Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 16, 1938, p. 6

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ae6 the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 16th 1938 are ywisnre your eyes see corrcdly have vod seen thb nevt bohjes8 mounting t no screw to loom ond rsaow iilitilj knots leas etcofcoge of cfeoms tnss smnv joa lo our price m the samb as ottt prices o t walker ro orrtmbtbist exesioht spacuust btuqtsa who is ot boaws dimo atoee ojwmw ta moil r wu f wa aw t- to t wer st kit soon to i thompson 1939 chicks barred p rocks s c white leghorns fixed dayold chicks m acancy garmiitel itajold pellet also cockerels with posse guarantee started chicks fob- sale dub1nq season all matlngs bloodtested and individually culled tor beet production ot eggs and meat k hatching eggs range rrom 24 ounces to 30 ounces per doxen please order early francis thompson r phone 48 r 3 georgetown b r 3 tlie osier is yaw pr4eclsu w h kentner son flwne otbee 12 res 211 georgetown j mmmmj qtsnapshot cuili i travel int fair hava a tmarmo4tart talk with yourself i doubt exposure accurately planned will let you ffi do you remember the wonder tales yon read when a child the for bidding castles filled with ogres the hnge jinn of the arabian nights the trolls that lired under bridges nd the zairies that haunted myate- ious woodlands t ton can use your camera to re create those childhood- memories you can make giants walk through your pictures too can hold yourself or a tiny version of yourself in the hollow of your own hand too can pose in intimate conversation with the irish weo people the elves and fairies and the cobbling leprechaun its not bard the method is to ase our old friend the double ex posure twosbots on the same film all that is necessary is accurate pos ing and careful control of the light a black background is necessary or yon can poae ypur subject before thedoor dfa room note the picture above although it was made with a camera having a ground glass for focusing which simplifies making such pictures you can get the same effect with your own small camera first pose the subject fairly close to the camera with his empty hand extended snap- the picture and mark the position of the hand on the glass view under very carefully with d tiny dot ot ink now without winding the film move the camera back several teetr so the subjec appears small in the view under let him stand facing bisformer position so that his feet appear right on jim ink dot lathe under arrange the light so the feet are not too brightly illuminated this wfll help eliminate evidence or slight errors in the position of the subject snap the shutter a second time and the final picture is made when the picture is developed presto there are the little man and the big one facing each other on th same film ton will probably make mistakes in placement on your first tries be cause- the view finder is small but this is part ot the tun of trying trick photography and some of your errors may give a funnier pic ture than the one you carefully planned it is well to remember that only the figures tn these shots can be lighted it surrounding objects show up they will spoil the picture it your camera has an open di rect view finder without gws it is best noj to try this sort of work if however yon have a camera with ground glass back you can place figures wlh greater accuracy with this technique youcan make a fairy dance on the table lnfront ot you the fairy being your small daughter in her ballet dress it you want to make the little figures trans parent shorten exposure a little you can it you like do c work illustrating the fairy tales yon enjoyed a child try jack and the beanstalk with an intrepid small boy eluding thsgrasp otlajaerce ogre- or get an old hiking srogan and a fiopy of mother goose and- plctere the om lady who uvea in a shoe 142 john van outlder on press onl surmount the rocky steps climb bodlyoer the torrents arch he falls alone who feebly creeps be wins who dares the heros march bo thou a hero i let thy might r tramp on eternal snows its way and through the ebon walls ot night hew dawnb passage unto day press onl if once and twice thy feet slip back and- stumble harder try prom him who never dreads to meet danger and death theyre sure to to co ranks the bull spe tncir breasts who never t quail gleams guardian of chlwdrie deeds- fright courage like a coat of mall press onl if fortune jjlay thee false todayvlomordw shell be true whom now she sinks she now exalts taking old gifts arid granting new the wisdom of the present hour makes up the follies past and gone to weakness strength succeeds and power from- frailty springs press on press on park benjamin news and information for the busy fanner principally through heavy exports of dressed poultry to the united king dom and large shipments of live poultry chiefly from ontario to near by united states markets the poul try market in 1937 showed a distinct improvement over 1936 total milk production in canada has shown a steady increase for the past nine years during the fiveyear period 193236 inllk production in creased from approximately 15900- 000000 lbs in 1933 to 16700000000 lbs hi 1836 and a further advance of ap proximately 200 million lbs is indi cated for 1937 plantfood contents in fertilizers the fertilisers act requires definite guarantees by venders of the plant food content of their fertilisers that is nitrogen phosphoric acid and pot- in addition these plant food substances must be in an available form for plant use there are many kinds of fertilisers on the market to day all of which are dependable if used according to kind and plant food content on the one hand and soil and crop requirements on the otner every buyer of fertilisers should study these factors carefully because the proper application of them means so much in obtaining best results the recommendations of the pro vincial fertiliser councils are a safe guide in this respect and may be ob tained from the department of agri culture for the provinces canadian eggs tv brtuta fresh canadian winterproduced eggs will soon be making- their debut on the breakfast tables ofohe people in great britain the flrslf shipment of such eggs left montrearlpn janu ary 5 and totalled fllty corrugated paper boxes each box containing 15 ohedozen individual cartons the eggs being grade a large never before have eggs been exported from canada in onedozen cartons on january 11 a carload of fresh eggs packed in standard 30dozen cases left mon treal and was loaded in the s s beaverbrac at st john n b on january 12 for england this ship ment was collected from 15 farmers cooperative egg and poultry associa tions tn quebec and eastern ontario also from some wholesalers it is