Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 25, 1938, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfirat year of publication wednesday evening may 25th 1938 1 50 per annum in advance 200 to us a on presbyterian church celebrates 105th anniversary in the morning the revw h fuller of markharn will preach and in the evening the rev norman mcmillan will preach hi farewell sermon on sunday may 29th union pres bytetian church celebrates its 105th anniversary with services at 11 am and 730 pjn standard time in the morning the rev w h fuller of rkbam will preach and in the ejventog the rev norman mcmillan hill preach his farewell sermon a barn on the farm of james praser in sfiquesjng township was the first meeting plaoe of the congregation v the present church was built in 1604 and opened free of debt it was built of native stone drawn from nearby quarries during the 106 years the church has been served by nine ministers rev patrick gray rev joseph alex ander who remained for 35 years rev james argo rev w m mac kay rev w d turner rev j a ferguson rev walter patterson rev ewan macdonald and rev nor tpnn mrmu union church is affiliated with nor tbi congregation which celebrates on sunday june 26th its 100th anniver sary aberhart blight attorneygeneral davis of saska tchewan brought home forcibly the effects of autocatlc debt and interest repudiation when he said the alberta government had destroyed the value of 1500 000 worth of bonds held by six saskatchewan cities the alberta bonds in which the neighboring com xnunlties invested their money would not bring onethird or their face value today presumably the investments repre sented sinking fund money which the cities expected to have available to meet their own debts they trusted to the soundness and honesty of al berta naturally enough before premier aberhart appeared and the whole some neighborly spirit was commend able the saskatchewan cities have lost their interest and the value of the principal is practically removed hav lng in mind conditions in saskatche wan this nest egg probably meant more to them than tt would to any alberta city apparently both invest ment and neighborly faith have been ruined by the social credit govern ment extend this to every mdrridoat and organisation which once thought al berta as dependable as another pro- k ttnce and has had its confidence battered and investment destroyed by confiscatory ugl list sin and ima gine the aberhart example copied in other parts of the country if pee sdhfe lib one n wm lend mooes to any person or town in alberta abefharusui would remove confldexme of ooa m another wherever it raised tta bmd and destroy one of the ate- woents m human nature which dls- tsngmah clviusatton from the jungle toronto globe and mall may 10th a yp a annual banquet last friday evening st georges aya- held their annual banquet and election of officers in the sun day school room a very hearty banquet was served by the members of the social com mlttee following this the president mr b hahn thanked those who had taken part in the dramatic contest in brampton on april 27th he then turned the chair over to the rev w g o thompson while the elec tion of officers for 193639 took place the rector is the patron of the as soclation it was moved by acclama uon that mr cecil davidson a past presidentandmrf d mcnally be honorary presidents the list of re malning officers for 193839 is as fol lows president mr elgin hahn vice president miss florence brandford secretary miss edna hurley treasurer mr joseph hall jr social convenor miss ella mabee dramatic convenor miss yvonne adams representatives on local council miss y adams and miss f brand ford mr thompson then stated that the ay was very sorry to lose three of its very valuable members and he extended to them a very cordial in vltatlon to return whenever possible it was moved by mr mcnallv and seconded by mr thompson that a very hearty vote of thanks be given to the officers for the past year for the successful and efficient way in which they have carried on the work of the aypa this part of the evening being brought to a close the members then enjoyed slides of summer resorts in ontario kindly loaned bj the c nr a ery pleasant evening fliuuh came to a close with the benediction pronounced by mr thompson 2 in ooluseon with cab barbara i fouryear old daughter of mrs muriel botten s georgetown suff a trac- ore at the left ankle whan she ran mto the skte of a car driven by j t houey bramptan electrician about 630 wadncaday afternoon last the accident oc just sooth of the white bridge on main st north this is a dangerom mot jnst aver the brow of the hfn on highway and no warning sign to motorists has yet been erected although we understand the highway department has been told at this dangerous spot on more than one occasion she was attend ed by dr a mcallister and is re ported to have suffered