Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 1, 1938, p. 4

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pge4 the georgetown herjald wed neaday evening june 1 at 1 936 silvers ten day sale continueshfor thursday friday and saturday thrifty shoppers will not over look this splendid opportunity to save on smart new summer apparel now more than ever the trend u to silvers dept store where your dollar goes farther phone 375 georgetown oox id georgetown on sunday may 2mh 1938 oermldlne bell dearly beloved wife of joseph oox in her 37th year henderson jessie hope mcleod widow or the late herbert b hen demon may 28th 1838 at her late residence ambassador apts dear mother ol mrs j b maoarthur windsor norman b toronto sis ter of james b and norman 1 mcleod mrs george m begg of toronto mrs m m wetherald windsor services morris funeral home wyandotte e at unooln rd monday may 30th at 330 pjn rev h m pauun dj officiating followed by services at knox pres byterian church georgetown tues day may 31st at 3 pjn tobt in guelph general hospital on monday may 30th 1938 albert d tost dearly beloved husband of barbara kennedy obituary mrs joseph cox being in poor health for some time death claimed the life of geral dine bell beloved wile of joseph cox on sunday may 29th at her home here she was in her 27th year and her untimely death will be greatly mourned by her family and friends besides her husband she leaves three small children josephine kathleen and gerald deceased is also survlv ed by her father and two brothers in peterboro the funeral on tuesday afternoon was held from st george s church and conducted by the rev g o thompson interment be lng made in greenwood cemetery georgetown sympathy was express ed to the bereaved family by the beautiful floral offerings pure food store 3 large pkgs princess soap flakes 30c 1 x 16 oz tin and 1 x 8 oz tin toddy both for 40c 2 x 16 oz tins heinz soaps 25c t 2 large bars ivory soap lie 2 bars cashmere boquet toilet soap lie aeroxon fly coils per doz 19c mother parkers orange pekoe tea 4 lb pkg 33c shu milk cleans all kinds of white shoes reg 25c 15c delmonte fancy moorpark apricots per lb 30c 2 x 1 lb pkgs fltjffo shortening 25c whiz fly fume insect killer double sterrigth in bulki at about half the price ol container v peamealed back bacon by the pltce lb 3c choice breakfast bacon by the piece lb 2sc fresh bologna by the piece lb 13c perfect model turnip seed in bulk lb 35c vegetable and flower seeds choice fresh fruit and vegetables a e farnell phone 75 free delivery i mrs henderson prominent member of st an drew s presbyterian church mrs jes sie hope mcleod henderson died at her residence in the ambassador apartments 1382 ouellette avenue windsor following a short illness born in georgetown a daughter of the late william mcleod and sarah barber she moved to winnipeg eleven j ears ago where she lived until three and a half years ago when she came to windsor she was the widow of the late herbert b henderson mrs henderson took an active part in the woman s missionary society and the woman s guild of st andrews pres byterian church she was also a member of the independent order of the daughters of the empire sur vivlng are one soi norman b or toronto one daughter mrs j b macarthur of windsor to brothers james b and norman l mcleod of toronto and two sisters mrs george begg of toronto and mrs h m wetherald of windsor also five grandchildren funeral services were held in the morris funeral home 1624 wyandotte street east today a 330 pm with rev h m paul in dx officiating further services will be held tomorrow at the knox presbv terlan church in georgetown at 3 pjn burial will be in georgetown windsor dally star the funeral took place from the presbyterian church georgetown on tuesdaj afternoon the church where she had been an active worker lor many years and organist for twenty five years the service w hlch w ai largel attended by old friends and relatives was conducted by the pas tor rev d davidson the pall bearers were j a wllloughb geo m begg charles c he rider son to ronto w a whson o t mackay and h c barber the remains were interred in the famil plot in oreen wood cemeterj georgetown there were man beautiful floral tributes she passed away mrs clarridge was a bright active woman who found time not only for her home but to assume an interest and a helpful activity hi the com munlty about her she was interested in her church knox church acton and its welfare bhe was also one of the founders of the bannockbum women s institute and held executive positions in the county institute her cherry helpfulness will be missed not only ih the home but in many other circles in which she was in terested but it is in the borne where she was a true helpmate and a loving mother that her lots will be most keenly fet mr claxridge and the family indeed have deep sympa thy in the loss they have sustained besides the bereft husband she leave six daughters mrs r a storey brantford mrs g s matthews and mrs j f arscott of toronto mrs g macmiilan and mrs geo tyler of acton and mrs l garvin of glen williams eight grandchildren also remain and oaieslster mrs rev i w atkinson f k and a hrothrtj william martin of inglewood the funeral was held ob saturday with a service at the home conducted by rev h l bennle of knox church it was largely attended by many from the district in which she was so highly respected friends also attended from rochester ny st thomas toronto brampton guelph inglewood and belfountain inter ment was made in boston mills cemetery the pallbearers were messrs r a storey jas mann t kennedy o moffat robt kerr a t mann flower bearers were messrs e martin h young 8 morrison l stone m mccullough masters bob ble storey donald matthews norman martin floral tributes included those from the famllj mr and mrs wm mar tin knox church ladles aid knox