Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 13, 1938, p. 1

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seventyfirst year of publication wednesday evening april 13th 1938 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa strong deputation wait on council beverage room hours not changed representatives of different organizations address council 1937 tax roll returned with outstanding taxes of about 11000 for the year town council met to special session on tuesday evening with mayor joseph otbfconattlthjtvjihair reeve davis and councillors joseph halfe tbos lyons a e crlpps jas costl- gan and w f- smith present the main object of the meeting was to give the bylaw regulating the hours for the sale of beer in bever age rooms its first second and third readings and consider the 1937 tax roll which has been returned with some sllooo of outstanding taxes for the tear a large deputation consisting of re presentatives of the wjcttj local council of women womens institute ontario temperance federation bap tist church and united church were present although representatives were not present from the presbyter- ian or the anglican churches rev mr davidson and rev mr thomp son personally expressed themselves favorat to the request of the depu tation among those who addressed council opposing the rescinding of aiettacsent bylaw were a maclaren br mcallister j d godfrey rev f o overend mrs j w kennedy mrs hayes weir reld bos mrs overend after a number of questions had been aked and answered mayor gib bons put the motion which was as follows moved by w f smith seconded by joseph hall that bylaw no to rescind bylaw no 3716 and- num ber 3713 of the town of georgetown be now read a first tune yeas smith hall nays gibbons lyons davis cos- tigan cripps the mayor declared the motion lost members of the deputation thank ed the mayor and members of coun cil for the considerate hearing given them and for their action in the mat ter they held no 111 will against any who opposed them as every per son had a right to their own opinion in such matters councillor n h brown who ten- dered his resignation to the town clerk earlier in the day was asked by members of council to reconsider the matter he finally decided to withdraw his resignation and remain in office council adjourned announcement has just been made by agricultural representative j e whltelock regarding club projects to be conducted amongst halton junior farmers during the current year the county of halton agricultural socie ty will sponsor two calf clubs one open to holsteln and ayrshire calves the other to jersey and guernsey calves with a separate section for shorthorns fortyeight club mem bers between the ages of 12 and 20 years inclusive participated in these events in halton in 1937 acton agri cultural society we understand will again sponsor a boys foal club and m b will organize a boys grain j club at georgetown the agricultural roodety directorate will concentrate their activities on a boys grain club this event which is being continued for the fourth year has been the medium of developing some outstand ing seed growers all three societies are- also con- ducting field crop competitions at acton and milton the competitions will be with oats and at georgetown in winter wheat in as much as the regulations call for sowing registered seed and fields entered should serve as excellent sources of high quality seed for another year ashgrove i the easter thankoffering meeting of the auxiliary of the wms was held on thursday afternoon in the church when ballinafad auxiliary with their president mrs jas kirk- wood in the chair put on the com plete program it consisted of an impressive worship service musical numbers which were an organ solo by mrs vannatter a duet by misses sinclair and a vocal solo by mrs a o w foreman readings were given by mrs f w j3hortill mrs hilts and miss a mcenery and an instructive talk on india by mrs a o foreman the mission circle girls delighted us with their play the blue bowl it portrayed a splendid thought and was well played their costumes were gorgeous this was indeed a happy gathering with the friends from norval georgetown and ballinafad auxiliaries as our guests all enjoyed social time together in the sunday school room rev b eyre is holding special holy week services monday night at ash- grove wednesday night at bethel and friday night at hornby mrs frank wilson mrs fred wrlg- glesworth mrs henry wilson miss edith wrlgglesworth and mrs e wil son attended the easter thankoffer ing meeting of the georgetow un ed church auxiliary on tuesday the young people are holding an feenlng service on easter sunday then rev gilbert of norval united church will be the speaker a cafe in loveland colorado has a sign offering free coffee any time daring any day the sun is not shining wcty mbs eabl wtxson ashgrove the guest speaker in spite of the april winter which surprised us by its appearance friday last there was a fairly good attend ance of wctu members at the regular monthly meeting held at the home of mrs r h wright charles st the usual devotional exercises con ducted by mrs reeve centered around the theme of the sixtieth psalm davids meditation in time of great national disaster when amid defeat and discouragement there comes the psalmist the consciousness of the need of god to whom he turns tor comfort and succor the superintendent of scientific temperance reported re the essay and poster contest work and plans were made for the judging of these and for the provision of prizes the treasur er reported the receipt- of several do nations toward the educational fund from interested citizens to whom the union hereby expresses its sincere thanks the guest speaker of the afternoon mrs earl wilson of