Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 1, 1938, p. 6

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page 6 the georgetown herald wedneaday evening june ut 1938 give jam watts new charm and giro your raomi new style new character with lowe brothers mellotonb flat wall palm lovely meuotooe pastel shades form an effective background tor rorntrare and dra peries soft velvety mellotone wall finishes blend per fectly- when two or more colors are used and meuotone is really wash able dm grease even ink smudges are easily removed with soap and water or any deancr of recognized quality mcllotone flat wall paint brushes on easily bides exceptionally well and covers approximately 700 square feet per gallon comes in 14 delightful pastel shades leonard electric refrigerator r h thompson co hardware plumbing electrical wiring unsmttibng and eavestroughing phone 46 georgetown joux toa are you sore yonr eyes see correctly me have you seen the new rimless mounting na screws to loosen and cause wobbly lenses less break of classes thus saving yon money our price tfl the same ab city prices o t walker ro optometrist eyesight specialist brampton who hi at robbs drug store georgetown uw second wedneaday of every month or yon may consult o t walker at his office in b chicks t ti i ii r lirnr tla ani nil i s xtra profit and standard grades see me for full particulars place your order here george c brown r r 1 norval ont prize winning essa the following essay was written b george ferry grade viii george town public school in the essaj con test hld inder the auspices of tht wxtu and was awarded 1st prize the evll effects of alcoholjc beverages lun uely we botanical notes fob june the bright colours and delicious scent ot roses in june appeal to mans senses but this season ot the renals sauce of the leaves softly influences consciously or otherwise the human soul the growth of leaves specially of those of the trees means fur more than the pleasure which we enjoy in their shade and shelter during the hot summer days secure in the knowledge that the the birth of their young is assured by pollination and the consequent for matlon of the seed trees were con tent last month to delay the growth of their leaves until this all import ant function of blooming was com piete now the leaves have fully ex panded in all the perfection and vlg our of new life ready and willing to pay for the pageant of the year the blossoms enjoy only a short life and a gay one but not so the leaves upon whom rests the respons lbillty of the maintenance of their mother the tree they have to live through five long months of lab our anctliatoshlp garnering previous things from earth and air in face of the ravages of insects fungi and the- elements for they owe also a debt to mother earth which will be repaid in november and only when they have like children returned to her lap at the foot or the naked tree to deposit then golden sweetness in a wintry hoard natures hidden work shop always busy with the prepara lion of endless stores of food with which to start in life future generat- tlons of leaves the rose has always been the fav ourlte flower and as such figures in religion heraldry the arts and liter ature the roses which are blessed year by year are very dear to cath olics roses often adorn coatsof arms architects include them in their de signs the rose so eulogized by poets is the same as that described by bot anlsts chaucer spencer and shake speare all sing the praises of eglan tine the sweetbriar the rose with fragrant leaves which escaped from europe and now happily grows wild from nova scotia to ontario there are instances where the name of rose has been wrongly applied such as the rose of sharon with its hollyhocklike flowers and the rose of jericho an interesting member of the mustard family a native of the desert regions of palestine also called by the appropriate name of resurrection flower because the dried plant ex pands and appears to come to life a gain when put in water other instances of the misapplies ion of the name of rose in isaiah and the song of songs are cited by bible students who aer that the word used is derived from an origin meaning bulb and 4s no doubt a bulbous plant of which there are many kinds in pal estlne as the illy crocus and the nar cissus any of which may be the plant referred to that the domans were familiar with the rose and doubtless the true one is indicated by the expression sub rosa common to this day it was practice to place a rose over the door of a public or private building as a warning that whoever passed beneath it must not disclose an- thing said or dor e within the romans probably borrowed this custom from eg pi where the rose was the emblem of i harpocrates the god of silence the latin sub rosa would then be trans lated into the modern or progressive ernuculnr mums the word i canadian wild roses of variou k i d grow from coast to xia t man of which ai pear so closel to i resemble oi c anothir that it is the i privilege of only those botanisu who irnvt rmde thtm a peclal and pains taking studj to tell tl em apart i wild roses arc the most beautiful i and welcome of all flowering shrubs j a thej brighten the countryside wih qielr delicate fragrant blosoms crammed with jellow stamens for reminded of them a what an editor is tht purpose of this composition is to show how the liquid alcohol aflects man far many yeai- n few brave men and women have striven to put down ihe menace of alcohol what ualn in the fall when their scarlet hips are welcome items in th gen cral weilth of colour of fruit so char acterlslic of the season it is dlflicult tn most cases to refer is the meaning of this word alcohol c cultivated rases to their wild pro alcohol is a strong drink obtained f totypis as they have been grown from fruits and as compared with debts co fffttn for many years we have specialized in the handling of collections and are today hand ling a larger volume of business than ever before put our experience to work in clearing up your outotandlng debts kelly aiken the collection specialist orangevdlle ontario eat 1800 phone 90 radio repairing 11 years experience we specialize on this work- j sanford son fruit juices it is very harmful the three mott common kinds ol this in toxlcatlng drink are generally classed as beer wine and spirits alcohol which when taken in ex cess poislons the organs will reduce the strength speed and staying pow er of any athlete as well as the pre cislon of his movemenls alconollc beverages will weaken the eyesight lessen one s selfcontrol make one be come more gullllble and generous and impair the judgment memory will power and vigilance of any person alcohol usually tends to make a unde rlts influence walk with a staggering gait and see double this effect shows why motorists should abstain from taking drink alcohoi too sometimes will change a hand some cultivated gentleman into a silly acting sneering boor who has no control over any of his senses and no reard for the safety of others when a man is changed like this be cause of the usage of strong drink he will soon be despised by people who were once proud to call him friend also though once he might have been a respectable capable business man his ventures in the field of business will now more than likely be failures alcohol will break up a happy home by turning a devoted husband and