the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 8th 1938 page 3 moffat electric ranges maytag eleetrie washers kelvinator electric refigerators hugh lindsay phone 11 georgetown a little boys thoughts x thought whep id learned my letters that all my troubles were done but x find myself much mlntnlrrm they have only just begun learning to read was awful but nothing like learning to write rd be sorry to have you tell it but my copybook is a sight the ink gets over my fingers toe pen cuts all sorts of shines and w do allas i bid it the letters wont stay on the lines but go up and down and all over as though they were dancing a jr they are there in all shapes and sixes medium little and big the tails of the s are so contrary the handles get on the wrong side of theds and the ks and the bs though ive certainly tried and tried to make them just right it is dread jul i really dont know what to do m getting almost distracted my teacher says he is too there d be some comfort in learning if one could get through instead of that there are books awaiting quite enough to craze my head there s the multiplication table and gra and oh dear me there s no good place of stopping when one has begun i see my teacher says little by little to thvmountaln tops we climb it isn t all done in a minute but only a step at a time she says that all the scholars all the wise and learned men bad each to begin as i do if thats so wheres my pen should see west gov general tells scottish farmers ninety one members or the glasgow and west of scotland agricultural discussion society recently visited points in quebec and ontario and during the week they were in canada they had a busy and evidently an en- joyable time the society was formed 50 years ago and since 1895 an annual tour has been one of the attractive features of an arranged program the party headed by a n m buchanan honorary secretary and treasurer and a subeditor on the scottish farmer one of the leading agricultural papers of scotland arr ived at montreal aboard the ss ath enia on may 22nd on monday the 23rd the members of the party visited macdonald college ste anne de bel levue que tuesday may 24th they were in ottawa and spent a few hours at the central experimental farm where on arrival they were welcomed by dr e s archibald director dom inion experimental farms after a tour or the farm and seeing a parade of the live stock they were entertain ed at luncheon at which his excell ency lord tweedsmuir governor general of canada was present and wai the principle speaker he told the visitors that they were allowing themselves a very chort time in sucn a large country to attempt to studyi canadian agriculture they would see much ol interest in that part of eastern canada in which their iliner ary took them in quebec there are small farms typical sustenance farms which were little affectclby the eco nomic depression in ontario they would see live stock ayrshires clyd esdales and other breeds of animals equal to any to be seen in scotland just as in scotland so in canada the land is the final and fundamental asset of the country his excellency said he was sorry the party was not going to western can ada he had just returned from a second visit to the areas affected by drought the first time re went he bad found the country burned as brown as the sahara but now the pastures are as green as those in ayr shire and he found the people there have a lew hope and if providphce is kind there appears to be every chance for good crops this year the first in eight years continuing his excellency said he could not speak too highly of the work that has been done in the drought area by the dominion and provincial governments he referred to the irrigation dams apd the other work that has been done to combat the problems that the prolonged drought has provoked there is far too little known about such work he observed too often canada gets too much publicity for any failures and too little for successes from otlhwa- the visitors went to toronto on wednesday may 35th they visited the ontario agricultural college gutlph the following mom tog they took a trip to don alda farms todmorden ont near toronto owned by mrs dunlap from fchere they went w niagara falls and new york city they sailed from mont jeal on the athenla saturday may 38th to return to scouand every student at police college england s training school at hendon lor policemen costs the government 3110 m year in addition to 10m or pay and allowance utility is prime consideration hoose wives familiar with latest improve- women do not always buy an art ide because it is stylish and because the jones next door have one as a rule they buy an article because it is useful and will serve a definite and necessary purpose this is the considered opinion of g j mlckler of the hydro electric power commission whose duties in the elec trlcal appliance and equipment field have brought him into contact with all types of men and women he therefore speaks with authority it has been mr mlckler s experience that the majority of women regard a modern electric range as one or the most important pieces of equipment in the kitchen naturally he re marked there is a very good reason for this there re very few women who will willingly toll over a red hot stove when they can easily own an electric range which directs the heat only at the food which is being cooked and thus keeps the kitchen comparai ively cool contrary to popular belief many women are interested in the import ant technical features of a range as well as its appearance according to mr mlckler when the average wo man walks into any hydro showroom in ontario to inspect and compare the many famous lines of electric ranges on- display she usually shows keen dls crimination by asking a number of in lelllgent questions he explained for example continued mr mick ler you may tell her one range man ufacturer emphasizes chromalox sup er speed elements another pyrox speedway elements while still another stresses hi speed calrod elements in her own way a woman will make comparisons and when she finds that these elements are all designed to do an efficient job she will ask for in for mation concerning other features