Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 20, 1938, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening aprd 20th 1938 page 5 i choice fbesh and cured meats kings government inspected for your protection special fibstchade creamery butter 37e beel hearts fresh- uan hamburg steak 2 lbs 25c sausage 2 ik 25c week end meat specials boneless and rolled prime rib roast 21 brisket or plate boiling beef 10 choice tender partly boned blade roasts 17 1 5 shoulder roasts tender and tasty rolled veal roasts 19co fresh picnic style pork shoulders 18 special sale domarts smoked picnic hams 24m dnnuut s kitchener pure lard 2 lbs 25c sweet pickled cottage rolls 2s fresh lean stewing veal 2 lbs 25c tasty fresh small pork sausage 18 fresh green cabbage 25 lbs 9c special caufornia juicy and sweet oranges large shtea 19c 29c 39c doz family package 4 59c choice rite tomatoes 2 lbs 25c special breaks o horn coffee freshly ground 29c lb telephone 27 wm king prompt delivery correspondence georgetown april 19th 1938 to the editor of the a georgetown herald dear sir will you kindly permit us to place beforo our citizens the reason why we as an organization last week united with others in a deputation to our municipal council to oppose any ex tension in the hours or sale in the local beverage rooms taking for granted the right of every citizen to his own opinion lh all matters we would point out that united undi vorceably to that right is the duty to see that ones opinion does not have issue either through action or inac tion in any detriment to others as a union of christian women we base our opposition to the sale of lcomoiiebeverffges tijjow the principle for judgment laid down by the master of men a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit every tree that brtngeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them judged by this standard what can be said in favor of uje argument that a man has a right to put an enemy into his mouth to steal away his brains as shakespeare so aptly phrased it both science and experience unite to condemn the use of alcohol as a beverage and we submit that it is the duty of every citizen to bring to the study of this community problem a willingness to face all facts the argument as to when beverage rooms should close is but a skirmish in the campaign of informed lutein gent public opinion against a system undeniably evil in its effects upon in dividual and community life on behalf of the wctu mrsfe b catherine dayfoot press secretary special prices on spring pickups to get ones system in tune for springs quickening activities almost e needs an alterative tonic listed here at our e low prices are several which have proven their worth over the years fellows syrup of hypo- i 1q phosphites 4hu 98c dr williams pink pius 50c sana lax 69c wampoies cod liver extract 100 waterbaryb compound 93c wampoleb phospho lecithin slm medical dbcovery 119 pierce favorite prescription large sire liquid or jq tablets 119 w onr special pluck a rose package of chocolate for mothers day for better drug store service s p chapman pharmacist phone bring us your film pggg 79 fnr bintr 72 we deliver beatty copper tub electric washer factory reconditioned and sold with factory guarantee threepiece laundry equipment special terms richardsons hardware ballinafad mr and mrs wm kirk of toronto were sunday visitors at mr john mckechnle s miss norma mckechnle of toronto was home for the week end phyllss and sherlock foreman toronto are home for the holidays miss helen cook has returned home after spending the winter with friends in london mr and mrs jas crymble of to ronto were easter visitors with j f sinclair s mr and mrs frank bennie have returned home after spending some weeks in geo the april meeting of the w was held at mrs john snows the devotionals were taken by miss shor till and mrs j f shqrtill the roll call was answered withtioughts or easter plans were completed foi the pancake social to be held thurs day evening april 21st mrs a fore man and mrs j klrkwocd sang i duet entitled have a blessing ready the may meeting will be held ai mrs b vamatters several wiub members attended the hamilton conference branch meeting held in oakvuie last week the mission circle held their regu lar meeting at the manse reta allen had charge of the devotional exercises and also gave an interest lng reading on christian stewardship the topic from the stody book was taken by noreen mckechnle alma moenery was responsible for an teresuog watch tower muriel cross- man was elected president in place of ethel swindleburst who will in brampton for the surnmsr the mission band held their april meeting on saturday afternoon under the leadership of mrs r moenery the new superintendent the yjjs held their ibatter meet ing sunday evening lydla snow gave an interesting lnterpcatauan of the scr reading from johns gospel rev a o w foreman gave a very wiltame address oh the risen christ solos were contributed by aim mo enery and fred bnortdl which were much jappreeiated norval a large congregation attended the easter services at the norval united church the cholr under the leader ship of mr lloyd hustler rendered two appropriate easter anthems the road of burning hearts was the subject of the easter message of the minister rev f a gilbert the sacrament of baptism was