Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 20, 1938, p. 6

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page 6 the georgetown herald wednesday eveningr april 20th 1938 keep the date of thursday aipril 21st open ioi knox ypj5piay oh my stars in gregory theatre assisting artists doris bessey and william young admission 25c satisfies yosa skin start iinla nov wfcy pay the easy riding willys j n tneill son phone 14 main st georgetown ice wood poles and posts ice delivered any place in town phone in your order wood of all kinds at right prices all kinds telephone and hydro pojea cedar of length any john h smith georgetown r r 2 phone 84 r 13 round trip bargain fares from georgetown friday and saturday april 29th and 30th to oshawa bowmanville port hope cobourg trenton jet belle ville napanee kingston gananoque brockville prescott morrlsburg cornwall uxhrldge lindsay peterboro campbellford newmarket penetang coumgwood mealord barrle orilna midland oraven- hurst bracebrldge huntsvllle callander north bay parry sound sudbury fglm geraktton jelllcoe beardmare port wiuiam saturday april 30th to toronto also to brandford chatham chesley clinton durham exeter fer gus ooderich guelph ttnttntnm hanover harrlston ingersoll kin cardine kitchener london listowel mitchell niagara falls owen sound paisley pahxterston paris port elgin st catharines st marys samla southampton stratford strathroy walkerton wlar- taa wlngham woodstock tickets also good m this section friday april 29th s follows from st marys stratford kitchener ouelph and georgetown train 20 from stratford train 170 for flares return limits train information tickets consult nearest agent sea handbills lor complete list of deattnauana t108c canadian national speak to hy heabx through gardens speak to my heart through gardens till i see the shame of service rendered gfudg- ingjy turn from the selfishness that could forget a lifetime were too short to pay my debt beholding how from bud to petalfall proud poppies flame with joy at giv ing all out of the grace of gardens make tne wise r to learn as larkspur mirrors mist- blue skies t here in my place thy holy ground i too may lift a lite that as a mirror true reflects the beauty of that blessed v one who in a garden prayed thy be done teach me in dewy silences to know on the pruned bush the loveliest roses grow that- when the shears of sorrow shall be laid against roy life serene and unafraid a sturdier faith d shall flower there and be a richer crimson in my love for thee molly anderson haley tb testing of cattle the success or failure of our cattle business will be directly proportional to our ability to maintain and develop our present export market great britain and the united states de clared lte oneill director of the live stock branch ontario depart ment of agriculture in discussing the cattle situation in ontario with the efforts we are making to improve the health status of ontario cattle and eradicate bovine tuberculo sis it is evident that within a short period of time the whole province of ontario will be restricted area con tinued mr oneill would it not be good business for western cattle to put their cattle on a status so that they can freely supply without hind rance the feeder market in ontario and the feeder market in united states where the cattle are all test ed mr oneill pointed out that great britain was fully conscious of the terrific toll t3 was taking of bri tish cattle the british government was spending the tremendous sum of three million dollars a year to stamp out bovine tuberculosis in old coun try cattle it was expected 40 per cent would react to the test therefore is it not reasonable to suppose that in this cleanup there will be an enlarged market for canadian dairy cows asked mr oneill and we should be in a position to supply this market when it develops this means that we will have to clean house ourselves our other big market is united states with practically all the states already tested for tj3 and with the state and federal regulations becoming more stringent we must keep pace with the country that takes our greatest surplus of cattle discussing the progress of tb testing in ontario mr oneill stated the following 15 counties and four districts had been tested and were now t f areas carletdn pres cott glengarry stormont dundas orenville leeds prince edward dur ham northumberland ontario york peel halton manltoulln island ken- ora thunder bay and timlskaming counties where farmers have sign ed up for cattle tests and are now awaiting action by federal govern ment veterinarians are lanark peter borough victoria slmcoe grey lin coln and rainy river lennox and addlngton have filed a petition for all territory south of highway no 7 which takes in most of the cattle dis trict i in addition the townships of mara and rama in ontario county which were not tested when the balance of that county was gazetted have now filed a petition asking their cattle tested when work is being done it victoria county counties where work is actively pro gressing and where the value of tb testing for the entire area is being ex plained to all the farmers include oxford hastings wentworth wel- land haldunand norfolk elgin middlesex brant waterloo dufterln bruce and essex two counties where work will be started in the near future are fron- tenac and perth there has been no activity as yet outside a few educa tional meetings in the counties o wellington huron