Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 20, 1938, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening april 20th 1936 fhone jltw or j g r muckart guix st georgetown tilerhonb talks ik the watsok family one ring that led to another jack roberts and sally have been friends for tome time but jack took sally by surprise she really hadnt exported zing this spring and in this case one ring naturally led to another sally just has to call mother who is visiting outoftown m to be married right away she saya happily and sally will call some of her outoftown friends as well who will appreciate having the news first wouldnt you r redaction in fupkonm rota local m tang dittann in ims 36 and 37 we effected teasing down i watched them tearing a rjulldlng down a gang of nun in a busy town with a hoheaveho and a lusty yell they swung a beam and the ade wall feu i asked the foreman are these men skilled as the men youd hire if you had to build he gave a laugh and said no in deed just common labor is all x need i can- easily wreck in a day or two what builders have takab a year io do i and i thought to myself as i went my way which of these roles have x tried to play t am x a builder who works with care measuring life by the rule and j square t am i shaping my deeds to a well made plan patiently doing the best x can or am it wrecker who- walks the town content with the labor of tearing down lesson april mlfc l- ooudbn text this is my be loved san hear ye blm mark 9 7 lesson passage scout news british scouts and national fitness boy scouts of the british isles are keeping pace with the national fit ness campaign during 1937 5841 qualified for the scout athletes pro ficiency badge 3218 for master-at- artns 1216 as oarsmen and 2629 earned the bealthyman badge chief of g hens story ef a boy scoot voop in a newspaper interview regard ing the value of such organizations as the boy scouts j edgar hoover chief of the famous o men of the u8 federal bureau of investigation described the case of a gang of boys which was at one time a source of trouble in topeka kansas the boys finally were organized into a scout troop all but one who wouldnt be a sissy the fourteen boys who be came scouts grew up to be useful and respected citizens declared mr hoover the youth who refused to join was alvin karpls who became american public enemy no 1 and now is serving a life term in alcatraz penitentiary for his part in a kid napping hitler kills scouting in austria as anticipated one of the early acts of hitler in assuming control of aus tria was to disband and prohibit the austrian boy scouts association the oesterreichischer pfadnnderbund in the past austrian boy scouts and leaders have figured prominently in international scout gatherings a malayan scoot missionary hero ool peng guan was a boy scout in the 2nd anglochinese school troop of penang malaya in 1924 he con tracted leprosy and was sent to the government leper asylum on jerejak island instead of moping over his misfortune guan organized a scout trop of boys of the leper settlement obtaining assistance from his bro ther scouts in penang in the form of old uniforms and equipment and some footballs today scoutmaster ool peng guan is still carrying on although cured perferring to re main with his boys of the leper set tlement troop and working as a gov ernment dresser a scout missionary she did anyone ever tell you how wonderful you are he no i dont think anyone ever did she then id like to know where ycnf got the idea l qumbac of to ftmphon umert in ontario of nearly on million dollar ymmrly i almost mere m u you wih need the auistance of goad printing in carrying on your bnrinem this spring we are here to serve you h with every description of receiving vision for service mule 9210 job prin ting u our prices are reasonable prompt service s the home of better printing the georgetown herald puqne 8 georgetown h the captive to release to god the lost to bring to teach the way of life and peace xt is a christlike thing and we believe thy word though dim our faith may be- whateer for thine we do o lord we do it unto thee- wuuanrw how a shared experience christ gave his best to pis disciples he took peter and james and john with him and they shared hla trans figuration experience v constantly he gave to his disciples the deepest truth that they could receive he told them about his experiences during- the temptation in the wilderness and he told them of his agony in the garden of- gethsemane we are able to help others by telling them what we our selves have found- the attitude of the primitive cave man is secrecy in self protection he thinks he should tell nothing to anyone the attitude of modern science is to assemble all the facts and discover the truth from the facts this is a healthy relig ious practice also those who have found victory over certain- temptations can help others beset by similar test ings people who have gratitude in their hearts to god for his goodness can spread their contagious joy by telling others how they are enjoying their religion the church will be a living power again when all church members have an experience of gods grace about which they are gladly vo cal past and patnre 3 4 the past can help us but it cannot provide a full solution for today moses did a great work for his age and succeeding generations but a higher concept than law is needed in our day elijah was a prophet of fire for his own age but much of his en ergy was spent in denouncing rather than announcing we have a contemp oraneous god who is able and will ing to lead his people today jesus owed much to the past his mind was filled with the teachings of the past his mind was filled with the teachings of ate prophets but he came to do areater work than pat riarchs psalmists or prophets had done it is idle for us to think that the christian methods of the first century are adequate for the chang ing conditions of the twentieth cent ury truths are eternal and princi ples abide but there is need for the constant adaptation to the thought trends and social conditions of each successive century when we listen and obey we may discover gods win here and now outward and inner 5 6 piter was so overcome by the trans figuration experience that he felt he had to say something though he had nothing significant to say he made the suggestion that they build three tabernacles he thought that there should be some outward memorial of the event throughout church his tory there have been periods when the strength of christians was put into architecture witness the era of cath edral building in europe there are- other times such as the reformation and wesleyan revival when convict ions spread like a fire from heart to heart there is a place for both but the outward manifestation of relig ious faith in buildings institutions and organizations should never be al lowed to blind us to the fact of the power of religion in the inner lite in our day great cathedrals have been erected in liverpool and new york without any very appreciable increase of commercial and political right eousness jesus did much of his teaching in fields and in homes paul was able to evangelise in workshops and prisons gods spirit is