ashgrove presi dent of the wms presbyterial of the united church was warmly wel corned by the president mrs vannat- ter assuring us of her deep interest in the work of our union the accounts of which she has followed 0pm month to month mrs wilson pre sented for our consideration much in formation arkl many helpful thoughts gleaned from a variety of sources to believe in and work for world peace by endeavoring to follow in the footsteps of the prince of peace and to preach by word and life the love of god as revealed in christ jesus our lord is to grow into his likeness and lowliness this pathway leads not to material conquest but to that spiritual power which alone can over come the world the speaker dwelt upon the value even from an economic standpoint of national health she lamented the quite avoidable handicap which the all too popular use of alcohol and to a lesser extent tobacco is placing upon the national health and effici ency her statement that indiffer ence to moral conditions is the most deadly of all sins reminded us of our lords teaching that to qualify for condemnation in the day of judgment is the easiest thing in the world for all we have to do to earn that con demnation is to do nothing masters jamie and clare burns ac companied by their mother mrs nor man burns provided a very pleasing variation to the program by render ing as a vocal duet the ramlllar selec tion face to face with christ my saviour the thanks of the gathering was tendered by mrs reeve to our hos tess to our guest speaker and to the young musicians for their parts in providing a pleasant and profitable session the annual meeting in may will be held at the home of mrs a reeve arietta st horticultural society organized meeting in pumjc library april sou to be addressed by rev mb tebbs of burlington at a meeting held on mondayeven ing for the purpose or organising an horticultural society in georgetown the following officers were appointed 1st vicepresident n h brown 2nd vicepresident rev f c overend directors wm nodwell l e fleck dr nellsen ralph ross dr paul prof hutt e b swackhamer c anthony mrs j b mackenzie dr learmont the office of president has not yet been filled although a number of very- capable persons have been proposed a public meeting will be held in the public library on tuesday april 26th to be addressed by rev mr tebbs of burlington all interested are cordially invited to attend this meeting when future plans of the organization will be dls- prize winners at halton musical festival at the halton musical festival- held at bronte last thursday and friday the following pupils of georgetown public and high schools were award ed prizes in the competition stewart maclaren second for bari tone solo helen mcgowan first for piano solo senior joe wilcox first for cornet solo frank carter second for clarionet solo betty paul and jane early first for girls duet a number of others who took part in the competition made a remark ably good showing although not listed among the winners beverage rooms early closing at fat forest we take the following from themt forest representative of last week we congratulate the mount forest town council on the prompt and un animous way in which if deahtwlth the question of an earlier closing of beverage rooms in the town the matter was brought up by request from beverage room proprie tors in town to have the beverage rooms closed every night at eleven oclock instead of twelve oclock as ai present and those proprietors de serve credit for asking that it be done the members of council were one mind on the matter on motion councillor putznan seconded bj reeve smith it was carried unanl- nously that a bylaw be passed mak- rag the hour of closing ten oclock alton juniors appoint claude mclaughlin as president at the annual meeting of the hal ton rural young peoples association held in milton on monday evening last claude mclaughlin of norval was appointed president plans were made to hold the annual achievement day in home economics and live stock judging on saturday june 11th this event a year ago brought out a total of 121 young men and women and it is anticipated that this record will go by the boards at this years event the annual held day which annually at tracts tn the neighborhood of 500 will as usual be held during the month of july the election of officers result ed as follows president claude mc laughlin norval 1st vicepresident verna kingston palermo 2nd vice- president w g tolton milton sec retary laura johnston acton treas urer j e whltelock an irish phystean who was a wit ness in a law case that lasted several days made a claim for personal ex penses on the ground that several of the patients he had been attending would have recovered in his absence efje ater benson norval rifle club a surprise package shoot took place on the norval rule range on monday night and was won by mr emmerson mcklnftey with a perfect score of 100 points out of 100 when he opened the package he was surprised to find it contained a large assortment of babys requisites such as booties stockings panties diapers safety pins baby powder teddy bear rattles and many other useful articles he re marked that as his wife recently pre sented him with a young son that the articles were very acceptable and that the idea of the members was well thought out he was the first man to shoot for this package and as he made such a splendid score none of the other members tried to equal it on wednesday of last week thir teen members of the roncesvales rifle club of toronto visited the norval range in a return match and went home defeated by a margin of 31 points the scores norval 1260 points out of 1300 roncesvales 1238 out of 1300 the club scores for monday night are as follows h nurse 100 m