little other toloty chief w g marshall investigated and d that houey had not been to blame for the accident houey badly shaken by the occ halton comity scoot ja con ebjdcd at acton on sunday with the ssntotton of rsbbona by major d- tv mrofamn and award of the town of moten sbiald to acton c amnsr george k bttott was im the motoo shield was donated tn milea t of points until for tmamsecntrre years the task of rals- sng the canvas was one all metr skl of fishermen campers should read this at this season of the year thoughts of fishermen campers and others are turning towards the bucolla and sylvan pleasures of the great out doors probably nowhere in the world are faculties for such enjoyment bet ter for the average person than in canada almost literally speaking however there is a fly in the otnt ment tn fact too many flies- kt and mosquitoes these wingeddemons of the forest as of the early jesuit fathers referred to them occur m great m espeei ally in spring and early summer it many otherwise attractive locations fortunately there are certain simple precautionary iimeus that may be taken which win do much to mitigate the discomfort and annoyance caused by these insects these iw mil are discussed in a pamphlet prepared by direction of the dominion entomolo gist entitled methods of protection from mosquitoes blackflies similar pests tn the forest available on application p the pub licity and extension branch depart ment of agriculture ottawa propel sites should be chosen away from marshes swamps and stagnant pools preferably where there are no dense woods or underbrush which would serve as a shelter for the tn sects and break the wind flyproof tents should be used and one of the popular brands of pyrethrum fly spray and a suitable atomiser should kept on hand to destroy insects that may flod their way mto the tents or other quarters it is also adviseabte to include a finemesh bobbinet bead net in the list of equipment and old kid gloves if these are available suitable clothes should be worn bear ing in mind that mos win btte through one rkh inu of ordinary irng various protective mixtures are of great value in warding off at tack when applied to po part of the skin the following formulae bare been used with satisfaction by many pe 1 go of cttroneoa 3 ounces spbtts of camphor louncej oil of tar 1 ounce ou of pennyroyal ounce and castor oil 5 onncea 2 ofl of cttroneua 2 ounces castor o pennyroyal fl oo of lavender l ounce 1 ounce castor oil i ounce 4 concentrated pyxethvum extract 1 ounce ou of thyme 1 ounce cas tor ofl 2 ounce among the remedies for reuetmg insect bites bonaebom ammonia one- tare of iodine berated vaseline gtye- erin and alcohol are widely used m many cases irritation fiwn away when ordinary toilet soap is motsteneo and geutij rubbed over use paoonv the ottawa spotlight by spectator i ottawa may 24uw the announce ment by the minister of trade and i commerce mr euler that the can adlan wheat boar i would continue to operate during the 1938 39 season and that a minimum price would be de elded upon later on will doubtless prove a stabilizing factor in the wheat industry it will be recalled that the report of the turgeoh commission which was tabled in the common absut a fortnight ago recommended that while it was not in favor of com- 1 pulsory boards for marketing wheat the present board should continue in existence for the present that is un til more normal conditions in world markets are restored at the present time with the pollti cal situation in europe fortunately a jttle less disquieting interest on parliament hill centres on such ques tlons as the forthcoming saskatche wan election the railway inquiry na tlonai defence plans and the disturb lng evidence of disharmony in our federal system so earnestly deprecated by resolution of the liberal women s association some people are saying that if the saskatchewan elections result in the- return of the provincial liberal gov eminent with a good majority and if the present prospects of a good crop in the prairie provinces materialise the federal administration may decide to appeal to the country this autumn this is of course merely conjectural even though there would be the achievement of negotiating the new trade agreement with the united states no nearlng completion which could be placed before the people the odds still seem to be that the election wont be this year represntatives of both railway stem have been explaining to the senate committee why joint economy measures between the railways have resulted in such a limited saving as explained by one railway official it has been the question of arriving at a fair balance of burden and advant age that has held up many projected schemes for the pooling of trains arm abandonment of trackage it was easy enough to agree to pool passenger services between montreal and que bec and montreal and toronto but when it came to