church choir chalmers church y wca toronto bannockbum worn ens institute bannockbum literary society the cherlo club the uj ypo mrs john mann and family mr and mrs a t mann the tyler family the garvin family mr and mrs howden margaret and roy gwen dobble and grace gibson free press wunl is ruthless in killing birds rabbits the weasel is well equipped for his career of carnage with serpen tine neck lean body and loose skin in subduing fellow creatures his swivellike neck gives him a dis tinct advantage in that he can at tack from almost any position he possesses the knack of elongating his body to an incredible degree and is able to squeeze through small openings in pursuit of quarry his elastic skip likewise proves a great asset when attacked because it leaves his body free to strike back a large healthy rat wth its chisel edged teeth is the only animal anywhere near his size that can whip him ft weasels mode of attack is to fling his body oyer his victim and embrace him with his front feet in this fierce clutch the prey has no chance and lif is ex tinct in a few seconds the incessant f of this- diminutive fiend causes great losses in bird life asserts an official of the detroit chapter of the izaak walton league he has been known to jump two feet into the air to pull down a quail or partridge and his dexterity as a climber is truly amazing we have seen him climb a smooth jwle holding a martin house and quickly dart in and out of each compartment to destroy the eggs or young it seems almost paradoxical that nature should have endowed the weasel with so many weapons of destruction for use against her charges and it is small wonder that he is called the tiger among smaller mammals a moth er weasel with young is particularly murderous and will carry innum erabie birds and lesser animals to her lair for her offspring to feed upon mortgage sale under and by virtue of tflft powers of sale contained in a certain i mortgage which will be produced ll the tune of sale there will be offered i for sale by at public auction on wednesday the sxnd day of jane ims at the hour of onethirty o clock st the afternoon standard time aw the farm of the late horace p bingham ra no 4 georgetown ontario the following property namely all and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate lying and being in the town ship of esqueslng in the county of halton being composed of first part of the north easterly half of lot 17 concession 10 containing 63 acres more or less secondly all that of the easterly halt of lot ion 10 north of the roadway of the grand trunk railway comr- i pony containing 2 acres more or lessv i and thirdly part of the easterr and westerly half of lot 18 conces- elon io containing about 55 acres all in said township at esqueslng and being more particularly described in mortgage no 14300 to the agricultural ri development board on said farm there is said erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings ttrk a g ctarwdge following a period of ill health that has extended over the past seven years and necessitated two months hospital treatment recently mrs a g clarridge passed away on thurs day morning may 19th she had been able to spend the past three weeks at home on the beautiful farm just east of acton on the highway born in caledon in 1877 mrs clar ridge was mary ann martin a daughter or the late william martin her early life was spent at ingle wood following her marriage o a g clarridge the couple for some time resided on a farm near georgetown thirty four years ago they removed to the farm just east of acton where golf club notes despite the cool weather member ol tht cuar crest golf club had a day of peasant acthiues on may 24th tht game between teams selected b the captain and vice captain re suited in a net score of 388 to 387 the vice captains side winning by holes tl e low net score in this event was made by roj foulis with a 43 for the nine holes the following competed in the four ball mixed foursome k m langdon and jean mackenzie vs frant armstrong and mrs j a wiuoughbj r douglas and mrs robb vs tel ford mackay and marjorie gault j a wllloughby and mrs mackay s wes robb and miss h lawson roal barber and mrs f armstrong vs bertram wllloughby and mrs p coffln ken charles and mrs hekimann vs mr heldmann and mrs nodwell this event was won by mr arm strong and mrs wllloughby with a total net score for nine holes of 93 the mens long driving contest was won by mr roaf barber with an avtr age length per drive of 224 yards roy foull wos second with an avcage of 219 yaids bertram willoughbj had the longest individual drive of 256 yards in the putting competition mr j a wllloughby displayed capacity for sinking the long ones and won the prize for this event after refreshments supplied by the indie of the club under direction of the soeittl gom mlttee six tables of- brldge ended a satisfactory day mrs frank armstrong and mrs wes robb were tied in the bridge score and in the cut mrs armstrong won a lovely glass flower ase the turnout for the mixed foursome on tuesday ma 31st was rather small the winners for the match were miss jean mackenzie and mr j r smith with a net score of 37 members are reminded that next tuesday june 7th bridge w ill be played following the golf match ask today for your copy of the attracjve mtntrated folder vacation tours describing 30 oefightful lake and highway tours wtlhau expenses pad 1day tours io 9day vacations mwkoka 30000 blond la ve of bays wasaga beach the qwmts the big one cruises on lakes ene huron and superior a tour to suit evbty purse 745 to 66 30 vacation servtceseffective saturday june 25th tickets and information at w a long phone 89 gray coach lines dip the sheep flock the loss due to the neglect to con trol ticks and lice infesting sheep is sometimes great enough to render a sheep flock unprofitable lambs suf