lambton kent and renfrew we want the best and it is only fair that we should try also to fur nish the best dont desert desserts by betty barclay spring is here its time to watch those calories again smaller por tions of heavy foods are in order but dont desert desserts the children will never forgive you and dad will take sides with them in stead of you he has a sweettooth you know merely change from heavy desserts to something like a light rennetcustard that requires no eggs no baking and no boiling something like one of thetollowlng- vanilla bennetcnatard 1 package vanilla rennet powder 1 pint milk cup whipping cream hi cup sugar sliced maraschino cherries make rennetcustard according to directions on package chill in refri- geratorr when ready to serve whip the crcam sugar and mixing well squeeze through a pastry tube and decorate top of each dessert garnish with sliced cherries golden glow rennetcustard 1 rennet tablet 1 tablespoon cold water 1 pint milk 7 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 13 cup apricot pulp 6 stewed or canned apricots 1 egg white with scissors cut the 6 stewed or canned apricots into strips and divide among dessert dishes make rennet- custard according to directions in pac kage and pour over the apricots be fore it has set let stand until firm about 10 minutes chill in refriger ator when ready to serve beat egg white until stiff add 4 tablespoons of the sugar and apricot pulp beat thoroughly together put apricot whip on top of each dish of rennet- custard and decorate with bits of apricot lemon pulp in salads lemon pulp may be used in salads calling for such ingredients as fish eggs lettuce and so on to replace chopped pickle so used it furnish es a- delightful variation of flavor cut the lemon in small pieces us ing a sharp knife or scissors re move all the membrane possible save juice and use with chopped pulp use cup lemon pulp and juice to 1 cup shredded lettuce or cabbage brazil nuts sliced chopped crushed or whole add greater palate appeal to old recipes as well as new to re- lieve menu monotony try adding a handful of iresh brazil nuts to mash ed sweet potatoes shape into cutlets and fry in deep fat or serve first spring strawberries and whipped cream in a meringue torte topped with brazil nuts the tested recipes follow sweet pouto cutlet 4 to 5 sweet potatoes vt cup butter salt pepper nutmeg 1 u cups crushed brazil nuts macaroni sticks scrub potatoes and boll in salted water until tender peel put through rlcer and beat in butter seasonings and half a cup of brazil nuts form into cutlet shapes and roll tn nuts put threeinch stick of macaroni in each cutlet and fry in deep fat 385 degrees f until brown on both sides the cutlets may be baked in a- hot oven 450 degrees f instead of fried if they are dotted with butter strawberry brazil torte 6 egg whites teaspoon cream of tartar i cup granulated sugar vi teaspoon vanilla vi cup chopped or sliced brazil nuts 1v4 cups cream whipped and sweet ened to taste 1 pint strawberries whole brazil nute beat egg whites until foamy add cream of tartar and beat until egg whites will stand up in peaks beat in sugar onequarter of a cup at a time beat in vanilla with a table spoon arrange in form of ring on un- greased baking sheet sprinkle with nuts and bake fifty to sixty minutes in a slow oven 275 degrees f cool loosen with spatula and remove care fully to serving dish pill centre with sweetened whipped cream mixed with sliced strawberries garnish with whole unhulled berries and whole brazil nuts wood for sale choice beech and maple at 300 single cord mixed rails 350 per cord mixedwood x85 per cord me ah weed order to 283 j brandford georgetown j see the 1938 kelvinator electric refrigerators at hugh undsavs ione 11 georgetown w meals cost less when your food is kept in a m electric r see the new 1938 general electric and frigidaire refrigerators before making your selection h c mcclure phone 54 home furnishing store georgetown expert watch repairs by j h jordan georgetown phone 11 lane block 1000 millions is equal to billion how much is a billion according to standard dictionaries it may be a thousand millions or a million mil lions that depends on the usage of the country in which one lives in the united kingdom and germany it i million dollars in france and the united states a thousand mil lions canada follows the american usage and although there is no offi cial ruling on that point in this country a billion is a thousand mil lions the dominion department of fin ance uses the 1000000000 figures for a billion because such usage is uni versal on this continent said dr w c clark the deputy minister for the same reason the dominion bur eau of statistics does likewise the 1000000000 is used by parlia ment and by everybody throughout the country said drb h coats dominion statistician definition of a billion is- not a statistical matter and we are not authorities but the office practice is to use the thousand millions as indicating a billion whether that is right or wrong i cant-say- in statistical work wcuse ordinary nomenclature in any case symbols representing a million millions are of no value to us we never contemplate reaching that figure their only use would be in astronomy certainly not in refer ence to ordinary human affairs forgetmenots valuable tips for the would be gardener plant peas at two week intervals a small vegetable garden can t made to yield twice the ordinary am ount of