western ontario the contention of the canadian pacific officials was that this would great advantage to the cnr but would injure the interests of the cpjt in regard to the suggested pooling of trains between kamloops and tale along the praser river was pointed wrtvthat if crops were ah it i would be difficult to haiyf them y one line the joint cooperative committee is still studying the question of pooling someu transcsmtmental services it ss dear that txua wamndttee has been faced the horticultural society there are now 136 members seeds have been distributed to the school children and prizes will be given for the best showing a meeting of the members will be held on monday june 6th or as soon thereafter as a speaker can be ob tained the members will be asked to bring peonies and irises a prize will be given for the best presenta tion of two peonies and a prise for the best presentation of three irises further announcement of the meet lng will be given erin mr and mrs frank wriggleeworth and mr edgar wrigglesworth spent sunday with mr and mrs clarence wrigglesworth in stratford mr clarence wrigglesworth has changed his occupation commencing june 1st he will be on the stratford police farce mr and mrs fred sinclair of georgetown the misses sinclair of toronto spent sunday with mr and mrs r r wilson 8th line the members of the congregation of au8amtsbuimae8embeld at- the home of dr and mrs campbell last friday evening to spend a social time with rev canon weaver and mrs weaver before their departure from the parish a short program and contests was enjoyed an ad dress and cheque were presented to canon and mrs weaver and a pleas ant evening concluded with the serv log of refreshments mr and mrs w f mcenery spent sunday with mr and mrs alex dot son norval and attended the annl versary services at alloa united church at the meeting held on tuesday evening of the members of the con greaatlons comprising erin charge of thevonitod church of canada by a unanimous vote a call was extended to bet geo h thomas ma bx of kitchener ont to become their minister advocate new grand stand to be erected in park at co of 119500 tender of georgetown lumber co accepted pole to be removed from the west side of john st in preparation for pavement use of park granted to pipe band and lo l no 345 a special meeting of town council was held on thursday may 19th at 830 pjn mayor gibbons was in the chair reeve george davis and councillors a e crlpps n h brown joseph hall james costlgan thomas lyons and will f smith present tenders for the new grandstand to replace the old one burned in the park last year were submitted as follows j b mackenzie son s1260 georgetown lumber co 41196 moved by davis seconded by crlpps that the tender of georgetown lum ber co of 119500 for the erection of a grandstand in the park be ac jepted building to be completed on or before june 30th carried moved by lyons seconded by davis that the hydro electric commission be requested to remove the poles on john st and arrange with the bell telephone co for the joint use of the telephone poles carried moved by smith seconded by brown that the pipe band be allow ed the use of the park for a field day on june 11th carried moved by lyons seconded by hall that ljox no 345 glen williams be alloned the use of the park for a celebration on july 12th carried ballinafad h waddeq of north bay has a spend the susmwer with bis daughter mrs b vanoattcr band held their thank the the prograsaav green cnttrety by the bnya and ghis and waa certainly en by all pres ent macb credtt is daw to the ksd- with a dtmcult task hi attempting to reconcile the contacting economic in- terests of the two roads the bulk of the appropriation oi about 34 million dollars for the de fence of canada has been pa with much less opposition than in the last session the disappearance of any real criticism of the principle underlying the g t defence policy is sign meant that in a world feverishly rearmlng and in such a state of n the weight of public opinion to canada approves of the government taking measures for the adequate defence of this country an interesting point brought out hi the debate was that at this time next year canada will have 303 aircraft in her air fleet compo of service and naming planes there will be she destroy tn our navy with auxiliary craft we have four destroyers now and two others will be received from the unit edsingdom our defences on the western seaboard and elsewhere are being carried out on a carefully pre pared and coordinated plan the department has made a survey and is compiling a recora of 76s canadian nji which in cse o a national emergency could be utilised for the production of munitions and defence qurpment air equipment factories in canada the m stated in the commons could produce any kind aircraft required if orders w placed with them the type equipment which cannot be mar factured