at kinson 100 f johnson 99 e mc- klnney 99 dr stevenson 98 w wil son 98 w g browne 98 g h hall 97 w- usk 9t f stark 97 c mere dith 96 f hustler 95 w robinson 94 c cantelon 90 in the shoot for the silver spoon p stark and c meredith tied ifff the shootoff meredith won out this was an offhand shoot at 25 yards fractures same arm twice while playing hockey a few weeks ago charles stockford principal of uxfaridge public school had a fall which fractured his left arm between the elbow and shoulder while ad- juteing furniture in the classroom on monday he fell against a desk and fractured the same arm again mr stockford was admitted to toronto general hospital the poor souls who take unto them selves the worries of other people cannot find much pleasure in life easter time is with us again with its deep note of light after darkness joy af ter sorrow the breaking of the first easter morning banished the tragedy which darken ed the world for the disciples and filled the hearts of men with a light which has never faded away with the uprising of the flowers after the- long deathlike silence of the winter easter comes to us all with a wonderful re velation and makes as it did to the disciples of old its tremendous challenge of the endless lijee they were slow of heart to believe yes even when he walked close beside them on the highway entered the house and sup ped with them their eyes were holden and it was not until he broke bread recalling them by the simple ceremony to the never-to-be- forgotten supper that their eyes were opened and they knew him so there should come to us at this lime more vividly than at any other the conscious ness of the living presence of the lord are we slow of heart to believe or do we re- member day after day that he walks with us along lifes highway enters our homes and becomes a welcome guest at every meal no thought so transforms the life and none is so needed in the hurried and pressing days in which we live and without it all our work is unfruitful and unsatisfactory we terjanfa tebee for promises in ages long gone by assuring us that thou wouldst come to die upon the nigged cross of calvary for all the world and yea for even me we thank thee r for all the pain throughout thy ministry temptations sorrows borne that thou mlghtst be a merciful highpriest for all mankind- yea clothed in human flesh a friend so kind we thank thee 1 for pardon through thine own most preci ous blood which reconciled our sinful souls to god for peace and joy and satisfaction sweet and friendship with thee making life complete- we thank thee i for cleansing from the roots of inbred sin and for thy precious presence eer within for fellowship unknown to this dark world and victory when satans darts are hurled we thank thee i for calling us to service oh so blest i the joy of seeking souls at thy behest for calvarys bloodstained banner still un furled oer wrecks of time and sin through all the world we thank thee march relief in township 42176 contract tor gravel al 70c yard road sheets presented amounted to 59357 mistake in tree cutting cost 1500 other business trans acted stewarttown april 11th 1938 the council held their regular monthly meeting on monday after noon deputyreeve w a wilson councillors c h may o w murray and edwin harrop were present reeve n a robinson presided at the meeting the minutes of last meet ing were read and confirmed communications were read from canadian farm t board depart ment of highways the salvation army department of public welfare george e elliott percy hall and j henderson tenders were received for supply ing crushing and- delivering gravel on township roads and the contract let to lasby bass and smeade for 8000 yards at 70c per cubic yard a repre sentative of the department of high ways attended the meeting and ap proved the granting of the contract the tender of floyd downs for sup plying tractor for grader at 180 per hour was accepted harrop wilson that the treasur er pay board of hydro commissioners georgetown 23 street lights at glen williams jan 1st to mar 31st 1938 7425 hepc brampton lights at council chamber 444 service charge at store coo total 744 bell tele phone co 38121 315 9113 150 total 446 s walker to taking out old vault door and building in new door 1225 mrs m jenkinson to cleaning council chamber 600 mc- bean co material for curtains on windows 181 j sanford son to new pipes at council chamber 316 putting up fence at brick yard 300 1 bulb 20c total 635 carried may murray that the treasurer pay the relief accounts as presented by the relief officer 42178 cairied wllsonharrop that the treasur er pay the road sheets as presented by the road superintendent 59357 carried murray may thai the treasurer pay sheep claim j a elliott 1 sheep injured by dogs 300 meklrim stark valuator 200 carried murray wilson that the town ship or esqueslng- give a grant of 1000 to the salvation army car ried wilson harrop that the treasur er pay w j l hampshire sheriff of halton county re esqueslng vs dob- ble carried wilson harrop that the treasur er pay graham mcnalr the sum of 1500 for trees cirt by mistake by nor man lawson carried harrop wilson that theclerk be instructed to write the hydro electric power commission toronto asking that they cancel contract for lights at store in building owned by the township carried murray may that the resolution as of april 1st by harrop and wilson re power gcader be rescinded car ried harrop wilson that this council purchase an adams motor grader equipped with firestone tires for 476600 less 20000 for old malntam- r after inspecting the dominion and adams road machines the two lowest priced tenders we are satis fied that the adams second lowest tender is the most suitable for the road work in this township of