion of the fourlane highway route to niagara falls were announced by the ontario depart ment of highways on tuesday last the bridge development win extend nearly two miles including its ap proaches and concrete pavement link ing the new middle road at the beach cutoft the bridge span will be a 130foot high level steel structure withj ap proaches extending over 800 feet ac cording to plans now being finally completed by the department mortgage sale under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale tnere will be offer ed for sale by r j kerr auctioneer at pubuc auction on monday the 21st day of february 1938 at the hour of onethirty o clock in the afternoon at the farm of wil liam j bowman r r no 3 george town ontario the following property namely all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the town ship of esqueslng in the county of halton containing by admeasurement fifty acres more or less being com posed of the west half of the easthalf of lot number fifteen in the fifth con cession of the said township describ ed in mortgage number 13742 to the agricultural development board on the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings the lands wil be sold subject to a bid of sale twentyflve ner cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of the sale the balance to be secured by a mort gage with lnterestfcfour per cent per annum for further particulars and condi tions of sale apply to adjourned tax sale the adjourned tax sale of lands for taxes in the township of esques tng will be held on tuesday feb 22nd 1938 at 10 ajn at the council chamber in the village of stewarttown w erio snrcwww bo east block parliament bjdga toronto ontario solicitor to the mortgagee dated at toronto this eighteenth j day of january 1938 jt royal finelphs modem theatre now until friday myrna loy whom you voted canadas queen of the serpen jn man proof with franchot ton walter pigeon i rosalind russell added revival thursday at 1kitflt errol flynn in captain blood starling saturday 4 days nelson eddy eleanor powell rosalie frank morgan edna may oliver batpboa oontw fboh u km o o o ol

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