expected similar shipments will follow from other points in ontario w a brown chief poultry services dominion department of agriculture who was associated with the shipments states that the british market will not get any fresher eggs from any euro pean country than those in the two recent shipment there is he says an opportunity in the british mar ket for canadian winter produced eggs and if such shipments can be made profitably the canadian pro ducer will bcnlflt soil testing important agricultural leaders of canada have become increasingly worried in re cent years over soil depletion and while conditions in ontario are not nearly as grave as in some parts of the canadian won it is common knowledge that many ontario farm have been mined until there is but little fertility remaining the on tario department tt agriculture is fully alive to the danger with the re sult that the department through the o a c is undertaking an en larged program of research and demonstration work for 1936 in soil fertility inr discussing the situation dr g i christie president of the oac ouelph points out that many ontario soils have been fanned more than a 100 years some have been wisely handled and have become increasingly productive but on the other hand many have been thoroughly mined soils have become poor hard to work and give low yielding crops on other farms while good prac tice has been followed fertility has become unbalanced says dr christie one or more elements have been re duced in available quantities it may a centre of information for apple growerwlth special attention paid to orchard management r fertilizing pruning and handling of fruit as part of the soil program a sol testing laboratory was establish ed at the0ajc last year over 3500 samples of soil from all over the province were tested and recommen dations made to the farmers a seri ous situation in waterloo county is being gradually corrected cereal crops were attacked by nematodes small eel worms which form clusters oh the roots and seriously interfere with growth and oevelonment of the plants tjie county council leased abacuy infected field for ten years where the oacv is carrying out re search work iast year there were definite indications that balancing of fertility will correct the trouble and more work is planned for thisyear pasture studies carried out by ot tawa and ojc chemistry dept have brought to light many new problems in western and eastern ontario following up these surveys the fields are fertilised and cattle- and sheep are used to check the re- suits these animals are being fed balanced rations this winter 1111 special attention to mineral needs these experiments are under way at ailsa craig holyrood and other points as part of this work in the field a special experiment is being carried out in oxford county with a group of 35 farmers the agricultural rep resentative reg green in cooper ation with the ontario livestock branch and oao jias supplied min erals for the cattle and has made an accurate test of all milk produced and supplied to cheese factories he- suite indicate larger returns of milk and the condition of the animals has been improved generally large areas of ontario soils some times described as fresh water areas are deficient in iodine horse breeders are finding that mares in foal must receive small quantities of iodine if joint ill and other diseases are to be avoided doubtful carefully complied statistics said the speaker show that every cigar a man smokes shortens his life by three days and trvery cigarette he smokes- shortens his life by a day at this point a trmber of the audi ence said j are those statistics absolutely ac curate absolutely sir said the speaker then tve been dead over two hundred years said the interrupter her answer one day when mark twain was very busy writing his little daughter was told she must not disturb daddy because he was upstairs writing an anecdote not long after the doorbell rang the caller asked if mr clemens was in to which the little miss proudly re plied yes sir hes in but you cant see him cause hes upstairs riding a nanny goat picobac not tomorrow or the next day but right now tom watson emphasises the fact that he doesnt want delay hot intends to get the answer right away by long distance so a call is put through and a deal which might have hung fire for days is closed promptly as tom watson puts it with long dis tance theres noroomfor inisunderatanding it gets reguiu and the cost an insignifi cant part of our operating budget although we do use it so frequently reductions in telephone rates local and long 1 distance in 1935 36 ands have effected i savings to telephone users in ontario and i quebec of nearly ana million dollars yearly 1 x western canada jpecial oaiqai c v r ursions mm ssl lulls la f c coing daily feb 19 mar b faduslv ncmtaaood m at m hi canadian national a big special be phos potash or nitrogen many cases it has f been found to bor on manganese or magnesium it is through recognition of these problems that oao has undertaken an ex tensive research program dr christie reviewed work done in tn norfolk county by the chemistry dept ojlc whic located soils suitable for growing fluecured tobac co the crop this year sold for some flftgoo000 part of brant and ox ford counties are being surveyed tor tobacco through the cooperation of central experimental farm ottawa jxx durham and northumberland o an oax3 wer oa balance auxveyaiib oebsrmlne if possible nee or important elements vision ottawa under u 8 davis w establishing an orchard where defin ite experiments could be carried out over a number of years and servt as readers of thi5 v paper give ydurself and your family enjoy ment and entertainment the whole year through by selecting on of these special offers either offer permits ttchoice of topnotch magazines together with this l cefl ho crftf ahy j magazine from this ust newspaper for one year choose ernes offer group nd 1 d lunam nagazik m m i n chatojme hi dnationox home mmoau 11 ncanadmn kagame t dictoiamhtcaama deuneator iii dcjuthoinntelhokesmfi 1 yt nmoanogun tfe oaaerkan i0y ink nlvereeh lyl arhtt magazine im dokmroadfwian 11 damencanrwitiiofer- tyt aoupa d macuainiwaiiicoh iamt 1 yi dchayeulie 1yr national home mwthly i yl canahan aucasne i yl nctomal reyiewtomaallitll deuneator i yr can hortrue t home mag 1 yr rod a gun slyer screen q0opb dtrue y0ry owen road for mtj hamewcajhoy mrareint magazine- hscreenland imewiweek 1 yl 1 yt lyt lyn ur 1 yr lt sfcob ink your newspaper and 1 mo maoazbos vuur cukun hjhay canummi ismctoa iuvsscsnoui o oft md i latadvd orfb ha i i am 1ht masazims dbms with a ymk jusjcwmon to you saifa s st ok uh town and movntci a 0

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