she may want to know how automatic timers and temperature controls can eliminate guesswork watching and waiting when a meal is being cooked many women proceeded mr mic kler are also interested in the func lions or the thrift cooker which makes it possible to cook an entire meal on one element some are interested in the stain resisting enamel the thick rock wool insulation and the all steel construction of the ranges others pay close attention to such details as warming and utility drawers size of ovens drip trays and the area of the working surface after making these comparisons a woman will usually se lect a range which is within her means and one which will efficiently meet the requirements of her family while mr mlckler has algh regard for the judgement of many men who help their wives to select an electric range he believes that the average woman pays closer attention to detail and shows much keener discrlmmat ion worlds strangest bird sanctuary the most unusual bhd sanctuary in the world is described by eleanor early in her new book ports of the sun miss early visited trinidad and tobago recently and went to see the birds of paradise on little tobago island near trinidad british west in dies ofr tobago there are two tiny islands she says ooat island where there are no goats but only a white woman living alone and little tobago where there are birds of paradise and nothing else the white woman is a new yorker who hates times square and the subway and the birds of paradise were brought to lit tie tobago by sir william ingram from the wilds of dutch new guinea no bird of paradise ever left new guinea of its own accord and little tobago is the only place where they have been acclimatised sir william spent his life catching half a hundred and set them free on little tobago which belonged to him when sir william died hisisons pre sented the island to the gfcvernment on condition that it be made into a sanctuary and provision made to feed it beautiful tenants trinidad is reached by regular ail ings of lady liners of the canadian national steamships from halifax and boston and a government boat service is maintained between trinl dad and the island of tobago not very far an ay old fashioned girl all my life i have been saving my kisses for a man like you modern yonug man well prepare to lose the savings of a lifetime canadians travel most impatiently shipping companies say theyre al ways in a scramble to get off when a boat docks of all people canadians are about the most impatient when it comes to getting off ships this is the consen bus of opinion among steamship peo pie the average canadian forgets about immigration and customs and thinks its just like getting off a train inquiry eads to the sad conviction that canadians are either not very nordly or hopelessly land lubbers this is speaking generally for season ed travellers are the same the world over in agony of suspense it is notable that when a ship docks the experienced britisher does not make a dash for the gang plank he lets- the canadians put on their over coats wraps and furs grab atf the loose parcels they want and stand around to swelter for perhaps half an hour meanwhile the englishman watches the scene as it he were not getting oft at all then when the less experienced travellers flushed and tired and hot start to move off he leisurely picks up his things and goes on the quay the canadian seems to think he can clear his baggage ship ping men say in about one minute if he can t then there ought to a law doing something to somebody because he cant it is noteworthy say shipping men that europeans take an hours delay as if it were merely a cloud passing across the sun to the canadian it is agony of suspense guelph is q lite anxious to enlarge the winter fair buildings providing the prounce and countv pay the ma jor portion of the costs of 130 000 things don t gc done uiless some body fnake- it tieir busine to ce ti at they get done cabbage size x firm lip ih n heads nice size firm green heads bananas 20 polnds firm ripe golden yellow lemons nice sins 1 c a full juice x 27c 00z potatoes 5 pounds nice sire oranges valencia nice nte kvert fall of juice 17 cdoz tomatoes home grown hot house delicious flavor ruby red 18 clb spinach 3 iqfresh home grown q c lettuce nice site beads home grown t- new cucumbers asparagus etc carrolls some telephone operators seem take delight in reporting his line is busy every week there are fair and profit able exchanges every week through the new advertisement column or the herald if you have something to sell tell of it through a new advertisement if there is something you want to buy and want a bargain then read the new advertisements read the new advertisements phone no 8 the best place to eat in georgetown only the choicest food served private dining room for family dinners parties or banquets neilsons ice crea m take a brick home harry chu proprwor phone 2 brook block mam st south georgetown millinery all the latest in uptodate millinery see our exceptionally fine showing hats from 100 p misses claridge main street georgetown herald block upstairs advertising brings results cln wh i she ll shu milk bo i 15c if the d nn bo nt ui sos w 14c 23c happy days are here again june i hit month of twntot nhi n wedd ng and tottt everybody happy i evcb th juna br da i sh kit carroll to hlp h plaa her meals hh husband i proud ol ha bc sha a v h m such ood food but hpi within their bwdget orange blotsom golden mallow biscuits 2 pound it did you send for yout charlie mccarthy spoon c s coffee nb b 35 for sandwiches hcdlund t meat pastes t 10 victory sweet chopped cucumber relish a rd wt 27 oi j 23 clover lea sockeye red salmon i t n e for sated shrimps aylmer solid peck pie pumpkjn w sail only tka bail spshtii and macaroni bruntwkk canadian sardines j i f soap flakes l n 15c calay soap 3 f f6c good pie apples no 4 tin fc eajl fta chmm dirt old dutch cleanser 2 tim 18c daasnt scratch no 2v4 tin 9 3 16 2 tin red rose tea 3v pacta r 36 bluebehrjespunes no stln fc ea brand mafk milk 15oj tin 18c tart taity 3 poinds 19c haini taaaaaa ketchup 2 l btlu 35c t h 1 shoe polish ti tl arr i li mites main street georgetown free delivery phone 3s7