at presen in canada u in connection with heavy calibre guns the briusb air mission which has been visiting this continent some days to ottawa conferring with defence department oflvjals and rep resentatives of aircraft f lu il companies they came for the pur pose not of awmedmterj ptaemg ord era bat of mektog a tang term sur vey of canadian fbi nil is i for iacturing aircraft for the n wul rest wttb acton on sunday june 19th and monday 30th churchill will observe its one hundredth anniversary plans for fitting observance of this occasion are nearlng completion morning and evening services are being arranged for sunday and a memorial service at churchill cemeter it is expected that the occasion will see many visl tors and friends meeting from far and near very rev t a moore will be the guest speaker at the sun day morning service rev p a sawyer formerrector of fit anna was guest speaker it the young peoples banquet in the parish hall on tuesday evening christian ity as related to youth was the theme of mr 8 message to the yp a after thirtyfive years faithful ful fitment of the office of t of knox church acton ur wnham r kenney is retiring members of the board felt that such service as mr cognition and on saturday evening a groan compxwna rev h l bmntr means r an w m cooper george smith and chas klrkness repr the board called at the home of mr kenney mr kenney left this week on a visit to western can ada and the presentation of a glad stone bag to him was very appropri ate bliss belle stephenson who has been spending the winter in t florida returned to acton on satur day messrs john kenney v b rumley ley frank mcintosh and w m coo per paid a fraternal visit to oshawa lodge on tuesday evening free of the orders to be placed tms b an that to lain at priond bad wttb the vast pfmrf of the b ah fanes for granted that the after a flood a farmer was showing his farm to a prospecttw purchaser when luuauj was made as to f or not the water- got op over tbe farm tbe farmer said tt bad i then what ar those amrka on trees tdojslred tbe ppl on t said the farmer is when tbe bogs scratch tbetr bateka well ih ted yaw s the p p p not mten ed to buying year farm bat i mdton the honorable duncan tfr called at emerson fords and bought two of his fine hotsteto cows for premier hepburn at tbe annual invitation p of the waterloo college for secondary schools held at woodslde park kit chener milton high school was repre sented and carried off tbe following prixes 1st tn sso yards relay race 2nd to 100 yard dash 1st tn high jump twenty there schools were re presented at the gt c w king has sold his farm to trafalgar township to allan elements of tbe town itnf trafalgar township wtodsor bradley of buffalo ny and young son and vtetted his mother mrs j bradley over tbe weekend he also spent a few hoars at mr frank starks home and visit ed with bst young nephew john stark mxss roth beo mtxdc director of muton ugh and public scboots took mkss roth sargent to the aurora mane festival held may 12th where sbe won 2nd prise to tbe vocal solo the of tbetr betb to of mr end mrsc tmetska tbe riag to take ptace to the ondtfle of june in milton west saturday afternoon misb lama anne alberta betd reg i n dassfbter of mr and mrs duncan betd was saarriad to mr john muton woodceck vb bvfc df bipley tbe borne of tbe brides parens cwmpaedvide oflv nathan silver honorably discharged in police court at toronto this morning a theft charge against mr nathan silver was heard in full af ter hearing the case the magistrate threw out the charge mr silver has instructed his soil cltor to issue a writ for damages against mr morris oiffer of toronto for false arrest false imprisonment and malicious prosecution in court this morning the mgis trate completely vindicated mr 811 ver a notice in one of toronto s morn lng papers yesterday to the effect that nathan had been arrested on a theft charge alarmed his many friends who know him to be anything but a thief the charge was the re sult of mfhans innocent effort to help a friend who bad asked torn for advice as to tbe purchase of sc ladles coats correspondence to the cftlsena of georgetown following are two letters r by mr j l lambert principal of the omjb from the ontario rmenv uon of teachers of secondary schools asshdbola saskl march 11th 1938 mr lewis toronto dear sir i would like my school adopted in your adoption plan western school district no 0t2 of valor bast storoument grade xl 1 girl age 7 grade xh 2 guis age 7 and 9 grade iv 1 girl age 10 7 boys a 10 grade vt 1 ghi age 12 grade vm 1 girl age 14 1 boys 15 grade ix 1 girl 13 1 ghi 15 1 boy 13 2 boys 15 grade x 1 ghi 17 1 boy id over 90 of ratepayers on relief all parents of above children on re lief tbe equipment approximate 7 dox exercise books 4 dot pencils 1 package of v by 12 drawing paper old text books on nature science lor primary grades also c for primary grades 2 lbs