not lim ited to towering spires or rosette win- the tramatlgarred lord 7 s in a sense our lord was transfig ured througout his whole public min istry- the light of gods presence shone round about him and through out christian history there has been atransfigured glory about his name the transfiguration experience was a foregleaxn of his resurrection and his toric leadership it was a confirmat ion that the will of god was leading him even though to a cross- the significant fact is that jesus christ is still transfiguring his followers lifting them from the doubt to faith no ones gives to people the conviction of the hereness and newness of god as does jesus christ he helps peo ple to realise the available goodness of the living god in daily life he takes lives that are frustrated and fills them full of purpose power and joy a secret mcantlne 9 10 when jesus came down from the mount of transfiguration he told his disciples not to tell wtat they had seen until be was risen from the dead he knew the tendency of people believe in magic and to exploit the mlmculous he wished to continue his work of teaching and healing without distraction but that edict of silence has long since passed away we now have a story to tell to the nations and vital christians cannot be dumb the apostles carried pie torch far and wide missionaries uirough the centuries have told the open secret of the grace of god christ evangelism is the normal work or christianity it we are not winning we are sinning christ tends his followers forth to each and u preach witnessing to the power of gods grace tn the redemption from fear selfishness and sin the new testament was written by men who had to tell what they knew and christianity will not regain its revol utionary power in the twentieth cen tury unless there fa the same divine urge to utterance christians have tongues pens motion pictures radios any irving person be ignorant of the saviour of manklndr how far may wo share christs transfiguration experlencef in what manner did moses and silas- appearto jesust o we ever make church archi tecture a substitute for evangel ism what meaning do you attach to the tltlei son of god what meaning do you attach to the title son of man static static la the oldest kind of elec tricity known notes a new york journalist our word electrlcus conies from the oreekr waeiron meaning amber- rub amber as the greeksrdld and it becomes electri cally charged then touch- it and the charge is drawn off in a little spark so with dry fur glass resin wax scores of materials two posi tively electrified bodies repel each other but positives and- negatives attract- franklin gave us this dis tinction between positive and nega tive static electricity is like water on a rubber ball in that it clings to the surface just as a rubber hall can gather only so much water so a ball of glass or resin can collect only so much static electricity if more electricity accumulates than- the surface can hold there is what the physicists call a brush discharge meaning a leaking away into the ah 14 the excess is great the leaking may manifest itself in a visible glow un til votta in 1800 invented the cell which we use in our batteries the only kind of electricity that science knew was static out of voltas cell came not just one burst of electricity but a steady stream after that science began to talk of flowing elec tricity when at last the electric generator followed faradays discov ery of induction it was naturally call ed a dynamo short for dynamo electric machine the oboobxot7f ii ii ihhoom cnjl time table standard ttme 640 1 9x1 70s i pas and hall passengers tot toronto passengers sundays only gefaag west and mall sjhaj 13fl psl wa pm ims am 1119 urn mall and passenger ojn pam o directory uaoiiuii sue bl skbil bennett xa binwni sod gotlctun georgetown ontario office oregory theatre bids mm 8c unodon- burfater sellcmor notary rasa pint mortgage money to loan office main street south phone 88 georgetown w c guunt iknwet etc offices mill 8treet georgetown erin phone 234 po box 18 town of georgetown proclamation daylight saving change to summer time mat 1st to september 17th 1938 whereas the council of the town of georgetown have rescinded the daylight saving time bylaw no 3414 and whereas the bylaw has been amended to read that daylight sav ing time shall be establis to the town of georgetown from the first sunday in slay at 1305 ajn until the third sunday in september at 1205 ajn 1038 therefore all citizens are requested to comply with the tune specified in the amended bylaw proclaimed pursuant to the in structions of the town council joseph gibbons mayor god save the king bane ghaydon lawbbnce cook barrister etc 465 bay st toronto bratnjten oat k praser raney ejo h edward cook gordon graydon 333 main st north brampton telephone 792 harold r lawrence loblaw bufldhag brampton tel 643 f b watson dj mjxs georgetown office hours 0 to s except thursday afternoons township of esqaesing sanitary notice notice is hereby given that all residents of the township of esques- ing are required forthwith to clean then cellars drains yards pig styes water closets and other buildings and premises and remove all dirt filth manure or substances which may endanger the public health and to have same completed by the 16th of may next on which day the sanitary inspector will commence a general in spection all residents are earnestly request ed to keep their premises constantly clean and in thoroughly sanitary con dition note no pig stye is be erected within 60 feet of any dwelling house road street or lane j 8anford sanitary inspector esqueslng april 20th 1938 2t the public health and printing presses why should april 20th 1038 municipality of georgetown notice is hereby given that residents of georgetown are required forthwith to clean theft cellars drains yards pig styes water closets outbuildings and other premises and remove therefonn all dirt manure and other substances which may en danger the public health and to have same completed by the 16th day of may next on which day the sanitary inspector will commence a general in spection and further take notice that the section of the public health act prohibiting the keeping of hogs between the 15th day of may and 15th day of november except in p at least 70 feet from any dwelling and 50 feet from any street or lane with floors kept clean from all standing water and regularly cleansed will be strictly enforced all cltisens are earnestly requested to keep their premises constantly clean and thoroughly disinfected joseph gxbbonst mayor of the municipality of georgetown dr j e jackson dentist xray office hours dally 9 to 5 evenings 7 to 9 phone 2mw georgetown frank petch licensed auctioneer tor the cowntfcs ecpeel and hauea prompt service cheltenham 26 r 23 georgetown blrl post office cheltenham waiter t etus co general insurance bjui estate ocean steamship service main sl north georgetown iks a m nielsen uth tear at fmouea qurop xray drugieu thentpiit office over dominion stan georgetown hours 25 730 930 jun o- radio repairing 12 years experience we specialize qn this work j sanford son oeoboetow mw o o t- ml

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