observed when the infant son of mr and mrs dan wey was presented for baptism the beautiful easter lilies which were donated by a kind friend of the cuii gregation brought the message of he flowers ard added to the beauty of the church a good friday service was held in the evening when the norval and mt pleasant congregations united at nor val the pastor conducted the service ard gave a message concerning tie place of the cross in the christian religion the sacrament of the lords supper will be observed in both con grcgations on sunday april 24th preparations are being made for a concert in the parish hall under tl e auspices of the united church when the ex pupils of mrs murray assist cd by an elocutionist and soloist will present a hawaian concert those who failed to attend this splendid concert at brampton should remem ber this date tuesday april 26th with fine weather and the nsh bit lng well the boys of the village re port a fine easter holiday ashgrove two lovely easter services were held on sunday in the united church the morning service by our pastor rev b eyre with the sacrament special music by the choir who were ably assisted by mr and mrs how ard wrlgglesworth of st catharines favoring us also with a beautiful easter duet at the evening service rev gilbert of norval was the voting peoples guest speaker bringing an inspiring message of the first easter the young peoples choir gave two numbers accompanied throughout the hymns and ohoir numbers and in a duet by miss effle bird on her cello mr alec douglas sang a solo i know that my redeemer llveth in usual pleasing manner during the service the second scripture was read by mr john hunter and an interest lng paper on the origin of hot crosi buns by miss joy ruddell quite a number of the lanles from ashgrove w i enjoyed their visit with the stewarttown w i on wed nesday april 13th in the council room and heard mrs gamble presi dent of the district speak the farmers are busy on the land these lovely spring days acton pat downing who was killed in a motor cor accident on tuesday o last week was well known here hav lng on several occasions brought ball teams to play in acton robert scott of toronto purchas ed this week from d jones of tor onto the old jones homestead in hal ton count this property is across the road from the old sayers mills hi nassagaweya close to speyslde the area of the land purchased is 100 acres 20 of which are wooded mrs dr a b lyon of ulster pa is visiting this week with hermother mrs alice macpherson mrs g a dills who has beep visiting in ulster returned home with her friends will be glad to learn that mrs a g clanidge who has been confined to the hospital at guelph for a few weeks is improving slowly ah wish her a return to good health reven collected at the acton customs office during the last quarter of the fiscal year ending march 31st amounted to tujoqtfl while this is a great decrease compared to 931- 14088 in the second quarter and more than 38000 to each of the first and third quarters the total for the year is the greatest in the history of the ouport of acton and amounted 10390607 free press joe reading death statistics say phu do you know that every time i breathe a man dies phil then why dont you use a mouthwash house furnishing week curtains a large assortment of lace and net curtain material prices 15c 20c 25c to 75c yd silk rayon lace and net curtains 95c to 350 pr pillow slips 42 h s pillow slips 49c pr 42 fancy h s pillow slips 98c jw 42 hs pillow slips 70c pr 69 x 87 hs sheets z50pr 72 x 90 wabasso h s sheets 398 pr madiera pillow slips 98c to 175 pr lucky number contest we are pleased to announce the congoleum gold seal lucky number contest remember the opening date friday april 29th simplicity patterns 15c 20c 25c agents for langleys cleaners and dyers mcbean cd phone 64 we deliver georgetown save with safety at your rexall store 25c fitcb shampoo and 60o italian balm both for 59c now 2 for 15c 290 special for this week floating carbolic soap 3 for 14c larvex 83c sl36 stork nipples 3 for 25c 25c noxzema 15c modess 21c 2 for 41c facial brushes we have been appointed agents for the famous picardy candies from winnipeg our stock is always fresh von can always shop to advantage it our rexall drag store kkotah health salt large size now shu milk now down in price 15c dr chases nerve food b1sma bex for stomach disorders 75o l50 robbs drug store cpiory theatre friday april 22 springtime in the rockies with the singing cowboy gene autry musical silly night comedy will you stop cartoon snapshots news saturday april 23 qll take romance madcaptrrallng stars grace moore and melvyn dobgeas in a ramekin- comedy set to swmgume comedy lodge night cartoon krazis race of time chapter i of radio patrol matinee at 3 pjn tuesday and wednesday april 26 and 27 the baroness and the butler romanuccomcdy with annabeua and william powell comedy slacks appeal scenic floral japan cartoon mechanical handyman wednesday gift night watch our window fob wntli re cuum mouu turn oomraoanim banana mallow sundae 13c 2 for 25c longs conlechonery e hydrfr off hydro will be off in glen williams from 7 am to 9 am and 1 p4n to 3 p m and houses adjacent to john st and the 9th line also on the papermiu eoad from 7 a iiii to 9 am on sunday april 24

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