of loose fool- scape if there is any more mformatlon required i will be theasectto give it thanking you i remain yours truly miss gunda bakkestad assinlboia saskl april 35 uos mr h e carr toronto dear sir in regards to my appli cation for adoption we are tn greatest need for school supplies as- outlined hi my former let i ter we have received some aid to rlotbtng from churches and other or ganizatlons if howev tbe schools there feel they can aid any j am be welcomed tbe following is a list of the ages of pupos with atom oirta 3 age 7 2 age 9 large for age i age 10 large for age age 14 age 12 large for age more nfce 15 sow age 15 age it b age 10 small age ii age 15 uul age 13 ho age 15 smahj age is h uxx is myself i take a sac i or is depending on tbe cm of the pat tern if any more information is required i would gladly submit some thank you tor all your stndnea youra alberta refused it late in 1936 life insurance and lending companies which hojd the bulk of western canada mortgages arranged to cooperate with the fed eral government and the governments of saskatchewan and manitoba in series of measures for the relief of farmers in tbe drought areas and elsewhere the companies contribu tion to this relief took the form of debt readjustmets and mortgage in terest reduction commencing with january of 1937 the provincial ad ministrations of the two provinces welcomed this voluntary action and did their utmost to promote and supplement it we do not think it has ever been made public but the same offer was made to toe alberta government and refused that offer might be summarised as follows on farm mortgages in drought and crop failure areas arrears of interest dating back mora than two yean would be forgiven and the remain ing arrears would be consolidated with the principal so that the farmer would be able to start afresh with nothing overdue in other than drought areas there would be adjust ments of arrears such as might- be warranted in individual cases of hard ship throughout the province inter est rates on mortgages would not ex ceed 6 per cent as from the beginn ing of 1937 the alberta government having re fused this offer the leading companies went ahead making compromise ar rangements with individual farmers in that province who were prepared to do their utmost to pay their debts without any enabling legislation bat the provincial legislature has now passed a number of acts which dis courage payment one of these meas ures makes tbe foreclosure of a farm mortgage illegal if the farm is owner- occupied while an urban homeown ers mortgage can only be foreclosed if tbe mortgage holder pays him a compensation of 3000 irrespective of what the property may be worth another of the alberta acts outlaws by midsummer of 1940 all debts of whatever kind contracted prior to ti of 1906 unless in the meantime the psaskfm or concent to wbom tbe money is ond accepts a new agreement from the man who owes it or anas bfm in court but to sue hien pernri most be obtained form one of the alberta governments boards which ca rev mr lawsop t 14 tbe need of tbe pnpus of tbe aa- slngws school is a tbe stud councu of tbe george town high school has already am of anoney for the cootoment however f w tag to tbe citmtttt of oiiamausu to ktodty donate any dsnbsng wnkfa tbry feel they are abac to give to the popaw saiinlfirurt to tbe setters above omwjaattons wis be rriytta by any i school stodent wf next week or ten days aq r tion to this matter wm be stomresy ap by tbe b coancfl- dal job notice bow was arm dance tost 1st ddat say so why i nevei nottossl a stogie thing c ber breath it seems obvious from all this that the aim of the aftterta government is to destroy the collectibility of money due by amertans rather than to promote a c which would enable those who are far behind tn tbetr payments to start afresh on a more favorable basis tt is claimed that lending companies would have r by 25 per cent the acumal charges on many farm mortgagas but mr aberhart would not cooslder lt toronto daily star may utn mtnistesrb hom at bfjbungton thieves entered a resilience and a garage on brant st barfington early sunday and stole articles and money of a total valor of more than sso ustag a skeleton key tbe thieves entered the borne of rev a tl tambatead and stole about 15 a ladys handbag containing a small sum two purses a signet ring and two ntoney boxes a jrandbag con taming s27 a pah of spectacles and a lady compact were stolen from tbe car of mrs- lawrence clack tbe ear waa park ed to tbe garage at tbe rear of ber torn tbe with tbe definite arrival of van weather any nsotorist who has so far neglected to pat bis amtossotofle to proper shape for late spring and sum mer driving would be wsn advised to rectify tbe wrtttog a book on bow to bring op tbe icst babr- friead ob and by the war while i write tbe aosjt

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