fcr severely from the incessant irrl tation caused by the biting of these parasites lice and ticks migrate from the mother sheep to the lamb and very heavy infestations will put the lamb in such a condition that can never be profitable during a period of low prices no farmer can afford to support parasites as a hand cap to his sheep the flock owner needs every nlckle and the lamb is better without the handicap if it is to grow into a profitable animal flocks that are regularly dipped during the late spring or early au tumn will not suffer from the exter nal parasite handicap the necessity of dipping is shown by the remark able increase of pests for instance two female ticks under favorable con ditlons produce a population ot 1200 in one year likewise one female louse can be the grandmother of a million lice within a twelve month period these reproductive powers are tremendous and cause an equally tremendous amount of annoyance in jury loss why tolerate such pests when the practice of dipping will re move them the british farmers are required by law to dip their sheep flocks for the control of external pests there are many public dip ping tanks in ontario nniti districts built especially for the aocommeda tlon of sheep ask your local depart ment of agriculture office about the sheep dipping activities in your own county late may and early june is the tune when the work 1 generally japan exported 4jo3003 pounds of cellophane hi the last year vibration of bridge is principally up andjdown the international encyclopedia state that the action of a suspen sion bridge s that of a rope span ning between supports for any load mg it finds the appropriate curve of equilibrium and is stable in that pos hon but as the adjustment to varying position of load results from change or curve the roadway hung from the cable also distorts that is the bridge is very flexible long tudinal stiffening trusses are there fore used their stiffness preventing any but slight distortion under lo calized loading the vibration would therefore be chiefly up and down because of the pull of the load on the cables it is a fact that a comparatively small force applied at regular in tervals under favorable circum stance w1 occasionally set up considerable oscillation in a suspen sion bridge and experts have testi fled that a few soldiers marching o er a long bridge in regular step might produce more vibration than a whole regiment out of step a suspens on bridge in france broke dnwn in 1850 as the result of the v ibrat on caused by 487 soldiers marching in step plus the great veight of the soldiers public schooling compulsory besides in the un ted slates pub lic schooling is compulsory in al bama argentina australia bel gi tm bolivia brazil bulgaria camdi canal zone chile costa r ica cuba czechoslovakia den mark dominican republic ecua france germany greece guate mala honduras hungary iceland india iran persia irish free state italy japan latvia lithu ami luxemburg mexico nether lands newfoundland new zealand nicaragua norway panama peru poland puerto rico portugal ru mania russia el salvador siam spain sweden switzerland syria turkey union of south africa unit ed kingdom uruguay venezuela and yugoslavia english born not a horn in spite of its name the english horn well known orchestra instru ment is not a horn at all it is a wood wind instrument observes a writer in pearsons london week ly other wood wmds are the clar inet oboe and bassoon the true horns of the orchestra are the brasses such as the cornet trum pet trombone tuba and others one instrument in this section is the french horn this is called brief ly the horn and this expression usually refers to the french horn rather than any of the other brasses the lands will be sold subject to a reserve bid terms of sale twenty five per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of the sale the balance to be secured by a mort gage with interest at four per cent per annum for further particulars and conditions of sale refer to w eric stewart eg east slock parliament bldgs toronto ontario solicitor to the mortgagee dated at toronto this 26th day of may 1938 community auction sale a community auction sale will be neld in the temperance shed georgetown saturday june 4th 1938 at 2 o clock d5t household furniture of all kinds farm stock implements terms cash everything pur chased must be settled for with the bookkeeper day of sale frank fetch auctioneer second annual recital by pupils of belly wright school ol dancing will be held on monday june 13 at the gregory theatre georgetown admission adults 35c children 25c curtain 830 pjn gibbpn ape nearest hunan smallest of the apes and suppos edly the least developed the gabby gibbon is nevertheless one of the most human it walks erect with its long arms almost dragging the ground that isn t its only man like action like a human gym nast it swings from branch to branch using only its arms other monkeys generally push off with then feet snakes and the hopi snake dance draws thou sands to the fantastic cliff villages fh northwestern arizona the time of the snake dance is never an nounced by the indians until ten days before the actual date but it la held almost invariably in mid summer this ancient ceremonial is one of the most interesting of all indian survivals special 125 1 one week only 2 suits f 2 light coats 0 2 dresses b pants s5o eatons cleaners dyers agent lhlioo a huffman mondays wednesdays fridays liberal conservative assocmtion of uic county of halton the annual meeting of the association will be held in the town hall milton friday jane 3 tm at 30 pjn daylight saving time general business election of officer speaker joe harrta lp el east tack au members of the party are cordially invited to attend lloyd dingle president f w b fitzgerald secretary

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