father into a brute whose temper flares at the slightest provocation the mans wife will never be the same again after such a terrific ordeal but the children seeing such a repulsive example set before them may abstam from taking ikjuor for life wouldnt it have been better though if the father had abstained from the taking of alcoholic beverages and then the children when grown up could proud ly say my father showed me that to drink liquor is folly there are many readers of a weekly newspaper who unhesitatingly apply names complimentary and otherwise to the editors recently editor geo james of the bowmanvlue statesman who is also president of the canadian weekljt newspapers association m addressing a luncheon in chatham referred to weekly newspaper editors and stated than an editor is a servant of the community be cause he is expected to be ready at all times to give of his services time and money to every community ac tlvlty a preacher because he must con tlnually keep to the fore the same fundamentals ol good living as the preacher a business man because apart from everything else lie must make enough money to provide for his family a builder a moulder of publlo opinion because he has the power to wield through bis paper a tremen dous influence for good in vital issues a policeman because he must ever be on guard against those who would tise community organizations fox petty racketeering a booster because he is expected to and does- getbehind every worth while activity in the community sport church service clubs parent bodies and educational institutions an historian because each week he must compile the current history of his community for posterity first news item a writer because after all he wouldnt be much of an editor unless he could write a referee because he must choose his news to give encouragement to those who need it sympathy to those who are breaved comfort to those who are in trouble and criticism to those who should receive it an employer of labor because bis business demands that he must em ploylabor and must know bow treat labor fairly a student of municipal and govern ment affairs he must be this if he is to give leadership on public ques tions and inform the public and in terpret the new laws a cheer leader for his community because he must ever be ready to boost his community as a place in which to live and work canada guards foreign gold in bank vamtto far safe keeping other nations p of big hoard mystery approximately tloo 000000 in for eign gold is stored in the vaults of the bank of canada at ottawa mark ed for safe keeping the amount is steadily increasing the reason for its presence there is a mystery speculation concerning the reason for storing foreign gold in canada includes stories that overseas govern ment6 are establishing credits for the purchase of munitions and others that the disturbed situation in europe is causing a flight of capital to can ada amount is increasing there is no official confirmation for anything except the gold is there and the amount is increasing but offic including the prime minister the finance minister the governor of the bank of canada and others are silent the sjobjectlof gold is taboo they admit the gold is there and that 5 the end of it in april there was an increase of 131616 fine ounces of gold earmarked for foreign nations at the end of march the total held was valued at more than 6500oo0o and according to rumor the increase for the month of may win be from to 000 000 to 2s 000000 but whether it is from brit ain or france or other points cannot be officially ascertained nor will any official state whether the gold held for foreign powers is shipped into canada or whether it has been purchased in canada and held here under foreign ownership mrs perklnson you know my hus band is a second story man mrs peterson you don t say i mrs perklnson yes his first story never fools me frederick glory there s an awful lot of girls stuck on me jeffersonatyeah well they must be an awful lot mr jones whydo you always cau your wife honey friend priendwell for one thrng honey has never agreed with me o o ice wood poles and posts ice delivered any place m town phone in your order wood of all kinds at right prices telephone and hydro poles cedar of all kinds ay length john h smith georgetown r r 2 phone 84 r 13 mum and recrossed for so mam enttirks the magnificent double lomv of today are a noble and last ing tribute to the skill of those gnrd who haic developed a multitude of petals from stamens but flaming june must pass ever redolent of roses and the birth of tr dure into another phase of hlh summer when the roses seem not so red and the trees not quite so green when the song of wild birds is hushed and wlun nature seems to pause in anticipationsf the crown of- the year picobac ommgjrowif mw six new canadian stamps canada also busy with a rcorgan ization of her postage stamps an nounces that six double sized pie torlals will be placed on sale at ot tawa on june isth these are four ordinaries an air mall and a special delivery stamp the tower denomin atlons in the series were issued a year ago all bear protralts of george vi and are in the regulation size the six stamps and their values are as follows i0ecnts memorial chamber peace tower parliament buildings ottawa 20cents fort garry gate winnipeg 50cenls entrance of vancouver harbor xi chateau de ramezay montreal 6- cents air mall scene on the macken zle river northwest territories and 20cents special delivery canadian coat of arms to meet the wishes of first day cov er collectors particularly those living outside of canada arrangements are being made to provide selected stamps to the city post office at ottawa where requests for first day covers will be attended to self addressed covers should be sent to the district director of postal services ottawa remittance must be made by postal money order payable to the receiver general of canada orders for mint stamps may now be sent to the philatelc division pi nanclal branch post office depart ment ottawa and will receive the earliest possible attention the stamps will also be available at all large cities in canada on the day of issue enjoy ak electkiu range here are the thrift plan details to all ciuaens of georgetown and glen wullams installing electric ranges the local hydra couuabsjon will make a grant of szfxm towards paying the extra coat of irt1ffg a threewire service where resjsdred this offer is good antil angsad 1st 1938 ranges mast be pwrehased from local dealers m georgetown tn order to aeeare grant hoose an electric range for cleanliness theres no flame no soot no fames pots and pans btay shiny new walls ceiling and curtains keep fresh and immaculate choose an electric range because its cool doesnt raise kitchen temperatures even on the hottest day cooks just the food not yon choose an electric range because women themselves have proved it is fast cooking and thriftier because it ends drudgery because it makes every meal a success a triumph of taste and choose your new electnc range note its so easy to boy on the hydro thrift plan i read the details now i hugh lindsay moffat h c mccuurk general electric g r muckart weatlnghoose and northern electric j p reid mcclarys richardsons hardware fendlay and tadhope r h thompson co meclarya enjoy hydro it belongs to

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