Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 18, 1938, p. 7

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the georgeto helpld wednesday eveiiingrmy-imiri938- page 7 m o outsidf multl use enami gives saarkliag beaaty ail loag areariig proteetiaa to mod aad aaetal sirfaees multiuse enamel is the ideal fiaish to give renewed life aod beauty to shabby losterless furniture woodwork toys boats garden equipment etc and it is so easy to applr anyone can use it with perfect results it flows on smoothly leaves no brash ffpfrfrt and dries to a hard finish in bur hours stare right now to brighten up your home with multiuse hmhia being made of the highest quality materials it gives a hard tough surface that will retain its beauty under the hardest usage 26vglonoutcolorsochooacroni tho busybody aftr sabah b hocahrt a natty salesman strolled up the walk of no 46 highgate street spread out a sample case of on the tociatep of jptt piazza approached slhart tne door an rang short story richardsons hardware kls this northern seaport on the route of the canadian national liners cruis ing the inside passage is rapidly be coming the city of totems to the many splendid specimens already erected fourteen more are being ad ded and placed at various strategic points to be seen by summer visitors three have been placed in the can adian national railways park adjacent to the rail terminals and steamship dock in addition to those already there this park and its totems have been photographed by tourists front the four quarters of the globe nothing the new reporter wrote his conclud ing paragraph concerning the murd er as follows fortunately for the deceased he bad deposited all bis money hi the bank the day before he lost practic ally nothing but his life may bargains bines sum to wedtflng king hi white or yeuow gold slm to tlln 3 diamonds wemkyr rings fltm to s15s we buy direct to order and give special valuesbetter than city prices wbit and yeuow gold wrist watches latest designs ssjt to sxm watoh dock jewellery and silverware repairs be ready for june weddings orerteno cards for aij occasions new lines of spring costume jewellery old jewellery taken in part payment h w hinton jeweller debts collected for many years- we have specialised in the handling of collections and are today hand ling a larger volume of business than ever before put our experience j work in clearing up you- outsta debts kelly aiken orangbvaxr ontario est 1800 serving through christian stewardship international uniform sunday school hay a 1938 radio repairing it tears ksp we specialize on this work j sakord son phonz georgetown mw goldkn text thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself mark 12 31 mark 12 13 17 service hear that word it holds the hope of all the world it means ten thousand clean young lives given along with countless tithes hours of prayer and years of toll but a steadfast faith that none can foll charles d spotts parry men 13 party feeling ran high in jerusa lem the pharisees and herodlans felt that his teaching endangered their point of view how frequently hear someone described as a strong party man should we re gard this as a compliment or a lim itatlon we say very little about anyone u we describe him as a liberal conservative the resemblance in the parties are much more numer ous than the differences we need to be on guard against placing party be fore patriotism an expremier said recently that there had never been so much disunion in canada if this be true part of the blame must be placed upon the misrepresentation inspired by party politics we have parties itl the church high and low broad and narrow we say very little about anyone if we describe him as a fundamentalist or a modernist this may be a clue rather to a temp- erment rather than to basic belief in any community the duties of cltl- xenshlp and the standards of religion are very much the same for people of every shade of politics and every shade of belief in religion good cit izenship is guided by sympathies more than by antipathies taxes and tariffs 1417 in canada taxes and tariffs remain permanent political problems since the war taxation has become excess ively high people are being discour aged from holding property because of increasing taxation an 8 percent sales tax is a restraint to trade tar iffs giv rise to many ethical quest ions is it right to exclude the com modltles of another nation do tar iffs work out as class legislation has any one nation ever demonstrated permanently the success of a high tariff policy are high tariffs christ- ian do they square wlththe golden rule in the sphere of practical pal itlcs there are varying opinions about taxes and tariffs but both are funda mentally religious questions taxa tton can easily become a method of oppre the poor and tariffs by causing international rivalry and jeal ousy may lead to war christians need to take their religion right into politics to- pervent injustices arising through excessive taxation and too high tariffs tne great co tsl years ago whm it waaannounced that a committee of jurists had been appointed to simplify the law the late goklwyn smith remarked above the statutes of men sacrifices and service 32 33 we learn by contrast we see clear ly by comparison this scribe who came questioning jesus was familiar with the jewish sacrificial system he knew its history its regulations and its practice the jewish sacrifi cial system provided a colorful relig ious ceremony the priests in then- robes the altar with its fires and the people seeking deliverance from their sins made the sacrifice concrete and objective yet christ turned away from this sacrificial system and taught the inwardness of righteousness he knew that a change of heart could accomplish more than the sacrifice beast religion is a matter of the inner life of the thoughts sires purposes and these cannot be changed by external sacrifices swallow our pride and apologise to a neighbor whom we have wronged may be a stiffer challenge to us than sac rificlng a valuable beast to take the time and trouble to be kind someone in need may make a sterner dfmpm than paying for birds to be sacrificed in a temple again christ dkl not make religion easy but he made it natural purposeful and full of real power to love god with our whole being and to love our neigh bors as ourselves is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices a spiritual religion 34 this scribe came to jesus thinking of religion in terms of external sac riflces after a conversation he be gan to see it as a matter of convic tions desires thoughts and purposes he answered so discreetly that christ said thou art not far from the kingdom of god one reason why the christian religion spreads slowly is because of its blgh spiritual stand ards mohammedanism gained rap- idly through conquest with the sword but christianity wins by victory over selfishness greed and evll habits christianity calls forth a personal re sponse or trust and obedience to god it demands utter selfabandonment and commitment to the kingdom of god as taught and lived by jesus christ it calls for a church far great er than any outward organization and demands a world brotherhooa in christ a union of those who love in the service of those who suffer fjuch a high standard may be difficult but christianity lived on this basis wlll produce patriots who can unify and save the nation questions for discussion l does partyism limit patriotism 2 what db