produce if given a proper feeding oilplant jtod tomatoes thill ltake up less room in the garcrilfyvalned to stakes or fence heavenly blue morning glory will cover an unsightly fence or building i a few weeks time plan for another crop in the rows vacated by radishes spinach and peas spading should done with verti cal cuts so as to go as deep as pos- ble start head lettuce indoors in a seed- box for best results for a hot situation whereydu want a lowgrowing flower try the portu- laca most flowers for least effect can be had from petunias and zinnias txajn your beans to a pole or to a fence for maxlum yield a more orderly garden win result if you start flowers in seedboxes out doors plants can then be trans planted just where you want them plant gladiolus bulbs at intervals for long season of bloom or plant dif ferent sizes of bulbs the big ones will bloom first l the datura or angels trumpet is an easily grown irmrcai with a pleas ant fragrance try a few new vegetables this year such as kale or endive okxm end salsify are two fine seasoners live while you live there was a time claims the trenton courieradvocate when a man thought it wise to build up an estate for those who came after him but not now and the government tjw collectors are seeing to that to day a man with ten or fifteen thous and dollars at his command would not think of retiring because he knows blame well that he couldnt secure enough interest on his money no matter nor wisely invested it was to keep the roof over his head five and six per cent interest is practic ally a thing of the past and mort gages are a drug on the markeu and whats a man to do about all he can do is to put away sufficient for his dependents that they may live without financial worry and to spend the rest as fast as he can get it in other words live while you live for youll be a long time dead for if you leave a big estate government vestigators will swoop down on your wife and family and when they get through with their snooping the taml- lygwlll be lucky if theres enough left to buy a head stone with the simple word father on it the middleaged man has some thing to worry about in this connec tion after years of striving and sav ing and doing without he finds him self in a rather unenviable position trip to another world staring him in the face and the w that what he has left his folks may not be in their keeping very long janet oh profty what do you think of me now that youve kissed me professor youll pass m notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of chris tina marshall late of the vil lage of limehotwe in the county of halton widow deceased notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or de mands against the late christina mar shall who died on or about the 34th day of march 1938 at the town of georgetown in the county of halton- and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors herein for william g marshall and hazel marshall the executors of the last will and testament of christina mar shall widow deceased their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after the 5th day of may 1938 the said wil liam g marshall and hazel marshall will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that the said william g marshall and hazel marshall will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice dated at geo ontario this 13th day or april aj 1938 dale bennett solicitors for the said william g marshall d basel marshall 3t the scottish secondary schools travel trust which last year sent scottish boys on a trip to canada has made arrangements for two tours of canada for scottish schoolboys for this summer in the 20 days to be spent in this country the boys will visit quebec montreal ottawa tor onto niagara palls and other centres this summer for the first time several groups of canadian school boys between the ages of 13 and 18 will sail for scotland join a scottish travel group and tour the british isles arid the continent the trust outfits students at bare costs refund ing at the end of the trip any unus ed money the canadian boys will go to groups or 25 under the supervision of a teacher notice to creditors lithe matter of the estate of david abner boyd late of the town ship of esqnesliig in the county of halton parmer deceased notice is hereby given that all persons having any c or de mands against the late david abner boyd who died on or about the 38th day of june 1937 at the township of esqueslng in the county of halton and province of ontario are requir ed to send by post prepaid or to de liver to the undersigned solicitors for sarah boyd the administratrix of the estate of david abner boyd fanner decased their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their ac counts and the nature of the aecurl tles if any held by them and take notice that after the 5th day of may 1938 the said sarah boyd will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which v she shall then have had notice andl 11 that the said sarah boyd will not be i liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim she shall not then have received no tice dated at geo ontario this 13th day of april aj 1938 dalb bennett solicitors for the said sarah boyd 3t lady godlva was some she put everything she had horse fate i am atok braj cakta in this locality pfceae or call for catalogs aid price list lac bray chick dots t trick george c brown rr1- nokvji

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