esques lng carried wilson harrop that this council do now adjourn to meet on monday may 9th at 130 pm or at the call of the reeve carried school vacations begin june ssth public school children wtu have 68 full hflluays summer vacation in ontario public schools begins on june 30 this year and ends on labor day sept s mak ing 68 days departmental examinations begin on tuesday june 14 and end wednes day june 29 toronto high schools probably wilt close about june 10 as the schools will be needed as examin ation centres definite dates for vo cational school closings have not been announced dr duncan mcarthur deputymini ster of education states that the rea son for opening schools after labor day is to give teachers a full four weeks vacation after they have at tended summer courses glen williams word was received here on monday evening of the death of jay marsden in woodstock hospital mr marsden who before moving to woodstock a few years ago lived here his early passing will be regretted by his many friends in the glen mr marsden leaves to mourn his loss his wire formerly miss eva brenan one son omar and one daughter audrey the sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late hugh mcnally who passed away on saturday mr mcnally who was of a kindly and retiring natuftrwinoe-sad- ly missed by the members or his family mr and mrs gordon spence moved to their new home in georgetown on tuesday lookln weel jock whafe a sae pleased abort tve justtheard the price o gasoline 6 been reduced x nut ye havent car but rve a lighter ddgm carmichael visits credit lodge accompanied by district se cretary e d cunningham and brethren from kit chener and waterloo notwithstanding the stormy night there was a good attendance at credit lodge af am no 219 last fri day night on the occasion of the of ficial visit of rw bro j f car- mlchael djxom of wellington dls- trict and wor bro e d cunning ham district secretary of grand river lodge kitchener the visiting brethren were wel comed by w bro s j mackenzie worshipful master of credit lodge following the business of the even ing and the conferring of the first degree on a candidate by credit lodge officers a banquet was served in the lodge room worshipful- mas ter mackenzie was the toast master of the evening and announced the toast list which was as follows the king grand lodge proposed by bro e v maocormack responded to by r w bro j f carmlchael out trisltors proposed bj bro k m langdon responded to by w bro devenny of grand river lodge and other visiting brethren the candidate proposed by bro w nodwell responded to by bro ah sykes among the brethren from out-of- town present were wor bros o o schneider j p devenny h v rothermel and bros w h peacock b m monaughton w miller c foster w t smith all of grand river lodge also bros h brown t wornowsky of waterloo holdup victimjmes in hospital a charge of murder awaits the cap ture of the holdup man who shot garritt lammerse at his- britannia service station last wednesday even ing the 61yearold victim died in peel memorial hospital brampton at five oclock sunday afternoon i dont want to die but i guess 111 have to he told his neighbor c w johnston a short time before he laps ed into unconsciousness that night have they got the crook yet who shot me was one of his last ques tions when talking to mr johnston once before in peel county tragedy visited the lammerse family mr lammerse lost his only brother in canada jacob lammerse in a double- drowning at erindale on dominion day in 1933 jacob 40 perlshad-in- an unsuccessful attempt to rescue his 13yearold son robert from water near the mill dam mr lammerse and his wife were born in amsterdam holland both came to canada at an early age they settled first at detroit then they moved to london later they went on to mlmloo where they re mained for 18 years mr lammerse spent all bis life in the painting trade until purchasing the britannia service station last september he and mrs lammerse thought this an ideal place to live quietly and comfortably aftei leaving the more strenuous activity of his trade mr and mrs lammerse have been members of the presbyterian church they have two daughters and one son they are mrs g stevens up- plncott st toronto and mrs p mc- kensle and jack lammerse both of allen ave mlmloo the description of the stranger seen in the vicinity of britannia the day of the shooting tallies closely enough with that of the murderer in one or two details to warrant our as suming it was he this announcement was made by inspector a h palmer of the pro vincial police in connection with the search being conducted for the mur derer of gerrltt lammerse britannia service station operator the desclptlon of- the stranger gleaned by provincial police from resi dents of the district was as follows age about 25 height about five feet 10 or 11 inches weight 170 pounds long brown hair fair complexion rather sharp features pointed chin cleanshaven dressed in brown suit brown fedora hat lightcolored gray flannel shirt open at neck no tie no overcoat used good english failure to produce evidence show ing negligence in the upkeep of a county road resulted in dismissal of the case against the township of es queslng and the county of halton lit the action 6t ward vs wedge the township of esquesmg and the county of halton at the halton oouny spring assizes held at milton last week before honorable mr justice mctague no witnesses for either municipality were produced damages against the defendant edward wedge to the extent of 1390 with costs were granted to the plaintiff william ward grandfather of the decease william john filler who was killed in an automobile accident on which the case was based champion muton

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