we owe to canada what do we owe to god what effect have religious observ ances upon my inner life do we give as much time and care to our souls as to our bodies the tigers clearing out the jungle yet this is just what jesus did in the realm of ethics the jew ish legalists had hundreds of laws and fjylaws to obey the law was a very complicated task christ came and gave two great comanandments love to god and love to our fellow men this simplified conduct but did not make it easy it is much more diffi cult to live by the law of love than to follow a code book yet love is a sure guide it would even make many traffic laws unnecessaryi many high way accidents are due to selfishness and thoughtlessness motor car driv ers need to love their passengers and other drivers giving them the protec tion they seek for themselves when we test our own conduct by the law of love we find that it has the keen est cutting edge many social prac tices which are within the law can not stand the scrutiny of christ a law of love it is the royal law far where the antelope roam oneeighth of all thepronghorned antelope in the world range on the 200000 acre ii and stock ranch or charles j belden at pitchfork near cody wyoming mr belden sends us the picture reproduced on the cov er this month which he names first call to breakfast haw baby ante lope readily adapt themselves to feed ing on oowv milk from the bottle these jnjinataifferfrpm the trae antelope in that they shed their horns whnoi each year and are therefore put in a genus by themselves years ago when the early trappers and explor ers first forged across the mississippi and started the exploration of the west they estimated roughly that a- bout 40000000 of the little animals roamed the fiatland but agriculture and riflemen deatrayed them until at the beginning of the present century only a few were found m scattered bands over the west drastic protec tive laws were invoked and with the n4d at certain notable cattlemen the herds started to increase until now they number 40000 of which half are found in wyoming they belong wholly to the plains and foothills have an abnormal curiosity and are the fleetest- thing on earth no tune wife tro going to town this after noon hubby shopping wife no i wont have time i just want to get some things i need the belt the whole wilson family came out to decide the color and texture of the shin gles that were bad ly needed for their roof that rough kind with the red grav sprinkled over it would make a stunning roof said the family flapper with an eye to the artistic as she squinted a beautiful blue orb to get the proper effect a head suddenly appeared over the dense privet hedge which sep arated their yard from no 48 next door and a meek voice said don t select the gravelly kind birds will get at it and peck holes in your roof there he goes again minding our business whispered edith to her brother did you ever see anyone so fond of giving advice as he whose roof is it anyway i d like to know the next day miss edith the fam ily exemplar of modernism in its- relationship to dress and conduct was hanging out her to be laun dered carefully lingerie when no 48 spoke up from over the hedge if i were a young girl i wouldnt drive around so much with that young grlnnel i knowed his folks away back and there never was a right good man among em i do you know said the little meek man one day straightening up from his task of thinning opt his too flourishing hedge to look over at his neighbor reading his paper on the piazza do you know that there is- money in the land around here maybe there is said mr wil son rattling his paper as he turned to the sporting news maybe there is you know that spur track at barrington that the united railway used to take the help to the mills during war time that track could be run about a mile into the coun try and bring folks right to barring- ton beach uhhuh answered mr wilson intent on his paper you could build up a regular alfctheyear round colony restrict buildings to bungalows no shanties no tents cinch wish i had the money he invited them all over to see his century plant blooming in all its splendor in the light of an august moon but they declined and that same night when he was covering his precious bloom about midnight he heard a strange sound at his gate and hurrying down to it he found edith lying prone on the grass of his lawn where she had fallen just before reaching her own house he raised her tenderly and quietly helped her to his piazza i should have listened to you you were right his wife came home from europe today the next week nobody saw any thing of the little meek man some one belonging to him hads died and he had gone out of town but soon he came back and looked over at mr wilson who was occu pied as usual with the sporting news of hts paper my old uncle left me some money and i bought that barrington tract of land and the united railways are going to run a track there if i can start sufficient building to war rant it i ve sold 10 restricted lota already and then one day the little meek man at no 48 moved away one hot sunday afternoon of the following summer the wilson fam ily- were undecided where to g in their car to spend the afternoon and were surprised when edith said she wanted to go to barrington beach when they reached the already populous little colony edith got out and looked around and presently she found what she fought it was a little combi drug store and soda fountain on the main road and she entered quietly and seated herself at the comer on one of its high stools and then no 48 turned and saw her itselrwcrtua tallest shiniest drinking glass be held it under the syrup faucet then under the milk faucet then he slipped in a fat ball of luscious ice cream and fizzed in the soda daintily edith began to sip the frosty concoction i saw you out riding with jimmy harrison last week when i was in the city said the little meek man edith nearly choked you know that and do you know that is the reason i came out here to see you today you you busybody and she shook her sil ver spoon at him you know jim my too he chuckled i know him and there is nobody finer than he is and when the right time comes you tell him for me that i am saving a couple of my choice lots down here for first class bunga lows and id like nothing better than to have him for my neighbor we have made special arrangements for the servicing oi general motors automobiles we are alio in a position to u new chevrolet pontiae and oldsmobile motor cars we have a number of good used cars tfwmit t at reasonable prices your patronage will be appreciated j n oneill son phone office 14 res 168 georgeton ill ore ng ti vc t jr i blue coal the colar b roar mlirtlm good summer wood in stove wood lengths w h kentner son phones office 12 res 211 georgetown cement blocks made of water washed gravel to city building specifications several styles and sizes if building it will pay you to see these before buying samples and prices at snyders cartage phone office 171w or j young and market streets georgetown wellconflilioned boras- jks well as fqrm houses farm owners take justtfi able pride in keeping their b tn good condi tion- it you do not have the ready cash to make needed repairs and im provements you can har row at the bank under the home improvement plan you can get the money at any one of out 300 branches and repay by easy instalments bank of montreal

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